The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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9 El AMOND MA TCH TRIPLE A LEA DER ODDS ALL ON JACK DELANEY TO WL MATCHMEN LEAD SECOND ROUND Mighty Meredith By eg Murray TRIPLE A LEAGUE RACE included Lori 1 0 Bowling League Standings BROADWAY ALLEYS BROADWAY ALLEY SUOLK ALLEYS HO1AOKE Dnty Txrigue Sunshine League Pc 18 98 109 0 20 68 Pts 1 Barker against 9 at Palmer MAHONEY'S ALLEYS HOT YOKE Pintail third flub League 50204 20 ALT LYS GROUP CLUB LEAGUE 848 Standing Records Lost 0 90 1 3 0 04 5 Pts 8 a 30 Cards MS our Day Trips or 1454 34 4 SMITH'S ALLEYS United (K) JfcAus 23 128 ROCKINGHAM ALLEYS Westfield Schoolboy Triple A League HAMPSHIRE COUNTY UWB Pi 118 3 Morgan WARE ALLEYS 9 TICTOKTAS AGAIN 15 4 3 13 Acad Bradley against 13 8 Teams Republican Post Office team team three single Absorb 88 35 48 th ree single 1 2 2 2 2 8 9 teams here will be busy this St Michael'fl High of North drops into the city tomorrow the Trade school on the 41 41 Timers No Bat 4 3 644 U44 5 A 8 Liberty Merrlcks 14 18 18 18 10 16 10 1 25 25 18 12 420 60 110 140 1443 514 336 Won11 7 6 for Bin of to low re 4O0 311 124 5 30 8 61 80 20 20 19 1G 20 17 16 49 43 47 47 43 41 Tea Diamond Match KoUs Royce Milton Bradley Hilbert Barker JIws Mutual standard Oil Westinghouse Auinof 5707x56524491444405 Tt'G rt no on De to 5 a bare 6 wager S5 Roils Street 26 23 22 Pts 40 111 110 97 83 the be 8 lory in 54 4 5 I gave up total str: ng Westinghouse 128 106 153 333 000 000 62 61 IW 547 320 13G 43 SO 23 8 9 8 5 8 5 9 Team Liberty Mohawks Orioles Tracy Olympics Imperials oggles Merrick 1345 4'8 305 131 19958 19199 143 70 C9 TIME ALLEYS W1 130 124 92 91 Player Ljuch McGowan Brooks Patenaude lynn Burke Dolan Gorman THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: MONDAY EBRUARY 14 1927 133 49 Washington street as it runs from Boston to Providence has had fame as being the longest street in the world but that honor appears to belong to Watllng street in Eng land which runs as such from Lon don to Liverpool has a nicture engage prospect that will keep him for the next four weeks At of that time he will open Quarters and satisfy himself really can get in condition 778 66767 550 556 444444444 333 111 High High Team Yannigan Wonders Big ive Scorpions Rovers So Hadley Yanks High High High nigh 69 29 Pinfall 197(4 17160 196113 19623 1430 500 and Brightwoods meet Kos The Brightwoods Koscluszko the first on the program the Koskles is the leading Pressing him 23 20 19 14 18 Pinfall 20037 19990 21360 18570 21372 20783 19373 1550 533 3 3 2 1 In May 1916 and as Penn badly beaten Coach 3 2 Timers team total team string ly latter record that Stockholm Sweden eb 13 (AP) The victoria Hockry club of Mon treal today von its fourth match by a score of 6 to 0 from the team of the Sodertelje Sport club The crown prince was present and Post Office team string Republican three strings Grave single string Duquette A Barone 0 Individual Coring in this NEW PROBUS CLUB MEETS TOMORROW infall 23960 22990 24197 23533 23 766 23100 Teams White Eagles Busters Colts Terrors Alligators Peaco*cks Learue records: Individual three victories and no defeats the favorites for top honors Parade Is Predicted Diamond Match continues the Joseph local certified public ac Mr meet being Robertson decided not to run Mere dith in both the 440 and S80 ns was his custom and suggested that Ted try for a new half mile record Ted said he would if he found himself keeping to tima schedule which called for the first quarter in 53 and the C60 In 123 Let Ted go on lth the "The first quarter was and when announced to me and was relieved that I did not have to try further However the boys Teams ly Wheels Spark Plugs Cruiser Interrupters Loud Speakers Shock Absorbers No Battery iota High High Bread team total Nash 21 20 Teams A fft It A piarone Stars ive Baraca Class 3 Vest Hisrh High High High 0 2 3 league 4 SR 50 19 JAU stars 3 Knights of Malta Nitrified Wheel MarcouIHer Drosindependents High High High High Oakland Street Boy Taken to Hospital With Broken Leg Albert Icoste 6 ot 73 Oakland street was taken to Wesson hospital at 1220 yesterday afternoon with a broken left leg as the result of run ning into an automobile driven by George Phillips of orest Park ave nue The accident happened when the boy darted out into the street directly into the path of car The bumper knocked him down and the machine passed over him Mr Phillips picked him up and took him to the hospital John Van Sickel 5 of 27 Magajflne street was cut on the forehead at 130 yesterday afternoon as the result of running into the path of a machine operated by Charles IL Starks of Horace street Pts is 0 PC688512511488 the suit by Yankee Progress both will be interested appeal from a will come up for 53 TWO SMALL CHILDREN HIT BY AUTOMOBILES 6 was Lawson Where Schoolboy ives Are Playing This Week Stockholm Sweden eb 13 Clas Ihunberg ot in land today won the 1500 meters in the European ckating cham pionships in 2 imnutes 201 5 seconds Yesterday he won the 500 meters title The Norwe gian skater Evenson won the 10000 meters in 18 minutes 38 2 5 seconds Mutual against Bolls The condition of Henry proprietor ot the Henry Perkins fruit and produce company was given as at Springfield hospital late lost night Mr Perkins former presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce was taken to the hospital riday night after a sudden attack at his home on 23 Magnolia terrace He was operated on by Dr 13 Sweet yes terday morning and Is expected to re cover He Is the owner of Riverside park and is also a director of tho Third National bank 13 ormer Champion Plans Re turn to Ring or Outdoor Bout in June New York eb 13 Penny Leonard undefeated retired lightweight cham pion will meet Latzo present welterweight title holder in a bout to be held at the Polo grounds early in June The authority for this announce ment is Humbert ugazy tho Brooklyn promoter After a confer ence this afternoon between Leonard his manager Billy Gibson and ugazy tho news was given to the press that Leonard has agreed to terms and that he will start work at once to ascertain if his physical condition is such that he can withstand a training siege Leonard who is now 30 years old retired from the ring in 1923 still in possession of the lightweight crown he had won from reddie Welsh in 1917 official bulletin read in part: have agreed on terms with Leonard and Gibson for a bout be tween Leonard and Latzo to be staged at the Polo grounds some time early in June It will be the first big open air fight at the ball park Leonard ment in occupied the end training that he for a championship contest (Copyright 1927) against Dia Westlnghousc Pinfall 3080 3190 31 3140 3128 3184 3011 2951 3113 2924 Last season Diamond Match won the second round championship of the Triple A basketball league and it ap pears now as it history is going to repeat itself The Matchmen after their clear cut victory over Rolls Royce last Thursday are out in front with and Magna House Olivier Motor against lckup I'eltlcr Initial Gathering Will Make Plans for uture of Organ izations The Probus club a newly organized group of business and professional men of the city will gather for their first official meeting tomorrow night at the Highland hotel inal action will be taken to organize the club on the basis called for by the constitu tion Application has been made to the National Trobus club for a charter and it is expected that a report will be given by the executive committee as to when the charter will be forth coming The club is made up of 20 members each representing a different field of Students of the American Interna tional college will present musical programs before several clubs this week A concert will be given at the Wesley Church Brotherhood meeting tonight by' Miss Victoria Maslni Miss Charlotte Nicoll and William Kacedan Eight other students are going to Hartford today to attend a meeting of the Village Street mission Miss Hazel osgate will give a talk on Value of An Education" and the program will also include several musical selections I Several local clubs will hold meet ings this week at Lee hall on the American International college cam pus Tuesday night the Civic club will meet at the college The program will feature an entertainment by red Eldred and musical selections by sev eral of the students Thursday after noon the ortnightly club will be en tertained it hall bv the students NEW YORK A INDOOR GAMES ON TAP TONIGHT Team Smith's School South Deerfield Easthampton Hopkins Academy Amherst Smit!) Academy Individual layer and Team Wells South Deerfield Easthampton Grebbin Amherst Pielock South Deerfield Wentzel Hopkins Academy Roger School Cullen Easthampton Coffey Hopkins Academy Warren South Deerfield Graves South Deerfield 19 26 AGAWAM NEARS CONERENCE TITLE i Lea qrne Lost Pc High High Averages Wak Childs 97 3 36 92 22 24 Landry 02 12 18 4 51 Scoring JW500500500300500250250 457 333 Star Jr 1 35 BENNY LEONARD TO MEET LATZO Pinrail 4635 4418 4222 4338 4221 4292 PUBLIC INVITED TO MOCK TRIAL Standing or 173 I DP LE Dl STANCE Runners of all time PICTURE WILL SHOW STRUGGLE IRELAND A motion picture play a portraying the persistent ef forts of Irish patriots to secure inde pendence for their unfortunate land will be shown at the Hooker school Tuesday night under the auspices of tho central committee of Irish socie ties All the most thrilling episodes of Irish history from tho tragic dis solution of the Grattan Parliament to the Black and Tan regime of recent memory are portrayed In this moving record of suffering and sacrifice The annual indoor games of the New York Athletic club tonight bring to mind one of the greatest runners that ever wore the Winged oot em blem one who was in my estimation the greatest runner that ever lived for sheer power and fighting heart After seing Ted Meredith win both the quarter and the half in the In at Cambridge in May 1916 beating fields that Bingham Willcox Scudder Windna gle and Overton and setting new rec ords of 17 2 5 and 153 respectively for the two races within two time I was satisfied there would nev er again be another runner like him A couple of weeks before this meet Ted had set a new record for 8S0 yards cutting three tenths of a second off ot Ills 1443 601 320 134 827 er fK) 902 Schedule This Week Thursday Chestlee against Parksrs Buckets against Statics Cents against Vo cotners If excellent play that marked its triumph over the strong Autoworkers last wook there will be nothing to the rest of the second round race but a parade and Asin of will be forced to the limit in the annual play off series The Matchmen exhibited few flaws Thursday But the second round race is not over yet by any means for DiamondMatch has four more games to play and there are four teams all tied for second place and just one game be hind the boys with the flaming red uniforms Itolls Royce Milton Brad ley Gilbert A Barker and Mass Mu tual are the deadlocked ones and defeat for the Diamonds would result in a ncck and neck sprint down to the tape 7 The Mass Mutuals and Rolls Royce Hash tomorrow night at the club in a game which will Just about elim inate one quintet from the pennant scramble This is game and the will be a big factor in determining the final score In the first game on card the Gibbies will attempt to check winning streak which start ed last week against Westinghouse or a time it seemed as though the Standard Oil courtmen going to win a game in either round but iafter losing nine straight Westing iiouse obligingly bowed to Coach team last week Thursday night Milton Bradley with a strengthened lineup goes to war against Diamond Match The league leaders will have no sinecure for the Toymakers witli Jimmy Hanni fin rancy Cassidy Jack Greenberg Husky Davis and others are capable of extending the best Tfiis will be the first game on program with Asinof and Westinghouse neither of which has won a game this round Jousting in the final game Asinof is really much better than its stand ing shows but the Clothiers are mak ing certain that they won't commit the social error of winning both rounds Allen Torrey of Rolls Royce is far in front on the individual scoring list Torrey has tallied 54 baskets and 32free tries for a total of 110 points Randall of the Gibs and Bob Berry of the Mutuals are the other two players who have passed the cen tury niarx wnn iji and no respectively The records: Ingne Standing Won 3 Duouette King (It) 81 38 39 roat Tourgee (M C) 91 30 45 raves 87 4 42 86 5 30 Sides team total team string three strings Tece single string Lawler Schedule This Week Wednesday Broadway ive against Ba goni Stars Thursday West Sides against A rtdaj A against Barnes cate Technics against Supers against Admins Amer Bosch League Teams ace Busy Week Westfield eb 13 Schoolboy bas ketball week ampton to play ort Meadow surface St High will meet St Jerome High of Holyoke here Wednesday night in a Parocial school league tilt Westfield High will Invade North ampton riday night for a game with the Meadow city quintet Today A freshmen at Wilbraham academy Tomorrow Cathedral at Sa cred Heart Chicopee at West Springfield Arms academy at Greenfield Ware at Enfield Wednesday Holyoke at Cen tral: Vocational at Monson St Jerome's at St Monson academy at Williston Deerfield at Williams freshmen Thursday Rosary at St Mi chael's riday Tech at Commerce Worcester Trade at Vocational Cathedral at Monson Enfield at Agawam: Westfield at North ampton Greenfield at Chicopee West Springfield at Holyoke Ware at Northampton Commercial at Turners alls Killingly at Stafford Springs: Deerfield at Suiiicld Easthamp ton at Amherst Hopkins acad emy at South Smith's school at Smith academy Saturday Evening High at A Clark school at Deerfield were all up with me and I thought I would go the next part at a good pace to kill them off and then loaf home The result was I hit the 660 on schedule and after leaving there vvinanagie Cornell best came up on my shoulder and I had to race all the way to the tape to get rid of him Timo 152 1 5 was surprised at the time and at Windnagle but the answer was that carried a miler along at an even and let him do his very best A fast first quarter would have killed Wind nabge I think and I then could have come home at will since he was a miler with very little quarter mile speed but wonderful staying powers He won the Intercollegiate mile that year beating Johnny Overton by the same staying power time 415 2 5 I think eg Murray says: are they running?" asked tho flapper whose boy friend was taking part in a track meet that night of the doorkeeper at the athletic club But just then she noticed a sign on the elevator that said RUNNING" and so went away disappointed Tomorrow Gilbert Standard Oil Mas? Hoyce Thursday Milton Wond Match Asinof Pinfall 18845 18727 18302 18362 18235 17682 17946 21407 21133 22 fkiO1538 562 strings Cotti 354 atrtng Cotti 141 of leaders Class Gowdy Each has scored games with 43 Thursday Nash Creamery against Mnnson Milk Post Office Owls against Bond Bread Mallory Creamery against Republican Springfeld Union against American Bapress Entertainment Wednesday Night toPresent Arguments for Modern Methods in Dairy Practice A mock trial designed to drainatine some of the features of their educa tional programs will be presented by tho Hampden County Improvemeat league and the Massachusetts Agrl cultural extension service Wednesday night at the leaguo building The trial will be repeated at Northampton and Greenfield on the 17th and 18th respectively During the course of the mock court action a number of expert and other witnesses will be called with the object of presenting to the audience the essentia argu ments for tho adoption of modern methods in dairy practice Wilbur Locke county agent who is arranging the performance has is sued a general Invitation to dairymen and consumers ho said wno navo beard or slander brought against Veter Gloomsville learn that an court the case trial irst action brought at Worcester on January 5 at the time of the Union Agricultural meetings Tho principals are Bill and Veter Weis of Holyoke will be the presiding judge Peter Progress the defendant will be represented by Lynne Townsend James Watson of the New England Homestead will appear for the plain tiff Among the expert witnesses to appear are: Prof ramlsen of Mas sachusetts Agricultural college Glenn Sevey editor of the New England Homestead officials of the state de partment of agricuturc and many prominent farmers of Hampden coun ty Owla Mallory Creamery Nash Creamery Am Express Sprlnrfleld Union Monson Milk Bond High High High High Averages of leaders Class A (H U) 93 41 42N C) 91 32 42 Veelierl (P 03 91 7 39 Clas It! (A 87 4 39 Mansfield (Mon) White (Mai 86 18 33 Taylor (K) Young (U) 85 41 42 Schedule This Week Thursday Nash Creamery against DELANEY REMAINS AVORITE TO BEAT MALONEY BUT ODDS SLIP Diamond Match ive on Road to Duplicating Last Sea Triumph Meet Milton Bradley in eature Game of Week Thursday High three strings Buckley T) High single string Janotta (S P) Averages of leaders Buckley ord Tim ers 94 20 45 Pauly sub 837 15: Cote No Battery 90 15 48: Bartlett ly Wheels 90 13 48: Young Spark Plugs 90 5 36 Koe nig Cruisers 89 11 48: Brennan ly nutria ijangneio rmocK ers 68 43 48: Joanotte Cruisers Janotta Spark Plugs 88 24 48 Schedule This Week Tuesday Cruisers against ord ly Wheels against Loud Sneakers tery against Spsrk Shock Absorbers against Interrupters CROWDS LOCK THROUGH SNOW TO HEAR AIMEE Lancaster eb 13 A driving snowstorm failed to keep the en thusiastic crowds away from Mrs Aimtie Semple closing address here tonight It was the final exercise of a three day meeting Only once did tho evangelist allude to her troubles in Los Angeles She said simply Christ like herself had beentplalted against by enemies No admission istharged at the meetings but a collection is taken up Mrs McPherson said that she had met expenses only on one or two occasions during her present trip but that any deficiencies are made up by her con gregation at home The evangelist leaves for Baltimore tomorrow Tfams Kellogg Morgan Stationery Tissue High team total Kellogg High teem string Siatlnnery High three strings (K) High single string Malono (S) Averages of leaders Malone CS) 819 Lillie M) sl7 irvj mz i i i a a vi rann a 803 Tozzi (M) 70 Draica (S) Schedule Thia Week riday Tissue against Kellogg against Stationery case was A Won29 Teams 8 Envelope Milton Bradley Street Railway Gilbert Barker Ludlow A Klbbe Bros Rolls Royce High team total i nirn High three airings Webber nipn Averages of O'Neil (L 80 2 33 Webber E) SO 3 39 Cotti (M B) 85 20 40 (U E) 85 17 51 Lillie (U E) 65 1 5 51 Sullivan (U 5 E) 84 34 51 Barden (G C) 84 3 48 lynn (St H) 83 17 24 Rayner (G B) S3 32 48 onaw Schedule This Werk Gilbert A Barker against Envelope Ludlow A against Royce against Klbbe Bros Railway against Milton Bradley Andrew McKenzie Jr of 211 ort Pleasant avenue died at his home yesterday afternoon Ho was bofn in Scotland March 23d 18S3 or 14 years he was associated with rank Dunh'P as superintendent of build ings Jeftving him about a year ago to engage in the real estate and in surance'' business with offices at 146 Chestnut street He was a member of Granite lodge Masons of Barre Barre Vt and of the Scottish Rite bodies a 32 degree Mason and Melha temple of the Shrine He leaves his Wife one son Andrew Cook McKen ie four brothers William of Barre Vt Calvin Bond and Robert of Springfield and James of Clinton ville Wis one sister Mrs Jean Ap pleby of West Springfield The fun eral will be held at tho parlors of the Dickinson Streeter company Tuesday 230 nt Rev Claude A McKay will officiate assisted )y Hampden iodae of Masons Telegram League Won Lost 24 24 CUSHING TO TALK ON TAX RETURNS The ebruary meeting of the West ern Massachusetts Association of Credit Men will be held Thursday eve ning at the Worthy hotel Cushing countant will be the speaker Cushing is iiresident of the local chap ter of the National Association of Cost Accountants He will speak Tax Returns" At this meeting it is expected that final action will be takon with refer ence to the St Patrick's night cele bration when the association will join with the Purchasing associa tion Metal association association American J3ankin 4 institute Cost association and the local Chamber of ANDREW MCKENZIE JR 241614 Clas Thunberg Wins European Titles in Two Skating Classes ngalnst WORTHY PAPER EMPLOYES HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET Employes of the Worthy Paper company to the number of 90 gather ed last night at the Highland hotel for their annual dinner entertainment and dance Thomas Moran and James Brezell furnished the entertainment and Vincent orchestra played for dancing The program for the af fair was autographed by all present and was sent to the president of the company Edgar Bliss who is now on a tour of tho world The auto graphs will reach him at Singapore DEATH ENGINEER TO BE INVESTIGATED Worcester eb 12 Inquest into the death of Perley Hurlburt 45 of 2616 Main street Springfield who was killed hero January 16 In an ac cident In the ranklin street freight yards will be held next Saturday in central district court before Judge Asher At the time of the fatality Hurlburt was said to have leaned out of the cab of an engine and was struck and pinned by a pole against the window Subsequent investigation submitted to the court however shows that Hurlburt was not operating the en gine at the time of the accident but another engineer Arthur llibotteau The evidence shows Hurlburt met death when he was pinned beneath the engine and tender as he stepped from the locomotive from the left side while it was in motion Average of Bymez 106 33 48 Skinner 102 41 49 99 27 30 Bain 1'8 32 36 Lister 99 80 45 Mc Auslan Cards 4 4S HalllweB 96 14 19 John Donohue Ht 95 23 45 Hen nigan Colts 95 29 36 Pefton 95 16 4S Schedule This Week Mohawk against TraveHeis Norwoods against Eureka Wednesday Colts against alcons inursaay nigniana against Cl' rkV Tragne Pte 50 49 40 38 37 36 34 33 30 29 5 Scoring 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 Games riday EaathaniDton at Amhercf Honkins emy at South Deerfield School at Smith Academy League Standing 5 own record of 152H set In 1912 and it was this the German Dr Peltzer broke lat summer I asked Ted about this recently and he told me that he always thought the mark could be broken and went on to re late the circ*mstances under which it had been set It was in the Penn Cornell dual Lelands Over Week End The Leland A will start Saturday on a four day trip through New York state Saturday night the strong Monticello Orioles of Monticello will be played The following night the Lelands will take on the unbeaten St prep quintet of Callicoon as an added feature to Alumni day and the dedication of a new chapel Monday the Callicoon High school will be met while birthday the team will play in New York city The Lelands now have a record of 12 wins in 17 starts Tomorrow night the American International college team will be played at Commerce High Eddie Lynch still tops scorers with Paul McGowan close hind Tho records follow: Tnm Becorti Points or 508 Some 200 Stars Entered for 15 Events on Madison Square Garden Track Pro gram New York eb The cream of eastern indoor track talent gathered in New York today for the annual indoor games of the New York Athletic club in Madison Square Gar den tomorrow night About 200 stars of the wooden ovals and board straightaways are entered In the 15 events on tho classic program Heading the feature list is tho Buermeyer pitting Alan ILelffrich winner of the race in 1925 against Ray Robertson of the Boston A A his conqueror last year along with Johnny Gibson ordham flier and Vincent Lally of New York chal lenging in interest is the Baxter mile in which Lloyd Hahn Boston A A star Jimmy Connolly former George town captain Bill Cox of Penn and Willie Goodwin of New York will toe the scratch ALMfller 200 pound Harvard half back a nd outstanding sprinter ot the indoor season will face another crack field In the dnsh series with Bob Mc Allister Jackson Scholz and several college rivals answering the gun Two world record performers Monty Wells Dartmouth timber topper and Sabin Carr of Yale who lifted the pole vault mark to 13 feet 7U Inches in the Boston A A games are entered In their specialities Wells will op pose a group of college stars in the 60 yard high hurdles and Carr will vault against Paul Harrington of the Boston A A Slagle of Penn Stephen Bradley of Princeton and Nel son Sherrill of the Now York A A dozen college prep school and club teams are on the relay program which included mile events bringing together Harvard Yale and Maryland and Georgetown Holy Cross and Bos ton college 134 McA A 98 6 42 McL 92 15 33 Canlstrant Batchelor 91 35 39 Schedule This Week Monday Kelly Bros against Mkt i uesu vr ay not wu aKHinsc Oaks Co Wednesday City Mkt Russell Mohican Thursday McLean Bros against Ian Wakelln Auto League Lost 14 19 rench Canadian Admittedly More Alert and Better Boxer but Boston Boy Gains ollowers by Recent Workouts for Bout Wondertown League Lost Team Rolls Royce Westinghouse Bosch Gas Light Smith A Wesson Telephone Asinof Artnory Gen iber Box Bay St Thread High High High High Avera ire 9841 Stewart 989 Kozfk 9732 clas Bourgols 9535 Stromwell 9532 DeBarre 9516 class Raschi 9440 errier 9112 Hathaway 93 class Knox 9312 Cough lin 931 Smart 9212 class Kklly 8839 Smith 8929 Hamilton 8 Schedule This Week Asinof against General iber Bov Armory against Westinghouse 69 02 Individual Mooring Player Team Dale Liberty Sullivan Mohawks Abrams Imperials Montana Orioles Hardy Liberty 10 Gnlew Imperials 0 Herlihy oggies 10 Bontempo 10 itzgerald Merrick 8 Games Saturday Imperials aralnt Olympics against Tracy oggies against Orioles against Mohawks Individual Dayerand Team Krok Kosciuszko Billski Kosciuszko Connors Emily Bill Bruno I Silver Peerless McCarthy Emily Bill Mahoney Peerless Gavoni Kllb Brightwoods Langono I Trangheae I Makowic Kosciuszko 1323 457 301 120 86 1 7 L7i a ir i ivi Z7 imr Sullivan (K1 834 Brandnll i wit wxz 4 rt4111 4 IX I iOx Teams Agawam Ware Enfield Palmer Stafford Springs Indh idual and Team Consolati Agawam Reynolds Agawam Rohan Ware Karlon Glaccornini Staf Spgs Purda Palmer flame riday Enfield at Agawam Ware Pc917583500417333250 1IIUIIUU4I aler 136 second high Pejak and lnkoski tied at 133 individual three strings Lus sier 342: second high Sinkoski 339 team total White 161 1tm single 545 strings McAuelan string McAuslan of McAuslan 90 7 45 Germain 97 4 12 Southiere Martin 95 2 9 avreau Mahoney mca McL 92 13 39 Team Buckingham Vocational Central High Chestnut St State Jr High Commercial High Supervisors 4 Technical High 4 Administration 3 orest Park 1 High team total Commercial High team strin Commercial High three strings fl flmlth (Su) High single string Stout (S Jr H) Averages of leaders Whalen (Static) 97 Gray (Admins) 962 Jensen (Static) 951 Stout (Statics) 93 8 Smith (Soupers) 922 Burrldge (Vocats) 021 McLaren (Chestles) 916 Tomlinson (Chestle) 91 McKerley (Comers) 909 Jackson (Comers) 908 ITALIAN CATHOLICS HAVE CHANCE AT BILLS Tho last chance for a Union leagrue rival to prevent the Emily Bills from capturing the second half championship and repeating a tri umph of the first half comes tonight at the club when the final set of Union league games Is played To the Bills's strongest rival the Italian Catholic club falls this opportunity They meet in the second game of the program In other games West Sides play Peerless cluszko game is Krok of scorer with 55 points Is Bilfski of the Koskies with 53 Jack Connors of the Bills Is In place with 52 The records: Team Record choolmn sfers League Won Team Won Magna i fouae 31 Olivipr Motor 20 Ilall Exide 23 rickup Peltler 22 High team total Olivier Motor Co High team string Olivier Motor Co High three strings Skillings High single string Broescau Schedule This Week Monday Hall Exlde against A ALLKV :0 13 team total Pa etimes team single Vitrified Wheel three strings Barry (P) 1 gle string Willard (V team total Wonders team tring Wonder three string Rvmes single string Orcutt 143 Average of leaders Byrne 104 14 39 Southiere 100H Orcutt 1U0 5 11 Harrison 98 31 42 Skinner 98 6 14 Lester 97 31 33 Whalen 97 5 14 Warren 97 1 9 Bain 96 23 40 Wildman 96 3 7 Kellogg Morgan Tissue Stationery High team High team Hiah three High single string Rosso (M) Averages of Hahn (K) lynn (K) 9137 Deragon (M) 9134 rl tM) 911 Martin (T) 91 Lavlcki 909 Albano (T) 907 lanagan (S) Springfield (M) 90 Steven (K) S97 Schedule Thia Week Tissue against Kellogg Morgan again Stationery I'nited State Envelope Co League (Women) New York eb 13 (AP Jimmy Maloney of Boston and Jack Delaney light heavyweight champion face the turning point of their careers Irt Mad ison Square garden riday night As the fighters entered their final week of training betting odds laney quoted as high as 8 week ago slipped down to a to 5 with Indications that the Ing will be even when the gladiators shed their bathrobes for the opening gong Delaney Tfss Reach Although the light heavyweight king grown bigger faster and more powerful In months of steady outdoor exercise has shown startling form in his workouts the Impressive sessions of the Boston battier have drawn In creasing supporters to his side Tho rench Canadian Is rated the better boxer a more accurate punch er and credited with a crushing right hand wallop Maloney only 23 years old has developed at an amazing pace in tho past year wherein overwhelm ing victories over three foreign threats Dekuh Persson and Diener were added to his string Although Maloney is expected to enter the ring weighing 200 pounds an advantage of 35 over Delaney the Boston youth must concede handicaps of height and reach to his opponent While tho brilliant Bridgeport boxer has put a quarter inch advantage In height his reach extends 76V4 inches to 72 for Maloney The variation in other measurements is not consider able Realizing that victory probaLly will mean a match with the winner of the McTigue Sharkey battle in one of the final bouts of Tex Rickard's elimina tion tournament both men have been working out for almost two weeks at widely separated training camps Ma loney has been battering five spar ring partners about tho ring at Jim my gymnasium at Long Branch Delaney has primed his punches on Jack Warren a Ne gro heavyweight in workouts at Bridgeport Ct Cleverness Newspapermen watching these ses sions give Delaney advantages of speed and alertness combined with resourcefulness to feint an opponent Into just the position he wants before hammering home that crushing right hand Maloney likewise is conceded speed afoot coupled with a rushing rugged type of milling that experts point out has always bothered Delaney no past The Boston slugger is a whal ing puncher with both hands and the short left and right hooks he has been perfecting on his sparring partners has worked havoc with the personnel of his camp And as to his ability to stand up under the crushing right Maloney answers for himself: do I care what he can do with his right I know what I can do with my two hands and going to GME570Ni5Ht) Copyright 1927 by Metropolitan Newrpaper Service total Kellogg string Tissue strings Hahn (K) CONDITION PERKINS IS DECLARED Perkins Smithmen Have Only to Win Two More Games to Cop Twin State Laurels Coach Harmon Smith's Agawam High combination has only to win two more games to clinch the title In the Twin State interscholastic confer ence The West siders surmounted a dangerous opponent last week when it turned back Ware in the Wonder town making five straight conference victories Ware has still a mathematical chance of repeating its last triumph but the chance seems very slim unless Agawam cracks which doesn't appear probable now that it has lost one game this season riday Enlield goes to Agawam and the Pmithmen should have no trouble in winning Ware and Palmer clash in the other conference game riday Georgle Reynolds of Agawam went into a tie for scoring honors last week with his teammate rank Consolati 51 points in five Rohan of Ware is second points The records: Conference 5 3 2 Envelop team string Envelope lngle string Sullivan Oaiggl A 'll I Biotf li 1 iJ I AND HBLr 17 1 TH L'7h lJl'1lT I 11 AZ CU) '7 2 if Or The GREATEST at fas i jt 1 i A Xi ifW wr Playt and Team Torrey Rolls Royce I 4 :2 Randall Gilbert ft Barker 10 3n 83 Berry Mass Mutual 10 43 24 Tlaverty Rolls Royce 10 3b 21 Nadler Asinof 10 29 23 TI Greenberg Asinof 10 32 13 Davie ATUIon Bradley 10 29 16 Bicker Diamond Match 10 31 11 Hurley asinof 9 27 18 Connery Diamond Match 10 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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What is the ethnicity of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

What is the largest newspaper in Springfield MA? ›

The Republican is a newspaper based in Springfield, Massachusetts, covering news in the Greater Springfield area, as well as national news and pieces from Boston, Worcester and northern Connecticut.

What was the original name of the city of Springfield MA? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans. It was the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony.

What is famous about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

What is the most common race in Massachusetts? ›

Massachusetts Racial Breakdown of Population (2017)
RacePercentage of Massachusetts populationPercentage of United States population
White (Non-Hispanic)68.8%60.9%
Hispanic (of any race)13.0%19.1%
4 more rows

What percentage of Springfield is black? ›

Race Percentage Comparison
Springfield MSASpringfield City
Total Population487,061170,067
Black or African American2.2%4.0%
American Indian and Alaska Native0.3%0.4%
5 more rows

What is the oldest newspaper in Massachusetts? ›

The Boston News-Letter, first published on April 24, 1704, is regarded as the first continuously published newspaper in the colony of Massachusetts.

What is the most widely circulated newspaper in Massachusetts? ›

1. The Boston Globe. The Boston Globe is the leading newspaper in New England, with news, sports, lifestyle features, and arts and entertainment news.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

1. The Wall Street Journal. Based on circulation numbers, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is among the largest daily U.S. newspapers, with more than 3.9 million subscribers.

Who were the first settlers of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Group from Springfield's Sister City of Takikawa, Japan Visit the City: City of Springfield, MA.

Why is Springfield named Springfield? ›

History. Historically, the first American place named Springfield was Springfield, Massachusetts, founded in 1636 by William Pynchon. An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex.

What is a fun fact about Springfield? ›

Springfield is the capital of the U.S. state of Illinois. The city lies on the Sangamon River. Abraham Lincoln lived in Springfield for more than 20 years before he became the president of the United States. Many people in Springfield work for the government.

Is Springfield MA a good city to live in? ›

Located along the Connecticut River, Springfield is one of the best places in New England for young professionals, families, and retirees to settle down.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

What is the diversity of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Springfield, MA are White (Non-Hispanic) (68.3%), White (Hispanic) (7.73%), Two+ (Hispanic) (6.47%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (5.64%), and Other (Hispanic) (4.61%).

What language do they speak in Springfield? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

What is the Latino population in Springfield MA? ›

Springfield, the third largest city in Massachusetts, has 69,301 Latinos according to the 2015-2019 American Community Survey. They represent 45% of the city's population. Whites are the second largest ethno-racial group (31%), while Blacks (19%) and Asians (3%) are the other ethno-racial group with a sizable presence.

What is the average household income in Springfield MA? ›

What are the median and average incomes in Springfield?
Y-o-Y Change
Average Household Income$66,2069.8%
Median Household Income$47,67710.1%
People below Poverty Level37,074-4.0%
People above Poverty Level110,9671.3%


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.