Baldur's Gate 3: Short Rest And Long Rest, Explained (2024)

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  • Rests Restore Points

  • The Importance Of Camp

  • How Short Rests Work

  • How Long Rests Work

Recuperating with your squad is a very important part of Dungeons & Dragons (and other CRPGs, really). You only have so much power, energy, and food to keep you and your party alive. Using your Rests properly in Baldur's Gate 3 is vital to surviving and pushing through difficult areas in the game.

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The campsite is needed to Rest. Your camp will be an important piece of the puzzle for progressing in some quests and secret scenes. Learning how and when to use your Rests will make taking on areas such as The Underdark less taxing.

This game is currently in Early Access. As such, gameplay mechanics and information are subject to change as the game updates.

Rests Restore Points

Baldur's Gate 3: Short Rest And Long Rest, Explained (1)

As you play through the game and get into fights, you will use different point systems. There are around four points you use for combat. The more fights you have, the fewer points you will have available to survive the next.

  • Action
  • Bonus Action
  • Spell Slots
  • Cantrips

Action points, Bonus Actions, and Cantrips replenish each turn within combat. You do not need to rest to gain these points back.

Your hit points are based on your class and abilities in combat. Classes that use magic need Spell Slots, and the amount they have available will increase as they level up. Spell Slots allow them to use their more powerful magic in combat. These get consumed per fight. When you have no more Spell Slots left, you can only use melee attacks or Cantrips.

Class Spesific Abilities

Warlocks specifically use Warlock Spell Slots that can be replenished upon a Short Rest. Clerics and Wizards have regular Spell Slots that can only be replenished by having a Long Rest at camp. Fighters can only restore their use of Action Surge with a short or long rest. There are many class-related abilities that can be performed with an action or bonus action but have their own separate limit. Consult those abilities to find out what it takes for them to replenish.

The Importance Of Camp

Baldur's Gate 3: Short Rest And Long Rest, Explained (2)

Whether you need to use a Rest to restore points or not, you should always return to camp at some point. Some scenes within the game or some quest prompts cannot happen until you have slept.

Travel to Camp by opening up your Map. The very first Fast Travel location will always be your campsite.

For instance, the lover you created during your Character Creation screen time cannot be met unless you have slept at camp after using Ilithid dialogue choices. Even if you use those dialogue options, you will miss that cutscene if you never go to sleep.

All of your companions and found friends will hang around camp. Heading to camp is the perfect time to get one-on-one chats with your companions and spark some romance.

There are over 174 hours of cutscenes in the game. Content is endless and swayed by your choices, so you wouldn't want to miss anything juicy.

You should gather Camp Supplies during your playthrough to prepare you to take a Long Rest when needed. Camp Supplies are any food item you find on your travels.

You can consume an apple on its own to receive small HP benefits, but combining a bunch of apples to use as Camp Supplies will better help your party.

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How Short Rests Work

Baldur's Gate 3: Short Rest And Long Rest, Explained (3)

You need Camp Supplies to perform a Long Rest, but not a Short Rest. If you are low on resources, a Short Rest is all you can do. This will replenish only a small amount of points to you and your party. Under normal circ*mstances, you can only perform two short rests between a long rest. Bards can extend this, however.

To see how many Short Rests you have available, select the fire icon beside the button you use to manually enable Turn-Based Mode.

Two smaller icons will appear above the initial one. A closed eye with two blue dots will indicate you have two Short Rests available.

If you only need a slight boost to make it through the next few in-game days, there is no need to waste Camp Supplies on a Long Rest. You can Rest anywhere, so you should use a Short Rest whenever you can.

How Long Rests Work

Baldur's Gate 3: Short Rest And Long Rest, Explained (4)

You need 40 Camp Supplies to take a Long Rest. Any less, and you will only be able to perform a Short Rest at no cost. A Long Rest will fully replenish all of your health and ability points. Regular Spell Slots need a Long Rest to replenish instead of a Short Rest.

To enable a Long Rest, select the fire icon beside the manual Turn-Based Mode button at the bottom of your screen.

The smaller icon that appears with a crescent moon will be your Long Rest. You can select this to initiate. Hover over it to view how many Camp Supplies you have on you.

You can also press TAB and look at the top right of your screen to view your overall Camp Supplies.

At Camp, you can initiate a Long Rest by interacting with the campfire or one of the bed rolls. It will then turn to nighttime, where you can interact with your companions.

Baldur's Gate 3: Short Rest And Long Rest, Explained (5)

Companions that have an exclamation point above their head during this time have progress to be made in their personal relationship with you. Though, even if there is no mark, you can still progress with them a little bit by speaking with them regularly.

You must interact with the bedrolls a second time to truly initiate Long Rest. You will then be prompted to select enough Camp Supplies for the night.

Be sure to select carefully, as it will allow you to use more than needed and waste supplies.

You will instantly return to your previous adventure location when you wake up.

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Baldur's Gate 3: Short Rest And Long Rest, Explained (2024)


Baldur's Gate 3: Short Rest And Long Rest, Explained? ›

You need 40 Camp Supplies to take a Long Rest.

How often should I short rest in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Short Rest

It is helpful to take short rests in between combat or when many of your party members are low on hit points. You are able to take a short rest twice per day.

What is the difference between long rest and short rest BG3? ›

Unlike short rest, you can take it only once a day, and it ends the day. Long rest replenishes 50% or more of your own and your team's ability points and restores spell slots and short rests.

Is it ok to long rest in BG3? ›

You can long rest as often as you'd like, provided you have the resources.

How do rests work in Baldurs Gate 3? ›

Long rests and short rests in Baldur's Gate 3 each restore a certain amount of health and spells, depending on class and circ*mstances. Long rests are definitely better, but also, unsurprisingly, take a lot longer to do, with the characters also burning through supplies along the way.

Should you let Astarion bite you? ›

Should you Let Astarion Bite You? Letting Astarion bite you is an easy way to get approval with him. The simple answer is yes, as the only downside is gaining the Bloodless debuff, while Astarion gains the Happy buff and his approval rating of you increases.

What is the worth of a single mortal life in BG3? ›

The question is unanswerable by mortals as a life's worth is determined by the individual and all those who were affected by the life of the individual, and we don't have the weights on those factors. Of the available options I lean towards the infinite value one.

Does short rest cost anything in BG3? ›

You need 40 Camp Supplies to take a Long Rest.

Any less, and you will only be able to perform a Short Rest at no cost.

Does short rest recover spell slots in BG3? ›

Short rests restore full spell slots only for Warlocks. For all other spellcaster classes, you need a Full Rest.

How many camp supplies do you need for a long rest? ›

At least 40 Camp Supplies (80 for tactician difficulty) worth of food and/or drinks need to be consumed in order to take a Long Rest. More supplies can be used at once during a Long Rest but it does not give any additional benefit.

What is the best wizard subclass in BG3? ›

The best Wizard subclass is the Evocation School, which enhances your cantrips and most of your damage-based spells as you level up. Most of Baldur's Gate 3's heaviest-hitting spells are of the Evocation variety, so it's worth focusing on this school to maximise your Wizard's damage potential.

Can you be evil in BG3? ›

1: Yes, going evil will have some companions leave you (specifically Karlach, Wyll, and Gale... though I think you can persuade Gale into staying.). In return you do get a couple evil companions. 2: While it is entirely possible to do an evil playthrough, doing so cuts out a massive portion of the game's content.

What is the max level in BG3? ›

Baldur's Gate 3 is based on Dungeons & Dragons 5e but has a maximum level of 12, not the tabletop RPG's maximum level of 20. Expansion of the level cap is unlikely. Higher-level spells and stronger villains in late-game DnD make it challenging to continue Baldur's Gate 3 past level 12 in a video game format.

How to long rest without going to camp in BG3? ›

Alternatively, players can choose to Long Rest at an inn later in Baldur's Gate 3's story. This will avoid using Camp Supplies but will cost gold instead. Wherever they choose to rest, players should also be aware that some quests and events have time-sensitive elements.

Can you trigger cutscenes with partial rest in BG3? ›

Opting not to use any will instead trigger a “partial rest.” This only restores some hitpoints and not the short rest daily limit. Some important cutscenes still play during a partial rest. This mechanic can be used to progress various storylines, like the Dark Urge origin custom character in Baldur's Gate 3.

Does short rest restore spell slots? ›

Once you use this Spell Slot, you can only regain it when you finish a Long Rest. Red Number *. Once per Long Rest, when you finish a Short Rest you can choose to regain 1 Spell Slot of this Level.

How often can you take short rests? ›

The Rules As Written in Dungeons & Dragons 5E lay out the mechanics of Short Rests, but one thing stands out: unlike Long Rests, there's no limit to how many Short Rests a character can take.

What does partial rest do in BG3? ›

If the party lacks the required supplies, they may instead take a partial rest, which restores the following: Restore hit points up to half of their maximum. Restore resources up to half of the character's maximum, rounded down.

Does Sleeping progress the story in BG3? ›

Unless there's something that specifically happens as the result of pursuing or completing a quest, most of the development you get with characters comes as you go to sleep.


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