The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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xrfE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN: JUNE: i 1922 LOCAL NEWS Planncd cxxiu vBVdpeu wiin el UU r6i department Northampton lodge of bonds and $400 in money 0 iSrigham (Sfotnpang An Exceptionally ine Showing trit't for the week Is as WHITE SILK DRESSES 'Wfj against OR THE' JUNE GRADUATE 3 Chase Island date of Owens oskit )lW he 4lrigbani (Biiwmw AND HELI) OR TRIAD or Misses and Women W4 SUMMER DANCE ROCKS nrr co uture of Springfield is East $3950 $5950 Up or Guaranteed ur Storage Service Typical East Springfield Home Where the Demand Is There are today 4000 people employed in East Springfield ur Co REPAIRING after 18 Graduation Gifts East Springfield Home Builders Co Allen Malek against Miss school 2nd another reason is this: there is no other eating place in town QUITE to be compared soith the Worthy a la carte restaurant! OR JUNE EVENING WEDDINGS AND EARLY SUMMER DANCES The answer is that no matter how easy we make it for you to wait on yourself downstairs your mood will at times insist that you come up to be wait ed on! WINDSOR REPUBLICAN WOMEN ORGANIZE gnrnsp ricm urs left with us for re modeling and repairing during June and July will be handled at one half regular prices and stored free for the summer STAORD SPRINGS 1 PLANS GRADUATION the same accident assigned for trial year high year Long There is not a vacant house in East Springfield today and there is a long waiting list for those now building The comforts provided in the Cafeteria are so many that we some times wonder to find so many people seek ing the ultra refine ments of our unique upstairs dining room More than half of the 200 homes in East Springfield are owned or occupied by people who work in Springfield Indian Orchard or Chicopee alls on the of the Good building lots all city improvements can be bought at very reason able prices and on convenient terms There are therefore less than 100 dwellings in East Springfield to house the 4000 well paid employes of these prosp erous East Springfield industries who are just waiting to buy or rent a home near their place of employment by the Overland Stores company The consideration as indicated by papers tiled in the registry of deeds was about $341500 The Willys Overland Inc a cor pt Ration under the laws of the state of Virginia whose place of business is at Toledo yesterday conveyed to Willys Overland Branches Inc a cor poration under the laws of the state of Delaware whose principal office Is in 'Wilmington Del all the real estate of the former in this city at the north east corner of Winter and Chestnut streets and also another tract on the north sidy of Winter street This is the same property conveyed to the Willys Overland Inc in 1917 STTLEMrNT IN BARNET SEr ESTATE IN SHORT TIME Thb shrewdest investor large or small is the man who builds where there is the greatest demand for buildings the Lelder We have just com pleted arrangements the Eastern Refrigerating Co of this city whereby we are to have the use of their unexcelled cold storage facil' ities House Passes "War inance Corpora tion Extension BUI Washington June 3 The Senate bill extending for one year the life of the war finance corporation was passed today by the House with a minor amendment which sends it to conference Keaton a ather Los Angeles Cal June 3 Joseph Keaton film comedian today is a father A boy was born to his wife formerly Natalie Tal madge sister of Constance and Norma Talmadge here last night Alder against against against warehouse Mrs Shop I 16 High St TRANSERS ITS LOCAL REAL ESTATE Summery Models in the Cool Refreshing' Soft Shades That Women Love for Summer Wear HUBBARD WITH NEW LOCAL CONCERN Harold Hubbard who has been connected with The Daily News ad vertising department for over four years the past eight months of which he has been advertising manager has resigned to accept the position of sales and advertising manager of the United States Machinery company of this city Before joining The Daily News Mr Hubbard was assistant sales and advertising manager of the Merrell Soule company of Syracuse na tionally known manufacturers of food products He is a member of the Publicity club and for the past two years has been chairman of the publicity com mittee of that organization The United States Machinery com pany is one of newest concerns and is about to place on the market a new low priced household dishwashing machine on which it holds basic patents The ord dish washer which is the name chosen for BUILDING RECORD IS ON JUMP sung by Mrs'rederiek RHurey and Miss Alice Liberty Burial was in Sty Patrick's cemetery OICIALS ATTEND ROCKETT UNERAL for liquor grew out Silk White Hosiery and Petticoats Motor out to East Springfield today and see this new Within a Beaudry against Holyoke Walters White Silk Gloves Wrist Lengths Gauntlet 12 or 16 Button Styles 75c to $295 Monat Buhermier find others Turners alls Powex and company McGee against LEIDER UR CO Summer Silk Wraps ringe Trimmed Collared With Caracul ur Are Priced $2950 to $8950 Northampton City Council and ire Department Pay Last Honors to ire Alarm Superintendent Northampton June The funeral of John late superinten dent of the fire' alarm system and Inspector of wires' was held at St church this morning at 9 and was attended by Mayor Harry Bicknell and the city council Chief John Marlow and members of the ately carried out Windsor now 11 Civil war veterans Three during the past vear Tobacco growers of the town met on riday evening In the Poquonock Town hall to listen to the program which is being laid out for the organ ization of tobacco growers in the Con necticut valley in a co operativo as sociation Joseph A Isop addressel the meeting and explained the advan tages to be gained by such an ganizatlon Windsor has had a operative tobacco selling association for several years and it is expected that a majority of the local growers will become members of the new and larger association During the past week there have been seven prosecutions violations all of which of a raid which was conducted cy the state police last Sunday in the south part of the town It was founi tnt several became intoxicated from liq uor which was sold and fights fol lowed Several jail sentences were imposed The tobacco planting season is now at its hlght and before the end o' this week practically all of the 1922 crop will be set out The plants are healthy this year and a favorable crop is looked for At the tobacco experi Tnhn nnj flddHinn shM IdL Ave Your furs 'entrusted to us will be placed in cold storage at this plant all' at a nominal cost to you We regard this provision guaranteed fur storage service which we owe customers DeKosier Rhodes Zielinsky against and otner Aiss and Dondis Mowad against street railway against ederal pionbato against company limited England Norton and others against Rovald Indemnity company Storm against Kelly Gage administrator against Springfield street railway company Whitman company incor porated against New England whip company lieu same against railway company Springfield street railway against Rypyscz bell urs Called or and Delivered Phone River 3523 for as a our" WARE NARROWLY MISSES SERIOUS MOTOR WRECK Ware June 3 A narrow escape from serious accident was averted by quick action last night when a tour ing car driven by Isadore Poirier of East street about to go from Aspen into pleasant street and a car driven by Richard Dame of Pleasant streetgoing west on 'Pleasant arrived at the blind corner at the same time Poirier put on speed and went across the street over the curbing and into the fence surrounding the George Storrs place Dame went by the rear of Poirier's car with little room to spare machine had two flat tires and the front was slightly jammed but it was driven away with out trouble Mr Leider experience in the fur business in Springfield now announces the opening of the Leider ur Co successors to the Hudson ur Co vass from''house to hoAiso streets consists man Rev pected that the quota will be filled and an subscription Is likely The erection of cottages is steadily Increasing Several already have been completed This makes the housing situation much less acute The opening of the season at Crystal lake has) also helped to solve the problem for some local people who are in camp there for the summer or until the cottages here have been completed Three new cottages are being built on West Main street and three more are being erected on Somers avenue Worsted ment station here some shade grown tobacco is being raised this year in connection with the experiments which are being conducted there It is expected that within a short time the good from these experiments will have a wide effect in correcting the trouble which has been experienced in tobacco growing during the past few years Tax Collector Howard Goalee put In a busy day Wednesday which was the closing day of the season for the payment of taxes to escape the 9 per cent i penalty While the taxes during the first part of the season did not come in as rapidly as usual it is expected that when the total is figured that the aggregate will be is large as last year The Windsor fire company will bold a regular meeting on Monday even ing at the engine house together with practice by the company There are several matters to be discussed The Plymouth Meadow Country club which is the outgrowth' of the Windsor Golf club opened for the season on Tuesday with a golf tour nament This is the first year that the golf course has been ina placable condition and there were 33 who sa tered the tourney building boom continues to grow and in addition to tlie num ber of houses reported last week to be under construction several more were staked out during the past week i' A The new Lovell building In Central street is now being occupied the first tenant to move in being the Windsor store of the Great Atlantic Pacific Tea company Other occupants are expected to move In shortly Business ia improving considerably at the Windsor works of the General Electric company Additional help is being employed and there are many orders coming in to the plant There will be several changes in the teaching staff of the Windsor schools next year Victor Shaver principal of the Roger Ludlow school has signified his intentions of not re turning another year and Mrs Teague teacher of tho eighth giade will not return anotner teacher In the will not return another accepted a position at Citv June 17 has been set als the the annual field day of the Windsor Veteran State Guard association A committee is at work making ar rangements for the events of the day The annual meeting of the Windsor High School Alumni association will be held this year on June 24 It will be held at the John itch High school The John itch High school base ball team was defeated on Wednes day afternoon by the Collinsville High school team by a score of 7 to 4 The new baseball diamond at the John High school is now in playable condition and many games are being played on it It fills a long felt want BISHOP CONIRMS CLASS 233 AT GREENIELD Greenfield June 3 Rev Thomas O'Leary bishop' of Springfield on his first official visit to Greenfield this afternoon confirmed a class of 233 children and adults Holy Trinity church Most of the members were children Every bit of available spac in the church was fillel The bishop preached on the duties of a Christian MRS JENNIE UNERAL AT THOMPSON VILLE Thompsonville June The funeral of Mrs Jennie Marie Grenier wife of George Grenier who died Wednesday afternoon was held at St Patrick's church this morning with a solemn high mass of requiem Rev Daniel was celebrant Ry Wil liam deacon and Rev John Curtin sub deacon Selec tions were sung by Mrs urey and Miss Alice Liberty Burial was In the new St Patrick's cemetery on King street The service at the grave was conducted by Rev Daniel O'Connor Beau street against company Camn against Springfield street rail onmnqnv Vovnnk oppinct itvir 1 a xj 3 and another Katz against and another Aronson while the Rhode Island company has started work on four new' six room bungalows Keefe plains This section town is growing rapidly It is prob able that a good tar or cement side walk will be built after the cottages are pompleted man city ot Springfield Dupont Minkus and another uller Bay State storage and company Cudworth against Burnell aulkner company Collins against Chesterman and another: Chester man against Collins Malkin against West Malkin against same three cases: Giirvitch administrator against same Supreme court single justice sit ting Judge James Carroll presiding will come in at 930 with two cases on the list One is the War Chest case which comes up on petition of the War Chest fund commissioners in charge of the $150000 fund for needy World war veterans and their dependents to be allowed to frame suitable by laws and the use of necessary funds for office expenses and for an investigator Charles Beckwith is the attorney for the com missioners The other case is that of Attorney Gordon Ireland against the county commissioners to effect the ejectment ot the Ellis Title and Conveyancing company from the registry of deeds room in the northeast corner of the building The case comes up on ap proval of the report which was adverse to Ireland COURTS WILL COME IN TOMORROW MORNING New jurors will come in at the con tinuation of the March sitting of su perior court tomorrow Judge Irwin presiding The cases of Clara Haas of this city agains Harry Abelovitz of Beachmont suit fcr $5000 Herman Haas minor against same suit for $2000 and Max Haas against same suit for $2000 are assigned for tomorrow The eases result from a collision of automobiles on Boston road Palmer September 5 1920 Graves Moran are the at t( rneys for the plaintiffs and Ely Ely are for the defendant Trial of the case of Johnson Bros Inc against James Bird of Boston suit for $1500 growing out of an au tomobile collision in Wayland March 19 1920 is assigned for Wednesday Doherty Jones McCarthy and By ron Reed are the attorneys for the plaintiff and Champion Osgood is for the defendant Bird also sues Johpson Bros Inc in a cross action growing out of and this case is with the other The trial list follows: Lee against Sanderson Barry avainsr Electric loyce Coders against Gosselin Gos selin against Goders Keating against Springfield Street Railway company Burns against same Gaughan against Kennedy Co Kings Publie Market against Leeds Johnson against Leeds Mur phy against city of Springfield oley against Connell Barlow adminis trator against Methe Meltzer against Dewey Perron against Springfield Street Railway company Barcheder against Champlin Ewell aga'nst Springfield Street Railway company Sutton against Toole Kaplan against Mirkoff Lynch against uller jraimer against Haviland Brach yet moderately priced are these Dance especially chosen for you for the evening occasions of June Charming models of Crepe Chiffon Crepe Romaine Radium' Taffeta Lierre or Spanish Laces BUIE I) ING PERMITS ISSUED The following permits wero Issued yesterday In the office of tae build ing commissioner: Giuseppe Tlbaldi house and garage at 31 Shawmut street $5000 Arthur Cardinal temporary house at 115 Santa Ba bara street $500 Barney Michael man two family house at 119 John son street $0500 Winifred Conklin house at 99 Carrell street red Sturtevant garage at 219 lorida street $1000 White rocks That Expre The Glory of Youth Conv mepcement Day and June Hold Meeting and Hear Ad dresses ire District Meet ing This Week rom Our Special Correspondent Windsor Ct June 3 The Windsor Republican club is Wind sor's latest organization this hawing been formed at a meeting of the Re publican women which was held in the Town hall on Wednesday evening In this respect the women beat the men for the men while they have a strong political organization are not organized "as a club' Mrs Daniel Harrison who was active among the women voters in the last campaign ias been chosen as first chairman of the new club Miss Grace Loomis is secretary The meeting Wednesday evenii'y was addressed by Mrs Marion Blake Campbell who spoke on the achievements of the present admin istration Chairman Arthur A Bailey of the Republican town committee also spoke and expressed his pleasure in the "activity which is being shown by tie women in Windsor politics The annual meeting ot the Windsor fire district will be held in the town hall Tuesday evening Two commis sioners will be elected this year for a term of three yars and the terms of Commissioners Arthur A Bailey and rank Harrington expira this year It is expected that they vzill be candidates for re election The othei officers to be elected include a collector of taxes treasurer clerk and two auditors Besides the election of officers there are several matters of Importance to be acted upon These include the proposition of granting the commissioners the right to incor porate as a district plan commission to act on the proposal of the firm of Rand Christensen to buy water from the district to act on certain changes in the district by laws and the request of the residents of East street to nave a sewer constructed in that street The district engineers have made a survey of tho latter and estimated tne cost of its construction The Windsor group of the Hartford county has made arrangements for the holding of a fellowship meet ing in the Congregational parish house tomorrow evening All interest ed in the work are invited to lie present There will be prominent speakers from out of town The observance of Memorial day in Windsor which was celebrated on Tuesday was the most successful In many years and a large number of people turned out to participate in the Program Tho arrangements were in charge of the Sons of Veterans with Walter Hastings as commander and William Leek clerk Graves at all the cemeteries were decorated and an abundance ot flowers mala it possible to do this in proper manner Parades were held at Poquonock and Windsor The formal exercises wcich were held in the Windsor Town hall were largely attended and app opri has died 51X1 garage VmIfvIpW Kalian SH $IUO Janies houp Siono Junies Marino errv St alterations inelor reltlcr Crnlgie Ave 4 room boiihe $2l0tP WHUam Dugre 1 Thaddeiia St addi tion Alfred Boldur Hampden St fi mllv house $7o0 Naaaire Davlgnnn Slirp herd Parage $100: Thndd Mahmcy St 4 ronin cottage Psmpbrll 27 Howard parape Jacoba IS Montgomery St addition Andrew Zajekowskl 10 Gilmore St piazza A Honllban Cart Mac St 2 fa roily brnee SC500 John lUcszutek Parsley St SISO) Mrs Louise Seymour Bel ctor St 2 gnniKe 1 nry mnn College St Albert Ilnltnn Victoria park 1 flunilv hour 3oOO! 3 Hill Prospect St garage John McCarthy Hampden St 1 fanilly bruise Jnseph Janik 41 000: lojciceh Illodn Vhentland Ave 8 room house y'dOO A 3 oisenx Shepherd St 2 fnmlly house SR hrneat 'perron Narrngansett Jlvd 3 famlly house $non Waldron sharp 31? I ront St store tlion rank Hamel Chicopee St "nr enrage S3W1 Janies Crompton 4 1 Aus tin St tear garage yi anor SB wlght St 14 ear parage TUlioit 42 Hilton St Addition Mnhnrskl 41B ront St addition Jrhr Bowen 11 Carriety St i SifCVCnS i nn $01 Theodore Nolseiix 23 Arthur St tinn Bernard Nonntimk 2 family house $6SX) Total $20oSo KHASROV BARONIAN'S UNERAL AT Thompsonville June 3 The funeral of Khasrpv Baronian was held this afternoon at the home on Pearl street Rev Alfred Barr officiated Burial was in Thompsonville cemetery lEXTITiE SITUATION SUBJECT TALKS AT WARE TONIGHT Ware June 3 James Powers of Providence will speak at an open meeting at the town hall tomorrow night on the textile situation He will be accompanied by a rench speaking member of the United Textile Workers of America who will speak in that language Total of $205875 in Con struction Work for Month Large Item is $14 000 Block Chicopee June 3 Building In creased to the total of $205875 during the past month the report ot Building Inspector Haggerty shows The largest item on the list is for the $14 000 six tenement block that Stanley Bielanski proposes to build on Hamp den and Burton streets Mr Bielan ski also proposes to build three two family houses on Burton street which will cost $(3S00 each The list of per mits as issued by the building inspec tor is as follows: Mery Kontrouba Loreland terrace 5 room toiui' $2700 Corinne Lefebvre Montgomery end J'eiiEBj lvania avenue 2 family house Jneeph Bergeron Arlington St 5 rooni louse $2700 A inert McCaeland Call St 7 ronin house $4000 Louis Giokaa 38 Jen nil ger alterations $S00 Arthur Berthelett Prospect St simmer house $400 Judore Couture Boyleaton St room house $3500 Joseph Lartlve Julien Aveu 'to0 hcuse $2300 Giroux 795 TIcKiuJtry Ave alterations $(X0 Isidore Grondsati 04 Marlon St bakerv and itore $3000 Josephine Kram Dorrance St Croom house Joseph Swcrelt 32 Sheridan St shed $100 Me Kantor 41 Center St 8 car garage $700 Michel Harpin Northwood St 2 famlly house $7100 Daniel Ha kins Grape St coal pocket $3000: Sam Ball Britton St addi lion $A50 Napoleon Ludper Ave 7 room cottage Epraim Auclalr Pickering St shed $100 August Dietrich 443 Clilconco St addition to thrist shop $V4) Arthur Stebhlns Springhcld St 2 ily faouae $7000 Arthur Stebbins sprliigrteld St 2 famlly house $7000 Saontfl laiEm taine Tevlor St 7 ronm house 4to0: Stan ley Bhlanski Hampden and Burton teixwcnt bloik $ltOoO Stanley Bielanski Burton St 2 famlly house $(W1O Stanley Bklaiiski Burton St 2 family usc Startey Bielanski Burton St 2 faraily house $CcOO Jecnh TrcmWar Massachusetts rtmin house Joseph i'lcard Trilby Ave 2 familv house $5000: John I iynch Mentgomcrv St 1 onr garage Josepn I CliarlHinnenii Hallalrc Ave family house 01111 Joseph I Charbonneau liallalre Ave 2 fomiiv house $'i0OO Joseph thar bonneau Dallaire Av 2 car garage flui Joseph I Charlionneatl Dallaire Ave car garage $350: Omer Normand State St car garage $350 Hreotr Gelinas 19 Ave addition $800 Severe Cote 139 "te cs ir irrn $100 Nellie I Jenks Snr'legfeld St 2 family hoose $8000 Bari and Grattan St 2 fnmily lumsc rank Whit inker SS Taylor St the products ie being made in both water power and electric models and Is said to have several unique fea tures chief of which areu'ts small size light weight dnd 'Mr Hub bard will assume his new duties at once CALIORNIAN PLEADS NOT GUILTY IN COURT George Markett of Los Angeles avenue appeared in district court yes terday on summons charging failure to observe the weekly payment law There were five separate charges against him He entered pleas of not guilty to all and had his case contin ued to the 10th tor trial Hag gerty inspector ot the state labor board brought the charges against Markett upon complaint of the employes rank Roache of Boston denied charges of intoxication and assault on an officer and was held under bail for trial the 6th He was arrested riday night by Patrolman Miller Armond Boucher of 70 Alain street and Daniel Erode of 104 Bancroft street were also presented in court by Patrolman Miller They pleaded not guilty to vagrancy and will stand trial the 6th Herman Green of 372 Sumner ave nue denied charges of violating the eight foot law and operating an au tomobile without a license His case was set for trial the 9th Peter Curto ot 87 Wilcox street appeared in court on a summons charging assault and battery pleaded not guilty and had bis case continued to the 21st for trial The police will bring Harold Ward here from Albany next week Ward has just finished a term in the Albany county jail for lar ceny and is wanted here for similar troubles It is claifned he worked as a collector and failed to turn in his collections to his employers COSTELLO RECEIVES OVATION AND ROSES Capt Martin Costello suspended by the police committee two days ago without a 'hearing on charges pre ferred by Mrs Hannah Corliss of 14 Wolcott street was given a rous ing greeting when he returned to duty at police headquarters yester day He was given an ovation when he appeared in the drill shed for the roll call He also was presented with a bouquet of roses on his entrance to the office while a number of cards of congratulations were received by him He declined to discuss the case grow ing out of the charges which were later withdrawn by 'Mrs Elks and a large number of relatives and friends 'i The members of fire department acted as anif the fire department bell was tolled durang the march of the Requiem mass was celebrated by (E(ew Murphy The Northampton Street Railway company in wiiOSB service Mr Rockett was formerly1eqii ployed provided a special car to take friends to the cemetery where the committal service was conducted by Rev Dr Cummings The beargrJ were Oswald Dragon Paul Driscoll Thomas Kiely Michael fred Asher and Ronald Campbell YWj Bnrn Hole In Safe Vault arwell Mich June 3 Robbers early today burned a hole intthe vault of the State Sayipg bank here ith an acetylene torcji and escaped with £7200 in Tihr rv Preparations for HighSchool Commencement Completed Buildings Going Up rom Our Special Correspondent Stafford Springs Ct Plans Xcontim' ment day and class day exercises are being! eorfiplejjed An interesting pro gram for'1 'each night has been ar ranged 'iThe class day exercises' will be held at St hall Wednes day night the 14th' Each member of tlie graduating class will take: part A playlet including the various class day roles has been written by the honor pupils of the senior class Each ot the undergraduate classes will also be represented The commencement exercises will be held at Paramount theater riday night the 16th The' speaker 'will be Charles RBrownf dean of the divin ity school of Yalel' universityi Other speakers will be the hetoor the class Miss Mary rialldran rep resenting the classical course Miss Beatrice'Roberts who held highest honors in the' commercial 'course and Harold Towne who will represent tlie general The musical program for mencement day is in charge of! Miss Jean supervisor of music at tiie' Stafford schools Dancing' will form a part of the class day festiv ities Wednesday night The Salvation Army drive opened here this week with the' quota set at $811 Solicitors will can several assigned' to the various The committee in charge of James Sheppard chair Gl Sanford treasurer and Rees secretary It'' is ex TRISONER CHLOROORMED TO SECURE INGERPRINTS Newton June 3 Sussex county' authorities chloroformed a prisoner whose name they refused to reveal in order to obtain his finger prints it was learned or eight days the man success fully fought efforts to take his finger prints Yesterday a physician was stmmoned the prisoner was surprised in his cell the chloroform fumes liberated and the work accomplished He revived quickly Austin Pratt alias Kel of West Brookfield pleaded not guilty to intoxication when arraigned in district court yesterday morning fudge Heady continued his case to the 7th for trial and ordered him heM $200 bail In default of it he was remanded to jail "Hobo has a distinguished record as a globe trotter He is years old and has traversed even country in the world He claims ac quaintance with every Prominent po lice official in the United States and Canada 307 Main St against Hurteau Nalepa against Haviland Kurnirskv against Cowels: Long against Godin and another Texas company against 5'T'ninct McBRADE RECOVERS AND PAYS $15 INE Walter McBrade ot Suffield Ct who was shot by one of the state constabulary In the co*ck fight at eeding Hills Memorial day Paid a fine of $15 in court this afternoon McBrade after receiving a dose ot buckshot in the back was taken to Springfield hospital He was dis charged from that institution yester day afternoon and immediately ar rested on a charge of being present at a co*ck fight The fine paid by Mc Brade Is the same as that Imposed on 80 other men who appeared in court Wednesday as a result 'of the raid made by the state officers at the co*ck fight inal disposal ot the 50 odd birds corralod by tho officers after the fight will be decided at a hearing to be held In district court June 9 another against Springfield company Keller corporation Sim Royal insurance of Liverpool $100 nink Jionr 'S Sclinol mil Gilmore Sts store $80ii Wllllnm Murphy 51 talrvlei Ave aiiiiition Sprlnsfiehl St 2 cnr oio St rr Ave New models of modest sim ZJ plicity or soft draped frocks that are appropriate not only for gradua tions but for the other social affairs of June and Summer Materials are Canton Crepe Crepe de Crepe Chiffon Crepe Romaine and Georgette 146 MAIN STREET Successors to Hudson ur Co A balance of $52153127 In money of the estate of Everett Barney late of this city who bequeathed the bulk of hi3 estate to the city of Springfield is shown by the second account of the trustees approve by Judge Charles' Long in prooate court yesterday after being assented to by City Solicitor Josiah Dtarborn representing the city Tnis total is made up of two items principal $48084411 and income 1i! Besides this amount nwAev now in the control of the trus tees the estate also includes real es tate and other property which is ex pected to bring the total value of the estate to to the city of Springfield un to nearly $00000 It is expected that all matters con nected with the settlement of es tate now in a formative period can be wound up in a year or two and the city will then have all the proceeds in money The proceeds of the estate were left for park purposes in me city of Springfield nmiin ARRESTER JOHN UNERAL HELT) AT THOMPSONVILLE Thompsonville June 3 The funeral of John Moore was held this morning at St church Rev John Curtin officiated Selections were 50 75 iTTfir L7 jn WjMTBTjm2TUDTJJlJiijnMnL 2i Cl rt ISfc WY 7 I I lOwt Ml irtWaK Nil aBA sa 'x i Nr' qw tw'Xv Bl? 'r i A I Vso I I I jVyj L1 i I lj I A 9 I 7 I 4 0 7 I Price JsL c4 A "AX CAJur I 5 7 Ry 1 Mr Leider Owner 11 Mi A $7 'J Vf 1.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 6450

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.