Banana bread recipe | Jamie Oliver recipes (2024)

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Banana bread

A gorgeous afternoon tea treat

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Banana bread recipe | Jamie Oliver recipes (2)

A gorgeous afternoon tea treat

  • Vegetarianv

“This is a super-tasty treat and a great way to use up overripe bananas – eat this with a nice, hot cup of tea and you’ll be in heaven. Banana bread is a great recipe to make with kids, and they’ll enjoy tucking into it, too! ”

Serves 12

Cooks In1 hour 15 minutes plus cooling

DifficultySuper easy

FruitEaster treatsBreadDessertsSnacksBaking

Nutrition per serving
  • Calories 230 12%

  • Fat 12.7g 18%

  • Saturates 5.6g 28%

  • Sugars 9.5g 11%

  • Salt 0.2g 3%

  • Protein 4g 8%

  • Carbs 26.7g 10%

  • Fibre 1.3g -

Of an adult's reference intake

Banana bread recipe | Jamie Oliver recipes (3)

recipe adapted from

The Kitchen Garden Project

By Jamie Oliver

Tap For Method


  • 125 g unsalted butter , plus extra for greasing (at room temperature)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 4 ripe bananas
  • 2 tablespoons runny honey
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened apple juice
  • 250 g self-raising flour , plus extra for dusting
  • 1 big pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 50 g pecans , optional

Tap For Method

The cost per serving below is generated by and is based on costs in individual supermarkets. For more information about how we calculate costs per serving read our FAQS

Banana bread recipe | Jamie Oliver recipes (4)

recipe adapted from

The Kitchen Garden Project

By Jamie Oliver

Tap For Ingredients


  1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4.
  2. Lightly grease the bottom and sides of a 1-litre loaf tin with a little butter – I use a folded-up piece of kitchen paper to do this.
  3. In a large bowl, use a wooden spoon to beat the soft butter until creamy.
  4. Crack in the eggs and beat them with the butter. It might look a little lumpy but don’t worry, it will come back together later.
  5. Peel 3 of the bananas, then mash and smush them into the mix with a fork so you’ve got a mixture of smooth and chunky.
  6. Stir in the honey and the apple juice, then use a spatula to fold in the flour and cinnamon, taking care not to over mix.
  7. If using, chop the pecans on a chopping board using the cross-chop method (or you could bash them with a rolling pin), then fold them through the mixture.
  8. Spoon all the mixture into the loaf tin, then peel and slice the remaining banana and poke into the top. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes, or until golden and cooked through. To check if it’s done, stick a co*cktail stick or skewer into the middle of the loaf, remove it after 5 seconds and if it comes out clean the loaf’s cooked; if it’s slightly sticky it needs a bit longer.
  9. Allow the loaf to cool slightly, then carefully turn out on to a wire rack to cool completely.
  10. Transfer to a nice plate, cut into slices, then serve. It’s delicious spread with butter, honey, your favourite jam or even chocolate spread. Have fun!


This works best with super-ripe bananas, so use up any that you’ve got at home. You can also freeze overripe bananas and when you have enough, they will defrost in an hour or so, ready to bake into a cake!

Instead of the pecans, you could try chopped peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, dried fruit or chocolate, or a sprinkling of chocolate chips – reduce food waste by using up what you have in the cupboard.

Jamie wholeheartedly believes that cooking is up there as one of the most valuable skills you can teach a child. Getting kids excited about food, where it comes from and how to cook it, gives them a better chance of being healthier and happier in the long run. When cooking with kids, use your common sense to determine what jobs they can help you with, depending on their age and skill level. It’s always good to start small, with jobs such as mixing and measuring, then progress to elements of a recipe, then go on to slightly trickier techniques over time. The more they cook, the better they’ll get. Make sure you supervise them when using heat or sharp utensils like knives and box graters, and teach them about the importance of washing their hands before they start, and after handling raw meat and fish, as well as other basic hygiene rules. Most of all, have fun with it, and encourage them to give things a go.


Can you freeze banana bread?

Yes, absolutely! Banana bread can be frozen once it’s completely cooled, and it will keep for up to three months. If you’re freezing individual slices, wrap them in greaseproof or beeswax paper before putting them in an airtight container or a ziplock bag. If you’re freezing a whole loaf, wrap it in greaseproof and then again in foil, or pop it into a large resealable bag.

How long does banana bread last in the fridge?

Homemade banana bread will last up to one week in the fridge (or 60 seconds with kids about!). Just make sure you wrap it in greaseproof or beeswax paper or store it in an airtight container so it doesn’t dry out.

Can bananas ever be too ripe to use in banana bread?

Not at all – in fact, the riper and darker the banana, the better! However, if your bananas are mouldy or have an off-putting smell, then we’d avoid, as they aren’t safe to use.

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Banana bread recipe | Jamie Oliver recipes (10)

recipe adapted from

The Kitchen Garden Project

By Jamie Oliver

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© 2024 Jamie Oliver Enterprises Limited

© 2024 Jamie Oliver Enterprises Limited

Banana bread recipe | Jamie Oliver recipes (2024)


Can you put too much banana in banana bread? ›

Fight the urge to use more banana than called for in your recipe. Using too much banana could make your bread heavy and damp in the center, causing it to appear undercooked and unappealing. If you have bananas leftover, you can always freeze them for later use.

Can bananas be too ripe for banana bread? ›

Here's the secret: overripe bananas don't necessarily mean too-ripe bananas for banana bread. It really comes down to personal preference. Those brown-speckled, mostly yellow bananas are still ripe and will bake into a great loaf.

Why use mushy bananas for banana bread? ›

Ripe bananas are not only softer and easier to mash and blend into a batter, but they are also sweeter, which is why baking recipes specifically call for ripe bananas in ingredient lists. As the bananas ripen, the fruit converts starches to sugars, making them sweeter and more flavorful.

What will too much baking soda do to banana bread? ›

Too much baking soda or baking powder can mess up a recipe, causing it to rise uncontrollably and taste terrible.

What is the disadvantage of banana bread? ›

You may find banana bread delicious, but conventional banana breads tend to be high in added sugar, refined carbs, and calories. Thus, it's best to enjoy banana bread occasionally as part of a balanced, nutrient-dense diet.

Why is the bottom of my banana bread soggy? ›

Using a lot of bananas adds excess moisture, and there are two ways to get rid of it. You could either add more flour or increase the baking time.

Why did my banana bread turn out dry? ›

Using too much flour makes for an extra crumbly bread.

If you're tapping your measuring cup to level out flour as you measure, or you're pushing down the piled-up powder, you'll end up using too much of it. I packed my flour for this loaf, and what I got was a crumbly cake with a dry crust all around.

Why is my banana black in the middle? ›

Mold on bananas is fuzzy white, gray, or greenish—it looks a lot like mold on bread. If a banana smells rotten or fermented or is leaking fluid, it's time to say goodbye. If the fruit inside, not just the peel, is black, that's a sign that your banana is too far gone to safely eat.

Can dogs eat bananas? ›

In moderation, bananas are a great low-calorie treat for dogs. They're high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper. They are low in cholesterol and sodium, but because of their high sugar content, bananas should be given as a treat, not part of your dog's main diet.

Why does my banana bread not taste like banana? ›

If your banana bread doesn't taste like bananas, it could be that you didn't use bananas that were ripe enough. The flavour of a ripe banana is quite different than a green banana. Choose the ripest bananas possible. Some bakers recommend using bananas that are on the verge of over-ripe with completely black peels.

Can I use moldy bananas for banana bread? ›

While black bananas are great for banana bread thanks to the moisture they add and the sweetness they bring to the baked good, there are some other things to look for in and on black bananas before adding them to your batter. If black bananas are spotted with mold, then it's time to step away!

What if I accidentally used baking powder instead of baking soda in banana bread? ›

If you use baking powder instead of baking soda, add a total of three times the amount of baking powder than the recipe recommends for baking soda to “fix” the mistake. However, keep in mind that adding too much baking powder can cause the baked goods to taste bitter. The batter can also rise too quickly and then fall.

Is baking soda or powder better for banana bread? ›

Just using baking soda as your leavening agent will work perfectly fine in banana bread in most cases. However, if you don't have any acidic ingredients on hand, like buttermilk, and you're only using a small amount of mashed bananas, you might need to use baking powder.

Why do I taste baking soda in my banana bread? ›

Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) is the raising agent and this can sometimes taste bitter or soapy if the wrong quantity is used. Make sure that you measure the bicarbonate of soda with a proper 1 teaspoon/5ml measuring spoon and the spoon measurement should be level.

Why is my banana bread not rising enough? ›

Old or expired baking soda/powder can lead to banana bread rising problems. Always use relatively fresh baking soda/powder when making banana breads & quick breads (such as pumpkin bread).

What can I do with too much banana? ›

What to Do with Overripe Bananas
  1. Mash Into Oatmeal. Breakfast is a great time to take advantage of the energy boost that comes from eating the natural sugars in bananas. ...
  2. Blend Into Waffle or Pancake Batter. ...
  3. Make Banana Muffins. ...
  4. Bake Banana Cookies. ...
  5. Add to a Smoothie. ...
  6. Turn Into Ice Cream. ...
  7. Whip Up Beignets.
Mar 12, 2024

Why did my banana bread flop? ›

Using too much or too little baking powder or baking soda in proportion to the other ingredients in your recipe could be the reason your banana bread collapses when cooling. To measure correctly, Quaker Oats recommends spooning the powder into the measuring spoon instead of scooping it.

Why is my banana bread moist on top? ›

Sugars are hygroscopic, meaning they attract water. Within baked goods, sugars help maintain a moist and tender crumb. Sugar on the exposed tops, however, will grab water from humid air, creating a wet or sticky top.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.