Baldur's Gate 3: Guide to Resting (2024)

Baldur's Gate 3 has been a landmark project for Larian Studios. After six years in development and almost three in early access, players are more than ready to dive into the world of Faerun. Adapting rules from D&D Fifth Edition to a video game isn't a one-to-one process, but although Larian has tweaked a number of systems in Baldur's Gate 3, it's also managed to stay surprisingly true to the original.

One tabletop system that was changed by necessity in Baldur's Gate 3 is Resting, which simply wouldn't have worked in a CRPG in its tabletop form. While players still choose between taking Short Rests and Long Rests, just as they do in Fifth Edition, Larian has both added and removed conditions to simulate the restrictions that a DM would impose. Both Long Rests and Short Rests can be initiated with the campfire symbol button in the bottom right, allowing players to choose their Rest type and see how many Short Rests they have remaining.

Updated August 4, 2023, by John Higgs: This resting guide has been updated for the full release of Baldur's Gate 3, adding information on the new button that can be used to visit the Camp without performing a Long Rest.

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Short Resting in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3: Guide to Resting (1)

The Short Rest in Baldur's Gate 3 takes no time to perform but only allows characters to restore a portion of their HP and abilities. Some classes benefit more from Short Rests than others, which means that classes like the Warlock will want to Short Rest often. In total, Short Rests will restore/reset:


Short Rest Benefit


Hit points equal to half each character's maximum (rounded down) and all Weapon Actions


The DC for Relentless Rage (11th Level)


All uses of Bardic Inspiration (5th Level)


All Channel Divinity charges (2nd Level)


Druids of the Land subclass recover a number of spell slots equal to half their level (rounded up). This only occurs on the first Short Rest of the day. (2nd Level)


Second Wind and Action Surge charges (2nd Level). Battle Master Fighters also recover their Superiority Die (3rd Level).


All Ki Points


All Channel Oath charges






Wild Magic Sorcerers recover Tides of Chaos


All spell slots, subclass features, and some Eldritch Invocations


A number of spell slots equal to half their level (rounded up). This only occurs on the first Short Rest of the day.

In Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, players are limited to a number of Hit Dice equal to their level, which puts a limit on how much HP they can recover without a Long Rest. However, in Baldur's Gate 3, Hit Dice have been replaced by a more straightforward limit on Short Rests in total. Players can only Short Rest twice between each Long Rest, which incidentally is the ratio recommended for DMs in the Fifth Edition rules. The one exception is if the party has a Bard of at least second level, who can use their Song of Rest ability to provide an additional Short Rest per Long Rest.

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Long Resting in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3: Guide to Resting (2)

While Short Rests can help characters recover a little of their strength, they'll always need a Long Rest eventually. Long Rests are performed by using the Resting button to visit the Camp. These Rests can be considered a complete reset of a character's resources, restoring all their hit points, abilities, spells, and even some Baldur's Gate 3 item actions. In order to prevent players from overusing Long Rests to recover their resources between every fight, Baldur's Gate 3 applies some special limitations to the system.

Firstly, players can only perform a full Long Rest at the Camp if they have 40 Camp Supplies. Otherwise, they'll perform a Partial Long Rest, which only restores half the party's hit points and spell slots. All food and drink items in the party's inventory count toward Camp Supplies, with each individual item having a different value. The most valuable item in terms of Camp Supplies is the Supply Kit, which contains 40 Camp Supplies on its own, enough for a single Long Rest.

Alternatively, players can choose to Long Rest at an inn later in Baldur's Gate 3's story. This will avoid using Camp Supplies but will cost gold instead. Wherever they choose to rest, players should also be aware that some quests and events have time-sensitive elements. Long Resting too often may fail objectives or cause certain events to advance.

Companions at the Campsite

Baldur's Gate 3: Guide to Resting (3)

The Camp isn't only used for Resting. It's also an important place to catch up with Baldur's Gate 3's Companions. While at the Camp, players can interact with the NPCs who have joined their party to learn more about their personal stories and opinions.

In addition to these interactions, there are also many automatic events and conversations that can only occur while at the Camp. If players want to speak to their Companions but don't need to perform a Long Rest, there's a button in the Camp and Resting menu to return to the Camp without triggering a Rest.

The Baldur's Gate 3 Origin characters and Companions are a key part of the game's story. Players who want to fully develop their relationships should make sure to visit the Camp regularly. Interactions at the Camp can lead to anything from new quests to romance, giving players a reason to return beyond restoring their HP and resources.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available for PC. The PlayStation 5 version will be available on September 6, 2023. A version for Xbox Series X/S is still in development.

Baldur's Gate 3: Guide to Resting (2024)


Baldur's Gate 3: Guide to Resting? ›

How to take short rests in Baldur's Gate 3. To take a short rest in Baldur's Gate 3, hold down the Campfire icon on the right of the user interface, marked above. That'll bring up two more icons and the one at the top, that looks like an upside down sunrise with two blue dots, is the one you press to take a short rest.

How often should you rest in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

It is helpful to take short rests in between combat or when many of your party members are low on hit points. You are able to take a short rest twice per day.

How does resting work in BG3? ›

How to rest in Baldur's Gate 3. To rest in Baldur's Gate 3, click on the campfire icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen, to the right of the action bar and the Turn-Based Mode button. This will bring up a sub-menu with three more icons: Short Rest, Long Rest, and go to Camp.

Is there a penalty to long resting in BG3? ›

You can long rest as often as you'd like, provided you have the resources. However, long rests move "time" forward and may affect the outcomes of quests, the availability of NPCs, etc.

How to long rest without going to camp in BG3? ›

Alternatively, players can choose to Long Rest at an inn later in Baldur's Gate 3's story. This will avoid using Camp Supplies but will cost gold instead. Wherever they choose to rest, players should also be aware that some quests and events have time-sensitive elements.

Should you let Astarion bite you? ›

Should you Let Astarion Bite You? Letting Astarion bite you is an easy way to get approval with him. The simple answer is yes, as the only downside is gaining the Bloodless debuff, while Astarion gains the Happy buff and his approval rating of you increases.

Can you long rest without supplies in BG3? ›

Taking a long rest passes the night, and costs 40 (80 in tactician or honour difficulty) camp supplies. If the party lacks the required supplies, they may instead take a partial rest, which restores the following: Restore hit points up to half of their maximum.

Can you be evil in BG3? ›

1: Yes, going evil will have some companions leave you (specifically Karlach, Wyll, and Gale... though I think you can persuade Gale into staying.). In return you do get a couple evil companions. 2: While it is entirely possible to do an evil playthrough, doing so cuts out a massive portion of the game's content.

Does Long Rest revive in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Once you've spoken to Withers, he'll appear back at your camp whenever you take a long rest. If a character has died, you can pay him a hefty sum of gold to bring them back. The good news is that they will also appear in your camp, so you don't need to worry about traipsing all the way back to their corpse.

What is the worth of a single mortal life in BG3? ›

No one life is worth more than any other. We are all equal. –In death, that is so. That depends on a person's deeds.

What is the best wizard subclass in BG3? ›

The best Wizard subclass is the Evocation School, which enhances your cantrips and most of your damage-based spells as you level up. Most of Baldur's Gate 3's heaviest-hitting spells are of the Evocation variety, so it's worth focusing on this school to maximise your Wizard's damage potential.

Can you actually remove the tadpole in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Not at all. Tadpoles, even unaltered, cannot be removed except by the most powerful and most skilled individuals in Faerun. These altered ones are an even bigger mess to deal with.

How to free the girl in BG3? ›

To save Shadowheart in Baldur's Gate 3, you must find an Eldritch Rune that's hidden nearby. You can then insert this into the console by her mind flayer pod, which then allows you to use it to save Shadowheart.

Does Sleeping progress the story in BG3? ›

Unless there's something that specifically happens as the result of pursuing or completing a quest, most of the development you get with characters comes as you go to sleep.

How many long rests before Orin kills Companion? ›

Although Rescue Orin's Victim appears to be time-sensitive - it is not. The party can take an unlimited number of Long Rests without Orin killing her kidnapping victim. The companion's life is only at risk once Orin is spoken to in the Temple of Bhaal.

How many long rests before Grove BG3? ›

The story isn't timed but some side quests are, they'll only trigger the countdown when you get near them so like with that burning building you have to go up towards the Gnoll area to trigger it's countdown, the Druid Grove does have a timer but it's like somewhere around 15 long rests before it closes off.

What does "until long rest" mean in BG3? ›

For the most part, spells like Mage Armor that have long timers like 8 hours have been turned into "until long rest" in the game. Meaning you cast it in the morning and it lasts until you go to camp for the end of the day. Other spells with shorter timers do count down in real time and in turn-based.


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