What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (2024)

However, before jumping in, let's quickly recap that you can access 260 Troop Capacity, 11 Spell Capacity, 35 Clan Castle Troop Capacity, and 2 Clan Castle Spell Capacity.

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Queen Charge Miner Hog Hybrid

The Queen Charge strategy is prevalent at Town Hall 11. For this iteration of the Queen Charge, we will mix in Miners and Hog Riders as a hybrid into the army. If you want to try this strategy out, your army composition should look like this:

What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (1)
We highly recommend getting Clan Castle Troops and a Siege Machine for Clan War attacks.



Hog Rider (Clan Castle)


Rage Spell (Clan Castle)


Flame Flinger (Clan Castle)


What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (2)
  1. The goal of the Queen Charge is to destroy the Eagle Artillery and take out the Clan Castle Troops.

  2. So, you will start your Queen Charge on the side closest to these two buildings. You'll drop your one Balloon ahead of the Healers to check for any Seeking Air Mines.

  3. You will support your Queen with Super Wallbreakers and Rage Spells to keep her healthy. Use your Poison Spell to help her go through the CC Troops.

  4. Now, start your Barbarian King and Siege Machine on the opposite side of where your Queen is. The goal is to have your King and Siege Machine create a funnel for your Miners and Hogs to go to the core of the base.

  5. Once the outer buildings are taken care of, start your Miners and Hogs with your Grand Warden. If done correctly, these troops should head straight to the center of the base.

  6. You will have multiple Heal Spells to keep your Miners and Hogs healthy in case of any Giant Bombs or Splash defenses.

What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (3) What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (4)

2 /5

Electro Dragons

The Electro Dragon is a troop you'll unlock at Town Hall 11. If you're excited to use it, then this army composition is the perfect one for you! These Dragons occupy a lot of housing space, so this army solely revolves around E-Drags. The army composition will look like this:

What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (5)
We highly recommend getting Clan Castle Troops and a Siege Machine for Clan War attacks.



Balloon (Clan Castle)


Rage Spell (Clan Castle)


Flame Flinger (Clan Castle)


What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (6)
  1. The Flame Flinger is vital to this army. The first step is to deploy your Flame Flinger on a side where two Air Defences are located. The Flinger will slowly work its way to destroy them.

  2. Then, start your main attack on the opposite side. You will immediately drop two Rage Spells spaced close to each other and deploy all your Electro Dragons and Balloons in a straight line.

  3. Follow up these troops with your Grand Warden on Air mode, then pop his ability once the Eagle Artillery shots are about to land on your troops.

  4. These Electro Dragons will slowly work their way to the center of the base. Support them with your Spells. Try using Freeze Spells on Air Sweepers, as Air Sweepers slow down your Dragons drastically.

  5. Then, use your King and Queen to work on the outer parts of the base and help with the clean-up process.

What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (7) What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (8)

3 /5

Queen Charge LaLo

In third place, we have yet another Queen Charge army. This time, we will use the popular LaLo (Lava Hound + Balloon) variation of the Queen Charge. This army composition will take some practice, but if mastered, it can three-star any base. The army looks like this:

What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (9)
We highly recommend getting Clan Castle Troops and a Siege Machine for Clan War attacks



Balloon (Clan Castle)


Poison Spell (Clan Castle)


Freeze Spell (Clan Castle)


Stone Slammer (Clan Castle)


What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (10)
  1. The goal of the Queen Charge is to deal with the enemy Queen and the Clan Castle Troops, so you will be starting your Queen on the side that allows for it.

  2. Try to get more value from your Queen Charge by taking out the Eagle Artillery or an Inferno Tower. You must support your Queen with Rage, Freeze, and Poison Spells.

  3. Since we're using defense-targeting troops, we won't have to worry about creating a funnel. Instead, start your LaLo on the opposite side of your Queen and have them take out Air Defenses and Inferno Towers.

  4. Your Stone Slammer will act as a second Lava Hound.

  5. Use your remaining Rage, Freeze, and Haste spells to help your Balloons get through the enemy defenses.

What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (11) What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (12)

4 /5

Zap Witches

The Zap Witches attack strategy is used at Town Hall 10 and is still outstanding at Town Hall 11. The army is straightforward to execute, so you won't need too much time perfecting it. For the Zap Witches army, you will need the following:

What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (13)
We highly recommend getting Clan Castle Troops and a Siege Machine for Clan War attacks.



Giant (Clan Castle)


Ice Golem (Clan Castle)


Rage Spell (Clan Castle)


Log Launcher (Clan Castle)


What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (14)
  1. The goal of the Zap Witches is to use four Lightning Spells and one Earthquake Spell to destroy each Inferno Tower. Keep in mind these spells have to be max-level.

  2. After destroying both Inferno Towers, you can start your attack on any side of the base.

  3. Spread out your three Golems and support them with all your Witches in a straight line.

  4. Your Heroes and Siege Machine should be placed in the middle.

  5. All your troops will slowly work their way into the core of the base. Use your Rage Spell once they've gotten in the middle of all the defenses.

  6. Remember to use your Poison Spell on the enemy Clan Castle Troops.

What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (15) What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (16)

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Icy 5

Last but not least, we have the Icy 5 attack strategy. The name of this army composition comes from the 5 Ice Golems you will use. You'll have Witches, Bowlers, Bats, and Ice Golems. Try your hand with this army with these troops:

What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (17)
We highly recommend getting Clan Castle Troops and a Siege Machine for Clan War attacks.



Giant (Clan Castle)


Bowler (Clan Castle)


Bat Spell (Clan Castle)


Log Launcher (Clan Castle)


What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (18)
  1. Start the funneling process with a PEKKA and a few Wizards on one corner of the base.

  2. Then, drop your Barbarian King on the other side to help with the funneling too.

  3. After giving these troops time to develop, you can begin your main army. Slightly spread out your 5 Ice Golems, and place your Witches, Siege Machine, and Heroes behind them.

  4. Use Rage and Poison Spells on your army, but DO NOT USE YOUR FREEZE SPELLS YET! These Freeze Spells must be saved for the Bats.

  5. After your army has taken out a considerable portion of the base, it's time to let your Bats go ham on the remaining buildings.

  6. Drop all your Bat Spells on the base's outside, and be precise when placing your Freeze Spells. You must have a good feeling of the Freeze Spell durations and reapply them immediately.

  7. These Freeze Spells must be allocated to Multi-Target Inferno Towers or Wizard Towers.

What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (19) What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (20)

And that's it! These five attack strategies will help you get through TH11 and Clan Wars! If this guide is helpful, check out our best armies for Town Hall 12!

What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 11 (2024)


What are the best troops to attack with in Clash of Clans? ›

Dragon + P.E.K.K.A.'s

Dragons and P.E.K.K.A.s are the last two to unlock in the standard Barracks, making them the strongest troops of all. Dragons and P.E.K.K.A.s are great when separate, but when they come together they make your raids epic.

What is a good army for Town Hall 12? ›

As it can cause chain damage to buildings, the Electro Dragon is without a doubt the most powerful troop in Clash of Clans. Combining Electro Dragons and Balloons is one of the best attacking options for Town Hall 12.

Is Town Hall level 11 good? ›

One of the great assets of a TH11! Town hall 11 is the perfect amount of time and resource. Okay, so maybe it's just my brain, but to me, the patience level for a TH11 is what I would consider a comfortable, fair process.

Who is the powerful troop in Clash of Clans? ›

Dragons are a strong troop, with high HP and high DPS. They also deal small area splash damage, which is prominent when they appear as defending Clan Castle troops. An army consisting of a large number of Dragons can wipe out bases quickly, though they need funnelling to be effective.

What is the most powerful Defence in COC? ›

For defense-minded players, the Town Hall is your most valued asset. If your attacker cannot destroy your town hall, the most the attacker can get is one star. Town Halls also have the highest hit points of any building, except walls.

Is there an app to practice coc attacks? ›

Clash Fanatic is a fan-developed Clan War & Attack Strategy Guide that's full of useful bases and content to help you and your Clan get more STARS, WINS & LOOT!

What town hall do you get super troops? ›

At Town Hall 11, a barrel-shaped Building will appear next to the Trader in Home Village. Here, you can activate a Super Troop using Dark Elixir, or use a Super Potion (Magic Item) to activate one for free. Once activated, the Super Troop will be available to use for three days.

What town hall for level 10 Barracks? ›

Gold Pass modifiers
LevelUnlocked UnitTown Hall Level Required
13 more rows

How to upgrade town hall 11 fast? ›

Upgrades summary
  1. Upgrade The Clan Castle (only prioritize this if you have a Hammer)
  2. Upgrade The Laboratory.
  3. Upgrade The Spell Factory (Do this if you have a spare Hammer or a Book)
  4. Build your Grand Warden and prioritize upgrading him to level 5.
  5. Upgrade your Elixir Storages and Gold Storages.

What is the best army in Clash of Clans for town hall 13? ›

The best ground attack strategy for max town hall 13 in Clash of Clans ( COC ) is the Yeti Smash strategy . This strategy utilizes the powerful Yeti troops , along with a combination of other troops such as Witches , Bowlers , and Heroes to create a devastating attack .

What is the best army for Town Hall Nine? ›

GoValk is a popular army composition to take down any Town Hall 9 base in Clash of Clans. However, it may require plenty of Dark Elixir for training. Funnel the Valkyrie once they enter the core base and rage them to increase speed and power.


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