The Secret Wisdom of Hermes: What Are 7 Hermetic Principles? | Gate of Consciousness (2024)

7 Principles That Govern the Universe: Table Overview

PrincipleQuotes from the Kybalion*
Mentalism“The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.”
Correspondence“As above, so below; as below, so above.”
Vibration“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
Polarity“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in naturebut different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
Rhythm“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swingmanifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”
Cause and Effect“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.”
Gender“Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes.”

*Quotes in the table are from the Kybalion.

What isHermeticism?

Hermeticism is an ancient spiritual, philosophical, and magical system. It studies the secrets of the cosmos through its core teachings – theseven Hermetic Principles.

Hermetic scholars believe that these ancient principles constitute universal laws.

They offer a window into the fundamental nature of reality, revealing how the universe operates.

And how we, as part of this grand design, can align ourselves with its rhythms.

Hermes Trismegistus

Hermeticism takes its name from the legendaryHermes Trismegistus.

Allegedly, Hermes was revered as a sage, philosopher, and magician.

I say ‘allegedly‘ because some scholars argue that he was a mythical figure. He is often identified with the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.

Others claim that he was a real person from ancient Egypt who wroteseveral foundational texts of Hermetic philosophy.

Famous works attributed to Hermes Trismegistus include:

  • The Emerald Tablet – a concise summary of the principles of alchemy.
  • The Corpus Hermeticum – a series of dialogues on the nature of the divine and the human

The Kybalion

The Kybalion is a book that conveys the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus.

But it is not part of the original Hermetic writings.

The Kybalion was written in 1908 by ‘Three Initiates.’

‘Three Initiates’ is, most likely, the pseudonym of William Walker Atkinson.

Atkinson was a leading figure in the New Thought movement in the early 1900s.

The Kybalion explores the seven Hermetic Principles with clarity and depth.

According to the Kybalion, there are spiritual, mental, and physical planes of existence. These three greatplanes comprise the universe.

What Are 7 Hermetic Principles?

The 7 Hermetic principles are a set of philosophical and metaphysical concepts. These principles explain the nature of reality and the laws that govern it.

They provide a guide for personal and spiritual development as well.

These 7 ancient principles are not lofty philosophical concepts.

They are tools you can apply in daily life to manifest your desires.

Each principle offers a unique lens to view and comprehend the mysteries of existence.

However, these philosophical and metaphysical principles can be hard to understand.

But no worries. I’ll explain them in an easy-to-understand way.

You’ll be able to apply this knowledge right away.

As a manifestation coach, I firmly believe that personal experience is the best teacher. So, I’ll explain each of them on the most common challenges my clients and readers face.

Hermetic Principle of Mentalism

The Secret Wisdom of Hermes: What Are 7 Hermetic Principles? | Gate of Consciousness (1)

This principle states that “The All is Mind.” It suggests that the universe itself is a mental construct.

Everything in existence is a mental manifestation.

It’s an expression and a work of art of One supreme ultimate source.

We, humans, are different from the rest of the world in that we have the potential to become the One.

We have the power to be infinite and unbound, to become the pure consciousness that was, is, and will be.

The Hermetic Law of Mentalism explains how our reality is shaped by our perceptions and mental state.

Our thoughts are powerful and can shape our reality.

How Can the Principle of Mentalism Help You?

Let’s say that you want a promotion.

You’re working hard at your job but feel you aren’t getting the recognition you deserve.

You want a promotion, but you are doubting yourself and your abilities.

Whenever you think about your desire, your dominant thoughts are:

  • “I’m not good enough”
  • “I don’t have the skills.”
  • “I will fail again.”

In other words, you’re letting your negative thoughts and fears hold you back from pursuing your dream.

Theprinciple of mentalism teaches you that your thoughts can shape your reality.

You can use this principle to change your mindset.

In fact, if you practice positive thinking, affirmations, or visualization, you are already exercising the principle of mentalism!

By doing so, you’re changing your inner world and your outer world.

  • Inwardly, you’re overcoming your self-doubt and replacing it with self-confidence.
  • Outwardly, you’re attracting your desired promotion to you.

How Do You Practice It?

Cultivate a mindset that aligns with your desires. Understand that your thoughts create your reality. Use inner conversations and other techniques to reinforce positive beliefs and manifest desired outcomes.


  1. What dominant thoughts occupy your mind every day?
  2. How does your thinking affect your feelings, actions, and results?
  3. How can you change your negative thoughts into positive ones?


  • Inner conversations,
  • Affirmations,
  • Journaling.

Hermetic Principle of Correspondence

The Secret Wisdom of Hermes: What Are 7 Hermetic Principles? | Gate of Consciousness (2)

Famously summarized as “As above, so below; as below, so above.

This principle explains the connection between the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the individual).

There is a harmony and analogy between the different levels of existence. These levels constitute physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

This principle suggests a mirror-like relationship between the physical and spiritual worlds.

How Can the Principle of Correspondence Help You?

Suppose you want to find your soulmate but are struggling to meet the right person.

You are letting your negative thoughts and feelings block you from attracting your soulmate.

Such thoughts usually sound something like this:

  • “I’m not worthy of love.”
  • “I have little to offer.”
  • “I will never find my match.”

As a result of such thinking,you feel lonely, frustrated, and hopeless.

This principle explains how your inner world reflects your outer world and vice versa.

It encourages you to align your energy with the energy of your desire.

You can use it to examine your beliefs, attitudes, and emotions and how they affect your circ*mstances.

Let’s stick to our example:

To find your soulmate, you must first meet your needs and be your best version.

You need to cultivate love, respect, and value yourself. You can also benefit from developing your interests, talents, and passions.

This is how you create a positive and attractive energy that will draw your soulmate to you.

How Do You Practice It?

Recognize the reflection of internal states in external realities.

Everyone and everything is pushed out.

Use self-reflection to identify inner conflicts or blockages that might bemanifesting as external challenges.


  1. What are some of the patterns or themes that you notice in your life?
  2. How do your patterns or themes reflect your inner state?
  3. How can you break or change the patterns or themes that are not serving you?


  • Mental diet,
  • Examine beliefs,
  • Everyone is you pushed out.

Hermetic Principle of Vibration

The Secret Wisdom of Hermes: What Are 7 Hermetic Principles? | Gate of Consciousness (3)

This principle states that everything in the universe is in constant motion. Everything vibrates.

This includes our thoughts and emotions, too.

Differences in states of matter and energy are primarily due to varying rates of vibration.

Different frequencies create unique vibrational patterns.

These patterns significantly impact our physical, mental, and emotional states.

Understanding the impact of different frequencies on our state is crucial for a healthy and balanced life.

How Can the Principle of Vibration Help You?

To understand this principle, imagine you want to drop a few pounds and get fit.

That implies that you are not pleased with your current physical condition. Or, to put it clearly,you are in a state of dissatisfaction.

Your lowvibration is affecting your body and your performance.

You feel sluggish, weak, and unhealthy. You think you are out of shape and will never reach your fitness goals.

The law of vibration teaches that everything is in motionand vibrates at a certain frequency.

To change your physical state, you must tune in to the frequency of fitness and health.

To go one step further, you can also practice physical activities that involvevibration, like whole-body vibration, running, or jumping. This affects the well-being of yourphysical body on the cellular level.

Now, I know this advice has nothing to do with the mind directly.But, it demonstrates how these universal laws permeate all levels of our existence.


  1. What positive emotions do you feel on a regular day?
  2. How do you measure or assess your state of state of being?
  3. How would you assess your vibrational state on an average week?


  • Meditation,
  • Gratitude,
  • Living in the end.

How Do You Practice It?

Elevate your state to match the frequency of your desires.

Raise vibrational frequency through positive thoughts and emotions.

Practice gratitude and joy to attract experiences that resonate with these high vibrational states.

Higher vibrational states attract positive experiences and manifestations.

Hermetic Principle of Polarity

The Secret Wisdom of Hermes: What Are 7 Hermetic Principles? | Gate of Consciousness (4)

Everything in the universe has two aspects or poles. These poles are complementary and interdependent.

By changing the degree of one, the other is changed as well.

For example, heat and cold are the same thing but with different degrees of temperature.

If we increase or decrease the heat, we can change the degree of coldness or hotness.

Similarly, love and hate are the same but with different degrees of emotion.

“Paradoxes may be reconciled.”

This means that seemingly contradictory statements or situations can be harmonized by changing the degree or perspective.

For example, the paradox of “the sound of silence” can be reconciled by understanding that silence is not the absence of sound.

It’s the presence of a very low degree of sound.

Likewise, the paradox of “the beginning of the end” can be reconciled by understanding that the end of one thing is the beginning of another. Both are relative and variable.

How Can the Principle of Polarity Help You?

Now, here’s one typical example:

You have a strong attraction and connection with a specific person.

However, that person is already in a relationship with someone else.

Consciously or not, you believe that you will never be with your specific person.

You feel frustrated, jealous, and perhaps even hopeless at times. This greatly influences the dynamic between you and your SP.

The principle of polarity teaches you that everything has two aspects.

These aspects or poles are complementary and interdependent. By changing the degree of one, the other can be changed as well!

In this case, you can change your perspective and attitude by examining the dynamic between you and your specific person.

Everything has two poles: being connected and disconnected, attractive andrepelling.

Which pole of the spectrum are you closer to?

Use the principle of polarity to increase your attraction and connection with your desired person:

  • Embody and express your authenticity. This will show your specific person what makes you unique and attractive and how you can complement them.
  • Demonstrate to your specific person that you are not afraid to be different or to disagree. This will likely make them curious, intrigued, or excited about you.
  • Create contrast and challenge in your interactions. Don’t be too predictable, easy, or boring. Surprise them, tease them, or challenge them.

How Do You Practice It?

When facing challenges, remind yourself that every situation has a positive aspect.

Use the understanding of opposite poles to shift perspective from negative to positive.

Transform your challenges into opportunities and learning experiences.

Find the opportunity in every challenge, transforming obstacles into stepping stones towards your goals.

The point is to play with the power dynamics of each situation you face. Don’t be too passive, timid, or hesitant. This will only keep you stuck on the same side of the spectrum.


  1. What are some of the opposites or polarities that you encounter or experience in your life?
  2. How do you perceive or relate to these opposites or polarities?
  3. How can you change your perspective or attitude towards these opposites or polarities?


  • Revision,
  • Journal prompts,
  • Flipping limiting beliefs.

Hermetic Principle of Rhythm

The Secret Wisdom of Hermes: What Are 7 Hermetic Principles? | Gate of Consciousness (5)

The principle of rhythm teaches that everything follows a cyclical pattern of movement and change. There is a balance and equilibrium between the opposite forces.

“Rhythm compensates.”

For example, the swing of thependulum to the right is equal to the swingto the left. The low tide balances the high tide. The rise and fall of nations are compensated by each other.

How Can the Principle of Rhythm Help You?

Imagine this situation:

You have an excellent idea for a business, but you aren’t sure how to start.

There are many challenges and uncertainties you face, like competition, funding, regulations, etc.

This situation evokes feelings of being overwhelmed, stressed, and discouraged. You think that you have no control and will never succeed.

What’s happening is that you’re letting your external circ*mstances affect your internal state.

The principle of rhythm can help you to understand the changes and cycles of business better.

You can use it to:

  • Maintain your stability and harmony.
  • Avoid being affected by the emotional extremes.
  • Flow with the natural rhythms of the market without fear.
  • Develop abusiness planning rhythm.

A business planning rhythm is the workflow of planning and executing your business goals.It involves four key steps: setting the vision, defining the strategy, creating the plan, and managing it.

That’s another example of how every successful workflow intuitively follows these ancient hermetic teachings.

How Do You Practice It?

Understand the cyclical nature of life and be prepared to adapt.

When things seem to be at a low point, remember that the tide will turn, and opportunities will arise again.

Stay poised to take advantage of these shifts.


  1. What are some of the changes or cycles that you observe or experience in your life?
  2. How do you adapt or respond to these changes or cycles?
  3. Can you set a better rhythm in certain areas of your life? How?


  • Revision,
  • Mindfulness,
  • Guided meditation.

Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect

The Secret Wisdom of Hermes: What Are 7 Hermetic Principles? | Gate of Consciousness (6)

This principle asserts that nothing happens by chance. There is a cause for every effect and an effect forevery cause.

This principle is similar to the concept of Karma in Hinduism and Buddhism. Both recognize that nothing happens by coincidence.

Different levels of causation operate on different planes of existence.

We are responsible for our actions and choices.

How Can the Principle ofCause and Effect Help You?

Here’s another common example:

Let’s say that you have a chronic issue affecting your well-being.

You can seem to find a solution and believe that it will never get better.

This belief is reinforced by feeling pain, discomfort, and fatigue.

Again, you are letting the condition determine your state.

How does the law of cause and effect apply here?

It teaches you that nothing happens by chance or coincidence.

There is a chain ofcauses and effects that can be traced and understood.

The physiology in your body has a cause-effect relationship as it relates to proper and improper function.

  1. You can use this law to identify and address the root causes of your issue.
  2. Then, create and implement the effects that will heal it.

You could do this by:

  • Practice positive thinking. Use your mind to influence your body and to create a positive and healing state.
  • Seek professional help and advice. Consult your doctor or specialist in functional medicine.
  • Make lifestyle changes and improvements. Adopt strategies to support your healing process and boost your immune system.

How Do You Practice It?

Understand that your actions (causes) directly influence your experiences (effects).

Use this understanding to create desired outcomes consciously.

Be mindful of your intentions, thoughts, and actions. They are powerful causes that create effects in your life.

Cultivate positive intentions and actions to generate desired outcomes.

What questions for self-reflection can I use for each principle?

What techniques can I use for each principle?

How can I apply this principle in my daily routine?


  1. What are some of the causes or factors that influence your actions and choices?
  2. How do you identify and evaluate these causes or factors?
  3. How can you change or improve these causes or factors?


  • Meditation,
  • Affirmations,
  • I remember when” technique.

Hermetic Principle of Gender

The Secret Wisdom of Hermes: What Are 7 Hermetic Principles? | Gate of Consciousness (7)

This principle states that gender exists in everything. Everything has masculine and feminine energies.

Balancing these energies within yourself leads to a more holistic and effective approach to manifestation.

This principle is similar to the idea of Yin and Yang in Chinese philosophy.

Both acknowledge that everything in the universe has two aspects that are complementary and interdependent. They emphasize the importance of balance.

How Can the Principle ofGender Help You?

Let’s use creativity as an example.

You want to start writing, but you feel stuck or uninspired. Perhaps you don’t believe you’re talented or original enough.

In that case, your limiting beliefs and habits hinder your creative potential.

The principle of gender states that everything has both a passive and an active aspect.

You can use it to balance your masculine and feminine side.

This means achieving a harmonious balance between:

  • Doing and being;
  • Action and receptivity.

Explore different forms of creative expression to find a balance that works for you. Experiment with both analytical and artistic forms of creativity to find your unique style and workflow.

Analytical creativity is logical, systematic, and problem-solving thinking. Conversely, artistic creativity includes intuitive, imaginative, and expressive thinking.


  1. What characteristics or qualities define you?
  2. Are they more feminine or masculine in nature?
  3. How can you balance or enhance them?


  • Meditation,
  • Free journaling,
  • Analytical thinking.

How Do You Practice It?

Balance the masculine and feminine aspects within.

Utilize the masculine principle for action and drive and the feminine for intuition and creativity in the manifesting process.

7 Hermetic Laws of the Universe: The Science

Even though these principles originate from ancient spiritual teachings, their essence intersects with various modern scientific insights.

Scientific theories and experiments that relate to these hermetic teachings:

The computational theory of mind:

According to this theory, our nervous system processes information by translating changes in our body and environment into a language of neural impulses. This language represents our relationship with the world around us. The theory suggests that our mind is not a physical thing but a function or process that can be simulated.

The near-death experiences:

People who have been close to death or clinically dead sometimes report having vivid and meaningful experiences. They describe leaving their body, encountering a light or a being, reviewing their life, and then returning to their body. These experiences are called near-death experiences.

These experiences suggest that the mind can function independently of the body. They also support the idea that it may be a spiritual dimension of life beyond the physical one.

The innate knowledge:

Innate knowledge is the idea that we are born with some knowledge that is not derived from sensory experience but is part of our nature.

This idea was put forth by Plato and Descartes. It is now gaining neuroscientific evidence that could validate that we are born with the innate knowledge of our world.

7 Hermetic Principles: Conclusion

Firstly, congratulations on reading to the end!

This is a pretty long blog post.

Now, you know everything necessary to apply theseseven principles.

It’s clear that these ancient teachings offer more than just philosophical insight.

They provide practical tools for personal empowerment and manifesting.

If you apply them, you’ll see the world and your place within it in a new light.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Secret Wisdom of Hermes: What Are 7 Hermetic Principles? | Gate of Consciousness (2024)


What are the 7 laws of hermetics? ›

"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

What are the 7 Hermetic principles of chakras? ›

These seven principles are: mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect, and gender. Each principle corresponds to one of the seven chakras, which are the energy centers in our body that regulate our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

What are the seven Hermetic principles of the Kybalion? ›

These principles include mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect, and gender.

What is the principle of hermetism? ›

The Hermetic principle of "as above, so below" and the concept of prisca theologi—the idea that all true knowledge and religion stem from a single ancient source—became central tenets in these esoteric movements.

What are the 7 principles of Maat? ›

What are the 7 principles of maat? Some contemporary pagan groups promote the 'Seven Principles of Ma'at' as guidance for leading a good life. These seven principles do not appear in ancient Egyptian texts but are adaptation. The seven principles are Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Propriety, and Reciprocity.

What are the 7 laws? ›

They are the laws of : Attraction, Polarity, Rhythm, Relativity, Cause and Effect, Gender/Gustation and Perpetual Transmutation of Energy. There is no priority or order or proper sequence to the numbers. They apply randomly as does nature itself.

What are the 7 chakras of consciousness? ›

These are the 7 chakras: the root, sacral, solar-plexus, heart, throat, third-eye, and crown. They each carry a different vibrational frequency of prana, qi, or mana, and are responsible for a different aspect of our consciousness.

How do I unlock my 7 chakras? ›

Meditate every day on each chakra to harness its powers and balance your energies. You can also chant certain mantras to awaken your dormant chakras. You should join guided meditation classes or chakra healing sessions for expert advice. You can use specific crystals to help channel energy to each chakra.

How old are the 7 Hermetic principles? ›

The seven principles are the foundation of Hermeticism, a branch of spiritual philosophy dating back as early as the first century A.D. They were outlined by famed author Hermes Trismegistus, who is believed to have written the Emerald Tablet and the Corpus Hermeticum (two highly influential, ancient teachings).

Is Hermes Trismegistus real? ›

The simple answer to this question is: “No, he wasn't. Hermes never existed as a historical person and, for that reason, cannot possibly have been a prophet of Christianity.” The truth of this answer cannot be contested, but nevertheless it is too limited.

What religion is Hermetic? ›

One of the esoteric religious belief systems to come out of Hellenistic Greece was the Hermetic tradition that rose in the second and third centuries. A tremendous amalgam of many different ideas, some old and some new, this tradition is in a small way emblematic of religious practice in Hellenistic Greece.

What are the 7 laws of Hermes Trismegistus? ›

Underpinning the Hermetic philosophy are seven principles and universal laws, namely; mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect, and gender.

What are the 7 Hermetic principles of law of attraction? ›

"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

What is the message of the Kybalion? ›

What is The Kybalion about? Kybalion (1908) is an occult classic of the New Thought movement that claims that mind and thought are the ultimate powers of the universe, and human beings can harness those primal forces – like thought, rhythm, and polarities – for health, wealth, and influence.

What are the spiritual 7 universal laws? ›

Many universal laws have been derived from the 7 Universal Principles — Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect and Gender; but it is these overarching universal principles by which the universe operates.

What are the 7 immutable laws of the universe? ›

In a nutshell, there are seven Universal Laws or Principles by which the entire Universe is governed. The Laws of Mentalism, Correspondence and Vibration are the three Immutable (unchanging) Higher Laws. And the Laws of Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect and Gender are the four Mutable (transitory) Lower Laws.

What are the 12 magical laws of the universe? ›

What are the 12 universal laws of The Universe:
  • 1: The Law of Oneness. ...
  • 2: The Law of Energy or Vibration. ...
  • 3: The Law of Correspondence.
  • 4: The Law of Action.
  • 5: The Law of Cause and Effect.
  • 6: The Law of Compensation.
  • 7: The Law of Attraction.
  • 8: The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.