The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH] - A Casual Social Gaming Community (2024)

The morning after the largest battle of her conquest campaign all seemed quiet. The troops rest and celebrate their victory over Dok Karaz. Speaking of war stories and the countless heroic moments, the troops enjoy the spoils of victory. But for Dannan, she knows her time in the lands of the Shadowlands, Ellyrion, Barak Varr, Marshes of Madness, Troll Country, and Ostland is coming to an end. With 97 keep victories in the 3 months she has campaigned in the second tier it seems like yesterday that she deployed the same tactic that won the battle last night on the keep of Fangbreaka. A smile blankets her face as she remembers that hopeless fight and how by faking a retreat and attacking the keep from the rear lead them to their first major keep victory.

The events of the night started as they always do. First fell Stonetroll in a low resistance fight, then a quick trip to the Greystone Ruins. From there Dannan went on a 4 keep conquest that lasted 30 minutes and resulted in the Capture of Fangbreaka, Dok Karaz, Spite's Reach and Cascades of Thunder. This full out assault got the attention of the destruction forces. At first a warband came for Spite's Reach and Dannan issued the command to send 1 warband to defend while the other two wait in anticipation. When the Destruction forces slammed into the gates at Spite's Reach she issued the command to have her warband attack from the rear and Kozroc's warband take away their escape. The plan worked flawlessly as the entire force of destruction was wiped from the land. Next Dannan issued a call to regroup in the bottom floor. This time the destruction came back with 2 full warbands. Dannan issued an order to have everyone meet at the back door and lead the troops to the backside of the crack which separates the Destruction warcamp from Spite's Reach. Commonly used as the escape route for routed Destruction Forces. The order troops flooded through crack leaving the destruction nowhere to run except south to the Cascades of Thunder. All went quiet until the warcry for an attack at Cascades was sounded. Knowing that they could not make it in time Dannan issued an order to form up at the Dragon Gate which separates the Shadowlands from Ellyrion. Using herself as a decoy, Dannan setup the perfect ambush. As the destruction forces came into visibility she road to the north drawing them like blood lustful dogs chasing a fox. She blew her horn signaling the ambush and withing moments Order troops had severed the pursuit forces from their healers and crushed the opposition. The destruction forces, badly beaten on every front finally gave up the fight.

The Gaiscioch Trinity waited inside spites reach for 5 minutes anxiously to see where the destruction would go. All was quiet. The twitch of anxiety over fell the troops and they could barely muster the quiet. Then Dannan divided the now 4 warbands into 2 groups. Group one led by Dannan and Kazroc, group two by Holo and Grimfir. She ordered everyone to Cascades of Thunder which fell in only a few moments. Immediately she ordered Group 1 to attack Mandred's Hold while Group 2 Assaulted Stonetroll Keep. Mandred's Hold And Stonetroll Keep fell within moments of each other and the force moved to the Dwarven territory of Dok Karaz and Marshes of Madness. Group 1 assaulted Dok Karaz and Group 2 assaulted Fangbreaka. Again only seconds separated the fall of the two keeps. Then Dannan issued a command for all to return to Spites Reach where within which fell only 8 minutes from the time the force dropped Fangbreaka and Dok Karaz. The Destruction forces still were taking keeps one by one and managed to capture Mandred's Hold and Stonetroll while the Gaisicoch Trinity took Cascades. Immediately after the fall of Cascades which was 6 minutes after Spite's Reach. Dannan moved her forces back to Troll Country where they finally caught up with Destruction Forces.

The Battle for Mandred's was mild at best. A formidable warband occupied the keep but could not withstand the force of 4 warbands hitting them at speed. Mandreds fell the the Trinity moved to Stonetroll Keep where a few brave Destruction held tough until the doors fell and they mysteriously disappeared. Stonetroll fell and the Trinity moved to Fangbreaka where a large force of destruction occupied. Making the mistake of moving out of the keep and engaging Dannan's Trinity in the open, the destruction fell and while they struggled to reinforce their numbers the Trinity slammed into the doors and stormed the lord room. This was the bloodiest fight of the night thus far and both of the destruction warbands fell to the hands of the Gaiscioch Trinity.

While the troops rejoiced, Dannan knew what lied ahead. The last keep... Every destruction troop in the field would be there, bloodthirsty and waiting for battle. Dannan moved her troops to Barak Varr and began the assault. A force like none other stood proud over Dok Karaz and the siege progressed slowly. By the time the doors fell a good 30 minutes had passed. Tired and weary the Gaiscioch Trinity made their first push at the lord room, The destruction forces repelled the Gaisicoch who ordered everyone to regroup and try again. This time the Destruction forces formed a wall preventing entry and the battle seemed hopeless. The enemy forces bawked at order troops and the moral began to decline. Dannan noticed one simple jinx in the destruction forces. As the troops retreated the destruction forces mowed down the retreating forces. This was the perfect jinx. Dannan ordered the forces to slam the keep again then quickly pull off and regroup to the south. They then quickly moved to the east and approached the keep from the east wall which the destruction forces typically use to reinforce the keep. Sneaking around unsean the Gaiscioch Trinity managed to sneak inside the keep trapping the large majority of the destruction forces outside. The Gaiscioch then defended the keep killing all of the destruction which tried to re-enter. After a few moments of healing the wounded and reviving the soldiers that gave their lives for the plan the Gaiscioch flooded the lord room, with 2 groups of soliders pressing the overlook the healers fell and the battle's momentum shifted. Within moments of the destruction healers falling the lord fell. Dok Karaz fell to the Gaiscioch and the 4 warbands of Order Troops in the largest battle the tier 2 battlefield has seen.

In what must have seem like the most glorious battle of her Career Dannan only looked to the future as to what her Tier 3 campaign would hold. With her departure comes handing the torch to Alaois Foghladha. Dannan's Final battle in tier 2 will be in a week on the 26th of March and will be the day she finally bids Tier 2 Farewell and hands the reigns over to Alaois. One more battle she says to herself as the sun rises on a new day.

The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH] - A Casual Social Gaming Community (2024)


What does the gaming community do? ›

A gaming community is a group of people who come together to share their love for playing video games. It can include players from all around the world or just those in your local area.

Who has the biggest gaming community? ›

Here are some examples of the largest and most popular gaming communities:
  • “League of Legends”: Over 100 million monthly active players. ...
  • “Minecraft”: More than 130 million monthly active players. ...
  • “Fortnite” Community: More than 350 million registered players as of the latest data.
Aug 16, 2023

What is the average age of the gaming community? ›

Gamer Demographics
Age GroupProportionNumber of Gamers
18-34 years38%1.17 billion
35-44 years14%433 million
45-54 years12%371 million
55-64 years9%278 million
2 more rows
Jun 11, 2024

Is the gaming community a culture? ›

Definition. Video game culture is broadly considered a description of the subculture of those who play video games. This not only includes gamers, players that frequently dedicate time and effort to playing video games, but also those players that participate less frequently and often through more casual games.

How do I find a good gaming community? ›

Game Together: Top 9 Ways to Find Gaming Friends
  1. Duoo. Duoo is an awesome platform that can help you find new gaming teammates. ...
  2. In-game friendships. ...
  3. Discord. ...
  4. Local game stores and gaming cafes. ...
  5. Gaming conventions. ...
  6. In-built gaming platforms. ...
  7. Streaming communities. ...
  8. Reddit.
Oct 12, 2023

What do gaming organizations do? ›

At their core, esports organizations retain the same purpose as the clubs in any team sport. These companies sign individual players or groups of players to compete in professional video gaming competitions under the team's brand in order to capitalize on it in various ways.

Why is game community important? ›

Facilitating player connections and maintaining player engagement. First, the establishment of a gaming community plays a crucial role in keeping players engaged and fostering connections among its members. When there's an environment where players can meet, chat and play together, it alleviates feelings of loneliness.

What is the purpose of gaming club? ›

Primarily focused on video games, club members get to try out new games brought weekly by members, and engage in multiplayer-friendly competition. From showing off single-player skills to participating in mini-bracket tournaments, players get to interact with one another for bragging rights.

How does gaming help society? ›

Online video games can allow players to talk to others and make friends at their current ability level even when they are not emotionally or physically able to leave their homes. This can help build the skills and confidence necessary to try it in-person.


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.