Biblical Duties Of A Wife - Practical Catholic Living (2024)

Table of Contents
Definition of Submission Importance of Submission How to Submit to Your Husband Limits to Submission Respecting Your Husband’s Authority Appreciating His Role as Head of the Household Showing Honor in Words and Actions Respecting Boundaries and Privacy Importance of Nurturing Providing Emotional Support Encouraging and Uplifting Your Husband Supporting His Goals and Dreams Helping Him in Practical Matters Understanding God’s Love Expressing Love to Your Husband Forgiving and Letting Go Love During Difficult Times Love in Actions Creating a Welcoming Home Maintaining Cleanliness and Order Meal Planning and Preparation Financial Management Caring for Children and Family Maintaining Sexual Purity Fulfilling the Marriage Vows Understanding the Purpose of Intimacy Communication and Mutual Consent Creating a Healthy Sexual Relationship Being a Prayerful Wife Seeking God’s Guidance Growing Spiritually Together Encouraging Your Husband’s Spiritual Journey Attending Church and Participating in Religious Practices Raising Children in a Christian Home Teaching Christian Values Being a Role Model for Your Children Collaboration and Decision-Making as Parents Creating a Loving and United Family Biblical Perspective on Gender Roles Finding Balance and Equality Supporting Each Other’s Strengths Understanding Individual Gifts and Talents Collaborative Leadership Balancing Personal Needs and Duties Setting Boundaries for Well-being Pursuing Personal Interests and Development Seeking Support and Self-Reflection Taking Care of Physical and Mental Health FAQs References

So you’ve come across the intriguing topic of the “Biblical Duties of a Wife,” specifically from a Catholic perspective. It’s no secret that the role of a wife has been a subject of great discussion and interpretation throughout history.

With various religious teachings and cultural expectations shaping our understanding of marriage, understanding the biblical duties of a wife can provide valuable insights and guidance for those seeking a deeper connection with their faith and their spouse. In this article, we’ll explore these duties, their significance, and how they can be applied to modern-day relationships.

Table of Contents

Definition of Submission

Submission, in the context of marriage, refers to willingly and respectfully deferring to your husband’s authority and leadership in the relationship. It is an act of love and respect, rooted in the biblical teachings about marriage.

While the term “submission” can sometimes be misunderstood or misinterpreted, it is important to recognize that it does not imply inferiority or oppression. Instead, it is a call for a wife to support and honor her husband, fostering harmony and unity within the marriage.

Importance of Submission

Submission to your husband is crucial for the success of your relationship. It creates a sense of order and stability, allowing for effective decision-making and cooperation. When a wife willingly submits to her husband’s leadership, it fosters an atmosphere of trust and respect, which in turn strengthens the bond between them.

Submission also helps to maintain the structure established by God in marriage, allowing both husband and wife to flourish in their respective roles. It is through submission that a wife can truly support and uplift her husband, contributing to a healthy and fulfilling marriage.

How to Submit to Your Husband

Submitting to your husband starts with cultivating a heart of humility and understanding. It requires actively listening to his thoughts and opinions, seeking to understand his perspective, and valuing his input. Communicate openly and respectfully, expressing your thoughts and concerns in a considerate manner.

While it may not always be easy, trust in your husband’s ability to lead the family and be willing to follow his decisions, even when you may not fully agree. Remember, submission is not about blindly obeying, but about working together as a team and making decisions that honor God and benefit your marriage.

Limits to Submission

While submission is important in a marriage, it is essential to recognize that there are limits and boundaries. The Bible teaches that submission should never be used as a means of enabling abuse or neglect. If your husband’s actions or decisions go against biblical principles, it is important to seek wisdom and guidance, and possibly involve a trusted third party such as a pastor or counselor.

It is crucial to remember that both husband and wife have equal value and worth in God’s eyes, and submission should always be within the framework of mutual love, respect, and honor.

Respecting Your Husband’s Authority

Respecting your husband’s authority means acknowledging and valuing his role as the head of the household. It involves recognizing his God-given responsibility to provide guidance, protection, and leadership for the family.

Show respect by actively listening to his opinions, seeking his input in decision-making, and deferring to his final say. Remember that respect is not just about words, but also about your attitude and actions towards your husband. Treat him with kindness, gentleness, and the same level of respect you would want to receive in return.

Appreciating His Role as Head of the Household

Take time to appreciate and understand the significance of your husband’s role as the head of the household. Recognize that his leadership is not a means of asserting dominance or controlling you, but rather a responsibility entrusted to him by God.

Appreciating his role means acknowledging and affirming his efforts in providing for the family, leading by example, and making important decisions. Show gratitude for his dedication and commitment to the well-being and growth of your family.

Showing Honor in Words and Actions

Honor your husband through the words you speak and the actions you take. Speak positively about him in both private and public settings, avoiding gossip or negative remarks. Encourage and uplift him with kind and affirming words, expressing appreciation for his qualities, achievements, and efforts.

Additionally, honor him through your actions by showing thoughtfulness, supporting his interests and goals, and seeking ways to make his life easier and more enjoyable. Small gestures of kindness and respect can go a long way in strengthening your bond and fostering a loving relationship.

Respecting Boundaries and Privacy

Respecting your husband also means respecting his boundaries and privacy. Everyone deserves their personal space, and it is important to recognize and honor your husband’s need for alone time or privacy.

Avoid invading his personal space, snooping through his belongings, or constantly questioning his actions. Allow him the freedom to pursue his own interests and hobbies without feeling intruded upon. Respecting boundaries fosters trust and allows for healthy independence within the marriage, while still remaining connected and supportive.

Importance of Nurturing

Nurturing your husband is an essential aspect of a healthy marriage. Just as a garden needs care, water, and attention to thrive, your husband also requires love, encouragement, and support to flourish.

Nurturing involves providing emotional support, uplifting him in difficult times, and helping him achieve his goals and dreams. By nurturing your husband, you create an environment in which he feels loved, valued, and empowered to be the best version of himself.

Providing Emotional Support

Emotional support is vital in any marriage, and as a wife, you play a significant role in providing this support to your husband. Be attentive to his emotional needs, actively listening to his concerns, fears, and joys.

Offer a safe space for him to express himself without judgment or criticism. Validate his feelings and experiences, showing empathy and compassion. By providing emotional support, you become a trusted confidante and a source of comfort and stability in his life.

Biblical Duties Of A Wife - Practical Catholic Living (1)

Encouraging and Uplifting Your Husband

Encouragement is a powerful tool in nurturing your husband. Be his biggest cheerleader, celebrating his achievements and milestones. Offer words of affirmation and praise, acknowledging his strengths and talents.

Encourage him to pursue his passions and dreams, providing unwavering support and belief in his abilities. Your encouragement can bolster his confidence and motivate him to overcome challenges and reach new heights.

Supporting His Goals and Dreams

Take an active interest in your husband’s goals and dreams, and actively support him in their pursuit. Be his partner in brainstorming ideas, planning strategies, and providing practical assistance. Help him set achievable goals, and work together to create a roadmap towards accomplishing them.

Support may involve sacrificing your own time or resources, but remember that your investment in his dreams is an investment in the success and happiness of your marriage.

Helping Him in Practical Matters

Practical matters, such as household chores, finances, and daily responsibilities, can be overwhelming at times. As a supportive wife, you can offer your assistance in managing these practical matters. Collaborate with your husband to establish a system that works for both of you, sharing the workload and responsibilities.

This partnership can alleviate stress and foster a sense of unity and teamwork within your marriage. By shouldering some of the practical burdens, you create space for your husband to focus on other essential aspects of his life.

Understanding God’s Love

Before exploring how to express love to your husband, it is essential to understand the concept of unconditional love that God demonstrates towards us. God’s love is not based on our actions or merits but is freely given to us. He loves us despite our flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses. This understanding of God’s love serves as a model for how we should love our husbands – with grace, patience, and forgiveness.

Expressing Love to Your Husband

Expressing love to your husband involves both words and actions. Communicate your love verbally by expressing your affection and appreciation. Use words of affirmation, endearing nicknames, and “I love you” to convey your emotions.

Moreover, demonstrate your love through actions that speak louder than words. Show affection through physical touch, acts of service, and quality time spent together. Find ways to express your love consistently, ensuring that your husband feels deeply cherished and valued.

Forgiving and Letting Go

Forgiveness is an integral part of any loving relationship. When conflicts arise or mistakes are made, practice forgiveness and let go of past hurts. Holding onto grudges or harboring resentment only hinders the growth and harmony of your marriage.

Instead, choose to forgive your husband for his shortcomings, just as God forgives us. By extending forgiveness, you create space for healing and restoration, allowing your love to flourish.

Love During Difficult Times

The true strength of love emerges during challenging seasons. Difficult times may include financial struggles, health issues, or conflicts within the marriage. During these moments, it is important to stand by your husband, offering unwavering love and support.

Be a source of comfort and strength, reminding him that you are there to weather the storm together. Show empathy, compassion, and understanding, knowing that love perseveres even in the face of adversity.

Love in Actions

Love is not just a feeling but something demonstrated through actions. Take initiative in showing love to your husband by performing acts of kindness and service. Prepare his favorite meal, surprise him with a thoughtful gift, or take care of a task that may be burdening him. These acts of love communicate your care and thoughtfulness, strengthening the intimacy and connection between you.

Creating a Welcoming Home

As a wife, part of your role involves creating a warm and welcoming home environment. Pay attention to the aesthetics and ambiance of your home, making it a place of peace and refuge. Decorate and organize your space in a way that reflects your family’s personality and values. Emphasize cleanliness, order, and comfort to provide a sanctuary where your husband and family can retreat from the outside world.

Maintaining Cleanliness and Order

Maintaining cleanliness and order within the home contributes to a sense of peace and harmony. Establish a routine for household chores and take responsibility for your share of the tasks. Keep shared spaces tidy, take care of laundry, and ensure cleanliness in the kitchen and bathroom. By staying on top of these responsibilities, you create an environment that supports your husband’s well-being and allows him to relax and recharge.

Meal Planning and Preparation

Meal planning and preparation play a significant role in nurturing your family. Take the time to plan nutritious and delicious meals that cater to your husband’s preferences and dietary needs.

Involve him in the decision-making process by discussing meal options together. Prepare meals with love and intentionality, recognizing that the act of nourishing your husband goes beyond satisfying physical hunger. Sharing meals can foster connection and create opportunities for quality time together.

Financial Management

Effective financial management is a vital aspect of running a household. Work together with your husband to establish a budget and financial goals. Be responsible with the money entrusted to you, avoiding unnecessary debt and frivolous spending.

Strive to be a good steward of your resources, making wise financial decisions that benefit both your husband and family. Openly communicate about financial matters, maintaining transparency and accountability.

Caring for Children and Family

If you have children, caring for them and the rest of your family becomes an important part of your duties as a wife. Be actively involved in their lives, providing love, guidance, and support. Nurture a loving and united family by fostering open communication, resolving conflicts, and encouraging family bonding activities. Show appreciation for your husband’s role as a father, valuing his input and involvement in raising and shaping your children.

Maintaining Sexual Purity

Sexual purity is an important aspect of any Christian marriage. It involves abstaining from sexual relations outside the bounds of marriage and maintaining fidelity within the marriage covenant.

As a wife, commit to honoring the sacredness of your marital bond and keeping the physical intimacy exclusive to your husband. This commitment fosters trust, intimacy, and a deeper connection within your marriage.

Fulfilling the Marriage Vows

Part of your duty as a wife is fulfilling the marriage vows you made before God and witnesses. This includes embracing the gift of sexual intimacy and being attentive to your husband’s needs and desires.

Nurture a healthy sexual relationship by prioritizing and investing in this aspect of your marriage. Be open to communication, explore each other’s preferences, and strive for mutual satisfaction. Treat sexual intimacy as a loving and bonding experience, celebrating the unique gift it brings to your marriage.

Understanding the Purpose of Intimacy

Recognize that sexual intimacy serves a purpose beyond physical pleasure. It is a means of deepening your emotional, spiritual, and physical connection with your husband. Intimacy allows you to express love, vulnerability, and selflessness towards one another.

Approach intimacy with a mindset of giving, seeking to please and satisfy your husband, while also communicating your own desires and needs. By understanding the purpose of intimacy, you can cultivate a fulfilling and meaningful sexual relationship.

Communication and Mutual Consent

Communication is paramount in fostering a healthy sexual relationship. Be open and honest with your husband about your desires, boundaries, and comfort levels. Encourage him to do the same, creating a safe space for open dialogue.

Consent is a crucial aspect of any sexual relationship, and both partners should actively communicate their consent and ensure that it is given freely and enthusiastically. Always prioritize each other’s well-being and seek mutual understanding and agreement.

Creating a Healthy Sexual Relationship

Creating a healthy sexual relationship requires ongoing effort, communication, and a willingness to explore and adapt. Continuously seek ways to enhance your intimacy, whether through trying new things, addressing concerns, or deepening your emotional connection outside of the bedroom. Remember that a healthy sexual relationship is built on respect, trust, and a shared desire for physical and emotional intimacy.

Being a Prayerful Wife

Prayer is a powerful tool in strengthening your marriage and personal spiritual life. As a wife, commit to being a prayerful woman, regularly seeking God’s guidance and wisdom. Pray for your husband’s well-being, his spiritual journey, and the challenges he may face.

Invite God into your marriage by expressing gratitude, seeking wisdom for decision-making, and placing your trust in Him. Cultivating a prayerful life can deepen your faith and foster a sense of spiritual connection with your husband.

Seeking God’s Guidance

Invite God to be the center of your marriage by seeking His guidance in every aspect. Before making important decisions, consult God in prayer, individually and as a couple. Trust in His love and faithfulness, relying on Him for wisdom and direction. Reading the Bible together, attending spiritual retreats, or seeking pastoral guidance are all ways to grow spiritually and seek God’s guidance as a couple.

Biblical Duties Of A Wife - Practical Catholic Living (2)

Growing Spiritually Together

Growing spiritually together allows you and your husband to support each other in your faith journeys. Encourage one another to attend church services, participate in religious practices, and engage in community activities.

Share and discuss spiritual insights, pray together and study the Bible as a couple. By nurturing your spiritual lives together, you create a firm foundation for your marriage and cultivate a shared sense of purpose and identity.

Encouraging Your Husband’s Spiritual Journey

Supporting your husband’s spiritual journey involves celebrating his growth and actively encouraging him to seek a deeper relationship with God. Respect and appreciate his unique spiritual path, recognizing that everyone’s journey is individual. Encourage your husband to spend time in prayer, study scripture, and engage in spiritual disciplines that resonate with him. Offer words of affirmation and celebrate his spiritual milestones, fostering a sense of joy and enthusiasm in his pursuit of God.

Attending Church and Participating in Religious Practices

Active involvement in church and religious practices can deepen your spiritual connection as a couple. Attend church services together, participate in worship, and engage in community activities. Building relationships with fellow believers can provide a support network and offer opportunities for growth and service. By prioritizing your spiritual life and engagement with the church community, you create a strong foundation for your marriage and become a beacon of God’s love to others.

Raising Children in a Christian Home

If you have children, raising them in a Christian home is a sacred duty. Teach them about God’s love, instill biblical values, and model a Christ-centered lifestyle. Actively involve your husband in parenting decisions, demonstrating a united front.

Lead by example, showing your children what it means to live out your faith in everyday life. Create an environment of grace, forgiveness, and love within your family, cultivating a strong spiritual foundation for your children.

Teaching Christian Values

As a wife and mother, it is crucial to teach your children Christian values that align with the teachings of the Bible. Teach them about love, kindness, honesty, forgiveness, and gratitude.

Engage them in conversations and activities that help them understand God’s principles and develop a personal relationship with Him. Be intentional in educating them about God’s word, using age-appropriate methods that capture their interest and inspire their faith.

Being a Role Model for Your Children

Children learn by observing their parents’ actions, attitudes, and values. As a wife and mother, be conscious of your role as a role model and strive to exhibit Christ-like qualities. Display love, patience, resilience, and kindness in your everyday life.

Practice forgiveness and show humility when you make mistakes, demonstrating the importance of grace and growth. By being a positive role model, you inspire your children to follow in your footsteps and walk with God.

Collaboration and Decision-Making as Parents

Collaboration between you and your husband is essential in making parenting decisions. Discuss and align your parenting styles, methods, and goals. Respectfully share your thoughts and concerns, and actively listen to your husband’s perspective.

Make joint decisions that reflect your shared values and desires for your children. By collaborating, you create a unified front that provides stability and consistency in your children’s upbringing.

Creating a Loving and United Family

Foster a loving and united family by prioritizing quality time together. Plan family activities and create traditions that promote connection and togetherness. Encourage open communication within the family, creating a safe space for each family member to express themselves.

Show love and appreciation for one another through acts of kindness and affection. By nurturing a loving and united family, you create an environment that fosters growth, resilience, and lifelong bonds.

Biblical Perspective on Gender Roles

The Bible acknowledges distinct but complementary roles for husbands and wives within marriage. While recognizing the husband’s role as the head of the household, it also emphasizes the equal worth and value of both husband and wife.

Gender roles should be viewed through the lens of mutual respect, selflessness, and sacrificial love. It is important to approach these roles with humility, understanding that God has wired individuals uniquely and gifted them for specific purposes.

Finding Balance and Equality

Finding balance and equality within marriage requires communication, flexibility, and mutual understanding. Seek to understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and passions. Encourage and support one another’s individual growth and goals.

Recognize that equality is not about sameness, but about honoring and valuing each other’s contributions. Maintain open lines of communication, sharing responsibilities, and making decisions together. By finding a balance that works for your unique dynamic, you create a strong and harmonious partnership.

Supporting Each Other’s Strengths

Embrace and support each other’s strengths and gifts. Recognize that God has uniquely equipped each individual with talents and abilities. Encourage one another to pursue personal development and use these strengths to benefit your marriage and the broader community. By affirming and leveraging each other’s strengths, you create a partnership that is stronger and more effective.

Understanding Individual Gifts and Talents

Understanding and appreciating each other’s individual gifts and talents contribute to the overall growth and harmony of your marriage. Recognize the unique strengths your husband possesses and the valuable contributions he makes. Encourage him to use his talents to glorify God and serve others.

Similarly, allow your husband to recognize and appreciate your own gifts and talents. Embrace a mindset of collaboration and teamwork, leveraging your individual strengths to build a strong and unified marriage.

Collaborative Leadership

Collaborative leadership involves shared decision-making and mutual respect for the contributions of each partner. Foster an environment where decisions are made through open and transparent communication, valuing each other’s opinions and perspectives. Embrace a collaborative mindset, ensuring that both partners have an equal voice in matters that impact the family. By practicing collaborative leadership, you cultivate an atmosphere of teamwork, trust, and mutual growth within your marriage.

Balancing Personal Needs and Duties

Maintaining a healthy balance between personal needs and marital duties is essential for your well-being and the strength of your marriage. Take time to care for yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Engage in activities that bring you joy and recharge your spirit. Schedule regular self-care practices, such as exercise, hobbies, or time spent with friends. Learn to communicate your needs effectively to your husband, ensuring that both your individual needs and marital responsibilities are met.

Setting Boundaries for Well-being

Setting boundaries is an act of self-care that ensures your well-being and fosters healthy relationships. Communicate with your husband about your personal boundaries, discussing what makes you feel comfortable and respected.

Respect each other’s boundaries and be willing to make compromises when necessary. Boundaries help establish a healthy balance between personal space and togetherness, allowing both partners to flourish as individuals within the context of a loving marriage.

Pursuing Personal Interests and Development

Pursuing personal interests and development is an essential aspect of personal growth and fulfillment. Engage in hobbies, pursue educational opportunities, or develop skills that bring you joy and fulfillment. Communicate with your husband about these pursuits, sharing your passion and asking for his support.

Encourage and support your husband in pursuing his own interests as well. By investing in personal growth, you become a more fulfilled individual, enhancing the strength of your marriage.

Seeking Support and Self-Reflection

Seeking support and engaging in self-reflection are vital for your personal well-being and growth. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or mentors who can provide guidance, wisdom, and encouragement. Take time for self-reflection, evaluating your thoughts, actions, and emotions.

Practice self-care techniques, such as journaling, meditation, or counseling, as a means of nurturing your emotional and mental health. By prioritizing support and self-reflection, you develop resilience and become better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of life.

Taking Care of Physical and Mental Health

Taking care of your physical and mental health is an act of self-love and an important aspect of being a thriving wife. Prioritize regular exercise, nourishing your body with healthy meals, and getting sufficient rest.

Attend to your mental health by practicing stress management techniques, seeking counseling when needed, and intentionally engaging in activities that promote relaxation and emotional well-being. By caring for yourself holistically, you become better equipped to care for your husband and your marriage.

In conclusion, as a wife, you are called to submit to your husband with love and respect, while also nurturing and supporting him in various aspects of life. Embrace the biblical principles of submission, respect, honor, love, and collaboration to cultivate a thriving marriage.

Remember that your individual growth, self-care, and personal well-being are essential in building a strong foundation for your marriage. By prioritizing your relationship with God and actively seeking to live out your role as a wife, you can create a loving, fulfilling, and God-honoring marriage.

Biblical Duties Of A Wife - Practical Catholic Living (2024)


What are the duties of a Catholic wife? ›

She, being in the image of God as is her husband and thus equal to him, has the God-given responsibility to respect her husband and to serve as his helper in managing the household and nurturing the next generation.”

What are the duties of a wife according to the Bible? ›

II. God Wants Wives To Be Fitting Helpers.
  • Making the home a safe place a place of encouragement, comfort, understanding and refuge (Proverbs 31:11, 20). ...
  • Being trustworthy and dependable (Proverbs 31:11, 12).
  • Maintaining a good attitude (Proverbs 31:26, 28, 29; James 3:13-18; Philippians 4:4).

What responsibility does the wife have toward her husband according to Ephesians 5? ›

Wives are commanded to ''submit'' to their husbands as they would to Christ, and to show them respect. Often overlooked, however, is that men are equally obligated. Husbands are told to love their wives as Christ loved the church: with humility and sacrifice, as if caring for their own bodies.

What is a good wife according to the Bible? ›

The ideal wife in Proverbs is loyal, merry, capable, and strong, the perfect helper for her man. For more than one man, his wife is the best thing he has going for him, refusing to use his weaknesses as an excuse for not fulfilling her marriage vows.

What are the basic responsibilities of a wife? ›

As a wife, she is expected to serve her husband, preparing food, clothing and other personal needs. As a mother, she has to take care of the children and their needs, including education. As a worker, she has to be professional, disciplined and a good employee.

What makes a good wife Catholic? ›

She is trustworthy because she fears the Lord. This woman blesses everyone around her. She cares for the needy, she pays her workers well, her children “rise up and call her blessed,” and her husband is empowered to greater levels of success and virtue in his own life.

When should a wife not submit to her husband? ›

"If a husband is harsh, verbally abusive, or uses excessive forms of punishment (including physical abuse), a wife has a moral obligation to protect the children regardless of her husband's requests or demands" (4). Because of physical power dynamics, this protection may require fleeing and/or legal help.

What is a woman's role according to the Bible? ›

Not only are women given the right to be children of God, but they are given the right to pray as well as be forgiven, healed, delivered, loved, and counseled by the Holy Spirit. They lead like Deborah and minister and teach like Priscilla. They are mothers, wives, daughters, and more.

What is the role of the wife in the church? ›

As a wife and mother, her primary ministry is at home, where she seeks to help and bless her husband, and nurture her children. Her identity is formed in and through her relationship with Christ, and she is called to be a faithful minister of God's grace both in and out of the church.

What is God's responsibility for wives? ›

Be a helper to your husband.

While all of us are called to be helpers to others, the Bible places a special emphasis on this responsibility for wives. Genesis tells us that God realized it wasn't good for man to be alone, and that He decided to make a “helper fit” (Genesis 2:18).

What should a wife be to her husband according to the Bible? ›

“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. … Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:22 and 25, ESV). “[Submit] to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21, ESV).

What are the three goods and requirements of conjugal love? ›

It aims at a deeply personal unity, a unity that, beyond union in one flesh, leads to forming one heart and soul; it demands indissolubility and faithfulness in definitive mutual giving; and it is open to fertility.

What does God say the role of a wife is? ›

Ephesians 5:22-24 (NIV)

“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

How does God describe a wife? ›

A wife is responsible to be pure and honoring to her husband. We are called to neglect impurity in what we view, listen to, wear, and in our actions. Our lifestyles are to be holy and respectful towards our husbands. We are called to honor Christ and also honor our husbands in our speech and in our lifestyles.

What is the role of a biblical wife? ›

A Wife's Role Is to Help Her Husband

God created a wife to help her husband because he was designed to need help. Men need to submit to this God-given role and allow their wives to help them. Don't be stubborn or act so macho you don't need help (Genesis 2:20). Women need to understand the meaning behind this task.

What are the essential obligations of marriage in the Catholic Church? ›

A valid Catholic marriage results from four elements: (1) the spouses are free to marry; (2) they freely exchange their consent; (3) in consenting to marry, they have the intention to marry for life, to be faithful to one another and be open to children; and (4) their consent is given in the canonical form, i.e., in ...

Do Catholic wives have to obey their husbands? ›

2. St. Paul in chapter five of Ephesians says (v. 22 - 24) "Let wives be subject to their husbands as to the Lord: because a husband is head of the wife, just as Christ is head of the Church, being himself savior of the body.

How is a Catholic husband supposed to treat his wife? ›

The husband should honor his wife, trusting her, treating her as a helpmate and not a slave (i Peter iii. 7).

What are the virtues of a Catholic wife? ›

It calls spouses to imitate Jesus by their willingness to sacrifice themselves in everyday situations for each other and their children. Couples must also grow in the moral virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. Two virtues that are sometimes overlooked are chastity and gratitude.


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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.