Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (2024)

We know two major things when we mention food and Belgium in the same sentence. They love their fries unfortunately enough named after the french for the Belgians and their chocolate obsession.

We forget however that, as in with every culture, food has deep roots in history dating as far back as medieval times. Since the country is sandwiched between France and Holland with a lot of German influence, it is no wonder that a lot of their specialties came into play.

Belgium is not only the land of waffles, beer, chocolate, and some of the best music festivals in the world but also Belgian cuisine traditionally prizes regional and seasonal ingredients. Ingredients typical in Belgian dishes includepotatoes,leeks,shrimp,white asparagus,Belgian endives,andlocal beer, in addition to common European staples including meat, cheese, and butter.

Here are some of the most memorable top 10 dishes.

1. Belgian Waffles

Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (1)

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There is no better way to kick this off but with, an all-time favorite. This Homemade Belgian Waffle Recipe is easy and makes delicious, authentic, Belgian waffles! These waffles are perfectly crisp and golden on the outside while being light and fluffy on the inside! Enjoy with freshly cut berries and a good dollop of cream. Perfect for breakfast over and over again.

2. Belgian Beer Steamed Mussels

Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (2)

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Beer and mussels what could be any better? But did you know that over 30 million tons of moulet frites (or fries and mussels) are consumed in Belgium? That’s 3kg per person. They are still reasonably cheap compared to other types of seafood such as clams and oysters and are perfect to entertain guests and perfect to get stuck in with fingers. Serve with a green leafy salad or once again good old french fries.

3. Boulets a la Liegeoise

Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (3)

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In the French-speaking part of Brussels, boulets à la Liégeoise is a very popular dish. Here, the meatballs are served with a rich mixture of beef stock, brown beer, spices, and sirop de Liège, a fruit syrup made from apples and pears, which gives them a distinct sweet taste. This dish will usually be served with either french fries or a potato mash. A very hearty, family-oriented, and satisfying dish perfect for the cooler months.

4. Classic Sole Meuniere

Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (4)

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A Belgian classic that under no circ*mstances is french although a firm favorite of the french! The latter part of its name translates as ‘miller’s wife’ which refers to the way you dip it in seasoned flour before pan-frying it in a small amount of butter. Traditionally, you add lemon juice and chopped parsley to make a rich brown butter sauce. Best served with baby boiled or steamed potatoes. Use either lemon or Dover sole fish.

5. Chicon au Gratin

Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (5)

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A Flemish specialty, endive (which the Belgians call witloof, Chicon, or ‘white gold’), has a distinctive tangy flavor and is a key ingredient in appetizers and starters, as well as soups, salads, and main courses. The dish combines leafy vegetables with regional cheese and prime boiled ham, and you traditionally serve it with mashed potato. One of the most popular comfort dishes within Belgian.

6. Waretzooi Soup

Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (6)

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Waterzooi is a traditional Belgian seafood stew with a creamy consistency. It incorporates julienne-sliced vegetables, an egg, and a cream-based soup. Although it can be found in other Belgian regions and cities, Ghent has specialized in the preparation of the dish, and numerous restaurants across the city offer waterzooi as their signature dish. Interestingly, you can replace the fish with chicken instead. Serve with a piece of warm crusty bread to sauce it all up.

7. Tomaat Garnaal

Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (7)

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Tomate crevette is a typical Belgian starter but also the main dish. Basically, it is a raw, hollowed tomato filled with a mix of shrimps and mayonnaise. It is commonly served with a salad and accompanied either by bread or fries. This dish is eaten cold, which makes it a perfect summer meal. If you cannot get brown shrimps, any other small size shrimps will do.

8. White Asparagus

Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (8)


Within the months of May going into June, Belgium tends to go crazy. And it’s all about this little vegetable: the white asparagus. Softer and sweeter than its green brother, the white asparagus is considered a luxurious delicacy in Belgian cuisine. Since it’s not that easy to grow, they’re rather expensive but believe me, it’s worth it! This dish is usually served with cut-up hard-boiled eggs and a warm butter sauce or even a homemade mayonnaise. An excellent way to start a meal with or for a light lunch.

9. Rabbit Braised In a Belgium Ale

Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (9)

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Hearty rabbit stew with rich, complex flavors and fall-off-the-bone tender meat. If eating a rabbit isn’t your thing, then the meat can easily be replaced with chicken or beef. The results will be the same. In this recipe, rabbit is used as per the old cook book. This dish looks great brought directly to the table where everyone digs in family style. Serve this dish with Belgian fries, mashed potatoes, or steamed seasonal vegetables.

10. Belgium Chocolate Truffles

Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (10)

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Fear not, we left the best to the end! Chocolate truffles are easy to make at home, and something the children can get involved in. Traditionally, Belgian chocolate truffles are made with dark or milk chocolate, with the addition of a nut praline paste. They are home to the most extravagant creations that are, as a matter of fact, really rather simple to the concoction.

Top 10 Best Belgian Recipes (2024)


What is Belgium's most famous dish? ›

Moules frites

Moules frites is Belgium's national dish. Traditionally cooked by steaming mussels in a rich sauce made from butter, garlic, shallots, white wine and parsley (and sometimes a splash of cream), a piping hot bowl of moules always goes down a treat.

What is Belgium national dish? ›

Belgium's national dish – Moules-Frites – has frites as a side dish alongside it. Mussels are popular in Belgium because they are raised in the coastal areas and are cheap compared to clams and oysters. Mussels have a pleasant briny seafood flavor and are prepared in many ways.

What is Belgian signature food? ›

Traditional Belgian dishes are hearty: rabbit cooked in Gueuze, Flemish beef stew, waterzooi with chicken or fish, stewed eel in a green herb sauce, a meat roulade dish called “headless birds”, chicons au gratin, “américain” with fries…

What is the most popular dish in Brussels? ›

Brussels' most beloved dish

For moules-frites, the mussels are cooked in huge pots until their shells pop open. They're then coated in a delicate white wine sauce flavored with butter, garlic, shallots, and bay leaves. A popular variant in Brussels uses lemon-mustard sauce instead.

What are the top 3 foods in Belgium? ›

What are Belgium's famous food dishes? Belgium is famous for waffles, fries, chocolates, and beer. You can have waffles at any time of the day; breakfast, lnch dinner. Enjoy the crispy fries to go along with Belgian beer.

What are 3 popular Belgian foods? ›

What to eat in Belgium
  • Belgian chocolate. Did you even go to Belgium if you didn't consume copious amounts of chocolate? ...
  • Frites. ...
  • Moules frites. ...
  • Waffles. ...
  • Cuberdon. ...
  • Speculoos. ...
  • Pom koek. ...
  • Stoemp.

What is the signature dish of Brussels? ›

Moules. As Belgium's national dish, each pan of steaming mussels is served with a helping of the obligatory chunky frites. Traditionally sent out mariniere-style, with cream, parsley and a splash of white wine, there's also a hearty version with beer marinade worth seeking out.

What do Belgium eat for breakfast? ›

Belgian waffles and pastries are a staple of Belgian breakfast. The most popular are the Liège waffles, made with flour, eggs, and sugar and cooked until they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. They are often served with syrup, fruit, honey, or chocolate sauce.

What do they drink in Belgium? ›

What to drink in Belgium
  • Duvel. Duvel is one of Belgium's most popular pale ales produced by Duvel Moortgat Brewery. ...
  • Witbier. ...
  • Black Russian. ...
  • Kriek lambic. ...
  • Jenever. ...
  • Our Belgium tours.

What is the signature dessert of Belgium? ›

For many, Belgian waffles are the pièce de résistance of Belgian desserts and don't need an introduction. But what is perhaps less known is the variety of waffles which vary by region. Two of the most popular varieties are the gaufre de Liège (Liège waffle) and the Brussels waffle.

What fruit is Belgium known for? ›

Fruit is mainly grown and associated with the province of Limburg, Flanders. Most popular varieties are Conference pears, Jonagold apples, cherries and strawberries. You can get them fresh (if in season) at the local shop and market or taste them in various, delicious desserts, preserves and preparations.

What city in Belgium has the best food? ›

Brussels, Belgium

The quintessential Belgian dish that has to be tried is moules-frites or steamed mussels and French fries, where the mussels come with either a white wine or cream sauce.

What do Belgians eat for lunch? ›

“Coffee is a passion” and frites are so popular at home and as snacks everywhere that coffee and fried potatoes may be labeled Belgian staples. Belgium's national dish is biftek, frites, salade – also the usual lunch for almost everyone.

What is the best food to eat in Brussels? ›

Must-Try Street Food in Brussels
  • Waffles. Obviously. ...
  • Pommes Frites. We would be remiss not to include a Belgian original on the list! ...
  • Meatballs. Meatballs are a favorite for locals and tourists alike, and boy does Brussels do 'em right! ...
  • Grey Shrimp Croquettes. ...
  • Smoutebollen.

What is Belgium most known for? ›

Belgium is famous for beer, chocolate, waffles and French fries. The national dishes are "steak and fries", and "mussels with fries". Many highly ranked Belgian restaurants can be found in the most influential restaurant guides, such as the Michelin Guide.

What is taste of Belgium known for? ›


The store was crowded with waffle-lovers for weeks and he was asked to find a new home. Taste of Belgium was born. Soon after, the first ToB Bistro opened with traditional (and not-so-traditional) Belgian cuisine serving breakfast, brunch and dinner with Cincinnati's finest beer lineup.

What drink is Belgium known for? ›

Beer & Gin

Belgium is justly famous for its brewing tradition, and this tiny country has more than 100 breweries producing around 450 different brews. Some are pilsners, like Stella Artois, Jupiler, Maes, Primus, and Eupener.

What is the most Belgian thing? ›

What is Belgium famous for? Belgium is world-famous for its chocolate, waffles, beer, and its national football team, the Red Devils. Belgium is also home to NATO headquarters and to the EU Commission and European Parliament. Brussels is often referred to as the capital of the EU.


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