Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (2024)

Investigate the Murdersis an extended quest related to the main thread in BG3. On this page of the guide you will find tips for how to deal with Orin, how to hold a conversation during the Wine Festival and how to defeat Sarevok Anchev.

Last update: 21 September 2023

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Investigate the Murders is a story quest from Baldur's Gate 3 which directly leads to obtaining one of Orin's Netherstones. On this page of our guide, we provide a walkthrough for this quest.

The other tasks leading to obtaining Orin's Netherstones are described on dedicated pages of our guide.

  • Initiating the task
  • Conversation with Orin
  • Fighting Sarevok Anchev

Initiating the task

The task begins in Lower City district of Baldur's Gate. Head to the Elfsong Tavern.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (1)

Go inside, talk to the innkeeper to buy a room, then go up the stairs telling that you've been sent by Valeria. Talk to the halfling and offer her your help.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (2)

Get back downstairs and talk to the dwarf. Warn him and agree to help with his rat problem.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (3)

Go forward until you reach a large room where you'll need to face githyankas sent by Vlaakith.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (4)

Defeat them - focus on appearing portals then on the enemies. After the area is clear, approach the wall at the end of the room - there is a button behind the statue.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (5)

Search the new room.

Conversation with Orin

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (6)

After properly searching through the room, you'll complete Visit the Emperor's Old Hideout quest. Turn left and leave via underground passages. You will come across a companion of yours, but it turns out, its Orin. She will inform you that she has kidnapped one of your companions and you have little time to save him - now you can help Orin kill Gortash or try to get her by yourself.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (7)

End the conversation and leave the sewers - you'll be back here, but first you need to do one thing on the surface. Head to the point marked on the map as the Wine Festival - talk to Cora Highberry and lead the conversation towards the wine. The wine turns out to be poisoned, and this will trigger a battle - after defeating all opponents, talk to Cora again and you'll receive a reward. Head to Facemaker's Boutique (coordinates: X:-189, Y:-33).

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (8)

Go inside, and a cut-scene will be initiated.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (9)

Once it concludes, a fight against the shapeshifters will be initiated - defeat them and search the bodies. You will find a bag with severed hands and information about their hideout.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (10)

Head to the hideout - you're going to need to distract nearby inhabitants - you can do it through Minor Illusion spell. Open the locked door, but save your progress before entering.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (11)

Look around the room and complete a Persuasion check. If it fails, reload your save and repeat again until you pass it. Interact with the hidden passage and say the password which you've found in Dolor's notes.

At this moment, consider doing a rest, as challenges await you.

Fighting Sarevok Anchev

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (12)

After resting, go inside and continue forward until you encounter three Death Knights.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (13)

Show them the hands you took from Dolor and they shall open the next door. This is the moment when you will meet one of the most demanding opponents in the game - Sarevok Anchev. Look below for the fastest way of dealing with him using Otto's Irresistible Dance spell.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (14)

Before you initiate a conversation with Sarevok, make sure you have top of the line equipment and a good party composiiton. Powerful spells such as Arcane Lock, Otto's Irresistible Dance, or Flesh to Stone will turn this fight from very difficult to trivial.

Before you start the fight, lead one of the party members to the door where Death Knights are found. Just before the dialogue that initiates the fight, get this character to cast Arcane Lock on the door - this should be enough to remove these three strong opponents from the fight. Next in the line is fighting Sarevok - he is a tough enemy, but possible to defeat. If you have Black Hole spell, use it on Sarevok and three spirits, then use an area of effect spell to eliminate them. Finally, cast Otto's Irresistible Dance spell on Sarevok and finish the fight.

Search the rooms, collect Amulet of Bhaal and save Valeria. Now, Investigate the Murders and Impress the Murder Tribunal quests should be completed.

Baldur's Gate 3: Investigate the Murders (2024)


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