Shooting Stars Guide - OSRS XP Tracker (2025)


Shooting Stars Guide - OSRS XP Tracker (1)

Added into Old School RuneScape on March 17th, 2021, Shooting Stars is an excellent, low-effort Mining activity providing amazing upgrades and rewards! One of the many “Distractions & Diversions” in the game, Shooting Stars sends players all over Gielinor for the chance to mine Stardust from Crashed Stars. But it won’t be easy: you still need to track the Crashed Star first, hopefully getting there in time to mine through all its layers before everyone else does!

Table of Contents What Are “Shooting Stars”? Shooting Star Mining Setup Tracking Shooting Stars Mining Shooting Stars Shooting Star Rewards

What Are “Shooting Stars”?

Shooting Stars is an activity where a star occasionally crashes all over Old School RuneScape, allowing players with appropriate Mining levels to mine them for their Stardust. Since they only spawn on average once an hour for each world at one of 76 possible landing sites, players must track a star’s location and time of crash before finding it themselves.

Stardust can be used at the Dusuri’s Star Shop in Falador to earn various rewards, from a ring that will enhance your Mining capabilities to a cosmetic upgrade to the Prospector’s Kit outfit.

Shooting Stars come in tiers, with each tier having a Mining level requirement equal to its tier times 10, scaling all the way to Tier 9 (requires 90 Mining). As players mine through a Crashed Star, it will deplete down to the next tier, meaning that if you have a low mining level, you will eventually be able to mine through it.

For example, a Tier 7 Crashed Star requires 70 Mining, but you only have 55 Mining. Other players with the appropriate Mining level can mine through the star’s tiers until it eventually depletes to Tier 5, where you can mine it!

Shooting Star Mining Setup

Shooting Stars Guide - OSRS XP Tracker (2)

For mining Crashed Stars, the full Prospector’s Outfit is your best option for gear, as it will give you a 2.5% multiplier to your Mining experience. Wearing a charged Amulet of Glory is also recommended to increase your chances of mining a gem, further increasing your gp/hr.

Along with your best pickaxe, you should wear a Celestial Ring if available (earned from the Stardust Shop itself), as it will give you an invisible boost to your Mining level.

Your inventory should consist of a Gem Bag to collect any gems you mine (prevent you from having to bank them every time) and a couple of Stamina Potions and teleports to anywhere you can in Gielinor. Shooting Stars can crash anywhere, so reaching even the farthest corners of Old School RuneScape is essential to efficiently mining Crashed Stars.

Players often opt to fill the rest of their equipment slots with the different pieces of the Achievement Outfit, as they all provide possible teleports to different places in the game. Having a Rune Pouch with teleportation runes or Teleport to House tabs with a built Portal Nexus is also extremely helpful.

Thankfully, Stardust is a stackable resource, so you do not need to worry about conserving inventory slots, and can instead focus on being able to teleport everywhere in the game.

Tracking Shooting Stars

There are multiple ways of tracking Shooting Stars within Old School RuneScape and through social means.

Shooting Stars Guide - OSRS XP Tracker (3)

If you wish to track Shooting Stars on your own, this can be done through the various telescopes you can build in your Player Owned House (POH). Three telescopes can be built in your Study room:

  • Oak Telescope - 44 Construction - 24 Minute Tracking Window
  • Teak Telescope - 64 Construction - 9 Minute Tracking Window
  • Mahogany Telescope - 84 Construction - 2 Minute Tracking Window

When viewing through a telescope, you will get a window that shows a Shooting Star, a general crash location, and a range of time it is estimated to crash. Based on which kind of telescope you have, the range of time provided will have a window of 24 Minutes, 9 Minutes, or 2 Minutes.

Note: there can be multiple possible crash sites all set within the same region, so if you get a region like Prifddinas, you must check multiple areas to find it (within and outside of the city).

Shooting Stars Guide - OSRS XP Tracker (4)

Thanks to the efforts of the Old School RuneScape community, there is also a Friends Chat in-game that you can join, the “Star Miners” CC. Once you join through the Friend’s Chat menu, you can see other players call out Crashed Stars on their world and also be able to call out any stars that you see yourself.

For an even more accurate guide of where any current Crashed Stars are, there are multiple trackers. has a shooting star tracker that will show the map location and time of a Crashed Star on any world. Trackers like this are incredibly useful for reaching a Crashed Star before anyone else, ensuring you have as much time as possible to mine it.

Mining Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars Guide - OSRS XP Tracker (5)

Once you’ve tracked your Shooting Star and you are ready to mine it, head to its general crash location and try to find it! If you are the first person to discover a Crashed Star, you will be rewarded with an additional 300 Stardust.

As mentioned earlier, Crashed Stars can appear all the way up to Tier 9, with a minimum starting tier of Tier 6 (requiring 60 Mining to mine at first). From the moment a Crashed Star appears, each tier will last a maximum of 7 minutes, so you will have that amount of time per active tier to be able to mine Stardust from it before it disappears.

Since each tier takes so long to mine through, if you are wearing an Amulet of Glory, it is expected to mine an incredible amount of gems from it. Hence, bringing a Gem Bag is important because it can be easy to fill up inventory space when mining all the way from Tier 9 (which can take nearly an hour to fully get through).

Shooting Stars Guide - OSRS XP Tracker (6)

You will earn 32 Mining experience per piece of Stardust you collect as you collect Stardust. Depending on your Mining level, you can expect to earn an estimated 25,000-30,000 Mining experience per hour and around 1000 Stardust per hour.

Shooting Star Rewards

Shooting Stars Guide - OSRS XP Tracker (7)

Stardust can be used at Dusuri’s Star Shop on the surface level of the Mining Guild in Falador. There are four different rewards that you can purchase from the shop:

  • Celestial Ring - 2,000 Stardust
  • Star Fragment - 3,000 Stardust
  • Bag Full of Gems - 300 Stardust
  • Soft Clay Pack - 150 Stardust

Shooting Stars Guide - OSRS XP Tracker (8)

The Celestial Ring will give you an invisible +4 boost to your Mining level (enhances Mining efficiency but won’t let you mine ores that are above your base level) and can be charged with Stardust. While charged with Stardust, you will have a chance at mining an extra ore and getting the additional experience for it.

The Celestial Ring can also be combined with the Elven Signet to create the Celestial Signet, combining both effects, making it a great combination when used with the Crystal Pickaxe.

Star Fragments is an item that can be used on each piece of the Prospector’s Outfit to give it a cosmetic upgrade that turns it gold. You will need to purchase 4 Star Fragments so you can cosmetically change all 4 pieces.

The Bag Full of Gems and Soft Clay Pack gives you a random assortment of 40 Gems/ 100 Soft Clay, allowing you to spend extra Stardust to earn a profit.

Shooting Stars Guide - OSRS XP Tracker (2025)


Is Shooting Stars good XP? ›

At 99 mining, shooting stars give the player around 32,000 xp/hr of complete AFK mining xp. Down below is a chart of the XP rates you can expect to get from various training methods at 99 mining.

How much XP per hour is shooting stars crafting Osrs? ›

Experience rates vary greatly based on level, the tier of pickaxe used, and time spent locating stars. If mining consistently, players can expect approximately 30,000 experience per hour.

How afk are shooting stars in OSRs? ›

Shooting Stars are kind of a mini-game in OSRS. Every 90 minutes or so, a star crashes somewhere in every world. Ever since September/October 2023, these are a great source of AFK mining experience.

What is the best time for shooting stars? ›

5. Shooting stars are occur all the time, even during the day, but the best time to see one is at night.

What is the best exposure for shooting stars? ›

To make sure every star and planet is captured clearly, you'll need to put the correct camera settings in place:
  • Choose a low aperture between f/2.8 and f/4.
  • Use manual focus.
  • Set white balance to “auto” or “daylight”
  • Set exposure length between 15 and 30 seconds.
  • Select a high ISO between 400 and 1600 (or more)

How much xp is 99 in Osrs? ›

Reaching level 99 in a skill requires a total of 13,034,431 experience.

What is the best xp rate Osrs? ›

Some of the quicker and easier skills to train (such as Cooking and Fletching) can get experience rates upwards of 800,000 per hour, whilst some of the slowest and most tedious skills to train (such as Slayer, Runecraft and Agility) get maximum experience rates between 20,000–75,000 per hour, making them slower to ...

How many seconds is 1 tick in osrs? ›

The RuneScape game engine runs on a unit of time colloquially referred to as "ticks", with each tick lasting 0.6 seconds (this amount of time can vary by hundredths or thousandths of a second due to things like server lag or the number of players on a world, read here).

Does Celestial Ring stack with mining Guild? ›

Wearing this ring gives players an invisible +4 boost to Mining regardless of charges; this stacks with both visible and invisible boosts, though visible boosts are capped to level 99.

How many ticks per minute in osrs? ›

Theoretically, there should be 100 ticks per minute, exactly 0.600 seconds per tick. However, the observed duration of a tick can vary due to connection speed, client-side lag, or server-side lag as the game server processes all actions and events affecting all online players.

What is the highest XP per hour in mining Osrs? ›

At maximum efficiency, it is possible to gain up to 134,000 experience per hour at level 99, though players are more likely to see rates closer to around 120,000–125,000 experience per hour when including some mistakes.

Is Stardust worth mining in osrs? ›

Each piece of stardust is valued at 76.00 when buying a soft clay pack, or at 71.63 when buying a bag full of gems from Dusuri's Star Shop. On average a player can expect 8.2 Crafting Experience per Stardust if they were to purchase a bag full of gems and cut all the gems received.

What is the rarity of a shooting star? ›

Roughly a half-dozen can be seen every hour from a dark site anywhere on Earth, randomly appearing somewhere above your head and zipping across the sky. The longer you look up, the better the odds are of spotting one.

How much XP do you get per stardust Osrs? ›

The amount of experience per stardust is 32, with free to play worlds awarding half experience. The first person to attempt to mine a crashed star will be notified in the chatbox that they are the first to find the star, alongside a jingle.

How long do shooting stars last? ›

The general rule-of-thumb is that natural meteor reentries happen quickly and typically last less than a few seconds while human-made reentries happen slowly, and typically can last 20 – 90 seconds or more.

Why mine shooting stars in OSRs? ›

Added into Old School RuneScape on March 17th, 2021, Shooting Stars is an excellent, low-effort Mining activity providing amazing upgrades and rewards! One of the many “Distractions & Diversions” in the game, Shooting Stars sends players all over Gielinor for the chance to mine Stardust from Crashed Stars.


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