The Electrical Worker Online (2024)

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Happy Independence Day From Local 1

L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa,st,ws&ptc), ST. LOUIS, MO — This spring, I attended the IBEW's Safety Conference, where the importance of mental health support was discussed, specifically the underfunding of this important health care need in our industry. Insurance is a challenging issue for any local, and we should do more to focus on this part of our health care.

One of the stats that jumped out at me was the 619% increase since 2011 in workplace unintentional overdose deaths. Overdose deaths were equivalent to 9.6% of all reported worker deaths in 2022, according to research from the National Safety Council. The construction industry has one of the highest rates of suicide compared to other industries. In 2016, the rate of suicide in the construction and extraction industries was 49.4 per 100,000. That is five times as large as the rate for fatal work-related injuries in the construction industry, which was 9.5 per 100,000 in 2018.

OSHA's website ( features links to useful information and training materials to assist you in processing stress effectively. Mental health is as important as physical health. Be there for one another.

Best wishes for a great summer!

Kyle Hunter, P.S.

Local 15 and Illinois PoliticalUpdate

L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — ComEd resubmitted their rate case to the Illinois Commerce Commission in March. The approval of the ComEd rate increase is important to Local 15 and its members. This would allow members working for ComEd to get back to strengthening the electrical grid instead of maintaining what exists.

Local 15 supports the following:

  • H.B. 562, which would require the ICC to factor in job impacts when making rate case decisions. This is not a factor in the ICC's current decision-making process.
  • H.B. 5234, which would give the "right of first refusal" to the local utility (ComEd) to build new transmission lines as ordered by regional transmission organizations. This ensures that out-of-state companies and nonunion workers aren't building transmission lines in Illinois.
  • H.B. 5243, which would allow for construction of battery storage on retired fossil-fuel plant property. This would maintain some jobs after the retirement of the fossil-fueled stations.

Local 15 has also been involved in supporting a construction permit to upgrade the bypass basin at Powerton Generating Station. Without this permit, Powerton would have to cease operations in October.

We will continue our efforts with the Illinois EPA to get a permit issued by July.

John Richards, Bus. Rep.

Buffalo Bills Stadium Update

L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY — At the time of this writing, our local has three contractors working on the new stadium, with a few electrical packages still out for bid. Our members have been working on the new home of the Buffalo Bills for just over a year. We have more than 60 electricians on site, and that number could double by year's end.

More than 50,000 feet of underground conduit has been installed at the stadium, including a bank of 54 stretching over 500 feet. The conduits feed the new primary substation, the auxiliary building for the television networks and multiple electric rooms around the lower level.

The steel for more than half of the 100 level is up, which made way for under-slab conduit, temporary power and lighting. The Ironworkers have begun assembling the suite level, which will certainly lead to more labor requests.

We have been fortunate to have more than 100 travelers here to help us fill our calls on a variety of jobs in our jurisdiction. Any brothers and sisters looking to work on this historic project should make their way to Buffalo to sign the book.

Matthew M. Gaiser, A.B.M.

Local 43 Attends St. Patrick's Day Parade

L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — Our local members and their families showed their union pride while enjoying the Syracuse and Utica St. Patrick's Day parades!

We would like to thank everyone for coming out and celebrating this annual event.

Jeff Cassano, P.S.

Local 43 members showing their union pride at the Syracuse, N.Y., St. Patrick's Day Parade.

Local 47 Maintains Stance

L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Greetings, brothers and sisters. It seems that much of the local's anticipated work is on hold, stuck in permitting or with employers at odds about getting work out to the field. In addition, we continue to defend our jurisdiction from the other trade unions who constantly attack our employers, which creates a difficult relationship among the trades. This fight makes us all look bad to customers and legislators.

The following updates round out Local 47's bargaining news:

  • Southern California Edison: For production specialists, we continue to work through issues after bargaining; real-time operators bargaining continues; and the demotion of e-crew foreman Ray Delgado is set for arbitration July 17.
  • City of Riverside: Bargaining continues.
  • City of Anaheim: We are still meeting for the general contract on issues not resolved in bargaining.
  • City of Banning: We have scheduled bargaining meetings on medical insurance for the utility general contracts.

In upcoming events, we'll have the Local 47 golf tournament July 19 and our family picnic Sept. 21.

We're sad to report the deaths of Tommy Blankenship, Ramon Rodriguez and Johnny Santos. Our condolences and prayers are with their loved ones.

Work safe and buy union.

Mitch Smith, P.S.

Termination Arbitration Awarded to Local 51 Member

L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,ptc,rtb,t,u&uow), SPRINGFIELD, IL — In 2023, a member was disciplined by a utility company for a preventable vehicular accident. The discipline included a 10-day suspension and a last-chance agreement, which the member refused to sign. This resulted in his termination. The arbitrator ruled that the company had not met its burden of proof that the penalty of discharge was appropriate under the circ*mstances. The grievant was reinstated to his position at the utility, made whole, and given a 10-day suspension and two-year probation.

Election Day is Nov. 5. Registered voters may cast a ballot early without having to provide a reason for wanting to vote early. This ballot is cast in person at the office of the election authority or at an early voting center. Early voting in Illinois begins Sept. 26.

Before casting your vote, research the candidates and select those who unequivocally support union labor, not those who don't support workers' rights to organize, bargain collectively or strike.

Happy Independence Day to you and your family! Attend your monthly union meeting, and always be safe.

Karlene Knisley, Bus. Rep.

Local 103's Busy Spring

L.U. 103 (cs,i&ptc), BOSTON, MA — It's been a busy couple of months.

In March, Business Manager/Financial Secretary Lou Antonellis had the incredible honor of representing Local 103 at President Joe Biden's State of the Union address. Brother Antonellis was the personal guest of Sen. Ed Markey in recognition of the work of the IBEW and Local 103 to lead the way in the clean energy market.

St. Patrick's Day started with over 125 members and their guests attending Union Night with the Dropkick Murphys. On March 17, 100 members and their families marched in South Boston's annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. All had a great weekend.

Local 103 is upgrading the power infrastructure here at our main campus. A new 13.8-kilovolt line is being brought in to support over 50 new EV charging stations that are starting installation.

Jim Fleming, P.S.

Local 103 marches in the 2024 South Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade.

New Journeymen in Kalamazoo

L.U. 131 (i,rtb,rts,se&spa), KALAMAZOO, MI — Congratulations to 14 new inside journeymen: Caitlin Arnold, Eric Blakeslee, James Brush, Kyle Carter, Darius Dlugoss, Ryan Eklund, Mason Glerum, Toby Jones, Noah Leinaar, Matthew Linsley, Patrick Lipari-Jordan, Jacob McPherson, Justin Wrobel and Andrew Yezic.

The work outlook remains steady in Kalamazoo. Palisades nuclear plant is beginning to hire for the recommissioning. You can read more about this project and nuclear's resurgence in this month's cover article. The Gun Lake hotel and aquadome are moving, along with over 60 members working on the project.

We recently have lost several retirees: Charles Edwards, Brian Ellis, Philip Frenthway, Donald Geipel, Patrick Klocke (former business manager), Mitchell VanKruiningen III, William Nederhoed, David Nyman, Michael Olmstead, Mark Sears and Dale Smith. All of these journeymen have taught me something that helped me succeed. Thank you, and all will be missed.

The local's annual picnic is July 27 at River Oaks Park in Galesburg, Mich. Call the union hall (269-382-1762) for details. I hope to see you there!

Morris A. Applebey, B.M.

Local 131's new journeymen in Kalamazoo, Mich.

Local 141 Ratifies NewContract

L.U. 141 (ees,i,o&u), WHEELING, WV — Greetings, brothers and sisters. Work remains a bit slow in our jurisdiction, with 27 members on Book 1.

Local 141 is happy to announce that we have ratified a new three-year inside contract. Our negotiating committee did a great job in getting our membership a contract that provides a great standard of living and improves conditions on the jobsite. As of this writing, the committee is working on contracts for our teledata members and those working in signatory motor repair shops in our jurisdiction.

Local 141's social committee is entering its busy season as it plans our annual summer picnic and golf scramble, as well as early planning for our holiday seasonal events.

Have a fun and safe summer!

Kurt "Bug" Reed, P.S.

Local 237's NewestJourneymen

L.U. 237 (i&r), NIAGARA FALLS, NY — With the arrival of summer comes another graduating class of fifth-year apprentices. Local 237 would like to congratulate our newest journeymen and recognize them for their accomplishments: Matthew Bishara, Anthony Clark, Jordan Deuel, Erik Domin, Mark Kinney, Karl Kirsch, Terry Mandaville, Nicholas Mazerbo and Brian Mendel. Mendel was given the Top Apprentice Award, and the Perfect Attendance Award went to Kinney. We wish you all safe and successful futures!

Brandon Lum, P.S.

Big Changes at Local 245

L.U. 245 (govt,lctt,o,rtb&u), TOLEDO, OH — We hope everyone is enjoying the summer and quality time with friends and family.

Local 245 has had some pretty big changes these last six months. After years working outside construction as a journeyman lineman, Ken Kurtz transitioned smoothly to his role as the assistant business manager in March 2018. In December 2023, Ken decided to enjoy retirement with his loving wife, Debbie, and their dogs. Local 245 will truly miss Ken, and we recognize the lives he has impacted.

Rick Russeau was appointed assistant business manager after 20 years working as an outside journeyman lineman. He was also appointed chairman of the executive board. Brother Rick has already been an asset to the union hall.

Ed Hardy, a substation journeyman from Toledo Edison, has been appointed to a new role as assistant business manager.

In April, Shane Bauman, business manager at Local 245, was appointed as a Fourth District international representative for the IBEW. Shane will be missed at the union hall and has left some pretty big shoes to fill. Former Assistant Business Manager Justin Cappelletty was appointed to fill the vacancy of business manager, and Justin has filled the role well. We congratulate these brothers and wish them luck in all their new endeavors.

Local 245 is pleased to report that after a two-year fight, the members employed at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station collectively received over $2 million deposited into their 401(k) accounts April 29 due to a successful arbitration award. Local 245 remains busy preparing for several negotiations this summer and fall.

A positive attitude is contagious, so don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.

Brian Gendaszek, P.S.

Local 245 instrument techs load tool carts to be used for work in the containment building at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station during their refueling outage in March.

Leading the Way

L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — The parade season honoring St. Patrick's Day was once again in full swing with our local members marching in three parades in three consecutive weeks. The festivities kicked off in Mount Holly, N.J., on March 2. Despite the inclement weather, our brothers and sisters turned out for the hardy souls who gathered to watch.

The following week, Hamilton, N.J., hosted its annual event. Our own Wayne DeAngelo served his first year as chairman of the parade committee, and the local made sure that representation was not lacking. Although the weather was far from ideal, the spirit and camaraderie of the Brotherhood carried the day.

The grand finale of the season was the Bucks County Parade in Levittown, Pa. Business Manager Steve Aldrich represented Local 269 as the parade grand marshal.

Members turned out in an impressive show of (work)force to demonstrate what a unified and energized organization looks like. Congratulations, Steve, and thanks to everyone who put the hard work into making these events a worthy "circle the date" on the calendar every year.

Brian Jacoppo, P.S.

Local 269 Business Manager and Parade Grand Marshal Steve Aldrich (center, holding the shillelagh) poses with the marchers before the Bucks County, Pa., St. Patrick's Day Parade.

Local 309 Plans for TrainingFacility

L.U. 309 (i,lctt,mo,mt,o,rts,spa&u), COLLINSVILLE, IL — In an historic move, the local is set to purchase an adjacent building and property that will become our outside training facility. The new training center will include crane simulators, TransBankers and a pole yard for additional hands-on training.

Two contracts were renewed earlier in the year. Clinton County Electric Cooperative clerical settled a four-year agreement with a 16% raise. Hopcroft Electric settled a one-year agreement with a 4.5% raise.

At the spring Illinois state conference, Michael Carrigan and Doug Scott from the Illinois Commerce Commission explained the ICC's decision-making process as it relates to the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act. Pointed questions were raised about the high unemployment that resulted from those decisions and the loss of an entire year to upgrade the grid for the future energy needs ofCEJA.

Many locals then marched to the Illinois Capitol to lobby for a bill that requires the ICC to factor in job impacts for future decisions and to support the "right of first refusal" bill that protects Illinois businesses and outside construction workers from out-of-state companies.

Carlos Perez, A.B.M.

Why June?

L.U. 343 (i,spa&st), LE SUEUR, MN — Typically, our collective bargaining agreement expires or renews in June. The first contract between Local 343 and NECA took effect June 1, 1980, 14 months after the local received its charter in 1979. Brothers Lloyd Hagemann and Lowell Reedstrom signed the agreement.

The 1980 contract included an age ratio: "On any job requiring six (6) or more Journeymen, every fifth (5) Journeyman employee shall be forty years of age or over if available" (Section 3:14). The age ratio did not allow eligible members to jump the book for job calls. This section remained in our agreement, with some changes, for 25 years. The apprentice-to-journeyman ratio, in 1980, was one apprentice to three journeymen, and today the ratio is two apprentices to one journeyman. Depending on the job cost (over or under $75,000), and which county or portion of a county the job was located, there are six journeyman pay rates. There are nine wage rates for apprentices.

Understanding the contract is each member's responsibility. If you have questions, ask your steward. No steward? Call your business representative.

Support American workers — Buy Made in USA.

Thomas Small, P.S.

Local 347 Celebrates Spring, Service

L.U. 347 (em,i,mt,rtb,rts&spa), DES MOINES, IA — Our local has been busy this spring with events. The pin party was a reminder of the brothers we've worked with previously and recognition of those following in their footsteps. It was truly a celebration of brotherhood, fidelity and talent. The party was followed two weeks later by an Easter egg hunt, which was so much fun.

Here are our updates:

  • The negotiating team produced an agreement that was ratified in late April.
  • Upcoming events include the local picnic June 8 and the local's golf outing July 13.
  • There will also be opportunities to get involved with preparations for our Labor Day celebration.

We encourage our membership to vote for candidates who are supportive of organized labor.

"What does labor want? We want more schoolhouses and less jails; more books and less arsenals; more learning and less vice; more leisure and less greed; more justice and less revenge; in fact, more of the opportunities to cultivate our better natures, to make manhood more noble, womanhood more beautiful, and childhood more happy and bright." – Samuel Gompers

Have a spectacular Independence Day!

Mike Schweiger, P.S.

From left, Phil Johnson and Wayne Jones receive recognition for 65 years of membership in Local 347 from President Rick Chumbley (center).

Local 357 Wins Softball Tournament

L.U. 357 (c,i,mt&se), LAS VEGAS, NV — On March 24, the Southern Nevada Building Trades Unions hosted its second semiannual working families softball tournament. It was a fantastic day filled with (mostly) friendly softball matches, showcasing the camaraderie and spirit of unity among the trades.

Local 357 sponsored two teams: Brendan Muffoletto coached the Shock Hazards, and Steve Kirker coached the High Voltage team. In total, 21 softball teams from various local trades participated. However, Local 357's Shock Hazards smashed the competition and won the championship!

At the April general meeting, we presented the trophy and gave both teams some membership appreciation! Well done!

Julie-Ann Peeples, P.S.

Local 357 softball teams Shock Hazards and High Voltage played against other building trades in a friendly battle for the championship.

Local 449 CommemoratesMembers

L.U. 449 (catv,em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa,u&mt), POCATELLO, ID — Our local sadly commemorates the following members who have passed away: Bob Chandler (December 2023), James Kondel (December 2023), Richard D. Long (February) and Gary J. Tripplett (January).

Local 449 wishes the following members a wonderful retirement: Marty Coburn, Terry Jensen, Mark Reed and Lynn Shearer (all retired in April), and Garland Smith (January).

Brandie Weaver, Bus. Rep.

Local 481 Eyes Increase inMembership

L.U. 481 (ees,em,i,mt,rts,s&spa), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Brothers and sisters, whether through our sports leagues, improvement classes, affinity groups or sponsorship events, there are many opportunities for members to be active and participate. The members of Local 481 have been extremely involved in all events and continue to help us tell our story.

A special thanks to those club presidents and committee members who give their time and talents to ensure that the events run smoothly. It is truly appreciated by the members, and we look forward to what the rest of the year has in store. The time is now for us to increase our membership, and with your help, the IBEW will continue to grow and be a leader in the union construction industry.

As has always been said, the local is only as strong as our members. When we make participation a priority outside of our work in the industry, the community sees it and understands what we do and supports us along the way.

Blake Andrews, Treas.

Shop Steward Level 2 Training for the Win!

L.U. 483 (catv,lctt,o&u), TACOMA, WA — Thank you to all our local members who attended our recent Shop Steward Level 2 training. This class offers more in-depth training, including how to navigate through a collective bargaining agreement and determine whether an issue is a grievance. Learning how to distinguish the noise from the issue is an important part of Level 2.

We are very pleased with the continued interest we have received from our members in shop steward training, resulting in internal organizing gains for Local 483.

Byron Allen, B.M./F.S.

Local 483 shop steward Level 2 training was a huge success.

The Man, The Myth, The Legend of Local 601

L.U. 601 (i&rtb), CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, IL — "Does anyone here not know who I am?" Bob Withers has done it once again. Herding cats has nothing on herding our first-years to cook steaks for a steak stag, but leave it to Mr. Worldwide to do it every year. Manning the grill, toasting the buns, frying the fries — he does it all, and every year the entirety of Local 601 comes with slavering mouths ready to feast on perfectly cooked steaks. Every first-year never forgets their awe of the legend.

Enshrined in them is their first brush with brotherhood in long careers as Local 601 electricians. We thank Bob "I Have Literally Taught Everyone Here" Withers and his fleet of first-years once again for putting on a spectacular steak stag.

Luther Baker, P.S.

Local 601's Bob "I Built the Hall With My Bare Hands" Withers graces the local with his expertise.

Local 611 Ratifies InsideAgreement

L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM — On April 13, the membership voted to ratify our inside agreement, a three-year contract effective June 1 through May 31, 2027.

Each January, we will receive $2 in the check and 35 cents in our annuity. The apprentice percentages will change, and beginning in the second year, third-period apprentices will go full plan on our health and welfare. Thanks to the negotiating committee for all your hard work and dedication during the negotiations, and to all the members who showed up to vote.

The hall will begin Code of Excellence, Robert's Rules of Order, COMET and steward training classes soon. If you are interested in any of these courses, call the hall (505-343-0611).

As of May, work is still steady. Some of the contractors at Facebook have stopped the incentive, but Intel is still going strong.

On behalf of the local, I would like to extend condolences to the family and friends of Tommy D. Akins, Martin Armstrong, Clarence Baca, Thomas Dematine, Larry Jones, Lane Silversmith, Doyle G. Rush, Wayne J. Lauden, Jordan Lujan, Ricardo Martinez, Teddy Dean Priest, Prentiss Putman, Raymon Romereau, Walter "Tommy" Thompson, Eugene Walker and Richard Yazzie Jr.

Don't forget to attend your local union meetings and support COPE.

Darrell J. Blair, P.S.

Brother Richard Sandoval, former local 611 president, is presented with an award for his years of dedication to the local.

Local 617 Political Action

L.U. 617 (c,i,mo&st), SAN MATEO, CA — With the election just around the corner in November, this is a significant political year for all working-class people, and our local is ready for the fight. Thank you to all who cast, and will continue to cast, ballots and vote #UnionStrong. Local 617 will continue to strongly endorse candidates and policies that support putting our members to work with union wages and benefits, which is always the priority.

Our Local 617 registrar, officers and delegates have been dedicated to meeting and working with our local labor council; local and state building trades; the California State Association of Electrical Workers; and elected officials and representatives in Sacramento, San Mateo County, and Washington, D.C., to make sure our members' voices are heard.

Our focus continues on a wide range of issues, including safety in the workplace, green and sustainable jobs, clean energy, infrastructure jobs, labor laws, training, and housing.

Local 617 officers and staff were honored to attend the IBEW Construction and Maintenance and North American Building Trades Unions conferences in April in D.C., and we rallied with our brothers and sisters as President Joe Biden delivered remarks. Four more years, Joe!

Scott Wein, B.M./F.S.

Two Local 625 Members Receive Life Saving Awards

L.U. 625 (c,ees,em,i,it,mar&mt), HALIFAX, NS — The work picture is good in Halifax, with some 30 tower cranes putting up mostly residential buildings. Hospital work is picking up, as well. We hit 1 million hours in 2023 and are reaching for more this year. Outside areas are spotty, with some members looking for travel calls.

We presented the IBEW Life Saving Award to two members in December: Mike Amero, for saving his sister-in-law from a cardiac event, and Brett Tetanish, for saving a fellow firefighter during the floods. We're proud of all of our members who volunteer as firefighters and search and rescue, and with the reserves.

Our Training Centre is busy with classes including 35-week pre-apprentice, nine-week Level 2, 12 JATC and five safety courses, along with various courses in development. We are one of the few, if not the only, IBEW Training Centre in Canada delivering both the Core program and four theory levels for the complete electrician apprenticeship program.

Ten members received 50-year pins in December: Blair Henry, Seward Farrell, Lee Little, Rob Martin, Leo McAssey, Leigh Moase, Wayne Murdock, Fred Ross, John Sutton and Joe Trainor.

Our NextGen Committee collected and donated 1,268 pairs of new winter socks for the homeless. The Women's Committee is calling for new members and planning future projects. I am starting a retirement committee. One activity could be to visit our members who are in hospital, rehab and long-term care. If interested, please contact me. Our Retirees' Club could contribute to The Electrical Worker, as well.

Tom Griffiths, B.M./F.S.

Local 625 Business Manager Tom Griffiths presents retired Brother Ray MacDonald his 55-year pin and certificate.

Local 725's Annual Easter Egg Hunt

L.U. 725 (i,rts&spa), TERRE HAUTE, IN — On March 30, our local held its annual Easter egg hunt.

It was a bright, beautiful day with large turnout. Before the big hunt took place, lunch and soft drinks were provided to all family members. The Easter Bunny was in attendance to greet the children and pose for pictures.

Before the hunt began, the children were separated into groups of 3 and under, 4-6 and 7-10 years old.

Each egg was filled with candy or prizes. There were special eggs with prize tickets that were redeemed for large Easter baskets overflowing with prizes. Each age group also had a golden egg. The three lucky kids who found the golden eggs went home with brand-new 16-foot trampolines.

Dickson Hunley, P.S.

The 3-and-under age group prepares for the Local 725 Easter egg hunt.

Local 915 Walks to Defeat ALS

L.U. 915 (i&mt), TAMPA, FL — Business Manager Randall King is pleased to report that the long-term work picture for our local continues to be strong. The Tampa Bay area has several large hospitals, two sports stadiums and the Historic Gas Plant District redevelopment, all of which are slated to begin work in the next 12 months.

The annual service pin presentation was held at our general membership meeting April 12. Brother Alfred Thomas was unable to attend, but he was recognized for his 70 years of service to the local and the IBEW. On April 14, Brother Thomas celebrated his 98th birthday.

On April 20, Local 915 hosted our annual bass fishing tournament on the lake at the union hall. Once again, Brother Leon Ward did an amazing job putting the event together. More than a dozen fishermen of all ages participated, and a good time was had by all.

The Walk to Defeat ALS was held April 27. Several members of Local 915, including President Jon Fielder, came out to support Brother Robert Ray in his fight with ALS. Brother Ray continues to beat the odds, and we will do all we can to support him.

Brian Nathan, A.B.M.

Local 915's Brother Alfred Thomas celebrates his 98th birthday.

Local 1347 Gets Out the Vote

L.U. 1347 (ees,em,u&ptc), CINCINNATI, OH — Our local's staff is hitting the phones with political information for our members, stressing the importance of voting for the pro-labor candidates. The 2024 election is one of the most important opportunities to secure our future. Brother Don Scott Smith and office coordinator Miranda Florence are leading the charge for Local 1347.

National and local offices are all up for election, so we are doing our part to make sure our members know the pro-labor candidates. Keep up the fight, and don't let up.

Go IBEW! We are solid and strong!

Andrew Kirk, B.M.

Local 1347 staff is hitting the phones with political information for members.

Congratulations, 2024 Fifth‑Year Wiremen!

L.U. 1547 (c,em,i,o,t,u,lctt&ptc), ANCHORAGE, AK — Congratulations to the 2024 class of fifth-year wiremen at the Tom Cashen Electrical Training Facility! Thanks to everyone for the great turnout. Pictured in the accompanying photo, from left, are Business Representative J.C. Casquejo; Susanna Mishler, instructor; Melissa Caress, training director; Business Manager Doug Tansy; Assistant Business Manager Ryan Andrew; James Garrison, Keegan Wampler, Tom Flora, Cole Phillips, Nathan Machacek, Hannah Wilson, Eric Ruaro, Wyatt Allen and Logan Shaul-Jensen (students); Business Rep. George McGuan; Ryan Newbury and Antonio Kensinger (students); Hiram Pendergrass, instructor; Larry Bell, NECA chapter manager; and Endeavor Electric's Elliott Marlow.

Melinda Taylor, P.S.

Congratulations to the 2024 fifth-year wireman class of Local 1547.

Happy Independence Day From Local 1579

L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — Hello, brothers and sisters. I hope everyone is doing well. The summer months have crept in along with the Southern heat. I'm encouraging everybody to stay diligent and hydrate and please keep an eye out for older members of your family and the Brotherhood. This weather can sneak up on you in a hurry.

The work situation in Augusta is the same as reported in my last article. The Savannah River Site and Plant Vogtle are still employing a decent number of members as we play the waiting game on some of the other projects.

Business Manager J.R. Richardson is constantly meeting with contractors, owners and City Council members on the data centers and other work in the jurisdiction. His hard work will come to fruition soon. It's just a matter of time.

I want to wish everyone a very happy Independence Day though, by the time you get this, it will most likely have passed. Enjoy yourself, be good to one another, and please be careful during your festivities.

"Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people." – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Mike Greene, Pres.

Many Events for Local 1701

L.U. 1701 (catv,ees,i,o&u), OWENSBORO, KY — Greetings from our local! The apprenticeship program's school year came to a close, and JATC Director Jason Sharp, along with Business Agent Ryan Hayden, gave addresses at a reception for the 2024 class of journeymen. The class of 2024 is Aaron Allen, Chase Capps, Collin Carpenter, Ian O'Brien, Jonathan Poynter, Tristan Roby and Billy Stearsman.

The graduating class completed the fifth-year requirements of craft certification, passed the test for their Kentucky JW license, and received diplomas for associate degrees in electrical technology and their IBEW journeyman's tickets. Others at the podium who recognized the class were Andy Daniel, Curits Frederic, Mike Williams and Cory Willis. Congratulations to the graduates and their families for their support.

R.D. Morris was awarded at the second annual Battle of the Beans chili competition with Evansville, Ind., Local 16. The funds raised went to both locals.

Rick Thurman, P.S.

Local 1701 congratulates its journeyman class of 2024: Ian O'Brien, Jonathan Poynter, Collin Carpenter, Chase Capps, Tristan Roby, Aaron Allen and Billy Stearsman.

The Electrical Worker Online (2024)


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The electrical industry supports many individuals and their interests. Some enjoy hands-on projects, such as running electrical lines, installing solar systems, maintaining and testing equipment to ensure safety, and much more. Others love the problem-solving involved in repairing and upgrading electrical systems.

What skills do you think an electrician needs? ›

What it takes
  • the ability to use, repair and maintain machines and tools.
  • knowledge of building and construction.
  • maths knowledge.
  • to be thorough and pay attention to detail.
  • problem-solving skills.
  • the ability to use your initiative.
  • the ability to work well with your hands.
  • customer service skills.

Why should I hire you electrical? ›

Why should we hire you as an electrician with our company? Example: "My experience in industrial electrical systems makes me a great fit for this job. I have worked with similar infrastructure at other jobs in the past, so the systems you use are part of my expertise.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.