The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

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The Kansas City Stari

Kansas City, Missouri

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THE KANSAS CITY STAR SUNDAY JUNE 20 1954 9 DANCING RECREATION Continued CONTRACTING BUILDING Continued WANT AD INFORMATION 4 66 US WEATHER BUREAU MAP Deportment of Commerce COMFLEIP NO ADM FREE PARKING Continued responsible forsruTJeEterJian my own Archie Hunt 520 Tracv RIDE Wanted 8 1st-Summit to 3dth-Broad-way Arrive 8 leave 4:30 HI 6772 Francisco Drive new cars references required TA 9203 YE 0067 SLACKS Place Ada for 3 or More Consecutive Days 'For Lowest Rales and Creater Returns! 72 AIR-COND HEW FLOOR Former Golden Slipper Band You Like So Weil DANCING 9 TO 1 NIGHTLY AUDITORIUM CLUB 14TH ST AT CENTRAL (Across from Municipal Auditorium) (tlDfi wanted from 85th-Womall rd to Wards 8 a EM 2249 Wool Saits $1995 37th-Troost JsftATCiJEugene Ore DRIVE CAR JA 0990 Dacron Suits $1895 37th-Troost famous brand summer suits lacks lowest prices Fishman Clothing 40th-Troost xm Want -Ad Rates Theee Rate Apply Only to Ade Fere fvad From the State of Missouri (Except St Louie) and the State of Kansas The following rate tables apply orlv to want ads set in solid agate type id uniform mn-in style The three-day rates apply for thiea or more consecutiva service without change of copy The -ates under apply to all classifications not otherwise designated as Classifications" Minimum charge 10 words or 2 agate lines Claims for errors must be made in time for correction before second insertion General Classifications Want Ad Index ANNOCNCEMENTS 9 BUSINESS PERSONALS 9 EDITATIONAL 10 HELP WANTED 10 SITUATIONS WANTED 1 2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 12 FINANCIAL 13 PETS 13 FOR MISCELLANEOUS 14 MOTOR CARS SED) 17 ROOMS FOR RENT 20 REAL ESTATE FOR KENT 21 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 22 LEGAL NOTICES 28 LEARN TO DRIVE LO 6224 45s 78s Guitar strings 0822 set 60c picks 5c 418 E9th A SAVE 35 NOW HERE'S HOW We Do the ComDlete Floor to Cell' Furmsning and Installing Bath Fixtures Custom Built Kitchen Cabinet of Wood Tilemaster Plastic Wall Tile and All Tvpea of Floor Covering We Maintain Our Own Crews of Carpenters Painters Plasterers Tile Setters and Licensed Plumbers to Complete Your Job in Record Time and in a Workmanlike Manner TERMS NOTHING MONTHLY Call FOR FREE ESTIMATE WE 7 IOC BE 5324 WE MAKE EVENING GALU5 Standard Home Imrrmrment Co HIGH" 021 SHADOWING locating stop worrying Tice 32 yrs exp BE jR 404 Box 6220 Rayon Suits $1495 37tii-Troost J-p 81 9 roOTTson arranged recorded ci A1 Crocker 418A 9th BA cogrigmed Pianos Wanted-Cash VA 4709 I i bay 3 Days Words 1 rost iPer Day! Cost 1 I70S 95 285 nr 6768 60C4IST AND MAIN60c CROWDS! CROWDS! CROWDS! KANSAS ORIGINAL BIG e0'LD MATINEE SQUARES CIRCLES WALTZES ETC 3 Till 8 Caller 60c Till 4:30 After 4:30 70c PAY ONLY ONE ADMISSION DANCE MUSIC FOR DANCERS 8 Till 11:10 -VA 9759 DANCE EVERY WED FRI- SAT SUN 29TH-ftR00KLTNf0c 6:30 11:30 Good music large floor snappy foxtrots dream waltzes circles Come out tonight and enjov vourself A GOOD TIME ASSURED FREE PARKING IN REAP DANCE TOURS SAT SUN WA 9648 Night dub- West of Plane Cit7 highwav 92 Featuring Ozark Mountaineers and 2 -Grand Old Opera Stars Friday Saturday Sunday Square dancing our specialty Everybody welcome frioia T736 180 I 405 Display Type in the following styles and sisal used In The Star Want Ad columns 935 540 I 1260 67Jf 675 i 1575 17 to 22 I 3 1 28 HATS uncalled for: factory clean Ing Dc Looze Hatters 730 Walnut WHY-worry about repair bills rent an elec re frig washer $5 monthly LI 7966 DRIVING to San Francisco first nf wreV take 1-2 share expenses VA 1682 150 2JKT 250 358 I 225 I 270 T8ro I T890 315 I 940 1 2205 IS to 40 8 tar 40 letters and spaces STAB 30 letter and space 1 line A gat Rooms to Rent Lost and (Except Hotel and Covalescent Home) Found Situations Wanted High Temperatures and Areas af Precipitation Expected Sundoy A60 60 DR FRANlt LTMBERG Optometrist Located at 415 Bryant bldg VI 3341 FIRTH Certificate To be sure you get lT call Mary Bent AR 0464 or HA 5648 DRIVING San Francisco June 27 take 3 Share exp Exch ref Metrurj PE 3489 nfUVfS'O Shrine convention Atlantic Cit June 25 return July 2 take two VA 1530 TUTORING for this summer grades to STAR Star 24 latter About 2 line 28 letter and space 10 Pt Open Faca and spaces i lTRsy Word I Cost TTBaxT Cost I 3 bay Per Dayl Cost nr runt i STAR ACME CONST CO SAVE 50 FOURDATIOWS REPAIRED 5KTTTKMKNT PERMANENTLY 8TDPFED BY UNDERPINNING MAIN BEAMS INSTALLED HAVE YOUR FIvOORS LEVELED AND STABILIZED BY BAsem*nTS WATERPROOFED Seepage Permanently Stepped No Down Payment FAY AS LOW AS $5 MO FREE ESTIMATES Business Pergonals 80 I 240 I 560 120 I 3 60 I 840 160 I 480 i 1120 25 1 200 600 lT400 270 I 240 I 720 I 1680 315 I 280 840 1960 17 to 23 23 io28 29 to 34 SB to 40 i 17 letter About 4 line 20 letter and spaces 18 Pt Open Face and spaces Temperature Figures Shaw Average for Area Arrows Denote Wind Flow Rain sw N'vvi Highs end lows in Inches COMPLETE BATH CR KITCHEN REMODELING SAVE 35 NOW We do the Complete Job INSTALLING NEW PLUMBING FIXTURES CUSTOM BUILT KITCHEN CABINETS PLASTIC WALL TILE ALL TYPES FLOOR COVERING PAINTING PLASTERING CARPENTRY TERMS NOTHING DOWN $5 MONTHLY CALL VVR 7 I no DAT OR NIGHT PE 5324 Standard Horn' Imrro rppt Co 12: English history or mathematics 4716 ff FT Hu KH KA ow associated with Albert Bell's Appliance Co 3300 Troost JE 6fy)0 PRIVATE seclusion for unfortunate girls Expenses paid Write Box 12 Weatherford Oklahoma VOtjR ji5 Compact sweeper bond is still good in Mo A Kas Phone appointment AR 7128 FREE New style women over 16 Monday lo to 3 Templeman School 1 008 Walnut WASH and reverse window shades 39c 1 free with this ad Kaufman's 31st Mam VA 6727 DAMAGED clothing rewoven mall orders Wizard Weavers 12th Walnut bldg- Rm 505 HA 3362 RTDF Wanted--8 a 5 from 2939 47th st terrace to 12th A Wal- nul FInlov 5554 NOT responsible for any debts other than my own Henry A Mayfield 535 Newton Kansas City Mo FORECAST 13 letter About 5 line 17 letter and space 24 PL Open Faca and spaces On all advertisem*nts not et solid agate run-ini with display effects agate caps extra white soaee or open face display ihe following rates apply to all classifications except those listed at higher rale 67 rents an agate line earh 4s 62 cent an agate line earh day for three or more consecutive days without change of copy Such want charged with the actual space occupied The unit of measurement is the agate line 14 agate lines to the inch BUILD Set-solid ads of more than 40 words are charged at the measured line rate of 67 cents an agate lire each day or 62 cents an agate Rne each day for three or more consecutive days without change of copy Special Classifications: Death Funeral I 28 Words 325 Card of Thank 4i ot more In Memoriam 't a 28 words 'Set in verse 67 cents line' 67 rent agate Lodge Notice line each day 'One emblem of standard size permitted) Financial -i 87 rent an agate Personal line each day (mini- Auto Loan mom 1 74) Personal Loan cent an agate Employment Aeepcle line each day for Fmployment Service three or more ron- Emplnyers seeutire day with- Representattrea out change ot coot Educational 67 rent an agate line Help Wanted each day (mlnimnn Miscellaneous 81 34 1 Wood "ft an agate line Professional each day for three or Service more consecutive diy without change of copy THE WEATHER PICTURE ACROSS THE NATION: Continued hot weather is forecast for the central part of the nation and a turn to warmer is in store for the South Atlantic and Northwest Pacific states Scattered showers and thunderstorms are forecast in the tier of states from Montana east to Michigan the Lower Lakes region and parts of the Mississippi valley (Wirephoto) AUIFUC TREE TOPPING SPRAYING- REMOVING Power Estimates AH Stales Presets BE 2551 HARVARD student wants ride Boston area around June 27 Shara driving and xnnsps VA 2449 Weather Observations Highest (H for the OPEN EVERY SUNDAY UNTIL 9 Phone Monday Ads Today! Dial BA 5500 12 lowest temperature for the 24 hours ending 12:30 rr and precipitation for the 24 ccurs ending 6:30 yesterday MISSOURI 94 71 95 74 94 68 99 76 Continued land passed away June 19 1954 sur-vived by wife Ruby A Cahill nf the home stepdaughter Miss Virginia Boyle Lincoln Neb sister Sister Mary Henrietta Assumption Convent Mo brother George A Loftus Independence Mo MELODY-McGILLEY-EYI-AR LL 7717 CHETWOOD Mrs Jenette Pearl 601 De Weese Grandview Mo passed away June 19th 1954 NEWCOMER SONS LO 0024 ROOMS PORCHES GARAGES KrTCHENP SCREENS 34 YEARS OF THE FINEST GENERAL CONTRACTORS MODERNIZERS Architectural planning decorator complete sendee estimates Anything Tcnr Home Iteqrrfres Budget Terms NOTHING AS LOW AS $3 MO MR IRELAND VA 0S72 5FRFNGDALE 7606 Legal Notice Fnlltlcal Nohee L95 cent an agata line each day 1190 per line I Prepayment reqotred COT Springs by way of Denver leaving Sat 26 June Take 2 riders Call VA 6002 or VA 6793 Cliff REWARD for confidential moving leads Acme 912 Troost VI 2603 eve nings AR 9332 BE 7424 REPAIR veur own car 1 will rent you tools and space A Self-Service Garage 6412 37th WA 6142 Lighters repaired and serviced in our own shop all parts available JEWELRY 12th-Troost SHREVE Millinery Shop Custom made hats restyles: complete supplies for home mil-linery BA 7074 518 Altman bldg DRIVING to Los Angeles about June 26 new car share driving expenses refer-rrces exchanged Phone WA 0705 BLUE GRASS SOD A few acres of bluegrass sod for sale Must be sold at oner Belton city limits Hargis Phone 277 Belton Mo 625 North ave TREE trimming topping removing fatesi modern power equipment and the for handling the most difficult and dangerous tree jobs: reasonable prices insured Associated Services LI 9010 TREES TRIMMED TOPPED Removed power saw: fully insured free estimates Wood' FE 5892 days eves KESTERSON BLACK TOP SOIL-FILL DIRT NT 2560 WA 3935 DOUBLE DA i' HEATING UU Dependable furnace cleaning and repairing: exclusive representative Green Colonial Furnace 3241 Woodland AR 2000 CONTRACTING BUILDING Continued CONTRACTING BUILDING Continued 65 69 73 70 94 96 WET ii FUN Continued SMlTk- Mr 'Elmer Hall 522b Gartieid avr passed away June 18 1954 a gp 73 ears Services 1 Monday at the Chapel on the Paseo at Brush Creek bivd Interment Memorial Park cemetery NEWCOMERS SONS LO 0024 ULOMOn Services For Mrs Annie jsoio-mon age 73 2739 Benton blvd will be held 10 a Sunday in the chapel 3400 Woodland Interment Sheffield cemeterv LOUIS FUNERAL HOME LI 7300 STBGMAIER Carl age 54 1612 Stewart' passed away June 19th Funeral Monday 3 at the Quindaro Christian church 13th and Georgia Interment Chapel Hill Cemetery In state at Reising chapel 322 No 7th St until 2 Mondav REISING MORTUARY DR 3257 VALENTINE -Mr Edward 1900 East Unwood passed away June 18th 1954 Services 5 Tuesday at the Chapel on the Paseo at Brush Creek Blvd Cremation SONS L00024 WaTKIN Stanley 5s years 504 14th Remains will lie in state at the Evangelical Pentecostal church 17th and Quindaro Blvd from noon Sunday until time of services 2 Burial later at Ft Ijeavenworth Kas WEILERTS HA 6855 WEBER Mrs Susie age 81 1324 Stewart a ve Services 3 0:30 a Monday in the Werner Chape! on Washington blvd at 18th Interment Memorial Park cemetery In state after 4 Sundav WERNER MORTUARY DR 3224 il CONOR Mrs Rose of 5640 Merriam drive passed away Fridav June 18 Survived by son Sam Conde 516 Harrison: daughter Mrs -Andrew Leon 5640 Merriam niece Mrs Theodore Maniichia 3219 Garner Also 6 grandchildren Rosarv recitation Sundav at the chapel from where funeral will be held Monday at 8:30 a Services at Holy Rosary church 9 clock Interment St Mart 's cemetery SEBBETO FUNERAL HOME BA 4400 REMINDER Service We remind you of important dates and anniversaries 9207 Vaughn Hickman Mills FLeming 3228 POEMS 1 wanted (or musical setting send 83 95 FREE TERMITE TREATMENT with Every Settlement Jcb 70 75 -74 73 1 94 SETTLING STOPPED PERMANENTLY Basemeats Waterprcofel Grumbling foundations repaired underpinned floors leveled basem*nt girders posts steel or wood' concrete work car-pentering E-Z FHA terms RIN G- A I NTI G- OOFIN LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN GRANTELLO CONST CO Be CALL ANYTIME 5CR ALL TYPES OF 'leleiodeMMs SPEEDY COURTEOUS SERVICE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES BEST QUALITY WORKMANSHIP LONG TERMEZ PAYMENTS WE DO ROOM ADDITIONS ATTIC CONVERSIONS PORCH WORK ROOFING GUTTERING AND BFICK WORK ALL INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR REPAIRS RENTS COLLECTED Propertv reported on Bonded reasonable VI 0355 Any Time poems for free examination Five Star Music Masters 206 Beacon bldg Boston EUR COATS Wanted to Restyle Expert furriers Insured storage $2 Freedman Fur Co 325 9th BA 6262 a-one picYUre Frames Lowest prices on quality frames pictures custom framing mats 1323 Main VI 649S EYES examined safety- eye glass prescriptions giver evenings also Dr Albert Hakan Jo-Arts 3913 Main JE 4444 Tee Shirts 4Yc Copelands 1305 WALNUT 1301 MAIN 71 43 92 73 05 Moline 94 75 Buffalo 84 59 Orleans 84 72 3 Calgary 63 41 New York 90 58 Chevenn 87 4 1 Platte 86 64 Chicago 97 71 82 Ok City 92 71 Cincinnati 89 67 Omaha 91 70 Corpus 86 74 2 Park Falls 71 58 4 Denver 92 51 03 Phoenix 108 71 80 52 70 38 1 62 53 3 LAWNMOWERS sharpened reconditioned handsaws circlesaws sharpened by machine Pirkup-deliver Mitch's Shoe Repair HU 1683- ROOFING -Guttering grneral repairT cmm ney work: hot asphalt work guarantee rrment work free estimates HU 4892 in business for self located 3217 Summit kyneK 11 VA si04 GAS Stoves Repaired -Specializing on oven STOP easy way: ge saTe Viawarea 'iW non-habit forming Tohak-O-Stop at Pa rk- i rMaware vL lgia view Drugs Mail orders box 418 Mewed Guaranteed nostage paid satisfaction Free estimates Hedge trim- an if ip FRAZIER Joseph Michael age 53 1236 83rd terrace passed away Thursday June 3 7 at Wadsworth A hospital He was World War I veteran and charter member Murray Davis Post 10 American Legion Surviving are wife Bonnie Frazier mother Mrs Lucille Kester sister Mrs Edna Geiss nephew Wyler Geiss all of Kansas City: brother Lee Frazier niece Billy Anne Frazier both Chicago Ill cousin Miss Evangeline Fish Holden Mo Services a chapel at 9 Mondav morning June 21 Burial in Wadsworth Military cemetery- The family request no flowers Mark age 70 Services Paradise Methodist church 2 Sundav Rodv iin state at church from 1 to 2 Interment at Pleasant Hill cemeterv east of Trimble 1 LEONARD FRY FUNERAL HOME KEARNY MISSOURI I McNAMARA Hugh T725 Grand age 46 passed away June 16 1954 Rosarv recitation 8 Sunday In the chaDei Lmwood at Main from where funeral will be held 8:30 a Mondav Services St church 75th and Main 9 clock Interment Mt Olivet cemeterv QUIRK TOBIN WE 1777 86 50 93 74 72 62 67 52 71 53 89 64 12 62 52 1 79 46 85 74 3 94 74 85 55 55 44 51 10 BRICK STGNEBLCCK Wall Cracking Stepped Femanectly FOUNDATIONS REPAIRED Stabilized Urderpinced STEEL REINFORCED CONCRETE FILIN FO 0 TINGS INSTALLED GUARANTEED METHOD WE JACK BACK Walls FLOORS CONCRETE REP AIR MASONRY WORK LARGE OR WE DO THEM ALL OVER 1000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS NOTHING DOWN SAVE DO YOUR JOB ONCE INSURED CAROLL CURST Cm VI 9180 lays GR 0533S UNDAYS EVES PLASTIC WALL TILE 24c SQUARE FOOT BEAUTIFUL MARBLEIZED COLORS DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH CHEAP TILE MADE OF GENUINE FTYRON POSITIVELY LIFETIME GUARANTEE WILL NOT CHIP CRACK OR WARP DO IT YOURSELF EASILY TILE CUTTER LOANED FREE WE CAN RECOMMEND EXPERIENCED INSTALLERS IF WANTED HOWfcVER 6X6 RUBBER OPEN NIGHTS 9 ALL DAY SUNDAY 'TIL 5 TRADING POST 1800 BURLINGTON NO RTH KANSAS CITY NO 8288 GENERAL CONTRACTING Commercial residential local suburban Free estimates AR 2659 LJ 4460 ming VI 0355 anytime LONNJE tie tnmnvre a -id rr-moving Spraying with poer machine Fullv insured CL 6756 RICH Blick Fill dirt: light grading dirt removed: light wrecking hauling PE 1005 HI 3263 BLACK-FILL DIRT GL 2700 SILHOUETTE Warns location resort during summer in or out of rv first class entertainment Call AR 0330 Address 412 Star NEW YORK CITY Drive rear new car no deposit call Mon VI 1526 1905 Truman DIETETIC Frozen Tastes and looks like ice cream: contains no sugar saccharin or salt Pint 47c Harrv Abrams Prescrip-tions 829 7th FLORISTS Funeral Mays $3 UPALL PHONES WE 1711 Special Designs Skilled Artists Eager to Serve You Night-Dav We Collect at One Address Deliver at Another No Extra Charges 12TH AND MAIN 31ST AND GILLHAM FUHEML FLOWERS SPRAYS BASKETS ARRANGEMENTS TO convey Your True Sentiment FLOWER BOWL Across Paseo from Newcomer's on 46th 1 Hour Delivery any Funeral Home 4488 HI 9594 Wtlliston iWinnipeg llili NO DOWN FYMT 1ST FYMT SEPT Phony VA 4040 Bun A Eves JE Bath Mtctee WE B3 THE CCKPLETE JCB No Money Mcntbly START PAYMENTS IN SEPT GUARANTEEMNSURED Free Courteccs Estimates 7 A 850 EVES-SUN HI CO 19 A PE NTE work poren repairing gutter-ing roofing Free estimates AR 0346 RIXEY Mr GeorgeW of 115 43rd st North passed away June 19 1954 age 64 years TV NEWCOMERS SONS North Kansas City NO 4000 WANT nelp witn your remodeling? Badger Lumber knows good builder free rsti mates: budget payments rail Bert Camp hell NI 4340: evenings JO 1661 REMANUFACTURED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS BRICK WORK Fireplaces ovens patios veneering an tvpo brick rcnair DE 0919 BLACK FILL MRT7A 2SS7 Black Fill Dirt AR Si 32 Trimmed removal reasonable free estimates Call EM5260 LAWN SERVICE Shelton Son landscaping AR 5132 LAWN trimmed grass raked ex- nerienced Free estimaies CH 3566 EVER and shrubbery sprayed and trimmed power sprayer HA 0601 TREE trimming topping removing free estimates enick service CH 1019 ft 'tterIng tnaSnSC old SSBrHC cieaneW painted roof repairing JE 4117 LANDSCAPING Flee estimates Work guar- anteed Call anytime EM 4053 TITEKS topped trimmed removed experienced: free estimates CL 9834 BAsem*nT Bondexed Root staining DE 1130 WA 0321 LAWN Reasonable Power mower SPringdaie 7055 after 5 o'clock LAWN cutting with power mower trash $0050 Glide Rea New Price INSTALLED JRemanufactured TRENCHING Machine -Back hoe dozer ditching of ai? types light dozer work 'Midwest Plumbing and Pirating Co JA 5757 GUTTK R1 Roofing all types new old repaired waterproofed reasonable work guaranteed free estimates Terms BE 1 9027 CONCRETE stone block wr-k: sidewalk drives retaining walls steps porches ratios basem*nt floors footings CH 3420 Mrs Villa LY'age 60 3166 Jefferson pasted awav June 18 Survived by 1 son Patrick Sheahan 2509 S8th st logwood 1 daughter Mrs Sullivan of the home 2 sisters Mrs Ruth Corless 605 34th Mrs Stella Enggas Denver 3 grandchildren Rosarv recitation 8 Sunday at the Funeral home Unwood at Woodland where funeral will he held 8:30 A Monday Services Redemptorist church Linwood A- Broadwa 9 01 MEIJD McGhIf YaF YI rRmeter-' Containing currenc'y diamond AlEIwLOD i -McGILLEY -E LR engagement and wedding rings Lost Fri TT -1- day afternoon Paramount Theatre Of gro-at VS Hattie 9 500 Raytown sentimental value to owner Reward WA road died June 16 1954 Services at 6076 the Wagner Chapel Unwood blvd and Wyandotte Sunday afternoon 3 o'clock Cremation WAGNER FUNERAL HOME VA 4559 IN MEMORIAM ToTunmcmory of our 'diear husband and brothers Robert Wood McCune Kas who paseed away 6 years ago June 20 1948 Our loneliness is comforted in knowing you have joined your loved ones Sadly missed by wife sister niece and nephews lost BILLFOLD in alley at 2Sth-Cherry Reward 2755 Cherry BILLFOLD Vicinity 905 Broadway return reward valuable papers DR 5067 WILL anyone who saw the policeman beating the motorist at 18th-Main saturdav afternoon about 2 o'clock June 5 1954 call VI 4861 Barnev Moran PIGEON mites roaches silver fish tie exterminated Pigeon nuisance eliminated One application with one year written suar-anlee IX) 6036 or EN 0811 EW sacred song! regu-lar short music introductory prior to Star readrrs 3 copies SI Thomas Pub- lications Box 408 Neosho Mo FOR your party popcorn 25c gallon potato chips 35c carmeicorn or cheesecorn V4 gallon 30c Velvet Creme 3442 Broad mv WE 7742 Open eveniagg TERMITES! CALL BRUCE TERMINIX! World's largest national termite control Bonded insured Our 27th ear WE 6262 if no answer call VA 7134 LEARN TO DRIVE SAFELY ROLL CALL FE 4331 SFNGERS- 3 openings in local professional chorus 1st tenor baritone and bass Must have trained voice and read well Audition 301 West Armour apt 925 7 today Portland Eugene Seattle" Drive nice car as your own 1905 TRUMAN BA 5421 REPAIR ROCK ADDITIONS PprctesNev7 er Retgflt Complete Bath cr Kitshea FOUNDATIONS REPAIRED BAsem*nTS DUG Floors LeveledSteel Beanis Bri7eay3Rtalnfcg Wails Ccrcrete WorkUc4crpinninf Lowest FREE TERMS CBtiaeata! Big lafl TRICED RIGHT ESP INSURED WORKMEN PROMPT SERVICE BOOM PORCH REFAIR3 BRICK WORK ASBESTOS GUTTERING ATTIC CONVERSIONS NOTHING DOWN LONG TERMS AR 8561 AIR-TITE IMPROVEMENT CO- hauling: reasonable BA 6552 TREES' spraying of all kind: lawns treated for clover mites CH 6611 SODDING light hauling yard work small FUNERALS BILLFOLD Brown leather Hardesty park June 17 Call BE 5973 BILLFOLD Between 31st-Main 31st-Jack on Keep money LI 5075 7403 rated Home Repairs Interior remodeling porches a spccialiiv Do my own work no job loo small Before 8 or after 6 HU- 5194 BLOCKS 12 up expert work Warehouses foundations basem*nt and brick work Local and suburban BA 9641 FAST ROUGH- CREW 2 AR 2859 4460 DRIVEWAYS parking lots asphalt black top old driveways resurfaced repaired Free estimates Easy terms WEstport 6973 ROOFING Flat steep asbestos siding: pav-ments nothing down: free estimates: work guaranteed Georgy Markham WA 3889 FLOORS Sanded lsnefl old Boors specials- free estimates insured Prices rca sonahl prompt service WE 7326 CONCl ETK- 12c a foot and up Walks dfrivfi ard floors Expert finishers Is-t-' and suburban work BA 9641 reasonable 2 last seen near 69th-ParaIlcl Reward FA 7516 jobs welcome Cl Lawns mowed and Call anytime EM 4053 TREES trimmed topped estimates WA 5237 removed Free LOS ANGELES North oc New Dynallow Installed 34702 Remanufactured 14700 Installed Fxch New Hydramatic Installed 32675 Remanufactured 15200 Installed Fxch NO MONEY SOWN New Unit Written Guarantee Drive new 1954 car as your own BA 6385 1905 Truman ALCOHOLICS Anonymous will help any man or woman who sincerely warns to stop BLUE Grass for Sale Laid Grading free Long haired gray Wednesday vicinity 59th and Central DE 6745 2 Siamese strayed from vicinity 4 3rd -Monroe LI 8813 DOG Blue Tick toon hound Clarence Porter collar on dog Call INdependence 4280 John Novak Black co*cker pup female 3 months name reward Call MUlberry after 5 evenings EYES fc SUNDAY FL 2275 References GR 1069 rtCh black top soil sold to nyrsencs drinking City 13 LET US HELP YOU HOUSE DOCTORS 5 ALL TYPES OF HOME REMODELING SAVE YOU DOLLARS' Room additions porches new or repaired Bathrooms complete Foundations and concrete work Roofing siding guttering NO DOWN PAYMENT 3 YRS TO PRY Expert workmanship: free estimates completely guaranteed EN 3452 SAFEWAY CONST CO STEEL-WOOD BEAMS FLOORS LEVELED FOUNDATION UNDERPINNING PORCHES-RETAINING WALLS CONCRETE CARPENTRY STONE NO DOWN PAYMENT BA 4777 ANYTIME A nvm Sunday grading HI 6811 Black dirt $3 loa light 'hauling delivery LI 5731 Vr-Tpr" ILaJi iJt -k ii cii DOG Tan female Collie Clay or Platte age 8 fat lame rear leg Reward GL 4065 GL 3916 ASPHALT Streets drives parking lots free estimates: FHA terms Vance Bros AR 1744: evenings 11 3733 FLOORS--Laid sanacd finished old floors made new: insured Free estimates prices reasonable Marzolf VA 4178 Write Bov 2803 Kansas Mo JA 1583 JA 9669 if no answer VA 2500 PLANNING a home' Let us put you In that heme for money 30 days sooner If we accept the building of your home we guarantee to save you money and time Address 426 Star COME AND GET IT! Shrimp Hot and spicy ail vou can eat for SI from 6 m-9 Fri Chicken steaks barbecue now being served Tiny Marie's 8600 40 hwy CAREEN TRY-CONCRETE STEEL-WOOD BEAMS FLOORS LEVELED FOUNDATION UNDERPINNING RETAINING WALLS BRICK-BLOCK-STONE WORK Honest Jobs for Honest Prices DEALER and JOBBER INQUIRIES INVITED Catalog on Request DOG Brown German short haired Pointer Reward DE 6401 DOG Answers to blond mima-ture Schnouzer: reward lost 30th-Camp- hell HU 3784 DE 5272 Brown co*cker female child's pet: reward DE 6312 FOUNDATION Settling Flues and porches jacked back: concrete work: ref- erences Short WA 4603- OUR crew can do it for less Repair additions framing or complete house Cabinets and finish work AT 5153- AR 6216 9562 Delivered-laid free estimaies Ra Lowe JE 1374 SOD FOR SALE BLUEGRASS ALSO LAID MA 0925 GRACING and 25 yrs experience GR 8484 FREE Removing and trimming CH 4046 FOR sod or sodding yard work call CH 8630 DO IT YOURSELF OR KENT IT MJBSOFS WE RENT WOO ITE1PS CHRISTIAN Sally 75 Windsor Mo passed away Fri June 18 at the Wetzel hospital Clinton Mo Surviving are 5 children Maurice Christian Des Moines 3a Christian Clinton Mo Christian Wichita Kas Mildred Noren Parsons-tburg Md: Richard Christian Houma Ia Services will be held 3:30 Mon June 21 from the Huston Turner Chapel Windsor! Mo Burial De Moines la Tuesday DAVIS Leroy Dean Scheets 4 months old 913 Forest ave passed away Wednesday June 16 at the home Survived by his mother Mrs Maxine Davis and stepfather Ira Davis a sister Ancita Rose Davis hi3 maternal grandparents Mr and Mrs Charles Hammett New Lancaster Kas paternal grandparents Mr and Mrs Lee Scneets Licking Mo Funeral services will be Sunday June 20 2:30 at the Roy Wilson Chapel Paoia Kas Burial at the New Lancaster cemeterv New Lan- caster Kas Mr Charles William 4013 Montgall ave passed awav June IS 3954 age 85 years Sfrvices 2:30 Monday at the chapel on the Paseo at Brush Creek blvd Interment Mt Moriah cemeterv NEWCOMER SONS LO 0024 Mrs Julia Chloe 3411 Euclid passed away June 19 1954 Survived bv daughter Miss Isabelle Garrett of the home One sister Mrs Okah Weaver 4408 Bell 4 brothers George Harmon Ind Grover and William Harmon both of Anderson Ind Alfred Harmon Wingate Ind Services 1 Monday in the chapel Unwood at Woodland Graveside services 3:30 Oak Hill cemetery Butler Mo MELLODY-McGILLEY-EYLAR 1-3- 7717 HEY -Mary age 79 route No 1 Gash-land Mo Services 2:30 Mondav Methodist church Libertv Burial Fairvicw Beagle red female near 9th St Quarrv $25 reward no questions asked BE 1550 KENNETH NOBLE for painting papering wall and floor tiling concrete work bouse repairs HU 0391 Headquarters for Power Sfeerinq and Power Brakes SERVICE AND INSTALLATION 25 PRINT Buy direct from wholesaler tea towel? feed sacks pillow cases hand towels In-dependent Bag Co FA 4692 Sacks-25t00Q New Print bags 100-lb 4 for 1: pillow cases 6 for $1 39-In pnnts rayon 4 yds 1 Woods Mkt 700 Quindaro DOG 8 months old: light brown and while female pointer Mr Johnson 2424 Chelsea HU 6053 BAsem*nTS WATERFROOFED Foundatiors repaired walls restored roor tar crumbling stopped by air-placed water-procf cement: permanent white or colored finish cement work of all kind free ertl mates easy terms WA 4523 MERIT CONCRETE C0- INC BOG Toy Shepherd female friendlv' black 4 white feet Name Reward 4033 Indiana WA 1009 6400 TRUMAN RD MOTOR CLINIC HU 4000 MANN MOTOR 111 ARE YOU AN ALCOHOLIC? Do you want to live without alcohol? Call HA 2928 We can help vou Wp ask vour co-oppration Small clinical charge EM 2385 AR 1190 7801 TROOST 5025 PROSPECT ICO 10 $290 i Loans EASY TERMS For Home JOKES LUMBER C0 7220 Tromar Rd BE 4410 I I SAVED I I WALL CRACKING STOPPED FLUES- PORCHES-WALLS JACKED BACK UNDERPINNED ERICK-BLOCK -STONE WORK STEEL FLOORS LEVELED NO DOWN PAYMENT FREST0N CONST CO JE 7250 ANYTIME 0P5N SUNDAY CALIFORNIA FALSE Partial plate Reward LI 8985 Important Social Securitv card Legion card Reward LU 5088 Boys plastic brown frames vT cinitv Edgevale park JA 1668 KITTEN Angora blark-white name straved from 619 38th June 11 Fri- day WF 9071 Blue mature June 2 Shaw-nee vicinity- Reward HE 7327 And vour house settlement problems are over have a proven guaranteed method io stop all settlements You save 50rc and yet have excellent workmanship at a sensible price Steel beam installation floor leveling concrete work Free estimates Terms HOUSE SETTLEMENT rr) LO 3300 PLASTERING patching stuccoing texturing cementing waterproofing caulking reasonable AR 1492 ROOF Repairing New roots and siding of all tyues applied Specializing in asbestos siding HU 0193 FIOORS laid sannen choice of finish free estimates: work guaranteed HI 0987 Mel Magee GENERAL Excavating Basem*nt? drive-wavs vard grading Hyloader service BE 9876 PLASTERING patching texturing stucco-i ing freo estimates finest workmanship i WA 74 SO HOUSE Framing 'vpprieru-fd vuigh-in crew can do it for less free estimates CL 8865 EXCAVATING grading exceueni equipment expert operator CL 9119 INdependence 7S79 i CEMfcNT sidewalks built retaining walls basem*nts touched up whitewashed LO 16864 GENERAL Household Repairs Remodeling painting miscellaneous JA 9907 JU 8378 TUCKPOINTING Brick stone concrete re pairs basem*nts sprayed Williams AR 6X62 cemem Wont poors pa not walks wor manship guaranteed estimates DE 3798 House Settikgs Stone brick and cement work KE 4197 PIN Past President's Lion pin If found return to 3834 Main or call WE 1500 Reward For Your Convenience OPEN IS: 9 PM tmm MEN tc WOMEN'S APPAREL COLO UTAH ARIZ WASH OFF Drive our late model cars as vour own leave at once: gas allowance Insured CH 7555 If no answer call VI 0355 ANNOUNCEMENT Massages bv advanced students under strict supervision of trained operators Phone for appt COLLEGE SWEDISH MASSAGE 5502 Troost DE 5425 LIBERAL DASH REWARD: Lead for lobs Roofing new or repairs siding contracting: additions: alterations porches new furnaces gutters concreting: aluminum awnings: screens: house Dalnting Bills collected bv personal eontact Court action if necessary Strictlv confidential It will pay you to call Watts Wake Up Service LL 3317 June 19 Re PIN Silver Plaza vicinity ward JA 4757 CONCRETE mixers wheelbarrows ladders house and post jacks wallpaper steamers paint sprayers Skilsaws chain saws chain hoists plumbing tools power lawn mowers tile cutters power hack saws portable drills Manv other items Johnson's Everything Store 1519 3rd DR 2626 TOOL Eloor sanders poiisners paint sprayers ladders power saws trailers concrete mixers house Jacks chain hoists plumbing tool fencing tools lawn tools wheelbarrows wallpaper steamers Many other items Open Sunday Rental Tool Crib 4905 Swope parkway AR 2393 BILL'S RENTAL SERVICE Portable mixers sprayers ladders power and hand tools Open Sunday 7447 Troost EM 2900 ATLAS 8" titlting arbor saw only $4995 DeVVa'lt powersnop $229 complete with ts-h motor and blade Open Sundays till 1 McMillen Do-It-Y ourself Hardware 5209 Johnson Drive HE 3813 For WATER Boss waterproofing: paints For cemeterv CHURCH-ARCHER LIBERTY MO HOPKINS Mrs Claudia age 64 of 4108 Metropolitan passed away Tune 17 Mrs Honkins will lie in state at the chapel 1404 37th where services will be held 3 Monday Interment Maple Hill SIMMONS FUNERAL HOME FA 5775 Quality BuMersFair Prices Home construction remodeling repairing concrete work basem*nt repairing by met who know how and will do it right at a price that is fair We are doing busme under the Christian concept of right Member of the credit Free estimates Call AR 2S40 or HI 8761 RELIABLE Construction Co Inc (Non Union) Remodeling plumbing attic con version additional rooms basem*nts excavated under bouses foundations floor leveling concrete: complete service: free estimates nothing down! Liberal terms reas onable: satisfaction guaranteed JA 3372 any time SAVE 50 SETTLING FOUNDATION REPAIRS LOW PRICES TERMS BR00KSIDE CONST CO DE 5480 ANYTIME CONCRETE work any type sidewalks driveways stone walls brick block and patio: cracked settling foundations underpinned and reinforced' reasonable prices CH 332" The Greater Kansas City Heart Association Gratefully Acknowledges Memorial Contributions red leather contain- ing treasured pictures in brown leather IHfold Keep money Reward BE 1893 Brown plastic containing red biTT fold $40 all identification lost Saturday Keep money return purse Mary Ann Tilman WE 8913 Whiteface about 415 lbs strayed Wednesday A West 97th Grandview road Hickman Mills SO 5434 Reward WILL gentleman in navy sedan who picked up 2 boys Friday afternoon old hlway 40 4 if left glasses in car Call BE 5263 Ladyb ASSURED HCK3 IMPRGV FOUNDATION SETTLEMENT REPAIRS FREE TUCKPOINTTNG WITH ANY JOB PORCHES-CHIMNEYS JACKED BACK NO DOWN PAYMENT ANY TIMEYL 0355 A STl hi Mrs Mary age 71 of ll 00 Norledge Sugar Creek Mo passed away jTune 19th Services at the home 7:30 i Monday in state at the home from 3 Monday until noon Tuesday Services Mes-siah Lutheran church Independence Mo 2 IP- ni TTuesday in slate at the church 1 jhour preceding service Interment Mount Grove cemeterv GEO CARSON FUNERAL HOME Winner at Fuller Cl 7900 INTRODUCTION PLEASE OUR 13TH YEAR A NEW AND BETTER WAY FOR PEOPLE YOUNG AND OLD TO FIND FRIENDS ALL AGES 18 TO 80 Cali or write Irene Hoter 1115 Grand room 606 Kansas City Mo VI 4799 rite tor Memorial Folder 1015 Walnut Kansas City Mo BOZIN GGR APING WA 7282 MASONRY CONSTRUCTION FOUND PERSONAL SERVICES mica Kentile plastics linoleums BE 8487 rug cleaning Excavating GrasiEg VA 2587 HOUSEHOLD Remodeling Carpentry rooms porches garages patios drives DE 4323 Highioader dump trucks dozers scoops backhoe blades SO 6068 FLOOR Sanding Finishing work guaranteed: free estimates Golden FLe ming 1764 DUMTT Rug Cleaners Dealers cleaners: Oriental and domestic rugs 9x12 domestic cleaned sized $450 repairing binding fringing always lowest prices WA 2696 FRENCH Rug Rugs drapes furniture beautifully cleaned: 15 discount 1 Announcements PUP Small black brown eyebrows collar no tags pay for ad VI 4552-DR 554V Bitch black-white About IS months old HE 4943 CLARE Crouch Unwanted hair permanently removed eyebrows hairline facial 12 years present location very latest equipment graduate electrologist professionally recommended consultation free 6 11th VT 4525 FI XERAL DIRECTORS LA DINSKT Harry age 80 3421 Troost passed away June 18 1954 Services 2 Sunday at the chapel 3400 Woodland Interment Sheffield cemetery Please omit flowers LOUIS FUNERAL HOME LI 7300 LUCAS Mrs Carrie Lee Bowler Ricfi Hill LODGE NOTICES Scottish' kite Bodies in the Valievs of Kansas City announce the death of John Cowles 33rd Degree Past Sovereign Grand Commandir on June Burial June 22 In the House of the Temple Washington Kettle-sen Secy Mo Kreiser Secy Kansas down carpets LO 2181 CARPETING upholstering machine cleaned your home Aaron Cleaners WE 8232 CLEANING AND DYEING BUT 2 UR RET CONST CO COME IN AND SEE MODEL OF POST AND BEAM CONSTRUCTION SAVE UP TO 40 ON YOUR ADDITIONAL ROOM 10x12 S595 OTHER SIZES IN PROPORTION FHA TERMS OPEN SUNDAY 10 TO 4 WA 3730: WA 5622 HOME maintenance remodeling house paint- ing stucco spraying carpenters roofing guttering electricians plumbers concrete drives plastering paperhangirg steaming enameling plastic tile formica dramboards linoleum asphalt tile Door sanding experienced workmrn Payments Knov LI 1333 FOUNDATIONS Brick stnnc cement work: cracking foundations underpinning floor leveling repairs do own work: terms: insured GR 7334 PLANNING TO REMODEL? Badger Lumber will furnish estimates know the good contractors Budget payment nrransrd Call Mr Wansiow DR 6140 THE WEILERT PLAN Burial insurance birth to SO rs HA 6855 -THE AMOS SERVICE PLAN INVESTIGATE AND SAVE HE 2116 (GIBSON 4k SON Complete Funeral 15 Lowest in Kansas City PR 7000 JJATL you prefer you may write MITCHELL Mrs Me-da formerly of Kan- our Want Ad Just as you desire it tou fjy Passem awar iune 5 ihe lippear and mall it to The Kansas City Star Kansas City Mo Mo passed away June 18 1954 age 82 years Services 4 Monday at the chapel on the Paseo at Brush Creek blvd Interment Mt Washington cemeterv NEWCOMER'S SONS LO 0024 home of a niece Mrs Pybas Oklahoma City Services 3:30 Monday in the chapel 2825 Independence Blvd Interment Mt RUGS draperies divan covers vat dyed zippers cuffs linings in leather jackets Dxe House 2309 Indiana HU 1861 MISCELLANEOUS facial Hair Uuaranteea perm e)c Con- ran VI 4 Altman bldg 103 East 11th Scientifically removes unwanted hair facial-bodv Professionally recommended latest equipment- air conditioned Mrs Gray Graduate Electrologist Unwood-Prospect AR 0153 DESTROY Unwanted Hair Permanently from face arms legs Radiomatic Electrolvsis Free consultation Annettes 520 12th A-Walnut St Bldg GR 6351 YOUR watch cleaned and repaired $4 T-ypa- guarantee: 35 experience Burkhardt Jewelry 3521 Troost LAUNDERING FAIRMOUNT Seclusion hospital for unwed girls low' rates: confidential 4911 27th Kansas Qlty Mo DEATHS CURTAINS tablecloth bedspreads quilt beautifully laundered reasonable delix-ery City Curtain Cleaner 1600 31t WA City PERSONALS 2794 Washington BLACKMAN GUARDIAN HOME CH 4040 Mr James of 3010 Kern sington Ave passed away June 18th 1954 Age 83 years Services 2 Monday at the Chapel on the Paseo at Brush Creek Blvd Interment Forest Hill Cemetery Please omit flowers NEWCOMER'S SONS LO 0024 CLOCKS laid footings pniired foundations basem*nts storerooms concrete floors drives walks Expert masons finisher available Union labor Reasonable prices Daniels HU 8193 rue rate under arm sic an agate Hue each day (minimum (174) and 82c an agate line each day tor three or more consecutive days totthout chance ot VL 4799 MEET WORTHWHILE FRIENDS VI 4799 LUGGAGE ana nandbag repairing cleaning Zippers replaced 1125 Walnut SPECIAL S10 permanent $5 complete Effie 3519 Troost VA 9022 SPECIAL Push up wave $395 complete 3107 Prospect RAW Edward age 68 of 2813 Bethany passed away June 18 Services 10 a Monday at the Butler Funeral Home 22 18th Interment 1 Monday Waverlv Mo in state after Sundav noon JOS A BUTLER SONS FA 2222 BIRtH Certificates 55th Troost Troupe DE 0770 ASHEN- Mrs Ida Mac age 72 of 4670 37th St Terrace passed away June 19 1954 survived by daughter Mrs Carter Wilson of the home Rosary recitation 8 Monday at the funeral home Unwood and Woodland from where funeral Kill he brld 8:30 A Tuesday Services a Blessed Sacrament church 9 A Interment st Man's eemrter' MELLODY-McGILLE Y-EYLAR LL 7717 Sean Donald Glenn age 1 year infant son of Mr and Mrs Norman Bean of 545 Park passed away at Mercy hospital June IS Survived by 2 brothers Norman jr and Michael Lynn of the home Funeral services at the chapel 918 Brook-1 7i 10 a Tuesday Burial Green Lawn cemetery MRS FORSTER FUNERAL HOME GR 0336 Ga rages fireplaces veneers patios foundations union affiliated HU 4491 BE 2856 A SPECIALTY' Attics finished rooms porches garages new homes concrete work Terms EARL LO 8431 JEEP BITCHING WATER FOOTINGS VI 1794 EVES EN '2394 JA 9345 REMODELING Porches rooms garages dormers attics finished new homes concrete work Terms EARL LO 8431 BLACKTOPPIN Drivewavs parking lots broken concrete covered patching: FHA terms Insured Dependable Contracting Co JE 6606 CONCRETE WORK Anything in concrete work guaranteed FA 7802 CONCRETE-Block Work Retaining walls chimney repair cutterinjr roofing paint ing: first class workmanship Estimates LI 2897 carpentry! New and repair blocks laid WA 2862 CONCRETE driveways sidewalks" porch steps garage or basem*nt Doors patios: reasonable: free estimate CH 8901 FOUNDATION repairs rooms porches added: tuck pointing brick block cement work Wyatt LI 6204 AR 3416 Concrete Finished! SOc Sq Ft WA 2862 CONCRETE sc per foot basem*nt Doors driveways walks steps stoops and patios: free estimates LI 6296 CARPENTRY Construction repairs remodeling painting siding roofing con- crete: AR 7552 PLASTE RIN Stuccoing texturing patch-ing redashing archway free estimates DR 4246 CARPENTRY Remodeling repairing: also cement work guaranteed workmanship JA 2192 PLASTERING Experienced reasonable rates free estimates Battaghiia BE 4868 Specializing basem*nts re-taining walls repairs estimates LL 7141 ATTIC fans and installations at lowest cost: complete tob on installations JA 2192 N6N-union carpentrv concrete additions remodeling roofing Everything LI 3337 Concrete slabs patio drives porches floors everything Ll 3337 Bulldozer $6 hour Hiloader Dirt HE 7050 QUILTING DR REED specialist new location 116 19th GOOD umes omg places friendly people Excavating Gracing VA 2SS7 Stone retaining walls basem*nts! concrete work: estimates LO 2318 CEMENT Work Experienced: patios 12 bv 20 $99 HE 0135 DUpcnt 1361 FLOOR sanding finishing work guaranteed free estimates Richards WE 5669 BLOCKS stones retaining wall cement work estimates Richey BE 4577 GUTTERING and roofs repaired Lowest prices Prompt service VA 2105 NEED Lay blocks rocks cement fin- ish plastering anything BE 0317 Blocks rock concrete work general repair reasonable VI 9795 JEEP ditching water gas laterals footings' INdependence 9064 MUtberrv 3625 JEEP Water gas laterals foot-ings estimates Mar" FA 6880 FLOORS laid sandetfi finished estimates top service guaranteed BA 0516 FLOORS sanded finished free estimates work guaranteed Butler LI 6486 PLASTERING New-old patching rcat n-side: outside painting BA 163 1 JEEP ditching gas water laterals rea- sonable MA 1666 DR 92S1 EXCAVATING Large sewers: highioader fill dirt CL 8191 CL 3948 HOUSE raising settling fcek pointing brick stone cement BA 2974 BftlCK work stone blocks cement waterproofing basem*nts HA 8019 CONCRETE drives walks floors patios: estimates AR 9604 JO 1368 ROCKFACE block 912 East Truman road Independence Mo CL 8853 JEEP Ditching water laterals ug" repaired Finley 1473 timsmng basem*nts a specialty Large patios slabs HU 7432 DRIVES walks porches floors paTtoT' roofing guttering LI 2034 CONCRETE All kinds 30 ence estimates WE 7158-ASPHALT1 Driveways parking lots streets road oiling SO 6068 DITCHING water sewer laterals laid graa- ing light dozing HI 8677 CONCRETE All kinds block work Grave! driveways WE 9480 READ AND USE STAR WANf ADS RICHARD Mrs Irene Grace Brown 4958 t'yoming St passed away June 19th age 48 years Services and interment Minneapolis Minnesota NEWCOMER'S SONS LO 0024 CRESSES designed exclusively made blouses uits and coats furs restvied alteration guaranteed WE 8429 4217 Baltimore MACHINE quilting 9 designs hemstitching also will teach this business Neibling DR 7603 1217 Minnesota Kamas FOR physiclal therapy treatments call GR 6826 or HA 5404 LEAVING for Billings Montana June ZT Take 2 VA 0297 liASSAGE 3616A Independence Ave i MATTRESS RENOVATING MATTRESSES box springs piiiows Menlizf-O and rebuilt like new: new mattresses at factory prices Tones Mattress Co 1800 9tn GR 2411 MATTRESSES 1-day service 25 years' experience Whitt Bedding Co CH 6982 7101 Truman rd HAVE that old mattress or box spring remade tike new again Cummins Since 1920 HA 2245 MaNn mattress renovating i-day service CH 4087 2030 Prospect CONTRACTING BUILDING GOriEfUNGTioolmSewNiiIpilSalrsT estimates free AR 0346 PAINTER-Carpen Spra roof wall-wall carpet layer AR 7835 CONCRETE work all types and repairing: white workers Ll 8499 DITCHING Huoading light grading" truck Ing dirt MA 2269 R'ce GRADING and sodding good bluegrass Free estimate VI 6157 Floors laid-sanded-finisTliJ Old-new Esti- mates Union he 4109 Expert mason satisfaction or no charge FInlev 9293- CH 7457 operator rators RIORDAN Miss Katherine of Spring Hill Kas passed away June 18 Rosarv recitation in the Julier chapel Olathe at 8:45 Sundav Funeral services in the Holv Rosary church at Wea Kas 9 a Mondav Interment Wea cemeterv JULIE MORTUARY OLAtHE KAS ORIGINAL Skirts-Blouses hand painted washable: also alterations: reasonable Lee Bldg 1003 Main Room 228 BA 0549 DRESSMAKING alterations all kinds expert fitting buttons eevered belts made to order: work guaranteed WE 4013 ALTERATIONS Remodeling Why take chances? I know how LI 6539 CONCRETE WORE CARPENTER-FOUNDATION MA Block-stone brick carpentry steel beams foundation rprs do own work cash or terms VI 7929 DAYS EVES EM 5158 GENERAL Repair Work Floor leveling basem*nts waterproofed basem*nt posts beams additions cement work all kind carpentry insulation payments VA 8453 VI 7234 CABINETS $100 counter top color oo tionai Center: right or left hand sinls location to vour specification Two uppers FIniov 8744 A NTE RING Partitions porches closets window cords plumbing wiring WA 0152 4 ROOM additions terms do own work Jim Simon AR 6293 SEWER CLEANING SEPTIC TANKS RIGHT WAY SEWER SERVICE GR 4212 Open that sewer or no charge Using tj? most medem equipment for cleaning sewer sinks drains and downspouts Lines usually cleared without digging or making a mes Sink lines our specialty GR 4212 this Classification Continued on i DRESSMAKING Suits coats alterations slip covers drapes WA 0994 Ice room fit exchange lor light services CH 4477 SHADOWING investigating 33 years' experience VA 0579 Kids and I both love and miss you Cali home at once Bob SHADOWING Human Relations Detective People found GR 1357 L4DNESOME? Booklet for vou 25c A Retting Grandview Mo All aluminum $290 each Vulco Window Co LI 2955 WANT ride from 82nd-Ward parkway vl- cinity courthouse EM 3788 Eor Goad Cal! WE 0647 3012 McGee trafficway 2nd floor For Electrolux vacuum sweeper Free fosCHERT Mrs Lee nee Emma age 76 formerly of 1230 Bennington ave ed June 19 at Council Bluffs la Survived 3 daughters Mrs Leenita Hasseti 837 30th Independence Mrs Angie White 7320 Cherokee Prairie Village: Mrs Jane Kerr 7324 Cherokee Prairie Village Rosarv 8 Mondav in the chapel 6606 Independence ave Services 9 a Tuesday st Stephens church 11th and Bennington Interment Calvary cemetery SHEIL FUNERAL HOME CARMICHAEL Mr Benjamin 415 Cherry passed away June 17 Services wi be conducted by the Ernestine Schumann Helnk chapter A Sundav eve-meg clock at the chapel 2117' Inde- fendence blvd Graveside services will be eld Monde afternoon 2 o'clock at the Nattona' ceme'ery PL Leavenworth Kas PASSANTIXO BROS GR 2844 RECREATION KUUGABEfi Mrs Bertha age 85 ot 601 Lowell passed awav June 18 Services 1 :30 Monday at the Butler Funeral Home 22 18th Interment Maple Hills JOS A BUTLER'S SONS FA 2222 Mrs Mary age 93 of 9863 Winner road passed away June 18 Services in the chapel 1 Mondav Interment Elmwood cemetery Family requests no flowers GEO CARSON FUNERAL HOME WINNER AT FTTTTER CL 7900 SHIRLEY Mrs Cleva age 75 years of Gentry Ark Graveside services Maple Hill cemetery lo a Mondav in state at Southside Chajcl 6900 Troost WEILERTS HI 8875 PRIVATE Instructions Rhumba foxtrot waltz Beginner's instruction simplified VA 0722 BLOCK Work I3c-14c work guaranteed SUnset 5590 GR 5948 FLOOR Sanders 2 day ooen Sunday 5025 Prospect AR 1190 BRIClfc class work fireplaces and veneer GR 7195- PLASTER and Patching Old and new work AR 8537 FREE Round and Square Dancing Saturday night Eagles 1108 Central open: Get a boost! Swim at 81st and Troost? 3827 Pvt 1 lesson VA 3066 I E-Z Clasz 25C pickup and delivery HA 4550 Dr Langmaid's Weight Control Moved to 3 337 Vi Troost WE 6401.

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The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)


Are the chiefs from Kansas or Missouri? ›

The Kansas City Chiefs practice during day 2 of Minicamp in Kansas City, MO.

Where is The Kansas City Star located? ›

Driving directions to The Kansas City Star, 1601 McGee St, Kansas City - Waze.

What is the largest newspaper in Kansas City? ›

The Kansas City Star is the city's primary newspaper, published daily. Other papers published in the city include: The Call, local African-American news, weekly. Kansas City Business Journal, business news, weekly.

Who was the founder of The Kansas City Star? ›

Nelson family ownership (1880–1926) The paper, originally called The Kansas City Evening Star, was founded September 18, 1880, by William Rockhill Nelson and Samuel E. Morss.

Which is bigger Kansas City KS or Kansas City MO? ›

While KCK is included in the bi-state Kansas City Metropolitan Area, KCMO is a much larger city. The KCMO side has much more city culture happening than KCK does, which not only makes the people in KCMO look down their noses on KCK, but it also means that KCK often gets overlooked.

Did Kansas City start in Kansas or Missouri? ›

This area included Westport Landing and in 1850 was incorporated as the Town of Kansas. City founders derived the name from the Kansas, or Kaw, River which was named for the Kansa Indians. The state of Missouri then incorporated the area as the City of Kansas in 1853 and renamed it Kansas City in 1889.

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers.

Which is the biggest newspaper in the world? ›

The Yomiuri Shimbun

What is the oldest newspaper in Kansas? ›

The Kansas Weekly Herald was launched on September 15, 1854, in the town of Leavenworth. It was the Kansas Territory's first newspaper, appearing along with the earliest settlers of the town. The Herald was Democratic and proslavery and pushed for Kansas' entry into the Union as a slave state. William J.

Who was the original singer of Kansas City? ›

"Kansas City" is a rhythm and blues song written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller in 1952. First recorded by Little Willie Littlefield the same year, as "K. C. Loving", the song later became a chart-topping hit when it was recorded by Wilbert Harrison in 1959.

Who was the boss of Kansas City? ›

Thomas Joseph Pendergast (July 22, 1872 – January 26, 1945), also known as T. J. Pendergast, was an American political boss who controlled Kansas City and Jackson County, Missouri, from 1925 to 1939. St.

What NBA team came from Kansas City? ›

Professional basketball returned to Kansas City in 1972 when the Cincinnati Royals relocated there and became the Kansas City Kings. The Kings left for Sacramento, California in 1985 and Kansas City has been without an NBA franchise since then.

Why is Kansas City split between two states? ›

At around the same time settlement was beginning along the river bottoms in Wyandotte County just across the border in the state of Kansas. So from the 1850s on there were two Kansas Cities, divided by the Missouri-Kansas state line, and both grew from a consolidation of villages rather than from a single unit.

Did Kansas City Chiefs used to be in Kansas? ›

The team originally played as the Dallas Texans as part of the American Football League from 1960 to 1962. In 1963, owner Lamar Hunt moved the team to Kansas City and the team was renamed the Chiefs.

What states are the Chiefs from? ›

TOPEKA, Kan. -- Kansas lawmakers hoping to lure the Kansas City Chiefs from Missouri are trying to win over skeptical colleagues by narrowing their proposal for encouraging the Super Bowl champions to build a new stadium and by linking it to a plan for broad tax cuts.

Is Sporting KC a Kansas or Missouri team? ›

The team was founded by Lamar Hunt in 1995. Since moving across the state line, they have been the only major professional sports league franchise to play their home games in Kansas. Starting in 1997, the franchise was named Kansas City Wizards.


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.