Vision, mission, values: why are they important and how to define them? (2024)

Vision, mission, values: why are they important and how to define them? (1)

The vision, mission andvalues summarize the company's main ideas andmission andare part of the business plan. Thanks to them, you andyour employees will have an imaginary map of the company's journey andeveryone will be clear about where you are heading. Such an overview will make planning easier andhelp you make decisions. Find out how to set your company vision, mission andvalues.

Company vision versus mission: how do they differ andhow to define them?

When worded incorrectly, acompany's vision andmission may seem to express the same idea. In reality, mission andvision are related andtogether provide acomprehensive description of the company.

  • A vision statement indicates where your company is headed.
  • A mission statement tells you how you want to achieve it.

Ideally, the vision andmission statements should be unique to differentiate you from your competitors andensure your recognition in the marketplace.

The difference between avision anda mission


  • Focuses on the future.
  • It defines what your company will look like in the long term andwhat you want to achieve.


  • Google: "Provide access to information from around the world at the click of abutton."
  • LEGO: "A global powerhouse forlearning through play."
  • IKEA: "Creating abetter everyday life formany people."
  • Bosch: "We want to deliver superior quality andreliability. In short: we want to create technology that is 'Built forLife'."


  • Describes the present.
  • Summarizes your company's mission.
  • Answers the question of why, what andfor whom you do what you do.


  • Google: "Our mission is to organize the world's information andmake it universally accessible anduseful."
  • LEGO: "To inspire anddevelop the builders of tomorrow."
  • Netflix: "To entertain the world."
  • Disney: "To entertain, inform andinspire people around the world through the power of unique storytelling that reflects iconic brands, creative thinking andinnovative technology."

How to express the company's vision?

A company's vision represents what you want to achieve with your business. We all want to make the world abetter place, butthat doesn't tell customers andemployees much about you.

Therefore, be asspecific aspossible when formulating your company vision. Focus on what makes your company special, what makes you different from your competitors andwhat you stand for. The easiest way to define your company vision is by using the 5×Why method.

How to define your vision using the 5times why method:

Remember when you were alittle kid andyou weren't satisfied with asimple answer andkept asking, "Why?" That's exactly how the 5times why method works.

Think about how you envision the future of your company andwhat you want to achieve. Foreach point, ask yourself follow-up questions andask why that is. After five "whys" orso, you'll get aclearer picture of your vision. Then reduce the answers into ameaningful sentence andyou're done!

How to formulate acompany mission statement?

A mission statement can be simplistically understood asthe purpose, meaning ormission of acompany. It is not just asummary of what your company does, butdefines the means by which you fulfill your vision. Be concise, precise andpositive even ifyour business is dealing with challenging anddifficult topics. Show that you believe in abetter future.

You can best express your mission by answering the following questions:

  • Why do you do what you do? What is the purpose of your company?
  • Who are you doing it forand how? How does your business affect andhelp your customers?
  • What problems are you solving ortrying to prevent? What outcome can customers expect?

Corporate values asan indicator of direction

Values are what your company believes in andwhat is important to it. They are the principles, ideas andrules that guide the behaviour andactions of the company andall employees. While vision andmission statements tell you where you want to go andhow you want to get there, values show direction andkeep you on track to achieve them.

By accurately defining your values, you simplify decision-making andthe day-to-day work of your subordinates while ensuring that they are aligned with the company's vision andmission.

Think about how you perceive your company andhow you want others to perceive it. What do you value andbase your approach to employees, clients, the environment andother areas? Where are your boundaries that "the train doesn't go"? Again, be asspecific asyou can. Forexample, ifone of your values is courage, don't just stop at the word itself, butexplain what it means to you andyour clients. Take inspiration from the values of the Swedish company IKEA.

How to fulfil the company's vision? Set goals!

It's not fornothing that they say agoal without aplan is just adream. In order to achieve your vision, be clear about your path andset sub-goals. Awell-defined goal will open the way to realization.

Be specific, realistic andbold. Goals should be challenging, butalso take into account your current situation, abilities andopportunities.

For clear andprecise goal setting, we recommend using the SMART method. It consists of 5 principles that say that every goal should be:

  • Specific (What does your goal look like? What do you want to achieve?)
  • Measurable (How will you know you are on track to meet your goal? How will you measure progress andresults?)
  • Acceptable (Is the goal aligned with the company's purpose, strategy, andculture?)
  • Realistic (Do you have enough resources - resources, staff, time, information? Is achieving the goal realistic foryou?)
  • Time-bound (In what timeframe do you want to achieve your goal?)

Example of awell-defined goal: Increase e-commerce sales by 50% by the end of 2024.
Example of an ill-defined goal: To become the largest e-shop in the market.

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Vision, mission, values: why are they important and how to define them? (2024)


Vision, mission, values: why are they important and how to define them? ›

The mission statement communicates the purpose of the organization. The vision statement provides insight into what the company hopes to achieve or become in the future. The values statement reflects the organization's core principles and ethics.

Why mission vision and values are important? ›

Together, the vision, mission, and values statements provide direction for everything that happens in an organization. They keep everyone focused on where the organization is going and what it is trying to achieve. And they define the core values of the organization and how people are expected to behave.

How to define your vision values purpose and mission statement? ›

The mission statement defines what an organisation does, the vision statement defines where it wants to go, the purpose statement defines why it exists, and values define how it operates. All of these elements are interrelated and should be aligned to ensure that the organisation is working towards a common goal.

What a mission and vision statement are and why they are important in a few sentences? ›

Purpose of vision and mission statements

Your mission statement highlights your company's core values and helps everybody – from your customers to your employees – immediately understand what your business is about and how you're different from your competitors. Your vision statement serves as a roadmap of sorts.

What is vision and why is it important? ›

Vision gives direction and a glimpse over our life to make our goals and purpose become a reality. In order to understand where we want ourselves to be in life, we must have a clear vision over our life. So, once you understand that vision clarifies purpose, life will become simpler and more meaningful.

Why mission vision and core values are important to students? ›

Students benefit from it, when schools inform their students with their Vision and Mission statements. They will get a sense of purpose and direction, enabling a focused and supportive learning environment.

How to define vision and mission? ›

A Mission Statement is a definition of the company's business, who it serves, what it does, its objectives, and its approach to reaching those objectives. A Vision Statement is a description of the desired future state of the company. An effective vision inspires the team, showing them how success will look and feel.

What is vision vs mission and values? ›

Vision keeps a company focused and paints a picture of success. The company mission is what an organization does to achieve its vision and the master plan for creating value. The mission is how a company puts its purpose and vision into action. Company values define how your company does business.

How do you present mission vision and values? ›

A good mission statement should only focus on what is most important to the organization. It should be brief, clear, informative, simple and direct. It should avoid elaborate language, clichés, and generalizations, and it should emphasize outcomes and the people the organization is serving.

Why is it so important to have a clearly defined mission statement? ›

Mission statements help employees see the meaning and purpose of their work by giving them clear reasons their job benefits a larger goal. Mission statements help employees see the positive aspects of their daily activities, boosting morale and creating long-term employee investment in the workplace culture.

What is the vision mission and values of an organization? ›

The mission statement communicates the purpose of the organization. The vision statement provides insight into what the company hopes to achieve or become in the future. The values statement reflects the organization's core principles and ethics.

How do you define a vision statement? ›

A vision statement describes what a company desires to achieve in the long-run, generally in a time frame of five to ten years, or sometimes even longer. It depicts a vision of what the company will look like in the future and sets a defined direction for the planning and execution of corporate-level strategies.

Why is mission and vision important? ›

Roles Played by Mission and Vision. Mission and vision statements play three critical roles: (1) communicate the purpose of the organization to stakeholders, (2) inform strategy development, and (3) develop the measurable goals and objectives by which to gauge the success of the organization's strategy.

What comes first, vision or mission? ›

The first is a statement of vision. It provides a destination for the organization. Next is a statement of mission. This is a guiding light of how to get to the destination.

What makes a strong mission statement? ›

You want the mission statement to be tethered to the brand and that means it must be memorable. Long drawn out prose is rarely memorable. Do think long-term. The mission statement is an investment in your company's future, so keep it open enough to reflect your long-term goals.

What is the importance of vision mission and values in strategic direction? ›

The Role in Business Strategy:

Mission, vision, and values play a critical role in shaping a company's strategic direction. They provide a framework for setting goals, making decisions, and allocating resources.

Why do purpose and vision matter and how can they be beneficial? ›

When purpose and vision connect, they reinforce each other. They keep our brain in the empathic mode. They harness energy, imagination, engagement, and commitment.

Why is a value statement important? ›

A value statement is a set of ideals that explain what your company believes in and how it operates. It informs employees, customers, and prospects about what principles guide your business. Think of your value statement as the foundation of your workplace culture.

What is the value proposition of mission and vision? ›

Your value proposition is the unique benefit that you offer to your clients, while your mission and vision are the core statements that define your purpose and direction. In this article, you will learn how to align these elements and communicate them effectively to your clients.


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