The World's Best Bread Machine Pizza Dough Recipe Recipe - (2024)


Community Pick

Submitted by FritzFamily

"This is a delicious bread machine pizza dough recipe"


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The World's Best Bread Machine Pizza Dough Recipe Recipe - (9) The World's Best Bread Machine Pizza Dough Recipe Recipe - (10)

The World's Best Bread Machine Pizza Dough Recipe Recipe - (11) The World's Best Bread Machine Pizza Dough Recipe Recipe - (12)

Ready In:
2hrs 30mins


2 Pizzas



  • 1 13 cups water (Or 1 Cup Water and 1/3 Cup Flat Beer for better flavor)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 14 teaspoons salt
  • 2 tablespoons cornmeal
  • 3 12 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 14 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 14 teaspoon onion powder
  • 12 teaspoon italian seasoning
  • 1 12 teaspoons yeast



  • Add ingredients to machine in the order listed.
  • Set to “Dough” mode and let the machine run through its cycle.
  • Once completed, place in greased pan to rise about 20-30 min, and split in half.
  • If you aren't going to use the dough right away, fear not. Simply divide the dough and place in ziplock bags, then stack flat to be used as needed.
  • When the special day arrives, slap it on a cornmeal/floured surface, and roll flat, If you're fortunate enough to have a wife who doesn't mind you twirling it in her kitchen (like me -- as long as I clean up my own messes) -- have fun with it before going for the big-bake!
  • Add light layer of sauce and pre-bake your crust at 400 degrees for 5-7 minutes.
  • Believe me--you'll want to follow this step (thank me later).
  • Remove from oven and add toppings of your choice.
  • Bake in oven at 400F degrees until done(approx 20 minutes, depending upon topping thickness).
  • Enjoy! (When you've fully enjoyed yourself, be sure to take a picture and/or leave your review--updates/comments/suggestions are welcome!).

Questions & Replies

The World's Best Bread Machine Pizza Dough Recipe Recipe - (13)

  1. So when you say you can save this recipe by dividing it and saving it in a zip lock until you want to bake it, how do you store it? Room temp, fridge or freezer? I want to make 2 batches the day before. I've already made this recipe once and baked it right away. It was wonderful! How should I store overnight? Thanks!

    Andrea H.

  2. can I use bread flour instead of regular flour?


  3. My bread machine has a dough setting and a pizza dough setting. Which do you suggest I use? The pizza dough recipe is shorter. My manual says it’s shorter because it doesn’t require all of that rising. What do you think?

  4. When the dough is ready do you stretch it into shape or can you roll it out with a rolling pin?


  5. Does it cook directly on the oven rack or should I be using a pan? Safe to say middle oven rack? Thank you ??


see 15 more questions



  1. I have tried many recipes over the past year for bread machine pizza dough. We make pizza every friday night and my whole family agrees - this is the best one hands down. It is consistently good and we all really love the flavor. I typically make the dough, split it in two pieces, roll them out, add my toppings and bake in a 450 degree oven. I take the pizza off the pan and cook it directly on the rack for the last 2 minutes or so to finish off the bottom crust and let it brown.


  2. Even with all the 5 star reviews, I was skeptical - I've tried many different "best" pizza dough recipes, and they all turn out about the same. This on is truly THE BEST.<br/><br/>I upped the onion and garlic powder to 1/2 tsp., and would do so again. I like to cook my pizzas HOT, so I preheated to 550 (the hottest our oven goes). I parbaked the crust with sauce for 5 minutes (do put the sauce on - I didn't on the first one and the crust puffed up a lot!). Then, added the cheese and toppings and baked for 10 minutes. Used a pizza stone.<br/><br/>Just PERFECT. Thanks so much for sharing!

    its not easy being

  3. This is the BEST pizza dough recipe. Even better (and cheaper!) than take-out or pre-prepared doughs. My harshest critics, my two college-age sons, both gave it two thumbs up. This recipe gave new life to my bread maker that was collecting dust in my closet.

  4. My husband raves about this pizza to everyone. He said it's the best pizza he's ever had and he is huge into pizza! The only thing different I do is that I don't normally let it rise after the bread dough cycle. I guess we're too impatient and it turns out fine! Otherwise we just find ways to be creative with toppings and such. I do stuffed crust with string cheese split in half around the edges. And we're doing a post bake seasoning on the crust tonight! I normally do the 7 minute prebake, toppings, then 15 minutes, and a minute of broil to get the cheese brown.

    • The World's Best Bread Machine Pizza Dough Recipe Recipe - (23)


  5. I have been meaning to rate this one and I've already made it twice! This crust comes out crunchy and the pizza toppings do not sog up the crust, even the middle part stays dry and crunchy. I only made one big pizza with this, and I baked it on my pampered chef stone. Make sure you oil your hands before handling the dough and don't forget to lightly grease the pan! (even if you use a stone!) What a keeper this will be! Thanks for sharing! =)


see 70 more reviews



  1. I used 2/3 c beer and 2/3 c water (just doubled the amount of beer). I liked the extra beer taste in the dough, may use all beer next time and see how that turns out!

    Mick Vargas

  2. Used warn water, added sugar and honey to water, stirred in yeast then poured into bread machine and added the remaining ingredients. Put on dough setting. Dough was sticky, so kneaded in flour. Rolled out and used 16 inch pan. Prebakesd

    Lucinda C.

  3. 1 and 1/2 TBSP Molasses instead of the sugar and honey 3 Tablespoons of Vital Wheat Gluten Roughly 2 tablespoons of extra water 1 tablespoon Wheat Germ Replaced 1/2 cup of white flower with stone ground whole wheat Brushed butter along the crust, and spread a little more wheat germ on that.

    Artha A.

  4. We used onion flakes (didn't have the powder) and dried granulated garlic because it was what we had. We used canola oil instead of olive oil for the same reason.


  5. 1 cup beer and 1/3 cup water is my preference. I also brush the outside crust with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic salt.

    Mona E.



  • 1 Recipe

Air Force Family - Matt (Pilot) - Stacy (Mother) -- Taylor (Daughter) -- Matthew II (Son)

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The World's Best Bread Machine Pizza Dough Recipe Recipe  - (2024)


What is the secret to making good pizza dough? ›

There are many tricks to achieving a tasty, homemade pizza dough that rises into a beautiful pizza crust, such as making sure your ingredients are at right temperature, using half bread flour for a stronger dough and half all-purpose flour for a nice rise, substituting honey for sugar to help caramelize the crust and ...

What is the best flour for homemade pizza dough? ›

The best flour for making Neapolitan Pizza Dough is 00 Pizza Flour. This type of pizza dough is thin and crispy with a slightly chewy texture. 00 Pizza Flour is an Italian-milled, finely ground wheat flour. It is perfect for Neapolitan Pizza Dough because it produces a light and airy crust with a slightly chewy centre.

What is the best yeast for pizza dough? ›

Active dry yeast is the most commonly used type of yeast for making baked goods. It is yeast that has been dried out so that it has a longer shelf-life.

What is the most important ingredient in pizza dough? ›

Flour is the main ingredient in pizza dough, and the type you use can have a big effect on the end result. All-purpose flour will work fine, but if you want a chewier crumb and a better hole structure, you should consider buying yourself some high protein bread flour.

What not to do when making pizza dough? ›

The Most Common Mistakes When Making Pizza
  1. Not Letting the Dough Rest. ...
  2. Not Kneading the Dough for Long Enough. ...
  3. Using a Rolling Pin to Form the Dough. ...
  4. Overloading Pizza Toppings. ...
  5. Not Letting the Pizza Cook for Long Enough.

What is the worlds best flour for pizza? ›

Double zero flour/Tipo 00 flour

Use Tipo 0 or Tipo 00 flour. Tipo is a grading of flour on the Italian flour scale. And these flours have just the right amount of protein content - around 12.5% for pizza baking.

What flour do Italians use for pizza? ›

The secret to the tender yet stretchy pizza crust at your favorite pizzeria is probably 00 flour, a powdery fine Italian flour that you can find online or in specialty grocery stores.

Is 00 or bread flour better for pizza dough? ›

So if you're looking for a light and airy crust with lots of air pockets, then you should go with Tipo 00 flour. If you're after a crust with a little less crunch and more chewiness, opt for bread flour.

What kind of yeast do Italians use for pizza? ›

Most dough recipes call for instant or dry yeast, but the best kind for Naples pizza is the Italian -00- flour. This flour is highly elastic and should be used with suitable flour, like whole wheat. The right flour is crucial to the success of the pizza. A blend of fresh and dry yeast will produce the perfect result.

What happens if you use too much yeast in pizza dough? ›

Too little yeast and your dough won't rise enough, and the pizza base will taste bland. Use too much yeast and your dough may over-ferment. Tell-tale signs are your dough expanding too much or tasting and smelling a bit sour, with an almost alcoholic aftertaste (the yeast produces alcohol as it ferments).

Should I put sugar in my pizza dough? ›

Additionally, sugar increases the moisture retention of your dough, tenderizing the crust. While not a requirement in all pizza dough recipes, the typical amount used in a recipe is in the range between 2% and 4% of the flour weight.

Should you drizzle olive oil on pizza before baking? ›

When it's time to cook, oil in the dough will create a crispier crust while also providing a natural barrier between the crust and the sauce and toppings, preventing sogginess. Brushing the crust with oil before baking will also give it the color and crackliness that so many crave.

Should I brush olive oil on pizza dough before baking? ›


Lightly brush the top of the pizza dough with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic salt (don't forget the edges!) This will add flavor and prevent the dough from getting soggy with the toppings. Using a fork, prick several holes in the dough to prevent bubbling.

What can you add to pizza dough to make it better? ›

Cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger can increase yeast activity, potentially challenging the slow fermentation process. Dry mustard has the potential to slow down yeast development and can result in a more sour flavored crust. Sweet – If not spice, than sugar is nice.

How do you make pizza dough rise better? ›

Pizza dough loves warmth, so if you can find a way to add some extra heat, your dough will rise faster. One way to do this is to preheat your oven to the lowest setting (usually around 200 degrees Fahrenheit) and then turn it off. Place your pizza dough in the warm oven for 10-15 minutes until it begins to rise.

How long should pizza dough rest? ›

Let rest at room temperature until the dough doubles in size, 1 to 2 hours. Or, if time is tight, let it rest at least 20 minutes before proceeding. Or refrigerate for several hours, deflating if necessary if it threatens to burst the plastic.


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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