Best healthy seeded oat crunchies | A Bibbyskitchen recipe (2024)

Best healthy seeded oat crunchies | A Bibbyskitchen recipe (1)

It’s back to school this week. Time for packing lunch boxes and meal prepping for the week ahead. I’m mixing up a batch of seeded oat crunchies. They’re very oaty and slightly chewy, as you’d expect a good crunchie to be.This South African favourite gets a remake with wholemeal flour, coconut oils and omega-rich seeds. I sweeten the mixture with honey and natural cane sugar. Honestly, they’re the best healthy seeded oat crunchies I’ve ever made.

Best healthy seeded oat crunchies | A Bibbyskitchen recipe (2)

These healthy seededoat crunchie recipe is like your Granny’s secret recipe, but with a few healthier tweaks.The chocolate yoghurt drizzle is obviously unnecessarybut for treat days, a really lovely addition. I’ve used a combination of butter and coconut oil. A 50/50 compromise helps to include the nutritional benefits of coconut oil, without sacrificing the flavour that only butter offers. I’ve replaced the golden syrup with honey. You could of course use maple syrup too. These oat crunchies are irresistibly good. Do give them a try.

Best healthy seeded oat crunchies | A Bibbyskitchen recipe (3)

Best healthy seeded oat crunchies

Makes 24-30

  • 80g butter
  • 90g coconut oil
  • 110g natural, brown cane sugar
  • 60ml honey
  • 100g desiccated coconut
  • 200g whole rolled oats
  • 70g wholemeal flour
  • 70g all purpose cake flour or white spelt flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
  • 40ml cold water
White chocolate and yoghurt drizzle
  • 50g white chocolate
  • 60g Greek yoghurt
  1. Preheat the oven to 170º C. Grease and line a 28 x 18 cm baking tin with parchment paper. Place the butter, coconut oil, sugar and honey in a saucepan. Bring up to the boil, stirring from time to time until the sugar is dissolved. In the meanwhile, combine all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Dissolve the bicarbonate of soda in the cold water and add to the honey butter.
  2. The hot mixture will foam up and froth so watch that it doesn’t boil over. Pour the hot liquid into the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Press the biscuit mixture firmly into the baking tin and smooth over with the back of a spoon. Bake for 35-40 minutes until golden and cooked through. Set aside to cool for about 5 minutes before cutting into squares. Allow to cool completely in the tin before placing on a wire rack to air.
  3. If you’re making the drizzle, heat the chocolate and yoghurt together in the microwave until melted. Drizzle randomly over the cool crunchies.

If you love a sweet little something to go with your tea, here are a few more delicious ideas:

Anzac biscuits by Ottolenghi and Helen

The best halva chocolate chip cookies

Tahini breakfast cookies

Nieman Marcus Peanut butter cookies

11 Comments. Leave new

  • 28 May 2015 9:35 am

    Hello Di
    I made these yesterday and they are truly scrumptious. However, I seem to battle to find a tin that measures 28 x 18cm, so I used my baking tray but they seemed to be spread too thin and broke up into odd sized pieces not squared like yours. They were yummy though especially with the drizzle topping. Do you have any tips or advice on what I should do next time around?
    Kind regards
    Marie Duarte

  • Dianne Bibby

    28 May 2015 8:22 pm

    Sure Marie-Anne. When baking, the size of the tin is quite crucial as this determines the required baking time. If the tin is bigger than specified, the biscuits will be too thin and require a reduced baking time. It’s best to leave these crunchies to cool and firm up before cutting with a smooth bladed knife to prevent breaking up.

  • Zoe Beech

    12 March 2020 2:38 pm

    Yummy! These came out perfectly!!!! Thanks for the recipe!

  • Dianne Bibby

    15 March 2020 4:37 pm

    You’re so welcome, Zoe. I make them often and we still love them. My girls’ favourite.

  • Chris

    8 April 2020 2:54 pm

    Quick question, are they meant to be hard coming out of the oven or must the be soft and will harden???

  • Dianne Bibby

    8 April 2020 3:01 pm

    Hi Chris. It really depends on how you like them. Some would say, a little chewy is best. I like them with a bit of chewiness in the middle and more crisp on the outside.
    Once they cool, they’ll definitely firm up and become more crunchie. If you prefer them with more of a biscuity snap, maybe add 5 minutes more to the bake time. Hope that helps. Let mw know how they turn out.

  • Nicci

    23 April 2020 7:09 pm

    Hi, I would like to make these but don’t have wholemeal
    flour or coconut oil, any suggestions what I could substitute with?

  • Oana

    23 September 2020 4:00 am

    Hi, I would love to make your recipe but I am on a dairy-free and gluten free diet. Any suggestions for adapting it would be highly appreciated!

  • Dianne Bibby

    27 September 2020 6:13 pm

    Hi Oana. I haven’t made it completely dairy-free or gluten-free before, but here’s what I would do to adapt it.
    Make sure the oats is certified gluten-free. For the flour, I’d substitute half the flour with almond flour and the remainder, I’d divide between oat flour and gluten-free white flour or rice flour.
    Using a combination of different flours will balance the flavours well. I’d replace the butter with coconut oil, about 150ml coconut oil in total should do. I hope this helps. Please do let me know if you manage. Kind regards Di

  • Muriel Westerveld

    7 February 2021 9:37 am

    Hi would like to try the crunchies but dont have coconut oil – is there something I could substitute.Thanks

  • Dianne Bibby

    9 February 2021 6:50 am

    Hello Muriel. You could use all butter if you like. The flavour will be delicious and rich. Alternately, I’d use olive oil, not extra virgin though as it will be a little overpowering.

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Best healthy seeded oat crunchies | A Bibbyskitchen recipe (5)

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Best healthy seeded oat crunchies | A Bibbyskitchen recipe (2024)


How many calories are in homemade oat crunchies? ›

Nutrition Facts (per serving)

Does oat Crunch healthy? ›

Our Oat Krunch biscuits contains sources of fibre and are trans-fat free with no preservatives, made from the goodness of crunchy, healthy oats and yummy ingredients so you can have it all! The best things in life are meant to be shared, just like a pack of MUZIC wafer bites and rolls.

What is the nutritional value of Crunchies? ›

Crunchie Bar
Typical ValuesPer 100gserving (40g)
Total Fat17.3g6.9g
Saturated Fat10g4g
6 more rows
Nov 24, 2023


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