What Is a Credit Score & Why Is It Important? | Equifax (2024)

What is a credit score? Your credit score can impact everything from loan interest rates to credit cards and more. In this video, Equifax will tell you all about the credit score ranges, how credit scores are calculated and why credit scores are important. [Duration - 2:24]


  • A credit score is a three-digit number designed to represent the likelihood you will pay your bills on time.
  • There are many different types of credit scores and scoring models.
  • Higher credit scores generally result in more favorable credit terms.

A credit score is a three-digit number, typically between 300 and 850, designed to represent your credit risk, or the likelihood you will pay your bills on time. Creditors and lenders consider your credit scores as one factor when deciding whether to approve you for a new account. Your credit scores may also impact the interest rate and other terms on any loan or other credit account for which you qualify.

What is considered a good credit score?

Credit score ranges and what they mean will vary based on the scoring model used to calculate them, but they are generally similar to the following:

  • 300-579: Poor
  • 580-669: Fair
  • 670-739: Good
  • 740-799: Very good
  • 800-850: Excellent

There’s no “magic number” that guarantees you’ll be approved for a new credit account or receive a particular interest rate from a lender. However, higher scores typically suggest that you have demonstrated responsible credit behavior in the past, which may make potential lenders and creditors more confident when evaluating a new request for credit.

Why do I have different credit scores?

It’s a common misconception that you have only one credit score. In reality, there are many different credit scores and credit scoring models.

Your credit scores may vary depending on the consumer reporting agency (CRA) providing the score, the credit report on which the score is based and the scoring model.

Credit scores provided by the three nationwide CRAs — Equifax®, TransUnion® and Experian® — may also vary because your lenders may report information differently to each. Some may report information to only two, one or none at all.

It’s also possible for your credit scores to vary by industry. If you’re in the market for a new car, for example, an auto lender might use a credit score that places emphasis on your history of paying auto loans. A mortgage lender, on the other hand, might use a formula to determine your risk as a mortgage borrower.

All of these factors can lead to differences in your credit scores.

How are credit scores calculated?

Your credit scores are calculated based on the information included in your credit reports. Like your credit score, you have more than one credit report.

Your credit scores may vary depending on the scoring model used to calculate them as well as the information on the respective credit report. However, most credit scoring models consider the same factors:

  • Your payment history. This is typically the most significant factor used in calculating your credit score. Your payment history includes information on any open credit accounts in your name. It also provides data on missed or late payments, bankruptcy filings and debt collection.
  • The amount of credit used vs. your total available credit. This calculation — also known as your credit utilization rate or your debt-to-credit ratio — is another important factor to lenders. Expressed as a percentage, your credit utilization rate generally represents the amount of revolving credit you’re using divided by the total revolving credit available to you. (Revolving credit accounts are things like credit cards, while mortgages and other fixed loans are considered installment accounts.) Lenders and creditors generally like to see a credit utilization rate of 30% or lower.
  • The types of credit accounts in your name. Some formulas may also consider the types of credit accounts you have. It’s usually a good idea to keep a mix of both revolving and installment accounts. This helps show lenders and creditors you’re comfortable managing many different types of credit.
  • The length of your credit history. The overall length of your credit history can also impact your score. Formulas may consider the age of both your oldest and your newest accounts.
  • The number of recent requests for credit you’ve made. Applying for a new line of credit triggers what’s known as a “hard inquiry” on your credit report. Numerous hard inquiries within a short period of time can negatively impact your credit score as it may suggest to lenders that you’re taking on more debt than you can reasonably expect to pay back. It’s a good idea to only apply for new credit when you need it. Credit score calculations generally don’t consider “soft inquiries,” which are requests to check your credit report that are not tied to an actual credit application (for example, when you receive a pre-qualified credit card offer). Checking your own credit score also will not impact your credit score or credit history.

Why are credit scores important?

Why is it important to strive for a higher credit score? Simply put, borrowers with higher credit scores generally receive more favorable credit terms, which may translate into lower payments and less interest paid over the life of the account.

Remember, though, that everyone’s financial situation is unique. Individual lenders may also have their own criteria when it comes to granting credit, which may include information such as your income.

The types of credit scores used by lenders and creditors may vary based on their industry. For example, if you’re buying a car, an auto lender might use a credit score that places more emphasis on your payment history when it comes to auto loans.

Credit scores may also vary according to the scoring model used and which CRA furnishes the credit report. That's because not all creditors report to all three nationwide CRAs. Some may report to only two, one or none at all. In addition, lenders may use a blended credit score from the three nationwide CRAs.

What Is a Credit Score & Why Is It Important? | Equifax (2024)


What Is a Credit Score & Why Is It Important? | Equifax? ›

Highlights: A credit score is a three-digit number designed to represent the likelihood you will pay your bills on time. There are many different types of credit scores and scoring models. Higher credit scores generally result in more favorable credit terms.

Why is a credit score important? ›

Companies use credit scores to make decisions on whether to offer you a mortgage, credit card, auto loan, and other credit products, as well as for tenant screening and insurance. They are also used to determine the interest rate and credit limit you receive.

What is a credit report and why is it important? ›

A credit report is a detailed account of your credit history. They're an important measure of your financial reliability. Your credit report might be used in a variety of situations, from getting a credit card to buying a house – or even applying for a job.

Do we really need credit scores? ›

Your credit score is a three-digit number representing your credit history that lenders use to evaluate your risk as a borrower. Having no credit score makes it more difficult to access financing for anything from a cellphone to a car or home.

What is considered a good credit score? ›

Generally speaking, a good credit score is 690 to 719 in the commonly used 300-850 credit score range. Scores 720 and above are considered excellent, while scores 630 to 689 are considered fair. Scores below 630 fall into the bad credit range.

What is a simple definition of credit score? ›

A credit score is a three-digit number designed to represent the likelihood you will pay your bills on time. There are many different types of credit scores and scoring models. Higher credit scores generally result in more favorable credit terms.

Why does everyone need a credit score? ›

Here are just a few: Interest rates: If you ever want or need to borrow money (for a mortgage or auto loan, for instance), you'll likely get better interest rates with a higher score. Additionally, you'll likely find it easier in general to be approved for financing if you have a well-established credit score.

What is the purpose of credit Why is it important? ›

It allows you to make large purchases (such as a home or a dental practice) that you otherwise would not be able to afford if you were paying in cash. However, it is very important to understand wise borrowing strategies and money management when utilizing credit.

Why is a credit check important? ›

Mitigate financial risks: Conducting credit checks on clients is an effective way to assess their creditworthiness. By analysing their credit history, businesses can gauge the likelihood of on-time payments and identify potential red flags.

What habit lowers your credit score? ›

Not paying your bills on time or using most of your available credit are things that can lower your credit score. Keeping your debt low and making all your minimum payments on time helps raise credit scores. Information can remain on your credit report for seven to 10 years.

Can I live life without credit? ›

Living well without credit is certainly possible. We'll be straightforward here: Many things in life are much easier when you have a good credit score. But lacking a credit score doesn't mean you'll be forced to go live in the woods. You can theoretically live your life without having any credit to your name.

Can you go without a credit score? ›

Credit scoring models generate credit scores based on the information pulled from your credit report. If you do not use credit accounts, you will not have a credit report, and thus, you will have no credit score. You are “credit invisible” or “unscored.”

What do I need credit for? ›

Credit refers to one of the following: The ability to borrow money with the promise that you'll repay it in the future, often with interest. You might need credit to purchase a product or use a service that you can't pay for immediately, like a car, laptop or home repair.

Can I buy a house with a 608 credit score? ›

Credit score required: 620

Conventional loans are the most common type of mortgage, accounting for about 70% of the market. They usually require a 620 credit score, though some lenders will consider applicants with scores as low as 580.

Can you get a 900 credit score? ›

While older models of credit scores used to go as high as 900, you can no longer achieve a 900 credit score. The highest score you can receive today is 850. Anything above 800 is considered an excellent credit score.

What is the highest credit score to buy a house? ›

There's no single, specific credit score that will automatically qualify you for a mortgage (though having the maximum score of 850 certainly never hurts). However, while lenders might not set precise qualifying numbers, they do have minimum credit score requirements.

Is credit score important anymore? ›

“Many people in their 50s, 60s and beyond think they no longer need to worry about maintaining good credit scores,” said Sean Fox, president of debt resolutions at Achieve in San Mateo, California. “Not true! Credit profiles and credit scores are still important in retirement.”

How can your credit score affect your life? ›

Low credit scores can make getting a mortgage, car loan or credit card harder to get. Here are a few more ways that you might have thought of that your credit score will impact. Utilities: Utility contracts like those for your gas, electricity and water are all essentially a form of credit.

Why is credit so important to the economy? ›

A consumer's ability to borrow money easily allows a well-managed economy to function more efficiently and stimulates economic growth.


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