Step-by-Step Tutorial: How to Create a Directory in Linux - LinuxHP (2024)

Are you new to Linux and wondering how to create a directory? Look no further! In this step-by-step tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a directory in Linux using the mkdir command. We will also explain how to remove directories using the rmdir command and provide best practices for effective directory creation.

Table of Contents

How to Create a Directory in Linux

  • A guide to creating and removing directories in Linux using basic commands.
  • Explanation of permissions and ownership, and best practices for directory creation.
  • Importance of learning how to create directories in Linux for effective file organization.

Basic Linux Commands

Before we begin, let’s introduce some basic Linux commands that you will need to use.

The mkdir Command

The mkdir command stands for “make directory,” and it is used to create new directories. It takes a directory name as an argument and creates a new directory with that name in the current working directory. For example, to create a directory called “mydirectory,” you would type:

mkdir mydirectory

The rmdir Command

The rmdir command is used to remove empty directories. It takes a directory name as an argument and removes it if it’s empty. For example, to remove a directory called “mydirectory,” you would type:

rmdir mydirectory

Creating a Directory in Linux

mkdir -m 700 mydirectoryCreates a directory called “mydirectory” with read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, and no permissions for group and others.
mkdir -m 755 mydirectoryCreates a directory called “mydirectory” with read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, and read and execute permissions for group and others.
mkdir -m 644 mydirectoryCreates a directory called “mydirectory” with read and write permissions for the owner, and read-only permissions for group and others.
mkdir -p parentdirectory/mydirectoryCreates a directory called “parentdirectory” if it doesn’t exist, and then creates a directory called “mydirectory” inside “parentdirectory”.

Let’s create a directory using the mkdir command.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create a Directory in Linux using the mkdir Command

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to create the new directory. You can use the cd command to change directories. For example, to navigate to the home directory, type:
cd ~
  1. Once you’re in the directory where you want to create the new directory, type the following command to create a new directory:
mkdir mydirectory

Explanation of the Different Options that can be Used with the mkdir Command

The mkdir command has several options that you can use to customize its behavior. Here are some of the most commonly used options:

  • -m: Specifies the permissions for the new directory. For example, to create a directory with read, write, and execute permissions for the owner and read and execute permissions for group and others, you would use the following command:
mkdir -m 755 mydirectory
  • -p: Creates nested directories if they don’t exist. For example, to create a directory called “mydirectory” inside a directory called “parentdirectory,” you would use the following command:
mkdir -p parentdirectory/mydirectory

Examples of How to Create Nested Directories

To create a directory inside a directory, you can use the -p option with the mkdir command. For example, to create a directory called “mydirectory” inside a directory called “parentdirectory,” you would use the following command:

mkdir -p parentdirectory/mydirectory

Removing a Directory in Linux

Now that you know how to create a directory, let’s discuss how to remove a directory.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Remove a Directory in Linux using the rmdir Command

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the directory you want to remove. For example, to navigate to the parent directory of “mydirectory,” type:
cd parentdirectory
  1. Type the following command to remove the directory:
rmdir mydirectory

Explanation of the Different Options that can be Used with the rmdir Command

The rmdir command has limited options, but the -p option can be used to remove nested directories. For example, to remove a directory called “mydirectory” inside a directory called “parentdirectory,” you would use the following command:

rmdir -p parentdirectory/mydirectory

Warning about the Consequences of Removing a Directory with Files in it

Be careful when using the rmdir command because it will only remove empty directories. If you try to remove a directory that contains files, you’ll get an error message. In that case, you’ll need to use the rm command instead.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Remove a Non-Empty Directory using the rm Command with the -r Option

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the directory you want to remove. For example, to navigate to the parent directory of “mydirectory,” type:
cd parentdirectory
  1. Type the following command to remove the directory and all its contents:
rm -r mydirectory

Permissions and Ownership

In Linux, directories have permissions and ownership. Understanding how to set the correct permissions and ownership is crucial for security and file management.

Explanation of the Permissions and Ownership of Directories in Linux

Each directory in Linux has three types of permissions: read, write, and execute. These permissions can be set for the owner of the directory, the group that owns the directory, and everyone else. Ownership of the directory can also be set to a user and a group.

Introduction to the chmod Command to Change Directory Permissions

The chmod command is used to change permissions for files and directories. To change the permissions for a directory, you can use the following command:

chmod [permissions] [directory]

Explanation of the Different Modes Used with chmod Command

The chmod command uses a three-digit mode to set permissions. The first digit represents the permissions for the owner, the second digit represents the permissions for the group, and the third digit represents the permissions for everyone else. Each digit is a sum of the following values:

  • 4: read permission
  • 2: write permission
  • 1: execute permission

For example, to set read, write, and execute permissions for the owner and read and execute permissions for the group and others, you would use the following command:

chmod 755 mydirectory

Explanation of the chown Command to Change Directory Ownership

The chown command is used to change the ownership of a directory. To change the ownership of a directory, you can use the following command:

chown [user]:[group] [directory]

Explanation of the -R Option to Change the Ownership of All Files and Directories within a Directory

The -R option can be used with the chown command to change the ownership of all files and directories within a directory. For example, to change the ownership of a directory and all its contents to a user and group, you would use the following command:

chown -R [user]:[group] mydirectory

Best Practices for Directory Creation

Creating directories is not just about typing commands; it’s about organizing your files in a logical and efficient manner. Here are some best practices for directory creation:

Personal Story: The Importance of Directory Organization

As a software developer, I learned the hard way about the importance of directory organization. When I first started working on a large project, I didn’t have a clear structure in mind and ended up with a disorganized mess of files and folders. It was difficult to find what I was looking for and even harder to make sense of how everything was connected.

After struggling with this for a while, I decided to take some time to reorganize everything. I created a clear directory structure with descriptive names and used symbolic links to create shortcuts to frequently accessed files. I also made sure to use consistent naming conventions throughout the project.

The difference was like night and day. It was so much easier to navigate the codebase and find what I needed. I was able to work more efficiently and didn’t waste time searching for files or trying to understand how everything fit together.

From that experience, I learned that taking the time to create a clear and organized directory structure is essential for any project, no matter how big or small. It saves time and reduces frustration in the long run, and makes it much easier to collaborate with others.

Tips on How to Organize Directories Effectively

  • Use descriptive names for your directories to make it easier to find files later.
  • Use a consistent naming convention for your directories to make them easier to navigate.
  • Create a directory structure that makes sense for your workflow.

Explanation of the Importance of Naming Conventions

Using a naming convention for your directories can make them easier to navigate. For example, if you use a naming convention that starts with a date, you can easily sort your directories by date.

Explanation of How to Use Symbolic Links to Create Shortcuts

Symbolic links can be used to create shortcuts to directories. For example, if you have a directory that you use frequently, you can create a symbolic link to that directory in another location.

Explanation of the Differences between Absolute and Relative Paths

Linux uses two types of paths: absolute paths and relative paths. An absolute path starts at the root directory, while a relative path starts at the current directory. Understanding the differences between these paths is crucial for navigating the Linux directory structure.


Now you know how to create and remove directories in Linux using the mkdir and rmdir commands. You also know how to set permissions and ownership for directories and have learned some best practices for effective directory creation. By following these guidelines, you can organize your files in a logical and efficient manner. Remember to use descriptive names, a consistent naming convention, and create a directory structure that makes sense for your workflow. Happy organizing!

Step-by-Step Tutorial: How to Create a Directory in Linux - LinuxHP (2024)


How do you create a directory in Linux? ›

To create new directory use "mkdir" command. For example, to create directory TMP in the current directory issue either "mkdir TMP" or "mkdir ./TMP".

How do you step up a directory in Linux? ›

The command cd .. tells your system to go up to the directory immediately above the one in which you are currently working. To go up two directories, use the cd ../.. command.

How do you write into a directory in Linux? ›

After creating a file using the "cat" command, the Terminal enters write mode allowing you to add text to the file. Type the text you want the file to contain on the next line. Press Ctrl + d . This saves the file with the text and exits write mode in the Terminal.

What is the command to create a directory? ›

Use the mkdir command to create one or more directories specified by the Directory parameter. Each new directory contains the standard entries dot (.)

How do you create a user and directory in Linux? ›

You simply type adduser followed by the name of the user that you want to create. Once invoked, the command creates a new user and group that bears the username of the user being created. It then adds the user to the group and creates a home directory for the user.

How do you create a new home directory in Linux? ›

By default, the useradd command does not create a home directory. Instead, you will need to specify the -m option to create a home directory for a user. This will create a home directory with username at /home/ and copy the . bash_logout, .

What is the Linux command for opening a directory? ›

To open a directory in a terminal, you use the cd command to change your current directory. This essentially opens that folder and places you in it.

How to set directory in Linux? ›

Changing to another directory (cd command)
  1. To change to your home directory, type the following: cd.
  2. To change to the /usr/include directory, type the following: cd /usr/include.
  3. To go down one level of the directory tree to the sys directory, type the following: cd sys.

What is a directory in Linux? ›

In Linux, most of the operations are performed on files, for example, text files or images. Directories (folders) are used to help you organize your files. Think of directories like folders in a file cabinet. They have names, just like files, but their function is to contain other files, and other directories.

How to create a file in Linux? ›

How to Create a File in Linux Using Command Line
  1. touch Command. Access a terminal window and use the touch command to create a new text file called test.txt: touch test.txt. ...
  2. cat Command. ...
  3. echo Command. ...
  4. printf Command. ...
  5. Redirect Operator.
Jul 11, 2024

How to create a directory in Linux? ›

Use the mkdir command to create one or more directories specified by the Directory parameter. Each new directory contains the standard entries dot (.) and dot dot (..). You can specify the permissions for the new directories with the -m Mode flag.

How do I write current directory in Linux? ›

Use the pwd command to write to standard output the full path name of your current directory (from the /(root) directory). All directories are separated by a slash (/).

How to create a path in Linux? ›

Linux: Add to PATH Permanently
  1. Open the . bashrc file using a text editor. ...
  2. Go to the end of the file.
  3. Paste the export syntax at the end of the file. export PATH="/Directory1:$PATH"
  4. Save and exit.
  5. Execute the script or reboot the system to make the changes live. To verify the changes, run echo :
Sep 22, 2022

What is the command for directory in Linux? ›

The cd command in Linux

The cd command is one of the important Linux commands you must know, and it will help you navigate through directories. Just type cd followed by directory, as shown below. As you can see in the above command, I simply typed cd /etc/ to get into the /etc directory.


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.