Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (2024)

The best crepes of your life…and I’ve been to France, guys. Homemade is best! This crepe recipe is truly my favorite! Crepes are kind of like a pancake in that they are flat and you put toppings on them, but really the comparison ends there. They are impossibly thin but not at all crispy. The are flexible and velvety. They are so buttery and golden, they will make you cry into your strawberries and cream. I’ll show you exactly how to make crepes, step by step! SO easy.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (1)
Table of Contents
  1. The absolute best crepes you will ever have
  2. What is the secret of a good crepe?
  3. Crêpes au Citron (Lemon Sugar Crepes)
  4. Do you need a special pan for crepes?
  5. What is a crepe made of?
  6. Crepe recipe ingredients
  7. How to make crepes
  8. Filling ideas for crepes recipe
  9. Savory crepe fillings
  10. What to serve with crepes
  11. How to store leftover crepes
  12. Can you store crepe batter?
  13. Can you freeze crepes?
  14. Frequently asked questions for crepes
  15. More amazing breakfast ideas
  16. Truly The Best Crepes I’ve Ever Had Recipe

When I was 15 and my brother was 17, my parents went on a trip to Italy without us. It was summertime and we were busy with our lifeguarding jobs (and ok fine, we weren’t invited. Don’t worry I’m not bitter.)

Mom and Dad left us with a wad of cash that was our “Emergency Money.” No discussions were had about what exactly constituted an emergency. We were pretty good kids, though. They knew we weren’t going to be throwing any crazy parties.

But, I mean, we were teenagers. Not exactly above temptation. On the way home from the pool one afternoon, we saw him: the strawberry man. If you’ve ever been to California in the summer, you know what I’m talking about.

The strawberry sellers start popping up every spring (the first one just hit the streets in my neighborhood this week. I practically tripped in my rush to find some cash). The fun part is that you never know exactly what corner they will be on, or how long they will be there, so you have to act fast.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (2)

I can’t tell you the number of times my mom would be driving calmly down the road when BOOM she saw it, and suddenly the car has veered off the side of the road, ready to be loaded with an entire flat of the biggest, juiciest, reddest strawberries you ever laid eyes on. Strawberry haze hits lightning fast.

This exact thing happened to my brother Nathan and I. When we saw the strawberry man, our pupils were replaced with little tiny strawberries, and we rushed home to get the “Emergency Money” because by golly THIS WAS AN EMERGENCY. We bought $40 worth of strawberries (because apparently we needed an entire flat of 10 pounds of strawberries for each of us??)

We came home and made these crepes. Sooooo many crepes. With strawberries inside, strawberries on top, strawberries on the side, and some strawberry jam and soft cream cheese for good measure.

All these years later and I can still taste them. I’ve done my best to recreate what we had that day, but I don’t know if I will ever be able to match the vibe of a teenage summer day with a best friend and Emergency Money and no responsibilities, no schedule, and more strawberry crepes than anyone could possibly eat.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (3)

The absolute best crepes you will ever have

My mom has been making crepes her whole life and is a pro. I took her recipe and compared it with dozens of others, and paid special attention to Julia Child’s recipes (because you know, it’s Julia). Hers were a little fussy in my opinion (do we REALLY need to let the batter rest overnight? Read: NO.)

I’ve landed on my go-to crepe-for-all-occasions that is

  • easy and FAST to make
  • has incredible flavor (thank u butter 🥹)
  • is sturdy enough to NOT tear constantly (while still being incredibly delicate) and
  • can be adapted for both sweet AND savory fillings.

I know you think of dessert when you think of crepes but DO NOT underestimate the amazingness of a savory crepe. I grew up eating my mother’s Chicken Crepes, which are kind of like enchiladas, EXCEPT MADE WITH CREPES (you dump straight-up cream on top and add Pepper jack cheese, and you might die and go to heaven, literally, from all the artery clogging that’s going on, but by golly you will die happy.)

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (4)

What is the secret of a good crepe?

  • Use butter in the batter. Many crepe recipes don’t call for butter, but it adds fat and flavor to the final crepe, making them unbelievably golden and the perfect texture.
  • Use a blender to get your crepe batter mixed really well, lightning fast.
  • Don’t cook in too big of a pan. An 8-inch pan is perfect.
  • Don’t overcook the crepes. They should be soft and pliable, not too brown, and certainly not so crisp that they hold a flat shape when you lift them up. They should be floppy and annoyingly difficult to flip, because they are so soft and tender.
Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (5)

These are the kind of crepes that are dangerous, because once you taste one that you have freshly cooked, eating it right out of the pan, you might never even get to the topping part. They are good just by themselves, the hotter and fresher the better.

Crepes are not hard to make, but there are some particular techniques you need to know to get the flipping part right. Crepes that are too thick (when you pour too much batter into the pan) are not the right texture. You want to pour them as thin as humanly possible, which can get a little dicey when you have to use a spatula to flip it 30 seconds later.

Rips and tears happen, especially when you’re first starting out. Crepe pouring, swirling, and flipping takes some practice. The trick is to just eat the first few that you mess up, right out of the pan, before anyone notices, then you can just present the perfect ones to your family or guests and they will never know. Follow me for more kitchen tips and tricks! 😂

Crêpes au Citron (Lemon Sugar Crepes)

When I was in college, I met a friend (hi Robert!) who had lived in France for 2 years serving a mission for our church. He was always talking about how amazing the crepes were, so we decided to make some together. He changed my crepe life forever that day by dumping straight up sugar directly on the crepe, squeezing a lemon over the top, and folding. It’s called Crêpes Citron Sucre and it has become my absolute FAVORITE. So bright and citrusy!

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (6)

When I traveled to France over 10 years later, I remembered the Lemon Sugar Crepes and was determined to try them the first chance I got. The first evening in Paris, we were at the Eiffel tower and saw a food truck selling crepes. French street food! What could be better!

We rushed over and ordered lemon crepes. The guy poured the batter in the pan, used his fancy T-tool to spread out the batter, and moments later a fresh, real-French crepe was being laid on a plate. He sprinkled it with some sugar and then…reached over to a yellow squeeze bottle and squirted FAKE LEMON JUICE all over my precious crepe.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (7)

I mean, I’m not saying I didn’t have ANY decent crepes in France, but that experience taught me that man, sometimes if you want to get something done right, you gotta do it yourself. I promise, today’s recipe will match the best crepes you can find in France!

Do you need a special pan for crepes?

No ma’am! I like to use an 8-inch frying pan. And about that fancy T-tool I mentioned that the French guy used: you do not need one. I bought one in France because I think they are so cute (I display it in my kitchen) but this tool is meant to be used with a professional enormous crepe pan that is perfectly flat (no edge at all). They drag the top part of the T over the batter after it’s poured, to make sure it’s ultra thin. But it’s not really useful for a pan that has any kind of lip on the edge, which is what you and I are working with. Don’t fret, I promise you can get super thin crepes without the pan or the T-tool. You just need to practice. It’s all in the wrist. 😉

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (8)

What is a crepe made of?

A crepe is made from very simple ingredients: flour, sugar, salt, milk, eggs, vanilla, and butter. The trick is getting the quantities of each just right. I tried it a bunch of different ways to get my recipe to buttery-velvety-perfection (so you don’t have to!)

Like I mentioned, the method for cooking crepes requires some solid technique to get a crepe that’s ultra thin and flexible, and not a crispy mess. I will show you everything in the how to section below!

Crepe recipe ingredients

I bet you have just about every ingredient you need to make these crepes right now! Such a simple recipe with mostly pantry ingredients. The full ingredient amounts and instructions are in the recipe card.

For the crepes

  • whole milk. Really. Don’t use low fat milk
  • largeeggs
  • vanilla
  • flour

For the filling

  • cream cheese
  • powdered sugar
  • strawberries

How to make crepes

Add all the ingredients (except the butter) to a blender, starting with the milk and eggs. This makes it easier on your blender.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (9)

We are using an entire tablespoon of vanilla in these babies. Bring on the flavor!!

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (10)

Dump the flour and salt on top, then blend away. Once it has come together, open the top spout and pour in your melted butter, with the blender on low.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (11)

And voila! That’s seriously it. It takes 5 minutes to whip this up. You can put a lid on this and keep it in the fridge for a few days if you like! Whisk (or blend again) before using, adding a little milk if it’s thick.

Now it’s time to cook. You can start cooking these right away, the batter does not need to rest.

Set a stick of butter by the stove and heat up your 8 inch pan.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (12)

Dunk a 1/4 cup measuring cup right into the blender, you don’t need to fill it all the way. 1/4 cup is 4 tablespoons. So anywhere between 3-4 tablespoons of batter is what you want.

Add about 1-2 teaspoons butter to the pan and swirl it around to melt. My pan was hot enough that it browned the butter right away, this is fine. You can turn the heat down if you aren’t into browned butter (weirdo. I’m judging you.)

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (13)

Then dump your batter in all at once. Immediately lift the pan with your other hand and start turning.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (14)

You want to keep the pan moving constantly to create a VERY thin layer of batter on the bottom of the pan, in as close to a large-circle shape as you can manage.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (15)

You might think it’s time to stop tilting now, but not for me. I despise thick crepes. Don’t stop tilting the pan until the batter no longer drips.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (16)

This might mean that you don’t end up with a perfect circle. That’s ok! Add in a couple drops of batter in the empty spots to fill it in. Or, scrape off the edges that are uneven if that’s easier.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (17)

See? Now we’re cookin. A perfect circle. Even when I tilt the pan all the way up, the batter won’t drip around at this point. Wait just a moment longer…until the batter no longer looks shiny on top, like the photo below. As soon as it starts to look matte, or a little bit dried, it’s time to flip. Can you see the difference?

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (18)

Then shove a spatula underneath as far as you can, and flip.

I can’t believe I don’t have a better photo of a flipped crepe in the pan. Look at this poor guy, he’s all mushed! That’s kind of the deal with crepes though, they are not always perfect, and that’s okay. They still taste amazing. If we had the fancy pan and crepe-T-tool, they would look better. But I promise, these taste great and the texture is perfect.

You would not believe how many times I made Eric help me take these process photos. We probably shot the swirling technique for about 10 crepes, with me taking a thousand photos each time. It’s kind of hard to capture this process in photos, even with a buddy! At least for me, ha, I’m no pro.

We don’t have enough light for photos by our stove, so we would heat the heck out the pan, walk all the way over into the other room by the window, and pour the batter in, doing the swirling over the wood board photo backdrop that you can see underneath. Don’t be like us. Stay right by your stove 😂

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (19)

My one plea: do NOT over cook your crepes. You want them to just be barely browned, or not at all, depending on what you like. But if you have gotten to the point that the crepe has enough structure to stay flat as you flip them, then you have cooked too long. They should be floppy flexible.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (20)

You can see this one has spots that are a little too dark. It’s no biggie you guys. You better believe I still ate the heck out of that crepe. It’s just a little darker and crisper than is ideal.

Okay! Now it’s time to fill our crepes!! The best part!

Add some soft cream cheese and powdered sugar to a mixing bowl and beat it up.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (21)

Add in some vanilla and a lil salt. Then spread some down the middle of your crepe…

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (22)

And top with your strawberry filling. I have a simple recipe for macerated strawberries below, but if you want to take it even one step further, try my recipe for Fresh Strawberry Topping. It’s the same strawberry recipe I put on Strawberry Shortcakes, and it’s unbelievably juicy and fresh.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (23)

Or you could go with simple mixed berries and cream cheese. It’s really hard to go wrong at this point?? Just look around your kitchen, you will find something to fill your crepes with.

Often with leftovers the next morning, I spread crepes with peanut butter and sprinkle with sugar, for a little protein. My kids love it! ↓ here are some more ideas:

Filling ideas for crepes recipe

I’m pretty sure the options are limitless! Think of any kind of food you like, and put it in a deliciously thin buttery wrap and voila, a new kind of crepe is born. My family likes to have everything served buffet style and everyone gets to choose and mix whatever fillings they like to make various concoctions. Here’s a short list of the MANY possibilities:

Sweet crepe fillings

  • Homemade whipped cream
  • Cut up fresh fruit
  • Butter and cinnamon Sugar for a Snickerdoodle flavor
  • Peanut butter sprinkled with granulated sugar
  • Homemade Chocolate Sauce >> super easy and perfect over some chopped fruit
  • The Best Homemade Caramel Sauce >> a light drizzle with some whipped cream = perfection
  • Dulce de Leche from Condensed Milk >> add some bananas or strawberries with this and OH MAN
  • A quick dab of 2-Minute Maple Butter or Honey Cinnamon Butter would make a simple but incredibly taste crepe
  • Turn it into a Strawberry Shortcake Crepe – just add the toppings as a filling in the crepe
  • Pastry Cream >> normally used in things like Bavarian Creme Donuts, but would be AMAZING in a crepe
  • Easy Lemon Curd Recipe >> perfectly tart sweet, and would be so good with some whipped cream
  • Breakfast Banana Split >> add all the ingredients for the split into a crepe!
  • Nutella and Banana Stuffed Crescent Roll >> skip the crescent roll, keep the nutella and banana
  • Many pie fillings will work – it’s like having a pie without all the extra work – try the fillings from Coconut Cream Pie, Banana Cream Pie, Chocolate Cream Pie, or this cooked Apple Pie filling with some whipped cream would be SO GOOD!!

Savory crepe fillings

  • Any cooked veggie you like
  • Breakfast meats like cooked sausage, ham, or baked bacon
  • Poached or fried eggs
  • Smoked salmon and cream cheese
  • Any kind of cheese you like, but a soft cheese would be especially good
  • Creamy Scrambled Eggs for a Crowd >> so creamy, and just minding their business in the slow cooker while you whip up the crepes
  • 5 minute Hollandaise Sauce >> make an Eggs Benedict crepe with some ham, poached egg, and this sauce
  • Chicken Crepes with Jalapeño Cheese >> growing up we ate this baked crepe dish ALL the time, just look at these old old photos, eep!!
  • Real Green Eggs and Ham (Dye-Free) >> ok, how fun would this filling be for a fun St. Patrick’s day breakfast or dinner?!
  • Go bigger than breakfast. Try something like Swedish Meatballs with gravy or Chicken with Alfredo sauce in a crepe!

What to serve with crepes

You can make your crepes (and all their fillings) the whole show, or you can round out the meal with some additional menu items. Between making the crepes themselves and the filling, having crepes for a meal can be a labor of love so if I have sides I keep them very simple. If I am making crepes with a sweet filling, I go for savory sides and of course do sweeter sides with savory crepes. Here are some ideas!

  • Hashbrowns
  • Bacon, sausage, or ham
  • Creamy Scrambled Eggs for a Crowd
  • a fruit tray or fruit salad
  • Strawberry Spinach Salad
  • Best Ambrosia Salad Recipe
  • Classic Waldorf Salad from Foodie Crush
Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (24)

How to store leftover crepes

Crepes are actually quite simple to store! First, make sure they cool completely, otherwise the heat will turn into condensation and the crepes will get soggy. Some people like to separate each crepe in a stack with wax or parchment paper, but I find it unnecessary. Just stack them up on a plate and cover with plastic wrap.

If you plan to store them for a couple days, keep them in a gallon size ziplock bag, squeezing out as much air as possible before sealing. The seal on the bag helps keep the crepes moist. You can also store them in an airtight container, but I don’t have one big enough to keep them flat, which I prefer. They will stay good in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

To reheat, put a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Once it’s hot, add each crepe individually and warm on each side for 30-60 seconds. Remove to a plate, add your fillings, and you’re good to go! If you are adding a savory filling, be sure to warm the filling up separately in the microwave before adding to the hot crepe.

Can you store crepe batter?

Crepe batter is great for making ahead of time. Store the batter in a sealed container in the fridge for 2-3 days. Stir well before cooking. If after making the first crepe, you feel the batter is too thick, add milk to the batter 1 tablespoon at a time.

Can you freeze crepes?

Crepes are a great candidate for freezing, so make a big stack and thank yourself in the future! To freeze, first make sure the crepes are completely cooled. You can add parchment paper between each one (or skip it, honestly they never stick for me), then add the whole stack to a gallon size ziplock freezer bag and squeeze all the air out before sealing.

To eat them after freezing, let the bag sit on the counter for an hour or two (or in the fridge overnight) until they are pliable enough to separate. Add one crepe at a time to a skillet over medium heat and warm for about 30 seconds to a minute until the crepe is totally heated through.

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (25)

Frequently asked questions for crepes

What is a crepe?

A crepe is kind of like a large, flat pancake. The ingredients are very similar: milk, eggs, flour, vanilla, butter, etc. But in a crepe, more liquid is added and there is little or no leavening so it has no rise. This makes for an ultra thin, but ultra pliable and soft crepe.

What are the ingredients for crepes?

You’ll find that while there is some variation, most crepes follow the same recipe pattern. This recipe uses whole milk, largeeggs, vanilla, flour, sugar, kosher salt, and butter.

Is crepe batter the same as pancake batter?

No sir! Pancakes and crepes are similar in that they are round, sweet breakfast items. But pancake batter is thicker and contains a leavening agent to make them rise so they’re nice and thick and fluffy. Crepe batter looks thin and runny in comparison; there is much more liquid added, and no leavening, making the cooked crepe extremely thin and delicate.

why are crepes healthier than pancakes?

Crepes by themselves end up being healthier than pancakes because they are just so much thinner, there’s literally less volume. That being said, I know I end up adding WAY more filling to my crepes than on top of my pancakes so in the end the calories may be a wash. If you’re looking to limit calories (something I personally have no interest in when making crepes 😂), you’ll really want to pay the most attention to what you use for a filling.

More amazing breakfast ideas

I’m pretty sure delicious breakfast foods are a love language. Forget sweet nothings, give me a sweet crepe or an incredible breakfast casserole! Here are some of my favorites.

  • Best Pancake Recipe EVER >> the fluffiest, most tender, stackable pancakes of your life
  • The Only Breakfast Burrito Recipe You Need (Freezer friendly!) >> just like a crepe, the possibilities for filling are endless. A total go-to from the freezer for any meal around here
  • Easy French Toast Recipe (Caramelized) >> legit the only french toast recipe I truly love
  • Best Breakfast Casserole Recipe with Sausage >> everything you love about breakfast all wrapped up in one casserole dish
  • Best Waffle Recipe from Scratch >> I’ve been making this waffle recipe for 16 years now, it’s the best!!
  • Easy Quiche Recipe with Bacon and Spinach >> the more delicate, sophisticated sister of a breakfast casserole
  • Best Recipe for Sour Cream Coffee Cake >> my absolute favorite coffee cake, it’s incredible
  • Shakshuka from Downshiftology
  • Breakfast Pizza from Small Town Woman


Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (26)

Truly The Best Crepes I’ve Ever Had

5 from 9 votes

Prep: 5 minutes mins

Cook: 20 minutes mins

Total: 25 minutes mins

Servings: 18

Truly The Best Crepes I've Ever Had from The Food Charlatan (27)

The best crepes of your life…and I've been to France, guys. Homemade is best! This crepe recipe is truly my favorite! Crepes are kind of like a pancake in that they are flat and you put toppings on them, but really the comparison ends there. They are impossibly thin but not at all crispy. The are flexible and velvety. They are so buttery and golden, they will make you cry into your strawberries and cream. I'll show you exactly how to make crepes, step by step! SO easy.


For the crepes:

  • 2 cups whole milk, don't use low fat milk*
  • 4 large eggs
  • 3 tablespoons sugar, see notes for savory crepes
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla, see notes for savory crepes
  • 1 and 1/2 cups flour, spooned and leveled
  • 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted (for the batter)
  • 1/2 cup butter, for cooking the crepes

For the cream cheese filling:

  • 8 ounces cream cheese, (1 block), softened
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons whole milk, more or less to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt

Strawberry filling:

  • 1 and 1/2 pounds strawberries, sliced or quartered
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons strawberry jam

Other filling ideas

  • fresh lemon juice, with powdered or granulated sugar
  • nutella
  • mixed berries
  • cinnamon sugar
  • whipped cream


  • Prep the strawberries: Wash and hull the strawberries, then slice or quarter so they are whatever size you like. Add to a serving bowl. Top with 1/4 cup granulated sugar and 2 tablespoons strawberry jam. Stir together and set aside for about 20 minutes to let the strawberries macerate. (If you want to step it up a notch, make this Fresh Strawberry Topping, which calls for condensing the jam first.)

  • Make the cream cheese filling: This is optional but SO good. Add 8 ounces softened cream cheese to a large bowl or stand mixer. Beat for 1 minute until smooth and creamy, scraping the sides. Add 1/2 cup powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons whole milk, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Beat well until combined with no lumps, and transfer to a serving bowl.

  • Make the crepe batter: Add 2 cups whole milk and 4 eggs to a blender. (If you don't have a blender, add to a bowl and beat with a hand mixer.) Add 3 tablespoons sugar and 1 tablespoon vanilla. (See notes for savory crepes)

  • Add 1 and 1/2 cups flour and 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt. Spoon the flour into the measuring cups and level off!

  • Blend it together. Melt 1/4 cup butter in a small bowl. With the blender running on low, take the center spout off the blender and add the melted butter while the blender is running. Scrape the edges of the blender bowl and make sure all the flour is incorporated.

  • Set an 8-inch pan on the stove over medium heat. Let it heat for at least 60-90 seconds so it gets nice and hot. Set a stick of butter and the batter near the stove. When the pan is hot, add about 2 teaspoons butter to the hot pan. Swirl it around to coat the entire bottom and up the sides of the pan.

  • Use a 1/4 cup measuring cup to add batter to the pan. You want about 3-4 tablespoons batter for each crepe. (the 1/4 cup measuring cup doesn't need to be entirely full)

  • Add the batter to the center of the pan, dropping it in quickly. Use your other hand to lift the pan and swirl the batter out from the center. Work quickly. The batter sets fast, and you don't want a thick crepe. Continue moving the pan in circles until there is no more liquid batter that will drip around. Try to avoid creating holes in your crepe (this is easier said than done and takes some practice.) If you DO create some holes, quickly fill them in with a tiny bit more batter.

  • Cook the crepe for about 60 seconds. The top of the crepe should look dry and matte, not wet anymore. The bottom of the crepe should just barely be getting golden. Use a spatula, chopsticks, or an offset spatula to carefully lift the edge of the crepe, then insert it underneath as far as you can, and flip the crepe. This takes practice! Don't be discouraged if you need a few tries to get this right. Eat the evidence.

  • When you flip the crepe, it should be very flexible, not flat and hard. This of course makes it more difficult to flip, but a crepe that holds it's shape when lifted 1) either had too much batter poured into it, OR, 2) it was cooked too long. The edges should not be crispy, or if they are, just slightly.

  • Cook on the second side for 10-20 seconds, until the batter is cooked, but not so much that it has time to get crisp. A little browning is okay, but not too much.

  • Remove the crepe to a plate. You can either use a spatula to lift it, or you can lift the pan entirely and flip it over to let the crepe fall onto the plate. Stack the crepes one by one on top of each other on the plate.

  • Decide whether you need to turn the heat up or down. If your crepe has little baby bubbles that pop up right away all over your crepe before you need to flip, your pan is too hot; turn the heat down a little.

  • Continue cooking the crepes until the batter is gone. Sometimes I like to bust out a second frying pan so I can get two crepes cooked at once.

  • Eat hot, and eat them right away! See below for storage options!

  • Strawberry Cream Cheese Crepes: Add a few spoonfuls of cream cheese filling down the center of a crepe. Top with strawberries, and roll up like a burrito. Or, spread a thin layer of cream cheese all over the crepe, add strawberries, and fold into quarters. Top with whipped cream, if you want.

  • Strawberry Nutella Crepes: Add a few spoonfuls of nutella down the center of a crepe. Top with strawberries, and roll up like a burrito. Or, spread a thin layer of nutella all over the crepe, add strawberries, and fold into quarters. Top with whipped cream, if you want.

  • Lemon Sugar Crepes: Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons granulated sugar all over the top of a crepe. Squeeze a fresh lemon over the top of the sugar. Fold or roll and serve, top with lemon zest if you want extra lemon love.

  • Mixed Berry Cream Cheese Crepes: Add a few spoonfuls of cream cheese filling down the center of a crepe. Top with raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries, and roll up like a burrito. Or, spread a thin layer of cream cheese all over the crepe, add berries, and fold into quarters. Top with whipped cream, if you want.

  • Cinnamon Sugar Crepes: Brush a crepe with melted butter. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar (about 2-3 teaspoons cinnamon combined with 1/3 cup sugar.) Roll or fold. Top with whipped cream.

  • How to store: I always stack the crepes on a large plate as I am cooking them. If you are not serving them right away, cover the plate well with plastic wrap and keep in the fridge for up to 3 days. I don't bother separating the crepes with wax or parchment paper.

  • How to store batter: You can make this batter ahead of time. Store the batter in a sealed container in the fridge for 2-3 days. Stir well before cooking. If after making the first crepe, you feel the batter is too thick, add milk to the batter 1 tablespoon at a time.


*You can make these crepes with a lower fat milk, but they will tear and rip a lot more. You need the fat in the milk to help bind the crepes together.

Savory Crepes:

To make these crepes for a savory dish, like my mama’s Chicken Crepes, reduce the sugar and omit the vanilla. Here are the ingredients:

  • 2 cups + 1 tablespoon whole milk
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 and 1/2 cups flour, spooned and leveled
  • 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted


Calories: 235kcal | Carbohydrates: 23g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 8g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 4g | Trans Fat: 0.3g | Cholesterol: 78mg | Sodium: 242mg | Potassium: 150mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 13g | Vitamin A: 517IU | Vitamin C: 22mg | Calcium: 64mg | Iron: 1mg

Course: Breakfast

Cuisine: American, French

Calories: 235

Keyword: crepes

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Categorized as Breakfast, Christmas Recipes, Dessert, Easter Recipes, Father's Day Recipes, Mother's Day Recipes, , Savory Breakfast, Sweet Breakfast, Valentine's Day

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Hi! I'm Karen

Isn't eating just so much fun?
But listen, I'm no chef.
Fake it til you make it, I say!

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What is the secret of a good crepe? ›

Heating the milk to warm, not boiling, along with the butter before adding to the eggs and flour ensures a delicious batter. The warm milk/butter combination allows the butter to 'stay in suspension,' which means the fat is evenly distributed in the batter and the crêpes won't stick to the pan when you flip the crêpes.

What's the difference between a pancake and a crepe? ›

The main difference is that pancakes require a leavening agent (commonly baking powder or soda) to get their signature fluffy nature and rise as they bake on a hot, buttered griddle, while crepes are thin and flat.

Can you make crepes with water instead of milk? ›

Crepe recipes vary, but most include flour, liquid (milk and/or water), and salt. Restaurants usually make them with a specialty pan, but a regular skillet works in any home kitchen.

Should you let crepe batter rest? ›

4. Let the Batter Rest. Once you've mixed the batter, don't cook it right away — let it rest! Crepe batter needs to chill for one to two hours before it's ready to be transformed into fluffy, delicious hot crepes.

Are crepes healthier than pancakes? ›

What's healthier: crêpes or pancakes? A single crêpe has less fat and calories than pancakes because they don't have the baking powder and, so, are less dense. However, they're not less calorific if you're stacking up double the amount of crêpes vs pancakes, so bear this in mind before you get carried away.

Is crepe a snack or dessert? ›

Sweet crêpes are generally made with wheat flour (farine de blé). When sweet, they can be eaten as part of breakfast or as a dessert.

Should you sift flour for crepes? ›

For best results, be sure to use free range eggs and sift your flour. This will make a better batter.

Why add butter to crepe batter? ›

French Crêpe Ingredients

Salt: A pinch of salt enhances the overall flavor. Eggs: Eggs add moisture and bind the batter together. Milk and butter: Milk and melted lend more moisture and keep the crêpes tender.

What's wrong with my crepes? ›

Like a pancake, crepes are relatively easy to master, but the technique isn't always foolproof. If people have trouble with making crepes, it is in one of four areas: not getting the pan hot enough, putting too much batter in the pan, not pouring the batter into the pan all at once, or turning the crêpe.

Why are crepes rubbery? ›

Gluten relaxation: If you have a tendency to overmix the batter, you might end up with elastic, rubbery crepes (too much gluten formed). Letting the batter rest will allow the gluten to relax and will lead to more tender and lighter crepes.

Why do you add salt to crepes? ›

Salt: A pinch of salt enhances the overall flavor. Butter: Butter lends richness and moisture to the crêpes.

Why do crepes taste so good? ›

French crêpe batter typically consists of flour, eggs and milk or water, with butter, sugar and salt as optional ingredients. Brown butter gives an especially deep flavor, and I swear I recall my dad adding a splash of vanilla extract.

When preparing crepe batter, which ingredient will increase the overall richness the most? ›

Water: Water helps thin the batter. Salt: A pinch of salt enhances the overall flavor. Butter: Butter lends richness and moisture to the crêpes.

Should crepes be rolled or folded? ›

Traditionally, crêpes are folded or shaped according to the recipe directions. However, there are many recipes that would work well with different types of folds. Crêpes are also very versatile. Once you have the basic crêpe recipe down, you can use whatever ingredients and folds you like.

What is a good crepe consistency? ›

You could whisk the ingredients together by hand, however, for the silkiest batter, a blender is recommended. The consistency of the batter is key: It should be slightly thinner than heavy cream, with no lumps. Add sugar and vanilla for a sweet crepe; chopped herbs or grated parmesan steer you in a savoury direction.


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.