20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (2024)

Table of Contents
What is a plant-based diet? Is a Plant-Based Diet Vegan? What Can You Eat on a Plant-Based Diet? Why Do People Eat Plant-Based? How to Start a Plant-Based Diet Step 1: Make Half Your Week Meat Free Step 2: Only Eat Meat Once Per Week Step 3: Begin lowering Your Sugar Intake Step 4: Cut Some More Step 5: Eat Only Plants What Ingredients Are Common in a Plant-Based Diet Breakfast? Here are some typical plant-based breakfast ingredients to get you started: Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Ideas Here are some ideas for an easy plant-based breakfast: Can You Have a Plant-Based Protein Breakfast? What is Plant-Based Protein? Is There Plant-Based Breakfast Sausage? Is Plant-Based Meat Healthy? Amazing Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes to Start Your Day Off Right 1. Coconut Porridge Bowl 2. Banana Cream Pie Chia Pudding 3. Carrot Cake Overnight Oats 4. Plant-Based Breakfast Skillet Recipe 5. Mint Chocolate Green Smoothie 6. Savory Vegan Breakfast Bowl 7. Fruit-Filled Overnight Oats 8. Strawberry Cream Cheese on Bagels 9. Vegan Coconut Rice Pudding 10. Huevos Rancheros Breakfast Tacos 11. Dairy-Free Coconut Yogurt 12. Super Green Avocado Plant-Based Breakfast Smoothie 13. Sunbutter Baked Oatmeal Cups 14. Zen Quinoa Breakfast Bowl 15. Mushroom Bean Avocado Toast 16. Simple Healthy Breakfast Muesli 17. The Best Avocado Egg Plant-Based Breakfast Salad 18. Perfect Berry Smoothie Bowl 19. Sunbutter Granola 20. Cassava Flour Pancakes How to Make a Plant-Based Breakfast Sandwich Plant-Based Breakfast Sandwich Ingredients: Directions for Plant-Based Breakfast Sandwich: Step 3: Toast the Ciabatta How to Make a Plant-Based Breakfast Burrito Plant-Based Breakfast Burrito Ingredients: Directions for a Plant-Based Breakfast Burrito: FAQs Can a Plant-Based Breakfast Help With Weight Loss? Is There Anywhere You Can Buy a Plant-Based Breakfast? Are There Savory Options for a Plant-Based Breakfast? Are Eggs on a Plant-Based Diet? Is Oatmeal OK for a Plant-Based Breakfast? Are Cheerios a Plant-Based Breakfast? Time to Try Plant-Based Eating FAQs References

Simple, delicious, and wholesome plant-based breakfast recipes to fuelyou all morning long. All are vegan or vegetarian (they include eggs), gluten-free, and dairy-free!

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (1)

photo via Make It Diary Free

What is a plant-based diet?

I’m sure you’ve been hearing this term a lot more these days, but there seems to be a bit of confusion about what “plant-based” really means. Honestly, the first time I heard “plant-based diet” I thought it was just another way of saying“vegan”, but it’s actually quite different.

A “plant-based” diet revolves mainly around healthy, unprocessed, or minimally processed plant-sourced foods (nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes) with some animal-based products like free-range eggs, organic poultry, or wild fish.

A plant-based diet is focused on whole foods and unprocessed options, with the idea to eat plant foods… and lots of them!

Is a Plant-Based Diet Vegan?

A vegan diet, on the other hand, is one that is completely void of animal-sourced foods (meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, fish, etc.), and often those following a vegan diet will also follow a vegan lifestyle meaning they don’t usually use any animal-based products like leather or wool.

While a vegan diet is free of animal products, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s free of sugar, refined flours, or processed foods as we all know there’s no shortage of vegan donuts, cookies, Mac & Cheez, and croissants on the market.

I love this concept of eating and I truly feel that a plant-based diet is a great way to eat for amazing energy, stellar digestion, and overall great health.

With the growing popularity of plant-based eating, I thought it would be fun to share 20 delicious and healthy plant-based breakfast recipes from NITK and the blogosphere to show you just how wonderful plant-based eating can really be.

Whether you prefer a savory breakfast or a sweet breakfast (or a little mix of both) I guarantee there will be at least a couple of easy plant-based breakfast recipes on this list to suit your fancy!

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (2)

What Can You Eat on a Plant-Based Diet?

For those who have never heard of a plant-based diet, you may be wondering what it is you should plan to eat.

On a plant-based diet, you will be eating anything which comes from plants. Foods that come from plants are as follows:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Nuts/Seeds

As you can see, there are several items missing from the list, most notably meat, dairy, and eggs, as these do not come from plants. If you want to have a plant-based diet you will need to cut these items out.

You will also want to start reading the ingredients of all the products you buy. Although an item like bread comes from a grain, sometimes there are additives in a bread product that is not for someone on a plant-based diet.

Why Do People Eat Plant-Based?

There are several reasons an individual may decide to eat a plant-based diet.

Most people choose to eat plant-based for the health benefits it gives your body. Plant-based foods contain many more vitamins and minerals than meats and dairy, making it easier to get all the things your body needs.

Some people eat plant-based for health reasons. Meat and dairy can be very difficult to digest and can cause heartburn and stomachaches if not digested properly. People with these issues frequently feel better when they start a plant-based diet.

Additionally, there are others who embark on a plant-based diet because they care for the environment. Consuming plants is more sustainable and leaves less of a carbon footprint than eating meat.

How to Start a Plant-Based Diet

Ready to give being plant-based a try? If meat and dairy are common in your meals it can be difficult to cut these things out cold turkey. Here is a process you should follow to start a plant-based diet in a way that you can easily maintain.

Step 1: Make Half Your Week Meat Free

Start by cutting the amount of meat and dairy you eat in half. If you currently eat meat every day, try to make 4 of your day’s meat and dairy-free. You should also make your meat portions smaller on the days you do consume meat.

Step 2: Only Eat Meat Once Per Week

After 2-3 weeks of maintaining half the week eating meat, cut back to only eating meat once per week. You should also be cutting back your dairy to only one serving per week. Continue this step for 2-3 weeks as well.

Step 3: Begin lowering Your Sugar Intake

While you are working to cut out the meat and dairy, it’s also time to lower your intake of sugar. Start skipping dessert, and swap any sugary snacks for fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

No more purchasing packaged pre-made grocery store snacks, as they are loaded with sugar.

Step 4: Cut Some More

You should now discontinue purchasing meat and all dairy products. You may consume them once in a while at a friend’s house or maybe at a restaurant. But when you do consume them, the portions are very small.

The only sugar you should be eating is that found in fruits and perhaps a treat on a special occasion like your Birthday. Continue this for one month, maybe two.

Step 5: Eat Only Plants

By the time you get to this step, you should have already cleaned most non-plant products from your diet. And if you’ve weaned yourself correctly, you should find that you no longer desire meats, dairy, or sugar anyway.

If there are any remaining non-plant items in your diet, now is the time to cut them out. Congratulations, you are now on a plant-based diet.

Note: Many people on a plant-based diet continue to indulge in a sweet or a portion of meat/dairy on occasion even after they are almost fully plant-based. You can choose this as well.

Many people find having meat or dairy once in a blue moon, but eating mostly plant-based is the best way to maintain the diet long term.

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (3)

What Ingredients Are Common in a Plant-Based Diet Breakfast?

As you are transforming your eating habits to be plant-free, you will need to go through your kitchen and toss out anything which isn’t plant-based. Chances are, this will make your kitchen feel a bit empty.

Stock your kitchen up for your new diet with foods that are commonly found in a plant-based diet.

Here are some typical plant-based breakfast ingredients to get you started:

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Pepper
  • Potatoes
  • Squash
  • Brown Rice
  • Rolled Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Avocados
  • Olive Oil
  • Asparagus
  • Farro
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Zucchini
  • Almonds
  • Black Beans
  • Peas
  • Apples
  • Grapes
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Fig
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils

Of course, this isn’t all that you can eat on a plant-based diet, but stocking your fridge we these items is a good place to start.

Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Ideas

When going plant-based, many people run into the problem of what to make for breakfast. After all, most cereals are not plant-based and are filled with sugar. Eggs are also not on the plant-based diet menu.

Here are some ideas for an easy plant-based breakfast:

  • Plant-Based Breakfast Burrito
  • Plate of Fruit with Plant-Based Granola
  • Plant-Based Breakfast Sandwich
  • Plant-Based Breakfast Bowls
  • Oatmeal with Fruit
  • Pecan Energy Bars with Plant-Based Protein
  • Hash Browns with Veggies
  • Spelt Pancakes
  • Oatmeal waffles

Some of these recipes can be made in bulk at the beginning of the week, ensuring you have healthy plant-based breakfasts all week long.

Can You Have a Plant-Based Protein Breakfast?

Athletes and those looking to build muscle may think that a plant-based diet won’t have enough protein for them, which isn’t true. Plant-based diets can be filled with protein by including several specific items in the diet.

Therefore it is possible to have a plant-based protein breakfast. All you have to do is include plant-based protein powder or a plant-based meat product.

What is Plant-Based Protein?

Plant-based protein is a protein that is derived from plants. Most plant-based protein products use the protein derived from soybeans, peas, or beans to create the product.

Plant-based protein can be purchased as a protein powder or mixed into a smoothie. There are also plant-based protein products that are created to mimic meat or dairy foods.

Is There Plant-Based Breakfast Sausage?

There is such thing as plant-based breakfast sausage. But keep in mind, plant-based and vegan are not the same.

Before buying any sausage labeled as vegan, ensure you read the ingredients to be sure everything in it is derived from plants and that the product isn’t loaded with oils and sugar.

Is Plant-Based Meat Healthy?

While eating a plant-based diet is generally seen as healthier than eating meat, there is no proof that plant-based meat is good for you. Rather, these products can often be stuffed with additives like oils and salts.

Instead of filling your diet with plant-based meats, you should focus on consuming more fruits and vegetables and save these products for a moment when you really want to consume something which resembles meat.

Amazing Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes to Start Your Day Off Right

1. Coconut Porridge Bowl

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (4)

This stunning Cocoporridge bowl is filled with delicious plant-based ingredients including banana, coconut flour, cinnamon, vanilla, buckwheat groats, and cocoa nibs.

Grab a spoon, check out the recipe on When Sweet Becomes Healthy and dive in!

2. Banana Cream Pie Chia Pudding

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (5)

Chia seeds are an amazing and super healthy plant-based food that does wonders for your digestive system. Not only are they good for you, but they can be used to create this delicious breakfast pudding recipe from Choosing Chia that will satisfy your sweet tooth and keep you full all day.

3. Carrot Cake Overnight Oats

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (6)

Carrots may be a vegetable but can also be sweet depending on how you make them. Follow this recipe by Nutrition in the Kitchen and blend carrots with oats, raisins, walnuts, coconut yogurt, and plant-based milk to make a tasty and satisfying overnight oats breakfast.

4. Plant-Based Breakfast Skillet Recipe

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (7)

A breakfast skillet is an easy way to make a plant-based breakfast that can be tailored to your tastes. Try this breakfast skillet by Make it Dairy Free which is loaded with plant-based ingredients including potatoes, bell peppers, onion, mushrooms, spinach, and the perfect touch of herbs.

5. Mint Chocolate Green Smoothie

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (8)

Gorgeous, green, and perfectly plant-based, this smoothie recipe from Nutrition in the Kitchen is packed with spinach, banana, and ground flaxseed. The dark chocolate is optional but adds a delicious sweetness and a touch of antioxidants.

6. Savory Vegan Breakfast Bowl

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (9)

Take a look at this colorful and savory breakfast bowl from Deryn of Running on Real Food. It is filled with scrambled tofu (an awesome plant-based breakfast protein), kale, avocado, mushrooms, and cooked brown rice to create a tasty combination you won’t be able to get enough of.

7. Fruit-Filled Overnight Oats

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (10)

Oats and quinoa are the beautiful grains that make the base of this delicious plant-based breakfast recipe by Nutrition in the Kitchen.

You will simply love waking to this every morning, especially when it’s topped with tons of fruit, seeds, coconut, and the nut butter of your choice.

8. Strawberry Cream Cheese on Bagels

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (11)

Um, yum. I think I’d like to put this plant-based cream cheese from The Vegan 8 on everything. It’s made from freeze-dried strawberries, cashew butter, and plant-based yogurt and is a perfect way to brighten up any morning.

9. Vegan Coconut Rice Pudding

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (12)

Another delightful and easy plant-based breakfast recipe from Choosing Chia, this pretty rice pudding is filled with coconut milk, rice, vanilla, cardamom, pure maple syrup, and topped with juicy berries.

You can’t go wrong when you start your day with this tasty dish.

10. Huevos Rancheros Breakfast Tacos

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (13)

Another tasty savory plant-based breakfast option, these tacos from Nutrition in the Kitchen do contain eggs (which are fine on some plant-based diets) but are also loaded with lots of plant foods including beans, tomatoes, avocado, cilantro, and lime.

For those who don’t consume eggs on their diet, it can be substituted for sauteed scrambled tofu.

11. Dairy-Free Coconut Yogurt

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (14)

Missing your morning parfait? Making your own homemade plant-based yogurt has never been easier with this super simple tutorial from Make It Dairy Free.

Then ensure the coconut yogurt finds its way into this delicious fruit and coconut yogurt breakfast parfait.

12. Super Green Avocado Plant-Based Breakfast Smoothie

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (15)

Filled with avocado, spinach, banana, lemon, and plant-based yogurt, this smoothie from Vibrant Plate is sure to fill you up at breakfast and put a big smile on your face.

Chances are, even your kids might enjoy this plant-based breakfast.

13. Sunbutter Baked Oatmeal Cups

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (16)

These gorgeous looking plant-based breakfast cups from Feasting on Fruit are filled with natural, unsweetened sunflower seed butter, rolled oats, applesauce, hemp seeds, and chia seeds.

They would make a great morning snack too and being nut-free, a great lunchbox addition.

14. Zen Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (17)

The Zen Quinoa Breakfast Bowl by Nutrition in the Kitchen is still one of my most popular breakfast recipes, inspired by a lovely little cafe in Oahu.

Loaded with plants like broccoli, tomato, kale, mushrooms, carrot, and quinoa then topped with scrambled eggs or tofu, avocado, and sprouts, it’s a plant-based breakfast bowl sure to please.

15. Mushroom Bean Avocado Toast

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (18)

Move over plain avocado toast, this mushroom bean toast is another savory option to try for a healthy and filling plant-based breakfast. Grab this recipe from Grateful Grazer and thank me later.

16. Simple Healthy Breakfast Muesli

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (19)

Berries, berries, and more berries alongside plant-based yogurt, rolled oats, dried fruit, nuts, seeds, and a sprig of mint.

It’s all plants, it’s all yummy, and all drizzled with a perfect touch of honey. It’s delicious, you can find the recipe on Nutrition in the Kitchen.

17. The Best Avocado Egg Plant-Based Breakfast Salad

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (20)

This next addition to this easy plant-based breakfast recipe list is a super tasty egg salad option from Pinch of Yum that’s packed with avocado, dill, parsley, and lemon.

Perfect on a gluten-free grain bagel or enjoy it with a spoon. It’s up to you!

18. Perfect Berry Smoothie Bowl

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (21)

The only way to make a smoothie even more tasty is by putting it in a bowl and adding toppings to give it that perfect crunch. Create this smoothie bowl from Nutrition in the Kitchen and you’ll see exactly what you’ve been missing.

19. Sunbutter Granola

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (22)

Struggling to find a plant-based granola to add to your plant-based yogurt and smoothies? Try this easy recipe from Feasting on Fruit in which you’ll be combining sun butter, oats, sunflower seeds, vanilla, and some cinnamon to make the breakfast topping you didn’t know you were missing. .

20. Cassava Flour Pancakes

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (23)

One thing you might be missing on the plant-based diet is your morning waffles or pancakes. Don’t fret, you can still enjoy your favorite brunch treat when you use cassava and almond flours to make these delicious plant-based pancakes from Nutrition in the Kitchen.

How to Make a Plant-Based Breakfast Sandwich

Missing your good friend the breakfast sandwich? It is super easy to make one that is plant-based that will satisfy you the same way. Here is how you do it:

Plant-Based Breakfast Sandwich Ingredients:

  • Ciabatta Bread
  • 4 Portobello Mushrooms
  • 1 Package Firm Tofu
  • 2 Tablespoons Nutritional Yeast
  • ½ Teaspoon Tumeric
  • ½ Teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • 1 Jar Vegan Red Pesto
  • Alfalfa Sprouts
  • ¼ Small Red Onion, chopped
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Olive Oil

Directions for Plant-Based Breakfast Sandwich:

Step 1: Grill the Portobellos

Use your grill or a sauté pan to cook the portobello mushrooms in a small amount of olive oil. If using a grill, use a brush to cover the mushrooms in oil. Grill for at least 8 minutes on each side.

Step 2: Scramble to Tofu

Drain the tofu and break up into pieces. Add the turmeric, garlic, and nutritional yeast. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Step 3: Toast the Ciabatta

Toast the Ciabatta breads and spread pesto inside each half of the bread. Sprinkle onions and alfalfa on the bottom half of the sandwich.

Step 4: Build the Sandwich

Put the portobello mushrooms on top of the half with onion and alfalfa, then top with the scramble as desired. Put the top half of the bread on and enjoy.

A plant-based breakfast sandwich is a quick and easy breakfast that you can enjoy at any time of the day. Although best consumed right after cooking you can wrap the leftovers and reheat in a microwave.

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (24)

How to Make a Plant-Based Breakfast Burrito

The only thing that is easier to eat than a breakfast sandwich is a breakfast burrito. When you have a busy schedule for the week ahead, plan to make a few of these and wrap them in tinfoil.

Keep them in the fridge, and when you need one, pull it out, microwave it, and voila, you have an on the go plant-based breakfast. Sound good? Here’s how you make them.

Plant-Based Breakfast Burrito Ingredients:

  • Olive Oil
  • ½ White Onion, diced
  • ½ Red Bell Pepper, diced
  • A taco seasoning blend
  • 1 Package Firm Tofu (or other plant-based meat)
  • 1 Can Black Beans, drained
  • Cassava Flour Wraps
  • Hash browns (or make your own)
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Salsa for serving
  • Hot Sauce for Serving

Directions for a Plant-Based Breakfast Burrito:

Step 1: Sauté the Tofu

Drain the Tofu and break it into scrambled egg sized pieces. Sauté with onion, bell pepper, and seasoning, adding oil if needed.

Step 2: Add the Hash Browns and Beans

Add in the hash browns and beans and sauce until the hash browns are done. More oil may be needed. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Step 3: Roll the Burritos

Put a scoop of the mixture from the pan in the middle of the tortilla. Roll and serve with hot sauce and salsa. Roll any extras in tinfoil and put in the fridge.

20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (25)


Can a Plant-Based Breakfast Help With Weight Loss?

Yes. While you are not guaranteed to lose weight on a plant-based diet, starting your day with a plant-based breakfast can help you to control and lose excess weight.

Is There Anywhere You Can Buy a Plant-Based Breakfast?

Yes, the coffee store Starbucks actually offers a plant-based breakfast sandwich for those days when you are in a huge hurry.

Are There Savory Options for a Plant-Based Breakfast?

If you are looking for something savory for breakfast, there are many plant-based options. Look for plant-based bacon, sausage, or maybe even chicken at your local grocery store.

Are Eggs on a Plant-Based Diet?

A plant-based diet focuses on consuming items that only come from plants. Thus, eggs are not part of a plant-based diet.

Is Oatmeal OK for a Plant-Based Breakfast?

While oatmeal is a plant and can be consumed as a plant-based breakfast, note that it is not a complete breakfast on its own. To get all the vitamins and minerals you need you should add fruits, nuts, and maybe even some veggies to your oatmeal.

Are Cheerios a Plant-Based Breakfast?

Cheerios are not fully plant-based as the Vitamin D in them is derived from wool grease. You are better off making your own plant-based breakfast using a plant-based breakfast recipe than consuming cheerios.

Time to Try Plant-Based Eating

If anyone ever said plant-based is boring, they are definitely mistaken. All that color, all that wholesome goodness, I’d be happy to eat plant-based breakfasts for the rest of my life! Tell me, which one will you try first?

Have you tried a plant-based diet, or is this a way you normally eat? Is this something you’d like to try but weren’t sure where to start? Start with breakfast and the recipes in this list. Let’s chat about it in the comments!Don’t forget to pin the photo below to save this awesome roundup for later and of course, share the love!

More Plant-Based Inspiration You’ll Love:

  • 12 Super Easy Plant Based Desserts
  • 15+ Best Plant Based Blogs
  • 18 Easy Plant-Based Snacks To Try
  • 11 Yummy Plant Based Sandwiches
20 Delicious & Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes | Nutrition in the Kitch (2024)


What does a plant-based person eat for breakfast? ›

Our Favorite Plant-Based Breakfast Ingredients
  • Rolled oats.
  • Tofu.
  • Non-dairy yogurt (coconut, oat, almond, or cashew-based)
  • Soy and nut milks.
  • Whole-grain bread, sourdough, English muffins, rice cakes.
  • Avocado.
  • Quick-cooked vegetables (zucchini, sliced mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, baby spinach)
  • Fresh or frozen fruit.
Aug 10, 2023

How to get 30g of protein for breakfast vegan? ›

So here are 14 vegan breakfasts that are packed with protein:
  1. Peanut Butter Chia Overnight Oats. theglowingfridge.com. ...
  2. Breakfast Burritos. ...
  3. Hummus Toast. ...
  4. Strawberry Coconut Protein Smoothie. ...
  5. Greek Chickpeas on Toast. ...
  6. Chickpea Avocado Toast. ...
  7. Spicy Scrambled Tofu Breakfast Tacos. ...
  8. Mocha Banana Protein Smoothie Bowl.
Mar 7, 2018

Can I eat eggs on a plant-based diet? ›

In other words, plants were paired with protein sources, like eggs, to make a nutritious and well rounded meal. Eggs can and should be part of a plant-based diet, and these five suggestions showcase how easy it is to incorporate the incredible egg into your plant-forward dishes.

What is a plant-based diet for beginners? ›

In addition to fruits and vegetables, plant-based diets usually include lots of nuts, seeds, whole grains, oils, legumes, beans, herbs, and spices. They tend to avoid processed foods and animal products like red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy. Some are more flexible than others: Mediterranean diets.

Is peanut butter on a plant-based diet? ›

The bottom line. Most types of peanut butter are free of animal products and can be enjoyed as part of a vegan diet. However, some varieties are made in facilities that also process animal products or contain refined sugar that was produced using bone char or non-vegan ingredients like honey or fish oil.

Can you eat oatmeal on a plant-based diet? ›

Getting started on a plant-based diet may seem overwhelming, but take it one day at a time. Eat a variety of fruits and/or vegetables with all meals. Incorporate whole grains, such as oatmeal, quinoa, farro, brown rice, or whole wheat bread.

What is a good breakfast protein that is not meat? ›

Tofu scrambles, quinoa breakfast bowls, oatmeal with peanut butter (add hemp seeds for extra protein), and baked quinoa egg muffins are just a few of the delicious vegan and vegetarian recipes that are high in protein.

What is a good protein for breakfast that isn't meat? ›

Here are some protein-rich breakfast options that don't contain nuts, eggs, or meat:
  • Oats: Oats are a good source of protein and fiber. ...
  • Yogurt: Yogurt is a good source of protein and calcium. ...
  • Tofu: Tofu is a good source of protein and iron. ...
  • Tempeh: Tempeh is a good source of protein and fiber.
Feb 18, 2018

What is the downside of a plant-based diet? ›

Cons of a Plant-Based Diet

Potential Nutrient Deficiencies: Vegetarian and vegan diets need to pay extra attention to ensure they're getting enough protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin B12 in their diets.

How do you lose belly fat on a plant-based diet? ›

Fiber-rich, gut-friendly foods like legumes, avocados, potatoes and berries could all help reduce visceral fat and opting for at least one vegan meal each day will assist you in ramping up your fiber intake with ease—along with complex carbs, healthy fats and other essential nutrients.

What are 5 plant-based foods? ›

Leafy greens, broccoli, carrots, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, squash, bell peppers, cucumbers…the more, the merrier! Whole grains: many whole grains are a vital source of protein and fiber.

Is oatmeal a plant-based breakfast? ›

Proper Good oatmeals are plant-based, meaning they don't have any ingredients that are derived from animals (non-vegan ingredients). And therefore, a perfect solution for your vegan meal needs! Steel-cut oats are nutritious and filling, and our oatmeals are made gluten-free and dairy-free, too.

Is bread allowed on a plant-based diet? ›

At its core, a bread recipe contains four simple ingredients: flour, water, salt, and yeast — a type of microscopic fungus used to help bread rise. Therefore, the simplest form of bread is vegan. However, some types include additional ingredients like sweeteners or fats — both of which can be of animal origin.

What 5 foods do you eat that are plant-based? ›

Vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, seeds, and nuts are the stars of all plant-based diets. More and more people seem to be making the switch to plant-based diet foods.

What are plant-based foods to eat everyday? ›

Fruits: berries, citrus fruits, pears, peaches, pineapple, bananas, etc. Vegetables: kale, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus, peppers, etc. Starchy vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, etc. Whole grains: brown rice, rolled oats, farro, quinoa, brown rice pasta, barley, etc.


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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.