Tigernut Flour: 25+ Favorite AIP Recipes - Gutsy By Nature (2024)

What is a “tigernut” and why is it allowed on AIP?

Tigernuts win the prize for having both the most interesting and misleading name I have ever encountered. They have nothing to do with tigers or any part of their anatomy, nor are they nuts at all. They are actually very small root vegetables that originate in Africa and may have made up as much as 80% of our Paleo ancestors’ diet! They are currently cultivated in West Africa and in Spain, but I suspect that as more people learn of their nutritional content and versatility, this will expand.

You can get whole and sliced tigernuts, but my favorite way to work them into my diet is by using the flour. It has a lovely texture and works will in all sorts of recipes, whether you are looking for a crispy or a moist texture. It also performs well with egg replacements, which makes it ideal for AIP baking. And I have discovered that it is a very good substitute in recipes that call for almond flour, which gives you many more options in the world of grain free or “Paleo” baking. The flour is made by finely grinding the dried tubers and the brand that I have personally tested is Organic Gemini. You may be able to find this in very well stocked grocery or health food stores, or you can purchase online.

Tigernut Flour: 25+ Favorite AIP Recipes - Gutsy By Nature (2)

Tigernuts are nutrient dense

Unlike many other gluten free or grain free flour substitutes, tigernut flour actually has a lot going for it, nutritionally speaking! It is a great source of resistant starch, which is a prebiotic that helps the good bugs grow in our intestines. And according to the leading manufacturer of tigernut flour, they also pack a good amount of vitamins E, C, and B6 as well as the minerals magnesium, iron, and zinc.

So, how do you use it? Well, for that I turned to the many talented AIP bloggers creating recipes today and have cataloged the best here. I suspect this list will grow as more people learn of tigernut flour and look forward to adding to this post over time.

AIP Peanut Butter Substitute

Are you a lover of peanut or other nut butters and sad you can’t have them on the elimination phase of AIP? Well, then you will love these two recipes.

If you don’t want to make it yourself, you can now purchase jars of tigernut butter from ShopAIP!

Tigernut Flour: 25+ Favorite AIP Recipes - Gutsy By Nature (3)

AIP Desserts

Yes, there is room for dessert when you are on a healing protocol like AIP… just make sure it is truly just dessert and doesn’t replace the rest of your nutrient dense diet. These desserts made with tigernut flour are so good you could serve them to anyone… but you may want to keep them all for yourself!

Tigernut Flour: 25+ Favorite AIP Recipes - Gutsy By Nature (4)

AIP Cookies & Candy

I adore these cinnamon cookies pictured below almost as much as adore the person who created the recipe! I was fortunate to have a sample of them made by Sophie herself the one time we met in person. Now whenever I make them I think of her!

Tigernut Flour: 25+ Favorite AIP Recipes - Gutsy By Nature (5)

AIP Energy Bites

As I mentioned above, tigernut flour actually contains a number of very beneficial micronutrients. There is also some evidence that the resistant starch that makes it such food for our gut microbiome is degraded by heat, so enjoying the flour in un-cooked form is a great idea! Just go slowly and be cautious if you have digestive issues or have had trouble with other forms of resistant starch in the past.

AIP Treats For One

This is the category that I really hope my blogging friends keep working on! Sometimes we just one a little something for ourselves, you know?

Tigernut Flour: 25+ Favorite AIP Recipes - Gutsy By Nature (6)

AIP Waffles, Donuts, Muffins, and other Breakfast Treats

Here is my catch-all category of all those little things you might serve for breakfast. Again, your nutrient dense AIP diet should mostly be made up of healthy protein and lots of vegetables, but some tigernut waffles or biscotti or even AIP donuts are fine once in a while!

Tigernut Flour: 25+ Favorite AIP Recipes - Gutsy By Nature (7)

AIP Savory Dishes

Finally, tigernut flour can also be used in savory dishes. It makes a great binder for meatballs and I’ve been experimenting with it as a breading as well. This recipe uses it to make a “peanut” sauce…

Want even more delicious AIP recipes like this? Check out this roundup of 40+ recipes that feature cassava flour!

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Tigernut Flour: 25+ Favorite AIP Recipes - Gutsy By Nature (9)

Tigernut Flour: 25+ Favorite AIP Recipes - Gutsy By Nature (2024)


Is tigernut flour allowed on AIP? ›

The “gluten-free” worlds newest flour is Tigernut Flour. It isn't a nut as the name implies but actually a small root found in Northern Africa and the Mediteranean that has been cultivated for centuries. It's completely gluten-free and Paleo/AIP.

Is tigernut flour anti inflammatory? ›

Tigernut flour is also a good source of healthy fats, specifically monounsaturated fats like those found in olive oil. These fats are beneficial for heart health and can help reduce inflammation in the body.

Is tigernut flour better than almond flour? ›

As far as taste goes, they both have a delicious, nutty flavor. Tigernut flour tends to be sweeter. Nutrition wise, tigernut flour is lower in fat and protein, and higher in carbs than almond flour. It has less calcium and potassium per serving, but more iron.

Is tigernut flour alkaline? ›

Enjoy in muesli, porridge, desserts, bars, shakes, smoothies and for baking - tiger nut flour can be used in many ways. It is also ideal as part of an alkaline diet.

Does tigernut flour raise blood sugar? ›

Lowers blood sugar levels

The high insoluble dietary fiber content of tiger nuts helps regulate blood sugar levels. Because fiber slows down sugar absorption in the gut, eating high-fiber foods like tiger nuts do not cause sudden blood sugar spikes.

What are the disadvantages of tiger nuts? ›

On the downside, the fibrous nature of tiger nuts can cause bloating and gas, especially if you have digestive disorders. It may help to increase fiber intake slowly, as well as germinating or roasting the tiger nuts to improve digestion, Culbertson suggests.

What does tiger nut do in a woman's body? ›

From improving digestion and managing weight to boosting fertility and enhancing skin health, these small but mighty tubers are an excellent addition to any diet. With their high fiber, protein, and healthy fat content, tiger nuts can also help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

Is tigernut flour hard to digest? ›

However, the positives to tigernut flour are that it's lower in hard to digest fiber like coconut flour, less starchy than cassava flour, and unlike almond flour, it's actually nut free.

What is another name for tiger nut flour? ›

Tiger nut (or chufa nut) flour, which is ground from tubers that grow on the yellow nutsedge plant, is gaining popularity globally as the perfect substitute for wheat flour, given its gluten-free properties, its status as a super food and its natural sweet taste.

Is tiger nut flour high in carbs? ›

Talk about a Paleo-approved food! Admittedly, tiger nut flour, which is rich in many vitamins and minerals, is not ultra low in carbs. You still have to watch your net carb count when you bake with it. But at only 9 net grams of carbs per cup, tiger nuts contain just one-tenth the net carbs of wheat flour.

Is tigernut flour healthy? ›

Baking with tiger nut flour is a popular choice for its impressive nutritional profile and the fact that it has a subtle taste comparable to other nut flours—but with less fat and more prebiotic fiber, potassium, and other essential nutrients.

Is TigerNut flour AIP friendly? ›

Tigernuts, despite the very confusing name, are not nuts. They're small tubers – root vegetables, sort of like sweet potatoes. Because they're not nuts, they make a great flour for those with nut sensitiviies, allergies, and anyone on a nut-free diet like AIP.

Which nut flour is healthiest? ›

Summary: Almond flour is lower in carbs and more nutrient-dense than wheat and coconut flours. It also has less phytic acid, which means you receive more nutrients when you eat foods containing it.

How do you eat TigerNut flour? ›

Tiger nut flour is a bit sweeter than most grains, owing to natural sugars in the root. It's best to mix this ingredient with another flour (like coconut, arrowroot or almond) for the best baking results. Use it as a binding ingredient in veggie burgers, black bean patties, meatloaf, and other savory dishes.

Are any nuts AIP compliant? ›

AIP requires that you eat no nuts during elimination phase. It's best to avoid nuts during the active phase of an autoimmune condition because they contain so many different proteins that can act as allergens.

Is tigernut flour keto friendly? ›

Tiger nut flour is ideal for gluten-free, grain-free, nut-free, vegan, keto and paleo diets and can be cooked, baked or fried.

Is tigernut flour lectin free? ›

Types of lectin-free, gluten-free flours

The root flours: cassava, tapioca, arrowroot, tigernut, sweet potato. The banana/vegetable flours: green banana, green plantain, cauliflower.

Is tigernut flour nut free? ›

They're totally gluten free, nut free, grain free, and tigernut flour is wonderful alternative for those who are following protocols like a paleo diet or autoimmune protocol. If you live in a house with lots of allergies and intolerances, it's a great option.


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.