What is a Vision Statement and How to Write One (+Examples and Template) (2024)

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A vision statement is an integral part of the foundation of any business. A well-crafted vision statement should be inspiring, meaningful, and easy to remember while clarifying the organization’s ambitions and values.

In this article, we will examine what exactly a vision statement is, explore how to write one effectively, and provide access to examples and templates to help you get started. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

What is a Vision Statement?

A company vision statement is a crucial element in defining an organization’s identity and aspirations. It is an important cornerstone that informs a company’s strategy, operations, and culture. Here is an expanded explanation of what a vision statement is:

  • Declaration of Purpose: A vision statement is a declaration of an organization’s mission and purpose. It outlines the company’s primary objectives and provides an overview of its ultimate goals. This helps inform all business decisions and strategies, ensuring that they align with the company’s purpose.
  • Represents Brand Values: The vision statement embodies the brand values that the organization upholds. It communicates what the company stands for and believes in, helping to establish its reputation and image in the eyes of stakeholders.
  • Identifies Desired End State: A vision statement clearly identifies the desired end-state of the business. It describes where the company aspires to be in the future, serving as a beacon to guide all its efforts.
  • Road Map for Future Goals: The vision statement acts as a road map for how to achieve the organization’s future goals. It’s not overly specific, leaving room for innovation and adaptation as the business environment changes. This general but forward-looking nature distinguishes it from a business plan, which tends to be more detailed and specific.
  • Inspires and Motivates: An effective vision statement is inspiring, motivating employees, customers, and stakeholders alike. It paints an optimistic picture of the company’s future, stirring enthusiasm and commitment among those associated with the company.
  • Provides Direction and Clarity: A vision statement provides direction and clarity to stakeholders, helping them understand what the company aims to achieve in the long run. This clear sense of direction can be a powerful tool in decision making and strategy formulation.
  • Brief and Memorable: Ideally, a vision statement should be brief and memorable so that it can be easily communicated and understood. This ensures that it remains at the forefront of everyone’s mind, acting as a constant reminder of the company’s ultimate goals.

When you write a business plan, it should be more detailed and concrete, providing the specific steps your company will take to achieve the goals outlined in your vision statement. It should articulate the path towards the company’s vision, outlining the strategies, tactics, and resources needed to get there. Thus, a vision statement is not only a reflection of a company’s aspirations but also a key component that shapes its future actions and strategies.

What is a Vision Statement and How to Write One (+Examples and Template) (1)

How to Write a Vision Statement

Writing a vision statement can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step and equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to write an effective, inspiring vision statement.

Step 1: Identify Your Goals

What is a Vision Statement and How to Write One (+Examples and Template) (2)

The first step in writing a vision statement is to identify your long-term goals for the company. You may refer to your business plan, mission, and personal brand statement for ideas. The following questions can also help you identify relevant points. What do you want to achieve? What does success look like three, five, or ten years from now? These questions will help you define the core purpose of your business.

It’s also important to consider any short-term objectives or milestones that have been set. You may find that some objectives are more achievable than others and must be adjusted accordingly. By taking this into account, you can create a realistic yet ambitious vision statement that will keep everyone motivated throughout the journey.

Step 2: Gather Input From Others

What is a Vision Statement and How to Write One (+Examples and Template) (3)

Once you’ve identified your goals, it’s time to get input from other stakeholders in the company such as employees, customers, and shareholders. Ask them what they think should be included in the vision statement and how they would like to see their individual contributions reflected in it.

Gathering input from others helps provide perspective on different aspects of your business and ensures that everyone is working towards the same end goal.

Step 3: Write It Down

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Now comes the fun part – writing down your vision statement! Start by summarizing what you’ve learned so far such as what are your core values as a business, who are your customers, what you offer them, and where you want to go in the future.

Be sure to use concise language that speaks directly to these topics, as well as evokes emotion by showcasing why this journey matters for both yourself and those involved with you along the way.

Step 4: Finalize & Publish Your Vision Statement

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When crafting and editing your vision statement, make sure it’s something you can easily explain and believe in wholeheartedly. This is key for providing direction when making decisions down the line.

Once finalized, don’t forget to share it with all stakeholders so that everyone knows what lies ahead and how they can contribute towards achieving those goals. By keeping the vision statement visible and alive, it will serve as a reminder of the company’s purpose and inspire everyone to keep pushing forward.

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Vision Statement Template

A vision statement template provides a framework for creating an inspiring and effective vision statement. It asks questions about your company’s goals, values, and intended audience to help you create a statement that is meaningful and motivating.

Once you have answered the questions in the template, you can fill in the necessary sections in the template below to form the statement itself.

Our vision is to (describe goal/long-term objective), while providing (describe services provided), as well as striving towards (describe values). We will inspire our (audience) by upholding our commitment to (list specific objectives or values), ultimately leading to our success in achieving (key results or desired outcomes).

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22 Vision Statement Examples

How are some of the world’s most successful organizations defining their own visions? What do you think of their inspiring vision statements?

Check out the following 22 examples of good vision statements from famous companies that you can use as inspiration to create your own vision statement:

1. Ikea

Ikea’s vision statement reads, “Our vision is to create abetter everyday lifefor many people.”

2. Linkedin

In its vision statement, LinkedIn defines what sets the company apart from other social media platforms when it says, “Create economic opportunityfor every member of the global workforce.”

3. Patagonia

Patagonia’s vision statement states: “Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to theenvironmental crisis.”

4. Ford

The Ford Motor Company’s vision statement says, “People working together as a lean, global enterprise to make people’s lives better throughautomotive and mobility leadership.”

5. Southwest Airlines

Southwest’s vision statement states,“To be the world’s most loved, most efficient, and most profitable airline.”

6. Tesla

Tesla’s vision statement reads, “Create themost compelling car companyof the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.”

7. San Diego Zoo

The San Diego Zoo’s vision statement says, “To become a world leader atconnecting peopleto wildlife and conservation.”

8. The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy’s vision statement looks to the company’s future and encompasses its values: “To leave asustainable worldfor future generations.”

9. AT&T

AT&T’s vision statement reads, “To build a new global communications network that allowshuman resourcesto reallocate to more complex and productive activities – within a decade.”

10. Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson uses the following vision statement to inspire healthier communities: “For every person to use their unique experiences and backgrounds, together – to spark solutions that create a better,healthier world.”

11. BBC

The BBC‘s vision statement is short and sweet: “To be the most creative organization in the world.”

12. Ben & Jerry’s

Ben & Jerry’s defines its core values in the following mission statement: “Making the best ice cream in the nicest possible way.”

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Short Business Vision Statement Examples

Creating a strong and concise vision statement can be difficult, even though the companies on our list make it look easy.

Here are some short business vision statement examples that you can use to model your own unique vision statement.

13. Feeding America

Feeding America’s short business vision statement describes the organization’s efforts: “Ahunger-free America.”

14. TED

The TED organization presents the world’s information and uses a short vision statement: “Spread ideas.”

15. Zoom

Zoom’s short vision statement reads, “Video communications empowering people to accomplish more.”

16. Oxfam

Oxfam’s vision statement is simple and describes the company’s commitment: “A just world without poverty.”

17. Whole Foods

Whole Foods’ inspiring vision statement says, “To nourish people and the planet.”

18. Disney

In its vision statement, the world’s premier entertainment company says its vision is, “To be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information.”

19. Amazon

Amazon’s vision statement shows the company isn’t afraid to dream big; it reads, “Our vision is to be earth’s mostcustomer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”

20. IBM

IBM uses a vision statement detailing its overarching vision, saying, “To be the world’s most successful and important information technology company. Successful in helping our customers apply technology to solve their problems. Successful in introducing this extraordinary technology to new customers. Important because we will continue to be the basic resource of much of what is invested in this industry.”

21. McDonald’s

McDonald’s vision statement describes its values: “To move with velocity to drive profitable growth and become an even better McDonald’s serving more customers delicious food each day around the world.”

22. Warby Parker

The Warby Parker vision statement confirms the company’s direction is to offer designer eyewear; it reads, “We believe that buying glasses should be easy and fun. It should leave you happy and good-looking, with money in your pocket. We also believe that everyone has the right to see.”

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Why Vision Statements are so Important for Businesses

A vision statement is undeniably one of the vital parts of a strategic planning process in business. It serves as the guiding light, providing both direction and energy to all business operations. Here are the reasons why a vision plan is so important for businesses:

  • Clear Direction: A vision statement provides a clear direction of where the organization wants to go. It outlines the end goal, helping employees understand the path the company is taking and align their individual efforts accordingly.
  • Guidance and Motivation: Vision statements offer guidance to employees, stakeholders, and even customers about the long-term objectives of the organization. They are inspirational, meant to encourage and motivate everyone involved with the company.
  • Foundation for Marketing Plan: A vision statement can serve as the basis for your company’s marketing plan. It can inform branding, messaging, and strategic initiatives, ensuring your marketing efforts are aligned with your company’s future goals.
  • Informs the Action Plan: A vision statement supports the company’s action plan. By clarifying the ultimate goal, it ensures that all new initiatives and strategies are supporting the company’s vision. This helps maintain coherence and focus in the business operations.
  • Decision-Making Tool: Having a vision statement simplifies decision-making processes. When faced with options, the question becomes, “Which choice better aligns with our vision?” This can prevent the company from straying off course or getting distracted by short-term gains.
  • Sets Expectations and Energizes Teams: A strong vision statement creates a sense of purpose, stimulates commitment, and energizes teams to work towards the set vision. It can help in building a unified team working in sync for a common goal.
  • Enhances Business Growth and Success: A well-defined vision statement sets the stage for business growth and success. It helps in identifying opportunities, improving performance, and inspiring innovation, all crucial for the company’s expansion and profitability.

Thus, having a well-crafted vision statement is not just a good practice, but a necessity for any business aiming for long-term success. It serves as a constant reminder of what the company wants to achieve, steering all business operations in the same direction.

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Mission Statement Vs Vision Statement

The company mission statement and the vision statement are two distinct concepts, but both mission and vision statements have one major thing in common – they are each used to define the future goals and values of a business.

A company’s mission statement describes what an organization does in the present day, while a vision statement outlines an ambitious goal for what it wishes to achieve in the next five to ten years.

Both vision and mission statements should be concise, inspiring, and achievable, enabling everyone in the organization to share a unified purpose and move forward together toward success.

Vision StatementMission Statement
DefinitionThe vision statement describes the organization's future ambitions, outlining what it aims to achieve in the next five to ten years.The mission statement describes the organization's current operations, its core purpose, and why it exists.
Time FrameFuture-oriented, typically looking 5-10 years ahead.Present-oriented, explains what the company is doing in the current scenario.
FunctionSets the direction for long-term goals and provides inspiration and a sense of purpose to the employees.Defines the company's path, guides decision making, and helps set realistic objectives.
ContentBroad and aspirational. Describes an idealized image of where or what the company hopes to be in the future.Specific and actionable. Describes the present capabilities, activities, and customer focus.
PurposeTo inspire and provide a sense of direction.To guide, direct and inform about the present state of affairs.
ExampleTo create a better everyday life for many people." - IKEATo organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." - Google

What is a Vision Statement and How to Write One (+Examples and Template) (11)

image: upraise.io

Characteristics of Amazing Vision Statements

A vision statement is a guiding document that helps to articulate the future aspirations of an organization.

For example, the Starbucks vision statement is “To establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.” A great vision statement should have four key characteristics:


What is a Vision Statement and How to Write One (+Examples and Template) (12)

Clarity is essential when crafting a compelling vision statement. It should communicate what the organization wants to accomplish in an easy-to-understand manner, avoiding any complex language or jargon.

Clarity allows everyone involved in the organization to clearly comprehend the what, why, and how of the statement and serves as a rallying cry for all stakeholders. A clear, concise, and compelling vision statement can help shape the direction of an organization for the better.


What is a Vision Statement and How to Write One (+Examples and Template) (13)

Having a focused vision statement is essential for any organization’s future aspirations. It should define the specific goals and objectives of the organization, and how they plan to achieve them.

It should also help make sure that everyone involved in the organization is on the same page and working towards a shared goal.

A focused vision statement should be detailed enough for people to understand what their role is in contributing to the success of the organization, but broad enough to leave room for growth and development.


What is a Vision Statement and How to Write One (+Examples and Template) (14)

Inspiration is a key component of an amazing vision statement. It allows the reader to get an idea of what the company stands for and why they are striving to reach its goals.

A great vision statement should inspire and motivate people to take action, while also providing a clear sense of direction. Inspiration can come from the company values, or from stories of real-world successes.

When done correctly, inspiring statements can help build trust and strengthen relationships between consumers and businesses.


What is a Vision Statement and How to Write One (+Examples and Template) (15)

Feasibility is an important characteristic of an amazing vision statement. The statement should be realistic and achievable, while still pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

The vision must have a balance between ambition and practicality to ensure that it will be taken seriously by stakeholders. It must also align with the company’s current capabilities and resources in order to be believable.

In addition, it should address any potential obstacles that may occur on the way to achieving the goals set by the vision.

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Tips on How to Write a Good Vision Statement

How can you describe your entire business’s vision in just a few words? It is possible to create the perfect vision statement for your small business with creativity, focus, and effort. The following few tips for writing a vision statement should help:

  • Don’t be afraid to dream big and focus on the future of your organization. What can the company be in the years to come? What do you want to be known for?
  • Ensure that your vision statement reflects the core values and ethos of your business. It should be a true representation of what your business stands for and its fundamental beliefs.
  • Make it memorable and bring inspiration. What sets your organization apart from the competition? Be sure and highlight what makes your small business unique, and choose a language that inspires those within the organization to achieve its goals.
  • Highlight the impact you want your business to have on your customers, community, or even the world. This adds depth to your vision, showing that your goals extend beyond just profitability.
  • While it’s important to dream big, your vision should still be within the realm of possibility. It should challenge and motivate your team but remain achievable.
  • input from your employees or team members. Their insights can provide different perspectives and help craft a vision statement that resonates with everyone in the organization.
  • Consider what makes your business different and superior to competitors. Your vision statement should mirror these unique aspects, setting you apart in the industry.
  • Choose clear and specific language. Dreaming big doesn’t have to mean being vague, and the perfect vision statement should be specific enough to influence future decisions. Remember, you aren’t talking about the past, so be sure and write the vision statement in the present tense.
  • Consider how you want your business to be remembered in the long term. A good vision statement often encapsulates the legacy you aim to leave.
  • Your vision statement should be dynamic enough to evolve as your business grows and adapts to changing market conditions or customer needs.
  • After drafting your vision statement, test it with a small group of stakeholders. Gather feedback and refine the statement to ensure it clearly communicates your intended message and resonates with your audience.
  • Keep it short. The best vision statements are not longer than a sentence or two, and many of the most memorable consist of just a few words.

Final Words

A well-crafted vision statement is a key component of any successful business. It outlines an inspiring goal that everyone in the organization can strive toward, provides guidance for decision-making, and helps to ensure that initiatives are focused on achieving the ultimate mission.

With some planning and creativity, anyone can craft a great vision statement using examples or templates as a starting point. When done right, it can ignite passion and motivation in employees and stakeholders alike – setting your business up for success.

However, if done incorrectly and without the proper care and consideration, it can do the opposite. So, take your time and create something that you and everyone else in your organization can believe in.

Image: Envato Elements

More in: Featured, Marketing 101

What is a Vision Statement and How to Write One (+Examples and Template) (2024)


What is a Vision Statement and How to Write One (+Examples and Template)? ›

A vision statement is a written declaration clarifying your business's meaning and purpose for stakeholders, especially employees. It describes the desired long-term results of your company's efforts. For example, an early Microsoft vision statement was “a computer on every desk and in every home.”

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Concept-based vision statements.

This can be a general statement focused on customers, or a position the company wants to hold within the industry. Below are a few examples of concept-based vision statements: BBC: “To be the most creative organization in the world” Disney: “To make people happy.”

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To write a vision statement, first, identify the actions your organization takes to achieve the goals set out in its mission statement. Think in big-picture terms, rather than literal day-to-day operations. Then, summarize these actions in a concise statement, one to three sentences long, in the active voice.

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A vision statement is a written declaration clarifying your business's meaning and purpose for stakeholders, especially employees. It describes the desired long-term results of your company's efforts. For example, an early Microsoft vision statement was “a computer on every desk and in every home.”

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Your vision statement is a clear big-picture template for you and your stakeholders. It shouldn't be about your current objectives or short-term goals—leave that to your mission statement. It should describe something more significant. A good example of this is the nonprofit Oxfam.

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“I envision a life filled with purpose and meaning, where I can make a difference in the lives of others. I will prioritize my relationships with loved ones and dedicate my time and resources to helping those in need.”

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Make it simple. Your vision statement should be clear, concise and easy for anyone to understand. It should be one or two short sentences. This is where it can be challenging to fit in all the necessary information into one-to-two sentences.

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At Three, our vision is simple:

Better connectivity, every day, for every customer. That's why we're here – to give people what they want from a network. It means understanding each customer and their needs.

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Start with a brain dump of everything you want to achieve. Vision boards can include your aspirations for the year ahead and any thoughts or feelings you want to bring into your life. Whichever you choose, it's important to include goals you can actually achieve. Describe your goals in vivid detail.

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A compelling organizational vision should include a significant purpose, an ideal picture of the future, clear values, and a list of strategies and goals.

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Helpful Tips for Writing your Vision Statement
  1. Keep it short - max 2 sentences. ...
  2. Make it specific to your business and describe a unique outcome that only you can provide.
  3. Write it in the present tense.
  4. Do not use words that are open to interpretation. ...
  5. Simple is best.
Mar 10, 2023

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25 Vision Statement Examples
  • IKEA: “Our vision is to create a better everyday life for many people.”
  • Nike: “Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. ...
  • McDonald's: “To be the best quick service restaurant experience.
Apr 26, 2023

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Keep it simple and digestible. Avoid metrics – these don't belong in your Vision. Be specific in your wording and your make it relevant to your market. Make it inspiring and ambitious.

What are the 4 components of a vision statement? ›

Okay, once the four components of your vision have been identified, clarified, and narrowed – customers, their needs, your products and/or services, and your values, and once you understand the simple formula, you should be able to write your own.

What is Tesla's vision statement? ›

"To become the most attractive automobile company of the twenty-first century by spearheading the world's shift to electric vehicles," says Tesla's vision statement. The business's emphasis on renewable energy is emphasized in its business goal.

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A vision statement is a written document that describes where an organization is going and what it will look like when it gets there. The length of a business vision statement is not generally a consideration. It can be short, long or anywhere in between.

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A mission statement defines the organization's business, its objectives, and how it will reach these objectives. A vision statement details where the organization aspires to go. Why does your company exist?


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