The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (2024)

A brief history

  • The area's origin
  • About the community
  • The battle over the land begins
  • Pressure to sell and eminent domain
  • Opposition to planned public housing
  • The Dodger vote and forcible evictions
  • Dodger Stadium rises

Before Dodger Stadium was a legendary baseball venue, it was known as Chavez Ravine.

The area was home to generations of families, most of them Mexican American.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (1)

"View of children playing in a fenced yard of a very dilapidated house."


Courtesy Los Angeles Public Library: Housing Authority Collection


After the Dodgers made the deal to ditch Brooklyn, Los Angeles officials used eminent domain and other political machinations to wrest that land away from its owners.

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The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (5)

Archival caption: "Panoramic view of the Elysian Heights and Chavez Ravine area as photographed by the Los Angeles City Housing Authority in an effort to document slum conditions.


Security Pacific National Bank Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


It was ugly. It was violent. It remains the sort of living history that Los Angeles residents don't like to remember.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (6)

May 9, 1959: "Los Angeles County Sheriffs forcibly evict Mrs. Aurora Vargas, 36, from her home at 1771 Malvina Avenue in Chavez Ravine. Media representatives record the event. The family put up a fight and reported they had only received a written eviction notice, causing criticism of the government's methods."


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


The area's origin

Chavez Ravine was named after Julian Chavez, a rancher who served as assistant mayor, city councilman and, eventually, as one of L.A. County's first supervisors. In 1844, he started buying up land in what was known as the Stone Quarry Hills, an area with several separate ravines. Chavez died of a heart attack in 1879, at the age of 69.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (7)

Archival caption: "A group of children play on hills above the ravine, with a smoggy downtown skyline visible in the background."


Don Normak


Housing Authority Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


By the early 1900s, semi-rural communities had sprung up on the steep terrain, mostly on the ridges between the neighboring Sulfur and Cemetery ravines.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (8)

Archival caption: "Two young and happy residents of Chavez Ravine."


Leonard Nadel


Housing Authority Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (9)

Flora Cano (left) with the best man and another bridesmaid at a wedding in Chavez Ravine in 1929.


Shades of L.A.: Mexican American Community/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


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About the community

What eventually came to be called Chavez Ravine encompassed about 315 acres and had three main neighborhoods — Palo Verde, La Loma and Bishop.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (10)

1948: "Panoramic view of the housing in Chavez Ravine. Mostly Mexican American families lived in this area. Children are at play in the foreground."


Housing Authority Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


It had a grocery store, a church and an elementary school. Many residents grew their own food and raised animals such as pigs, goats and turkeys.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (11)

1949: "An older woman carrying a bucket crosses an unpaved road with a small child and a dog. Buildings in the background are quite run-down. Chavez Ravine is towards the left of photo."


Housing Authority Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


Many Mexican American families, red-lined and prevented from moving into other neighborhoods, established themselves in Chavez Ravine.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (12)

1951: "The Navarro family pose at their Chavez Ravine home before their relocation to the William Mead Homes Housing Project. Blasito Navarro (divorced) lived with her 3 children in this 5 room house, which rented for $25 per month."


Housing Authority Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


Residents of the tight-knit community often left their doors unlocked.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (13)

Archival caption: "Veteran William Nickolas and three of his children stand in the door of the home in the rear of his father-in-law's house at 942-1/2 Yola Drive, Chavez Ravine, Los Angeles. The home had two rooms for sleeping quarters and toilet, no bathing facilities, no gas or hot water. The family is to move into Basilone Homes Housing Project. The wife is Emily Nickolas. There are six children in the family, ages 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 3 months."


Leonard Nadel


Housing Authority Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


The battle over the land begins

Outsiders often saw the neighborhood as a slum. City officials decided that Chavez Ravine was ripe for redevelopment, kicking off a decade-long battle over the land.

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The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (14)

1950: "View of the hillside in the Chavez Ravine area in Elysian Park Heights depicts a country-like setting. The housing in the foreground is fenced and has several animal cages."


Housing Authority Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


They labeled it "blighted" and came up with a plan for a massive public housing project, known as Elysian Park Heights.

Designed by architects Robert E. Alexander and Richard Neutra and funded in part by federal money, the project was supposed to include more than 1,000 units — two dozen 13-story buildings and 160 two-story townhouses — as well as several new schools and playgrounds.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (15)

May 11, 1959: "Cruz Cabral, 39, ex-Marine war hero of World War II, gives moral support to relatives evicted from their house in Chavez Ravine. His aunt, Mrs. Abrana Arechiga, 72, shows his medals. He was wounded four times in South Pacific battles. She reared him on this site."


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


Pressure to sell and eminent domain

In the early 1950s, the city began trying to convince Chavez Ravine homeowners to sell. Despite intense pressure, many residents resisted.

Developers offered immediate cash payments to residents for their property. They offered remaining homeowners less money so residents feared that if they held out, they wouldn't get a fair price.

In other cases, officials used the power of eminent domain to acquire plots of land and force residents out of their homes. When they did, they typically lowballed homeowners, offering them far less money than their land was worth.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (16)

July 20, 1953: "Home owners from Chavez Ravine, Rose Hills and Pacoima tell Mayor Norris Poulson (left) to fight on for abandonment of housing projects."


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


Chavez Ravine residents were also told that the land would be used for public housing and those who were displaced could return to live in the housing projects.

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The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (17)

Circa 1952: "Artist's sketch of Chavez Ravine, one of the three proposed projects in Elysian Park that the mayor is expected to ask to be abandoned."


Leonard Nadel


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


One way or another, by choice or by force, most residents of the three neighborhoods had left Chavez Ravine by 1953, when the Elysian Park Heights project fell apart.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (18)

May 14, 1951: "New projected housing project is forcing many oldtimers like Julian, on wagon, to move from Chavez Ravine to new quarters. Later the area became part of the baseball stadium of the Los Angeles Dodgers instead."


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


Opposition to planned public housing

Norris Poulson, the new mayor of Los Angeles, opposed public housing as "un-American," as did many business leaders who wanted the land for private development.

The city bought back the land, at a much lower price, from the Federal Housing Authority — with the agreement that the city would use it for a public purpose.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (19)

1951: "400 sign-waving residents of Chavez Ravine, protesting a proposed housing project that would take the sites of their homes, appeared April 26, 1951, at the City Planning Commission's final hearing on the matter. Sporadic booing and hissing swept over the crowd when a speaker suggested immediate approval of the project."


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


By 1957, the area had become a ghost town. Only 20 families, holdouts who had fought the city's offers to buy their land, were still living in Chavez Ravine.

The Dodger vote and forcible evictions

In June of 1958, voters approved (by a slim, 3% margin) a referendum to trade 352 acres of land at Chavez Ravine to the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Walter O'Malley.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (20)

May 1959: "Some, ready to move out of Chavez Ravine, and others not, members of the Manuel Arechiga family listen to the advice of attorney Phil Silver (left) as new developments transpire in the Chavez controversy."


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


The following year, the city began clearing the land for the stadium.

On Friday, May 9, 1959, bulldozers and sheriff's deputies showed up to forcibly evict the last few families in Chavez Ravine. Residents of the area called it Black Friday.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (21)

This City of Los Angeles Health Department notice dated May 14, 1959 was given to the Arechiga family at 1801 Malvina Avenue in Chavez Ravine.


Courtesy Los Angeles Public Library Herald-Examiner Collection


Sheriff's deputies kicked down the door of the Arechiga family's home. Movers hauled out the family's furniture. The residents were forcibly escorted out. Aurora Vargas, 36, was carried, kicking and screaming, from her home at 1771 Malvina Ave. by four deputies. Minutes later, her home was bulldozed.

Crews eventually knocked down the ridge separating the Sulfur and Cemetery ravines and filled them in, burying Palo Verde Elementary School in the process.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (22)

May 14, 1959: "Mrs. Abrana Arechiga (left) and her daughter, Mrs. Vicki Augustain, look at the ruins of one of their Chavez Ravine homes, which were destroyed by bulldozers during the controversial eviction last Friday, an action which now has erupted into a sensational city-wide furor. After eviction day, the Arechiga family lived in a tent and, later, in a loaned trailer. Now it is revealed they own 11 homes in the Los Angeles area."


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


The Arechiga family, led by 66-year-old matriarch Avrana Arechiga, camped amid the rubble for the next week before finally giving up.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (23)

May 16, 1959: "All was quiet on the Chavez Ravine battlefront. Avrana and Manuel Arechiga are the only remaining eviction warriors there. He's sweeping the dirt off the 'front porch' of their tent. Protest signs are posted nearby."


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


Dodger Stadium rises

Crews broke ground for Dodger Stadium four months later, on September 17, 1959. While it was being built, the Dodgers played games at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (24)

February 16, 1961: Ramparts rise at top speed as work is ahead of schedule at Dodger Stadium, built on the site of Chavez Ravine.


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


The 56,000-seat Dodger Stadium opened on April 10, 1962, on a site that thousands of people had once called home.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (25)

"Balloons are released at possibly opening ceremonies at Dodger Stadium."


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


It is currently the third oldest major league ballpark still in use, after Fenway Park and Wrigley Field.

The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (26)

March 11, 1962: Dodgers owner Walter O'Malley stands in Dodger Stadium. "Built for $23 million, it is the first privately financed Major League Baseball stadium since Yankee Stadium was built in the 1920s."


Herald-Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library Collection


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The Ugly, Violent Clearing Of Chavez Ravine Before It Was Home To The Dodgers (2024)


Why were the residents of Chavez Ravine pushed out of their homes? ›

The Los Angeles Housing Authority, funded by the National Housing Act of 1949, voted Chavez Ravine “under-utilized.” They decided to buy-out the homeowners using eminent domain to secure the land for low-income housing. Despite protests, plans to remove the population by 1960 succeeded.

What was Chavez Ravine before the Dodgers? ›

In the first half of the twentieth century, Chavez Ravine was a largely independent, semi-rural Mexican-American community in the suburbs of Los Angeles. The area was split up into three smaller neighborhoods: La Loma, Palo Verde, and Bishop.

What happened to Chavez Ravine and Dodgers stadium? ›

About 1,800 families were forced to leave the land, now known as Chavez Ravine, that eventually became Dodger Stadium. A measure in the State Assembly could provide them with compensation or land.

What happened at Chavez Ravine in the 1950s? ›

During the early 1950s, the city of Los Angeles forcibly evicted the 300 families of Chavez Ravine to make way for a low-income public housing project. The land was cleared and the homes, schools, and the church were razed.

What happened to the families of Chavez Ravine? ›

Many adults who lived in Chavez Ravine are no longer alive. Most families left under eminent domain by 1951. Between 1951 and 1959, Chavez Ravine was mostly open space. In 1959, the families that remained were evicted from land they no longer owned.

Why didn't Elysian Park Heights get built? ›

In the early 1950s, the social (“Red Scare” and “creeping socialism”) and political climate are changing and the Elysian Park Heights housing project is eventually stopped – first by a vote of Los Angeles citizens through a referendum on June 3, 1952.

Why is Chavez Ravine important? ›

However the area did provide an important watershed and part was used by the Los Angeles Water Company for a canal bringing water from what is now Griffith Park and storing it in a reservoir (today called Buena Vista Reservoir) in Reservoir Ravine.

What is the dark history of Dodger Stadium? ›

But there's a dark history to the site. In order for Dodger Stadium to be built, the city of Los Angeles took homes from 1800 Mexican-American families and destroyed three vibrant neighborhoods. The story is shameful and lends a painful footnote to the history of baseball in Los Angeles.

Did the Angels play at Chavez Ravine? ›

Dodger Stadium was known as Chavez Ravine when the Angels played there from 1962-1965.

How much did the Dodgers pay for Chavez Ravine? ›

On February 18, 1960, then-Los Angeles Dodgers owner Walter O'Malley finalized the purchase of land that would be used for the construction of Dodger Stadium. O'Malley paid a reported $494,000 for the property at Chavez Ravine, which was believed to be worth $92,000 at the time.

What was the eventual result of the Chavez Ravine issue? ›

Los Angeles Times, June 22, 1951. They fought the good fight, but all the fight in the world could not change the course of government. So the California Housing Authority buys up most of Chavez Ravine in late 1950, and demolitions begin and continue all through 1951, until it was mostly gone.

How many families were displaced in Chavez Ravine? ›

The reparations bill estimates as many as 1,800 families owned or rented property in three Chavez Ravine communities known as Palo Verde, La Loma, and Bishop. Most of the families were Mexican American, and many had owned property for decades.

What is buried under the blue? ›

Buried under the blue is the history of Palo Verde, La Loma and Bishop. These are the three Indigenous communities forgotten and wrongly evicted from their homes and land.

What stolen land was Dodgers stadium built on? ›

Known today as Chavez Ravine, the 315 acres of land between the San Gabriel Mountains and downtown Los Angeles were once home to three predominantly Mexican American neighborhoods: Palo Verde, La Loma and Bishop.

Were the houses destroyed for Dodger Stadium? ›

The close-knit Mexican American communities of Palo Verde, La Loma, and Bishop were located on a hill overlooking downtown Los Angeles. The residents were forcefully evicted and the villages destroyed in the 1950s to make way for the Dodger Stadium, as described in the film trailer below.

When were people evicted from Chavez Ravine? ›

More Chavez Ravine residents were evicted in 1959 "amid screaming, crying and cursing" as bulldozers cleared the site where their homes used to stand, newspaper clippings from the time show. The Dodgers debuted in their new stadium in April 1962.

How was the land essentially taken from the residents of Chavez Ravine? ›

Using the power of eminent domain, which permitted the government to purchase property from private individuals in order to construct projects for the public good, the city of Los Angeles bought up the land and leveled many of the existing buildings. By August 1952, Chávez Ravine was essentially a ghost town.

What did the Los Angeles city Housing Authority tell residents of Chavez Ravine What did the families receive? ›

We were very much tied into the majority society, but people didn't know that.” In July 1950, the City of LA Housing Authority mailed letters to each of those families, telling them to leave so that the 300-acre neighborhood could be redeveloped into a massive public housing project called Elysian Park Heights.

What is the Chavez Ravine culture clash about? ›

Originally commissioned by Center Theatre Group and premiered at the Mark Taper Forum in 2003, Chavez Ravine by Culture Clash explored the transformation of a growing city and a small, tightly knit neighborhood and cherished barrio initially slated to be an affordable housing project.


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.