Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (2024)

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ThisTonkatsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe is going to satisfy all of your ramen cravings, right from home. This is the real deal, made from scratch, simmered for a very long time on the stovetop until the bones have broken down. This is the kind of broth that turns into jello when you chill it, and that’s how you know you’ve done it right. That and the milky smooth texture this broth takes on, and with the perfect mouthfeel too.

Use this delicious broth to make a steaming bowl of Spicy Tonkotsu Miso Ramen!

Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (1)

Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe

Homemade Ramen Broth is not quick, but it is easy, and also economical too. Use pork neck bones and chicken carcasses to get the perfect gelatinous bowl of sticky porky ramen broth that you can use as the base for one of the best bowls of ramen you might ever eat.

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Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (2)

Why Ramen? (or rather, why MAKE ramen at home?)

Ever since I had my first bowl of Uncle ramen, I’ve been totally obsessed. Cannot properly describe how good this was. Make up a reason to go to Denver just so you can eat here. Worth it.

I can’t help it. I’ve gone back to Denver twice since that first bowl JUST so I could eat at that restaurant.

Okay – also because Denver is beautiful, centrally located in the country, and has been a great place to meet and train my new team members and have some in-person planning time with some of my crew.

Turns out that Denver, while relatively close to where I’m at here in the Pacific Northwest, is still too far away to go every time I am craving their spicy chicken ramen.

So far my pleas for them to open up a shop in my town have gone ignored, so for now I’m forced to either explore my surrounding areas for something that approximates what they are doing (as far as I know it cannot be found in the South Sound region), or to make my own.

Get all of our PORK RECIPES here!

Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (3)

Is Tonkotsu broth hard to make?

Since Ramen was a really new dish for me, the whole process was something I was pretty unfamiliar with. I mean, I knew it was intense, but I didn’t really realize it was like DAYS OF YOUR LIFE intense.

It is.

The good news is that most of this is hands-off work, but you are still going to be babysitting a pot for the better part of an entire day, and your thoughts will be on ALL THE RAMEN for about a half a week if you are smart like I am and tackle this process in chunks.

I am pretty experienced making homemade stock, so once I figured out that the secret to a good ramen is in the rich pork stock that firms up like a giant porky jello jiggler, I was in my element. That’s my go-to way to do stock for my soups as well.

The ramen broth is the first piece of this puzzle.

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Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (4)

What are the different types of ramen broth?

You may know this, but in case you didn’t – there are a $*(#-ton of different kinds of ramen broth. Here are the most common:

  • Shio Ramen is a salt-based broth that is usually light-colored or clear.
  • Miso Ramen is flavored using fermented soy paste. It is very heavily SOY, and is amazing.
  • Shoyu Ramen is a soy-based broth that is one of the most common.
  • Tonkotsu Ramen is what we are making here, and is pork bone-based, has a creamy, silky texture, and is rich and full of meat flavor.

Check out our Blackstone Yakisoba recipe too!

Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (5)

Will another type of pork bones work?


I was having a hard time finding trotters, which is what most people use to make tonkotsu it seems, and my local grocery store had neck bones on sale for a ridiculously cheap price so I went for it.

I do not regret it.

Not even a little bit.

Start this amazingly easy homemade tonkotsu ramen broth today, and stay tuned later on this week for the rest of the instructions for making yourself a fantastic bowl of Spicy Tonkotsu Miso Ramen.

Tonkotsu Ramen Broth Shopping List

Spoiler alert – if you want to start ordering up ingredients now so they are ready for you to use later on in the week, order these things:

Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (6)

Remember, you might curse me a little now (or on hour 6 of boiling this broth) – but you are going to thank me later.

Featured Reader Reviews

“10/10 fully recommend this. It was a huge hit!”

– Casey from Pinterest

“After moving to rural Texas from London, we were craving authentic Spicy Tonkotsu Ramen and had nowhere to go to get it…So to the internet and kitchen we went! Armed with this incredible recipe, you cannot fail to produce a DELICIOUS and authentic giant steaming bowl of ramen. Took us right back to our favorite ramen haunts! Thank you Nicole!”

Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (7)

Yield: 10 servings

Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (8)

This homemade pork ramen is not difficult to make, but it is a bit time-consuming! Fair warning! The end result is WELL worth it. I'm already planning my next bowl.

Prep Time1 hour

Cook Time12 hours

Total Time13 hours


  • 3 pounds pork neck bones
  • 1 chicken carcass
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 inches ginger, peeled
  • 2 whole shallots
  • 8 whole cloves garlic
  • 3 whole leeks, washed thoroughly and diced
  • 2 bunches green onions, white part only (save the greens for the soup!)
  • 6 dried shiitake mushrooms, rinsed and diced


  1. Place the pork bones into a large stock pot, and cover with water. Bring the water to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Skim all of the gunk off of the top of the water. Dump the whole pot out, saving the bones, and fill with fresh water. This is cleaning the bones and will make a better stock.Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (9)
  3. Place the rest of the ingredients into the post, cover, and let simmer for 8-10 hours, replacing the lost water as necessary to keep the ingredients covered with water. By the end of the cook time many of the chicken bones should be totally broken down, and the pork neck bones should be easily pierced with a knife.
  4. Let cool for a while, and then remove all of the solids you can with tongs and a slotted spoon. Next, strain the broth with cheesecloth or a large clean kitchen towel. I have found the easiest way to do this is to place the cheesecloth in several layers over a large bowl that will fit all of the broth, pour the broth in, and then gather the edges of the cloth together to pull all of the solids out of the broth. You can do this however is easiest for you though!Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (10)
  5. This will make enough broth for many bowls of ramen. Freeze the extra to make it easier next time!Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (11)

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Nutrition Information:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 327Total Fat: 14gSaturated Fat: 4gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 7gCholesterol: 118mgSodium: 164mgCarbohydrates: 10gFiber: 2gSugar: 2gProtein: 40g

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Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (15)

Nicole Johnson


Nicole Johnson, a self-taught expert in grilling and outdoor cooking, launched Or Whatever You Do in 2010. Her blog, renowned for its comprehensive and creative outdoor cooking recipes, has garnered a vast audience of millions. Nicole's hands-on experience and passion for grilling shine through her work. Her husband, Jeremiah Johnson, also plays a pivotal role in recipe development, adding his culinary flair to the mix. Together, they form a dynamic duo, offering a rich and varied outdoor cooking experience to their followers.

Tonkotsu Pork Ramen Broth Recipe (2024)


What is tonkotsu ramen broth made of? ›

Tonkotsu ramen is a deliciously creamy pork bone broth traditionally served up with long thin noodles and topped with a variety of ingredients. In Japanese, the word ton translates to pork and kotsu to bone.

What is the secret of tonkotsu ramen? ›

Keeping the broth at a low, rolling boil ensures that the released fat and particulate matter emulsifies in the broth, which makes the broth opaque and creamy.

Why is tonkotsu broth milky? ›

The finished liquid tonkotsu broth is quite milky white in color. That's because the marrow, collagen and all the goodness of the bones are dissolved and woven into the liquid broth over the many hours of boiling.

Why is my tonkotsu broth not creamy? ›

To get the creamy white soup it's important that you use pork leg bones and the trotters. The white color comes from the marrow and collagen in these parts. Using other types of pork bones such as ribs or neck bones will not give your soup the richness or color.

What pork is used in ramen broth? ›

What cut of pork to use? Boneless rolled pork shoulder is the best cut of meat to use for this pork ramen, as it has the right amount of fat to ensure a flavourful silky broth with tender meat. Boneless leg of pork can be used too.

Should you drink tonkotsu ramen broth? ›

Are you supposed to drink the broth in ramen? You should drink the broth when eating the noodles and toppings as they are meant to be eaten together.

What is the difference between tonkatsu and tonkotsu ramen? ›

In truth, tonkatsu and tonkotsu are very different. The main similarity is that they both feature pork: Ton translates to pig or pork. But the dishes differ: Tonkatsu refers to crispy fried pork cutlets, while tonkotsu is a type of ramen made from bone broth.

What's the difference between tonkotsu ramen and regular ramen? ›

Shoyu Ramen has a clear and light broth that is flavored with soy sauce, while Tonkotsu Ramen has a cloudy and thick broth that is made from pork bones. The broth affects not only the taste, but also the texture and appearance of the ramen. Another difference is the noodles.

Why is tonkotsu ramen so good? ›

A Fine Soup for Fine Noodles

Word soon spread, and it wasn't long before other stalls started cooking up the delicious soup. Tonkotsu soup is made by boiling pork bones for a long period of time. This draws out the umami flavor and converts the collagen to gelatin to give the soup that rich, creamy texture.

How to get creamy ramen broth? ›

Crack an egg directly into pot with noodles (optional) and place lid on pot, allowing egg to steam while we get to our Mayo Hack! Shake well to combine. You'll immediately be able to see how creamy the addition of mayonnaise makes your broth!

Are thin or thick noodles better for tonkotsu? ›

Thin Noodles

Thin and curly noodles are perfect for thicker broths like Tonkotsu or Tsukemen, because of how the broth is held within each curl.

How to make tonkotsu taste better? ›

so here are a few additional topping options for a bowl of tonkotsu ramen:
  1. Fried onions.
  2. Seaweed.
  3. Pickled ginger.
  4. Sprouts.
  5. Miso butter.
  6. Garlic.
  7. Jalapeno slices.
  8. Green chilis.
Oct 25, 2021

How to make instant ramen taste like tonkotsu? ›

Another simple solution is to add some kewpie mayo to your ramen. This makes your broth nice and creamy, reminiscent of delicious tonkatsu ramen from a restaurant.

What is the difference between Tori and tonkotsu broth? ›

Tonkotsu ramen and tori paitan ramen are under this category. Paitan soup is creamy, thick, and made with pork bones (for tonkotsu) or chicken bones (for tori paitan). The soup stock is boiled over high heat for a long time (8-10 hours) until the bones are broken into pieces.

What is the base of tonkotsu ramen? ›

The broth for tonkotsu ramen is based on pork bones, and tonkotsu (豚骨/とんこつ) in Japanese means "pork bones". The soup broth is prepared by boiling the bones in water for a significant amount of time, up to eighteen hours, and the broth is typically cloudy in appearance.

Is tonkotsu broth nutritious? ›

Not only does the umami flavor of tonkotsu delight tastebuds but bone broths such as this have numerous health benefits. The collagen from the bone is said to help health digestive lining, boost the immune system, aid in overcoming food allergies, and improve joint health. So it tastes good and is good for you!


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.