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Lower CityWalkthrough

Proceed northward to the Elfsong Tavern at X:54 Y:-25. This action will advance the quest "Visit the Emperor's Old Hideout." At the tavern's entrance, interact with Enforcer Skoona, the bouncer. She briefly mentions the loneliness of her role as muscle, and you can humorously suggest she could become a bard if she wished.

Upon entering the tavern, explore to collect Emperor's old belongings. Engage in a conversation with Chef Roveer regarding his presence on the murder list. He'll claim he can manage the murderers while tasking you with dealing with the rats. This will update the main quest "Investigate the Murders" under the "Get Orin's Netherstone" section, as well as a side quest titled "Kill the Rats." Proceed to the Elfsong Tavern Basem*nt, where you'll encounter numerous rats to eliminate. After exterminating them, both the "Roveer's Storehouse" and "Visit the Emperor's Old Hideout" quests will receive updates.

Locate the Wine Racks in the basem*nt and identify a mechanism that opens a secret door. Upon entering this passage, you'll find a descending staircase. Proceed downstairs and open the door to access the old hideout. Upon entering, you'll need to eliminate the Guthyanki forces that have occupied the area. This action will trigger further updates to the quest.

Explore the hideout for useful items to loot, including a silver key located on the central desk. Then head to the right side of the Huideout to find a hidden room where you can loot the Emperor's old belongings.

From the Emperor's Hideout, access the Lower City Sewers through the hatch. There, you'll encounter a bloodied Gale who warns you to distance yourself from a particular "monster." Reply with:

  1. What monster are you referring to?
  2. Gale, you're injured. What happened to you?
  3. Why are you here in the sewers?
  4. Whatever you're running from, it poses no threat to me.

Select the first option to learn that Gale was abducted by Orin the Red and held captive in her Bhaalist temple. He reveals the temple is situated within the sewers and that Orin subjected him to terrible experiences. Gale urges you to run since Orin is formidable. Respond with:

  1. Very well, we'll turn back and figure out how to deal with her. Thank you for warning us.
  2. I'm not leaving you behind.
  3. You won't face her alone. We'll confront her together.
  4. Gale, what did she do to you exactly?

Opt for the fourth option, which reveals Gale's peculiar reaction and leads to his transformation into Orin herself. Confronted by Orin, she questions your presence in the sewers and assumes you're after her Netherstone. She also mocks your concern for Gale. Respond with:

  1. What happened to Gale?
  2. You're welcome to him; I could use some peace and quiet.
  3. Gortash warned me that you might try something like this.
  4. You'll pay for this, monster.
  5. Prepare to defend yourself.

Choose the third option, and Orin will mention Gortash, hinting at her knowledge of him. She refers to your interaction with him and claims that the Murder Lord also desires you. Reply with:

  1. Why does the Murder Lord want me? What's his motive?
  2. If you come for me, you'll meet your god soon enough.
  3. The voice you hear isn't divine; it's a product of your twisted mind.
  4. It seems everyone wants a piece of me. He'll have to wait his turn.

Select the first option, and Orin will mention Ketheric's Killer. She indicates that before you can challenge her, you need to sharpen your skills against a different foe—the Tyrant's Throat. Orin then shifts into Gortash's form, claiming to see his whispers and promises in your thoughts. She explains his desire for the Crown of Karsus, wanting it for himself. Orin expresses her urge to eliminate Gortash but reveals she can't touch him since he bound her blade during their initial encounter. She proposes you kill Gortash, retrieve the Netherstone from his body, and bring it to her temple. After reverting to her true form, she offers to bring her assassins under control if you agree; otherwise, she threatens harm to Gale. Respond with:

  1. So you're betraying your ally? Or are you asking me to?
  2. Very well. I'll kill Gortash. Gale will live. After that, we settle things for the final Netherstone.
  3. Gortash can wait. First, I'm confronting you, monster.
  4. I'll comply. Just promise not to harm Gale.

Choose the first option, leading Orin to explain that they aren't allies, just two forces in balance. Then inquire about Gortash's whispers, and she'll confirm that she sees them. She adds that Bhaal's age is drawing near and insinuates that you could be part of it—an idol of flesh to welcome the coming dawn of his bloody reign. Orin warns not to underestimate the Steel Watch and threatens to harm Gale if she sees you in her domain while Gortash remains alive. Then, she disappears. This conversation updates the quests "Disable the Steel Watch", "Get Orin's Netherstone", and "Rescue Orin's Victim".

After your conversation with Orin, return to the Elfsong Tavern and proceed to the staircase leading to the tavern's second floor. The two Fist guards will halt you, mentioning Devella. Respond with:

  1. Investigator Valeria directed me to speak with Constable Devella.
  2. What's the issue?

Opt for the first choice. One guard will still attempt to stop you, but the other will defer to Valeria's rank and allow you to proceed. Ascend the stairs and enter the door ahead. A cutscene will unfold, showing Devella at the crime scene. While she's frustrated someone let you through, she asks why you're interrupting her. Reply with:

  1. Are you Devella? Valeria sent me to assist.
  2. I'm just a curious adventurer, interested in the scene.
  3. I'm no one important, just passing through.
  4. Your anger is quite palpable. I'll leave you be.
  5. I seem lost. I'll find my way out.

Select the first option. Devella will reluctantly confirm her identity. She'll express that if you lack helpful information, you should leave her to her work, as she's investigating Duke Stelmane's murder. Reply with:

  1. Share about the murder target list you found.
  2. Is it possible the murderer was tied to the Bhaal cult?
  3. With Bhaal's involvement, more is at stake than Stelmane's death.
  4. Best of luck with your investigation.

Opt for the first choice. Devella will be intrigued by your information, updating the Main Quest "Investigate the Murders." She'll elaborate that her assignment led her in the same direction, but she hadn't expected these developments. She explains that a century ago, Sarevok Anchev, Bhaal's son, ruled the Iron Throne, which masked a dark arms-dealing network. Sarevok aimed to ascend to godhood by amassing an army, leading to the revival of Bhaal's temple and cult. Although the temple was destroyed, the cult's remnants persisted, ultimately evidenced by the murder list. Devella concludes that the Bhaal cult has resurfaced, and someone is continuing Sarevok's sinister legacy. Respond with:

  1. Why don't you think it's Sarevok himself?
  2. Do you have any suspicions about who might be behind this?
  3. But Sarevok led the cultists a century ago; he can't still be alive, can he?
  4. I share your concerns. I've noticed an uptick in Bhaalist activity myself.
  5. You should inform your superiors about this immediately.

Opt for the first option. Devella is skeptical that Sarevok is involved, noting differences in the recent murders that suggest they're acts of worship. She explains she tried informing her superiors, but they dismissed it as conspiracy. She turns her attention to you, hoping for assistance. Reply with:

  1. Can't you provide any assistance?
  2. What will you do while I investigate?
  3. How about the other individuals on the list who are still alive?
  4. I'll do my best to uncover the truth.
  5. I've got more important matters to attend to than a cult investigation.

Select the first two options. Devella states she needs to alert Upper City residents and asks you to warn those on the list in the Lower City. After Upper City, she'll head to Basilisk Gate to push her superiors for action. She invites you to meet her there once you have any relevant information to report. This conversation advances the "Investigate the Murders" quest.

After conversing with Devella, descend to the tavern's second floor and exit. Make your way westward until you arrive at the Wine Festival located at X:25 Y:-38. There, you'll encounter Cora Highberry, who's enjoying the wine tasting. She invites you to join her and her friend Roger Highberry. However, Meztli interrupts, offering a solo tasting to Cora. She declines, preferring company. You sense the poison in Meztli's offered wine. Choose:

  1. Cora, that wine is poisonous. This man wants to harm you.
  2. I'll gladly take a glass, Master Meztli.
  3. I'll have to pass, but enjoy your wine.
  4. Let Master Meztli try the wine first, or should I say Dolor?
  5. Attack the poisoner.

Opt for the first choice. Meztli speaks briefly and threatens you before a battle ensues. Afterward, the Main Quest "Investigate the Murders" will be updated. Enter the Highberry's Home nearby to speak with Cora. She'll express gratitude for your intervention and disbelief at the assassination attempt.

Having conversed with Cora and received a reward, head southwest to a flier attached to a wall at X:-168 Y:-72. This flier holds a note from Hag survivors seeking aid against the Hags. Reading it advances the quest "Help the Hag Survivors."

Subsequently, proceed straight ahead until you arrive at Facemaker's Boutique at X:-182 Y:-32. As you enter, a cutscene unfolds, depicting Dolor attacking Devella and her superior, leaving them immobilized. Overhearing Dolor mention a gift for Lord Bhaal, you can react with:

  1. Halt!
  2. Step back. That's my target.
  3. [Stealth] Remain concealed as the dwarf is distracted.

Choose the first option (Astarion Disapproves), prompting Dolor to acknowledge a challenger and triggering another battle. After defeating Dolor, the quest "Investigate the Murders" is updated. Once the enemies are vanquished, Devella expresses gratitude for your rescue. She explains that Doppelgangers ambushed them, paralyzing them before they could retaliate. Respond with:

  1. Weren't you responsible for safeguarding the patriarchs in the upper city?
  2. These doppelgangers appear to be monitoring his advancement. This one seems to be gaining prominence among Bhaalists.
  3. Fortunately, I was here to assist.
  4. It's regrettable. I assume you're swamped with paperwork. I'll leave you to it.

Select the first option, and Devella elaborates that she heard a disturbance while en route to the upper city. She believes these killings are part of a trial, detailing that the document you shared outlines the test. Victims are paralyzed, offered to Bhaal, and framed as the work of the Cult of Absolute. This provides access to a "Tribunal," an initiation for aspiring cultists to demonstrate their dedication. This initiation occurs beneath 'Canduhallow's Tombstones'. However, due to her constraints, she defers the investigation to you. Reply with:

  1. I should probably seek out a hand, then.
  2. Can you pinpoint the location of 'Candulhallow's Tombstones'?
  3. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I'll handle this.
  4. I'll look into it.

Choose the fourth option. Devella plans to head to the upper city, meeting you at Basilisk Gate later. Lastly, loot Dolor's body and acquire the "Hand Bag," updating the Main Quest "Impress the Murder Tribunal."

Devil's Fee

Return to the Graveyard when you are done exploring the Mausoleum by interacting with the door that you came through and head to the Devil's Fee at (X:-35 Y:-11). You will see a tall building surrounded by a wrought iron fence with flowers crawling overit. Head inside the building and you will notice the floor is decorated with red carpets, bookshelves lining the walls, and a wide range of monster skulls are proudly displayed both on tables and on the walls. Interact with these items that you see and upon closer examination, it appears that these items are genuine infernal collections.

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In the middle of the building, there's a trader called Helsik. Speak with her and she will show you her items like dyes, oils, and other items. However, she has more items to sell to you but first, you need to explore and take a closer look at the building. You will see there's a floor above the trader and you can access this by going through the stairs on the right of the trader. Be careful as you reach the top of the stairs as there is a trap waiting for trespassers.

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For now, return to the lobby and examine the decorations that you will see. Return to Helsik once more and compliment her collection of items. She will appreciate this and will now show you her rare collection including Gemini Gloves, Cloak of the Weave, Shapeshifter Hat, and others. She claims that this is her more curated collection and she's willing to sell it to you.

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Speak with Halsik once more to ask her if she can grant us access to Raphael's House of Hope. She welcomes you back to her store and you will get the following options to respond:

  1. Curious don't interest me. I'm interested in the hells themselves- a place called the House of Hope in particular.
  2. Did you help Lord Gortash retrieve some hellish curious by any chance?
  3. Show me your wares. The good stuff.
  4. Leave.

If you choose the second one, she will suspect that you are familiar with the Archduke to know a private matter such as that. You will get the next choices:

  1. I happened upon some of his correspondence that mentioned your dealings with him.
  2. We're old colleagues.
  3. We were lovers. It was all very steamy,
  4. I'm asking the questions here.

If you choose the second one, she will respond that she likes to deal with remarkable people. She will now ask for an offer to help you with the answers you seek. She servers Lord Mammon and he is asking for coin.

NOTE: Some choices may be different depending on your character's class, race, and other specifics.

  1. Toss a coin to the diabolist.
  2. Here's 100 gold.
  3. How about 1000 gold?
  4. Actually, I'll just take a look at your usual wares, if you don't mind.
  5. [WARLOCK][PERSUASION] I'm also of the pact-bound persuasion- don't suppose I can have a free sample?

If you choose the 5th one, she will happily oblige to give you info for free. Attempting the Persuasion check will require you to pass a DC of 10.Astarionwill also give you hisapproval. She tells you that she's known as the Latchkeeper of the Nine Hells and she can break people into the Hells and also shares that she opened a portal for Lord Gortash. Your next set of choices will look like this:

  1. Where in the hells did the portal go?
  2. What business did Gortash have in the Hells?
  3. Raphael told me the Crown of Karsus was stolen from Mephistopheles- were you involved with that?

If you choose the 3rd one she will ask for more coin for information. She acknowledges that the Crown of Karsus has left the vault, and an opportunity opened for a devil named Raphael. He also collects a great deal of treasures in his House of Hope and the crown is what he's lacking. Now, you will get the next choices:

  1. Can you help me break into the House of Hope?
  2. Well, that was interesting but I'd just like to see your wares.
  3. That information wasn't worth what I paid.
  4. Leave.

If you choose the first one, she tells you that it is a ludicrous task and will require a substantial donation to Lord Mammon's coffers amounting to 20,000, you can try to bargain with her by attempting a Persuasion check to lower the price to 10,000. This will require you to pass a DC of 25. You can agree to pay her or come back when you are ready to pay the fee.

The Lodge and helping Omeluum

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Before moving to your next destination, make sure to drop by Bonecloak's Apothecary. If you helpedDerrythand her husband in theUnderdark, their store will still be running, thanks to you. She sells elixirs and some equipment. When you're done, head to the Lodge which can be found at (X:-217 Y:78), and interact with the double doors to go inside.

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Use the stairs on the right of the building where you will findBlurgin one of the rooms. Blurg is a friend ofOmeluum, whom you met while on your journey in the Underdark. Blurg appears to be worried about Omeluum since he hasn't heard from him, who went on an investigation about your tadpole's condition. Remember to ask Blurgif he has anything to trade, as he also sells items in Lower City. Agreeing to help Blurg will give you a new quest:Retrieve Omeluum.

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Your current quest will lead you to investigate the basem*nt of Jannath's Estate. Upon reaching the entrance of her estate, a butler will greet you to tell you that she is not able to welcome any guests at the moment. This will prompt you to look for other entrances through the Gardener's Basem*nt at (X:-251 Y:-86) this is found just below where you talked to the Butler named Tarhun Mnemonis. The door says 'Keep Out' but it is not locked at all so you can just walk inside.

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Next, look at the corners of the room and you will notice a plate with a rectangular shape on the floor and an arch on the wall. Have two of your party members stand on each plate to reveal the door in the middle of the room. You will also need to move the wooden crates to pass through, be careful as you go inside because there is a trap just by the door that will explode if you can't disarm it. Next, interact with the Ornate Wooden Hatch to reach the Abandoned Cistern, a sub-area in the City Sewers.

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Beware of this area as you will find many Bhaalists down here and they are hostile on contact. The good thing here is that upon arriving at the location, you willstand on a tall platform which gives you an advantage over your enemies. When you are done fighting them, make sure to look around and retrieve items from the chests and the bodies of your enemies before proceeding to the next location.

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Grey Harbour Docks and Water Queen's Docks

Next,leave this area to continue your search forOmeluumand return to the Lower City. In Grey Harbour Docks at exactly (X:-226 Y:-147), you will find a familiar face that needs rescuing. Volo is seen captured by bandits led by Churg Elvek. They are callingVoloa fearmonger, an agent of chaos.Astarionspeaks up to get him out of distress and you will get the following options to respond:

  1. Volo has done nothing wrong- you, on the other hand, serve the Absolute.
  2. Ready your weapon.
  3. What crime is this man guilty of? If he is guilty, where's the evidence? Where's the trial? This isn't justice- this is mob madness!
  4. Well, go on then. Do whatever it is you're planning to do to him.

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If you choose the first option, Churg Elvek will claim that your mind has been clouded by the disruptor's lies and will engage your party in a battle. You will be outnumbered in this location as there are 7 enemies, but not to worry, if your party is well-equipped and if you plan your moves right, you will come out of this battle victorious. Volo is still tied on crates along the rails so make sure toreachhim quickly and use 'Help' to free him. Volo will thank you once again for helping him and this event will inspireAstarion'Saving a Fellow Tale-Spinner'.

Continue exploring South of Grey Harbour Docks to reach the Water Queen's Docks. One of their members will greet you at the entrance to carry a certain 'Holli' to her final rest in the Deep Wilds. However, she notices your confusion and asks if you are visiting for the Waveservant Holli's funeral. Now, you will get the following options to respond:

  1. Is that what that singing is for?
  2. Am I interrupting the funeral?
  3. Thank you.
  4. Leave.

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If you choose the first one, she will take it kindly and tells you that you are most welcome and that they have much to be thankful for. Inside the Water Queen's House, you will find a scenic landscape and ponds that trail in the middle leading to the fountain. One of the captains reveals that they believe in offering coin to Queen Umberlee togain blessings during their travels in the sea.

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Continue walking down the path and towards the back of the fountain, to the Main Chamber. You will hear a voice praising the Glorious Wavemother and celebrating the passing of one of her daughters. Flood Tide Allandra Grey, the one who's leading the service notices your presence and asks you what tribute you have to honor the Wavemother's fallen daughter. You will get the following options to respond:

  1. I've brought gold. (500)
  2. I've brought a prayer.
  3. I've brought my weapon to help avenge her death.
  4. Haven't brought any tribute, really.

If you choose the 3rd one, she acknowledges this and tells you that blood must be shed to avenge her. Your tribute is well-received and your next set of choices will look like this:

  1. Did this person drown?
  2. Who's the deceased?
  3. This is one of the more upbeat funerals I've attended.
  4. Nice corpse. What are we celebrating?

If you choose the first one, she will reply with "Yes, thank the Wavemother." They are praising the Wavemother for sparing her an ignoble death, however, she explains further that it was a beast that took her life. She describes the monster as a rusting pollutant that bleeds black blood, destroying Umberlee's pristine waters, she said.

  1. How did Umberlee 'spare her an ignoble death'?
  2. I'm good at slaying beasts- maybe I could help you.
  3. I'm not getting involved in this.

She replies that the queen is generous to those who serve her. She will then ask you to find the master of the beast and slay him, then she will bestow you with one of her most precious gifts. Then you will get the next set of choices:

  1. Where can I find the beast's master?
  2. All right- I'll see what I can do.
  3. Sorry, I don't have time for this.

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She will describe how Holli was found by some fishermen. She was last seen swimming in Grey Harbour. She tells you honestly that they haven't found the lair of the beast and were hoping you can find it during its slumber. Agreeing to help them will give you a new quest:Avenge the Drowned. This event will inspireShadowheart: 'Offerings to the Waves'.

To begin your investigation, one of the things you can do is use Speak with the Dead on the corpse. The corpse known as Holli Daylord will tell you that they were swimming and were attacked in the waters. You will now get the following questions to ask:

  1. Who are you?
  2. Do you remember what happened before you were attacked?
  3. What killed you?
  4. Where were you attacked?
  5. Leave.

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If you choose the second one, the corpse reveals that they remember black blood surrounding them and described the beast as a Metal Monster. The spell's power wanes, and forbids you from asking any more questions. Now, you will return to Grey Harbour Docks where you just rescued Volo to continue your investigation on Holli's attacker.

Return to the docks where you first found Volo then walk over to a group of people gathered near a boat. Captain Sleam is not allowing any freeloaders and a father will not be able to get on board the boat with his family. You will get the following options:

  1. Excuse the interruption, Captain, but can I pay for the father's berth? (1000 gp)
  2. [PERSUASION] Captain... Sleam, is it? It would be a shame to split up the family, don't you think? Let the father go with them.
  3. [INTIMIDATION] I have news for you, Captain: you're going to accept for the price of three and take the father aboard, or I'll pitch you into the harbor. Got it?
  4. Leave.

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If you choose to do the Persuasion check, you will need to pass a DC of 15. The father named Dharin Brislen will thank you and you can now continue investigating Holli's attacker. Unlock the waypoint at (X:-214 Y:-262 and speak with the fishermen attending to their boat next to it. The man named Gowlan will ask you if you have any experience getting oil out of sealed wood, and you will get the following options to respond:

  1. Oil? This isn't black blood?
  2. Have you tried vinegar?
  3. I'm sure it'll come out eventually.
  4. Where did all this stuff come from anyway?
  5. Leave.

If you choose the first one, he will assume that you have been talking to the people from Water Queen's House. Your next set of choices will look like this:

  1. I'm looking into the death of a waveservant- do you know anything about it?
  2. Where did all this stuff come from anyway?
  3. Why are there so many dead fish floating in the harbor?
  4. Is your boat all right?
  5. Leave.

If you choose the first one, he will tell you that they were the ones who found her. He goes on to tell you that they tried to help her when they fished her out of the water but she was already dead.Your next set of choices will look like this:

  1. What happened to her body?
  2. Did you see anything else unusual?
  3. Why are there so many dead fish floating in the harbor?
  4. Is your boat all right?
  5. Leave.

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Then he will tell you that the other waveservants took her body back to the temple. Then he will describe that they saw a sort of wave moving toward the docks when they picked her up even though there weren't any boats around leading them to suspect that it might be something big moving underwater toward Flynn's Cargo, so this is the next area that you will be investigating.

Flymm Cargo

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You will find Flymm Cargo located south of The Blushing Mermaid. The fastest way to get there is to pass through the lodge and around the docks. Use the stairs to get to the lower levels and reach the level below. After a few sets of stairs, you can now see Flymm's Cargo in the distance.Go to the roof of the building by accessing the balcony at (X:-147 Y:-152), rotate your screen facing the North of your map to see a balcony with a door leading to the inside of the building. Jump down and have one of your characters unlock the door by attempting a Dexterity check, this will require you to pass a DC of 15.

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As you head inside, you will find beasts guarding the cargo but no sign of the Metal Beast as described by the waveservants. Luckily, your party is at an advantage because of your positioning which lets you attack the enemies from a safe distance. Eliminate the beasts so you can continue investigating the building. There is a chest below the platform that you are standing on so make sure to check that. Next, you have to reveal a hatch beneath the wooden crates gathered at (X:-161 Y:-140). Move around the crates to reveal the hatch to the basem*nt.

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Down in the basem*nt, you will see a door that leads to a larger pathway. Walk to the right of the path and you will see a crack in the wall with the description 'A greasy, smelly climb down...' Take note of this location in the meantimeand then return from the path where you came from and interact with the door. Next, you will reach a small room with a 'Subacquatic Dock' door at the endof it. This room reveals a much bigger area and you can now see the water down here.

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At the center, you will see Redhammer the Deviser examining something in the water. Walk over to him and then he will tell you that you're not supposed to be down in the basem*nt. Then you will notice the metal contraption in the water and get the following options:

  1. That submersible- why is it here? What is this place?
  2. [DECEPTION] Boss sent me to check up on the situation down here.
  3. [INTIMIDATION] I have questions. You have answers.
  4. You killed one of those servants of Umberlee. Now they want you dead.
  5. Sorry, I just got turned around.

If you choose the first one, he will reply that it's the only port that matters in the whole city. Then, he will ask you if Gortash sent you. Your next set of choices will look like this:

  1. [DECEPTION]Boss sent me to check up on the situation down here.
  2. [INTIMIDATION] I have questions. You have answers.
  3. You killed one of those servants of Umberlee. Now they want you dead.
  4. Sorry, I just got turned around.

If you choose the 3rd one, he will ask if you will make good on that, and tell him that you just want to know what happens in the port to get more information out of him. He will continue to tell you that he uses the port as commanded by Gortash, and he transports whoever he needs to be taken to the Iron Throne. He describes it as an underwater prison and the most secure in the Realms. You will also find out that Gortash keeps Gondians in prison as collateral to keep the Steel Watch Foundry under control.

  1. I'll make you a deal- take me to the Iron Throne, and I'll protect you from Umberlee's servants.
  2. You're going to take me to the Iron Throne- I'm getting the prisoners out.
  3. You're as guilty as the people who imprisoned the Gondians.
  4. You killed someone. You need to face justice.
  5. Leave.

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If you choose the 3rd one, then you will now begin the battle against Redhammer the Deviser. When you are done fighting him, go to the other end of the hall to find a locked Metal Trunk. The submersible in the water can be used to take you to the Iron Throne, but for now, you must leave this area and return to the path that will take you to the sewers. Later on, you will need to return to Water Queen's House to complete the quest: 'Avenge the Drowned'.

Abandoned Cistern

The entrance to the Sewers from Flymm Cargo is located at (X:-1095 Y:337). Interact with the crack in the wall with the description "A greasy, smelly climb down..." and this will take you directly to a trapped path with locked chests in the area. You can also pick up a map with an X mark on it, but you will need to tread carefully. If you haveAstarionwith you, switch to turn-based and have him look around to scout for traps and pick the locks on the chests. These chests can be unlocked either by passing a Dexterity or Strength check DC of 20.

When you're done going through the chests, take a dip in the sewer water and follow its flow, but there are enemies waiting for you on the other side so make sure that you are prepared to fight them. Eliminate the enemies perched on the tower and then carefully make your way to the top to surround them. When you're done fighting them, your next task is to solve the Sluice Gate Puzzle.

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How to Solve Sluice Valve Puzzle in Abandoned Cistern

In order to solve this sluice gate puzzle, you will need to balance the heat and the amount of water flowing. There are 2 valves that you can interact with- The Water Valve on the left and the HeatValve on the Right. This puzzle is dependent on the timing of the valves so do the following:

  1. Interact with the Water Valve on the let
  2. Ready your other character in the other valve and as soon as the Water Valve status teacher the 'Perfect Water' level, interact with the Heat Valve.
  3. If you got the timing correctly, then the Sluice Gate will automatically open.

Take note that if you miss the timing, the valves will cause an explosion that can do fire damage and set the surroundings on fire. You can reset the puzzle by interacting with the valve at the far right, then begin following the solution again. After the fight and solving the puzzle, your next goal is to find Minsc, and before proceeding decide if you will be helping this Human ranger or not.

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You will find a door at (X:-164 Y:879), directly in front of you, There's a loose stone that can be detected if you pass the Perception check. Walk towards it and take the Painted Key from it. Behind the pillar, from where you picked up the key, there's a chest that you can interact with. Open it and take the items. You will find more loose stones here if you pass the Persuasion check, during our playthrough, we found at least 3 of them. To the right of the corridor, you can open the door that will take you to the other side of the sewers. However, you would want to go to the other end of that hallway to reach the Undercity Ruins.

You can reach the Undercity Ruins by walking the opposite way from the door you just opened. Make sure to move close to the Waypoint so you can unlock it and then, at the foot of the stairs, you will find a trader by the name of Bareki, a Voiceless Penitent. You can try to communicate with him, but he is sworn to silence. Make sure to take the time to look at his items for sale before you proceed. You will find a Passageway of Penitence behind the trader but go to the left of the NPC, and this other Passageway will take you to the Ancient Lair.

Ancient Lair

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When you get to the Ancient Lair, you will be faced with two options: Kill Thrumbo and bring his body back to Philgrave's Mansion, or betrayMystic Carrionwhich will progress the quest 'Find Mystic Carrion's Servant'. Take note that you will receive two very different outcomes and different rewards.

  • If you help Thrumbo and betray Mystic Carrion, he will reveal the secret chamber underneath Philgrave's mansion.
  • If you choose to help Mystic Carrion, you will have to fight Thrumbo and receive theTorch of Revocationreward from Mystic Carrion.

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Upon entering, you will dead bodies of humans, and as soon as you loot one of the opened chests, the Undead Foes will get ready to attack you. You can make use of fire spells to effectively fight them off, or use any Radiant spell, as the Undead are vulnerable to these kinds of attacks. This battle will prove to be a long and tedious fight because of their number, so make sure you have healing spells and potions available to you, so you can keep your party alive.

When you're done fighting your enemies, you can now return to exploring the Ancient Lair. You will discover chests that you can loot gold and valuable items from. Some Gilded and Opulent chests will have traps on them, so be careful as you work on them.Inside the lair, you will see a Stone Wall marking, and you can use any of your abilities to destroy it. Once the wall is down, enter the new area.

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This new area is a chamber that contains a book, which reveals that Mystic Carrion's heart is contained in Thrumbo's chest. This will update your quest 'Defeat Mystic Carrion', then, look around you inside the chamber to see a jar that you need to destroy, then head back to speak with Thrumbo, should you decide to help him. You may refer to theQuestspage for more info. Your next objective is to return to the Lower City Sewers and continue exploring the other side.

Lower City Sewers

Return to the door where you first encountered the Penitent Trader and then proceed to the other end of the hall that will lead you back to Lower City Sewers. There's a big door blocking your path so you can either have Astarion attempt a Dexterity check here or go around the other path to encounter NPCs and discover a ladder that will lead to Szarr Palace, Lady Jannath's Estate, and Lorroakan's Portals.

Continue exploring the depths of the Sewers from this path and you will encounter Aelis Siryasius, who has a profound fear or hate, or both for Absolutists and planson turning you intokindling for a funeral pyre. You can try and convince him that you're not with the Absolute, then Aelis will continue blabbering about how he and his group were the best thieves in Baldur's Gate and they have stashed their loot in the Sewers where they are currently safe, while the Absolutists search for them.

However, the rest of his group had joined the cult, as Aelis believes, and he killed them. So now he wants to conduct the funeral rites, for Sarin's final resting place. This will allow Aelis to leave you alone and will not attack you for now. However, if you take him out, you will be able to gain access to his treasure and will solve the Sarin's Skeleton puzzle.

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There is a door right next to where you encounter Aelis.Have Astarion lockpick this and attempt a Dexterity check. To pass, he will need a DC of 10. This will reveal a path to theraft in the sewers, and use it to move forward. This will take you to a path closer to the Lord of Murder's domain. As you jump off, switch into turn-based mode as there are traps set here that will explode on contact.

Upon opening the doors, the Night Blades will immediately become hostile as soon as they see your party enter the room. Eliminate all the enemies that you see here and continue exploring the Sewers until you reach a room filled with Noxious Fumes. On the right side of the wall, look for the lever that will dispel the fumes. Continue to work your way on the right side and dispel the traps that you see by attempting Dexterity Checks.

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Then, jump on the crack on the wall, right on top of the lever that you just deactivated. You will see a breakable wall here and destroy that with Eldritch Blast or other spellcasting abilities to reveal a ladder out of the Sewers.

Entrance to Guildhall from Lower City Sewers

Continue exploring the depths of the Sewers and once you reach the Guild Hall at (X:-12 Y:774), you will see a door with the description "No Entry - No Exit". You can attempt a Dexterity check but you will need to pass a DC of 20. This will give you access to the Guildhall Bar. Directly to your right, you will see Lady Ague who will threaten to kill you, should you cross Nine-Fingers. There are other members of the guild gathered here as well asMerchantsand otherNPCswho offer their services.

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In this section, you will find yourself in the middle of an uprising that was started by the Zhentarim Leader, Roah, and the Guildhall Leader Nine-Fingers Keene. If you choose to side with Keene, you need to inform Roah about your decision, but this will make all of the Zhentarim hostile, and the Guildhall will be on your side. Then, Keene will be grateful for your help, and they will offer to aid you in your fight against the Absolute later on. Otherwise, if you agree to take Zhentarim's side, the fight against the members of the Guildhall will begin and then Roah will become the new leader of the Guildhall and will reward you for your help by joining you in the fight against the Absolute later on.

Continue exploring the Guildhall and you will meet a man named 'The Professor' who will ask which crew you are affiliated with. You will have the following options to respond:

  1. [DECEPTION] Neither. I run a crew called the Wormskulls.
  2. Consider me an independent operator.
  3. I'm not with any crew. Why?
  4. Leave.

Choose the 2nd one so the Professor will leave you alone. He will also warn you to not get involved with Zhentarim. Then you can continue to look around and interact with the otherNPCs. Follow the guide in your mini-map and interact with the door to meet Nine-Fingers Keene, who is in the middle of a discussion with Uktar who is trying to persuade her to withdraw protection from those who failed to pay tribute but Nine-Fingers is firm with her decision and welcomes you into the room as soon as they notice you.

Nine-Fingers Keene will tell you that she plans on burning the Absolute from the city, and if you want to help, she will welcome it. Now, you will get the following options to respond:

  1. What can I do to help you?
  2. Why do I need to help the Guild? I've been doing well enough without you so far.
  3. You can help a companion of mine who needs information-Jaheira.
  4. I need information.
  5. I ran into some of your thugs- the Rivington Rats?
  6. Leave.

If you mention Jaheira by choosing the 3rd option,she will start asking questions about your purpose and your identity. Then, you will get the following options to respond:

  1. Well, you already know I'm a friend of Jaheira's.
  2. A passer-by. I heard you serve good food down here.
  3. Just exploring the local sewer life.
  4. Let Jaheira do the talking.

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If you choose the first one,Jaheirawill give you herapproval. Then, she will ask Keene about a man named Minsc. Keene will respond that they're about to bring him in, but can't promise anything about his condition. Keene believes that Minsc has found a new name and believesthat he is none other thanStone Lord who has been stealing her own territory for his own cult. She claims that she knows where the next attack is going to take place and plans on attacking there.

Jaheira will try to convince Nine-Fingers to call off the ambush and let your party handle it. If you support Jaheira and respond to Nine-Fingers by saying 'She's not alone- she has me.', Jaheira will give you herapproval. However, Nine-Fingers is very stubborn and will not call off the ambush, so instead, you can look around in the Guildhall to search for leads. This will also updateThe High Harperquest.

Return to The Surface, Lower City

As soon as you're done with getting intel, you can return to the surface and complete the quest in Water Queen's House. If you offered to help the Wave Servant, which meant that you would fight Redhammer the Deviser, then make use of the Waypoint in the docks, then walk to the Water Queen's House to complete theAvenge The Drowned. Make your way to the back of the building where the Waveservants are gathered. They will ask you if it's done, and if you killed Redhammer, then you tell them that the beastmaster is dead.

Flood Tide Allandra Grey will thank you for your service and she will reward you with theWavemother's Robe, a very rare clothing that provides Watery Rejuvenation and Temperature adjustment. Make sure to check out theArmourpage for more info.

The Counting House

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Following the events that took place after Jaheir and Nine-Fingers Keene's meeting, you will now continue to look forMinsc. Your next destination is The Counting House, where you will solve the Vault Puzzle and meet Minsc for the first time. You will find this building on the Southern side of the Lower City at exactly (X:-98 Y:-148).

As soon as you enter the building, you will find yourself in a Grand Hall, fitted with a tall ceiling and bright fixtures. Speak with the Head Clerk Meadhoney at the front desk who seems to be worried about something. You will get the following options to respond:

  1. Remind me again where Head Banker Glitterbeard is?
  2. Who is this Stone Lord that has you worried?
  3. I'm not a customer. I'm here because Nine-Fingers is planning something in your vault.
  4. I need access to your vaults.
  5. I would like to open an account.
  6. Leave.

Choose the second option that will prompt Meadhoney to reveal that a man named Stone Lord has taken the Head Banker below. He didn't say where specifically so you'll get the next options to respond:

  1. [PERSUASION] Let me help. I'll go and check on your Head Banker.
  2. Tell me more about this large fellow.
  3. It sounds like a robbery to me.
  4. I want to open an account.
  5. Leave.

If you choose to attempt the Persuasion check, you will need to pass a DC of 18. If you succeed, the Head Clerk will say that it is unusual but will agree nevertheless. He will hand you a temporary vault pass that will give access to the lower part of The Counting House. Interact with the Iron Fence next to the Head Clerk's table, then a guard will approach asking for your pass. Hand it over, and then the gate will be opened to your party.

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There are locked chests here that you can lockpick to loot their gold and some others that are already opened. Take a look around here to get valuable items including gold. Then, interact with The Double Door at the end of the hall where you will see guards stationed at the gate. Before you can go, they will ask you again for your pass. So show it, and then you will be allowed access. Continue following the stairs that will lead to The Vault Door.

Solve the Vault Puzzle in The Counting House

To solve the puzzle in The Counting House, you will need to step on the correct tile in the right order. Doing this will light up the indicators on top of the Vault Door. To do this, you need to ungroup your party first and then move them to the correct tile without stepping on another tile.

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You can do this with just one character, or have your entire party stand on each plate. So as you are facing the light indicator step on the following tiles:

  1. Top Left Corner Tile
  2. Top Right Corner Tile
  3. Center Tile
  4. Middle Row, Right Tile

If you do the puzzle correctly, the Vault Door will be opened automatically. Then, follow the stairs going down. As soon as you reach the door, a cutscene will play showing Minsc and the Bhaal Cultists.Minscwas kept inside a mimic, a monster chest but he would break free from the inside. Then, a clone Jaheira will show herself and claim to be working with The Absolute. She claims that Nine-Fingers Keene set a poor trap for Minsc, and she will ask the Stone Lord to leave, and then they will retreat to the Sewers.

You will be left to fight with the remaining Bhaal Cultists here if you don't have Jaheira in your party. You are now free to speak with the Head Banker who was caught in the middle of this trap. He will ask for your help to get the coin that was stolen fromThe Counting House. He will invite you to look around and investigate the area, then he will leave.

Lower City Sewers

As Minsc believes that he is working with the real Jaheira, he has retreated into the dark with the clone. You will now follow their trace into the Lower City Sewers. You can make use of the Waypoint and travel to theUndercity Ruins, which is the closest one to the Lower City Sewers. Make your way back to The Sluice Gate to reach Minsc and Clone Jaheira's hiding place.

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Go through the pipes and a cutscene will play where Roah Moonglow and Minsc are seen talking. They are talking about their plans and that they serve only The Absolute. Roah speaks about returning to The Guildhall to do their bidding. However, Minsc will spot your party from a distance. Roah will try to run away and the battle against Minsc and his party will begin. Attack the fake Jaheira first, and then knock out Minsc.

NOTE: If you want to keep Minsc alive, make sure to switch to a non-lethal attack. This will result in Minsc getting knocked out.

Then, using your Illithid powers, you can see the image of Jaheira in Minsc's mind. He thinks that you have killed the real one, but you can counter this with your thoughts. Minsc will continue to run away deeper into the Sewers. Follow his lead as he destroys the crumbling wall. This will take you to a small room where Minsc warns you to not show fear and to trust in him. Then, you will get the following choices:

  1. I do trust you. I think.
  2. If this is a trap, you die first.
  3. Can we just get on with... whatever this is?

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Minsc will fall to his knees and appear to speak to a tiny creature. He will introduce you to Boo, a hamster. He calls it a Miniature Giant Space Hamster, and that you will be able to learn the difference in time. Minsc and Boo will join your party, and cleanse Baldur's Gate of Evil together. Invite Minsc to your camp if you have a full party, and he will give you his approval. This will also completeThe High Harperquest.


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Return to the Guildhall once more by traveling to the Revealed Entrace at Lower City (X:57 Y:-96), to settle the matter with Nine-Fingers Keene. At the entrance, you will find Roah Moonglow who has something to tell you after she escaped the Sewers last time. She offers her, and the Zhentarim's alliance with you to purge the Guildhall of Nine-Fingers Keene's loyal servants. She will try to convince you that Keene's guild is undisciplined and broken, but Roah's is still strong.

NOTE:If you choose to side with Keene, then you will have to fight Roah and the Zhentarim. Then, Keene will be grateful for your help, and they will offer to aid you in your fight against the Absolute later on. Otherwise, if you agree to take Zhentarim's side, the fight against the members of the Guildhall will begin and then Roah will become the new leader of the Guildhall and will reward you for your help by joining you in the fight against the Absolute later on.

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Settling this matter will result in a bloody Guildhall, and you will be left to loot the bodies of the Zhentarim. Next, seek out the bloodied Keene who's seated at her desk. She will now offer to help you in the fight against the Absolute. You can also ask her about how she knew Jaheira and what happened to her Guild. TheAid the Underdukequest will also be completed upon defeating the Zhentarim.

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After that, you can now return to The Counting House and return the gold that was stolen. This will complete Return Rakath's Gold, and you will be rewarded handsomely, together with a Counting House Vault 9 Key. You will find this Vault inside the large vault on the walls. You will getElegant Studded Leather, a very rare light amour.

Return to the Streetsof Lower City

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Now that you were able to settle the uprising in the Guildhall, you will now return to the street of Lower City where you will continue your quest related toMystic Carrionand his servant. Move to (X:-10 Y:-158) and you'll discover a hidden stone wall. Have Astarion unlock this door by attempting a Dexterity Check, but you will need to pass a DC of 25. This will take you to Philgrave's Mansion.

A mummy Mystic Carrion will see you right away, and he tells you that you do not have an appointment. He recognizes that you are familiar with the Necromancy of Thay. He will ask you about your thoughts of its contents. You will get two options to respond:

  1. You're familiar with the subject matter?
  2. Oh yes, I loved it. Especially the part about the unicorns.

If you choose the first one, he will suspect that you are not familiar with it and will try to turn you away and will suggest that you return to the domain of the living. You will get the next choices:

  1. Is there anything I can do for you?
  2. Have you anything to trade?
  3. Leave.

If you choose the first one, Mystic Carrion will consider getting your help for a task. He tells you about his servant by the name of Thrumbo who ran away. He is asking you to return the body to him, and you will be rewarded. Then, you will get the following options to respond:

  1. First, tell me why he ran.
  2. His body? It sounds like you want him killed.
  3. Baldur's Gate is a big city/ A name's not much to go on.
  4. i might be able to help. For a fee, of course.
  5. I'll think about it.
  6. You've got a deal.

If you choose the 3rd one, Mystic Carrion will tell you that he has accopmplices, and has led many others astray. If you agree to help Mystic Carrion, he tells you that spirits bore witness to the agreement, and they will follow your progress too, just like him. You will have a new quest "Find Mystic Carrion's Servant." Before leaving this room, make sure to trade with him and take a look at his very rare items for sell that might be suitable for yourself, or your companions.

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Due to the lack of information from Mystic Carrion, you will go around searching the docks and looking for anything related to Thrumbo and his servants. You will find a Strange Beggar Lumbar on the streets of the Lower City at (X:124 Y:-30), just outside the mansion. As soon as you mention the name Carrion to him, he will become hostile. You will get the following options to respond:

  1. [DECEPTION] Carrion means Thrumbo no harm. He sent me with provisions for his journey.
  2. [INTIMIDATION] Either you tell me where Thrumbo is, or I drive my fist through your skull.
  3. [PERSUASION] Tell me where Thrumbo is, and it'll be like we never met.
  4. Leave.

If you choose the first one, you will need to pass a DC of 18. Lumbar tells you that he last heard from Thrumbo that he's going to get them a boat, but haven't heard from him since and he suspects that he must be somewhere near the water.

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You will be able to locate Thrumbo inside Vonayn's Home near the shore in the Lower City. It's close to where Philgrave's Mansion is, and if you have explored this area before, this is where you fought Sea Monsters or Sahuagin enemies that jumped out of the water to attack you. If it's your first time, it will be an interesting encounter. Then, go inside the house next to the pier, use the stairs and you will find Thrumbo hiding in the wardrobe to your right.

NOTE: You can either choose to help Thrumbo or Mystic Carrion. This will reap you two different rewards and 2 different outcomes for this quest as well. However, you will be able to loot more from Mystic Carrion if you kill him, and you can take theTorch of Revocationfrom the chest inside Mystic Carrion's room if you kill him.

  • If you helpThrumbo, this will involve destroying the parts of Mystic Carrion that keep him alive. You will have to travel to the sewers, in the Undercity Ruins and smash the jars containing Mystic Carrion's brain, and liver. Then, you will discover that Mystic Carrion's heart is inside Thrumbo, and he will have to vomit it so you can destroy it. Then, you must return to Philgrave Mansion and kill Mystic Carrion to get theCrypt Lord Ringfrom Thrumbo.
  • If you choose to help Mystic Carrion, all you have to do is take Mystic Carrion's heart from Thrumbo and bring it back to Philgrave's Mansion. He will reward you withTorch of Revocation.

The Steel Watch Foundry

After settling the issues of Mystic Carrion and Thrumbo, your next destination is The Steel Watch Foundry. This is a place in Lower City where you will find many of Gortash's mechanical soldiers. If you chooseto raid and disable the foundry, this will result in fighting Gortash's army, eventually freeing the people from his rule.

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To begin, you need to locate the foundry at the Southwest corner of the Lower City. There are multiple ways to enter but we find that the most accessible area is going through the tracks at (X:-243 Y:-178). This will require your entire party to sneak past the patrolling guards. If one of your party members gets detected, the nearbySteel Watcher will be alerted and will trigger a battle. If you get caught, the fight will be tough but manageable, as long as you only have to fight one watcher at a time. Eliminate the guards so you can continue to head inside.

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Activate the lever to lift the platform to the door's level. Upon entry, a short cutscene will play showing a Gondian named Lowa pleading to take a break. However, the Black Gauntlet Tamia Holzt is unfazed by her pleas, and she takes out a purple crystal and activates Prinski's Motivation sequence. Consequently, the collar placed on Lowa's neck will also light up. Holzt will begin asking her questions about her personal life and use that information against her. In the end, Holzt allowed her to take a break but threatened to take her son's life if she couldn't do a perfect job.

Looking around the foundry, you will see many parts of the Steel Watchers lying around. You will find an arm, a greatsword, and shields, among others. Being on the high part of the foundry, the enemies haven't detected your presence yet. If you interact with the greatsword, the narrator reveals that this was forged in the Upper City, at the Hall of Wonders itself. To progress, allow yourself to be seen by the Overseer.

Note: Some dialogue choices are modified depending on your character's traits, features, proficiencies, and others.

In this playthrough, our character's Religion proficiency allowed it to recognize the uniform of the overseer, that they are a follower of Bane- the god of tyranny. This event gave us the following choices:

  1. [DECEPTION] Forgive the interruption, Dread Sister. I've just arrived for duty.
  2. [INTIMIDATION] I wish to bathe in the blood of these worthless Banites. You can help, Gondians- or you can die.
  3. [INTIMIDATION] Gondians! Fight back! Do not let these people torment you.
  4. [PERSUASION] I am here to help, Gondians. Together, we can free you all.
  5. Touch these people, and I'll kill you.

If you choose the Intimidation check, you will need to pass a DC of 15. The Gondian will hear you and they will retaliate and fight with you. This will trigger a battle between Tamia Holzt and the other guards. After eliminating the enemies, you can now talk to the Gondians. Lowa will tell you that it's not only their lives that are at stake but also their families. She fears that the other Overseer will find out about what they have done, and do the unimaginable. If you speak to the other surviving Gondians, they will feel the same way about what happened.

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While the rest of the Gondians are worrying about how to clean up the bodies, walk up to the metal stairs that will lead to the security office. You will need to talk to a Gondian named Zanner Toobin. You will need to get him on your side and cooperate with your party. Tell him that you have come to free them, however, he will seem to resent what you have done. You will find out that the Overseer has placed a powerful collar on each and every one of the Gondians, which prevents them from retaliating. The Overseer can just press a button and easily wipe out all of them, including their families who are being held somewhere unknown.

If you ask him if he will fight back if you free their families, Zanner Toobin will respond by saying that he'll do more and help destroy the place. He tells you that you will need to infiltrate the foundry to investigate the location of their families. He will ask you to be careful and not get spotted, or else it will mean death for all of them.

Steel Watch Foundry - Lab Level

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Just below where you meet Zanner Toobin, locate the stairs that will lead you deeper into the foundry. You will find furnaces powering the foundry and other guards are stationed here. You can take on this fight as long as there are no survivors and you will also have an advantage over enemies since you have the high ground. Eliminate all threats so you can continue investigating. Your goal in this area is to go deeper by using the elevator within the foundry. You will need to defeat the boss, the Steel Watcher Titan. So keep exploring until you reach the basem*nt level.

NOTE: To successfully save the Gondians, you have to disable the Prinski's Motivation sequence device. This will prevent the Black Gauntlet from harming the Gondians. Make sure to secure them as most guards will have one on them.

The Iron Throne

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Your investigation will lead you to travel to the Iron Throne and to get there, you will use the submarine located in the basem*nt of Flymm's Cargo. Interact with the submarine and a confirmation dialogue will be shown on the screen. Upon arriving, a voice will communicate with you using the tadpole. He informs you that you need to move fast as Duke Ravengard's life is on the line. You will get the following options to respond:

  1. Omeluum? Is that you?
  2. Where are you?
  3. Tell me what to do.
  4. I want to free the Gondian hostages.
  5. Get out of my head.

If you choose to tell him that you want to free the Gondian hostages, he will tell you the painful truth that Duke Ravengard is the priority because the city needs him. Then, you will get two of the choices below:

  1. Fine, where is he?
  2. [PERSUASION] You would let innocents die? Shame on you. I will save everyone, just tell me how.

If you attempt the Persuasion check, you will need to pass a DC of 20. If successful, he will agree that indeed, everyone must be saved. Then, he reveals that the Duke is being held in the security wing. He continues that the prisoners are scattered throughout the prison, and if you want to save them all, then you must be ready to spread your resources or split up the party. Doing this will also getAstarion's disapproval.

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NOTE: By progressing in this story, you will have 8 turns to save everyone before the Iron Throne collapses. Before continuing we recommend equipping boots that give you extra speed, taking potions, or learning spells that increase movement speed. A good example is a Githyanki's triple jump, the Cunning Dash from Rogues, or a Teleport (Monk). Make use of all your turns here so you can save as many as possible. Aside from the limited turns, take note that there are also enemies patrolling about.

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As you go around rescuing survivors, you will find Duke Ravengard held at the Security Wing at (X:35 Y:59). Activate the lever next to the door, to speak with the Duke. Shortly after, a laughing demon can be heard, possibly Mizora's voice because of her contract with Wyll. Shortly after, you will encounter Mizora here, who is planning on collecting the part of their contract, or the life of Duke Ravengard because Wyll chose to break free from the contract in our playthrough. She will then attack the Duke with exploding flames. This could play out differently for you, should Wyll choose differently.

Walkthrough | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (68)

When you are down to your 2 remaining turns, make sure to return to get out of the Iron Throne and return to the submersible. This should give you enough turns to run back. Make sure that everyone gets on board safely, or otherwise, they will be left to die. Interact with the ladder inside the submersible to return to the basem*nt in Flymm's Cargo.

Walkthrough | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (69)

If you managed to save Omeluum who was held captive in the Iron Throne, you will find him again at The Lodge with his friend there. He tells you that he and his colleagues are grateful that you rescued him, but regrets to report that his investigation has ended in failure.

BG3Lower City Map

Walkthrough | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (70)

Walkthrough | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.