THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (2024)

There are days when my daughter asks for something sweet and tasty for tea. And if I promised her what I would cook, I would certainly keep my promise.

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THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (1)

Well, now any mommy on maternity decree will understand me. Outside the window is disgusting weather, all relatives are at work, the refrigerator is empty and you can’t go far with the baby.


Follow the recipe below, and make sure to read through the frequently asked questions and pro tips to bake the Best3 Ingredient Cookie.

  • Step 1. Place room temperature butter in the mixer bowl. Use the paddle to beat it at medium speed.

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (2)

  • Step 2. Pour sugar and whisk until the mass is light and fluffy.

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (3)

  • Step 3. Sift flour into a bowl and beat until all the ingredients are combined and you get a dough.

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (4)

  • Step 4. Put the dough on a flat surface, squeeze it with your hands in a lump. Roll out the sausage, then use your fingers to make sharp corners. You should get a long rectangular prism.

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (5)

  • Step 5. Parchment sheet evenly covers with a layer of sugar. Then roll the dough on the sugar embankment on each side.

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (6)

  • Step 6. Wrap the dough with cling film and adjust the shape. Put in the refrigerator for an hour.

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (7)

  • Step 7. Remove the film and cut the dough with a sharp knife into 1 cm thick slices.

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (8)

  • Step 8. Put the squares on a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake for 20 minutes in the oven preheated to 325 F. Store cookies in a box or container with an airtight lid.

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (9)

Why my Three Ingredient Cookies are not crunchy?

There may be several reasons for this. Firstly, you need to beat the butter with sugar until light and fluffy. Secondly, do not neglect the use of superfine sugar. The smaller fraction connects faster with the butter.

You also need to consider the amount of flour indicated in the recipe, the time and temperature of baking. Use high-quality butter in your preparation, not margarine.

So, the main points for crunchy cookies:

  • superfine sugar with low moisture content;
  • fat (high-quality butter);
  • longer and slower baking.

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (10)

Why my Three Ingredient Cookies is hard?

Cookies can turn out to be tough and hard if you add an insufficient amount of butter. Also, watch your baking time. After the specified baking time, you can get one cookie, break it, and see if it is baked enough.

If it is still sticky inside, bake for few more minutes. I know many housewives who neglect the dosages and amount of a product in the recipe.

So, the result is not the best. But baking almost always requires specifics.

Can I use bread flour for Three Ingredient Cookies?

You can freely use bread flour for making 3 Ingredient Cookies. The proportion will be unchanged. You can also make a 1: 1 ratio with all-purpose flour.

But you must take into account the fact that cookies made from such flour will be much darker. It can also be flatter due to the high protein content in bread flour.

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (11)

How to get superfine sugar at home?

Agree, if everyone always has regular sugar, then we turn to the store for special grinding. What to do if the right sugar was not at hand?

Pour the required amount of granulated sugar into a hand blender, and process it at high speed for 1-2 minutes. Stop before it turns into powder.

Wait for a little while the sugar dust settles, otherwise, you risk contaminating the kitchen. Also, when you open the lid, you can wrap it with a damp towel to prevent sugar from spraying.

Can you freeze Three Ingredient Cookies?

Of course, it can be done easily. After you wrapped the finished dough in the film, put it in the freezer. Keep it there for up to six months. Before use, thaw overnight in the refrigerator or for several hours at room temperature.


  1. After you put the dough in the refrigerator, you can stop. Put the dough in the freezer and store it there for up to six months. Before cooking, let the dough defrost at room temperature for several hours.
  2. Store cookies in a box or container with an airtight lid. Otherwise, it will dry quickly.

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (12)


  • Butter Pecan Cookies For Tea Time
  • Perfect Apple Pie Cookies
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies

THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (13)

3 Ingredient Cookies -sweet, crispy and so aromatic. A great addition to tea, cocoa, or just warm milk.

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Course: Breakfast

Cuisine: American


  • - 6 oz. (3/4 cup) butter, room temp.
  • - 3.5 oz. (1/2 cup) superfine sugar
  • - 9 oz. (2 1/4 cups) all purpose flour
  • Raw sugar or large-granulated sugar for coating (1/2 cup is plenty)


  • Beat butter with sugar in a mixer until light and fluffy. Then sift the flour into the bowl and knead the dough.

  • Lay the dough on a flat surface and form a long rectangular prism with your hands.

  • Run the dough in a layer of sugar, wrap in cling film and put in the refrigerator for an hour.

  • Cut the dough into squares, put on parchment and bake for 20 minutes at 325 F.


  • Butter softened to room temperature easily whips. If you do not have time to get it in time, cut it into pieces, and melt a little in the microwave.
  • If superfine sugar is not at hand, you can make it yourself. Pour the required amount of sugar into a hand blender bowl and beat until fine.
  • The dough practically does not increase in size when baking, so the squares can be laid out pretty close.

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THE 3 INGREDIENT COOKIE - {100kRecipes} (2024)


What are 3 factors that contribute to a chewy cookie? ›

The ingredients you use and how you shape your cookies both play an important role in whether your cookies turn out crispy or chewy. The type of flour and sugar you use, if your cookie dough contains eggs, and whether you use melted or softened butter all factor into the crispy-chewy equation, too.

What happens if you mix all the cookie ingredients at once? ›

Loading all the ingredients in the bowl at once may cut down on time, but it compromises the texture of your cookies.

What is the secret to a perfect cookie? ›

The key is to always use top-quality ingredients as they'll result in a better cookie; it really is that simple.
  • Always use butter.
  • Choose the right sugar.
  • Choose the right flour.
  • Check your flour is in date.
  • Choose the right kind of chocolate.
  • Cream the butter and sugar.
  • Beat in the eggs.
  • Fold in the flour.

What is the secret to making cookies soft and chewy? ›

Cornstarch helps product soft and thick cookies. Using more brown sugar than white sugar results in a moister, softer cookie. An extra egg yolk increases chewiness. Rolling the cookie dough balls to be tall and lumpy instead of wide and smooth gives the cookies a bakery-style textured thickness.

What makes cookies chewy and not hard? ›

Different types of sugars affect the texture because they absorb different amounts of water. Remember moisture is the key! White sugar creates crispier cookies and brown sugar creates chewier cookies.

What makes cookies fluffy? ›

Room temperature butter is just the right consistency to incorporate air when it's creamed with sugar. These trapped air pockets result in risen, fluffy cookies. If the butter is any warmer, it won't incorporate enough air and your cookies will have less rise.

What makes cookies rise better? ›

Baking Powder. The type of leavening you use in your cookies doesn't just help them rise while baking, it affects their texture and structure too. Baking soda in cookies yields a denser cookie with craggy tops, while baking powder causes cookies to rise higher during baking for a cakier texture.

What ingredient holds cookies together? ›

Flour is the main ingredient that provides structure in a cookie – without it, there would be no cookie! The gluten in flour forms a web of sorts – the framework that catches the air bubbles/gasses given off during rising. This helps provide the structure.

What happens if you forgot to cream the butter and sugar? ›

Under-creamed butter and sugar looks darker in color, with a visible heavy and gritty texture from the unincorporated sugar. It doesn't allow enough air to become incorporated into your batter or dough. This can lead to a heavy cake that doesn't properly rise or dense cookies.

What happens if I don't put enough butter in my cookies? ›

Adding too little butter can cause the cookies to be tough and crumbly. You should use unsalted butter to control the salt content, but if you only have salted on hand, reduce the amount of added salt accordingly. Sugar sweetens the cookies and makes them an enticing golden brown.

Do you flatten cookie dough before baking? ›

If the dough is chilled before baking then the cookies will be slightly more rounded, so if you want slightly flatter cookies then bake them as soon as you have mixed up the dough. But we would not recommend flattening the cookies completely as this will affect the texture.

How long to chill cookie dough before baking? ›

As a general rule of thumb, you should refrigerate cookie dough for at least 30 minutes and up to 24 hours. More than that, and you won't see a noticeable difference in the final product. Once the dough has chilled, let it warm up at room temperature until it's just pliable (about 5 to 10 minutes).

What is the best flour for chewy cookies? ›

Bread flour contains a higher protein content (around 12-14%), leading to more gluten development. This makes it ideal for bakers seeking a chewier texture in their cookies. The extra gluten can help retain gas and moisture, producing a denser and chewier result.

What can cause a cookie to be too chewy? ›

Eggs bind the ingredients and make for moist, chewy cookies. Adding too many eggs can result in gummy, cake-like cookies.

What factors affect a cookie? ›

Have you ever baked cookies that were too hard, too soft or didn't taste the way they should? The ingredients you used could be the culprit – using different sugars, melted butter, baking powder or baking soda can alter a cookie's texture and taste.

What makes cookies spread and chewy? ›

6 Reasons Why Your Cookies are Spreading
  1. Room Temperature Butter. If it's too soft, it will melt faster in the oven and ultimately spread out. ...
  2. Excess Sugar and Fat. Measuring is key in baking. ...
  3. Mixing Butter & Sugar. ...
  4. Dough is Too Warm. ...
  5. Greased Cookie Sheets. ...
  6. Warm Cookie Sheets. ...
  7. Oven Temperature. ...
  8. The Test Cookie.


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.