Tips on How to Grow Amazing Tomatoes | Walking on Sunshine Recipes (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Lois · As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. This site contains affiliate links · 18 Comments

If have a vegetable garden, you most likely plant tomatoes every summer. But what if you can't seem to get the tomatoes to grow? Growing tomatoes isn't hard! You just need to follow a few easy tips to grow amazing tomatoes like these in the photo below.

Tips on How to Grow Amazing Tomatoes | Walking on Sunshine Recipes (1)

What are you favorite tomatoes to enjoy during the summer?Do you like cherry tomatoes or maybe grape tomatoes in a salad? Or how about a slice of a delicious beefsteak tomatoes on a grilled hamburger?

One of my favorite ways to enjoy tomatoes is by making Ricotta Stuffed Tomatoes using Italian plum tomatoes.

There's nothing compared to a fresh-picked tomato from your own garden. This week I'm going to share with you a few easy tips on how to grow tomatoes. And yes, that photo above is just one harvest from our garden last summer!

Once you have your tomato plants in the ground, there are a few things that you can do to make sure your plants produce beautiful fruit for you to enjoy this summer. And if you "can" or preserve tomatoes, you'll be able to enjoy fresh tomatoes from your garden all year round.

How to Fertilize Tomatoes

It's okay to give your tomato plants some extra nutrients, but go easy on the fertilizer. Too much will grow your plants into big green bushes with little fruit.

Not enough fertilizer will produce smaller fruit. But what should you use to fertilize your plants?

  • Epsom Salts - Tomato plants love epsom salts. And even if the plants don't have a need for them, adding epsom salts to your plants won't hurt them. Add one or two tablespoons per planting hole to control blossom end rot. Some gardeners will only use epsom salts in magnesium-deficient soils.
  • Eggshells - You can break up eggshells and toss them in the hole before you plant the tomato plants. You can also soak eggshells in water for several days and use THAT water to water your plants. This method works really well with tomatoes growing in pots or containers. Eggshells are rich in calcium which helps control blossom end rot. You can also bury a piece of chalk around the tomato plants to supply calcium. Crushed eggshells work well to keep slugs away.

How to Remove the Lower Leaves

  • Pinch off the lower leaves to create a bare expanse of stem.
  • You can also bury the lower stem, leaves and all. Either method works.
  • I know my husband loves to give our tomato plants a good "pruning" and expose the lower stem. It does work! We usually always have a great harvest every summer.

Should you Remove the Suckers

  • First, we need to figure out exactly what a sucker is on a tomato plant. A sucker is the small growth that you'll see growing out of the branch on a tomato plant meets the stem.
  • If you don't remove the suckers, the small growth will grow into a full size branch creating a much more bushier tomato plant.
  • Some gardeners believe in removing the suckers and other gardeners don't. So it really depends on what YOU like to do. For our garden, we try very hard to remove the suckers because that's what we believe works for our tomatoes.
  • But, we have friends who don't remove the suckers and they have amazing harvests every year.
  • You should always remove the suckers if you are growing your tomatoes in pots and containers.

How to Stake the Tomatoes

  • We like to stake our tomato plants almost as soon as we get them in the ground.
  • That way we don't risk damaging the roots by trying to stake the plants as they are growing.
  • There are a number of ways you can stake your plants.
  • We have never had any success with using the metal cages most garden centers sell.
  • My husband has been making these box type cages for years now and they work really well.
Tips on How to Grow Amazing Tomatoes | Walking on Sunshine Recipes (3)

And I've been after him to make new ones so I can take photos to show you how easy they are to put together, but for now, I hope these photos will help you see how easy it is to stake tomatoes.

Tips on How to Grow Amazing Tomatoes | Walking on Sunshine Recipes (4)

You can see how nicely the homemade wooden cages hold that tomato plants as they grow.

Tips on How to Grow Amazing Tomatoes | Walking on Sunshine Recipes (5)

How to Water Tomatoes

  • Tomato plants hate being sprayed from above, so put away the sprinkler.
  • Water the ROOT of each plant with the hose or a soaker hose.
  • They need deep root watering, not shallow watering.

So there you have it, 5 tips on how to grow amazing tomatoes this summer. Do you have any tips that work for you? I'd love to hear them! Share with me in the comments or join me on Facebook page.

Tips on How to Grow Amazing Tomatoes | Walking on Sunshine Recipes (6)

And just because this is my blog, here's a photo from about 19 years ago of my two children in our very first vegetable garden in Paterson, NJ.

Tips on How to Grow Amazing Tomatoes | Walking on Sunshine Recipes (7)
Tips on How to Grow Amazing Tomatoes | Walking on Sunshine Recipes (8)

Reader Interactions


  1. Shirley says

    Soak banana peels in a quart of water for 2/3 days and use the water to fertilize the tomatoes. The potassium is great for the plants.


    • Lois says

      Thanks for a great tip!


  2. Kaye says

    How can you prevent blight on tomatoes?


    • Lois says

      You can try to add about 1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved into 1 quart of warm water. Adding a drop of liquid dish soap or 2 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil helps the solution stick to your plant. Let me know if this helps you! Thank you for visiting.


  3. Sandra Gaylor says

    The past couple of years our tomatoes have white spots under the skin so when I peal the tomato there are the spots. What causes this and what can I do to prevent it. Before this we had beautiful and abundant tomatoes. Is our soil lacking something? We have planted the tomatoes in different place and still get the white spots.


  4. Catherine Sokolowski says

    My husband is the gardener in our family. He keeps trying and failing to grow things in our yard. I have jotted down all the hints you gave in this post to help him this year!


  5. Sarah says

    Thank you for such an informative post! Definitely inspired me to get started again with growing tomatoes, loved it.


  6. Tisha says

    Great article, Lois! I found a couple of tips I didn`t know, thanks!


  7. mamas*little*treasures says

    Thanks for the advice - we've had tomato plants for several years but really don't know the best way to take care of them, so this post was very helpful. Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty - hope to catch up with you again this week at the link-up. Nina @ Vintage Mama's Cottage


  8. Julie Nyanyo says

    Every year my dad gives me a few left over tomato plants that he's grown from seed, usually very leggy and long over due for potting on. I then race to bring them back to life and give them a chance to fruit before the end of autumn! I'm going to try some of your tips. the eggshell one is new to me. I also think I may be over feeding them in an effort to bring them on, I often get a lot of leaf growth. Thanks for the tips.


  9. Bloggymom says

    Thanks for the tips and tricks!! I am growing tomatoes for the first...ever. Wish me luck!!!


  10. Waco Bayless says

    I hate to sound ignorant but, what are suckers?


    • Lorrie says

      Leaves that suck nutrients but will never produce fruit


  11. Made In a Day says

    Great tips and great post! I stopped trying to grow tomatoes because I had birds/squirrels ruining the tomatoes by poking holes in them. Then one year I had those giant green caterpillars. Maybe I'll try again. Thank you for sharing on Merry Monday! Sharing on FB Have a great week!


  12. Jamie Tomkins says

    Great tips! My tomatoes are having an attitude this year. 🙁 I'll have to try your tips next season! 🙂 Thank you for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty


  13. Megan Chamberlin says

    Awesome tips, thank you! My son is so excited when our tomatoes are ready to pick! Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday!


  14. Gigi WHITFORD says

    Thank you for the tips! We are anxiously awaiting for our green tomatoes to turn red! Seems like the weather this year just isn't working in anyone's favor around me. I like the idea of using the water that the egg shells have been sitting in! Thank you!


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Tips on How to Grow Amazing Tomatoes | Walking on Sunshine Recipes (2024)


How often do you water tomatoes in full sun? ›

Mature Plants: 2 to 3 Times a Week

"Consistency is key here because you don't want to allow the soil to completely dry out or become overly soggy." Expect to give the plants between 1 and 1-1/2 gallons of water each week, in total, distributed over two to three watering sessions.

How does Epsom salt help tomatoes grow? ›

Tomatoes are prone to magnesium deficiency later in the growing season, which can show with yellowing leaves and diminished production. Ultra Epsom Salt treatments at the beginning of their planting and throughout their seasonal life can help to prevent and remedy magnesium deficiency in your tomato plants.

What is the best fertilizer for tomatoes? ›

High quality compost—material that is well-decomposed, dark in color, and crumbly—is the best tomato fertilizer to use regardless of the soil you're working with. Not only does an annual application of compost boost the nutrients available in the soil, but it also improves soil structure.

What makes tomatoes taste better when growing? ›

It's true that a lot of salt can be bad for plants, but several studies and taste tests have shown that tomatoes grown with salty, brackish water end up tasting better. You don't have to live near the ocean to try it for yourself; SEA-90 is an organic fertilizer with sea salt that you can try adding to your plants.

What can I add to soil to make tomatoes taste better? ›

Water and tend to your tomato plants as they grow. Sprinkle a little more ARM & HAMMER™ Baking Soda on the soil after the plan is half grown. Once tomatoes are ripe, put your taste buds to the test to see if the tomatoes planted with ARM & HAMMER™ Baking Soda are sweeter!

What can I plant with tomatoes to make them taste better? ›

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

This herb helps control aphids, spider mites, and thrips. It's also good for repelling mosquitoes because it contains eugenol oil in its leaves, which gives basil its distinctive smell. Many gardeners say that basil also makes your tomatoes more flavorful.

Can tomatoes get too much sun? ›

Tomatoes need plenty of sunlight to produce fruit, typically around six to eight hours a day. Too much sun and heat can cause tomatoes to get sunscald. “Sunscald happens when the tomatoes are hit with the direct waves of the sun without any protection, similar to sunburn on us humans,” says Key.

Is it better to water tomatoes in the morning or afternoon? ›


Water in the morning to the keep the soil moist through the heat of the day. Always water at the base of the plant — watering from above invites disease. Check tomatoes growing in pots often since they dry out quickly. Be consistent — fluctuations in water supply lead to cracking and blossom end ...

What do overwatered tomato plants look like? ›

One sign of overwatered tomato plants is drooping stems and foliage. Wilting occurs when the soil holds more moisture than the roots can take up but it can also mean the soil is too dry and the plants need water.

What is the secret to growing tomatoes? ›

Tomatoes LOVE sunshine! A position in full sun (that means an average of at least 6 hours a day) gives the best results in most areas. Sunshine is like water, and they'll soak it up and produce more fruit! Also, make sure your tomatoes aren't too crowded so the sunshine can reach their lower leaves.

Do coffee grounds help tomato plants? ›

Coffee grounds are packed with nutrients that tomato plants love, like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. They help improve soil structure and promote microbial activity, which can lead to healthier, more robust tomato plants. Plus, they may even help deter certain pests.

Do eggshells help tomato plants? ›

Most of us have heard that eggshells can help increase the calcium in our garden soil, and some of us may have even tried it in our own yards. The goal is to help prevent blossom end rot on tomatoes and other plants affected by calcium deficiency. As it turns out, using eggshells really doesn't fix anything.

What is the trick to planting tomatoes? ›

Plant Stems Deep

Plant your tomato plants deeper by burying them up to the top few leaves. It's a hack used by many gardeners that helps tomatoes develop roots all along their stems for a stronger plant. Dig a deep hole or simply dig a shallow trench and lay the plant sideways.

What makes tomatoes grow bigger? ›

Tomatoes prefer full sun. For the best growth and fruit production, choose an area of the garden where tomato plants will receive a minimum eight hours of direct sunlight per day. Provide proper spacing. Crowding tomato plants increases competition for needed resources, which can reduce fruit size.

Is baking soda good for tomato plants? ›

To create a solution that prevents and treats disease, add a heaping tablespoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of vegetable oil, and a small amount of mild soap to a gallon of water and spray the tomato plants with this solution. This needs to be reapplied regularly to maintain its efficiency.


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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