This measurement is more than 2,200 years old, and its accuracy is remarkable (2024)

There are so many negative numbers and statistics flying around at the moment,it's a little overwhelming.

So let metell you an inspiringstory about numbers: it willbea relief to think about something else for a few minutes.

Travel back in time

About 2,250 years ago, there was a man called Eratosthenes.

He wasone of those ancient Greeks who changed the world.

He was a polymath,someone with expert knowledge of a range of topics.

A mathematician, geographer, astronomer, philosopher, poet, and music theorist.

He'sfamous for being the first person known to have measured the earth's circumference.

How did he do it?

It's surprisingly simple.You just need some basic geometry.

Watch the short clip below of the great Carl Sagan to see how it was done.

I've set it to play from the 4 min 11 sec mark, because that's where Sagan explains the calculations. But the few minutes before thatpoint are also wonderful.

In case you couldn't watch or hear the video, I'll explain the story quickly.

Around 245 BC, when Eratosthenes was in his 30s, he was working as a librarian in the famous Library of Alexandria in Egypt.

It was there where he read about a water well in the city of Syene(modern-day Aswan in southern Egypt).

At midday every summer solstice,the sun would shine directly down into the well, illuminating the waterat the bottom - but casting no shadow on the walls of the well.

Itmeant the sun sat directly above Syene at that exact moment.

So Eratosthenes wondered, if he stuck a pole in the ground in Alexandria at thatsame moment, would it cast a shadow?

And it turns out it did.

What did it prove?

His little experiment demonstrated that the surface of the earth was curved like a sphere.

Why? Because his pole in Alexandria was sticking straight into the airbut the curvature of the earth made it face slightly away from the sun, causingthe pole to throw a small shadow onto the ground.

This measurement is more than 2,200 years old, and its accuracy is remarkable (1)

And that allowed him to do something else.

Since he knew the height of the pole, and the length of the shadow it cast, it meant he knew the lengths of two sides of a right-angled triangle.

That meant he could figure out the length of the third side of the triangle, and hecould also figure out theangle at the top of the pole, between the sunbeam and the pole itself.

It was 7.2 degrees.

Therefore, he knew the sun was hittingAlexandria at an angle of 7.2 degrees precisely at midday on the summer solstice.

When a fraction goes a long way

And that left him with one final measurement.

To figure out the circumference of the earth, heneeded to somehow measure the distance between Alexandria and Syene.

So he asked someone (or a team of people) to walk it.

Those people were called "bematists", professional surveyors who weretrained to measure vast distances extremely accurately by pacing the distance.

They estimated the distance between the two cities was roughly 5,000 stadia (or 800 kilometres).

And that was everything Eratosthenes needed.

He had all the ingredients to calculate the circumference of the earth.

A few assumptions help

Let's go.

Assume the earth is a perfectsphere (it's not, but it's not a problem for thesecalculations).

We know there are 360 degrees in a circle.

If you cut the earth in half, theearth's great circle will obviously have360 degrees, and the circumference of that circle (i.e. the total length of its perimeter) could be divided up into equal bits of whatever length.

Eratosthenes knew that the distance between Syene and Alexandriawas 7.2 degrees along the surface of the earth.

So howmany of those distances would he need to stretch around the entire 360 degree circumference of the earth?

He divided 360 by 7.2, which gave a neat 50.


That meant, given the distancebetween Alexandria and Syene was 800 kilometres, all he hadto do was multiply800 by 50, which came to 40,000.

And that was it.

Thecircumference of the earth was 40,000 kilometres, according to Eratosthenes' calculations.

This measurement is more than 2,200 years old, and its accuracy is remarkable (2)

Was he correct?

He was incredibly close.

As it turns out, themeridional circumference of Earth (from pole to pole) is roughly 40,008 km, and theequatorial circumference is about 40,075 km (it's bigger at the equator because Earth slightly bulges in its middle).

Not bad for someone with such rudimentary tools.

Eratosthenes used his new knowledgeto revolutionise map making.

He drew amap of the known worldwith parallels and meridians, makingit possible to estimate real distances between objects, and plotted the names and locations of hundreds of cities over the grid.

It was the beginning of modern geography.

Anyway, I hope that's been a pleasant escape from reality.

When so much attention is focused on the maths of hospitalisations and vaccinations and contagion, it'seasy to forget that maths can also be a source of innocent joy.

Take care this week.

Posted, updated

This measurement is more than 2,200 years old, and its accuracy is remarkable (2024)


What is the Eratosthenes method? ›

The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a mathematical tool that's used to discover all possible prime numbers between any two numbers.

What evidence did Eratosthenes have? ›

Eratosthenes erected a pole in Alexandria, and on the summer solstice he observed that it cast a shadow, proving that the Sun was not directly overhead but slightly south. Recognizing the curvature of the Earth and knowing the distance between the two cities enabled Eratosthenes to calculate the planet's circumference.

When did Eratosthenes measure the Earth? ›

Eratosthenes made several important contributions to mathematics and science, and was a friend of Archimedes. Around 255 BC, he invented the armillary sphere. In On the Circular Motions of the Celestial Bodies, Cleomedes credited him with having calculated the Earth's circumference around 240 BC, with high accuracy.

How did Ptolemy measure the Earth? ›

By measuring the length of the shadow in Alexandria at noon on the Summer Solstice when there was no shadow in Syene, he could measure the circumference of the Earth! At Syene: The Sun is directly overhead, no shadows are cast at that moment.

What 4 things did Eratosthenes discover? ›

In addition to calculating Earth's circumference, Eratosthenes created the Sieve of Eratosthenes (a procedure for finding prime numbers), tried to fix the dates of literary and political events since the siege of Troy, and is thought to have created the armillary sphere (an early astronomical device for representing ...

What did Eratosthenes do in math? ›

Eratosthenes was a Greek mathematician who is famous for his work on prime numbers and for measuring the diameter of the earth.

How was the Earth first measured? ›

Eratosthenes sent a man to Syene from Alexandria on foot to measure the distance between Alexandria and Syene. Thus, Eratosthenes measured the distance between the two cities is 800 km. He multiplied by 800 km to 50 and calculated that the Earth's circumference is 40,000 km.

How did Eratosthenes measure time? ›

Considering time measurement, he did not need it. He used two cities on approximately the same longitude and measured shadows at noon. Noon is determined when the shadow is shortest, and one does not need any clock for this.

What is the measurement of the Earth? ›

The distance between the north and south poles is approximately 7900 miles while the equatorial diameter is slightly larger at 7930 miles. The circumference of the Earth is just its average diameter, 7915 miles, times the number pi, where pi is 3.14159. This gives us about 25,000 miles for the Earth's circumference.

What religion was Ptolemy? ›

Ptolemy was a well-known Christian who flourished in the mid-second century (ca. 136–180), probably in Rome. He followed the teachings of Valentinus, a brilliant and eloquent Christian philosopher.

How did Aristotle measure the Earth? ›

The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) is credited as the first person to try and calculate the size of the Earth by determining its circumference (the length around the equator) He estimated this distance to be 400,000 stades (a stadia is a Greek measurement equaling about 600 feet).

Who was the first to accurately measure the size of Earth? ›

Earth's circumference was first accurately measured more than 2,000 years ago by the Greek astronomer Eratosthenes, who at the time lived in the Egyptian city of Alexandria.

What is the formula for Eratosthenes? ›

The equation he used to determine the circumference of the Earth [(360° ÷ θ) x (s)] reflects this theory. Obviously, Eratosthenes could not go to the center of the Earth, so he got the angle measurement using the rays of the sun.

How do you use Eratosthenes? ›

Eratosthenes method was very simple; he measured the length of a shadow from a vertical stick of a known height in two cities on the same day. The ratio between the north-south distance between the two cities and the angles measured gave a ratio which allowed Eratosthenes to calculate the size of the Earth.

How do you solve Eratosthenes? ›

Step 1: First, write all the natural numbers from 1 to 100, row-wise and column-wise, as shown in the below figure. Step 2: Put a cross over 1, as it is neither a prime number nor a composite. Step 3: Now, encircle the number 2 (which is a prime number) and cross all the multiples of 2, such as 4,6,8,10,12, and so on.

How did Eratosthenes measure the Earth's tilt? ›

Eratosthenes used a method called the "well method" to determine the tilt of the Earth. He noticed that at noon on the summer solstice, the sun would cast no shadows in Syene, Egypt. He then measured the angle of the shadow in Alexandria, Egypt and used geometry to calculate the angle of the Earth's tilt.


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.