What is Homeowners Insurance and What Does it Cover? | Pennymac (2024)

You saved for ages (or at least what seemed like it) before buying your home, and you invested even more time and money during your years of ownership. But what if something happens to your home and everything you worked so hard for? Could you afford to rebuild and replace it all? For most people, the answer, tragically, is “no.”

Thankfully, having the right homeowners insurance coverage can safeguard your home and other valuable items. Purchasing an insurance policy can protect against damage to your home, damage to your personal possessions, and your assets from any liability claims — from fires to personal injuries, theft or even pet-related incidents.

In the United States, the average home insurance premium costs $1,192 a year. Additionally, the median home value is $257,445 nationwide.

Here’s what you need to know to ensure you’re protected against the unexpected.

What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

Common perils covered by most homeowners insurance policies can include the following:

  • Fire and smoke damage
  • Hail damage
  • Lightning strikes
  • Windstorms, such as tornadoes
  • Theft or vandalism
  • Water damage from plumbing leaks
  • Explosions from gas lines
  • Damage from vehicles or aircraft

There are many different types of policies available, ranging from basic to comprehensive. You will need to work with your insurance agent to determine the right coverage for your home. When you shop for your homeowners policy, you will need to consider multiple factors, including the features of your home, the region you live in, and what coverage is available to you.

About 60 percent of all U.S. homes are underinsured by an average of 20% according to CoreLogic, a company based in Irvine, Calif., that provides data to most major home insurers.

What is Covered by a Standard Policy

When protecting your home from the risks listed above, your homeowners insurance will provide coverage in five major ways: dwelling coverage, coverage for other structures, personal property coverage, liability protection, and loss-of-use coverage. Here’s how each part works to help you.

Dwelling vs. Personal Property Coverage

Confused by where dwelling coverage ends and personal property coverage starts? If you could pick your home up and shake it, anything that would fall out is insured by personal property coverage. For example, your kitchen cabinets would be covered by dwelling coverage, but your furniture would fall under personal property coverage.

Loss of Use Coverage

If you experience significant damage to your home, it is likely that your home may be uninhabitable during the repair process. If you need to temporarily move out of your home, loss-of-use coverage will pay for additional housing and living expenses, such as a hotel or rental.

Looks like you’re on your way to understanding all the responsibilities that come with homeownership. To find out if you’re ready to take the next step, check out Is Homeownership Right for You?

What Isn’t Covered by Homeowners Insurance

You may think that your policy has the features that you need, but are you sure that you have checked it carefully? On many homeowners insurance policies, there are potentially devastating disasters and damages that are not covered.

For example, damages caused by “Acts of God” are typically not covered. Defined as events outside of human control or activity, the most common “Acts of God” include earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods. The most common of these is flood insurance, which can be purchased in addition to homeowner’s insurance, and is required by most lenders if you live in a high risk flood zone. If you live in an area where these types of natural disasters are common, it is worthwhile to purchase separate insurance policies to protect your home and personal property against these risks.

More than half of all homeowners, 56%, falsely believe that flood damage is covered by their standard policy, according to the survey by insuranceQuotes in partnership with Princeton Survey Research Associates International.

Another common exclusion is “Acts of War,” which means that losses from events such as invasions, insurrections, riots, strikes, revolutions, military coups and terrorism would not be covered. Separate war risk protection can be obtained to cover damage from these events.

Is Homeowners Insurance Legally Required?

It may surprise you to learn that most states don't legally require you to have homeowners insurance. However, mortgage lenders do require it. When you first request a mortgage on the home you want to buy, you will need to provide proof of homeowners insurance on the property before the lender will move forward with your loan.

This is because the lender is your partner when you buy a home with a mortgage, and they want to make sure that their investment is protected. Shop around and choose the best coverage for yourself.

Homeowners insurance is one of several important steps in securing a mortgage. For an in-depth look at the entire process, check out our six-part series Explaining the Home Loan Process.

Peril Protection is Only a Policy Away

Hopefully, as a homeowner, you will not have to deal with the major damage brought on by a fire or plumbing issue, and it's unlikely that you will never experience any damage to your home or possessions in your lifetime. However, knowing you have the homeowners insurance coverage you need makes the difference when these unexpected pitfalls occur.

Below are some tips on keeping your premiums low:

  • Get a new quote every year from various companies.
  • Install an outdoor light and motion-activated camera.
  • Equip your home with a fire extinguisher and carbon monoxide detector.
  • Buy a home security system.

It is also a good idea to check with your insurance provider, they may have additional ways to keep costs low.

Ready to find the right partner who can help you make the smartest purchase on your home? Contact a Pennymac Loan Officer today.

What is Homeowners Insurance and What Does it Cover? | Pennymac (2024)


What is Homeowners Insurance and What Does it Cover? | Pennymac? ›

Homeowners Insurance - Also known as hazard or fire insurance, it is insurance that covers your home or residence. Your coverage must be equal to or more than the total amount of all loans on your home or have the full replacement cost guaranteed.

What does a homeowners insurance policy cover? ›

Homeowners insurance policies generally cover destruction and damage to a residence's interior and exterior, the loss or theft of possessions, and personal liability for harm to others. Three basic levels of coverage exist: actual cash value, replacement cost, and extended replacement cost/value.

What does coverage A include under a homeowners policy? ›

Coverage A: Dwelling

The typical policy covers your home when it is damaged by many perils (also known as causes of loss) including fires or storms.

What is the difference between home insurance and homeowner insurance? ›

Homeowners insurance, also known as home insurance, is coverage that is required by all mortgage lenders for all borrowers.

What is the most common damage to your home that insurance does not cover? ›

Damage or destruction due to vandalism, fire and certain natural disasters are all usually covered. So is your liability if someone is injured on your property. Certain catastrophes, like flooding or earthquakes, are generally not covered by basic homeowners policies and require specialized insurance.

What is excluded from coverage in a homeowners policy? ›

Many things that aren't covered under your standard policy typically result from neglect and a failure to properly maintain the property. Termites and insect damage, bird or rodent damage, rust, rot, mold, and general wear and tear are not covered.

Which of the following are not covered by homeowners insurance? ›

Homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods, earthquakes, typical wear and tear, and damage due to insufficient maintenance. You can usually add flood and earthquake coverage to your policy for an additional fee, but wear and tear and damage from a lack of maintenance are considered preventable.

Who is not eligible for a homeowners policy? ›

High-risk location

If your house is in an area plagued by tornadoes or wildfires, a carrier may consider it too great a risk to insure. The same may be true if your neighborhood experiences a lot of crime. You may be able to mitigate some of that risk by installing security devices or weatherproofing.

What are the 4 major categories of coverage in homeowners insurance? ›

Coverage A — Dwelling. Coverage B — Other Structures. Coverage C — Personal Property. Coverage D — Loss of Use.

What is the first step to consider when buying homeowners insurance? ›

Decide what you want to cover. Determine how much homeowners insurance you need. Choose an insurance company. Choose a policy.

What is the point of having homeowners insurance? ›

Homeowners insurance is important because it protects consumers' homes and personal property. In the event of a total loss, insurance can provide the primary source of rebuilding funds. It also provides liability coverage for legal actions from injuries or damage from another person on their property.

Should you have homeowners insurance if your house is paid off? ›

Unfortunately, paying off your mortgage doesn't reduce homeowners insurance premiums. You will no longer be required to carry home insurance as it isn't legally mandated, but your home will still require the same level of coverage to protect you from financial losses.

Is house insurance even worth it? ›

If someone were injured on your property, you would be personally liable for legal costs, medical bills, and other expenses without the protection of home insurance. This covers the cost of legal protection and even damage created by your pets.

What not to say to home insurance? ›

Your insurance will cover accidents like home fires in most cases, but the carrier will most likely deny you if you mention that you failed to maintain your property in any way, which could range from not having an extinguisher in the house to not fixing leaks when you see them.

Which area is not covered by most homeowners insurance? ›

These are the areas that are not protected by most home insurance.
  • Flooding. ...
  • Earthquakes. ...
  • Business equipment. ...
  • Jewelry or artwork. ...
  • Power outages. ...
  • Nuclear hazard. This exclusion refers to any nuclear hazard, such as radiation. ...
  • War. Insurance companies and home policies do not cover damages caused by war. ...
  • Dog bites.

What home repairs do most insurance cover? ›

The most common appliances and systems covered by home repair insurance include clothes washers and dryers, ovens and stovetops, refrigerators, water heaters, air conditioning, sewer, and plumbing lines, and electrical systems.

Which of the following would be covered by a home insurance policy? ›

Well, homeowners insurance helps protect you, your home and your belongings from all sorts of unexpected events. And with a standard policy you'll get four key types of coverage: dwelling, other structures, personal property and liability.

What is included in a property insurance policy? ›

Property insurance is a type of insurance policy that can provide coverage for property owners or renters. Examples of property insurance include homeowners, renters, and flood insurance policies. These policies can provide coverage for damages caused by fire, flooding, theft, weather, and other risks.

Does homeowners insurance pay off your mortgage if the house is lost? ›

If a covered disaster completely destroys your house, your standard homeowner's insurance policy includes a "loss of use" or "additional living expense" protection, providing temporary housing until you recover. It pays off your mortgage, freeing you of that obligation.


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