What Is Social Emotional Learning & Why Is It So Important? (2025)

The Definition of Social Emotional Learning

The Committee for Children defines social emotional learning as “the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success.”

What is SEL in Education?

Social emotional learning is at the heart of good teaching. When students are taught emotional regulation skills, practice self-awareness, and maintain healthy relationships, they excel in all areas of life.

Why is Social Emotional Learning Important?

The importance of social emotional learning goes beyond the classroom. Social emotional learning skills, like self-discipline, emotion management, self-awareness, and responsible decision making, help people face everyday challenges in their academic, professional, and social lives.

What are the Benefits of Social Emotional Learning?

Students benefit from social emotional learning strategies in a myriad of ways – according to Edutopia, social emotional learning “improves achievement by an average of 11 percentile points” and “increases prosocial behaviors, improves student attitudes toward school, and reduces depression and stress.” A 2018 report by the Aspen Institute’s National Commission on Social, Emotional and Academic Development found that social emotional learning improves academic performance.

What Does Social Emotional Learning in Schools Currently Look Like?

Our country has come a long way in valuing social emotional learning. The Aspen Institute’s report called the United States a “nation at hope” that better understands how social and emotional development contributes to learning and to children’s later success as adults. Teaching social emotional learning skills in schools is more important now than ever, as today’s students face challenge after challenge from distractions in and out of the classroom. From the pressure to do well academically to mental health issues – the challenges are endless.

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is an organization that has been working for more than two decades to encourage schools to recognize the importance of teaching the fundamentals of social emotional learning as a foundational part of their curriculum – and schools are beginning to listen. In 2016 with assistance from CASEL, eight states – California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Washington – began to focus much of their efforts on bringing social emotional learning into their schools. And other states have also begun to explore social emotional learning since the Every Student Succeeds Act was passed in 2015, emphasizing “non-academic concepts and ‘whole child’ issues,” according to Education Week.

What Is Social Emotional Learning & Why Is It So Important? (1)

What Should a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum Include?

Social emotional learning curriculum should focus on whole-child learning and consist of teaching such important life skills as

  • understanding emotions
  • building emotional regulation skills
  • communicating effectively
  • resolving conflicts
  • establishing coping strategies and seeking help
  • practicing mindfulness
  • and understanding the importance of practicing empathy

While the list goes on and can be overwhelming at times, EVERFI has extensive resources to help you add social emotional activities and a social thinking curriculum to your classroom.

EVERFI Is Here to Help You Incorporate SEL in Your School

EVERFI knows that SEL is important to student and teacher success. Our social emotional learning curriculum is designed to equip educators with the tools necessary to nurture SEL skills, like compassion, leadership, conflict resolution, self-awareness, emotional regulation, and resilience. If you have social emotional learning standards to comply with, we can help guide you toward a solution.

The following SEL courses are designed to help you get started with teaching social emotional learning.

Social Emotional Learning Curriculum for Elementary Students

The Compassion Project

Designed for students in grades 2 to 5, The Compassion Project promotes compassion education and helps educators facilitate lessons on fundamental SEL skills, like understanding and practicing compassion and empathy.

What Is Social Emotional Learning & Why Is It So Important? (2)

Social Emotional Learning Curriculum for Middle and High School Students

Built for grades 6 to 9, Ignition provides students with the information they need through real life scenarios to safely and confidently navigate the digital world. In addition to protecting their data, identifying cyber threats, and securing their privacy, students learn how to deal with cyberbullying and social comparison while learning why offline time is vital to maintaining their mental health. What Is Social Emotional Learning & Why Is It So Important? (3)

Understanding Mental Wellness

Mental health education is critical as more and more students are suffering from anxiety and depression. This course introduces middle and high school students to the skills needed to build and maintain positive mental health. By the end of this evidence-based course, the negative stigma around speaking about mental health will be reduced and students’ emotional regulation skills will be increased.

What Is Social Emotional Learning & Why Is It So Important? (4)

Honor Code

A positive school environment leads to academic success. Honor Code empowers students in grades 8 to 10 to become leaders in their school in order to create lasting, positive change that leads to less bullying and more cooperation among peer groups.

What Is Social Emotional Learning & Why Is It So Important? (5)

Character Playbook

This scenario-based character education program uses engaging social emotional learning activities to educate students on cultivating and maintaining healthy relationships. Throughout Character Playbook, students learn how to identify and regulate their emotions, communicate effectively and step-in to solve conflict peacefully.

What Is Social Emotional Learning & Why Is It So Important? (6)

Social Emotional Learning for College Students

Mental Well-Being for Students

This course equips undergraduates with essential skills and information needed to navigate the stressors and emotional challenges associated with college life.

What Is Social Emotional Learning & Why Is It So Important? (2025)


What Is Social Emotional Learning & Why Is It So Important? ›

To account for these differences and help put all students on an equal footing to succeed, social and emotional learning (SEL) aims to help students better understand their thoughts and emotions, to become more self-aware, and to develop more empathy for others within their community and the world around them.

What is social-emotional learning and why is it important? ›

SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring ...

Why is SEL so important now? ›

SEL is an essential skill for healthy child development and can help young people manage stress, practice responsible decision-making and improve relationship skills.

What are the three important keys to social-emotional learning? ›

Consider thinking about social-emotional learning measurement in three dimensions: student competencies, student supports and environment, and student well-being.

What are the 5 components of social-emotional learning? ›

The following descriptions of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) are from CASEL. They address five broad, interrelated areas of competence and provide examples for each: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

What are the long term benefits of SEL? ›

Long-term Benefits of SEL
  • Higher Graduation Rates. SEL programs have been linked to improved graduation rates. ...
  • Reduced Need for Special Education Services Long-Term. ...
  • College- and Career-Readiness. ...
  • Skills to Persevere Through Adversity. ...
  • Higher Sense of Well-Being. ...
  • Improved Lifetime Outcomes. ...
  • Economic Benefits to Society.

What is the summary of social and emotional learning? ›

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) nurtures our social, emotional, and cognitive development from birth to adulthood. School-based SEL develops the conditions necessary for nurturing children, youth, and adults' potential.

What are the four benefits of SEL? ›

Five Major Benefits of Social/Emotional Learning
  • So what is Social/Emotional Learning (SEL)? ...
  • Greater Academic Success. ...
  • Closing Equity Gaps. ...
  • Fewer Emotional Outbursts. ...
  • Improved Mental Health. ...
  • Balanced Budgets.

Why is SEL important for our success? ›

SEL skills are essential for achieving professional success. By providing individuals with the tools they need to manage their emotions, build positive relationships, and make responsible decisions, they are better equipped to succeed in their careers and achieve their professional goals.

What is the goal of SEL in schools? ›

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success.

What are the 4 C's of social and emotional learning? ›

The 4Cs: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration in Schools.

What are the 4 pillars of social emotional learning? ›

The Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI) was developed by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and the Korn Ferry Hay Group. It builds on Goleman's model for emotional intelligence, which includes four key pillars: self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, and relationship management.

What is the Big Five of social emotional learning? ›

The Big Five factors include conscientiousness (work ethic; organization), agreeableness (kindness; empathy), emotional stability (composure; flexibility), openness (curiosity; analytical thinking), and extraversion (sociability; assertiveness).

What are the three stages of learning social emotional skills? ›

The first stage is skill acquisition—the skill is introduced to the child; the second stage is fluency—the child has learned the skill and can use it easily; and the final stage of learning is skill maintenance and generalization—the child can use the skill over time and in new situations.

What are the basic social emotional skills? ›

Controlling emotions and impulses, managing stress, self-motivation and setting and achieving goals. Social awareness. Identifying others' emotions, showing empathy and understanding other perspectives. Relationship skills.

Why is it important for children to learn social and emotional development? ›

Positive social and emotional development in the early years provides a critical foundation for lifelong development and learning. Social development refers to a child's ability to create and sustain meaningful relationships with adults and other children.

Why is social and emotional well-being important? ›

Social and emotional well-being increases resilience. Increases high school and college graduation rates. Strong social and emotional skills lead to improved education, employment opportunities and physical and mental health. Decreases relationship difficulties and the likelihood of misusing substances.

Why is social and emotional intelligence important? ›

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an educational concept that helps kids gain skills in important areas beyond math, reading, and other core school subjects. SEL helps kids identify their feelings, understand and communicate with others, build strong relationships, and make good, empathetic decisions.


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.