vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (2024)

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (1) Recipe: vietnamese pickled vegetables

When Jeremy and I were a young couple, we would on rare occasion have dessert for dinner and giggle to one another that this was a perk of being an adult. I defined adult by age. I had no idea what adulthood really meant. I didn’t know loss. I didn’t know illness. I didn’t know that people would disappoint in times of crisis. I also didn’t know that there were those who would carry me through the toughest days with their love and support.

seek the rainbow in the storm

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (2)

Today, I try to walk through life ever-present… to appreciate the beautiful moments be they the hug of a small child, an exquisite landscape, tucking my hand into Jeremy’s back pocket as we walk, hiking into the mountains, stroking Kaweah’s soft floppy ears, sharing a meal with a friend.

at dinner with jennie in sonoma valley (november 2009)

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (3)

Sometimes beauty arises where you least expect it – like all of the peanut butter pies that the food blogging community posted per Jennie’s modest request after her husband tragically passed away two weeks ago. Or in this, my favorite tribute to Jennie and Mikey by my dear friends Todd and Diane.

a fund for jennie
Thanks to the efforts of Shauna and Maggy, we can offer some longer term support. Maggy, Erika, and Aimée have launched Bloggers without Borders and one of their first assistance projects is a fundraiser for Jennie and her girls. Many bloggers are participating by holding auctions and sharing the news. As part of this blogging community and as Jennie’s friend, I’m doing my small part to help and to get the word out.

I’m sort of raffling off two of my 12×18 inch photographs (matted to 18×24 inches, all archival materials) to two winners who will be drawn at random. I say sort of because it’s one ticket per person, but you are of course welcome to donate more than the cost of a ticket if you are so inclined. It’s about helping Jennie more than anything else.

Here are the rules:

1) To enter, donate a minimum of $10 to Bloggers without Borders (donate via the button below) AND leave a comment on this post sharing what you find beautiful in life.
2) This raffle is open to everyone.
3) One entry per person, please.
4) Deadline to leave a comment is 12:00 pm (noon) extended to midnight, Mountain Daylight Time on Monday, August 29, 2011.
5) Winners will be chosen at random from the comments and verified with Bloggers without Borders.
6) The winners are to select a photo of their choice.
7) The photos will ship anywhere (at my cost).

Or if you want to donate, but don’t want to enter the raffle – that’s perfectly fine too! Either way, thank you for your kindness and your generosity.

click this button to donate to a fund for jennie at bloggers without borders

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (4)

a few of the photos the winners can choose from

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (5)

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (6)

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (7)

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (8)

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (9)

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (10)

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (11)

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (12)

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (13)

There is a recipe too since these wonderful people and this incredible community are a part of my life because of food. In fact, I wouldn’t have known about nor made this recipe if Diane hadn’t introduced me to banh mi, the delectable sandwich of her people made with baguette, pâté, cilantro, a protein (pork, ham, etc.), pickled carrots and daikon, cucumber, and mayonnaise. I determined that I needed those pickles. So I made them myself a while back (as you can tell from the henna tattoos on my hand). [NOTE: I pickled cucumbers with the daikon and carrot, but I don’t add cucumbers anymore because their excess liquid dilutes the pickling power too much.]

typically daikon and carrots, but i added the cucumbers too

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (14)


vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (15)

Surely there is a connection between my love of pickles and my love of sandwiches seeing as they keep one another company. I’m discovering that pickling vegetables is not only quick and easy, but a lovely homemade treat to enhance my sandwich experience.

mixing the vinegar with the sugar and salt

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (16)

pouring the liquid over the vegetables

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (17)

Diane’s recipe said something about best results and waiting five days. Heck with that, I was too impatient when I had all of the components for banh mi, so I waited an hour… and it was awesome! These pickles are tangy and sweet with just the perfect crunch (Diane and I are fans of crunchy food – we have entire discussions about this). I think my next attempt will have to be these Vietnamese caramelized pork belly banh mi. I just drooled on my desk. That’s embarrassing…

ready, set…

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (18)


vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (19)

Vietnamese Pickled Vegetables
[print recipe]
from White On Rice Couple

1 lb. daikon, peeled and julienned

1/2 lb. carrots, peeled and julienned

1 cup unseasoned rice vinegar
 or white vinegar
1/4 cup sugar (or more, to taste)

2 tsps kosher or sea salt

1 cup water

Make sure the vegetables are fairly dry (pat them dry) so they don’t dilute the pickling liquid with excess water. Combine the vinegar, salt, sugar, and water together until the sugar dissolves. Place the vegetables in a jar large enough to fit them all and pour the pickling liquid into the jar so that all of the vegetables are submerged. Store them sealed in the jar in the refrigerator for 5 days for best flavor. (I was too impatient and cracked them open after an hour – they were great).

August 22nd, 2011: 9:07 am
filed under asian, good cause, pickles, recipes, savory, sweet, vegetables

vietnamese pickled vegetables recipe – use real butter (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.