The Bonne Terre Register from Bonne Terre, Missouri (2024)

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The Bonne Terre Registeri

Bonne Terre, Missouri

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THE REGISTER Bhm Terre Me Thursday Deeeaer PRIMROSENEWS IRED UNION MAN Hercu Jane Gordon Joan Gordon arming Nancy Meyer Rich Lena Brecht arming by singling out the Union and II PRATTE lat Bis Margaret Williams THE Ivy League Inn li 5 7 9 Wall Street Bonne Terre ST RANCOIS INEST NITE SPOT of New Eve Call 443 or 446 73 for Reservations or the Young and Old Alike Miller and EL Black SWIT SELECT STEAK Lb 59c I baby baby lat OR YOUR GARDEN RESH VEGETABLES LOYALTY GOODWILL Berlin Brooks and baby doz 69c 19c hd 29c Terre Ji BONNE TERRE PHONE 93 Nora Cloninger Zion Lottie Thurman arm lorence Laird Elvins Loretta Jennings St furnished by the Adults attending and Mrs Howard Arthur Holekamp A Scott Bonne Terre Oscar Nabors and baby We will have Steve Evanko Turkeys If you want one of the very best turkeys give us your order for Christmas BIG SIZE ANCY JUMBO HEAD LETTUCE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT YOUR A STORE CALIORNIA NAVEL ORANGES 10 year highway program Thus far three of those roads total ing 158 miles in length have gained permanent state highway status after right of ways were made available on them When and if right of ways ate forthcoming without cost to the state they also will gain per manent status ailure to make right of ways available within a reasonable time could result in the road being returned to jurisdiction of the county As of December 1 the Com mission for the state as a whole has taken over for maintenance a total of 7543 miles of exist ing county roads under terms of the 10 year program As of that date 3637 miles have been given permanent status in the state highway system Thus far but 1208 miles have had to be returned to county jurisdiction for failure to provide necessary right of ways used as table centerpiece After playing games and sing ing Christmas carols refresh ments of sandwiches potato chips pickles Christmas cook 1 ies and hot chocolate were ser ved Eighteen Brownies and their leaders Mrs Willard Thur Elizabeth Steffen No Akohplic Beverages Sold WAKE THE ONE OR THE ROAD COEE Dec 11 the Arbitrator Ruth Prichard The following statement was issued this week by officers of Local 809 International Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers redericktown: Clarence Kemp president Local 809 of the International Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers redericktown Mo was ordered reinstated with pay amounting to over $80000 after a ten week discharge Kemp was discharged by the National Lead Company on Oct 5 1956 for shaving during his 30 minute paid lunch period The Union followed the grievance proce dure in the contract and took the case to arbitration The case was heard on Nov 30 by Rus sell Bauder Professor of Economics University of Mis souri On ruled that the company was in error President for discharge when other employees including fore men had also shaved during the 30 minute lunch period The ar award was as follows: "ON THE BASIS THE EVI DENCE PRESENTED AND OR THE REASONS GIVEN CLAR ENCE KEMP SHALL BE REINSTATED IN HIS POSI TION WITHOUT LOSS PAY OR SENIORITY ROM THE DATE HIS DISCHARGE" President Kemp returned to work Dec 14 at his regular job as "Sample in the Mill Department GARDEN CLUB HAS CHRISTMAS PARTY The Bonne Terre Garden Club held their annual Christmas party Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs McClain As sisting hostesses were Mrs I AuBuchon Mrs A Miller and Mrs Craig Mrs Craig was unable to attend be cause of illness Eighteen mem bers were present and enjoyed a dessert luncheon Mrs home was beautifully decorated in the Christmas spirit and tra dition The program was given by Mrs McClure Her sub ject being and Shrubs of the Bible" After a short busi ness session there was a gift exchange The next meeting of the club will be January with a pot luck dinner at the home of Mrs Homer Bequette Sr By Rhonda Price riday Dec 14 a birthday dinner was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Neal Cole in honor of Mr 85th birthday on Dec 14 and Mrs 79th birthday which was Dec 18 There were 28 guests present including Mr and Mrs Ivan Mc Gomery and family of Cale donia Mr and Mrs Alfred Wal len and sons Ironton Mr and Mrs Clay Politte Mr and Mrs Numan Cole and Ronnie of Vine land Mr and Mrs Truman Cole of estus Misses Lou and Nanky Cole of St Louis and Mrs John Cole and children of DeSoto Route Three Mr and Mrs Lloyd Jones en joyed Sunday dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs Henry Haines of (armington Misses Virginia and Mary Morris and Mr and Mrs Julian Tanner of St Louis spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ben Morris Sunday guests of Mrs Maude Hall were her son Emmett Pazia and Mr Johnny Grebas both of Madison Ill Other guests were Mr and Mrs David Albright of Bonne Terre Mr and Mrs Donald Pierce and family of Leadwood visited Mr and Mrs Lee Cash Ricky and Kathy riday evening Mrs Mary Murphy of St Louis arrived to attend funeral services for her brother Robert Murphy who passed away Sat urday We of the Primrose com munity wish to extend our deep est sympathy to the Murphy family in their bereavement Sunday Mr and Mrs Earl Dodson visited Mr and Mrs Richard Wills Weekend guests in the Walter Pettus home were Mr and Mrs Carl Whittier of St Louis and Mr and Mrs Henry Twomey of estus Mr and Mrs Delbert Pettus visited Mr and Mrs Clarence Dane and Mr and Mrs Jesse Politte all of Desloge Sunday Mrs Grace Hill of Granite City is visiting her sister Mrs Maude Hall Mrs Hill plans to spend the holidays with Mrs Hall Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Murphy and family were Mr and Mrs Earl Murphy and family Mrs Sarah Snead of Elvins spent from Tuesday until Thurs day evening with Mr and Mrs Delno Price and family Monday Mrs Ruth Roberts and Donny of Bonne Terre visit weeks and will resume their ed Mr and Mrs Delbert Pettus sessions again on Monday Jan and family 7 GOOD OOD DANCING SOT DRINKS LIONS HOLD INAL SESSION OR 1956 Monday meeting the Bonne Terre Lions club was held at 7 at Three lowers cafe with an average attendance on hand for the final meeting of the year Presi dent Charles Smith conducted the business session A touch of the Christmas spirit was added when the mem bers were entertained by a quar tet from the high school chorus The group composed of Judy Holekamp Kathy Weigel Elliot DeClue and Howard Wood sang several Christmas songs A special reading was given by Miss Alleta Sklar also a high school student The Lions Club will recess from their regular meeting schedule during the next two weeks and will 4 CLUB SQUARE DANCE WAS HELD THIS WEEK Members of the 4 Club of Bonne Terre held their Decem ber square dance Monday from 7 until 10 pm in the old gym The dance was attended by 41 members and 25 visitors or admission the children were asked to bring a toy or some canned food to be given to a needy family at Christmas Music and calling for the dance was Holekamps were: Mr Long Mrs Mrs Wm Meyer Mrs Leon Akiris and Mrs Pau) Whitener ANCY NO 1 LARGE HEADS BROCCOLI AMBULANCE CALLS Calls by Boyer Benham Dec 13 Mrs Georgia Pinks ton was taken from Bonne Terre Hospital to Bonne Terre Nursing Home Dec 14 Paul Greene was moved from his residence on Park Avenue to the Bonne Terre Hospital Dec 14 Mrs annie Turley was transferred from Bonne Terre Hospital to Colonial Nurs ing Home in Bismarck Dec 14 Albert Jones of Herculaneum was moved from the scene of an accident near Texaco Town to Bonne Hospital ROYER BENHAM Bonne Terre Deslore Phone 77 GE L26R6 Route One News By Mrs Juel Byington Mrs John Baker and Mrs Henry Sickman called on Mrs John David Tuesday Mrs Tom Daffron and her mother Mrs Ada Emery spent Thursday shopping in St Louis Mr and Mrs John David Karen and Billy visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Snyder Pvt Wayne Mund of ort Leonard Wood spent the week end with his wife at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Henry Coplin of East Bonne Terre and also with his parents Mr and Mrs Ernest Mund Mr and Mrs Hubert Wood ward of DeSoto were Sunday dinner guests at the home of his sister Mr and Mrs Ed Mc alls In the afternoon they all visited at the home of another sister and family Mr and Mrs Smith of Route Two arm ington Tommy Carron of rench Vil lage spent Wednesday overnight with David Lee Baker Mrs Ernest Mund and Donald accompanied by Mr and Mrs Clarence Coleman Eva Mae and Earl spent Saturday shopping at Kohler City Rev and Mrs James accompanied by Mr and Mrs Juel Byington attended a wed ding reception at the home of Mr and Mrs rank Cureton Marquand Route One for the elder son Delmar Cureton and Patricia Brother ton whose marriage took place riday at Marvin Chapel Church parsonage Sorry for so little news this week but this reporter is busy with Christmas baking see you next week A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each of my readers and many thanks for your co operation HIGHWAY COMM MAKES ROUTE BB A STATE ROAD Another former St rancois county road now designated as Temporary State Route BB has been given permanent state highway status by action of the State Highway Commission at its December meeting in Jeffer son City Route BB begins at Route 32 at Bismarck and extends north erly for about 5 7 miles to Route about a half mile south of rankclay This section of former county road was taken over by the Commission for maintenance as a temporary state route on Aug 1 1953 under terms of the 10 year state highway program Its elevation to permanent status in the state highway sys tem has been made possible be cause local authorities made right of ways needed to develop it to supplementary road stand ards available without cost to the state a program requirement Route BB is among a total of six former St rancois county roads totaling 237 miles in length which have been taken over by the state for mainten SERVICE ANYWHERE IN AMERICA! Through our ntion wW conntefioni hvt tfo fitilitiM for fondling a funoru from any point in Amorita Wa ofiar our wrncM with arida knowing that we can relievo the family of a9 burdant incident to any death away from home Bonne Terre House ur Co IRMA BOEHLE EVELYN DREIER SAM LONG LINUS BOEHLE DARRELL ROBERTS MR AND MRS BETHEL AND BILLIE BIRTHDAY PARTY OR MRS HEINEMANN 78 Miss Marie Heinemann was hostess to a birthday party in honor of her mother Mrs Lena Heinemann who celebrated her 78th birthday on Sunday Dec 16 Present for the occasion were Mr and Mrs John Wright and family of this city and Mr and Mrs Leonard Helv'ey and Michael Wayne of Bismarck Mrs Heinemann also received calls from her two daughters Mr and Mrs Emmrit McClary and family of Anderson Calif and Mr and Mrs Robert Irwin and family of Redding Calif XWWWWWMMW A Catsup 2 btls 39c A Pineapple Juice 46 oz 2 57c A Tomato Juice 46 oz 2 for 57c A Oleo colored sticks lb 21c We will also have fresh dressed Capons Hens and ryers resh Peanut Brittle Peco lake Candy New Peanuts Mixed Nuts Large Paper Shell Pecans and resh Oysters PHILLIPS CO LIBBY ROZEN ORANGE JUICE HAL PINT PURITY Double Cream 25c Mrs Ella Blackwell is visit ADMISSIONS TO ing a while with Mrand Mrs Roy Blackwell Mr and Mrs LOCAL HOSPITAL Ernest Meyer and Marthella visited them Monday afternoon1 Mrs Jack Layne and Primrose Church is having a Christmas party Saturday night beginning at 7:30 All are in vited to attend Mrs Neal Cole spent a few days in DeSoto visiting her daughter Mrs Lewis Larkins Mr and Mrs Gene Kellums Karen and Kathy visited Mr and Mrs Ernest Meyer and Mar thella on Sunday A Christmas program will be presented Sunday night at 7:30 pm by some of the members of Primrose Church All are in vited to attend this program Thirteen men from Primrose Church attended the brother hood meeting at Hillsboro Mon day night ollowing the meet ing refreshments of coffee and doughnuts were served Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hedrick of estus and Mrs Goldie Hed rick of Bismarck visited Mr and Mrs Delno Price Rhonda Robby and Ricky Monday night Mr and Mrs Lee Cash and Ricky Mr and Mrs irmin Newcomer Judy and Janice spent Saturday shopping in St Ixniis Mr and Mrs irmin New comer Judy and Janice were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Adolph Meyer of Bonne Terre Other guests were Mr and Mrs Dwight Meyer and Pamela of Rolla 11 O' BROWNIE TROOP 1415 EXCHANGES GITS Brownie Troop 1415 enjoyed a Christmas party at their meet ing at Centenary Methodist Church basem*nt Monday after noon Names had been drawn at a previous meeting and gifts were brought for an exchange man and Mrs Howard Long and placed under a tree that was were present eral Point Charles McNew Desloge Miss Cynthia Lore lat River Mrs Milton Barlow laneum Baby Lura armington Baby Ellen armington Mrs Pearl Tetley ton Master Michael Rion Bonne Terre Mrs ern Reese Elvins Mrs Charles Tassis and baby girl Leadwood Mrs lorence David arm ington Miss woods Mrs ton Cecil Mrs boy St Louis Mrs Clarence White and baby boy Bonne Terre Mrs Dale Nicholson baby girl Potosi Mrs River Mrs marck Miss armington Mrs Isolde Adams Leadwood Ernest Goggins Elvins Mrs Robert Williams and baby boy DeSoto Mrs Eugene Mueller DeSoto Master Michael Ragsdale armington Mrs Pauline Baldwin red ericktown Edward Hawkins DeSoto Mrs Ette Rawson Desloge Master Mark Marler Bonne Terre Mrs Christine McDaniel redericktown Cecil Smith armington Mrs Alma Cleve armington ance under terms of the Mrs Alberta King Esther Mrs Victor Huskey DeSoto Clement Thomure arming ton Mrs Dolores Hawkins Bonne Terre Carl Meadows Elvins William Branon armington Mrs Della Mcarland Elvins Milner Radford Rivermines Miss Charlotte orrester Bonne Terre Master Terry Callaway Lead ington Mrs Clarence Kohut and baby boy Bonne Terre William Rosener Bonne Terre Mrs Goldie Pierce Bonne Terre Miss Mary Jane Borchers Bonne Terre Robert Seabourne Leadwood Master James Jenkins Bonne Terre Paul Greene Bonne Terre Mrs Garland Carron and baby boy Bloomsdale Mrs Billy Bequette and baby boy University City Albert Jones Herculaneum Howard Pinson Elvins Mrs Joseph Wells and girl Elvins Mrs Richard House and girl Bonne Terre Miss Janet Burcham River Miss rankie Powell Esther' Mrs Miss ington Mrs Mrs Louis Mrs boy lat River Mrs Carlene Penrod Lead ington Mrs Maxine House rank clay Clifford Wofford Elvins Mrs Donald Dowd and baby boy lat River Mrs Dessie Buxton Desloge Mrs Lee Glore and baby boy Leadwood Mrs Katherine Manley arm ington Mrs Beverly Dunlap Lead wood boy lat River Master George Jackson Min meeting at the irst Christian junuren Monday evening ine boys planned and carried out the evening's entertainment Their parents were also invited guests Mr and Mrs Blackwell were presented with a beautiful hand made coo coo clock The serving table was decorated and refresh ments of sandwiches potato chips cookies soda and coffee were served Pratte Service Station cans 39c VALUABLE COUPON SPRY 70 3 lb can With this coupon and purchase of $150 worth of merchandise not on this ad ROUND or SWISS i CUT ROM BIG RED JUICY SELECT BEE ROUNDS Grand Opening NO COVER CHARGE REE AVORS AND NOISE MAKERS SCOUTS TREAT ADVISOR 1 WITH SURPRISE PARTY Explorers Post 415 surprised REINSTATED ATER their advisor and his wife Mr baby and Mrs Stanley Blackwell ARBITRATION with a party at their regular Th I I fl A i I i Mr I a i I I 6 A' sj vi 1 I I i A I 'Wlli i SWIT PREMIUM THICK SLICED SWIT SELECT BONELESS ROLLED Bacon 2 lb 98c Veal Roast lb 39c OR THAT CHRISTMAS BREAKAST RESH AG CREAMERY Country Pork Sausage Butter 69c I I a1'.

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The Bonne Terre Register from Bonne Terre, Missouri (2024)


What does Bonne Terre stand for? ›

Surface miners referred to it as La Bonne Terre around 1825, meaning "the good soil" because of the lead. In 1828, St. Anne, the first Catholic chapel in St Francois county was built here. In 1864, Bonne Terre Mine was established by St. Joseph lead mining company which was incorporated in NYC the same year.

What time will the eclipse be in Bonne Terre, Missouri? ›

April 8, 2024 — Total Solar Eclipse — City of Bonne Terre, Missouri, USA
Global Event:Total Solar Eclipse
Began:Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 12:41 pm
Maximum:Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 1:59 pm 1.000 Magnitude
Ended:Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 3:16 pm
Duration:2 hours, 35 minutes
3 more rows

What is the water temperature in Bonne Terre mine? ›

Water Temperature 60°F Year-Round (NO THERMOCLINE). Air Temperature 65 degrees Year-Round. Visibility 100+ feet Year-Round. NO LIGHTS OR KNIVES ALLOWED IN MINE.

What is the history of the Bonne Terre Mine? ›

National Geographic calls Bonne Terre Mine: “One of America's Top 10 Greatest Adventures.” One of the world's largest man-made caverns, founded in 1860 as one of history's earliest deep-earth lead mines. This was the world's largest producer of lead ore until it was closed in 1962. The mine has five levels.

What does Terre translate to in English? ›

soil Earth is the soil that plants grow in.

Where is the best place in Missouri to see the 2024 solar eclipse? ›

Southeast Missouri will be the focus for eclipse visitors. The cities of Doniphon, Poplar Bluff, Cape Girardeau, and Perryville are attractive destinations with long duration of totality and good highway access. Expect many citizens of St Louis to make the short drive south along the Mississippi River on eclipse day.

Is Bonne Terre, Missouri in the path of totality? ›

Depending on where you are located in the path, the time of totality will vary. Bonne Terre is a very good example of a place where totality won't last long at all! This will be crucial if you're looking to see darkness, as the southeast side of most places will favor the longer duration of totality.

Is Farmington, MO in the Path of Totality 2024? ›


Visit our "Weather" links for other great cloud cover forecast maps! Farmington is in the path of totality for the Total Solar Eclipse of 2024!

How big is the lake at Bonne Terre mine? ›

Located about 50 miles southwest of St. Louis, Missouri, the Bonne Terre Mine holds the world's largest subterranean lake. To see the wonders of the submerged national historic site and the illuminated Billion Gallon Lake, you'll have to head to the city of Bonne Terre.

How hot is it in the deepest mine? ›

That far into the Earth's crust, conditions are intense. Rock walls in the Mponeng mine reach temperatures of 140°F (60°C) and humidity levels often exceed 95%. To keep things cool, the mine uses a novel cooling system to manage temperatures.

Is it warm enough to swim in North Carolina? ›

Average ocean temperatures in North Carolina for June through September are in the upper 70s through mid-80s.

What does une bonne mean in english? ›

feminine noun. (= domestique) maid.

What does Terre du Lac mean? ›

Terre du Lac. Means Land Of Lakes , French org.

What does Terre mean in Latin? ›

terre f (plural terres) earth; soil.

What does au terre mean? ›

: on the ground : par terre.

What is the meaning of the French word Bonne? ›

noun. , French. , plural bonnes [bawn]. a maid-servant. a child's nurse.

What does Belle Terre mean? ›

Translation of "belle terre" in English. Noun. beautiful land. beautiful earth.


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.