The War Within Beta Development Notes (2024)

The War Within Beta Development Notes (1)


Community Manager

#1 - June 5, 2024, 7:23 p.m.

The War Within Beta Development Notes (2)


  • Isle of Dorn
    • Discover the land of Khaz Algar, off the western shores of Pandaria and home to the Earthen. Their capital city, Dornogal, will become the new meeting ground for the Horde and Alliance.
  • The Ringing Deeps
    • This gigantic cavern serves as the home of the Machine Speakers, Earthen who maintain the gigantic Titan machines of old.
  • Hallowfall
    • Lit by a massive crystal at its center, this bright underground zone is home to the Arathi who are engaged in a continuing battle against the nerubians.
  • Azj-Kahet
    • The pinnacle of nerubian society where Xal’atath, Harbinger of the Void, has been gathering and mutating nerubian forces to create an unstoppable army.


    • Within the Halls of Awakening, the future of the earthen flickers with hope once more. As change rattles the once strict foundations of these hardworking titanforged, newly awakened earthen will be offered a choice: abide by tradition or embrace a new path forward.
    • Deep beneath the surface lies treasure vaults waiting to be discovered. Explore these world instances solo or with up to four friends, along with an NPC companion, to defeat bosses and gain epic end-game loot.
    • Expand the potential of your alts with account-wide progression across your family of characters on your account, regardless of their Faction. Share Warband Bank access, War Within Renown, achievements, collections and more.
    • Rise to new heights of power with new Hero Talent trees! Each class specialization has access to two choices of self-contained Hero Talent trees inspired by iconic Warcraft universe archetypes.
    • Explore the stunning new zones of Khaz Algar from the saddle of hundreds of in-game mounts, now with skyriding (previously dragonriding) capabilities first introduced in Dragonflight.


  • Cinderbrew Meadery
  • The Rookery
  • The Stonevault
  • Darkflame Cleft
  • The Dawnbreaker
  • Priory of the Sacred Flame
  • City of Threads
  • Ara-Kara, City of Echoes


  • Class sets are available for testing. To try these set bonuses in the Beta, log into an endgame realm and look for Setzertauren near the current PvP and professions vendors in Orgrimmar and Stormwind City. Please share bugs you find via the in-game bug reporting tool and your feedback about the bonuses in this thread.


  • Deephaul Ravine is themed in The Ringing Deeps where the Foreman Uzjax and Architect Ruffious are tasked with collecting as much valuable ore, gems, and crystals for their respective priorities. Ruffious the Unbound Earthen has big plans for the ore and gems found in the Deephaul Ravine, but the Machine Speakers of the Earthenworks are quite possessive of such precious materials. Uzjax and his team plan to secure these materials before Ruffious and his band of misfits get their hands on it.
    • Mechanics
      • 8v8 and 10v10 Battleground that will be available in all battleground modes.
      • Hybrid map in which teams earn points by controlling either of the two active mine carts that move along the tracks on the map, or capturing a lucrative gem (the Deephaul Crystal) that is located in the middle of the map.
      • The Deephaul Crystal can be returned at either capture point located on the high ground on the opposing sides of the map.
      • Additionally, there’s a mine cart track that runs above the battleground playspace where players can hop in a cart vehicle to quickly traverse the map, allowing for quick engagements and repositioning.
  • How to playtest: open the Group Finder (default hotkey: i), then select Random Battleground and click Join Battle! Only the Deephaul Ravine map will be available as a Random Battleground map for Beta.


    • ‘These Go To Eleven’ is a separate Beta region that is focused on end-game content and has multiple vendors setup to allow players to quickly and easily test out content.
      • Profession Vendors and Trainers
      • Class Set Vendors
      • PvP Gear Vendors
      • Trinket Vendors
    • This environment is locked to using a max level template only, and players will not be able to access the 11.0 outdoor zones as the focus of this environment is on instanced content (eg. raid, dungeon & pvp content).
    • Character copy is not available on this realm.
  • Copied characters will be missing Dragonflight reputations, any flight points, and certain existing achievement progress.
    • Developer’s note: This is expected for now, and once we get the Warbands data conversion working with character copy, players will need to do another character copy to grab that data and roll it into their Warband data.


  • New Human Racial: No Place Like Home – Your Hearthstone cooldown is reduced by 5 minutes and gains an additional charge. Replaces Diplomacy.


  • The amount of talent loadouts that can be saved on a per character basis to has been increased to 40 (was 10).
  • All Fear, Silence, Sleep, Stun, and Interrupt visual effects have been updated with a new visual. Additionally, all movement speed slowing effects greater than 50% will now display a universal Slow visual on the target.
    • Developers’ notes: Our main priority for this visual update is to help increase the clarity and consistency of messaging for common status effects. Slow (the status effect not the spell), for example has taken quite a few different visual forms over the years, mostly in the range of multicolored dust clouds around a target’s feet. As you can imagine this particular visual was difficult to notice from a distance and wasn’t easily recognizable. So, we did a pass on Slow and the other status effects listed to help address those clarity/messaging issues making them easier to quickly identify in combat.
  • Talents that increase melee range have been removed.
    • Developer’s note: We are removing increased melee range talents across the game, such as Astral Influence and Acrobatic Strikes. Default melee range has increased since these talents were originally created, so they now allow specs to attack from well outside where it appears they should be able to. They make the melee experience inconsistent across classes in a way we’re not happy with, so we’re removing them.
  • DEATH KNIGHT (Death Knight Feedback)
    • Many talents have moved locations or have had their pathing updated.
    • New Talent: Subduing Grasp – When you pull an enemy the damage they deal to you is reduced by 6% for 6 seconds.
    • New Talent: Osmosis – Anti-Magic Shell increases healing received by 15%.
    • New Talent: Null Magic – Magic Damage taken is reduced by 10% and the duration of harmful Magic effects against you are reduced by 35%.
    • New Talent: Vestigial Shell – Casting Anti-Magic Shell grants 2 nearby allies a Lesser Anti-Magic Shell that absorbs magic damage and reduces the duration of harmful Magic effects against them by 50%.
    • New Talent: Ice Prison – Chains of Ice now also roots enemies for 4 seconds but its cooldown is increased to 12 seconds.
    • New Talent: Runic Protection – Your chance to be critically struck is reduced by 3% and your Armor is increased by 6%.
    • New Talent: Unyielding Will – Anti-Magic Shell’s cooldown is increased by 20 seconds and it now also removes all harmful magic effects when activated.
    • Chains of Ice now learned at level 13.
    • Anti-Magic Shell now learned at level 14.
    • Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle can now be Runeforged on 1-handed weapons.
    • Abomination Limb no longer grants Bone Shield, Runic Corruption, or Rime based on specialization.
      • Developer’s note: In Shadowlands it was important for the spec hooks to exist to better balance between the other covenant ability choices. With its re-introduction in Dragonflight its added to the influx of resources/procs that can often come at inopportune times or add to the feeling of being unable to spend down the bonuses it grants. By removing this it allows the ability to “breathe” on its own and lean into its strength of AoE control and damage.
    • Rune of the Apocalypse has been updated:
      • War Effect – Damage taken increased to 4% (was 1%) and duration increased to 10 seconds (was 6 seconds).
      • Pestilence Effect – Damage increased by 500%.
      • Famine Effect – Damage dealt to the caster reduced to 5% (was 2%).
      • Death Effect – Healing reduction increased to 5% (was 1%).
    • Icebound Fortitude cooldown reduced by 60 seconds.
    • Cleaving Strikes now also retains bonus effects for being within your Death and Decay for 4 seconds when leaving its area.
    • Veteran of the Third War now grants 20% Stamina (was 10%). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
    • Icy Talons now increases attack speed per stack by 6% (was 3%). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
    • Unholy Bond now increases effectiveness of Runeforge effects by 20% (was 10%). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
    • Assimilation now reduces the cooldown of Anti-Magic Zone by 30 seconds. No longer increase Runic Power when absorbing damage.
    • Suppression now grants an additional 6% damage reduction to area of effects when you suffer a loss of control effect. Moved to gate 3.
    • Blood Scent Leech increased to 5%.
    • Blood Draw now also grants a buff reducing damage taken by 10% and reducing Death Strike cost by 10 for 8 seconds when falling below 30% health. Now a 1-point talent.
    • Blood Draw cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).
    • The following talents have been removed:
      • Might of Thassarian
      • Merciless Strikes
      • Clenching Grasp
      • Empower Rune Weapon
        • Developer’s note: This will still be available for Frost in their spec tree but both Blood and Unholy were often flooded with resources and a big unnecessary contributor to this was Empower Rune Weapon. To better dial in resources on Blood and Unholy we feel its best to keep Empower Rune Weapon for Frost only.
      • Rune of Hysteria
        • Developer’s note: Rune of Hysteria was a problematic design especially as it pertains to Breath of Sindragosa and the volatility of its uptime. We felt that for the overall health of the spec it would be best to remove Hysteria at this time to better enable us to meet our goals with the upcoming changes to Breath.
    • Hero Talents
      • Deathbringer (Blood/Frost)
      • Rider of the Apocalypse (Frost/Unholy)
      • San’layn (Unholy/Blood)
    • Blood
      • New Talent: Bone Collector – When you would pull an enemy, generate 1 charge of Bone Shield.
      • New Talent: Ossified Vitriol – When you lose a Bone Shield charge the damage of your next Marrowrend is increased by 15%, stacking up to 75%.
      • Crimson Scourge now learned at level 21.
      • Death’s Caress now learned at level 23.
      • Tightening Grasp now Silences enemies for 3 seconds when they are pulled and no longer increases the damage enemies take from you when they are pulled by Gorefiend’s Grasp.
      • Blooddrinker now reduces the damage the enemy deals to you by 20% while channeling and for an additional 5 seconds after a channeling it fully. Now also generates 20 additional Runic Power over its duration.
      • Consumption now also causes your Blood Plague damage to occur 50% more quickly for 8 seconds and generates 2 Runes.
      • Bonestorm no longer costs Runic Power. Costs up to 10 Bone Shield Charges and lasts 1 second for each charge consumed. Generates 1 Bone Shield charge every 1 second while active.
      • Reinforced Bones now also lets Bone Shield stack 2 additional times.
      • Heartbreaker’s Runic Power per target hit increased to 2 (was 1). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
      • Perseverance of the Ebonblade’s Versatility bonus increased to 6% (was 4%). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
      • Shattering Bone now a 1-point talent (was 2).
      • Red Thirst reduces the cooldown on Vampiric Blood by 2 seconds (was 1 second). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
    • Frost
      • New Talent: Shattered Frost – When Frost Strike consumes 5 Razorice stacks, it deals 50% of the damage deal to nearby enemies. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
      • New Talent: Cryogenic Chamber – Each time Frost Fever deals damage, 15% of the damage dealt is gathered into the next cast of Remorseless Winter, up to 20 times.
      • New Talent: Arctic Assault – Consuming Killing Machine fires a Glacial Advance through your target.
      • New Talent: Smothering Offense – Your auto attack damage is increased by 5%. This amount is increased per stack of Icy Talons you have and can stack up to 2 additional times.
      • New Talent: Icy Death Torrent – Your auto attack critical strikes have a chance to send out a sleet of ice dealing Frost damage to enemies in front of you.
      • New Talent: The Long Winter – While Pillar of Frost is active, your auto-attack critical strikes increase its duration by 1 second, up to a maximum of 5 seconds.
      • New Talent: Hyperpyrexia – Your Runic Power spending abilities have a chance to additionally deal 30% of the damage dealt over 4 seconds.
      • Frostscythe has been redesigned – A sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for Frost damage. This attack always critically strikes and critical strikes with Frostscythe deal normal damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Consuming Killing Machine reduces the cooldown of Frostscythe by 1 second. Now has a 30 second cooldown and Rune cost increased to 2 (was 1).
      • Rime is now learned at level 21.
      • Breath of Sindragosa damage increased by 25%.
      • Chill Streak can now bounce off the Death Knight if a second enemy target isn’t found.
      • Enduring Strength’s Strength increased to 20% (was 10%). Now a 1-point talent.
      • Frostwhelp’s Aid now grants 8% Mastery per target hit (was 4%). Now a 1-point talent.
      • Killing Machine now stacks 1 additional time.
      • Rune of Razorice now displays the debuff on the enemy nameplate.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Fatal Fixation
        • Cold Blooded-Rage
        • Invigorating Freeze
      • Fixed an issue with Absolute Zero being available prior to the 3rd gate being unlocked.
    • Unholy
      • New Talent: Doomed Bidding – Consuming Sudden Doom calls upon a Magus of the Dead to assist you for 8 seconds.
      • New Talent: Raise Abomination – Summons an Abomination to attack nearby enemies applying Festering Wound with its melee attacks and infecting all nearby enemies with Virulent Plague. 90 second cooldown. Replaces Army of the Dead.
      • New Talent: Foul Infections – Your diseases deal 10% more damage and have a 5% increased chance to critically strike.
      • New Talent: Menacing Magus – Your Magus of the Dead Shadow Bolt now fires a volley of Shadow Bolts at up to 4 nearby enemies.
      • New Talent: Festering Scythe – Every 20 Festering Wound you burst empowers Festering Strike to become Festering Scythe for 12 seconds. Festering Scythe: Sweep through all enemies within 14 yards in front of you, dealing Shadow damage and infecting them with 2-3 Festering Wounds.
      • New Talent: Decomposition – Virulent Plague has a chance to abruptly flare up, dealing 50/100% of the damage it dealt to the target over the last 4 seconds. When this effect triggers, the duration of your active minions are increased by 1 second, up to 3 seconds. 2-point talent.
      • Epidemic now learned at level 18.
      • Outbreak now learned at level 13.
      • Sudden Doom causes your next Death Coil or Epidemic to critically strike.
      • Sudden Doom is no longer an RPPM proc and has instead been updated to have a 25% chance on auto-attacks to proc with build in bad luck protection to provide a more consistent proc.
      • Sudden Doom now reduces the cost of your next Death Coil/Epidemic by 10 (was free).
        • Developer’s note: With the update to Sudden Doom’s proc rate it further flooded Unholy with Runic Power and you weren’t able to spend the RP down fast enough in a lot of scenarios to prevent overcapping. This next iteration we are going to try a reduced cost Death Coil or Epidemic to help combat the problem of Runic Power overcapping. Internally we tested this as a full removal of the cost reduction but it left quite a bit of downtime in the rotation and felt particularly bad outside of cooldowns. A 10 Runic Power cost reduction felt reasonably well both inside and outside of cooldowns.
      • Sudden Doom now also causes your next Death Coil/Epidemic to burst a Festering Wound.
        • Developer’s note: We are looking into ways to increase the frequency you apply Festering Wound with Festering Strike so we are exploring having a Runic Power spender burst a wound instead of only rune spenders or Apocalypse. Internally with testing we have found it creates a natural cadence in which you want to press Festering Strike instead of relying only on passive wound applicators. The other perk of Death Coil bursting a Festering Wound when consuming Sudden Doom is it helps ease the friction of what to press during your cooldowns.
      • Army of the Dead cooldown reduced to 3 minutes (was 8 minutes).
      • Apocalypse cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 90 seconds).
      • Dark Transformation cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 60 seconds).
      • Vile Contagion cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 90 seconds).
      • Festermight now functions like Ironfur, allowing multiple instances to overlap.
      • Ebon Fever now also affects Frost Fever and Blood Plague if Superstrain is talented.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Replenishing Wounds
        • Army of the Damned
        • Unholy Command
        • Feasting Strike
  • DEMON HUNTER (Demon Hunter Feedback)
    • Hero Talents
      • Aldrachi Reaver
      • Fel-Scarred
    • Vengeance
      • Sigil of Misery now disorients target for 15 seconds (was 20 seconds).
  • DRUID (Druid Feedback)
    • Many talents have moved locations or have had their pathing updated.
    • New Talent: Oakskin – Survival Instincts and Barkskin reduce damage taken by an additional 10%.
    • New Talent: Fluid Form – Shred and Rake can be used in any form and shifts you into Cat Form. Mangle can be used in any form and shifts you into Bear Form. Wrath and Starfire shifts you into Moonkin Form, if known.
    • New Talent: Ursoc’s Spirit – Stamina in Bear Form is increased by 10%.
    • New Talent: Instincts of the Claw – Shred, Swipe, Rake, Mangle, and Thrash damage increased by 5/10%.
    • New Talent: Lore of the Grove – Moonfire and Sunfire damage increased by 5/10%. Rejuvenation and Wild Growth healing increased by 3/5%.
    • New Talent: Starlight Conduit – Wrath, Starsurge, and Starfire damage increased by 5%. For non-Balance, Starsurge’s cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds and its mana cost is reduced by 50%.
    • Swiftmend has been removed from the talent tree and is now baseline for Restoration Druids.
    • Improved Swipe has been removed from the talent tree and its benefit added to Swipe by default.
    • Moonkin Form has been removed from the talent tree and is now baseline for Balance Druids.
    • Heart of the Wild now reduces the global cooldown of affected Balance cast-time spells.
    • Cat Form now increases the range of auto-attacks and melee abilities by 3 yards.
    • Feline Swiftness now increases movement speed by 15%. Now a 1-point talent.
    • Thick Hide now reduces damage taken by 4%. Now a 1-point talent.
    • Natural Recovery now increases healing received by 4% and no longer increases healing done. Now a 1-point talent.
    • Astral Influence now increases the range of all your spells by 5 yards and no longer increases auto attack or melee ability range. Now a 1-point talent.
    • Primal Fury now also increases critical strike damage of Mangle by 20%.
    • Ursine Vigor now increases Stamina and armor in Bear Form by 15% for 4 seconds. Now a 1-point talent.
    • Guardian Druid improved Bear Form Stamina bonus decreased to 10% (was 20%).
    • Lycara’s Teachings is now a 2-point talent that grants 3/6% of various secondary stats.
    • Forestwalk now increases your movement speed and healing received by 8% for 6 seconds. Now a 1-point talent.
    • Well-Honed Instincts’ effect now occurs once every 120 seconds. Now a 1-point talent.
    • Tireless Pursuit has been removed.
    • Mass Entanglement now roots targets for 10 seconds (was 30 seconds).
    • Hero Talents
      • Druid of the Claw (Feral/Guardian)
      • Elune’s Chosen (Balance/Guardian)
      • Keeper of the Grove (Balance/Restoration)
      • Wildstalker (Feral/Restoration)
    • Balance
      • New Talent: Greater Alignment – Celestial Alignment lasts 40% longer. During Celestial Alignment, Solar Eclipse increases Nature damage done by an additional 5% and Lunar Eclipse increases Arcane damage done by an additional 5%.
      • New Talent: Stellar Amplification – Starsurge increases the damage the target takes from your periodic effects and Shooting Stars for 5 seconds. Reapplying this effect extends its duration, up to 20 seconds.
      • New Talent: Harmony of the Heavens – Starsurge or Starfall increase your current Eclipse’s Arcane or Nature damage bonus by an additional 1%, up to 5%.
      • New Talent: Touch the Cosmos – Casting Wrath in an Eclipse has an 8% chance to make your next Starsurge free. Casting Starfire in an Eclipse has a 10% chance to make your next Starfall free.
      • New Talent: Umbral Inspiration – Consuming Umbral Embrace increases the damage of your Moonfire, Sunfire, Shooting Stars, and Starfall by 20% for 5 seconds.
      • Umbral Embrace has been redesigned – Wrath and Starfire have a 20% chance to cause the next Wrath or Starfire you cast in Eclipse to become Astral and deal 100% additional damage. Now a 1-point talent.
      • Astral Smolder has been redesigned – Wrath and Starfire have a 45% chance to cause their targets to languish for an additional 80% of their damage dealt over 6 seconds.
      • Astral Communion has been redesigned – Maximum Astral Power increased by 20. Entering Eclipse grants 12 Astral Power.
      • Nature’s Grace has been redesigned – When Eclipse ends or when you enter combat, enter a Dreamstate, reducing the cast time of your next 2 Starfires or Wraths by 20% and increasing their damage by 50%.
      • All ability damage increased by 6%.
      • Wrath, Starfire, and Shooting Stars damage increased by 15%.
      • Wild Mushrooms damage increased by 25%.
      • Astral Power generation reduced:
        • Wrath: 6 (was 8)
        • Starfire: 8 (was 10)
        • New Moon: 10 (was 12)
        • Half Moon: 20 (was 24)
        • Full Moon: 40 (was 50)
        • Fury of Elune: 40 / 2.5 per tick (was 48 / 3 per tick)
      • Celestial Alignment duration reduced to 15 seconds (was 20 seconds).
      • Incarnation: Chosen of Elune duration reduced to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds).
      • Mastery: Astral Invocation value reduced by 17%.
      • Aetherial Kindling now extends during of active Sunfires and Moonfires by 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).
      • Orbital Strike damage reduced by 25%.
      • Umbral Intensity now increases Starfire’s damage as well as its area-of-effect damage scaling. Solar Eclipse increases the damage of Wrath by an additional 20/40%. Lunar Eclipse increases the damage of Starfire by 20/40% and the damage it deals to nearby enemies by an additional 15/30%.
      • Waning Twilight now increases damage you deal to targets with 3 or more of your periodic effects by 6%. Now a 1-point talent.
      • Balance of all Things now increases Critical Strike chance by 10/20%, decreasing by 1/2% every second.
      • Denizen of the Dream damage increased by 50%.
      • Orbital Strike has temporarily had its line-targeting reticle disabled.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Friend of the Fae
        • Primodial Arcanic Pulsar
    • Feral
      • New Talent: Coiled to Spring – If you generate a combo point in excess of what you can store, your next Ferocious Bite or Primal Wrath deals 10% increased direct damage.
        • Developer’s note: This will only trigger during Berserk if you generate a combo point in excess of five while you already have 3 stacks of Overflowing Power.
      • New Talent: Savage Fury – Tiger’s Fury increases your Haste by 8% and Energy recovery rate by 20% for 6 seconds.
      • Mastery: Razor Claws has been redesigned – Now increases damage of Cat Form bleed and other periodic abilities.
      • Predator has been redesigned – No longer causes Tiger’s Fury’s cooldown to be reset when a target dies with one of your bleeds active. Tiger’s Fury lasts 5 additional seconds. Your combo point-generating abilities’ direct damage is increased by 40% of your Haste.
      • Taste for Blood has been redesigned – No longer scales with number of bleeds on a target. Ferocious Bite damage increased by 15% and an additional 15% during Tiger’s Fury.
      • Raging Fury has been redesigned – No longer increases Tiger’s Fury duration from spending combo points. Tiger’s Fury lasts 5 additional seconds.
      • Rampant Ferocity has been updated – Ferocious Bite also deals damage per combo point spent to all nearby enemies affect by your Rip. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.
      • Rampant Ferocity damage relative to Ferocious Bite increased by 20%.
      • Rampant Ferocity’s damage increased by up to 50% when the player spends extra Energy on Ferocious Bite.
      • All ability damage increased by 8%.
      • The direct damage of Shred, Rake, Swipe / Brutal Slash, and Thrash increased by an additional 10%.
      • Berserk duration reduced to 15 seconds (was 20 seconds).
      • Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane duration reduced to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds).
      • Berserk now increases all ability and auto-attack damage by 10% (was increases the damage of Shred and Rake).
      • Sabertooth now increases damage Ferocious Bite’s primary target takes from all of your Cat Form periodic damage by 3% per combo point spent for 4 seconds (instead of 5% damage dealt by all Rips on all targets).
      • Tireless Energy now increases passive Energy generation by 8%/15% (was 10%/20%) and total Energy by 20/40 (was 30/60).
      • Primal Wrath Energy cost increased to 30 and its direct damage increased by 50%.
      • Tear Open Wounds now consumes 6 seconds of Rip damage during Berserk.
      • Moonfire in Cat Form with Lunar Inspiration duration increased to 18 seconds and overall damage reduced by 10%.
      • Moment of Clarity now increases the rate that Omen of Clarity triggers by 30% (was 50%).
      • Berserk: Heart of the Lion now reduces Berserk’s cooldown by 60 seconds (was reduces cooldown by 0.5 seconds per combo point spent).
      • Berserk: Frenzy now causes enemies to bleed for 135% of all direct damage dealt by combo point generating abilities (was 100%).
      • Soul of the Forest restores 2 Energy per combo point spent (was 3 Energy).
      • Apex Predator’s chance to trigger on a single target is reduced, but its chance to trigger in area-of-effect increases at a faster rate.
      • Cat Form no longer increases the range of auto-attacks and melee abilities by 3 yards.
      • Omen of Clarity Clearcasting aura added to the personal resource bar.
      • Omen of Clarity Clearcasting aura no longer highlights the spell icons for Shred, Swipe, and Thrash.
      • Primal Wrath range increased to 10 yards (was 8).
      • Thrashing Claws now requires players to know Thrash in order to apply the bleed from Thrash.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Dire Fixation
        • Protective Growth
        • Relentless Predator
        • Tear Open Wounds
      • All ability damage reduced by 20%.
      • Developer’s note: At the beginning of April we increased all of Feral’s ability damage by the value of their baseline passive aura (20%), but neglected to reduce their baseline passive aura at the same time.
      • Brutal Slash damage reduced by 10%
      • Moonfire damage reduced by 10%.
      • Thrash direct damage increased by 20%.
      • Dreadful Bleeding increased to 20% (was 18%).
      • Primal Wrath energy cost reduced to 25.
      • Tiger’s Tenacity also causes Tiger’s Fury to increase the periodic damage of your bleeds and Moonfire (if known) by an additional 10% for their full duration.
      • Finishing move damage (Ferocious Bite, Ravage, Rip, Maim, and Primal Wrath) increased by 10%.
    • Restoration
      • New Talent: Dream of Cenarius – While Heart of the Wild is active, Wrath and Shred transfer 150% of their damage and Starfire and Swipe transfer 100% of their damage into healing onto a nearby ally.
      • New Talent: Call of the Elder Druid – When you shift into a combat shapeshift form or cast Starsurge, you gain Heart of the Wild for 10 seconds, once every 60 seconds.
      • New Talent: Thriving Vegetation – Rejuvenation instantly heals for 15/30% of its periodic healing and Regrowth’s duration is increased by 3/6 seconds.
      • New Talent: Prosperity – Swiftmend now has 2 charges.
      • Developer’s note: We are making some changes to raid healing cooldowns in The War Within to increase their effectiveness in content with less than 20 players. Our goal is to make these spells feel powerful in all forms of content, particularly smaller dungeon, PvP, or raid groups. The healing of these cooldowns will remain equal when healing 20 injured allies as they previously did and only take into account injured allies as contributing to their splash cap. This will be a slight reduction in effectiveness when healing more than 20 players, but this tradeoff has seemed reasonable to us as the availability and strength goes up as group sizes increase.
      • Tranquility initial healing increased by 400%.
      • Tranquility’s initial heal now decreases its healing beyond 5 targets.
      • Tranquility’s heal over time effect is no longer increased while out of a raid environment.
      • Rejuvenation healing increased by 30%.
      • Grove Guardian’s healing reduced by 15%.
      • Wild Synthesis Wild Growth healing reduced by 15%.
      • Verdant Infusion now extends the duration of heal over time effects by 8 seconds (was 12 seconds).
      • Nurturing Dormancy is now capped at 4 second extension (was 6 seconds).
      • Abundance now increases the Critical Strike chance of Regrowth by 8% and decreases its mana cost by 8% per stack (was 5%).
      • Soul of the Forest and Heart of the Wild added to Personal Resource Display.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Adaptive Swarm
        • Unbridled Swarm
        • Luxuriant Soil
  • EVOKER (Evoker Feedback)
    • Many talents have moved locations or have had their pathing updated.
    • Evokers now start at level 10 (was level 58).
    • Evokers now unlock the talent pane immediately after choosing a specialization in the Forbidden Reach, and they no longer learn “temporary” talents as they complete the Forbidden Reach experience.
    • Several base spells that were previously learned at level 58 are now learned at level 10.
    • Mass Return is now learned at level 38.
    • Fury of the Aspects is now learned at level 48.
    • Time Spiral is now a choice node with Spatial Paradox for all 3 Evoker specializations, available in the class tree.
    • Spatial Paradox cooldown increased to 3 minutes (was 2 minutes).
    • Lifecinders now upgrades Renewing Blaze to allow 1 friendly target. If no target is selected, it will find a nearby injured ally.
    • Renewing Blaze has swapped places with Source of Magic.
    • Panacea now also heals the caster when Verdant Embrace is cast. Healing reduced by 50%.
    • Panacea is now considered a Green spell, and is improved by Lush Growth.
    • Overawe has been redesigned – Now grants 30 seconds of cooldown reduction (was cooldown reduction per Enrage dispelled).
    • Oppressing Roar cone increased to 60 degrees (was 45 degrees).
      • Developer note: Oppressing Roar with Overawe was too good specifically in Mythic+ dungeons with the Raging affix, but not really anywhere else. So, we’re reducing its effectiveness in that scenario but making it more generically useful as a talent. We’re also increasing Oppressing Roar’s cone radius since it can be difficult to aim it without a preview cone like Fire Breath or Dream Breath have.
    • Landslide now roots targets for 15 seconds (was 30 seconds).
    • Hero Talents
      • Chronowarden (Augmentation/Preservation)
        • Temporal Burst lasts 40 seconds (was 20 seconds), and ramps by 1% every second (was 2% per second).
        • Threads of Fate lasts 10 seconds (was 15 seconds).
        • Augmentation
          • Reverberations increase Upheaval damage by 50% (was 30%) for Augmentation.
          • Chrono Flame copies 25% of damage or healing done for Augmentation (was 15%).
      • Flameshaper (Devastation/Preservation)
      • Scalecommander (Devastation/Augmentation)
    • Augmentation
      • New Talent: Arcane Reach – The range of your helpful magics is increased by 5 yards.
      • New Passive: Sense Power – While enabled, allies with their major cooldown active will be highlighted in the game field and will display a buff icon on party and raid frames. Learned automatically and can be toggled on/off.
      • Prescience has been updated – When cast without a friendly target, the smart-targeting will now prefer damage role players who have their major cooldowns active.
      • Developer’s note: We’re making several adjustments to the Augmentation spec tree to create more build choices. We would like Prescience to be more easily available since it’s important for Ebon Might targeting, so it’s been moved up in the tree. We’re also rehabilitating Motes of Possibility and making large adjustments to the capstones and their pathing. Each capstone now has a synergistic node above it and has a more distinct theme. Please note that there are still tuning changes pending, and implementation is not complete on some of the newer talents.
      • New Talent: Rumbling Earth – Upheaval causes an aftershock at its location, dealing 50% of its damage 2 additional times.
      • New Talent: Molten Embers – Fire Breath causes enemies to take 20% more damage from your Black spells.
      • New Talent: Imminent Destruction – Breath of Eons reduces the Essence cost of Eruption by 1 and increases its damage by 10% for 15 seconds after you land.
      • Motes of Possibility now give a random Augmentation Evoker buff (was reduces the cooldown of your major ability by 10 seconds). In addition, the motes will spawn closer to the caster, and they will also slowly float towards the nearest ally.
      • Overlord now guarantees Motes of Possibilities will spawn from the Eruptions it casts.
      • Seismic Slam is now a 1 point talent, and is in a new location below Upheaval. The stun duration remains at 4 seconds.
      • Geomancy has been removed.
      • Timelessness is now where Geomancy was previously in the talent tree.
      • Prescience is now available in a location higher up in the spec tree.
      • Many talents have had their locations adjusted, particularly in the final part of the spec tree.
    • Devastation
      • New Talent: Scorching Embers – Enemies take 20% increased damage from your Red spells while affected by Fire Breath.
      • Snapfire has been slightly redesigned – Now grants a free cast of Firestorm that does not trigger the cooldown. It now also triggers from Pyre instead of Living Flame.
        • Developer’s note: The free cast of Firestorm that does not trigger the cooldown is so the Snapfire proc will be full value even if Firestorm wasn’t on cooldown.
      • Feed the Flames has been redesigned – Now causes enemies to take 20% more damage from Pyre and Disintegrate if they are inside your Firestorm.
      • Feed the Flames once again triggers a Firestorm after casting 10 Pyres.
      • Fire Breath threat generated reduced by 50%.
      • Pyre threat generated reduced by 30%.
        • Developer’s note: Devastation Evoker can generate very high threat at the start of a pull due to a combination of their Mastery: Giantkiller and the burstiness of spells like Fire Breath and Pyre (particularly when used with Dragonrage and Charged Blast). As a result, we’re reducing the threat these spells generate.
      • Animosity can no longer extend Dragonrage beyond 16 seconds.
      • Firestorm radius increased to 10 yards (was 8).
      • Firestorm’s tick rate now increases with Haste.
      • Imminent Destruction now also increases Disintegrate and Pyre damage by 10%, and lasts 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • Honed Aggression now increases Azure Strike and Living Flame damage by 10% per point (was 5%).
      • Snapfire can now trigger from both Living Flame and Pyre.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Everburning Flame
        • Raging Inferno
    • Preservation
      • New Talent: Lifespark – Reversion healing has a chance to grant you instant cast Living Flame and increase its damage/healing by 50%.
      • New Talent: Titan’s Gift – Essence Burst increases the effectiveness of your next Essence ability by 25%.
      • Temporal Compression reduces the cast time of Empower spells by 10% per stack (was 5%).
      • Time of Need now triggers at 30% health (was 20%). Passive now displays in spellbook, and the cooldown can now be tracked on the passive.
      • Dream Flight healing increased by 100% outside of raid.
        • Developer’s note: We are making some changes to raid healing cooldowns in The War Within to increase their effectiveness in content with less than 20 players. Our goal is to make these spells feel powerful in all forms of content, particularly smaller dungeon, PvP, or raid groups. The healing of these cooldowns will remain equal when healing 20 injured allies as they previously did and only take into account injured allies as contributing to their splash cap. This will be a slight reduction in effectiveness when healing more than 20 players, but this tradeoff has seemed reasonable to us as the availability and strength goes up as group sizes increase. We’d also like to note that we are making an exception in the case of Dream Flight as we feel the healing increase outside of raid is a more appropriate tool for consistency as otherwise the falloff of its healing would make its effectiveness inconsistent in raid scenarios.
      • Mana cost of Emerald Blossom reduced by 15%.
      • Flow State can now trigger from Empower spells cast from Stasis.
      • Threads of Fate can no longer trigger from Empower spells cast from Stasis.
        • Developer’s note: There is inconsistency here, but it’s necessary to balance Threads of Fate between Augmentation and Preservation. Threads of Fate tooltip also indicates “casting an Empower spell” while Flow State does not use the keyword “casting.”
      • Reversion’s tooltip has been updated to include Golden Hour’s effect, if the talent is learned – Reverse an ally’s injuries, instantly healing them for 15% of damage taken in the last 5 seconds and an additional amount of healing over 12 seconds.
      • Life-Giver’s Flame is now 1-point (was 2).
      • Grace Period is now 1-point (was 2).
  • HUNTER (Hunter Feedback)
    • Hero Talents
      • Dark Ranger (Marksmanship/Beast Mastery)
      • Pack Leader (Beast Mastery/Survival)
      • Sentinel (Survival/Marksmanship)
    • Survival
      • Lunge no longer increases attack range by 3 yards.
  • MAGE (Mage Feedback)
    • Many talents have moved locations or have had their pathing updated.
    • New Talent: Barrier Diffusion – Whenever one of your Barriers is removed, reduce its cooldown by 4 seconds. Located in Dragon’s Breath previous location.
    • New Talent: Inspired Intellect – Arcane Intellect grants you an additional 3% Intellect. Choice node with Time Anomaly.
    • Time Anomaly has been updated – Now grants Brain Freeze instead of Fingers of Frost for Frost Mages.
    • Supernova added to Mage class tree and now has a 45 second cooldown (was 25 seconds).
    • Mass Slow has been removed.
    • Mass Polymorph now polymorphs targets for 15 seconds (was 60 seconds).
    • Hero Talents
      • Frostfire (Frost/Fire)
      • Spellslinger (Frost/Arcane)
      • Sunfury (Arcane/Fire)
    • Arcane
      • New Talent: Energized Familiar – During Arcane Surge, your Arcane Familiar fires 4 bolts instead of 1. Damage from your Arcane Familiar has a small chance to grant you up to 2% of your maximum mana.
      • New Talent: Eureka – When a spell consumes Clearcasting, its damage is increased by 25%.
      • New Talent: Wizened Wit – The cast time of Arcane Blast is reduced by 5%.
      • New Talent: Time Loop – When you apply a stack of Arcane Debilitation, you have a 10% chance to apply another stack of Arcane Debilitation. This effect can trigger off of itself.
      • New Talent: Arcane Debilitation – Damaging a target with Arcane Missiles increases the damage they take from Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage, and Arcane Blast by 1.0%.
      • New Talent: Aether Attunement – Consuming Clearcasting has a 15% chance to grant you Aether Attunement, causing your next Arcane Missiles to deal 150% increased damage to your primary target and fires at up to 4 nearby enemies dealing 100% increased damage.
      • New Talent: Leysight – Nether Precision damage bonus increased to 30%.
      • New Talent: Leydrinker – Consuming Nether Precision has a 10% chance to make your next Arcane Blast or Arcane Barrage echo, repeating its damage at 25% effectiveness to the primary target and up to four nearby enemies.
      • New Talent: Improved Touch of the Magi – Your Touch of the Magi now accumulates 25% of the damage you deal.
      • New Talent: Magi’s Spark – Your Touch of the Magi now also conjures a spark, increasing the damage your target receives from your next Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, and Arcane Missiles by 25%. Upon receiving damage from all three spells, the spark explodes, dealing Arcane damage to all nearby enemies.
      • New Talent: Nether Munitions – When Magi’s Spark or Improved Touch of the Magi detonates, it increases the damage all affected targets take from you by 6% for 12 seconds.
      • New Talent: Surging Urge – Arcane Surge damage increased by 5% per Arcane Charge.
      • Arcane Missiles has been redesigned – Can now only be cast when you have Clearcasting. The wording of talents that are associated with Arcane Missiles have been updated to reflect this change.
      • Nether Precision has been redesigned – Consuming Clearcasting increases the damage of your next 2 Arcane Blasts by 20% or your next 2 Arcane Barrages by 20%.
      • Arcane Familiar has been redesigned – Casting Arcane Intelligence also summons you a Familiar that attacks your enemies and increases your maximum mana by 10% for 1 hour. Now passive.
      • Illuminated Thoughts has been redesigned – Clearcasting has a 5% increased chance to trigger and spells that consume Clearcasting deal 5% more damage.
      • Concentration has been redesigned – Casting Arcane Blast has a small chance to make your next cast of Arcane Blast free.
      • Spark of the Magi has been redesigned – Now makes your next Arcane Blast, Arcane Barrage, and Arcane Missiles echo for 25% extra damage (was increase the damage dealt by these spells).
        • Developer’s note: This updated behavior will allow you to properly benefit from the Spark of the Magi damage bonus on an Arcane Barrage you fired before Touch of the Magi is applied.
      • Improved Prismatic Barrier is now baseline.
      • Cracking Energy and Improved Arcane Missiles are now a 1-point talent.
      • Clearcasting’s chance to trigger is no longer tied to mana spent, and now has a 10% chance of triggering when casting any damaging spell.
      • You can no longer trigger Clearcasting by casting damaging spells while out of combat.
      • Evocation now grants one stack of Clearcasting.
      • Mastery: Savant now properly increases the damage dealt by Arcane Surge.
      • Siphon Storm duration has been reduced to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds).
      • Arcane Surge is now guaranteed to generate Clearcasting.
        • Developer’s note: Arcane Surge was a reliable source of Clearcasting that Arcane Mages lost with the removal of mana-based Clearcasting procs. We’re making Arcane Surge proc Clearcasting baseline to ensure you’re rolling into your burns with some more Clearcasting availability.
      • Arcane Blast now has a 5% increased chance to generate Clearcasting.
        • Developer’s note: Clearcasting availability has marginally decreased in pure single target scenarios. We’re buffing up Arcane Blast’s chance to proc Clearcasting to compensate.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Foresight
        • Nether Tempest
        • Reverberate
        • Mana Gem
        • Radiant Spark
        • Harmonic Echo
        • Cascading Power
        • Supernova
        • Rule of Threes
    • Fire
      • New Talent: Lit Fuse – Consuming Hot Streak has a 10% chance to grant Lit Fuse. Lit Fuse makes your next Fire Blast apply Living Bomb to up to three targets. Living Bomb explodes after 2 seconds, dealing damage to the target and up to 5 nearby enemies. Up to 5 enemies hit by this explosion gain Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further.
      • New Talent: Explosive Ingenuity – Your chance of gaining Lit Fuse when consuming Hot Streak is increased to 20%. Living Bomb damage increased by 50%.
      • New Talent: Down in Flames – Scorch deals 300% damage to targets below 30% health.
      • New Talent: Quickflame – Flamestrike damage increased by 20%.
      • New Talent: Focused Fury – Living Bomb deals more damage the fewer targets it hits, up to 300% at 1 target.
      • New Talent: Mark of the Fire Lord – Flamestrike and Living Bomb apply Mastery: Ignite at 100% increased effectiveness.
      • New Talent: Spontaneous Combustion – Casting Combustion refreshes up to 3 charges of Fire Blast and up to 3 charges of Phoenix Flames.
      • New Talent: Fire’s Ire – When you’re not under the effect of Combustion, your critical strike chance is increased by 2.5%. When you’re under the effects of Combustion, your critical strike damage is increased by 2.5%. 2-point talent.
      • New Talent: Explosivo – Casting Combustion grants Lit Fuse. Your chance of gaining Lit Fuse is increased to 40% while under the effects of Combustion.
      • New Talent: Blast Zone – Lit Fuse can now apply Living Bomb to up to five targets. Living Bombs can now spread to eight enemies.
      • New Talent: Ashen Feather – If Phoenix Flames hits only one target, it deals 50% increased damage and applies Ignite at 100% effectiveness.
      • New Talent: Majesty of the Phoenix – When Phoenix Flames damages 3 or more targets, your next 2 Flamestrikes have their cast time reduced by 1.5 seconds and their damage is increased by 20%.
      • New Talent: Molten Fury – Damage dealt to targets below 35% health is increased by 8%.
      • New Talent: Heat Shimmer – Damage from Ignite has a 5% chance to make your next Scorch instant cast and deal damage as though your target was below 30% health.
      • New Talent: Sparking Cinders – Living Bomb explosions have a 15% chance to increase the damage of your next Flamestrike or Pyroblast.
      • Fervent Flickering has been redesigned – Now reduces the cooldown of Fire Blast by 2 seconds.
      • Controlled Destruction has been redesigned – Damaging a target with Pyroblast increases the damage it receives from Ignite by 0.5%. This effect stacks up to 50 times.
      • Improved Scorch has been redesigned – Casting Scorch on targets below 30% health increases the damage the target takes from you by 5% for 12 seconds. This effect stacks up to 2 times.
      • Flame Accelerant has been redesigned – Every 12 seconds, your next Fireball, Flamestrike, or Pyroblast has a 40% reduced cast time.
      • Unleashed Inferno has been redesigned – While Combustion is active your Fireball, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Scorch, and Phoenix Flames deal 50% increased damage and reduce the cooldown of Combustion by 1.25 seconds. While Combustion is active, Flamestrike deals 25% increased damage and reduces the cooldown of Combustion by 0.25 seconds for each critical strike, up to 1.25 seconds.
      • Convection has been redesigned – When a Living Bomb expires, if it did not spread to another target, it refreshes its duration. A Living Bomb can only benefit from this effect once.
      • Pyromaniac has been redesigned – Casting Pyroblast or Flamestrike while Hot Streak is active has an 8% chance to repeat the spell cast at 100% effectiveness, but the copied spell cannot contribute to Hot Streak. This effect counts as consuming Hot Streak.
      • Phoenix Reborn has been redesigned – When your direct damage spells hit an enemy 25 times the damage of your next 2 Phoenix Flames is increased by 200% and they refund a charge on use.
      • From the Ashes has been redesigned – Phoenix Flames damage increased by 15% and your direct-damage spells reduce the cooldown of Phoenix Flames by 1 second.
      • Deep Impact has been redesigned – Meteor now turns one target hit into a Living Bomb. Additionally, its cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds.
      • Fuel the Fire is now baseline.
      • Searing Touch’s critical strike threshold functionality is now baseline to Scorch.
      • Improved Scorch’s movement speed increase is now baseline to Scorch.
      • Sun King’s Blessing now grants Sun King’s Fury after consuming 10 Hot Streaks.
      • Flame On no longer reduces the cooldown of Fire Blast.
      • Living Bomb applications are slightly desynced to minimize overlapping.
      • Living Bomb damage increased by 100%. Damage not increased in PvP combat.
      • Kindling now benefits from Flamestrike – Flamestrike critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of Combustion by 0.2 seconds for each critical strike, up to 1 second.
      • Unleashed Inferno’s non-Flamestrike damage bonus increased to 60%. Flamestrike damage bonus increased to 35%.
      • Fevered Incantation now grants 1% increased critical strike damage per point (was 2%).
      • Call of the Sun King no longer grants 15% increased Phoenix Flames damage and instead makes Phoenix Flames always critically strike.
      • Alexstrasza’s Fury no longer makes Phoenix Flames always critically strike.
      • Hyperthermia now has an activation overlay.
      • The following talents are now 1 point:
        • Critical Mass
        • Wildfire
        • Flame On
      • Fevered Incantation is now 2 points.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Incendiary Eruptions
        • Firemind
        • Tempered Flames
        • Conflagration
        • Searing Touch
        • Surging Blaze
        • Focused Fury
          • Developer’s note: Convection and Focused Fury were intended to be flex talents to help you get a bit more single target damage while in an AOE build. However, the combination of these two talents were making Living Bomb so powerful in single target that it was overshadowing spells like Pyroblast. We don’t have a problem with Living Bomb being present in single target builds, but it shouldn’t be one of your highest damage contributors. Given the design of Focused Fury, it stands very opposed to this principle, and thus we opted to remove it.
      • Burning Blood damage bonus reduced to 8% and health threshold increased to 35%.
      • Burning Blood has been renamed to Molten Fury.
      • Heat Shimmer’s proc now makes your next Scorch instant cast (was deal 25% increased damage).
        • Developer’s note: We’re being sensitive to giving Fire more instant-cast spells and will be watching this talent carefully to make sure it isn’t pushing Fire too far towards never having to cast.
    • Frost
      • New Talent: Death’s Chill – While Icy Veins is active, damaging an enemy with Frostbolt increases spell damage by 1%.
      • Fractured Frost has been redesigned – While Icy Veins is active, your Frostbolts hit up to 2 additional targets. Now a 1-point talent.
      • Ice Barrier’s absorb increased to 24% of maximum health (was 22%).
      • Hailstones is now a 1-point talent.

Update notes continued in next post.

The War Within Beta Development Notes (3)


Community Manager

#2 - June 5, 2024, 7:25 p.m.

The War Within Beta Development Notes (4)

  • MONK (Monk Feedback)
    • Many talents have moved locations or have had their pathing updated.
    • New Talent: Crashing Momentum – Targets you Roll through are snared by 40% for 5 seconds.
    • New Talent: Bounding Agility – Roll and Chi Torpedo travel a small distance further.
    • New Talent: Wind’s Reach – The range of Disable is increased by 5 yards. The duration of Crashing Momentum is increased by 3 seconds and its snare now reduces movement speed by an additional 20%.
    • New Talent: Ancient Arts – Reduces the cooldown of Paralysis by 8/15 seconds and the cooldown of Leg Sweep by 5/10 seconds.
    • New Talent: Jade Walk – While out of combat, your movement speed is increased by 15%.
    • New Talent: Pressure Points – Paralysis now removes all Enrage effects from its target.
    • New Talent: Energy Transfer – Successfully interrupting an enemy reduces the cooldown of Paralysis and Roll by 5 seconds.
    • New Talent: Quick Footed – The duration of snare effects on you is reduced by 20%.
    • New Talent: Spirit’s Essence: Transcendence – Transfer snares targets within 10 yards by 70% for 4 seconds when cast.
    • New Talent: Peace and Prosperity – Reduces the cooldown of Ring of Peace by 5 seconds and Song of Chi-Ji’s cast time is reduced by 0.5 seconds.
    • New Talent: Swift Art – Roll removes a snare effect once every 30 seconds.
    • New Talent: Celestial Determination – While your celestial is active, you cannot be slowed below 90% normal movement speed.
    • New Talent: Martial Instincts – Increases your Physical damage done by 2/4% and Avoidance increased by 2/4%.
    • New Talent: Healing Winds: Transcendence – Transfer immediately heals you for 15% of your maximum health.
    • New Talent: Chi Proficiency – Magical damage done increased by 2/4% and healing done increased by 2/4%.
    • New Talent: Lighter Than Air – Roll causes you to become lighter than air, allowing you to double jump to dash forward a short distance once within 5 seconds.
    • New Talent: Flow of Chi – You gain a bonus effect based on your current health. Above 90% health: Movement speed increased by 5%. This bonus stacks with similar effects. Between 90% and 35% health: Damage taken reduced by 5%. Below 35% health: Healing received increased by 10%.
    • New Talent: Rushing Reflexes – Your heightened reflexes allow you to react swiftly to the presence of enemies, causing you to quickly lunge to the nearest enemy within 10 yards after you Roll.
    • New Talent: Transcendence: Linked Spirits – Transcendence now tethers your spirit onto an ally for 1 hour. Use Transcendence: Transfer to teleport to your ally’s location.
    • Tiger Tail Sweep has been redesigned – Increases the range of Leg Sweep by 4 yards. Now a 1-point talent.
    • Elusive Mists has been redesigned – Reduces all damage taken by you and your target while channeling Soothing Mists by 6%. Now a 1-point talent.
    • Chi Wave has been redesigned – Every 15 seconds, your next Rising Sun Kick or Vivify releases a wave of Chi energy that flows through friends and foes, dealing Nature damage or healing. Bounces up to 7 times to targets within 25 yards.
    • Summon White Tiger Statue has been redesigned – Invoking Xuen, the White Tiger also spawns a White Tiger Statue at your location that pulses damage to all enemies ever 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
    • Ironshell Brew has been redesigned – Increases your maximum health by an additional 10% and your damage taken is reduced by an additional 10% while Fortifying Brew is active.
    • Escape from Reality has been redesigned – After you use Transcendence: Transfer, you can use Transcendence: Transfer again within 10 seconds, ignoring its cooldown.
    • Fatal Touch has been redesigned – Touch of Death increases your damage by 5% for 30 seconds after being cast and its cooldown is reduced by 90 seconds. Now a 1-point talent.
    • Improved Roll is now baseline for all Monk specializations.
    • Clash has moved to the Class tree.
    • Fortifying Brew cooldown is now 2 minutes for Mistweaver and Windwalker.
    • Vivacious Vivification now additionally increases the healing of your next Vivify.
    • The following talents are now 1 point:
      • Save Them All
      • Bounce Back
      • Resonant Fists
      • Grace of the Crane
      • Fast Feet
      • Windwalking
    • The following talents have been removed:
      • Improved Roll
      • Improved Vivify
      • Ferocity of Xuen
      • Hasty Provocation
      • Eye of the Tiger
      • Close to Heart
      • Generous Pour
      • Resonant Fists
      • Dampen Harm and Summon Black Ox Statue have been removed for Windwalker and Mistweaver.
      • Summon White Tiger Statue and Summon Jade Serpent Statue have been removed for Brewmaster and Windwalker.
    • Hero Talents
      • Conduit of the Celestials (Mistweaver/Windwalker)
      • Master of Harmony (Mistweaver/Brewmaster)
      • Shado-Pan (Windwalker/Brewmaster)
    • Brewmaster
      • New Talent: Elixir of Determination – When you fall below 40% health, gain an absorb for 100% of recently Purified damage, or a minimum of 20% of your maximum health. Cannot occur more than once every 15 seconds.
      • New Talent: Strike At Dawn – Rising Sun Kick grants a stack of Elusive Brawler.
      • New Talent: One With the Wind – You have a 10% chance to not reset your Elusive Brawler stacks on a successful dodge.
      • New Talent: August Blessing – When you would be healed above maximum health, you instead convert an amount equal to 40% of your critical strike chance to a heal over time effect.
      • New Talent: Ox Stance – Casting Purifying Brew grants charges/stacks of Ox Stance, based on Stagger level. When you take damage that is greater than 60% of your current health, a charge is consumed to increase the amount you Stagger.
      • New Talent: Black Ox Adept – Rising Sun Kick grants a stack of Ox Stance.
      • New Talent: Heightened Guard – Ox Stance will now trigger when an attack is larger than 50% of your current health.
      • Anvil & Stave has been updated – Each time you dodge or an enemy misses, you reduce the remaining cooldown on your Brews by 0.5/1 second. Effect reduced for each recent melee attacker. Was 3 second internal cooldown.
      • Improved Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox has been updated – While Niuzao is active, Purifying Brew increases the damage of Niuzao’s next Stomp, based on Stagger level. Damage is split between all enemies (was when purifying Stagger).
      • Improved Celestial Brew is now baseline for Brewmaster Monks.
      • Improved Purifying Brew is now baseline for Brewmaster Monks.
      • Elusive Footwork is now 1-point.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Healing Elixir
        • Clash (moved to class tree)
        • Graceful Exit
        • Bonedust Brew
        • Bountiful Brew
        • Attenuation
    • Mistweaver
      • New Talent: Crane Style – Rising Sun Kick now kicks up a Gust of Mist to heal 2 allies within 40 yards. Spinning Crane Kick and Blackout Kick have a chance to kick up a Gust of Mist to heal 1 ally within 40 yards.
      • New Talent: Deep Clarity – After you fully consume Thunder Focus Tea, your next Vivify triggers Zen Pulse.
      • New Talent: Chi Harmony – Renewing Mist increases its target’s healing received from you by 50% for the first 8 seconds of its duration, but cannot jump to a new target during this time.
      • New Talent: Lotus Infusion – Allies with Renewing Mist receive 15% more healing from you and Renewing Mist’s duration is increased by 2 seconds. Choice node with Chi Harmony.
        • Developer’s note: We’d like to offer a more passive option focused on AoE healing against Chi Harmony. Chi Harmony now restricting the movement of Renewing Mist for its duration has its pros and cons and we feel this addition opens up optionality a little more particularly in raid scenarios.
      • New Talent: Pool of Mists – Renewing Mist now has 3 charges and reduces the remaining cooldown of Rising Sun Kick by 1 second. Rising Sun Kick now reduces the remaining cooldown of Renewing Mist by 1 second.
      • Zen Pulse has been redesigned – Renewing Mist’s heal over time has a chance to cause your next Vivify to also trigger a Zen Pulse on its target and all allies with Renewing Mist, healing them increased by 5% per Renewing Mist active, up to 50%.
      • Refreshing Jade Wind has been redesigned – Thunder Focus Tea summons a whirling tornado around you, causing healing over 8 seconds to up to 5 allies within 10 yards.
      • Yu’lon’s Whisper has been redesigned – While channeling Mana Tea you exhale the breath of Yu’lon, healing up to 5 allies within 15 yards every 0.5 seconds.
      • Teachings of the Monastery is now a baseline effect.
        • Known Issue: Swapping from Windwalker specialization with Teachings of the Monastery talented to Mistweaver disables Teachings of the Monastery. Relogging or swapping to Brewmaster temporarily resolves this while we work on a fix.
      • Jadefire Stomp no longer casts Essence Font, its cooldown is reduced to 15 seconds (was 20 seconds), and now casts Gusts of Mist on each ally healed.
      • Gust of Mist healing increased by 20%.
      • Jade Bond now increases the healing of Yu’lon’s Soothing Breath by 300% (was 40%).
      • Invigorating Mist healing increased by 8%.
      • Invigorating Mist no longer counts full health allies among its splash cap, but its healing has been decreased.
      • Vivify healing increased by 9%.
      • Vivify now costs 3% base mana (was 3.4%).
        • Developer’s note: We are increasing the effectiveness of baseline Vivify with the removal of the Clouded Focus talent.
      • Revival now dispels up to 3 magical debuffs off of each target (was uncapped).
        • Developer’s note: This change is mainly targeted at Battlegrounds, where Revival has been overly oppressive to other specializations that rely on magic debuffs to function. We are not expecting this to impact PvE. This will not change how Revival functions with debuffs that stack multiple times, such as bursting.
      • Misty Peaks now has a 4/8% chance to activate and now extends Enveloping Mist on targets if Enveloping Mist is present (previously would not proc).
      • Developer’s note: We are making some changes to raid healing cooldowns in The War Within to increase their effectiveness in content with less than 20 players. Our goal is to make these spells feel powerful in all forms of content, particularly smaller dungeon, PvP, or raid groups. The healing of these cooldowns will remain equal when healing 20 injured allies as they previously did and only take into account injured allies as contributing to their splash cap. This will be a slight reduction in effectiveness when healing more than 20 players, but this tradeoff has seemed reasonable to us as the availability and strength goes up as group sizes increase.
      • Revival healing increased by 400%.
      • Revival now decreases its healing beyond 5 targets.
      • Burst of Life’s icon has been changed.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Essence Font
        • Upwelling
        • Font of Life
        • Clouded Focus
    • Windwalker
      • New Talent: Acclamation – Rising Sun Kick increases the damage your target receives from you by 4% for 12 seconds. Multiple instances may overlap.
      • New Talent: Flurry of Xuen – Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate Flurry of Xuen, unleashing a barrage of deadly swipes to deal Physical damage in a 10 yard cone. Invoking Xuen, the White Tiger activates Flurry of Xuen.
      • New Talent: Martial Mixture – Blackout Kick increases the damage of your next Tiger Palm by 10%, stacking up to 12 times.
      • New Talent: Courageous Impulse – The Blackout Kick! effect also increases the damage of your next Blackout Kick by 175%.
      • New Talent: Energy Burst – When you consume Blackout Kick!, you have a 100% chance to generate 1 Chi.
      • New Talent: Gale Force – Targets struck by Strike of the Windlord are sent reeling from its impact, causing them to become vulnerable to your attacks for 10 seconds. Your abilities have a 100% chance to affect the target a second time at 10% effectiveness as Nature damage while they are vulnerable.
      • New Talent: Dual Threat – Your auto attacks have a 20% chance to instead kick your target dealing Physical damage and increasing your damage dealt by 5% for 5 seconds.
      • New Talent: Momentum Boost – Fists of Fury’s damage is increased by 100% of your Haste and Fists of Fury does 10% more damage each time it deals damage, resetting when Fists of Fury ends. Your auto attack speed is increased by 60% for 8 sec after Fists of Fury ends.
      • New Talent: Ordered Elements – During Storm, Earth, and Fire, Rising Sun Kick reduces Chi costs by 1 for 7 seconds and Blackout Kick reduces the cooldown of affected abilities by an additional 1 second. Activating Storm, Earth, and Fire resets the remaining cooldown of Rising Sun Kick and grants 2 Chi.
      • New Talent: Sequenced Strikes – You have a 100% chance to gain Blackout Kick! after consuming Dance of Chi-Ji.
      • New Talent: Revolving Whirl – Whirling Dragon Punch has a 100% chance to activate Dance of Chi-Ji and its cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds.
      • New Talent: Knowledge of the Broken Temple – Whirling Dragon Punch grants 4 stacks of Teachings of the Monastery and its damage is increased by 20%. Teachings of the Monastery can now stack up to 8 times.
      • New Talent: Singularly Focused Jade – Jadefire Stomp’s initial hit now strikes 1 target, but deals 500% increased damage and healing.
      • New Talent: Communion With Wind – Strike of the Windlord’s cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds and its damage is increased by 20%.
      • New Talent: Brawler’s Intensity – The cooldown of Rising Sun Kick is reduced by 1 second and the damage of Blackout Kick is increased by 10%.
      • New Talent: Combat Wisdom – While out of combat, your Chi balances to 2 instead of depleting to empty. Every 15 seconds, your next Tiger Palm also casts Expel Harm and deals 100% additional damage. Replaces Expel Harm.
      • New Talent: Memory of the Monastery – Tiger Palm’s chance to activate Blackout Kick! Is increased by 15% and consuming Teachings of the Monastery grants you 1% Haste for 5 seconds equal to the amount of stacks consumed.
      • New Talent: Jadefire Fists – At the end of your Fists of Fury channel, you release a Jadefire Stomp. This can occur once every 20 seconds. Shares a choice node with Jadefire Stomp.
      • New Talent: Ferociousness – Critical Strike chance increased by 2%. This effect is increased by 100% while Xuen, the White Tiger is active.
      • Glory of Dawn has been redesigned – Rising Sun Kick has a chance equal to 100% of your Haste to trigger a second time, dealing Physical damage and restoring 1 Chi.
      • Rushing Jade Wind has been redesigned – Strike of the Windlord applies Mark of the Crane to all enemies struck and summons a whirling tornado around you, causing Physical damage over 8 seconds to all enemies within 8 yards.
      • Jadefire Stomp has been redesigned – Strike the Ground fiercely to expose a path of jade for 30 seconds that increases your movement speed by 20% while inside, dealing Nature damage to up to 5 enemies and restores health to up to 5 allies within 30 yards caught in the path. Up to 5 enemies caught in the path suffer additional damage.
      • Inner Peace has been redesigned – Increases maximum Energy by 30. Tiger Palm’s energy cost reduced by 5.
      • Touch of Karma and Mark of the Crane are now learned baseline.
      • Mastery: Combo Strikes is now 20% more effective.
      • Whirling Dragon Punch now deals additional damage to the first target struck and its damage is reduced beyond 5 targets.
      • Expel Harm and Chi Burst no longer generate Chi.
      • Expel Harm and Chi Wave no longer trigger Combo Strikes.
      • Storm, Earth, and Fire now triggers Combo Strikes.
        • Developer’s note: Moving forward, we’d like for Combo Strikes to not trigger from spells that aren’t intuitive to mix into your rotation or aren’t directly under your control, such as Flying Serpent Kick and Chi Wave / Expel Harm procs. Along this line of thinking, we’re also adding Storm, Earth and Fire to the list of spells that can trigger Combo Strikes. We want the initiation of cooldowns to feel as smooth as possible, and we’d like to allow for Ordered Elements to feel easier to play around (also back to back Rising Sun Kicks are fun!).
      • Storm, Earth, and Fire clones will now copy your Tiger’s Lust casts.
        • Developer’s note: With the removal of Serenity in mind, we’re looking to open up counter play options for Windwalkers when their Storm, Earth, and Fire clones are crowd controlled in PvP.
      • Flying Serpent Kick no longer deals damage.
      • Mark of the Crane now only applies to the primary target of each strike.
      • Teachings of the Monastery now stacks up to 4 times (was 3).
      • Thunderfist now always generates 4 stacks of Thunderfist and additional stacks of Thunderfist per each additional target struck.
      • Transfer the Power no longer stacks from Rushing Jade Wind, but now stacks from Spinning Crane Kick.
      • Crane Vortex now increases the damage of Spinning Crane Kick by 15/30% (was 10/20%).
      • Spinning Crane Kick now cancels from using other spells or abilities, but no longer prevents auto-attacks for its duration.
      • Empowered Tiger Lightning’s effect is now baseline for Xuen, the White Tiger.
      • Invoker’s Delight now increases Haste by 20% while active (was 33%).
      • Xuen’s Bond now decreases the cooldown of Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger by 0.2 seconds (was 0.1 second) per Combo Strikes activation.
      • Dance of Chi-Ji’s chance to trigger reduced by 25%.
      • Tiger Palm Energy cost increased to 60 (was 50).
      • Jadefire Harmony now increases damage and healing taken by 8% for its duration (was 12%).
      • Crane Vortex is now a 1-point talent and increases the radius of Spinning Crane Kick by 15%.
      • Vivify healing increased by 30% for Windwalker.
        • Developer’s note: With the removal of Expel Harm as an active button for Windwalker, we’d like Vivify to better fill the on-demand healing niche for them.
      • Skytouch no longer increases the range of Tiger Palm, now increases Critical Strike chance by 15% (was 50%), and its lockout duration is 30 seconds (was 60 seconds).
      • Dance of Chi-Ji may now stack up to 2 times.
      • Flying Serpent Kick is now a 30 second cooldown (was 20 seconds).
      • Shadowboxing Tread’s extra Blackout Kicks are now 80% effective (was 100%).
        • Developer’s note: We’re adding a tuning knob to Shadowboxing Treads so we can more easily tune Blackout Kick’s damage between single target and AoE scenarios.
      • Fury of Xuen now increases Haste, Mastery, and Critical Strike chance by 3% (was Haste by 5%) and Invokes Xuen, the White Tiger for 10 seconds (was 8 seconds).
      • Abilities affected by Ordered Elements, Dance of Chi-Ji, or Blackout Kick! now contribute to Drinking Horn Cover, Spiritual Focus, and Heart of the Jade Serpent as if their full Chi value was spent.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Jade Ignition’s damage to be reduced during Storm, Earth, and Fire.
      • The following talents are now 1 point:
        • Touch of the Tiger
        • Hardened Soles
        • Rising Star
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Power Strikes
        • Fatal Flying Guillotine
        • Skyreach
        • Serenity
        • Forbidden Technique
        • Widening Whirl
        • Bonedust Brew
        • Attenuation
        • Dust in the Wind
        • Flashing Fists
        • Open Palm
        • Skytouch
  • PALADIN (Paladin Feedback)
    • Many talents have moved locations or have had their pathing updated.
    • Multiple applications of Greater Judgment may overlap. This also functions with Retribution’s multiple stack application.
    • Glyph of the Luminous Charger now only works while Crusader Aura is active.
    • Incandescence now functions with Divine Hammer for Retribution.
    • Crusader’s Reprieve has been removed.
    • Hero Talents
      • Herald of the Sun (Holy/Retribution)
      • Lightsmith (Holy/Protection)
      • Templar (Retribution/Protection)
    • Holy
      • New Talent: Bestow Light – Light of the Martyr’s health threshold is reduced to 70% and increases Holy Shock’s healing by an additional 5% for every 5 seconds Light of the Martyr is active, stacking up to 3 times. While below 70% health, the light urgently heals you every 1 second.
      • Light of the Martyr has been redesigned – While above 80% health, Holy Shock’s healing is increased 20%, but creates a heal absorb on you for 30% of the amount healed that prevents Beacon of Light from healing you until it has dissipated.
      • Blessing of Summer has been redesigned – Bless an ally for 30 seconds, causing 20% of all healing to be converted into damage onto a nearby enemy and 10% of all damage to be converted into healing onto an injured ally within 40 yards.
      • Beacon of Light now transfers 15% of healing done (was 25%).
      • Barrier Faith now transfers 20% of healing into its absorb (was 25%).
      • Word of Glory healing increased by 25%.
      • Light of Dawn healing increased by 20%.
      • Holy Shock healing increased by 20%.
      • Tyr’s Deliverance healing decreased by 15%.
      • Sacrifice of the Just now reduces the cooldown of Blessing of Sacrifice by 15 seconds (was 60 seconds).
      • Blessing of Sacrifice now transfers 30% of damage taken (was 20%).
      • Avenging Crusader no longer costs Holy Power, grants an additional charge of Crusader Strike for its duration, and its duration is increased by 3 seconds.
      • Crusader’s Might now additionally reduces the cooldown of Judgment.
      • Holy Light’s cast time reduced to 2 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
      • Infusion of Light now increases the healing of Holy Light (was grants Holy Power).
      • Inflorescence of the Sunwell now increases the additional healing from Infusion of Light for Holy Light (was grants Holy Power).
      • Fixed an issue that caused Tyr’s Deliverance’s healing to not be affected by some modifiers, such as Avenging Wrath.
      • Light’s Hammer has been removed.
    • Protection
      • Bastion of Light has been redesigned – Your next 5 casts of Judgment generate 2 additional Holy Power.
      • Sanctuary has been redesigned – Consecration’s benefit persists for 4 seconds after you leave it.
      • Crusader’s Resolve has been redesigned – Targets struck by Avenger’s shield deal 10% reduced melee damage to you for 10 seconds.
      • Strength in Adversity now grants 5% Parry per target (was 2%).
      • Light of the Titans is now a 1-point talent. Healing over time is now a % of original value, rather than attack power based.
      • Bulwark of Order is now a 1-point talent.
    • Retribution
      • New Talent: Burn to Ash – When Truth’s Wake critically strikes, its duration is extended by 2 seconds. Your other damage over time effects deal 30% increased damage to targets affected by Truth’s Wake.
      • New Talent: Radiant Glory – Replaces Avenging Wrath/Crusade. Wake of Ashes grants you Avenging Wrath/Crusade for 10/12 seconds. Your other damaging abilities have a chance to grant you Avenging Wrath/Crusade for 5/6 seconds.
      • Righteous Cause has been redesigned – Each Holy Power spent has a 6% chance to reset the cooldown of Blade of Justice.
      • Art of War has been redesigned – Your auto attacks have a 20% chance to reset the cooldown of Blade of Justice. Critical strikes increase this chance by an additional 10%.
      • Divine Hammer has been redesigned – Divine Hammers spin around you, consuming a Holy Power to strike enemies within 8 yards for Radiant damage every 2.2 seconds. While active, your Holy Power generating abilities recharge 75% faster, and increase the rate at which Divine Hammer strikes by 15% when they are cast. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Now a 2 minute cooldown and damage increased by 300%. Divine Hammer base periodic decreased to 2.2 seconds and scales with Haste (was 3 seconds).
      • Final Reckoning has been redesigned – Now increases the damage taken from your single target Holy Power spenders by 30%. Increases the damage taken from your other Holy Power spenders by 15%.
      • Vengeful Wrath has been redesigned – Hammer of Wrath deals 50% increased damage to enemies below 35% health.
      • Vanguard of Justice has been redesigned – Templar’s Verdict and Divine Storm cost 1 additional Holy Power and deal 20% increased damage.
      • Templar Strikes has been redesigned – Crusader Strike becomes a 2-part combo: Templar Strike slashes an enemy for damage and gets replaced by Templar Slash for 5 seconds. Templar Slash strikes an enemy for damage, and burns them for 50% of the damage dealt over 4 seconds. Charge cooldown increased by 15%. Templar Slash, second part of combo, overrides Templar Strike for 5 seconds (was 4 seconds).
      • Templar Slash damage over time effect now rolls over the remaining damage value when reapplied.
      • Templar Strikes damage increased by 25%.
      • Templar Strikes cooldown increased by 2.25 seconds.
      • Truth’s Wake effect is now added to Wake of Ashes baseline.
      • Highlord’s Judgment has been renamed to Highlord’s Wrath.
      • Highlords Wrath has been redesigned – Mastery: Highlord’s Judgment is 50% more effective on Judgment and Hammer of Wrath. Judgment applies an additional stack of Greater Judgment if it is known. Now a 1-point talent.
      • Highlord’s Wrath damage increased by 50%.
      • Mastery: Hand of Light has been renamed to Mastery: Highlord’s Judgment – Now also causes Judgment to have a chance to blast the target with the Light, dealing Holy damage.
      • Highlord’s Wrath has been redesigned – Mastery: Highlord’s Judgment is 50/100% more effective on Judgment and Hammer of Wrath. Judgment applies an additional stack of Greater Judgment if it is known.
      • Adjudication has been redesigned – Critical Strike damage of your abilities increased by 5% and Hammer of Wrath also has a chance to cast Highlord’s Judgment.
      • Blades of Light has been redesigned – Crusader Strike, Judgment, Hammer of Wrath, and damaging single target Holy Power abilities now deal Holystrike damage and your abilities that deal Holystrike damage deal 5% increased damage.
      • Divine Arbiter now has an additional effect – Highlord’s Judgment and Holystrike damage abilities grant you a stack of Divine Arbiter.
      • Searing Light now has an additional effect – Highlord’s Judgment and Radiant damage abilities have a chance to call down and explosion of Holy Fire.
      • Blessed Hammer from Adjudication now spawns from the target of your Hammer of Wrath.
      • Execution Sentence now causes the enemy to suffer 20% of the damage dealt during its time after it expires (was 30%).
      • Execution Sentence damage no longer counts as a damage over time effect.
      • Vanguard of Justice has been redesigned – Enemies hit by Templar’s Verdict take 30/50% increased damage from your next Divine Storm. Now a 2-point talent (was 1).
      • Judge, Jury, Executioner has been redesigned – Divine Storm has a 40% chance to cause your next Templar’s Verdict to hit an additional 3 targets.
      • Expurgation now rolls over the remaining damage value when reapplied.
      • Boundless Judgment now additionally increases the chances of your Judgments chances to trigger Highlord’s Judgment by 50%.
      • Wake of Ashes now sends its cone attacks (including Seething Flames) towards where your camera is facing rather than where your character is facing.
      • Aegis of Protection now only increases the effectiveness of Divine Protection by 20% (was 10% and was also affecting Shield of Vengeance).
      • Radiant Glory has been updated – Wake of Ashes activates Avenging Wrath/Crusade for 10/12 seconds, Each Holy Power spent has a chance to activate Avenging Wrath/Crusade for 5/6 seconds.
      • Radiant Glory now extends the duration of an active Avenging Wrath/Crusade if it triggers while Avenging Wrath/Crusade is active.
      • Radiant Glory’s Wake of Ashes now grants 8/10 seconds of Avenging Wrath or Crusade (was 10/12 seconds).
      • Radiant Glory’s each Holy Power spent has a chance to grant you 4/5 seconds of Avenging Wrath or Crusade (was 5/6 seconds).
      • Divine Wrath now extends the duration of Radiant Glory separately. New Tooltip – Increases the duration of Avenging Wrath and Crusade by 3 seconds, and Radiant Glory by 1.5 seconds.
  • PRIEST (Priest Feedback)
    • Many talents have moved locations or have had their pathing updated.
    • Void Tendrils now root targets for 15 seconds (was 20 seconds).
    • Hero Talents
      • Archon (Holy/Shadow)
        • Resonant Energy now lasts 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
        • Shock Pulse now lasts 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
        • Resonant Energy now increases damage or healing by 2% and stacks up to 5 times (was 10%, not stacking).
        • Shock Pulse now reduces movement speed by 5%, stacking up to 5 times (was 25%, stacking 2 times).
        • Perfected Form no longer double dips its healing increase when the Priest casts Holy Word: Salvation and has Apotheosis from Answered Prayers.
      • Oracle (Holy/Discipline)
      • Voidweaver (Discipline/Shadow)
    • Discipline
      • Developer’s note: We would like Rapture to be a more satisfying cooldown that flows well with the rotation. With that goal in mind, we’re removing the time pressure aspect of the cooldown and increasing the impact of each Power Word: Shield, so that it can be used to triage damage in a more careful and interesting way.
      • Rapture increases the absorption of your next 3 Power Word: Shields by 80% (was increases by 40% and lasts 8 seconds).
      • Developer’s note: We are making some changes to raid healing cooldowns in The War Within to increase their effectiveness in content with less than 20 players. Our goal is to make these spells feel powerful in all forms of content, particularly smaller dungeon, PvP, or raid groups. The healing of these cooldowns will remain equal when healing 20 injured allies as they previously did and only take into account injured allies as contributing to their splash cap. This will be a slight reduction in effectiveness when healing more than 20 players, but this tradeoff has seemed reasonable to us as the availability and strength goes up as group sizes increase.
      • Luminous Barrier absorb amount increased by 400%.
      • Luminous Barrier now decreases its absorb amount beyond 5 targets.
    • Holy
      • Developer’s note: We are making some changes to raid healing cooldowns in The War Within to increase their effectiveness in content with less than 20 players. Our goal is to make these spells feel powerful in all forms of content, particularly smaller dungeon, PvP, or raid groups. The healing of these cooldowns will remain equal when healing 20 injured allies as they previously did and only take into account injured allies as contributing to their splash cap. This will be a slight reduction in effectiveness when healing more than 20 players, but this tradeoff has seemed reasonable to us as the availability and strength goes up as group sizes increase.
      • Divine Hymn healing increased by 400%.
      • Divine Hymn now decreases its healing beyond 5 targets.
    • Shadow
      • Shadow Crash now is a choice node with a new talent: Void Crash – Hurl a bolt of slow-moving Void energy at your target, dealing Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yards.
      • Shadow Crash’s tooltip has been updated to specify that it is aimed at a location, to make it more clear the differences between each choice.
  • ROGUE (Rogue Feedback)
    • Many talents have moved locations or have had their pathing updated.
    • New Talent: Shadowheart – Leech increased by 3% while Stealthed.
    • Acrobatic Strikes has been redesigned – Auto-attacks increase auto-attack damage and movement speed by 1% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 10%.
      • Developer’s note: Acrobatic Strikes no longer increases the range of melee attacks. We are revisiting increased melee range talents across the game, and most are being removed. Default melee range has increased since these talents were originally created, allowing specs with increased range to attack from well outside where it appears they should be able to.
    • Cut to the Chase moved from Assassination talent tree to baseline all specs, triggering from Envenom/Dispatch/Eviscerate.
    • Vanish’s guaranteed stealth duration now 1.5 seconds in PvP combat (base 3 seconds).
    • Tight Spender now reduces Energy cost of finishing moves by 6% (was 10%).
    • Subterfuge effect duration now 3/6 seconds. Now a 2-point talent.
    • Nightstalker has been removed.
    • Airborne Irritant now reduces Blind’s duration by 70% (was 40%). This gives it an 18 second duration when applied in an area.
    • Hero Talents
      • Deathstalker (Assassination/Subtlety)
      • Fatebound (Assassination/Outlaw)
      • Trickster (Subtlety/Outlaw)
        • Unseen Blade has been redesigned – Sinister Strike/Backstab/Gloomblade and Ambush/Shadowstrike now also strike the target with an off-hand Unseen Blade dealing Physical damage. Targets struck are Fazed for 5 seconds. Fazed enemies take 5% more damage from you and cannot parry your attacks. This effect may occur once every 20 seconds.
          • No longer causes Feint to generate combo points and strike enemies around you
        • Nimble Flurry renamed to Disorienting Strikes and has been redesigned – Killing Spree/Secret Technique have 10% reduced cooldown and allow your next 3 strikes of Unseen Blade to ignore its normal cooldown.
          • No longer increases damage of Killing Spree/Secret Technique.
        • Flawless Form now increases damage with Finishing Moves by 3% per stack and duration increased to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
          • No longer grants Mastery.
        • Thousand Cuts now grants auto-attacks a chance to refresh your opportunity to strike with Unseen Blade.
          • No longer grants auto-attacks a chance to trigger a strike with Unseen Blade.
        • Flickerstrike now refreshes your opportunity to strike with Unseen Blade.
          • No longer triggers a strike with Unseen Blade upon taking area damage while Feint is active or dodging while Evasion is active. Trigger conditions and cooldown between triggers remains unchanged.
        • Elaborate Twirl renamed to Nimble Flurry and has been redesigned – Outlaw: Blade Flurry damage is increased by 10% while Flawless Form is active. Subtlety: Your auto-attacks, Backstab/Gloomblade, Shadowstrike, Goremaw’s Bite, and Eviscerate also strike up to 7 additional nearby targets for 15% of normal damage while Flawless Form is active.
        • Coup de Grace has been updated – Now causes your next Dispatch or Eviscerate to function as if it had spent 4 additional combo points.
          • No longer increases damage of the next Dispatch, Eviscerate, or Black Powder.
    • Assassination
      • New Talent: Rapid Injection – Envenom deals 10% increased damage while Envenom’s effect is active.
      • New Talent: Sanguine Stratagem – Gain 1 additional max combo point. Your finishing moves that consume 5 or more combo points have increased effects, and your finishing moves deal 5% increased damage.
      • Serrated Bone Spike has been redesigned – (Passive) Prepare a Serrated Bone Spike every 30 seconds, stacking up to 3. Rupture spends a stack to embed a bone spike in its target:
        • Deals Physical damage and Bleed damage every 3 seconds until the target dies or leaves combat. Refunds a stack when the target dies.
        • Generates 1 combo point plus 1 additional per active bone spike.
      • Serrated Bone Spike initial damage reduced by 24% and damage over time damage reduced by 9%.
      • Improved Garrote effect duration increased to 6 seconds (was 3 seconds).
      • Indiscriminate Carnage effect duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • Kingsbane damage bonus per poison application now has a stated cap at 1000% from 50 stacks (was 1980% at 99 stacks).
      • Kingsbane base damage over time increased by 6%.
        • Developer’s note: Kingsbane was originally intended to be uncapped, but abilities and talents introduced in the Dragonflight expansion allowed players to reach its previously-unreachable hidden cap. Increasing or removing the cap in the current environment would reinforce poor gameplay outcomes and continue to constrain talent options, so a lower cap is being introduced with the intention of having Kingsbane remain a valuable component of any build that includes it, but not by being required as every build’s all-important main character.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Sepsis
        • Venom Rush
    • Outlaw
      • Mastery: Main Gauche damage increased by 24%.
      • Ace Up Your Sleeve now grants 4 combo points when triggered (was 5).
      • Adrenaline Rush has been updated:
        • No longer increases global cooldown recovery rate by 25% while active.
        • Now increases global cooldown recovery rate equal to your Haste while active, up to 25%.
        • Now increases Energy regeneration by 50% (was 60%).
      • Count the Odds effect now has base chance 10% (was 8%) and duration 8 seconds (was 5 seconds), but no longer doubled while Stealthed.
      • Underhanded Upper Hand no longer affects Slice and Dice duration and no longer grants 3 seconds of Subterfuge duration (Stealth ability use).
      • Crackshot’s Dispatch effectiveness reduced to 50% (was 75%).
      • Thief’s Versatility now increases Versatility by 3% (was 4%).
      • Blade Flurry radius increased to 8 yards (was melee range).
      • Sepsis has been removed.
    • Subtlety
      • Premeditation has been redesigned – After entering Stealth, your next combo point generating ability generates full combo points.
      • Invigorating Shadowdust now reduces cooldowns by 10/20 seconds (was 15/30 seconds).
      • Shadow Focus now reduces costs by 5%.
      • Shadow Dance moved from the Class talent tree to Subtlety talent tree.
  • SHAMAN (Shaman Feedback)
    • Hero Talents
      • Farseer (Restoration/Elemental)
      • Stormbringer (Elemental/Enhancement)
      • Totemic (Enhancement/Restoration)
    • Restoration
      • Developer’s note: We are making some changes to raid healing cooldowns in The War Within to increase their effectiveness in content with less than 20 players. Our goal is to make these spells feel powerful in all forms of content, particularly smaller dungeon, PvP, or raid groups. The healing of these cooldowns will remain equal when healing 20 injured allies as they previously did and only take into account injured allies as contributing to their splash cap. This will be a slight reduction in effectiveness when healing more than 20 players, but this tradeoff has seemed reasonable to us as the availability and strength goes up as group sizes increase.
      • Healing Tide Totem healing increased by 400%.
      • Healing Tide Totem now decreases its healing beyond 5 targets.
  • WARLOCK (Warlock Feedback)
    • Many talents have moved locations or have had their pathing updated.
    • New Talent: Pact of Gluttony – Healthstones you conjure for yourself are now Demonic Healthstones and can be used multiple times in combat. Demonic Healthstones cannot be traded.
    • New Talent: Swift Artifice – Reduces the cast time of Soulstone and Create Healthstone by 50%.
    • New Talent: Demonic Tactics – Increases melee and spell critical strike chance for you and your summoned demon by 2%.
    • Fel Pact has been redesigned – Fel Domination cooldown is reduced by 60 seconds and is now a 1-point talent (was 2).
    • Fiendish Stride has been redesigned – Reduces the damage dealt by Burning Rush by 10%. Burning Rush increases your movement speed by an additional 20%. Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
    • Soul Leech is no longer baseline and has been added to the Warlock tree.
    • Soul Conduit now a 1-point talent.
    • The following talents have been removed:
      • Grimoire of Synergy
      • Inquisitor’s Gaze
      • Summon Soulkeeper
      • Profane Bargain
    • Hero Talents
      • Diabolist (Destruction/Demonology)
      • Hellcaller (Destruction/Affliction)
      • Soul Harvester (Demonology/Affliction)
    • Affliction
      • New Talent: Cunning Cruelty – Malefic Rapture has a chance to trigger a Shadow Bolt Volley, dealing damage to 5 enemies within 10 yards of your current target.
      • New Talent: Summoner’s Embrace – Increases the damage dealt by your spells and your demon by 3%.
      • New Talent: Death’s Embrace – Increases Drain Life healing by 30% while your health is at or below 35% health. Damage done by your Agony, Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Malefic Rapture is increased by 5% when your target is at or below 20% health.
      • New Talent: Relinquished – Agony has 1.25 times the normal chance to generate a Soul Shard.
      • New Talent: Improved Shadow Bolt – The cast time of Shadow Bolt is reduced by 15% and Shadow Bolt deals 20% increased damage.
      • New Talent: Volatile Agony – Refreshing Agony with less than 10 seconds remaining deals Shadow damage to its target and enemies within 10 yards.
      • New Talent: Summoner’s Embrace – Increases the damage dealt or life drained by your Shadow spells and your demon by 3%.
      • New Talent: Malediction – The periodic critical strike chance of Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction is increased by 10%.
      • New Talent: Contagion – Critical Strike damage dealt by Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction is increased by 20%.
      • New Talent: Cull the Weak – Malefic Rapture damage is increased by 8% for each enemy it hits, up to 5 enemies.
      • New Talent: Empowered Unstable Affliction – Reduces the cast time of Unstable Affliction by 10/20% and damage dealt by Unstable Affliction has a 5/10% chance to generate a Soul Shard.
      • New Talent: Oblivion – Unleash wicked magic upon your target’s soul, dealing Shadow damage over 3 seconds. Deals 10% increased damage, up to 30%, per damage over time effect you have active on the target. Costs 2 Soul Shards. 45 second cooldown.
      • New Talent: Improved Haunt – Increases the damage of Haunt by 35% and reduces its cast time by 25%. Haunt now applies Shadow Embrace.
      • New Talent: Malign Omen – Casting Soul Rot grants 3 applications of Malign Omen. Your next Malefic Rapture deals 20% increased damage and extends the duration of your damage over time effects and Haunt by 2 seconds.
      • New Talent: Malefic Touch – Malefic Rapture deals an additional Shadowflame damage to each target it affects.
      • New Talent: Infirmity – The stack count of Agony is increased by 4 when applied by Vile Taint. Enemies damaged by Phantom Singularity take 10% increased damage from you for its duration.
      • New Talent: Improved Malefic Rapture – Reduces the cast time of Malefic Rapture by 10/20% and increases its damage by 5/10%.
      • Siphon Life has been redesigned – Corruption deals 20% increased damage and heals you for 5% of the damage dealt.
      • Kindled Malice has been redesigned – Malefic Rapture damage increased by 4/8%. Corruption damage increased by 10/20%.
      • Malevolent Visionary has been redesigned – Increases the damage of your Darkglare by 70%. When Darkglare extends damage over time effects it also sears the target for Shadow damage.
      • Shadow Embrace has been redesigned – Shadow Bolt/Drain Soul apply Shadow Embrace, increasing your damage dealt to the target by 4%/2% for 16 seconds. Stacks up to 2/4 times.
      • Malefic Rapture is now baseline and has been removed from the Affliction tree.
      • Malefic Rapture now deals Shadowflame damage.
      • Relinquished now causes Agony to have 1.10 times the chance to generate a Soul Shard (was 1.25).
      • Volatile Agony now deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
      • Haunt damage increased by 230%. This change does not affect PvP.
      • The following talents are now 1 point:
        • Empowered Unstable Affliction
      • The following talents are now 2 points:
        • Withering Bolt
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Pandemic Invocation
        • Sow the Seeds
        • Soul Swap
        • Doom Blossom
        • Dread Touch
        • Soul Flame
        • Agonizing Corruption
        • Seized Vitality
        • Soul-Eater’s Gluttony
        • Grand Warlock’s Design
        • Grim Reach
        • Haunted Soul
        • Inevitable Demise
      • Several talents have been moved in the third section of the specialization tree.
      • New Talent: Ravenous Afflictions – Critical strikes from your Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction have a chance to grant Nightfall.
      • New Talent: Perpetual Unstability – The cast time of Unstable Affliction is reduced by 20%. Refreshing Unstable Affliction with 8 or less seconds remaining deals Shadow damage to its target.
      • The following talents are now 1 point:
        • Xavius’ Gambit
        • Focused Malignancy
        • Withering Bolt
        • Improved Malefic Rapture
      • Empowered Unstable Affliction has been removed.
    • Demonology
      • New Talent: Shadowcaster – Increases the damage of Hand of Gul’dan by 20% and Demonbolt by 10%.
      • New Talent: Pact of the Ered’ruin – When Doom expires, you summon a Doomguard that casts 5 Doom Bolts before departing. Each Doom Bolt deals Shadow damage.
      • New Talent: Mark of Shatug – Your Summon Vilefiend becomes Summon Gloomhound and learns the following ability: Gloom Slash – Tooth and claw are drenched in malignant shadow magic, causing the Gloomhound’s melee attacks to deal Shadow damage over 6 seconds. If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new Gloom Slash.
      • New Talent: Flametouched – Increases the attack speed of your Dreadstalkers by 20% and their critical strike chance by 15%.
      • New Talent: Rune of Shadows – Increases all damage done by your pet by 4%. Reduces the cast time of Shadow Bolt by 25% and increases its damage by 40%.
      • New Talent: Demonic Brutality – Critical strikes from your spells and your demons deal 4% increased damage.
      • New Talent: Fiendish Prowess – Increases the attack speed of your primary demon by 25%.
      • New Talent: Improved Demonic Tactics – Increases your primary Felguard’s critical strike chance equal to 30% of your critical strike chance.
      • New Talent: Mark of F’harg – Your Summon Vilefiend becomes Summon Charhound and learns the following ability:
        • Infernal Presence – Cloaked in the ever-burning flames of the abyss, dealing Fire damage to enemies within 10 yards every 1 second.
      • New Talent: Shadowtouched – Wicked Maw causes the target to take 20% additional Shadow damage from your demons.
      • New Talent: Foul Mouth – Increases Vilefiend damage by 20% and your Vilefiend’s Bile Spit now applies Wicked Maw.
      • New Talent: The Houndmaster’s Gambit – Your Dreadstalkers deal 50% increased damage while your Vilefiend is active.
      • New Talent: Blood Invocation – The cooldown of Power Siphon is reduced by 5 seconds and Power Siphon increases the damage of Demonbolt by an additional 20%.
      • New Talent: Fiendish Oblation – Damage dealt by Grimoire: Felguard is increased by an additional 10% and you gain a Demonic Core when Grimoire: Felguard ends.
      • New Talent: Doom Eternal – Demonic Cores reduce the duration of Doom by an additional 2 seconds and when Doom is removed its cooldown is reset.
      • New Talent: Impending Doom – Increases the damage of Doom by 20% and Doom generates 1 Soul Shard upon expiration.
      • Doom has been redesigned – Inflicts impending doom upon the target, dealing Shadow damage and an additional Shadow damage to enemies within 10 yards after 20 seconds. Consuming a Demonic Core reduces the duration of Doom by 3 seconds. 30 seconds cooldown.
      • Fel Invocation has been redesigned – Soul Strike deals 20% increased damage and generates a Soul Shard.
      • You now have a 35% chance (was 100% chance) to generate a Demonic Core from your summoned Dreadstalkers when they fade.
      • The cooldown of Summon Vilefiend has been reduced to 30 seconds (was 45 seconds).
      • The cooldown of Summon Demonic Tyrant has been reduced to 1 minute (was 1 minute and 30 seconds).
      • Houndmaster’s Stratagem has been renamed to Wicked Maw and its icon has been updated.
      • Dread Calling and Grimoire: Felguard icons have been updated.
      • The following talents are now 1 point:
        • Imp Gang Boss
        • Umbral Blaze
        • Pact of the Imp Mother
        • Dread Calling
        • Demonic Brutality
        • Flametouched
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Demonic Knowledge
        • Nether Portal
        • Ner’zhul’s Volition
        • Gul’dan’s Ambition
        • Stolen Power
        • Heavy-Handed
        • Fiendish Prowess
        • Shadow’s Bite
        • Infernal Command
        • Fel and Steel
        • Shadowcaster
        • Malefic Impact
        • Cavitation
        • Grand Warlock’s Design
    • Destruction
      • New Talent: Devastation – Increases the Critical Strike chance of your Destruction spells by 5%.
      • New Talent: Emberstorm – Increases the damage done by your Fire spells by 2/4% and reduces the cast time of your Incinerate spell by 10/20%.
      • New Talent: Decimating Bolt – Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing Shadow damage and increase the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 40%. Decimating Bolt’s damage, and the bonus to Incinerate both increase as your target’s health decreases.
      • New Talent: Summoner’s Embrace – Increases the damage dealt by your spells and your demon by 3%.
      • New Talent: Indiscriminate Flames – Backdraft increases the damage of your next Chaos Bolt by 5% or increases the critical strike chance of your next Incinerate or Soul Fire by 35%.
      • New Talent: Blistering Atrophy – Increases the damage of Shadowburn by 20%. Shadowburn always critically strikes a target that is at or below 30% health.
      • New Talent: Fiendish Cruelty – When Shadowburn fails to kill a target that is at or below 30% health, its cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds.
      • New Talent: Demonfire Mastery – Increases the damage of Channel Demonfire by 30% and it deals damage 35% faster.
      • New Talent: Improved Chaos Bolt – Increases the damage of Chaos Bolt by 10% and reduces its cast time by 0.5 seconds.
      • New Talent: Avatar of Destruction – Consuming Ritual of Ruin summons an Overfiend for 8 seconds. Overfiend generates 1 Soul Shard Fragment every 0.5 seconds and casts Chaos Bolt at its summoner’s target, dealing Chaos damage.
      • New Talent: Dimension Ripper – Incinerate has a chance to create a Dimensional Rift or recharge Dimensional Rift if learned.
      • New Talent: Flame Rift – Dimensional Rift can now summon a powerful Flame Rift.
      • New Talent: Lessons of Space-Time – While you have a Dimensional Rift open, all of your damage is increased by 5%.
      • New Talent: Unstable Rifts – Bolts from Dimensional Rift deal 25% of the damage dealt to nearby enemies.
      • Ruin has been redesigned – Increases the Critical Strike damage of your Destruction spells by 5/10%.
      • Inferno has been redesigned – Rain of Fire damage is increased by 20% and its Soul Shard cost is reduced by 1.
      • Decimation has been redesigned – Your Incinerate and Conflagrate casts on targets that have 35% or less health reduces the cooldown of Soulfire by 5 seconds and reduce its cast time by 40% for 10 seconds.
      • Chaos Incarnate has been redesigned – Chaos Bolt, Rain of Fire, and Shadowburn always gain 70% of the maximum benefit from your Mastery: Chaotic Energies.
      • Decimation has been redesigned – Your critical strikes have a chance to reset the cooldown of Soul Fire and reduce the cast time of your next Soul Fire by 80%.
      • Scalding Flames has been redesigned – Increases the damage of Immolate by 25% and its duration by 3 seconds.
      • Chaos Bolt has been removed from the Destruction specialization tree and is now baseline.
      • The cooldown of Summon Infernal is now 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).
      • The following talents are now 1 point:
        • Burn to Ashes
        • Master Ritualist
        • Power Overwhelming
        • Infernal Brand
        • Crashing Chaos
        • Ashen Remains
        • Eradication
        • Conflagration of Chaos
        • Ruin
        • Scalding Flames
        • Fire and Brimstone
        • Rolling Havoc
        • Raging Demonfire
        • Flashpoint
        • Emberstorms
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Avatar of Destruction
        • Chaosbringer
        • Pandemonium
        • Cry Havoc
        • Improved Immolate
        • Decimating Bolt
        • Grand Warlock’s Design
        • Flame Rift
        • Lessons of Space-Time
        • Unstable Rifts
      • The tooltip of Dimension Ripper has been updated – Incinerate has a chance to recharge Dimensional Rift.
      • The tooltip of Summon Overfiend has been updated – Generates 1 Soul Shard Fragment every 0.5 seconds and casts Chaos Bolt at 80% effectiveness at its summoner’s target.
      • The icon of Avatar of Destruction has been updated.
  • WARRIOR (Warrior Feedback)
    • Many talents have moved locations or have had their pathing updated.
    • Berserker Rage now auto-learned at level 12.
    • Thunder Clap Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 30).
    • Blood and Thunder no longer increases Rage cost or damage of Thunder Clap.
    • Crackling Thunder also increases damage of Thunder Clap by 10%.
    • Frothing Berserker now refunds 10% Rage for Arms and Fury, and 25% Rage for Protection.
    • Shockwave no longer generates Rage on cast.
    • Champion’s Spear generates 10 Rage on cast (was 20).
    • Thunderous Roar no longer generates Rage on cast.
    • Thunderous Words now causes Thunderous Roar’s Bleed effect to increase damage targets take from all the Warrior’s bleed effects, rather than passively increasing it all the time.
    • Slam damage increased by 130%. Arms Slam damage bonus reduced to 50% (was 75%).
    • Bladestorm damage increased by 70%.
    • Ravager damage decreased by 10%.
    • Second Wind gains an additional effect – While you are below 35% health, restores 1.0% health every 1 second. The amount restored increases the closer you are to death (max 2%).
    • The following talents have been removed:
      • Titanic Throw
      • Sonic Boom
    • Hero Talents
      • Colossus (Protection/Arms)
      • Mountain Thane (Protection/Fury)
        • Storm Bolts now also increases the cooldown of Storm Bolt by 10 seconds.
      • Slayer (Fury/Arms)
        • Arms
          • Cleave now also applies Colossal Might when it hits 3 or more targets.
    • Arms
      • New Talent: Finishing Blows – Overpower generates 8 Rage when used on a target below 35% health.
      • Barbaric Training has been redesigned for Arms – Now grants 20% damage and 10% critical damage to Slam and Whirlwind.
      • Storm of Swords has been redesigned – Now grants Whirlwind a 30% chance to make your next Whirlwind cost 100% less Rage.
      • Rage generated from auto-attacks reduced by 16%.
      • Whirlwind base Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 30).
      • Rend base Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 30).
      • Ignore Pain Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 40).
      • Cleave damage increased by 5%.
      • Cleave cooldown reduced to 3 seconds (was 6 seconds).
      • Battlelord no longer resets the cooldown of Cleave.
      • Storm of Swords now triggers from Whirlwind or Cleave and reduces the Rage cost of your next Whirlwind or Cleave.
      • Fervor of Battle now also triggers from Cleave.
      • Barbaric Training now also affects Cleave. Damage bonus reduced to 10% (was 20%).
      • Seismic Reverberation now also triggers from Cleave.
      • Whirlwind damage reduced by 33%.
      • Collateral Damage’s damage bonus now applies to Cleave as well as Whirlwind.
      • Unhinged now will cast Mortal Strike on your target if valid, falling back to a random target.
      • Warlord’s Torment no longer triggers from Colossus Smash. Duration of Recklessness buff increased by 50% and bonus Rage generation reduced to 25% (was 100%).
      • In for the Kill’s Haste bonus now lasts as long as Colossus Smash does.
      • Improved Overpower increases number of Overpower charges by 1.
      • Dreadnaught no longer increases number of Overpower charges.
      • Strength of Arms no longer causes Overpower to generates 8 Rage when used on a target below 35% health.
      • Tactician chance to reset cooldown of Overpower per Rage spent reduced to 1% (was 1.3%).
      • Deft Experience increase to Tactician’s chance to reset cooldown of Overpower per Rage spent reduced to 0.5% (was 0.6%).
      • Valor in Victory’s Versatility bonus increased to 2% (was 1%).
      • Battlelord no longer generates Rage when triggered.
      • Skullsplitter now accelerates Rend’s Bleed baseline.
      • Ravager is now a choice node with Bladestorm. All existing Bladestorm sub-talents updated to work with both Ravager and Bladestorm.
      • Bladestorm no longer generates Rage on cast.
      • Dreadnaught damage reduced by 58%.
      • Strength of Arms now also increases Overpower damage by 15%.
      • Crushing Force now increases Mortal Strike damage by 5% and Mortal Strike critical strike damage by 5% per point (was Slam damage and critical strike chance).
      • Battlelord no longer increases Overpower damage, and now generates 10 Rage when it resets the cooldown of Mortal Strike.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Tide of Blood
        • Reaping Swings
      • Unhinged has been redesigned – Every other time Bladestorm or Ravager deal damage, you cast a Mortal Strike at your target or a nearby enemy.
      • Critical Thinking now restores 10% of Rage spent on Execute per point (was 5%).
      • Hurricane has been removed.
    • Fury
      • New Talent: Powerful Enrage: Enrage increases the damage your abilities deal by an additional 15% and Enrage’s duration is increased by 1 second. On a choice node with Frenzied Enrage.
      • Fury Warriors now learn Defensive Stance by default.
      • Wrath and Fury now increases the chance for Improved Raging Blow to reset Raging Blow’s cooldown by 10% while Enraged.
      • Deft Experience no longer reduces Bloodthirst’s cooldown, instead it now increases Bloodthirst’s chance to trigger Enrage by 2% per point.
      • Tenderize no longer increases the duration of Enrage.
      • Bloodthirst damage increased by 43%
      • Bloodcraze now triggers from Raging Blow instead of Bloodthirst.
      • Deft Experience now causes Bloodthirst to extend your Enrage effect by 0.5/1.0 sec if you are Enraged.
      • Swift Strikes now also increases Bloodthirst’s Rage generated by 1.0/2.0 Rage.
      • Crushing Force now increases the damage of Bloodthirst by 10/20% and critical strike chance of Bloodthirst by 5/10%.
      • Slam’s Rage cost removed.
      • Bladestorm now generates 10 Rage per damage event for Fury (20 with Storm of Steel).
      • Bladestorm is now a choice node with Ravager. All existing Ravager sub-talents updated to work with both Ravager and Bladestorm.
      • The following talents have been removed:
        • Frenzied Flurry has been removed, its effects have been added to Single-Minded Fury.
        • Raging Armaments
        • Annihilator
        • Storm of Swords
          • Developer’s note: Annihilator and Sword of Swords provided an option for Fury players who wanted a lower “actions per minute” playstyle. However, we’re not happy with how they changed which abilities warriors used in their rotations. We are instead providing Powerful Enrage as a new option for a slower playstyle that synergizes with Fury’s rotation and flavor.
      • Hurricane replaced with Unhinged – Every other time Bladestorm or Ravager deal damage, you cast a Bloodthirst at your target or a nearby enemy.
    • Protection
      • New Talent: Fight Through the Flames – Defensive Stance additionally reduces magic damage you take by 5%.
      • Battle-Scarred Veteran has been updated – When a damage event reduces your health below 30%, the portion of that damage event that would apply to the last 30% of your health is also reduced by 80%.
        • Developer’s note: For example, if you are at 50% health and receive damage for 40% of your health, your damage taken will be 20% + 20% * (1-0.8), or 24%, and you will have 26% health remaining when Battle-Scarred Veteran activates." Additionally, this change will be deployed to the 10.2.7 environment over the next few days.
      • Whirlwind base Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 30).
      • Whirlwind damage reduced by 33%.
      • Rend base Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 30).
      • Defensive Stance no longer reduces damage dealt by Protection Warriors.
      • Improved Heroic Throw has been removed.


  • The item levels of leveling gear have been adjusted to be rewarded at an appropriate item level through level 70.
    • Developer’s note: With this adjustment the leveling content should feel easier for all players as the items being rewarded will be a higher item level. All leveling items will follow this high item level cadence except for heirlooms. Heirlooms still have the advantage of increasing their item level as the wielder levels. In general, this should make leveling a more fluid and pleasant experience!
  • The sell value of the Elegant Canvas Brush has been reduced to 100 gold.
  • DPS trinkets and items with additional effects reduced by 33% for tank and healer specializations.
    • Developer’s note: Tanks and healers choosing to wear damage trinkets have often seen them contribute a disproportionate and unintended amount of their overall damage. DPS cantrips have further exacerbated this issue. This change is intended to shift power back into players’ class kits while reducing the opportunity cost of choosing specialized tank and healer trinkets over pure damage trinkets. This change is not retroactive.


    • Rated Battleground Blitz is enabled on Beta for queueing.
      • Rated Battleground Blitz is the rated version of the Battleground Blitz brawl that came in the 10.1, Embers of Nelharion content update. It is a solo queue rated 8v8 battleground game mode with an accelerated pace and new mechanics to make the battles faster.
      • The map pool is the same as the Brawl version, with the addition of the new Battleground, Deephaul Ravine.
    • All arena maps now have levers players can click on to indicate they are ready for the game to start. Once all players have hit the lever, the arena start timer will skip to 10 seconds remaining.
    • Shadow Sight now highlights enemies that are stealthed with a red outline that can be seen through walls.
    • EVOKER
      • Hero Talents
        • Flameshaper
          • Engulf damage reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • DRUID
      • Call of the Elder Druid has been removed from PvP talents and is now a Restoration Druid talent.or our a
    • MONK
      • New PvP Talent: Absolute Serenity – Celestial Conduit now prevents incapacitate, disorient, snare, and root effects for its duration.
      • Holy
        • Barrier Faith is now 50% more effective in PvP combat (was 100%).
    • ROGUE
      • Shadowy Duel now applies a screen effect so it is more noticeable that you are inside the duel.
    • Oppressive Orator’s Larynx damage reduced by 70% in PvP combat.
    • Empowering Crystal of Anub’ikkaj secondary stat granted reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Bursting Lightshard damage reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
    • Remnant of Darkness Strength granted reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Burin of the Candle King absorb reduced by 75% in PvP combat.
    • Carved Blazikon Wax Versatility reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Skarmorak Shard Mastery reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Synergistic Brewterializer damage reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
    • Ravenous Honey Buzzer damage reduced by 70% in PvP combat.
    • Cinderbrew Stein -absorb and stats reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Charged Stormrook Plume -damage reduced by 70% in PvP combat.
    • High Speaker’s Accretion damage reduced by 80% in PvP combat.
    • GV - Economy Updates & Weapon Quest REMINDER
    • Blacksmithing
      • Beledar’s Bulwark Versatility reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Sanctified Steps damage reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Jewelcrafting
      • Captured Starlight absorption effect reduced by 80% in PvP combat.
    • Leatherworking
      • Waders of the Unifying Flame secondary stat bonus reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Adrenal Surge Clasp Strength reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Fury of the Storm Rook (Leather set bonus) Haste reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Sanctified Torchbearer’s Grips damage reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Embrace of the Cinderbee (Mail Set bonus) secondary stat bonus reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Tailoring
      • Woven Dawn Set (Set bonus) Mastery reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Woven Dusk Set (Set bonus) Haste reduced by 50% in PvP combat.


    • Spellbook has been redesigned and moved to the same window as Talents and Specializations.
    • Search functionality has been added to the Spellbook. Search results will be categorized under one of the following to provide further context:
      • Exact Matches: Exact full name matches the search text
      • Related Matches: Spells mentioned in the Exact Match’s description
      • Name Matches: Spells whose name partially matches the search text
      • Description Matches: Spells whose description partially matches the search text
    • Minimize and expand functionality has been added to the Spellbook frame.
    • Checkbox added to hide passives from displaying in the Spellbook.
  • Professions now has its own micromenu button.
  • Mount Journal now has a button called Switch Flight Style that lets you switch between steady flight (normal flying) and Skyriding.
  • Upon learning Skyriding, the Skyriding talent tree is now accessible via a button within the Mount Journal.
  • Flight map icons have been updated.
  • Flightmaster icon and new flight path icon have been updated.
  • Areas of the Quest Log interface have been updated with new artwork.
  • A button for Professions has been added to the micromenu where the Spellbook button was previously. The Spellbook has been added to the Talents frame.
    • Option to replace spiders with alternative creatures. This doesn’t affect gameplay or difficulty. Option under Accessibility > General > Arachnophobia Mode.
    • Icon can be used to mark your player character for visibility. Option under Accessibility > General > Self Highlight.
    • Highlight your character’s silhouette when blocked by objects in game. Option under Gameplay > Combat > Show Silhouette when Obstructed.
    • Updated Objective Tracker art.
    • Minimize settings are now on a new top level quest tracker header.
    • New animations on headers and objectives.
    • Icons for in progress quests have been updated.
    • Objective Tracker text size can be adjusted with Edit Mode.
      • Developer’s note: This will only apply for headers and most text lines in the tracker.
  • Added new 3D quest bangs and icons:
    • Meta quests
    • Repeatable quests
    • Campaign trivial quests
  • Improved clarity when enchanting items:
    • Cursor highlight when mousing over items that can be enchanted by current enchantment
    • Dimming icons of non-enchantable items
    • Animations when an item has been enchanted
  • Updates to many world map icons, including: Rare, Rare Elite, Cave Entrances, Teleporters, Great Vault, Catalyst Convertor, Digsites, Pet Bettles, Dungeon, and Raid.
  • Checkboxes for tracking have been added to the quest log for easier management.
  • Characters on the character select screen are now directly clickable within the scene.
  • The Group Manager has been updated with new art and feature improvements, including:
    • Additional options to restrict group pings
    • Easier access to both world and unit raid markers
    • UI panel reorganized so related options are together in sections
    • Added instance options previously only found in the character portrait dropdown
  • Health bars have been updated with a visualization that shows the percentage of temporary max health that is depleted.
  • On the Rated PvP screen, the button tooltips now include information about your current rank in the specialization leaderboard.
  • Most world map icons can now be supertracked by left-clicking. Some examples include: events, rares, rare elites, bonus objectives, flightmasters, dungeon/raid entrances, and more.
  • The visual for meta quests has been updated.
  • Dire Beasts, Army of the Dead ghouls, Magus of the Dead, various Demonology Warlock demons, Void Tendril, Void Lasher, and Denizen of the Dream nameplates are now always hidden.
The War Within Beta Development Notes (5)


Community Manager

#5 - June 5, 2024, 7:40 p.m.

The War Within Beta Development Notes (6)

Here are this week’s updates to The War Within Beta from last week’s Alpha.


  • Class sets are available for testing. To try these set bonuses in the Beta, log into an endgame realm and look for Setzertauren near the current PvP and professions vendors in Orgrimmar and Stormwind City. Please share bugs you find via the in-game bug reporting tool and your feedback about the bonuses in this thread.


    • ‘These Go To Eleven’ is a separate Beta region that is focused on end-game content and has multiple vendors setup to allow players to quickly and easily test out content.
      • Profession Vendors and Trainers
      • Class Set Vendors
      • PvP Gear Vendors
      • Trinket Vendors
    • This environment is locked to using a max level template only, and players will not be able to access the 11.0 outdoor zones as the focus of this environment is on instanced content (eg. raid, dungeon & pvp content).
    • Character copy is not available on this realm.
  • Copied characters will be missing Dragonflight reputations, any flight points, and certain existing achievement progress.
    • Developer’s note: This is expected for now, and once we get the Warbands data conversion working with character copy, players will need to do another character copy to grab that data and roll it into their Warband data.


    • Vengeance
      • Sigil of Misery now disorients target for 15 seconds (was 20 seconds).
    • Mass Entanglement now roots targets for 10 seconds (was 30 seconds).
    • Feral
      • All ability damage reduced by 20%.
      • Developer’s note: At the beginning of April we increased all of Feral’s ability damage by the value of their baseline passive aura (20%), but neglected to reduce their baseline passive aura at the same time.
      • Brutal Slash damage reduced by 10%
      • Moonfire damage reduced by 10%.
      • Thrash direct damage increased by 20%.
      • Dreadful Bleeding increased to 20% (was 18%).
      • Primal Wrath energy cost reduced to 25.
      • Tiger’s Tenacity also causes Tiger’s Fury to increase the periodic damage of your bleeds and Moonfire (if known) by an additional 10% for their full duration.
      • Finishing move damage (Ferocious Bite, Ravage, Rip, Maim, and Primal Wrath) increased by 10%.
    • Renewing Blaze has swapped places with Source of Magic.
    • Panacea now also heals the caster when Verdant Embrace is cast. Healing reduced by 50%.
    • Panacea is now considered a Green spell, and is improved by Lush Growth.
    • Overawe has been redesigned – Now grants 30 seconds of cooldown reduction (was cooldown reduction per Enrage dispelled).
    • Oppressing Roar cone increased to 60 degrees (was 45 degrees).
      • Developer note: Oppressing Roar with Overawe was too good specifically in Mythic+ dungeons with the Raging affix, but not really anywhere else. So, we’re reducing its effectiveness in that scenario but making it more generically useful as a talent. We’re also increasing Oppressing Roar’s cone radius since it can be difficult to aim it without a preview cone like Fire Breath or Dream Breath have.
    • Landslide now roots targets for 15 seconds (was 30 seconds).
    • Hero Talents
      • Chronowarden (Augmentation/Preservation)
        • Temporal Burst lasts 40 seconds (was 20 seconds), and ramps by 1% every second (was 2% per second).
        • Threads of Fate lasts 10 seconds (was 15 seconds).
        • Augmentation
          • Reverberations increase Upheaval damage by 50% (was 30%) for Augmentation.
          • Chrono Flame copies 25% of damage or healing done for Augmentation (was 15%).
    • Augmentation
      • Developer’s note: We’re making several adjustments to the Augmentation spec tree to create more build choices. We would like Prescience to be more easily available since it’s important for Ebon Might targeting, so it’s been moved up in the tree. We’re also rehabilitating Motes of Possibility and making large adjustments to the capstones and their pathing. Each capstone now has a synergistic node above it and has a more distinct theme. Please note that there are still tuning changes pending, and implementation is not complete on some of the newer talents.
      • New Talent: Rumbling Earth – Upheaval causes an aftershock at its location, dealing 50% of its damage 2 additional times.
      • New Talent: Molten Embers – Fire Breath causes enemies to take 20% more damage from your Black spells.
      • New Talent: Imminent Destruction – Breath of Eons reduces the Essence cost of Eruption by 1 and increases its damage by 10% for 15 seconds after you land.
      • Motes of Possibility now give a random Augmentation Evoker buff (was reduces the cooldown of your major ability by 10 seconds). In addition, the motes will spawn closer to the caster, and they will also slowly float towards the nearest ally.
      • Overlord now guarantees Motes of Possibilities will spawn from the Eruptions it casts.
      • Seismic Slam is now a 1 point talent, and is in a new location below Upheaval. The stun duration remains at 4 seconds.
      • Geomancy has been removed.
      • Timelessness is now where Geomancy was previously in the talent tree.
      • Prescience is now available in a location higher up in the spec tree.
      • Many talents have had their locations adjusted, particularly in the final part of the spec tree.
  • MAGE
    • Mass Polymorph now polymorphs targets for 15 seconds (was 60 seconds).
    • Fire
      • Burning Blood damage bonus reduced to 8% and health threshold increased to 35%.
      • Burning Blood has been renamed to Molten Fury.
      • Heat Shimmer’s proc now makes your next Scorch instant cast (was deal 25% increased damage).
        • Developer’s note: We’re being sensitive to giving Fire more instant-cast spells and will be watching this talent carefully to make sure it isn’t pushing Fire too far towards never having to cast.
    • Void Tendrils now root targets for 15 seconds (was 20 seconds).
    • Hero Talents
      • Archon (Holy/Shadow)
        • Resonant Energy now lasts 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
        • Shock Pulse now lasts 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
        • Resonant Energy now increases damage or healing by 2% and stacks up to 5 times (was 10%, not stacking).
        • Shock Pulse now reduces movement speed by 5%, stacking up to 5 times (was 25%, stacking 2 times).
        • Perfected Form no longer double dips its healing increase when the Priest casts Holy Word: Salvation and has Apotheosis from Answered Prayers.
    • Airborne Irritant now reduces Blind’s duration by 70% (was 40%). This gives it an 18 second duration when applied in an area.
    • Hero Talents
      • Trickster (Subtlety/Outlaw)
        • Unseen Blade has been redesigned – Sinister Strike/Backstab/Gloomblade and Ambush/Shadowstrike now also strike the target with an off-hand Unseen Blade dealing Physical damage. Targets struck are Fazed for 5 seconds. Fazed enemies take 5% more damage from you and cannot parry your attacks. This effect may occur once every 20 seconds.
          • No longer causes Feint to generate combo points and strike enemies around you
        • Nimble Flurry renamed to Disorienting Strikes and has been redesigned – Killing Spree/Secret Technique have 10% reduced cooldown and allow your next 3 strikes of Unseen Blade to ignore its normal cooldown.
          • No longer increases damage of Killing Spree/Secret Technique.
        • Flawless Form now increases damage with Finishing Moves by 3% per stack and duration increased to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
          • No longer grants Mastery.
        • Thousand Cuts now grants auto-attacks a chance to refresh your opportunity to strike with Unseen Blade.
          • No longer grants auto-attacks a chance to trigger a strike with Unseen Blade.
        • Flickerstrike now refreshes your opportunity to strike with Unseen Blade.
          • No longer triggers a strike with Unseen Blade upon taking area damage while Feint is active or dodging while Evasion is active. Trigger conditions and cooldown between triggers remains unchanged.
        • Elaborate Twirl renamed to Nimble Flurry and has been redesigned – Outlaw: Blade Flurry damage is increased by 10% while Flawless Form is active. Subtlety: Your auto-attacks, Backstab/Gloomblade, Shadowstrike, Goremaw’s Bite, and Eviscerate also strike up to 7 additional nearby targets for 15% of normal damage while Flawless Form is active.
        • Coup de Grace has been updated – Now causes your next Dispatch or Eviscerate to function as if it had spent 4 additional combo points.
          • No longer increases damage of the next Dispatch, Eviscerate, or Black Powder.
    • Affliction
      • Several talents have been moved in the third section of the specialization tree.
      • New Talent: Ravenous Afflictions – Critical strikes from your Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction have a chance to grant Nightfall.
      • New Talent: Perpetual Unstability – The cast time of Unstable Affliction is reduced by 20%. Refreshing Unstable Affliction with 8 or less seconds remaining deals Shadow damage to its target.
      • The following talents are now 1 point:
        • Xavius’ Gambit
        • Focused Malignancy
        • Withering Bolt
        • Improved Malefic Rapture
      • Empowered Unstable Affliction has been removed.
    • Destruction
      • The tooltip of Dimension Ripper has been updated – Incinerate has a chance to recharge Dimensional Rift.
      • The tooltip of Summon Overfiend has been updated – Generates 1 Soul Shard Fragment every 0.5 seconds and casts Chaos Bolt at 80% effectiveness at its summoner’s target.
      • The icon of Avatar of Destruction has been updated.
    • Hero Talents
      • Mountain Thane (Protection/Fury)
        • Storm Bolts now also increases the cooldown of Storm Bolt by 10 seconds.
      • Slayer (Fury/Arms)
        • Arms
          • Cleave now also applies Colossal Might when it hits 3 or more targets.
    • Arms
      • Unhinged has been redesigned – Every other time Bladestorm or Ravager deal damage, you cast a Mortal Strike at your target or a nearby enemy.
      • Critical Thinking now restores 10% of Rage spent on Execute per point (was 5%).
      • Hurricane has been removed.
    • Fury
      • Hurricane replaced with Unhinged – Every other time Bladestorm or Ravager deal damage, you cast a Bloodthirst at your target or a nearby enemy.


  • DPS trinkets and items with additional effects reduced by 33% for tank and healer specializations.
    • Developer’s note: Tanks and healers choosing to wear damage trinkets have often seen them contribute a disproportionate and unintended amount of their overall damage. DPS cantrips have further exacerbated this issue. This change is intended to shift power back into players’ class kits while reducing the opportunity cost of choosing specialized tank and healer trinkets over pure damage trinkets. This change is not retroactive.


    • Rated Battleground Blitz is enabled on Beta for queueing.
      • Rated Battleground Blitz is the rated version of the Battleground Blitz brawl that came in the 10.1, Embers of Nelharion content update. It is a solo queue rated 8v8 battleground game mode with an accelerated pace and new mechanics to make the battles faster.
      • The map pool is the same as the Brawl version, with the addition of the new Battleground, Deephaul Ravine.
    • Shadow Sight now highlights enemies that are stealthed with a red outline that can be seen through walls.
    • EVOKER
      • Hero Talents
        • Flameshaper
          • Engulf damage reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • ROGUE
      • Shadowy Duel now applies a screen effect so it is more noticeable that you are inside the duel.


  • Dire Beasts, Army of the Dead ghouls, Magus of the Dead, various Demonology Warlock demons, Void Tendril, Void Lasher, and Denizen of the Dream nameplates are now always hidden.
The War Within Beta Development Notes (2024)


What is the max level in The War Within? ›

The level cap in The War Within has been raised to 80, allowing players to further develop their characters with new abilities and talents.

What do you need for The War Within? ›

World of Warcraft®: The War Within™

Requires World of Warcraft®, Internet connection,® Account, and® desktop app to play. ²Available on or before December 31, 2024. ³If you already have Dragonflight on your account, the expansion will not be re-granted.

How do you get max level in God of War? ›

So, to level up in God of War, the player must either equip weapons and armor with a higher level, forge higher level equipment, or upgrade their existing equipment.

How long does it take to complete The War Within? ›

The estimated time to complete the only The War Within achievement for Warframe is 1-2 hours. This estimate is based on the modal completion time from 196 TrueAchievements members that have completed the title update.

What is the max level cap in shadow of war? ›

What is the Level Cap in Middle-earth: Shadow of War? While at release, the maximum level for players was 60, an update several years ago raised the level cap to 80. Players can level their gear and weapons to level 85 as well, and even level 90 for weapons that an Olog breaks.

What is the max level in War of the Righteous? ›

Though Legend can go up to 40 as part of its mythic path progression. But even then you are locked to 20 levels in any one class. Or 10 levels in prestige classes.

What is the level cap in Dragonflight? ›

With this, they've also gone ahead and informed players worldwide that once again, the level cap will be increasing, so we have a reason to level within Dragonflight. The max level cap for World of Warcraft Dragonflight is going to be LVL 70, which is a 10 level increase off the max level of 60 right now.


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.