The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (2024)

Food & Drink

Do you know your stamppot from your saté? Get to grips with cuisine in the Netherlands with our guide to the top 10 Dutch foods – with recipes.

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (1)

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (2)

By Sophie Pettit

Updated 8-1-2024

Dutch cuisine might not be as well known as its European counterparts, but you’d be surprised just how delicious food is in the Netherlands. From the sweet and the savory – to the darn right crazy – there’s plenty to sink your teeth into. Just take a look at these lekker Dutch foods, with recipes to try at home.

  • 1. Erwtensoep
    • Make your own erwtensoep
  • 2. Pannenkoeken
    • Make your own pannenkoeken
  • 3. Poffertjes
    • Make your own poffertjes
  • 4. Bami Goreng
    • Make your own bami goreng
  • 5. Stamppot
    • Make your own stamppot
  • 6. Hutspot
    • Make your own hutspot
  • 7. Saté
    • Make your own saté
  • 8. Hachée
    • Make your own hachée
  • 9. Boterkoek
    • Make your own boterkoek
  • 10. Appeltaart
    • Make your own appeltaart


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1. Erwtensoep

Essentially a meal in itself, erwtensoep is a thick pea soup­ – so thick in fact that some say you should be able to leave a spoon standing up in it! You make it using dried split green peas and other vegetables such as celery, onions, leeks, carrots, and potatoes. You then add slices of smoked sausage just before serving; which is usually with a piece of rye bread (roggebrood) topped with smoked bacon (katenspek), cheese, and butter. While the Dutch traditionally eat Erwtensoep on New Year’s Day, it is also a popular choice during the cold winter months. In fact, you will often see skaters along the frozen canals warming themselves up with a steaming hot mug of snert – another name for this tasty soup.

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (4)

Make your own erwtensoep

2. Pannenkoeken

Pannenkoeken have remained a staple of local cuisine in the Netherlands for centuries, and it’s not hard to see why. These hearty Dutch pancakes can be topped with sweet or savory ingredients; such as bacon, salmon, apple, cheese, chocolate, powdered sugar, and stroop (a treacly Dutch syrup). But don’t be fooled into thinking they are similar to the American or Scotch variety, because they can be huge! As a result, they can be enjoyed as a main course for lunch, dinner, or dessert – if you have room.

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (5)

Pannenkoeken are made from a simple batter of eggs, milk, flour (traditionally buckwheat flour), and a pinch of salt. They are then cooked quickly over a pan on high heat and flipped until golden. Fortunately, there are countless pancake houses dotted all over the Netherlands, meaning you are never far away from your next big feast.

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (6)

Expatica’s guide toDiscover the most delicious Dutch snack foodsRead more

Make your own pannenkoeken

3. Poffertjes

If you can’t quite manage a pannenkoeken, then why not have the next best thing – poffertjes. Made with yeast and buckwheat flour, these small, fluffy pancakes have a light and spongy texture and are a popular food at Dutch festivals and events. Food stalls usually serve them warm on a piece of cardboard paper with powdered sugar, butter, or syrup (stroop). They are cooked in special poffertjes pans, which have lots of shallow indentations in them. But if you’re making them at home, you can simply drop small spoonfuls of the batter onto a frying pan or skillet and carefully turn them over to cook the other side.

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (7)

Make your own poffertjes

4. Bami Goreng

Due to the colonial connection of the Netherlands with Indonesia, you will find some surprisingly exotic dishes when exploring Dutch cuisine. In fact, you will find Indonesian restaurants everywhere throughout the country, and nearly all of them will have bami goreng on the menu. This stir-fried egg noodle dish blends together garlic, onion, vegetables, meat, egg, and chili to offer a spicy kick. Other Indonesian specialties to look out for in the Netherlands are rendang (meat in coconut milk and mixed spices), rijsttafel (rice served with small dishes of spiced meat and vegetables), and a spiced layer cake called spekkoek.

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (8)

Make your own bami goreng

5. Stamppot

This might not be the most sophisticated dish you will come across in the Netherlands, but you will certainly be grateful for it during those cold winter evenings. Literally translating as ‘mash pot’, stamppot is the ultimate comfort food and involves mashing together potatoes with other vegetables, and serving it with a big smoked sausage and gravy. There are many varieties of stamppot to try, including boerenkool (kale), zuurkool (sauerkraut), hutspot (onions and carrots), and rauweandijvie (endive). Nutritious, delicious, and easy to make, stamppot is undoubtedly one of the most popular Dutch foods you will find.

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (9)

Make your own stamppot

6. Hutspot

Another popular winter classic, hutspot contains mashed potatoes, onions, and carrots. The dish includes a type of carrot known as winterpeen (winter carrots) which gives it a distinctive hint of sweetness that ordinary carrots cannot. It is traditionally served with a piece of braised beef (klapstuk) or a meatball, too. As the legend goes, the recipe originated in 1574, when Spanish troops were forced to leave the city of Leiden after attempting to lay siege. They left everything behind, including parsnips, carrots, and onions. The starving people of Leiden mixed these ingredients together and enjoyed a feast. They later adapted the recipe to replace parsnips with potatoes. Nowadays, many Dutch people still eat this traditional dish on 3 October to celebrate the relief of the city.

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (10)

Make your own hutspot

7. Saté

Another hugely popular Indonesian dish, saté has become an integral part of Dutch cuisine. It is believed to have originated in Java, and consists of skewered and grilled meat served with a thick sauce; this is made from sweet soy sauce, peanut butter, and an Indonesian chili sauce called sambaloelek. While you may have tasted saté (or satay) before in other countries, the chances are that you won’t have enjoyed it quite like they do in the Netherlands – served on top of French fries! Now, how’s that for indulgence?

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (11)

Make your own saté

8. Hachée

Hailing from the French word, hachée (which means chopped or ground) this hearty Dutch stew consists of beef and caramelized onions that are cooked slowly for tenderness. The dish is thought to date back to medieval times when meat was reused and cooked in a Dutch oven along with whatever vegetables were available. Wine or vinegar was added to make the meat more tender and the stew was served with a thick gravy that included cloves and bay leaves. Hachée remains a much-loved dish in the Netherlands and a firm family favorite during the colder winter months.

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (12)

Make your own hachée

9. Boterkoek

Easy to make and delicious to eat, Dutch boterkoek (butter cake) is one of the sweetest delicacies you will find in the Netherlands. Made with butter, sugar, and flour, this dairy delight is sometimes filled with almond paste to give it more flavor. It can also include vanilla, salt, or lemon zest, depending on preference. Due to its dense consistency and rich taste, it usually comes in small pieces and is best with a steaming cup of coffee (koffie). Lekker!

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (13)

Make your own boterkoek

10. Appeltaart

The Dutch have been enjoying appeltaart (or apple pie) for centuries. In fact, the first printed cookbook dating back to 1514 contains a recipe for one. An appeltaart is a deep pie which is filled with slices of apple mixed with sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice, and sometimes raisins or currants. Traditionally, the top of the pie is an attractive lattice of pastry strips; which allows you to see the delicious filling below. This heavenly dessert is even better with a generous serving of whipped cream (slagroom) and a cup of coffee.

The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (14)

Make your own appeltaart

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The best Dutch foods – with full recipes (2024)


What is the most eaten food in the Netherlands? ›

Traditional Dutch food is meat and potato or fish based for dinner and bread and cheese based for everything else. Beef stew and stamppot are two of the more common, hearty Dutch meals. Raw herring and other North Sea fishes are commonly consumed as well.

What is the national dish of Netherlands? ›

So I had no idea what to expect from the country's national dish, stamppot. I cannot say that the name itself sounded exactly appetizing, and I also don't think my impression of the dish evolved when I learned what it was: mashed potatoes mixed with kale and served alongside smoked sausages.

What Dutch eat in a day? ›

Dutch food culture is heavily based on meat, bread and potatoes. It is not unusual for the Dutch to eat bread in the morning and afternoon, and end the day with potatoes, vegetables and meat.

What is a typical Dutch lunch? ›

A Dutch lunch is a light meal that is typically eaten in the Netherlands between 12 and 2 p.m. It often consists of bread, cheese, and other cold cuts, as well as fruit, vegetables, and coffee or tea. A Dutch lunch is typically more substantial than a snack, but less so than a full meal.

What do Dutch people say before eating? ›

The host will often indicate when you may begin eating. As people begin to eat, some may say "Eet Smakelijk” which means “Eat well and with taste”. It is polite to keep one's hands above the table until all have finished eating.

What do the Dutch eat for breakfast? ›

For breakfast the Dutch also like to eat yogurt or milk with muesli or oatmeal or Brinta. Oatmeal or Brinta combined with milk is a more traditional Dutch breakfast, which for a long time was unpopular as a breakfast, but gained popularity due to the health benefits. It's combined with fruits and/or nuts.

Why are the Dutch so healthy? ›

Dutch people are eating more plant products, like fruit and vegetables, unsalted nuts and legumes. They are eating less red and processed meat. They are also drinking fewer sugary drinks. Both children and adults are eating and drinking more healthily.

What vegetables do The Dutch eat? ›

Tillage-based crops include potatoes, kale, beetroot, green beans, carrots, celeriac, onions, all the common kinds of cabbages, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, endive, spinach, Belgian endive, asparagus and lettuce.

What bread do The Dutch eat? ›

A traditional Dutch breakfast is based on either bread or porridge. Bread comes in different varieties, including 'beschuit' and 'ontbijtkoek' and they often use butter and a topping, like ham and jam and spam, but also cheese and 'hagelslag' or 'muisjes' or 'peanut butter'.

What meat do The Dutch eat? ›

Meats in the Netherlands

This is often served with stamppot and hutspot. Diced pork belly, or spek, is also a key ingredient in many recipes including a thick pea soup that is known as erwtensoep or snert. Beef (rundvlees) is another favorite meat in Dutch cuisine.

What do Dutch eat for Christmas? ›

Dutch Christmas dinners usually consist of venison, goose, hare, or turkey with plenty of vegetables and Kerstbrood (Christmas bread). The Dutch also celebrate by eating gourmetten, a hot plate on which diners place a set of mini pans containing their choice of meat or vegetables.

What is the Dutch national animal? ›

The national animal of the Netherlands is the lion. As a symbol of strength and power, the lion has been on the Netherlands' coat of arms since the 16th and 17th centuries, when the country became independent. On the Dutch coat of arms, you can see two lions standing on a mantel with a shield and crown.

What food is known in Amsterdam? ›

Dutch bitterballen are one of the most popular local street foods and traditional food in Amsterdam, served in many cafes and bars, these meat and ragout meatballs, fried in breadcrumbs are adored by meat-eaters throughout the country.

What food is popular in Amsterdam? ›

Top 10 Dutch Food Specialities to Try in Amsterdam
  • 3 - Poffertjes.
  • 4 - Kroket. ...
  • 5 - Pannenkoeken. ...
  • 6 - Drop. ...
  • 7 - Snert. ...
  • 8 - Stamppot. ...
  • 9 - Rookworst. These bad boys are the Netherlands' answer to hotdogs. ...
  • 10 - Haring. An acquired taste for sure, but you only live once and all that. ...

What is traditional Dutch food in Amsterdam? ›

So what is Dutch food exactly? Generally speaking, it's simple and hearty with meat stews, soups, fish, seafood and frietjes (fries) featuring heavily on menus. Perhaps the best way to taste traditional Dutch food is to get someone's grandmother to invite you over for dinner.


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