The best ever chicken liver pate recipe Drizzle and Dip (2024)

This is the best chicken liver pate recipe and I have been making it for over 2 decades. It has also become very popular on my site and you can see the positive feedback in the comments below. I love my original version but have also included a second recipe which uses a splash of cream and less butter. So choose which you prefer.

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I love to serve chicken liver pate with crispy melba toast and a dollop of something sweet. It’s silken smooth so it needs the crunch. The Marmalade offers a bitter-sweet flavour which is rather delicious and quite Christmassy too. If you want to be really wild, stir a splash of whiskey into the marmalade to give it that boozy edge.

I had the intention to make a clementine jelly to go with the pate, but that plan fell apart when I realised I was running out of the year. You know the feeling as you catapult towards Christmas in the silly season and suddenly realise you have bitten off more than you can chew? Literally and figuratively.

I once made jelly out of dessert wine which was delectable with this pate.

I had also planned on doing a few more Christmas recipes (as I do EVERY year) – but didn’t get it together. Note to self to be a bit more organised next year.

I love this season and the food that comes with it the most, so I always disappoint myself if I haven’t come up with something as innovative as my mince pie and frangipane tart, or my apple mince-pie crumble bars (My favourite ever), and my boozy cherry and Christmas pudding strudel with chocolate. These hot cross cinnamon sticky buns would be perfect for this time of year too. Ah well, there is always next year.

Here are a few of my favourite recipes for Christmas.

In the meantime, this is my best chicken liver pate which is so very easy to make. I always make a double batch and freeze off ramekins for later use. It’s so nice to pop in a basket for a summer picnic.

Can you freeze chicken liver pate?

Chicken liver pate freezes very well and I always make a double batch using 500gms of chicken livers.

I fill ceramic ramekins with the pate, top them with melted butter and a bay leaf and then wrap them tightly in plastic wrap to freeze.

To thaw chicken liver pate, leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours or thaw it in the fridge overnight.

I have made focaccia melba toast before, or actually melba toast from any good bread, and it’s also perfect with crispy flatbread, but for these little party canapes, I made them from very thinly sliced stale baguette. The marmalade is a very good quality store-bought Seville marmalade which has nice bitterness. I use free-range chicken livers here.


PS: I have a little recipe update in case you prefer to use less butter and like to use cream. For this I recommend doing a double batch:

  • 500gm free-range chicken livers
  • 125gm butter (and a bit extra to coat the top if desired)
  • 1 large onion (white), chopped
  • 1 – 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 2 – 4 bay leaves
  • Thyme leaves from about 4 small stalks
  • 125ml cream
  • 80ml good brandy
  • freshly ground black or white pepper (I prefer white)

Follow the instructions above, just add the cream after you have added the brandy and allowed it to cook off for a couple of minutes. Then add the cream and cook for about another minute or two further.

The best ever chicken liver pate recipe

This is a really easy and delicious chicken liver pate recipe that will instantly become your favourite too.

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The best ever chicken liver pate recipe Drizzle and Dip (3)


  • 250 gm free-range chicken livers
  • 125 gm butter and a bit extra to coat the top if desired
  • 1 large onion white, chopped
  • 1 – 2 cloves garlic crushed
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 20 – 40 ml brandy
  • freshly ground black or white pepper I prefer white
  • Thinly sliced stale baguette for the melba


  • Melt the butter in the pan and saute the onion for about 5 minutes until turning soft.

  • Add the chicken livers, garlic and bay leaves and cook over moderate heat, stirring until the chicken livers are just done – about 4 – 8 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the brandy just before finishing off and allow this to cook for a couple of minutes.

  • Remove from the heat and let it cool.

  • Remove the bay leaves and blend in a food processor until it is as smooth as it will go. It takes a few minutes. Season with salt and lots of freshly ground white pepper (to taste). Spoon the pate into ramekins or other serving dishes and cool.

  • When cool melt some butter (microwave is great) and pour over the pate which looks pretty decorated with a bay leaf. Cool in the fridge until serving.

  • To make the melba toast slice a stale baguette as thinly as possible and lay the slices out on a cooling rack which you have placed over a large baking tray. This allows for the warm air to flow under and over the bread to dry it out.Bake in an oven preheated to 150C for about 20 minutes until dried out and just starting to colour. They do not need to be golden brown. Store in an airtight container until you are ready to serve.

  • If you are making the canapes yourself vs allowing your guests to spread themselves, do so just before serving as the melba toast will soften quite quickly.

Author: Sam Linsell


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The best ever chicken liver pate recipe Drizzle and Dip (2024)


How long will chicken liver pâté keep in the fridge? ›

Refrigerator: Refrigerate chicken liver pâté tightly covered for up to 1 week. To refrigerate it longer than 1 week but no longer than 1 month, pour a little melted lard or clarified butter on top to seal. Each time you dip into the pâté, you will need to reseal the top to preserve it.

Are you supposed to eat the butter at the top of pâté? ›

Homemade pâté recipes, for example, often suggest pouring a layer of melted butter on top of the finished product to extend its shelf life, even though pâté keeps well in the refrigerator. If the extra fat bothers you, you can take it off the part of the pâté you'll be consuming at the moment, but it's not necessary.

What condiment goes with pâté? ›

A second great accompaniment is gherkin, the perfect combination of crunchiness and tartness, which pairs very nicely with rich meaty pâtés. All types of chutneys are a suitable choice to serve with pâté, for a seasonal Christmas twist try Classic Cranberry Sauce too.

Is it OK to freeze chicken liver pate? ›

Yes you can freeze chicken liver pate. Wrap the dishes well and freeze for up to 2 months. Defrost overnight in the fridge and remove from the fridge an hour (less if its very hot) before serving to take off the chill off.

Is chicken liver pate good for you? ›

Liver and liver products, like pâté, are a rich source of vitamin A in the form of retinol, which is the 'active' form. Muscle meat is not such an impressive source and plant sources have to be converted to the active form in the gut, so that the body can use them.

What does soaking chicken livers in milk do? ›

Soak chicken livers in milk for up to a couple of hours to help remove any strong flavors. Place livers in a colander and rinse under cold water; discard milk. Cut each liver in half. Pour ½ cup oil into large skillet and bring to 350°.

Why is my chicken liver pate grainy? ›

If you're not familiar with cooking liver the temptation is to overcook it but this will cause your pâté to become grainy. The best thing to do is to not overcrowd the pan – this way the livers will get enough heat to colour and cook within 6 minutes.

Why is liver pate so expensive? ›

Pate Foie Gras is French for fat liver paste. It is a luxury item because few countries allow it to be made, due to the extreme cruelty involved. It is the cancerous liver of a duck or goose fattened by force in a process known as gavage. Birds spend their lives in semi-darkness.

Why put melted butter on top of pâté? ›

I take the opportunity to add more booze, salt, and enjoy the tasting! “Seal the deal” with melted butter on the top of the pâté. It seals it up nicely for storing in the fridge, protecting the pâté itself from turning color and spoiling too quickly.

What cheese goes with pâté? ›

As the name suggests, hard cheese is firm and goes perfectly well with our creamy and decadent mousse pâtés. Often savory, hard cheese can be divided into two categories: hard (such as Parmesan), and semi-hard (such as Gouda). We suggest pairing the former with Black Peppercorn, and the latter with Chicken Liver.

How do the French eat pâté? ›

Pâté Rendezvous: 10 ways to relish pâté
  1. • French bread spread. For an elegant and tasty appetizer, serve any type of pâté with a fresh baguette, sliced toasted bread. ...
  2. • Eggs. ...
  3. • Sandwiches. ...
  4. • With cheese and fruits. ...
  5. • Stuffed into veggies. ...
  6. • As dip. ...
  7. • Tartines. ...
  8. • On meats.

What is the most famous pâté? ›

Some of the most popular types of pâté in France include pâté de campagne, made with pork, pâté de foie gras, made with duck or goose liver, and pâté en croûte, which is baked in a pastry crust.

What is the best thing to put pâté on? ›

  • Crostini. Crostini are small, toasted slices of bread, ideal for spreading pâté. ...
  • Cornichons. Cornichons are tiny pickled gherkins that add a zesty and tangy element to your pâté spread. ...
  • Marinated Olives. ...
  • Garlic Bread. ...
  • Seed Crackers. ...
  • Filet Mignon. ...
  • Tomato Confit. ...
  • Stuffed Mushrooms.
Dec 18, 2023

What cheese goes with chicken pâté? ›

A smoked Gruyere, Edam, Stilton… all go well with a pate, which should be delicate in flavor; unfortunately, most are more like liverwurst.

How do you know if chicken liver pate is off? ›

If the fresh meat pâté is spoiled, the tube is usually bloated (caused by germs and bacteria) and the smell of the product becomes sour, musty.

How do you know if chicken liver is spoiled? ›

If the livers have turned green, gray, or chalky in appearance, it's time to toss them out. Then there's smell. Fresh chicken livers have a clean, slightly metallic smell with no overpowering odors. If they smell sour, musty, or intensely metallic, they've likely spoiled.

How to tell if pâté is off? ›

Examine its appearance - if you see any mold development or changes in color (grey or green instead of the usual pinkish/beige), it's likely spoiled. Likewise, a sour or off-putting smell is another strong indication your Pate is not safe to eat.

How long does cooked liver stay fresh in fridge? ›

How long can I keep leftover liver? Refrigerated liver may be kept up to 3 to 5 days.


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.