Where Can I Declaw My Cat For Free? | ThatCatBlog (2024)

As loving cat owners, we constantly seek our feline companions’ best care and well-being. One aspect that often divides opinions within the cat owner community is the practice of declawing. While declawing has been controversial for many years, it remains a commonly discussed subject among pet owners.

Declawing, or onychectomy, involves surgically removing a cat’s claws. Although it is a routine procedure in some countries, it is illegal or considered inhumane in many others due to ethical concerns. However, it’s essential to approach this topic with an open mind, understanding the perspectives of those who choose to declaw their cats and the reasons behind their decisions.

In this article, we will explore where you can get your cat declawed for free while shedding light on why some people choose this procedure.

Table of Contents

Where Can I Declaw My Cat For Free or Low-Cost?


I understand that you may have already decided to declaw your cat based on some circ*mstances. Here are some options to consider:

1. Animal Rescue Groups or Organizations

Many animal rescue groups and organizations strive to provide affordable veterinary services to help pet owners in need. These groups often partner with local veterinary clinics and offer subsidized or low-cost declawing services. One example is the “Rescue Pet Health Project,” which operates in various regions and aims to provide affordable veterinary care. Contact local animal rescue groups or organizations in your area to inquire about their programs and services.


  • Many animal rescue groups prioritize providing affordable veterinary care to help pet owners in need.
  • They may partner with local veterinary clinics, enabling them to offer subsidized or low-cost declawing services.
  • These organizations are often dedicated to animal welfare and can provide additional resources and support.


  • The availability of declawing services may vary depending on the rescue group or organization.
  • Some rescue groups may have limited resources and may not offer declawing as part of their services.
  • Policies and eligibility criteria may vary, and not all animals may qualify for declawing through these organizations.

2. The Humane Society

The Humane Society is a renowned organization dedicated to animal welfare. While their policies may vary by location, some Humane Society branches offer low-cost veterinary services, including declawing, for pet owners who meet their criteria. Reach out to your local Humane Society chapter to inquire about their programs and availability of affordable declawing services.

You can them check out: The Humane Society: (www.humanesociety.org)


  • The Humane Society is a well-known and reputable organization dedicated to animal welfare.
  • Some Humane Society branches offer low-cost veterinary services, including declawing, for eligible pet owners.
  • They may have experienced veterinary staff and resources to provide proper care during the procedure.


  • Declawing services may not be available at all Humane Society branches, as policies can differ by location.
  • The Humane Society generally promotes alternatives to declawing and encourages responsible pet ownership practices.
  • Certain branches may have specific criteria or limitations for providing declawing services.

3. Local Cat Shelters

Local cat shelters often provide resources and assistance for pet owners in need. They may partner with veterinary clinics or offer their own services at reduced rates. Contact your nearby cat shelters and inquire about their programs for affordable or free declawing services.

You can check out: Purrfect Haven Cat Shelter: (https://www.purrfecthavencatrescue.org/)


  • Local cat shelters often aim to assist needy pet owners and provide various resources.
  • They may have partnerships with veterinary clinics or their own on-site veterinary services at reduced rates.
  • Cat shelters can offer guidance and support beyond declawing, including behavior modification techniques or alternatives.


  • Not all cat shelters may offer declawing services due to ethical concerns or limited resources.
  • Eligibility criteria and availability may vary depending on the shelter and their partnerships.
  • Shelters may prioritize education on alternatives to declawing and discourage the procedure.

4. Veterinary Schools

Veterinary schools often have teaching hospitals that offer discounted services as part of their educational programs. These hospitals are staffed by experienced veterinarians and supervised students. They may provide low-cost or free declawing services in certain cases. Contact veterinary schools in your area and inquire about their services and any financial assistance programs they may offer.


  • Veterinary schools have teaching hospitals with experienced veterinarians supervising students.
  • These hospitals often offer discounted veterinary services, including declawing, as part of their educational programs.
  • Veterinary students are closely supervised, ensuring proper care during the procedure.


  • Veterinary schools may have limited availability for declawing services based on their teaching schedules.
  • Procedures performed at veterinary schools may require longer appointment times due to their educational nature.
  • Some veterinary schools and their associated hospitals may have stricter criteria for performing declawing procedures.

5. In-home Vets

Some veterinarians provide in-home veterinary services, which can be more cost-effective compared to traditional clinics. In-home vets may offer a range of services, including declawing, in the comfort of your own home. Research and contact in-home veterinary services in your area to inquire about their rates and availability for declawing procedures.


  • In-home vets provide the convenience of veterinary care in the comfort of your home.
  • They may offer a range of services, including declawing, at lower costs compared to traditional clinics.
  • In-home vets can provide personalized care and attention to your cat in a familiar environment.


  • The availability of in-home vets offering declawing services may be limited in certain areas.
  • Not all in-home vets may offer or recommend declawing due to ethical concerns.
  • In-home services may still be higher than free options, although they may be more affordable than traditional clinics.

Reasons why some people choose to declaw their cats

Where Can I Declaw My Cat For Free? | ThatCatBlog (1)

While I wouldn’t recommend declawing your cat, it’s essential to shed light on common motivations behind the decision.

Furniture Protection

One common reason people consider declawing their cats is to protect their furniture. Cats have a natural instinct to scratch, and sometimes their sharp claws can unintentionally cause damage to upholstery, carpets, or wooden surfaces. For individuals who have invested in valuable furniture or live in rental properties with strict guidelines, the fear of damage can be a significant concern.

Family Safety

In households with small children or individuals who are immunocompromised, the concern for potential scratches and the risk of infection may lead some to consider declawing. Cats can inadvertently scratch during play or when startled, and this can pose a risk, especially to vulnerable individuals.

Personal Comfort

Some people may have personal health conditions or sensitivities that make contact with sharp cat claws uncomfortable or problematic. Conditions such as compromised immune systems or blood-clotting disorders could make even minor scratches a cause for concern.

Rental or Housing Restrictions

In certain rental properties or communities with strict guidelines, declawing may be required as a condition for allowing cats. While such regulations may be controversial, some individuals feel compelled to declaw their cats to comply with these restrictions and keep their beloved pets.

How Much Does It Cost to Declaw a Cat?

The cost of declawing a cat depends on several factors. If you want to have your cat declawed at a veterinary clinic, the average price ranges from $650 to $1,800. If you’re having the procedure performed by a reputable veterinarian, they will likely charge between $200 and $250 per toe that needs to be removed. This includes:

  • The initial consultation fee (averaging around $50)
  • Anesthetic fees (which vary depending on how long the surgery takes)
  • Pain medication fees (which also vary depending on what pain medication is used)

Is Declawing Cats Considered Cruelty in the U.S.?

The American Veterinary Medical Association officially condemns the practice of declawing cats. The AVMA believes that this painful procedure can lead to behavioral problems and long-term physical issues for cats, which makes it inconsistent with their mission to help animals.

Declawing cats can also cause pain and discomfort even after the procedure. Cats are known to fight against restraints during this procedure, which leads to unnecessary pain. The AVMA suggests that there are other ways to protect your furniture from scratches without having to perform surgery on your cat’s paws. For example, you can use plastic caps or tape over their claws when you’re not around them, so they can’t scratch anything at all!

Is Declawing Indoor Cats Ever OK?

No, declawing your indoor cat is never OK.

It’s important to consider the behavioral implications of declawing your indoor cat. Declawed cats may resort to other forms of behavior, like biting or urinating outside their litter boxes, to communicate their displeasure with their environment or as a way to cope with stressors such as being bored or anxious.

The Ideal Age to Declaw a Cat

The ideal age to declaw a cat is 6-7 months. At this age, they’re still young enough to recover from the surgery but old enough that they’ll be able to start using the litter box and not be as destructive around the house.

What are the best alternatives to declawing a cat?

From my experience with my beloved cat, I discovered that regularly trimming his nails and providing him with various scratching posts saved my furniture from his enthusiastic scratching.

Here are some alternatives to declawing cats that prioritize their well-being and provide effective solutions to address scratching behaviors:

Regular Nail Trimming

Regular nail trimming is a safe and humane alternative to declawing. By trimming your cat’s nails on a routine basis, you can minimize the risk of damage to furniture and surfaces. Work with your veterinarian to learn the proper technique and invest in a quality pair of cat nail clippers. Make nail trimming a positive experience for your cat by offering treats and praise, ensuring a stress-free grooming session.

Scratching Posts and Boards

Providing your cat with appropriate scratching surfaces is essential. Invest in sturdy scratching posts or boards and place them strategically throughout your home. Cats have a natural instinct to scratch and mark their territory. You can redirect their behavior away from furniture by offering them designated scratching areas. Personalize the scratching surfaces with catnip or treats to encourage their use.

Nail Caps

Nail caps, such as Soft Paws or Soft Claws, offer a non-surgical solution to protect furniture and surfaces. These caps are applied to your cat’s claws and prevent scratching-related damage. They are safe, comfortable, and typically last for a few weeks. Consult with your veterinarian to learn how to apply and maintain nail caps properly.

Environmental Enrichment

Cats need mental and physical stimulation to thrive. Provide a stimulating environment with interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and scratching toys. Engage your cat in play sessions using toys that mimic prey behavior, such as wand toys or laser pointers. By keeping your cat mentally and physically engaged, you can help redirect their energy away from destructive scratching.

Behavior Modification Techniques

If your cat has specific areas they frequently scratch, consider using behavior modification techniques to discourage the behavior. Cover the targeted surfaces with double-sided tape or aluminum foil, as cats dislike the texture. Use positive reinforcement by rewarding your cat when they use appropriate scratching surfaces and redirect them when they approach furniture.


Does Petsmart declaw cats?

Petsmart does not declaw cats.
According to their website, Petsmart will only declaw a cat if it’s necessary for the safety and health of the cat or its owner. They also state that they do not recommend declawing as a matter of course—it’s only something they would consider in extreme circ*mstances.

Will veterinarians declaw cats anymore?

The majority of U.S. states have outlawed declawing cats as well as dogs because of its cruelty level; however, there are still some areas where vets continue to perform this barbaric procedure unwillingly due to market demand from clients who refuse to change their minds about having their pet declawed despite knowing all these negative side effects associated with it since they’ve already paid out thousands of dollars towards their pets’ medical bills during their lifetime (which includes vaccines & checkups).

Final Thoughts

After doing my research, here is what I learned. It is important to be clear about the reasons for declawing a cat and for whom the surgery should be performed. It should not be an elective procedure but reserved for those who can benefit from it.

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Where Can I Declaw My Cat For Free? | ThatCatBlog (2024)


Will vets still declaw cats? ›

AVMA discourages declawing as an elective procedure and supports non-surgical alternatives. Declawing is a major surgery involving amputation and is not medically necessary for the cat in most cases.

What is the best alternative to declawing a cat? ›

Here are 4 alternatives to keep your cat from scratching:
  • Training. Scratching is a natural behavior for cats, and you don't want to entirely discourage your cat from practicing it. ...
  • Nail Trimming. ...
  • Nail Caps. ...
  • Feliway.

What states will declaw cats? ›

Cat Declawing Legality by State 2024
StateCat Declawing Legality
47 more rows

Can apartments require cats to be declawed in Ohio? ›

As Attorney Ilmanen states, you cannot be required to declaw your cat. You will be liable for any damage it causes. He can't charge you a deposit or pet rent IF the cat is an ESA recommended by your doctor or mental health professional and not "registered" with an scam online website.

Is it cruel to declaw an indoor cat? ›

Declawing significantly increases the odds of back pain, litter box aversion and biting. Declawing is banned or considered unethical in dozens of countries around the world. In the U.S., New York, Maryland, the District of Columbia and more than a dozen cities have banned declawing.

Can you declaw a cat at home? ›

However, if the procedure is performed correctly, it can be humane to declaw a cat. Laser surgery is one of the most popular methods for declawing cats at home. Laser surgery involves using an intense beam of light to remove the claws from your cat's paws.

Is there a humane way to declaw cats? ›

Laser declawing is considered by some in the veterinary community to be the most humane method for declawing. Reasons cited for this are that the toes undergo less trauma with laser, nerve endings are “sealed” off leading to less pain, and less bleeding occurs.

Do cat claw caps work? ›

Nail caps are a safe, humane, comfortable, and generally effective way to minimize destructive clawing. But there are other solutions you may want to explore, especially if your cat isn't fond of the caps. Keep in mind, it's virtually impossible to eliminate your cat's urge to scratch.

How do I stop my cat from scratching without declawing? ›

The Itch to Scratch: How to Prevent Your Cat from Clawing Without Declawing
  1. #1: Provide a variety of scratching opportunities. ...
  2. #2: Use positive reinforcement to encourage your cat to scratch in appropriate areas. ...
  3. #3: Trim your cat's nails regularly. ...
  4. #4: Apply nail caps.
Dec 15, 2022

What is the age limit for declawing a cat? ›

Declawing is probably the single most important surgical procedure for your kitten, other than spay/neutering that will help ensure a satisfactory relationship between the cat and its owner! WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND DECLAWING ALL HOUSE CATS AT 8-16 WEEKS OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS POSSIBLE.

Is laser declawing better? ›

It offers many benefits over traditional declawing, including less bleeding and a reduced chance of infection. Laser declawing is a permanent way of declawing cats and assuring the claws do not grow back. Your cat's feet are less likely to bleed after the procedure because the laser cauterizes as it cuts.

Is it too late to declaw my cat? ›

It is possible to declaw a 6-year-old cat but the older cats tend to have more pain and complications than kittens.

Can apartments make you declaw your cat? ›

Cat declawing is legally declared to be animal cruelty.

These laws apply to everyone who participates in the illegal declawing of a cat in any of those jurisdictions. Landlords who require declawing could be criminally liable under such laws.

Can vets refuse to declaw cats? ›

Many veterinarians in the USA refuse to perform declaw surgery, because amputating a cat's toes is an unethical, mutilating procedure. Declawing provides no benefit whatsoever to the cat and can cause long-term health and behavior problems.

Is it ever medically necessary to declaw a cat? ›

The only medically necessary procedure that would ever require us to declaw them would be if there were a tumor growing off of that distal toebone in their toe. A declawing procedure involves removing the first digit bone, which is P3, the distal most phalanx.

How much does it cost to get cat declawed? ›

The cost to declaw a cat varies depending on the type of declawing procedure as well as the location of your veterinary clinic, but the average price ranges between $600 and $1,800.

Will vets put nail caps on cats? ›

If you're unsure, veterinary clinics or grooming facilities can often apply claw caps for a minor fee.

When did vets stop declawing cats? ›

In February 2020, Banfield, VCA, and BluePearl veterinary clinics announced that they would no longer offer elective declawing of cats. The decision applied to the over 2000 clinics in the US and Canada operated by Mars Veterinary Health, which employs over 10,000 veterinarians.


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.