Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (2024)


Hardly Pinterest-worthy is the picture below. In my meager attempts to live a shiny, compartmentalized, ‘I’ve got it under control’ kind of life, I sometimes forget what’s most important. As I made stovetop potpourri, God reminded me I should care care less about how I am perceived and more about how He is received.

Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (1)

This post was going to include a recipe for Stove-top Potpourri and explain ways to get to know your neighbors during the holiday season, and it still does…sort of.

After taking this shot, I took a second to look at the image. After realizing I cut the orange “wrong”, and that my lemons were too moldy to use, I noticed a sad, crusty French fry from last night’s gourmet dinner on the stove. Although some might see this picture as a Pinterest-fail, I was reminded that this is still a beautiful picture in God’s eyes.

In 1 John, the apostle starts out by saying, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life – the life was made manifest and we have seen it and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us.”

The word manifest means “clear, obvious.” With every sense, God wanted us to recognize the truth of who He is – that He sent His Son out of His great love for us to deliver us from sin. God made clear the truth of Christ by engaging us on every level – through sight, sound and touch.

When the disciples saw that Jesus filled their nets with fish, when the woman was healed after touching His robe and when a little girl was brought back from death upon Jesus only hearing her story, Jesus made it clear that He wants to engage with us on every level possible.

Christ doesn't wait to help us until we get our act together, He faithfully engages us in our time of need. Click To Tweet

Christ doesn’t wait to help us until we get our act together, He faithfully engages us in our time of need. God wants us to come to Him as we are. He doesn’t care that we don’t have it all together (and no one does). He just wants us to show up and seek to engage with Him.

The picture of my Stovetop Potpourri above will never make it on the pages of a magazine…but it still counts.

I still “showed up.” It brings glory to God as He knows my heart’s intent to build relationships with my neighbors to hopefully be a vehicle for His love.

He doesn’t care that the process wasn’t perfect. Your Heavenly Father doesn’t want you “clean yourself up” before presenting your requests to Him. He wants to engage you in your greatest time of need and come as you are. He is delighted when His children “just show up”!

Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (2)

The same can be said in how we engage with others. A couple months ago, I didn’t take a rare opportunity to talk to my neighbor because my hair wasn’t done and I wasn’t wearing makeup. But maybe that’s the kind of neighbor she needed most that day…

Ironically, sometimes what we try to hide from others is the the very thing that can form a bridge to connect on an interpersonal level.

Our Heavenly Father wants us to be transparent about the depths from which He has saved us. Thankfully, He doesn’t want us to engage with him as a sterile ‘my lipstick is always on’ version of ourselves and neither do our neighbors.

Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (3)

God seeks to engage you on every level so your focus shifts from how you are perceived to how HE is received.Click To Tweet

God seeks to engage you on every level so your focus shifts from how you are perceived to how HE is received.

The Lorddoes not require us to be perfect but He simply wants us to be present.So often, a preoccupation with self dims that light that God so desperately wants to shine through us onto others.

He wants us to be real with others about the difficulties and pain that life brings, knowing that God can heal our every wound and alleviateevery fear.

As in 2 Corinthians 2:15, may we be the “pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” The reality of ourselves might not always be pretty. However, there is an opportunity for our neighbors to see Him when the abundance of His all-sufficient love meets our own insufficiency.

Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (4)

Stove Top Potpourri Recipe

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  • 1 orange (I like to use Clementines)
  • 2 cinnamon sticks – The cheapest I found are these cinnamon sticks at Walmart.
  • 1 T. whole cloves
  • ¼ c. cranberries
  • clear gift bags
  • My Secret Ingredient: I also like to add a few drops of an essential oil blend called Germ Fighter. It is basically just cloves, lemon and cinnamon, giving the potpourri a stronger smell. I put all of the cinnamon sticks in a baggie, added about 10 drops of the Germ Fighter and shook the bag. I also make hand sanitizer with this oil blend by adding about 10 drops to 1/4 cup aloe gel. Of course, it smells amazing in a diffuser during cold and flu season. It kills germs and smells like Christmas! Who could ask for more?!?
Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (5)

By subscribing to the blog you can access my free Stovetop Potpourri gift tag, by signing up HERE. You have two options to pick from!

Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (6)

Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (7)



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I tied them with ribbon and my daughter and I had fun putting them in each neighbor’s mailbox! They have been a big hit so far with all of our neighbors.

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How to Decorate a Christmas Tree Step by Step

Christmas Front Porch Ideas on a Budget

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Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (9)


Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (10)

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Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (11)

Karin Peters

Karin Peters is a DIY expert and the creator of Renovated Faith. She is a furniture painter, a home design consultant, and a tenacious problem solver determined to help you transform your house into a home. With 17 years of experience with DIY home improvement, she researches and analyses professional processes to adapt them to be easy and cost-effective for DIYers. She then tests every project and product before it appears on the site in a detailed, step-by-step format. After attending Texas A&M University, she received her Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages at Southwestern Baptist Theology Seminary. Her passions unite in Renovated Faith, which shows readers how to create a home that serves them so they can pursue their God-given purposes. About Renovated Faith | Editorial Policy | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn

Stovetop Potpourri Recipe {God's Reaction When You Just Show Up} (2024)


Does stovetop potpourri really work? ›

In addition to filling any space with a warm and inviting aroma, simmering potpourri on the stove can also help to humidify the dry winter air. Plus, it's just a fun thing to do when you're stuck inside — before you know it you'll be curled up by the fire with a good book and a cup of tea.

Does stovetop potpourri need to be refrigerated? ›

How Long Does Stovetop Potpourri Last? It can be simmered for hours and hours over 2-3 days. Just keep refilling the water every 1-2 hours, as needed. To prolong its life, refrigerate it overnight!

How do you simmer pots to get rid of odors? ›

A simmer pot is simply a pot, usually a Dutch oven, filled with water and aromatics (like herbs and spices) for the express purpose of making a space smell good. Rather than relying on scented candles, people are turning to natural stovetop potpourri concoctions or simmer pot recipes.

How to make homemade potpourri? ›

Instructions for DIY Potpourri
  1. In a large bowl, combine your dried flowers, herbs, and spices in your desired proportions. ...
  2. Add essential oil drops according to your scent level preference.
  3. Sprinkle Orris root powder over the mixture in a ratio of one tablespoon of fixative to two cups of dried material.
Oct 19, 2023

How do you activate potpourri? ›

Simmer it.

For a stronger aroma, try simmering your potpourri mix with water and several drops of essential oils in a potpourri burner. This infuses your entire home with a sweet-smelling fragrance.

How to make potpourri smell stronger? ›

How do you make potpourri smell stronger? Two trusty ways to make your potpourri smell stronger are to add more essential oil to the mixture every so often or to agitate it. Shake the container or stir the potpourri to release more scent.

How long does homemade stovetop potpourri last? ›

Dried potpourri will last 10 to 14 days in an airtight jar. Once you begin simmering your potpourri, the mixture will remain fresh and fragrant for several day.

Can I use ground cinnamon instead of sticks for potpourri? ›

Do I need to use whole spices? Ground spices will certainly smell delicious as well, but I like whole cinnamon sticks and cloves because I can strain the mixture and re simmer it multiple days in a row. In a pinch, ground spices will be fine though!

When should you throw out potpourri? ›

Well-made potpourri can last anywhere from a few months to a few years, although this can differ depending on the types of flowers and other ingredients used.

Why does my house stink after I cook? ›

Cooking odors come from particles and gases released into the air while you cook, and they can be a sign of poor indoor air quality. So, no matter how great your dinner smells while you're cooking, you'll probably want to take steps to keep the odor from sticking around.

What to cook to make a house smell good? ›

Bring a saucepan of water to a boil, then add ingredients like apples, oranges, cinnamon sticks, cloves, ginger, cranberries, nutmeg, vanilla, and more, and keep the water at a simmer to fill your home with a beautiful autumnal aroma.

How to do stovetop potpourri? ›

Add all orange, apple, cranberries, rosemary, cloves, star anise, cinnamon sticks, and vanilla bean or vanilla extract, and water to a large pot. Bring to a simmer over low heat for as many hours as desired, keeping an eye on the pot to check water level, adding water as needed throughout the day.

How to turn orange peels into potpourri? ›

  1. Into a small crock pot, place orange peels, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg.
  2. Pour water over all.
  3. Set on low heat for the entire day, checking the water level periodically to prevent burning.
  4. You can even enjoy it for one more day if you like.

What can I add to homemade potpourri? ›

Ingredients and Supplies
  1. Oranges – I like to buy the large bags of inexpensive navel oranges. ...
  2. Fresh Cranberries – I would not use frozen here since you want them very dry and firm. ...
  3. Fresh Spices – Cinnamon Sticks are a must, I also love whole cloves. ...
  4. Greenery – I like to simply snip a few evergreen sprigs from my yard.
Apr 16, 2024

How long does stovetop potpourri take to smell? ›

I simmer stovetop potpourri for hours on end, but I prefer a nice strong scent throughout the house. If you are more sensitive to smells, you may find that simmering stovetop potpourri for 30 minutes is sufficient. You can simmer the potpourri for as long as desired!

How long does stovetop potpourri smell last? ›

When the water begins to evaporate, add more! Your stove top holiday potpourri will last 3 to 5 days. Holiday Stove Top Potpourri is totally natural, toxin free, and will last several days.

Do simmer pots make your house smell good? ›

Simmer pots are an easy and natural way to make your house smell amazing with the cozy scents of baking, and humidify dry air in your home. Think of it as a liquid potpourri pot, bubbling away on your stove all day.

How long do you let potpourri simmer? ›

Bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer on low for 2-3 hours. Add more water, as needed, so there is always some liquid in the pot.


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.