30 of the Best AIP Recipes on the Internet + PDF - The Kettle & Fire Blog (2024)

If you’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, you might have come across the autoimmune protocol diet (AIP) in researching holistic solutions. As your doctor may have already explained, autoimmune diseases are not curable. But they can sometimes be managed with proper lifestyle adjustments and supervised supplementation or medication from a licensed practitioner.

Two significant lifestyle changes you can make to get you on the path to feeling your best are mitigating stress – both physical and emotional – and developing a supportive way of eating.

The AIP diet is one way to start your journey. Intended as a temporary elimination diet, AIP is a stricter version of the paleo diet, a gluten-free, grain-free diet that also excludes legumes, most dairy, and processed sugars and oils. In addition to these restrictions, the AIP diet targets foods that trigger inflammation, exacerbating autoimmune symptoms.

The aim of an AIP lifestyle is to heal the gut by replacing pro-inflammatory foods with nutrient-containing ones, including bone broth, fermented foods and beverages, most vegetables, and some meats.

We’ve gathered a list of easy AIP recipes, plus a downloadable PDF, to help get you started in the first phase of your journey.

What Is Autoimmunity?

Autoimmunity is a malfunction in which an overactive immune system attacks healthy cells in the body. In a well-functioning individual, only pathogenic invaders (such as viruses or harmful bacteria) should trigger an attack – a healthy immune response that keeps us from getting sick. With autoimmune disease, healthy human cells are attacked, wreaking havoc on various systems of your body, and eventually causing real health problems.

As you might guess, autoimmune diseases are dangerous, often painful conditions that require a complex treatment plan in order for the patient to live a pain-free, normal life. Although medical scientists haven’t yet pinpointed every mechanism that leads to each specific autoimmune disease, at the root of these conditions is chronic inflammation in the gut.

When the gut lining is not sealed, contents that should remain inside the intestines are able to leak out into the body, setting off an inflammatory cascade that can trigger an overactive immune response. Preventing and addressing this inflammation through a gut-healing dietary protocol is one of many steps in any attempt to promote autoimmune wellness.

What Can I Eat On an Autoimmune Protocol?

The overarching goal of the AIP diet is to heal your body with gut-nourishing, nutrient-dense foods designed to quell inflammation. This includes whole fruits and vegetables (limiting fruit to two pieces per day, if fruit is tolerated at all), pastured or grass-fed meats, wild caught fish, and unprocessed sources of fat, such as avocados, coconut oil, cultured ghee, olive oil, and lard.

By default, this diet eliminates just about all processed foods, which typically contain seed and vegetable oils, processed sugars and flours, and preservatives. The limitations beyond this are a bit less obvious.

Foods to Avoid

Here are food to steer clear of in the elimination phase (1, 2, 3, 4):

  • Vegetables in the nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, paprika, mustard seeds, and all peppers, including dried spices like cayenne or chili powder)
  • Vegetable oils (allowed: olive oil, lard, palm oil, and coconut oil)
  • Dairy products (allowed: cultured ghee)
  • Eggs
  • All forms of sugar and alternative sweeteners (maximum 1 teaspoon of honey or maple syrup allowed per day, no other added sugar allowed)
  • All processed foods (including alcohol)
  • Nuts, seeds, and cooking oils made from nuts and seeds
  • Beans and legumes (including coffee and soy, but notincluding green beans or sugar snap peas)
  • Grains (including corn)
  • Dried fruits
  • Chocolate
  • Culinary herbs and spices made from seeds (mustard, cumin, coriander, fennel, cardamom, fenugreek, caraway, nutmeg, dill seed)
  • Gums (guar gum, Tara gum, Gellan gum, Gum Arabic)
  • Tapioca (Start out avoiding this one, as it’s considered a “cross-reactor” with gluten. You might be able to reintroduce it after a few weeks without a problem.)

Foods to Enjoy

The following foods can be eaten on the AIP diet(3, 4, 5, 6):

  • All vegetables except nightshades
  • Fruit (up to 2 pieces per day)
  • Pastured or grass-fed meat and poultry
  • Wild-caught seafood
  • Fats: olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, lard, bacon fat, cultured ghee
  • Bone broth
  • Coconut products: coconut oil, coconut cream, coconut butter (manna), coconut aminos, shredded coconut, coconut flour, and 100% pure coconut milk (no additives like guar gum or carrageenan; avoid cans with BPA lining)
    • Not allowed: coconut sugar and nectar
  • Fermented foods (coconut yogurt, kombucha, non-dairy kefir, kimchi, raw sauerkraut, fermented vegetables)
  • Non-seed herbal tea
  • Green tea, black tea, and white tea
  • Vinegar: apple cider, coconut, red wine, balsamic (no added sugar)
  • Honey and maple syrup (maximum 1 teaspoon per day)
  • Herbs: all fresh, non-seed herbs
  • Grass-fed gelatin and arrowroot starch

After Elimination

Once you’ve been on the AIP for a period of time (usually six to eight weeks), you’ll begin to strategically reintroduce foods from the disallowed list. This will help you discover which foods negatively impact your condition, and which foods can safely return to your diet.

We recommend keeping a food journal for this phase so that you can track your foods and your symptoms as you add them back, one at a time. It might feel overwhelming at first with all of these restrictions, but you can do it.

Autoimmune Paleo Recipes

Finding recipes that fit into the AIP lifestyle can feel challenging, especially when breakfast foods like eggs, dairy products, and grains are eliminated.

In addition to a goal of promoting nourishment and healing, you might also have a goal of keeping things simple and easy as you make these lifestyle and diet adjustments. We’ve chosen recipes that can last for multiple meals to reduce your time in the kitchen.

These meals will be heavy on the vegetables, grass-fed meats, and coconut products (like many paleo recipes you might have already tried), but absent of the foods that are triggering to those with imbalanced immune responses.

AIP Breakfast Recipes:

AIP Lunch Recipes:

AIP Snacks:

AIP Main Dishes for Dinner:

AIP Side Dishes for Dinner:

AIP Dessert Recipes:

Your AIP Meal Plan

While the AIP diet is a good place to start, a one-size-fits-all approach isn’t always the most successful option. It’s very possible that you will need to make adjustments along the way.

Your first step should always be to find a health practitioner who’s knowledgeable about your specific set of circ*mstances in order to find a plan that best suits your needs. Remember, no matter where you start in your AIP lifestyle, the restrictions are meant to be temporary to allow your body to begin thriving again.

Click to download a PDF of these guidelines and recipes

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30 of the Best AIP Recipes on the Internet + PDF - The Kettle & Fire Blog (1)

30 of the Best AIP Recipes on the Internet + PDF - The Kettle & Fire Blog (2024)


Are bananas ok on the AIP diet? ›

Examples of foods you can eat while on the AIP diet include: Vegetables that aren't nightshade vegetables like cucumbers, spinach, sweet potatoes and zucchini. Fresh fruits like apples, oranges, mangos, strawberries, bananas and blueberries.

What can I drink instead of coffee on AIP? ›

During your elimination phase, you might replace coffee herbal tea options like rooibos, peppermint, and chamomile. All are excellent herbal teas that have added benefits for your body too! Chicory. Chicory roasted over an open fire has a flavor and texture that is comparable to coffee.

Why is coffee bad for AIP diet? ›

The first thing to consider if you have autoimmune issues, is that coffee is a seed. If you are following a strict Autoimmune Protocol, seeds are cut out of the diet for a period of time, and then reintroduced. Therefore, you would want to remove coffee for the first few weeks, along with any other seeds.

Is AIP diet bad for you? ›

The AIP diet may not work for everyone, and its elimination phase is very restrictive. This can make this diet isolating and hard to follow. It may also lead to a high risk of nutrient deficiencies if its reintroduction phase is avoided for too long.

Is peanut butter on AIP diet? ›

The foods to avoid on the AIP diet include the following: Dairy products (including milk, cream, butter, yogurt, and cheese) Legumes (including beans, soybeans, peanuts, and lentils)

Is avocado OK on AIP? ›

Avocados are an incredibly nutritious and delicious choice for your AIP diet. They're full of good fat, fiber, vitamin E, copper, and potassium. Furthermore, they are beneficial for your immune system because they are so high in B vitamins.

Is honey OK on AIP diet? ›

Here's the thing you may not have considered about the autoimmune protocol: You don't actually have to give up sugar. The rule of thumb is to limit yourself to no more than 20 grams of fructose per day. That's 4 medium-sized bananas or 2 1/2 tablespoons of honey.

Is baking soda allowed on AIP? ›

Obviously, baking powder is removed on AIP due to the cornstarch, however, simply combining baking soda and cream of tartar creates baking powder. Verdict: Baking soda and cream of tartar are elimination-phase legal, but baking powder is NOT.

What milk is OK on AIP? ›

AIP compliant dairy alternatives

Coconut milk is the best non-dairy milk alternative. It is AIP-friendly. Oat, hemp seed, almond, flaxseed, and cashew milks are not AIP-compliant because they come from nuts and seeds. Still, they are a better option than cow's milk to heal your gut and reduce symptoms.

What is the best diet to reverse autoimmune disease? ›

Ways diet can help improve your condition
  • Eliminate highly processed or refined foods. ...
  • Eliminate added sugars. ...
  • Eat more plant-based foods. ...
  • Get an adequate amount of protein, plus healthy fats and oils. ...
  • Sprinkle in some fermented foods. ...
  • Address food sensitivities.
Feb 26, 2017

Are eggs bad for autoimmune disease? ›

Like paleo, grains, dairy, and sugar will be avoided. (These can be particularly harmful for those with autoimmune disease, including of the thyroid.) To a healthy person, pastured eggs can be good. To a person with autoimmune, they can cause havoc that probably wouldn't happen in a healthy person.

Why are eggs bad on AIP diet? ›

The autoimmune protocol diet is a means of reducing symptoms such as inflammation and pain related to autoimmune disorders. Eggs are on the list of food to eliminate in the first phase of the AIP diet because they are a common allergen.

What vitamins should autoimmune patients avoid? ›

Avoid high doses of vitamin C, beta carotene, cat's claw, echinacea and ginseng, among others. Why add fuel to the fire? Doing so may cause you to slip out of remission and into more misery. I'll share some tips in the space provided, but there are so many other nutrients.

What vegetables are not allowed on AIP? ›

The AIP diet does not allow you to eat:
  • All grains (including oats, wheat, and rice)
  • All dairy.
  • Eggs.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Legumes and beans.
  • Nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers)
  • All sugars, including alternative sugars, such as stevia and xylitol.
  • Butter and ghee (clarified butter)

Can you eat bananas on anti inflammatory diet? ›

Bananas contain magnesium and potassium and also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These components may help bone density and alleviate arthritis symptoms. Eating foods that are part of an anti-inflammatory diet may also help reduce arthritis symptoms.

What fruits are not allowed on AIP? ›

First off, fruit itself is not restricted on the Autoimmune Protocol. Different varieties of fruit (especially colorful ones) come loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which are a great compliment to a healing diet. While fruit can have a lot of sugar, that in itself is not reason enough to avoid it.

Can you eat bananas on an elimination diet? ›

Rice and bananas, both of which are on the Elimination Diet, are moderately high in glycemic impact so eat them together with protein to offset any blood sugar spikes. vegetable oils in their diet through the consumption of processed foods. These oils have high amounts of omega-6 fats and too little omega-3 fats.

What foods are eliminated on the AIP diet? ›

Foods to avoid on AIP Diet
  • Grains, Pseudo-grains & Gluten.
  • Dairy.
  • Legumes (including Peanuts, Soy)
  • Nightshades.
  • Eggs.
  • Nuts.
  • Seeds (including Coffee)
  • Alcohol.
May 16, 2023


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