This guide will review the easiest locations to teleport to for OSRS Shooting Stars.
Want to quickly find up to date shooting stars across OSRS? Check out the live shooting star tracker. If you would like an in depth guide, check out our optimal shooting stars guide.
How are stars called out in the clan chat?
Type the world, tier, and location. It would look like W###, T#, Location.
For example: w421, t8, Crafting Guild would be a tier 8 star in world 421 at the Crafting Guild.
What discord is used to discuss stars?
You can find the Star Miners Discord server here.
How do I call a dead star?
First and foremost, it is beneficial to mine with others, so there is no point in calling a star dead if it isn’t. Second, you will be permanently banned from their Discord and CCs if you abuse this. Third, to call, world, tier, and Dead. Would look like "W###, T0, Dead". As an example, "W421, T0, Dead". All dead stars are T0.
Can I get a clue geode while mining a shooting star?
Yes, Jagex thought about taking that away, but they changed their mind after community feedback.
Is there a maximum amount of dust I can acquire?
Per hour, yes, at 1,000 for 99 mining.
Optimal Inventory Setup
Suggested inventory and gear setup (add Ring of Elements)
Gem bag
Stamina Potion (4)
Ring of Endurance
Celestial Ring
Prospector Gear (all four pieces trimmed or not)
Desert Amulet 4 (for no water skins)
Agility cape [Graceful cape]
Some items for teleport to reduce inventory (Rada’s Blessing, Book of the Dead, Karamja Gloves).
Items for teleports:
Diary Items
Ardy Cloak
Rada’s Blessing
Mortanyia Legs
Explorer’s Ring
Fremennik Sea Boots
Western Banner
Amulet of Eternal Glory for teleport
Necklace of Passage
Digsite Necklace
Slayer Ring
Ring of Wealth.
Magic Teleport Related
Dust Staff
Tome of Fire
Soul Law Water, Blood, Death, Cosmic, Astral runes with in Rune Pouch (on Lunars with option of Spellbook Swap)
Construction Cape [scrolls of redirection on tele tabs]
Teleport Tablets for Varrock, Falador, and Adrougne.
Book of the Dead [Xeric’s Talisman with farther run, Khardist Memories]
Xeric’s Talisman
Pharaoh’s Sceptre
Farming Cape
Drakken’s Medallion
Ring of Elements (teleports to Lumbridge Swamp stars and Al Kharid Mine)
Quest Cape
Achievement Cape [fairy ring alternatives lunar or dramen staff if using fairy rings and do not have achievement diary completed]
Camulet (unlimited for 1m GP)
Legend’s Cape
Crafting Cape
Teleport Items
Royal Seed Pod
Eternal Crystal
Enchanted Lyre
Master Scroll Book (Mos Le Harmless, Lunar Isle, Nardah, Piscatoris, Feldip)
Replaceable by maxed house although going to house can slow down teleporting:
- Amulet of glory (if not using gems)
Dust Staff
Tome of Fire
Digsite Necklace
Xeric's Talisman
Farming Cape
Legend’s Cape
Achievement Diary Cape
Ring of Wealth
Teleport Tabs, Runes
Way to get to Fairy Rings and Spirit Trees.
Runelite shift-click teleport suggestions:
Desert Amulet to Nardah
Morytania Legs to Burgh de Rott
Ardy Cloak to monastery
Myth’s Guild Cape to Guild
Camulet to entrance for quarry
Rada’s blessing to Mt. Karuulum
House replacements
Top 10 Locations Based on Tiles
As a shout out to the star mining community the clan that is known and you are welcome to join is: Star Miners (friends chat and discord). When that is full, Group Stars (friends chat), and then More Stars (friend chat).
Crafting Guild (with Crafting Cape)
Feldip Hunter Area 1 (tele Fairy Ring AKS)
Myth’s Guild with Mythical Cape teleport
Shilo Village Gem Mine with Karamja Gloves 3 or higher
Mount Quidamortem COX Bank with Xeric’s honor teleport on Xeric’s talisman
Yanille Bank with Yanille Teleport upgrade
South- East Ardougne Mine with Ardougne Cloak Teleport
Draynor Bank with Achievement Diary Cape
Canifis Bank with Kharyrll Teleport
Lletya with Teleport Crystal
Star Miners Discord
Top 10 Easiest Locations Based on Requirements
Due to a lot of the stars needing higher level teleports to get to the landing site conveniently, here is a list of the easier locations to get to quickly.
Rimmington Mines with House teleport (level 40 magic) Rimmington
West Falador Mine with Falador teleport (level 37 magic and 5 agility)
Mining Guild Entrance with Falador teleport (level 37 magic)
Dwarven Mine Entrance with Skull Sceptre (able to defeat at least level 75 Ankou)
South East Ardougne Mine with Ardougne Cloak Teleport (10 Combat & 5 Thieving level requirements for diary)
Shayzien Mine via Kourend teleport (level 48 Magic)
Catherby Bank via Charter Ship (need GP)
Varrock East Bank via Varrock Teleport (level 25 magic)
South-west Varrock Mine via Chronicle (bought from Diango)
Tree Gnome Stronghold Bank via Spirit Tree (Tree Gnome Village requirements and a way to get to a Spirit Tree quickly such as an Ardy Cape or Ardy Charter)
There are 76 possible landing sites in the member’s version of OSRS, and having the optimal teleports for all locations is ideal, but can be a lot to carry on one person especially if a player’s house is not maxed. Hopefully this guide shows you some of the easier locations to get to whether you are a maxed account or an account just beginning. For an in-depth look at mining stars check - optimal star mining guide. To find stars, use the shooting star tracker that shows live crashed star sites around OSRS.
This site will continually be updated with more content. Be sure to check back for other helpful articles. Feel free to reach out to the author with any feedback.