The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

0 0 THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER- '4 -SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1911. ANNEXATION IS INDORSED Woman Shoots at Burofar BIRTHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS REBEL LEADER WOUNDS FOE AS HE DIES and th late Rev, WlllUm O'Orady, a ativ of Thuries, Cniuity 'Jiiipemry, Ji-siaod, aged jui. A mMiiber 4 Widows and Orphar.r Chief in Auto Catches Thief UKOWN In tMi cliy, March 14, to Ue wlt A iward C. Urpwu, a ion. VIOLILH TlmrwUy.

MarcU 18, to tb wife of John Vlnlit'h. n. Portsrrlllej Con mil Call) Special Election for Greater City. Special IMapstch to "The Eiumnw." I'ORTEUVILLM, March 17. By a unanimous vote of the city council, a petition asking that a special annexation eleotlon be called, has been granted and the election has been set for April 10th.

The proposed annexation district Includes the residence district of Rartlett Hill and 8cenlo Drive, runs to the edge of the Sunnyslde orchard district and thence east to the foothill orchards, south to Include Bur-bank Park and Monte Vista and continuing to a line which will meet the line of the south city limits extended eastward. Aid AuiciaUuo of the esn rraucisco Depsrliuent. ilie funeral will take plans toJT at tiio o'clock a. frnm hia lats residence, twenty-third treeti thenc to St. James' Church, whr a requiem high ms will be relehrid tr the repoae of hi fail, commencing at o'clock a.

m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, via electric funerul cax from Twenty-elgiith and Valencia tieta, HTANTON in Ssnta Barbara. March 18, 1911. Juaiah Kumhl biauton. Pay Insictor H.

N. (retired), a nativs of New lork, aged 61 MRS. J. A. HUBBARD AND CHIEF VOLLMER lMMMMMWMAWWMVWWWAMWVWMWW year.

Funeral service will bs bald f-1ay (Rat- Rodriguez Concentrates Fire' on Morales, Personal Enemy and Guide of Troops. nrmrnnnr-MrMTf AM uf AV at imimors unlay). March IN, at 2 p. MARRIAGE MCISKSE8. Th following marriage ilceiinea wrt lwusd tertlay: -A BARKETO-ACENCIO Albert Barreto.

Ban KrantUoo, aud lolore Acencto, IN, IM Brued- way. OOI.DMAN WAUIH Jullen 1. OoMnien, 28, ima Clay wreet, and Um A. Walaii, 110, IMS Gilbert ttrrvt, UARAYALDK BEKKA Pierre OarJlte, IXi Pierce eiruet, and Ida Bulla, 1. IS'Jl O'fcarrell eirNit, LKVI UARKI-MiU(m Ity, 21, V.m Pierce treat, and Jitta barrta, 18, 2712 Sutur aUnel.

MolNTOHU LICZXEKHKI Donald Mrintoth, 21, 71U Uevnailero it ret and Mary Ucznereal, It), 1110 Kill ton ttreet. KK1XHAKD1 MORRIS Harry Reinhardt, 23, Tart, and Marjorie 18, Berkeley. HAl Fred A. 8auiidera, 29, and Tbnxa VV. llrifga, lb, boU of Sacra- tuento ttreet.

RESTAURANT WOMAN TELLS HOW TO LIVE Opens Place Sunday That Will Surprise-Object Lesson for Housewives The following marnage licence waa laaued io Oakland yeeteiday: Miidge, SO, and Alfreda StMiihort. IS, bulh of (Ukliud. treet. Interment private. YY1L1.1AMS-U thla city.

March 1. Henry beloved hunhsnd uf Catherine E. William and failior of Charlotte F. Williams, Mr. I sac belle F.

Cone, Tlivmaa Catherine William Ridiard and Fairfax William. Mr. Eltriu Davis and Duval and Sarah William, native of Virginia, S3 year and 14 day. Mends are reicttully mvlted to attend th fnueral today (Saturday), at 1030 o'clock a. from Ms lata residence, 1150 Vallcja street.

Interment, Wondlswn Cemetery. WELBANK In thia city. March id, 1911. Robert beloved uusband of the lats Catherine Welbank and lO'mg lather of John 8. and, ths late Frank and Annie Welbank, memlier of the Gentlemen' Sodality of St.

lgoailua a native of Tliirah. Fnend and acquaintance ars respect fully iuvitdd to attend the funeral on Mjmday. March 20, at 9 a. from the funeral parlors of O'Bhauxhneiuy, Iistwell ft 551-553 Valencia street, belween Sixteenth and Seventeenth, tbeuc to St Iguanas' Church. Hayes and Bbra-der i rerta.

w) are a requiem high mas will bs celebrated for th repose of hi soul, com men o-lug at 10 a. m. interment. Holy Crow Cems-tny, by eltctrio funeral car at Thirteenth ao4 West Miuion street. WALLACE in this city, March 15, Horn let ha widow of JuUe Wallace and mother Ridiard R.

and Hyland B. Wallace, Mrs. Ada-laid VV. and Mrs. Isabel Bprague, aged 75 year.

riendt and acquaintances are resp fullv Inviud to attend the funeral to-di OBITLAKi'. UR.S. 8AHA A. a wjman writer beloved husband of Maria Giannlnl, loving fathat of l.ouiva and Josewime tiisiuuni. t-loved brotlier of John (ilsunmi and Mrs.

Louise t'ailero and brotlier in law uf Louts Callern ana liouienico and Nup a Rossi, a native of i avals di Malvuro, fruviuca of Ciilajarl, Italy, aged lit) yuars, Friends and a(iialntancei sra respft-rilly tnviud to attend the funeral to d.vy (Saturday), st 11:15 o'cl-Kk from his lale reaideiios, Blt llurlin street, ncsr hau Bruno avenue and Woolmy Itreet; thence to Corpus Christi Church, where a requlam mass will be celebrated for the reir of his sjiul. coin-menctng at lOiiO o'clock a. m. lutermeut, liuly Cross Cemetery. OILLETT In this city, March 4.

10U, Alfred Oilitlt. a nstive of Kraiu-s, aged f4 yeara, a member nf Klieniea, Oiiera and Wafr-tuodert of the J'aciHc. 'Ihe ti.ueiai will take plse the lore cf Barry it Scully, U1T7 Vsleneia street, to-u iy (SaliirJ.iy), Man lb, at 2 o'clock p. m. Interment, Almint olivet Cemetery.

ORU.NElt In this city, March 17, 1U. Ernestine, dearly beloved wife of I'sul Gmticr, a nn. five of Belforu, iance. aged 111 years 5 month! and ID days, a member )f Euraka Stnmin No, 20. Dsughleri of l'ocanontas, L', O.

It- M. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral to-morrnvf (Sunday), at II o'clock a. fnun the parlora of Siihr it HIHS Valencia street, near Twenty-fifth. Incineration, Cyprus Lawn Crematory, by a.

m. train from Twenty-fifth and Valencia si ruts. Officers and member of Eureka Stamm No 20, P. T. C.

(. K. are hersby to attend the funeial of our late member, Mrs. E. (truner, on Sutidav, Mirch 19, at luJIO from the parloia of Hulir 1HH5 Valencia street, near i'weoty fifth.

By order of: WR8. JA.VTZEX, Prtsl-ienU MRS. E. BCUOIi.VECHT. Secretary.

HLETER In this City March 17, 1011. Loot's Hueter, beloved motner of Ernest L. Hueter and Mrs. Minna Weile. a native of Germany, tged fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow 61 years and 4 days.

Friends and aequaintaneea ars respect-(Sunday), March 1, at 'i p. from the parlor pf H. t. Suhr 2D 19 Mission stre-t. between TweLty-Ufth and Twenty-sixth.

Ue-uiaius will be at her late residence, 8117 Capp street, until Sunday foreuoon. lutermeut private. 1'iease omit tlowers. HAYFS In thla city. March 16, Marceila, dearly beloved wife nf llennis Hayes, loving moth-r of Bernard, John, Mary, llennis and Maurtcs Hayes aud beloved sister of Mia.

Dennis Mannu, a native of Ireland, aged 4' years. Friends and acquaintances are resiet-fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Saturday), at tt o'clock a. from her late residence, 101 Congo street, between ileant and Flrjd avenues, bunnyside; ttencs to St. John's Church, wherj a requiem nigh mass will be teltbrattd for the ieis of her commencing at 10 o'clock a. m.

Interment, Hoiy (jross Cemetery. HAt F.TTE In this city, March 17, 1911, Ernest, beloved husband of Isabel Haquette and fathef of Mrs. Fiedniek Burnette. a native of Fiance, aged 0.1 years months and 21 dais. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Monday, March io, from the Notre bame des ictoiifj Church, Busn street, between lirant avenue and BtocMon street, where a requiem high mass fill be celebrated for the repose of hi sou), commencing at 10 o'clock a.

m. Interment private. HOGA.N In this city, March 15. Sarah, beloved wife of Michael Uognn and sister of Hugh Hig-gina and Mr. B.

Uilntora, a naiiva cf Tuaui, County Ualway, lrelaid. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invit-d to attend the funeral to-day (Saturday), at HMD o'clock a. troin the parlors of Mr Ann OUara, 224 Market street near Fifteenth street; thence to The Church of the Most tioiy Reafemer, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repine of her soul, commencing o'ctock m. Lutcrmcnt, Holy Cross Cemetery. H'lNEN In this city, Msrch IB, at hi residence 22 Silver street, Gabriel dearly beloved husband of Maria Honen and devoted father of C.

E. Bonen and the lata Andrew and Marie Honen. a native of Norway, aged 76 years II months and 22 days. A member of the Austrian Military a'ld Benevolent Association and lioitie-sinitna and Aichitfctuial Iron Workers. No.

7S. Friends and acquaintances aie respi'ct-fully invlied to attend tne funeral to-morrow (Sundayi, March lit, at 2 o'clock, p. at National Hell. cliH Fulton street, where service (Saturday), at chock from hsr 1 A 1 Uitinual rrputaUuu. la Orad at JicaeooTlue, after K'voral yeart' illueaa.

She waa ef-eat-to jeara old. CHARLES ELLIOTT MITCHELL, who w.u I tilted Statei Couuniaaluour ot Pateute under President llamiou, la dead of apoplexy UMiy at New Britain, Ooua. He waa acvtutihrre yean old. L. H.

CHENEY, for alx yean preeldent of the State boldien and bailor' Iloue Couimianlua, la dead ot heart diaeaae at Mont VlLa. Col J. lie ii aurrittd by hia widow and a eon. U. il.

Cbeiiey, ot New Vork. El'WIN W. DIKE, three timea elected Treaiurer of the btate ot Minnesota, it dead at Santa Monica, aged ninety-one, after an llluea of three montiis. Uikc- was a natlte of Vernvmt, and, alter taking an active part in Muineaota politics for the greater part of hit life, went to haiita Monica to lite about tea yean ago. He ii nurvlied by a w.dow.

ADIN BALLOU CAPRON. until March 4th Representative in C'ousTene from the Second Rhode Island district, i Utruii at btillwater, R. Cap-on was bora in He was un officer in the signal corpa during the Clil War, retiring uith the rank of major. He was seven times elected tp CongTesa aa a Rcpreientatlte. JOHN R.

McDONALD, the engineer, who has been critically 111 fur weeks, is dead at New York. His most noted undertakings were the building of the first underground railroid In New lork and the tunneling under the city of Baltimore for a rulroad. Mr. McDonald begin life as a railroad lahwrer. He was bora in Ireland in 1MJ, COLONEL LE GRANDE PIERCE, prominent Chicago attorney, commands of the Illinois Oommandery.

Mi'itaiv Order of the Lovul legion, is dtad at I'liimgo. Colonel Pierce nude the first cipture of military supplies by Dnion troops in tho CiTil War, capturing a trainliad consigned to the boiitu while he waa en route to Cairo from Chicago, in command of a bat-tery of artillery end two companies of infantry. residence, Golden Gats avenue; thenc to Holy Cross Church, where a requiem high maaa will be celebrated at 9 o'clock a- m. Interment private at banta Clara. IOl'N(; In Oakland.

March 18. 1911. Charles beloved hulnd of May C. of tlis late Mr. Dollie Harger.

A the lats Mr. luue G. BpKlemann uf Ban Francisco, a nativs of Hamburg, Germany. Deceased wa a member of Naval Lodge No. 87.

t. and A. of Vallejo, Cal. and Gaaiand Consistory No. 2, A.

and, n''mcs Ult' Teml'- Fiends are mncctfullT Invited to attsnd ths fmeral services, to be held at th Maaonio Temple, Twelfth and Washington Itreet. to-day (Saturday), March IN. at I p. under the au-plce of Alcatra Lodge No. 244, F.

and A. iL GENTLEMEN'S SODALITY OP 8T. IGNATICbV CHURCH. Officers and members of tlis Gentlemen's Bo dalliy of 8t. Ignatius' Church are requested to awambls at ths funeral parlor cf O'Shaughoeny, Lasswell 551-555 Valencia Itreet, betweto Bixleenth and Seventeenth, on Monday, MarcS 20, at 9 a to aitend the funeral of our lata brother aodallat, Robert J.

Welbank. Bv ordsrl JAME3 R. KELLV, Prefect. WM. O-SHACGHNEoST.

Secretary. nLIIrUnULIVILIN Id Ull Wnl Col, Laj'ol to March From En-senada to Give Insur-rectos Battle. (Coat I nurd From Pwsr Onf.) the rebels- fought their way up ft barranca, or dry water course, and caped to the When Lieutenant Caasarubiaa and hli men finally entered the town they found Rodrlquei and aeven of hit men dead. Four of the dead were found In one adobe house, where nine men had barricaded themselves and almost succeeded In making a second Alamo of the place. Two Flee to United States.

After four of their number had been killed, four of the men managed to escape, two of them crossing the boundary line Into the United States, where they were promptly disarmed by American soldiers, much to their satisfaction. The one man remaining In the adobe hut kept on firing until all his cartridges were gone. Then, when the soldiers came Into the village, he ran into the street, has hands raised high in air in token of surrender. Instructed to take no, prisoner! the Federal soldiers fired upon him until he fell dead. The bodies of the two guards killed at the beginning of the attack were dragged with ropes from the outpost to Tecarte, nearly half a mile, and the bodies were dumped Into a trench.

One of the rebels it turned out was only wounded. He made an involuntary movement while prone. A Mexican soldier, pointing the muzzle of his rifle to within six Inches of the wounded man, fired five more bullets Into him. The body was dumped into the trench with the rest. None of the Mexican soldiers was killed or wounded.

Jose Morales, Alcalde of Tecarte, received a bullet scratch across the back of his hand the bullet being the last one fired by Kodrlgues himself before he fell dead. Morales and Rodriguez were bitter 'personal enemies, and when the Insurgent leader cnarged down the knoll to his death he kept shooting at Morales and no other man. It was Morales who brought in news Daylight Robber Flees in Hail of Bullets; Attacks Police' When Cornered. MRS. C.

P. MOODI, To-morrow a woman will open a restaurant in this city that will be the talk of the town among those who take their meals in restaurants, and will be CARD OF THANKS. W-i wih to express our aincere thank to ovn relativea and frit ml tor the beautiful floral offerings and sympathy shown In th lots ol our loving father. MRS. WM.

C. GIFFORD AND FAMILT. niF.o. a revelation to housewives who are striving to supply their tables with the best and yet keep down the bills. Incidentally the opening of this ele gant place is the climax in the story of a woman's success that is Interesting to every member of the sex.

fan Francisco Ural "Estate. James R. WaUon and wire to Charle W. Pops, 75 (Sinn avs 60 by 8 1.3:11, ami on other niee: KI0. The same fine dishes you get at the Bllafer Sltic.alr Trimble and wife to Joseph swell cafes, with their high prices, she serves her patrons at a charge within Honen, Gabriel A.

77. Hueter, Lonlie 81 yra, Jaoobson, Ciustave SO Jorgcusen, Amelia 4.1 jr. king, ucol 17 years. Kenny, Catherine A. Le Breton, Edward J.

McCoslier, Cntiieiinc. Madden, John P. 1)2 Mueller, Jacob 41 years. NBbauer, Henry R. Olscn.

Loms Hi yeara. O'Oiady. Timothy 41 y. Osburo, I.con W. 2 7ie, Stanton, Josiah R.

U2. Wallace. Romietta J. TB. Williams, iienrv E.

bJ. Welbank. Robert J. Young, Charles K. 75 Guerrerp, 25 by I nd wife, 19th, Budd, Lillian A IS yra.

Biagini, Aruille 03 yrs. Buiket, Nii'hola J. ill. Culleu, James. Casey, Ellen.

Callumlan. J. J. Cherelle, Mane E. 7Hy.

Downing, Theo. H. EnrktfJU, John 55 yens. Krsga, Arthur W. y.

letcner, Joseph H. '17. Kennesay, Mary y. Fischer. Amo R.

ys. Oianninl, Jowph MS n. Gniner, Ernestine 31 y. Oillett, Alfred o4 yrs. Herriott, Mrs.

E. A. 7J. Huiiuette, Ernest 3 yrs. Ii '), Marcella 42 yrs, Hogan, Satan.

12H: IP). the means of the average purse. 'And why not?" asks Mrs. C. P.

Joseph Malone was fired at five times by a woman, pursued for over a mile along the Berkeley streets by au automobile containing Chief of Police Vollmer and F. C. Sherman and finally captured Just before noon yesterday after he had attempted to loot a grocery store conducted at 1647 Virginia street by J. A. Hubbard and wife.

Mrs. Hubbard discovered Malone and fired five shots at him. He escaped through a rear door and was seen by Sherman, who picked up the smoking pistol of Mrs. Hubbard and pursued the fleeting thief. The fugitive wai eventually captured by Vollmer and two policemen in a creek bed on the Schmidt tract at Sacramento and Cedar streets.

He was arraigned before Justice Edgar in the afternoon on a charge of burglary in the second degree. Ilia hearing was set for Wednesday afternoon next. Caught Him in the Act. It was shortly after 10 o'clock when Malone entered Mrs. Hubbard's store and asked for 10 cents' worth of oil.

It the fleeing burglar and then called up the police department. Malone circled round the block and ran to California street, where Mrs. R. O. Waldman shouted to him to stop.

Hearing the shouts and seeing Malone In flight, F. Sherman, a lineman, Jumped on his bicycle and started in pursuit. He followed Malone to Hopkins and California, where the latter dived into thick underbrush bordering a creek, and disappeared. Later, he was seen to board a street cr. Chief Joins in Hunt.

Chief of Police August Vollmer, who had started out upon receiving the telephone message from Mrs. Hubbard, here Joined Sherman. At this moment Joseph Silva of Pinole came along in his automobile and was requisitioned by Chief Vollmer. Jumping Into the tonneau with Sherman, Vollmer ordered SUva to break the speed record in pursuit of the car. At Slxty-flftH street they overtook the car and Vollmer ordered the conductor Moody, the woman of achievement, who will open this new place.

"It's only a matter of buying the best, cooking it the best and serving it the best. With a big run of patronage, one can give the finest and make only reasonable charges. The high prices are merely for those who don't know what really can be done at lesser charges." Ma.giret J. to Mary Harrison, York. 23d 2ith, 23 by loo; gift.

Henry Martin Simon to Scott S. Simoo, oas-half Sutler. 27 Webster, 27 by 8 81 gift. 1-eopold Weinsteln and wife to Henry Grabn anl wife. Carolina, 215 25th, 69 by 100; 10.

Bay Shore Bldg. Company to Cliarlea Wilfred and Mary Benedict, SE CiJiton 875 bw Berkshire. SVV 25 by SB 7UO; grant. Real Estate and Development Co. tn Maikol Sli okotl, Ds Haro, 30V 22d, 25 by 100 grant.

Jolm Theodore Buck to Carl M. Beck, 8 Waller, Uovhi VV Alpine. VV 2S by 8 UK); J10. Tho McCarthy Company to Ella Alsing McMahoa, lot 39 block 4, Lakevlew; SID. Real Estaw and Duvelopmeut Co.

to Joseph Schwartz, Wisconsin, 2oo 8 22d, 8 .25 by 100: grant. Earl F. Raymond and wue to Blanchard-Browo Company, 27th 145 8 California, 8 23 bf VV 120; S10. Harry H. Lincoln and wife to Knut Anderson, Folsum.

525 Precita ave. 8 25 by loo, and 1-21 of one other piece: 110. Thoma Vice and wife to Frank J. Merschsn, NH Golden Gate are. and Seymour, 30 by 75i The Cottage restaurant, 747 Market street, opposite Grant avenue, is the new place Mrs.

Moody is to open this Sunday. She will serve on the opening day a feast that will be a surprise and at prices that will be a still greater surprise. I A marble flight of stairs leads from the street Into the brilliantly lighted and elegantly fitted new restaurant. Even as to style, It vies with the fashionable places. Mrs.

Moody has a way of her own will be held under the auaptces of the Austrian Military r.nd Benevolent Association. Remain at the parlors of Suhr Witboldt, 13H5 Valencia street, near Twenty-fifth, Interment. Mount Olivt Cemetery, by electric funeral car irom Thirteenth and West Mission itreet. HEltKIOTT In O-ikland. March 1, 1911.

Mrs. E. A. Herriott. leloved mother of George and Elizibeth nemntt and Mr.

J. M. Morrison, a native of Indiana, aged 7u yeara. Friend aud acquaintance ars respectfully invited to stutnd the funeial eerviies this (Saturday) efternocu, March IS, at 2 o'clock, at the hom*o of her daughter. 821 Bellcvuo avenue, Oakland.

Interment private. in this city, March 1. 1911. at her late icsidence. 11 Waltham street, Amelia Jorgensen, dearly beloved wife of Knstopher Jor-gvnsen and loving mother of Florence and Ilen-rniie acd beloved ister of James Mtiltlpwney of Los Angele.

a native of Ireland, aged yeara 3 mouths aud 9 days. Friend and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), at 11 o'clock a. from th parlors of (limtner H4tlu Sixteenth slreet, beiwee'i Churcii and Sanchez street. Interment, Mount Olivet Cemetery, by 11:30 o'clock a. m.

tram from Twenty-fifth and Valencia streets. JACOHSnX In Vsncouver, B. C. March 10, tlus-tavo Erick, dearly beloved husband of Kate Ja'-oo-son and loving father of Florence and Ouitave Jacobsou and Frank Damonte, a native of Finland, aged 49 year 11 month and 29 days. A member of liplden Hate Camp, No, (54, Woodmen of the World, and Choppers' Friendship Club, No.

1, and Carpenters' Lnion, No. 22. Friend and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend tne funeral to-morrow (Sunday), 19, at o'clock p. from the mortuary chapel of the (Solden Gate Undertaking Company, 2475 Mission street, near Twenty-first, under the auspices of Golden (late Camu' No. H4, W.

O. VV and Choppers' Friendship Club No. I. Interment. Mount Ullvet Cemetery, by electric funeral car from corner of Twenty-eiflith and Valencia streets at 2:15 o'clock p.

m. KING In Livermore, March IB, 1011. Jacob, beloved husband of Alice King and father of Charles, Guy, Worth, Francis. Blanch and Alice King and Mrs. William Cunupn aud Byron King, a native of Iowa, aaixl 57 years, a member of BIUD--In this city.

Marrh 13. Lillian dearly beloTffl danjfcter of bamuel W. ami Anna Kudd and sinter of Joseph George Claude A. and Alhim U. liudd, a native of Kansas, aged 13 yiars.

funeral srnteea will be held w-day (Hntiuduy), o'clo'-li a. from the Ep-Worth Methodist Episcopal Dliurch, comer of Clipir and Sanchez streets. Iutcnnent, Cypreas Lawn Cemetery, by carriage. BlA'SINl In Kan Mnleo eminty, March 14. Achllle Hisuini, dearly bel-ived father of Aui-ellio Biagini, Mrs.

Virginia I'eraichini and Mrs. lonnia Fabbri and lieloved brother ii Filomeoa Luvisi, a nati'e of ItaJy, aged (J3 years. friends and acquaintances are respectfully InfiteJ to attend the funeral to-d-iy (Satimlayl. at 1 o'clock p. from the funeral parlprs of O.

luccheri lo48 Stockton street, between Green and L'nion street. luter-ment, Italian Cemetery, by carriage. BURKET In this city, March 17. llill, Nicholas J. Burket, a nitmljer of Sun Francisco aerie No.

5, F. I). a natlTe of Pennsylvania, agtd 4 years a months and 5 days, Notice of funeral hereafter. Rcmaint at paj-tors of S. A.

White, Eddy 6treet, CHERELI.E (KKAZEKI In this city, March IS, Marie Eveline, dearly beloied wife of tue lata Charles Chervils and beloTed mother of Mis. T. Fraser, Mrs. E. Lemuerhirt and Mrs, T.

Callshan. a native of Brest, France, uged 78 years months and days. Friends and acquaintances sre reapfctr fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Saturday), at o'clock a. Iriim the residence of her daughter, Mrs. T.

Frazer. 147U Tenth amiue, bunset: thence to St. Anne's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the reiiose ot her sul. commencing at o'clock a. m.

Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. CALLL'NDAN In this city, Mnrch 1H, 101 1, Ca-v tain J. J. Callundan, beloved husband of Ola M. Callundan.

brotlier of H. and W. T. Cal-lundan, a native of Hnn Fiancisco, Friends and acquaintances are rerect-fully inviled to aitcnJ the funeral seivues even regarding her waitresses. She trains them personally and keeps them In her Bervlce regularly.

They work as a trained corps, smoothly, admirably and cheerfully. mis mornings ngnt and th death of Rodriguez. Last Sunday when Rodriguez and his band captured Tecarte, they drove Morales out of town. His Enemy the Guide. Morales went to the federal camp and last night guided Lieutenant Cas-sarublus and his men to Tecarte and the fight followed.

Lieutenant Cassarubius contented himself with occupying the buildings at Tecarte and did not attempt to pursue out of the valley the fleeing Insurgents, most of whom were mounted. Reinforcements wers sent from Tla Juana by Captain Unez, when news of the fight reached that place. Thess men should arrive Saturday at Tecarte. It is reported that the Salinas band of forty men Is at San Ysidro and that Rodriguez's flying men have Joined this 10. John Hlukel and wife 'to Hary Ryberg and wifs, 8 Jackson, 150 Leavenworth, 25 by 8 137 at 10.

Karl Yngvs and wife to Robert B. Markle, ptn lot 17. block K. Park Lane 7: 10. O.

E. Hosberg snd wife to Mattie A. HoffmaJxsV lot 8. block Park Lane 'tract No, 10. Filibcrt Ducoumo to Isabelle Ducourno, mcna, 125 8 Bayview 8 2o by 200; 10.

Jnhn D. Spreckeis Jr. and wife to Adeline M. McMahon. 23d 275 25 by Adeline M.

McMahon to William H. Scheppleit 231 275 25 by 10. Margaret G. Zeeder to William E. Kearney anl Mildred Kearney.

4-5 Clara 72S 18th, 5 by 13H; 10. John Greely to Ellen Greelyi one-half commencing 170 A Point Loboa ave. aud 120 7th 50 by 18. and one-half of Ave other pieces. to stop.

Malone Jumped off the car and started to run. Vollmer drew his revolver and was at his side In a moment, commanding him to throw up his hands. Although covered by the weapon Malone showed fight and reached for his hip pocket. Vollmer then struck him a blow on the temple with his revolver. Malone staggered back, but regained his balance and sprang at the officer.

Slipping his revolver In his pocket, Vollmer met the attack with a smashing blow to the Jaw, which floored the man. When brought to the police station and questioned he refused to tell of his antecedents. He claimed to heen on the Coast only a few days, having come from New York, where he was employed aa a waiter. He Is believed to be a hardened criminal. was necesary ior airs.

Hubbard to go to a shed In the rear for the oil. As she came through the rear door of the store on her return she saw Malone rifling a bureau in her bedroom, which opens oft the store in the room. Malone, seeing her approaching, at once began to move toward the street, carrying in his hands a bag containing some old coins and Jewelry. "Stop! Drop that bag!" commanded Mrs. Hubbard.

"If you make a row I'll shoot you," returned the Intruder, reaching toward his hip pocket as though to get a weapon. Mrs. Hubbard rushed into a bedroom to get her revolver. She came pluckily back with the weapon, but Malone had left the room and was running down McGee street toward Cedar. She fired five shots at This is Mr.

Moody's fourteenth suc cessful restaurant. She opened one on Vi TKAQK MARK, band, Intending to make a stand when ELY GETS A NEW OFFER Cassarubius and his federals come ub ATLANTIC BATTLESHIPS REACH HAMPTON ROADS the same plan at 118 Battery street, the Cottage Lunch Room. Failure was predicted. "Too much for the money," wise ones said. To-day the place Is crowded and turns in big revenue.

The restaurant at 747 Market Btreet Is the finest of all the climax of Mrs. Moody's successful ideas. Her chief pride. Mrs. Moody has established the Cottage Farm in San Mateo county, from which are shipped dally to her restaurants her own chickens and eggs.

From a special dairy she gets fresh butter every day. "The Best" Is her motto. By special arrangement with the big market upstairs, Mrs. Moody uses its costly refrigerator, where all her goods are kept In the finest shape. She overlooks no points.

"I can show any housewife how she can place the finest on her table, even at the alleged high prices, and yet not strain the family pocketbook," says Mrs. Moody proudly. TO TRAIN ARMY FLYERS Eugene Ely, the aviator who flew to to-morrow isunoayi. lit. at 2 clock irom tne nariors oi Hoisted Co Butter street.

Interment strictly private. NORFOLK March 17. Eleven battleships of the first, third and fourth divisions of the Atlantic fleet, commanded by Rear Admiral Seaton the deck of the cruiser Pennsylvania In San Francisco bay last winter, has received another offer to Instruct the men of the United States Army Signal Corps CA9KY In this cltr. March le, lail, Ellen Casey, a natire of Ireland. Krmaini at tlie parlors of McBrearty St McCormick, SU5 Valencia street, near Twentieth.

with them. It is also reported that another company has been sent from Ensenada to Join Company and that the two will take up the march to Mexican. Troops Have Machine Guns. The regiment has two machine guns and It is reported that Colonel Lajol announced in Ensenada yesterday that he would march across the mountains to Laguna Salada, or to whichever place Barthold and Leyva are encamped, and give them battle. The ProTed Specific for All Rheumatic Disorders Schroeder, passed in the Virginia CLLLEN In this city.

March 17, 1911. Jiim.n, capes this afternoon from Guanta- the use of aeroplanes. He refuaed dearly beloved i.nshsnd of Anne, Cullen. father one offer from the Government recently oi jonu r. tuui'n.

iiiouius Sheehan and the late Jerry J. Cullen, and brother of Mrs. Dan namo, Cuba. They were the Connecticut, North Dakota, Michigan, Minnesota, Vermont, Mississippi, Idaho, Georgia, Nebraska, Rhode Island and iel yuuin, a native oi wounty Kiiscommon, lie-land because of his interest In the organization of the Aeronautio Corps of the California Guards, of which he is a private. The funeral will take place Monday, March 20, at SilO a.

fern his late residence, 42J Arkansas slret, thence to Ht. Theresa's riiim.h Virginia. where a re jutem mans will be celebrated for the DETAILS OF STONING The following telegram from Glenn repuse ui ins hii, t-oiuuiHiicing at clock, in-teiment, Holy Cross Cemetery. Curtiss was received by Ely at the Palace Hotel last night: DIAZ' PALACE GIVEN Hupa Tribe No 14. Improved Order of Red Men, cf Eureka.

Cal. The funeral will take place to-morrow (Sunday), March 19, from the parlor of Mc-Avoy Ol lata, 2224 Market street, near Fifteenth, at 1 p. m. Interment, Mount Olivet Cemetery. KENNY In this city.

March 1ft, Catherine M. A. Kenny, dearly beloved lister of Mrs. J. P.

Kllcoyne and the late M. J. and J. J. Kenny, anil Thomas J.

Kenny of Ireland, a native of County llosccmmnn, Ireland. Friends end acquaintances are respectfully invited to atteud the funeral to-day (Saturday), March IS, at o'clock a. from the residence of her sister, Mis. J. P.

Kileoyne, 82ISS Eichtcenth street, thence to St. Charles Borromeo's church. wkere a requiem high masB will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 8:30 a. m. Interment, iioly Cross Cemetery.

LeBKETON. EDWARD J. An anniversary requiem mft for the repose of the soul of the late Ed'vard J. LeBreton will be celebrated at the chapel of the Home for the Aged, Lake street and Fourth avenue, on Monday. March 2D.

mil. at m. Friend are' iuv.ted to be present. MADDEN in this city. March 17.

1911, John beloved husband of Mary Madden, loving father of Mis. P. Montgomery and Gertrude Madden, brother-in-law of J. C. Garrett and Rieli-ard J.

Welch, a native of County Wexford, Ireland, aged (12 years. TELLER In BerKeTey, March Jacob Mueller, dearly beloved husband of Katie Mueller, father of Fred, Elizabeth and Carl Mueller, brotlier of Mrs, Carl Holzmuiler. son-in-law cf Mr. C. Jung, a member of the Order of Hermann's Sons.

West Berkeley Lodge No. 21, DOWNING In Oaniand, March lfl. lftll Theo- k.l....l ing, and futlier of Mrs. Merrill Robinson. Sereua (jeoigc J.

and Charles Downinc. all nf ffaii. kx i land, a native of Annapolis, N. 8., aged itf years 8 months and 16 duys. The tuneral kerviccs will be held to-day AAJ SAN ANTONIO March 18.

An American official returning from Mexico City yesterday brought an authentic report of the recent demonstration against the person of President Diaz. The windows of Diaz' palace were stoned by a mob of insurrecto sympa Would you care to fly for giarnai Corps, San Antonio, maneuver for a few weeks, commencing April 1st, and Instruct their men? A new machine has been shipped there from the factory. Curtiss, who is in Coronado, has sold a number of machines to the army. Ely hag taken the offer under consideration. iraaiumaj', jinun hi io h.

flt (ne residence of James Taylor, northeast corner of teentli and JeHerson streets. Oakland. Incin eration imiCl.ln Kprkalv Mttrph IT. -41 dearly beloved son of Manuel and Adelaide, Fri'ga and loving brotlier of Alfred S. Kraja.

a native of Caiitoiuia, aged lti ytais 10 months and it) thizers, fhe affair was witnessed by the official who brings the news. The iU-r i Js aays. Friends and acquaintances are resrwt demonstration was precipitated so sud TARGET RAFTS ORDERED denly that the police were unable to fully invitea attenu the funeral to-day inauimayi. at ciock a. irom tue rnnldenci of his parents, 1711 Parser street.

Berkelev disperse the mob before a great deal of window glass had been broken. Excursion thence to t. Jowrm I hurch. Seventh and Chestnut streets. Oakland, where a requiem tilth mass will be celebrated for the repone of his The riot occurred at 9 o'clock In the evening when the streets were filled wjui, nMumr.uiuu wwuv, interment tit.

Mary Cemetery. with people. Without warning a mob of men and youths attacked the palace. Shouting "Viva Madero!" the rioters FROM MARE ISLAND YARD VALLEJO, March 17. Orders were received at the Mare Island Navy Yard to-day for the tug Navajo to sail for Coronado with target rafts to be used In the spring target practice of the Pacific fleet.

New sprinkling systems for extinguishing fire in the magazines, to cost $25,000 each, will be Installed In the cruisers South Dakota, Maryland and California in May. ERICKSON In this city, March 18, mil, John Eriekson, ncl f3 years. Friends and acquaintances and members threw volleys of stones through the Sunday, March 19, 1911 palace windows. Guests of the Presl or i.Ripmters- i.nion 4Ni are respectfully invited to ttcnd the funeral to-morrow (Sundayi. at 10 o'clock a.

from the chapel of llalsted 11-2 Hutter street. Interment, Cypress dent were much frightened. President Diaz dispatched a military officer to learn why. the police had failed to pre If you are interested in a home that will re UilllU VIWCLPlJ. FLETCHER In Oakland.

March m. Hm. vent the attack on the palace. turn a handsome revenue for the balance of your ton Fletcher, Jeloved father of George 7 Fletcher FJieamatism is caused by an excess of Uric Acid in the Blood, To attack the Effects) of such a disorder cannot possibly remove thecaa. UEICSOL rcmoTcs the cause 'cf lbs disease: Hence it CURES.

You need try bat one bottle to know whether tt will help you. If you want relief from any and all forma of rheumatic pain try UricaoL URICSOL is not an experiment, but a proved remedy of many years standing. One Bottle Containing 64 Doses Costs but Oas Dollar. SOLE DBTKBrTORS Tha CALIFORNIA CHEMICAL CD. 325 New Hleh SL, Lot Angftles, CaL For Snle And nrcommentled by THE OWL DRUG STORES life, join our excursion to-morrow morning and in a native of Darmftadl, Germany, aged 41 years 1 7 months and lo days.

I Friend and acquaintances are respectfully, invited to attend the funeial services i to day iSaturday). at 2:30. from the chapel of i at Niehaus, 2434 Telegraph avenue, Berkeley. Interment, Sunset View Cemetery. McCOSKER In this dty, March 10, Catherine, beloved wlte of Edward McCoaker and loving n.uiUer ot Bernard Edward J.

and the late John C. McCosker, a native of Oraagtt, County Tyrone. Ireland. (Boston and Philadelphia pa-: per please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respect- fullv Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Saturday, at 8:15 o'clock a. from the funeral parlors of Samuel McFndden oi 1070 Hiisht street, near Baker street; thence to St.

Peter's Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for (he repose of her soul at 9 clock a. m. Inteimeut, Holy Cross Cemetery- NEWBAl'Elt In San Jose. March IB, 1PM. Hen-' rv beloved buband of Hattie Newbauer, devoted father of T.uth Newbaner, brother of Mrs.

Beithold Gnsaenhiuie. Sigmund. Sam. Jessie. Eugene and Louis Newbauer, a native of San Francisco, aged 49 years and 10 months.

Tne funeral services will be held to-mor-mw (Sunday, 19. at the chapel of Home of Peace Cemetery, on the arrival of tile 11 30 tram fiom Third and Tovmsend streets. OLaEN In this city. March IB. Louis, beloved and Mrs.

a. J. xineter. a. na're of Maine, agnd 117 yeirs months and 7 days.

A member of Harbor Social Club. (Siena and Flumus counties papers please eppy. I Friends are respectfully invited to attend vestigate our the fmeral services to-morrow (Sundayi. at 1 itO 0 cIom p. im me ciisj-ei of the Trumsu 1 ndri-takini Comi'any.

mitt haion trt tween Kittwenth and Sixteenth streets, by 'elec tric iiinerai car irom loinientii ami West Mission streets. luteinient, Olivet Cemetery. FENNEHST In this city, March 16. Msrv c. If every man who drinks Champagne was more exacting in his selection, it would please us better Too many are satisfied with a label the connoisseur is only satisfied with widow of ilie late David b'ennessy and mother of the late Joseph l.

Fenuessy. a native of agiN3 i years ana months. (Ironton. Ohio, papers please emu.) Champagne I Glass, "VINTAGE" 1 dp sign. l-riend are respectfully united attend the runeiai tcwiay (naiumayi.

at clock Walnut Lands at Concord We leave on the 9:40 a. m. broad-gauge boat of the Southern Pacific and stop at 16th street Oakland, Richmond and Vallejo Junction. Our representatives, wearing yellow badges, will be at each of the above-named stations an hour before train time, with tickets for the round trip. To make this a comfortable trip, we are charging the nominal sum of $1.00, including lunch.

R.N. BURGESS COMPANY 907 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. SAN FRANCISCO son of Anna sna the lale uie uiseo and loving brother of Julius Olsen. a native of Norway, afcid 34 years, Friends snd acquaintances ars respectfully invited to attend the funeral to-dy (Satm-dav), at 1 o'clock n. from the of II.

F. Suhr 29 IS Mission atrret, hc-tween 'rweniy-iitth and Twenly-sixiU streeta luseruieut, Olnet Cemeteiy, by carriage OSHI RN In this city. March 15. ohhurn. dearly beloved adopted son of Minnie S.

B. ()bum. a nalive of San Francisco, aged 2 vears 5 months and 9 days. Knends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services to-day (Saturday), 1 o'i IrCi p. at thp chapel ot tne rrumsn Undertaking Comi'iny, 1U19 Mission street, between Filteenth and Sixteenth rtreets.

Cremation, Cyprctv uawo Cemetery, by automobile, i Phajie omit flowei. OGRAUV In tins citv. Maich 15, Timotny, oeiuvcd lunhmd of Annie A. O'tirady, tather ot Wuliam J. O'Grady and brother ot EJward a.

(rm her late V122 Dolores street, between Army n-l Twenty-sixth thence to St, I'aul's Omen, where a solemn lequicm high mass will be celebrated for the repoe of in ml. mmrnenciiig at 9 oVio.k a. m. I'lease omit 1 wers. Interment, Holy Croes Cemetery, by carriage.

FISCHKIl In this city. March Hi. Aino beloved sou 'f Aimes and the late Robert Kim ber. devoted rot her ol Atluir, Alfred and Alma Fii-chit. Mrs.

Bnoge. Mrs. Anna and Mrs. Hedwig and of Carl a nitive of (ieemany, agei HI years 10 mmtiis and Hi days, ilvis-math Fall paper please copy.) Friends end acquaintances are revnet-fullv invitevl to attend the funeial (hatnrdaj at o'clock s. from tne prlors of H.

K. Suhr MiMion otreet, Twenty-hlth and IVenty-fixth stift. Intetieent. OT' Lawn Ceaeten'. by tram from Twenty-fifth and Valencia sfeets.

(ilA.NMM In thla city, March 10. Joseph, dearly dHAPIfAdNil Ami Vignier, Pacific Coast Agents, 605 Battery St. wW mrnmmm tww.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


What happened to SF examiner? ›

Clint Reilly acquisition

In December 2020, Clint Reilly, under his company, Clint Reilly Communications, acquired the SF Examiner for an undisclosed sum. The acquisition included buying the SF Weekly "like a stocking stuffer," Reilly said. He also owns Gentry Magazine and the Nob Hill Gazette.

Who started the San Francisco examiner? ›

Our History

In 1880, mining engineer and businessman George Hearst took over The Examiner, reportedly as payment for a gambling debt. When he became a U.S. senator seven years later, he gave the paper to his son, William Randolph Hearst, who was 23 years old.

Who purchased the San Francisco examiner in 1887? ›

William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) launched his career by taking charge of his father's struggling newspaper the San Francisco Examiner in 1887.

Who is the editor in chief of the San Francisco examiner? ›

Carly Schwartz, Editor in Chief, San Francisco Examiner.

Who was the teacher that died in San Francisco? ›

Andrew Zieman was killed while on the sidewalk going to teach at the school. Authorities pronounced him dead at the scene. Following his death, SFMTA and city leaders promised to makes changes to Franklin Street to make it safer. Two years have gone by, and the city hasn't done anything yet.

What is the main newspaper in San Francisco? ›

The San Francisco Chronicle is the largest newspaper in Northern California and the second largest on the West Coast. The Chronicle and are world-class journalism, San Francisco style.

Does the Hearst family still have money? ›

Named one of America's richest families by Forbes in 2020, legacy media's Hearst family has a net worth of $21 billion. 7 Hearst Corp., founded by William Randolph Hearst in 1887, owns magazines and newspapers such as Harper's Bazaar, Esquire, and the San Francisco Chronicle.

Are any of the Hearst families still alive? ›

Of Hearst's five sons, only one remains alive: Randolph Apperson Hearst. Ten grandchildren -- the children of Hearst's four other sons -- currently receive income from the estate as life beneficiaries.

Can the Hearst family still use the castle? ›

In 1957, the Hearst Corporation donated the estate to the State of California and it's been operated by the State as a museum ever since. One of the conditions of the donation was that the Hearst family still have access to the property for personal use at their discretion.

How does the SF standard make money? ›

The Standard is financed by venture capitalist and philanthropist Michael Moritz.

Who owns the San Francisco Standard? ›

The San Francisco Standard is an online news organization based in San Francisco, California, launched in 2021 and funded in part by the billionaire venture capitalist Michael Moritz of Sequoia Capital.

Who runs the San Francisco Chronicle? ›

The paper is owned by the Hearst Corporation, which bought it from the de Young family in 2000. It is the only major daily paper covering the city and county of San Francisco.

Why did Stripe leave SF? ›

Stripe said the city's lack of office space was the primary reason for the move, with the vacancy rate below 5% downtown. Stripe's new home at Kilroy Oyster Point in South San Francisco has a total of 2.5 million square feet of approved space, giving Stripe plenty of room to expand further.

What happened to curbed SF? ›

It's not good-bye — we're moving to a new home. For 14 years, Curbed SF has been obsessed with all things San Francisco.

Who was the last Republican SF supervisor? ›

John Barbagelata (March 29, 1919 – March 19, 1994) was a San Francisco City Supervisor and 1975 mayoral candidate, when he narrowly lost to George Moscone. He was also the owner of a local real estate firm. As of 2020, he was the last Republican to be elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, in 1973.

Who is the chief administrative officer of San Francisco? ›



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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.