Shake Up Your Porridge with Nut Milk (2024)

People often think of adding fruit, nuts and to their porridge but have you ever considered trying nut milk?

A nut or grain milk adds a whole new level of yum-spiration to your porridge when it comes to taste. A good alternative for people with allergies and/or intolerances, plant based milks are made with nuts or grains and often additional ingredients are added for texture and taste. So if you’re looking for a way to shake up your porridge, what are your options?

Almond Milk: If you love that nutty flavour, why not try adding almond milk to your porridge? Made using ground almonds and water, almond milk is free of lactose, cholesterol and saturated fat.

Soy Milk: Traditionally made from a mixture of soy beans and water, soy milk is lactose free and a great source of protein. Again it’s especially yummy if you’re looking for something with a nutty taste. Soy milk is not naturally high in calcium like dairy milk, so ensure you look for a brand that is fortified with calcium, especially if using this as a dairy milk replacement.

Oat Milk: What better match for your warm and cosy oats than oat milk? Although oat milk is significantly higher in carbohydrates than dairy milk, for a plant based milk it has a good amount of protein and calcium, as well as being a source of dietary fibre. It is important to note that this is not a gluten free alternative.

Rice Milk: Another of our flavour-ite plant based milks is delicious rice milk. Although it’s a source of calcium, rice milk is lower in protein and is best consumed alongside another milk variety within the diet. Rice milk is also a good option for people who cannot consume dairy, soy or nuts.

Quinoa Milk: Another tasty grain milk to throw in the mix, quinoa milk is similar nutritionally to rice milk, only with a lower carbohydrate content. Quinoa milk is great if you have allergies and/or intolerances to dairy, soy and nuts.

Coconut Milk: A delicious milk made from the juice of a coconut, coconut milk has a deliciously sweet andcreamy taste. Due to its very high fat content, we suggest coconut milk only as an occasional addition to your porridge.

Looking for more ways to shake up your porridge? Why not try our stewed rhubarb, caramelised pears and apples or raspberry coulis recipes for a yummy finishing touch.

Shake Up Your Porridge with Nut Milk (1)

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Shake Up Your Porridge with Nut Milk (2024)


Is porridge with almond milk good for you? ›

Start your day off right with this delicious and wholesome vegan almond milk porridge. Not only does it help keep you full and satisfied, but it also helps to curb those mid-morning toast cravings.

How many calories are in a bowl of porridge with almond milk? ›

No Name Porridge Made With Almond Milk (0.5 cup) contains 31g total carbs, 27g net carbs, 3g fat, 5g protein, and 160 calories.

What is a good substitute for milk in porridge? ›

Almond Milk: If you love that nutty flavour, why not try adding almond milk to your porridge? Made using ground almonds and water, almond milk is free of lactose, cholesterol and saturated fat. Soy Milk: Traditionally made from a mixture of soy beans and water, soy milk is lactose free and a great source of protein.

Is it better to have porridge with milk or water? ›

Milk is rich in fats, calcium, and Vitamin D that complements the nutrients in oats. Thus oats cooked in milk have benefits over oats cooked in water. Milk has fats, calcium, and Vitamin D that is normally absent in processed oats. Apart from adding a flavour, it also helps in keeping your muscles and bones healthy.

How many calories are in 1 cup of oatmeal with almond milk? ›

Conversely, smaller portions result in smaller calorie consumption. In the case of oatmeal with almond milk, a cup of cooked oatmeal (not much, IMHO) comes in at 158 calories. Wet that up with a half cup of unsweetened almond milk (20 cal.) and it's closer to 180 calories.

Is nut milk healthier than oat milk? ›

Unfortified oat milk has a higher carbohydrate and fiber content than cow's and almond milk, as well as a higher protein content compared to almond milk, though lower fat content than both. However, it's helpful to see the nutritional comparison between fortified and unfortified plant-based milks.

Which milk is best for porridge? ›

Some people prefer hom*ogenised cow's milk, as hom*ogenisation breaks down the fat molecules, making the milk easier to digest. Good for... Cereal, porridge and in hot drinks, and naturally nutritious. Taste: Mild and creamy.

Why not add milk to porridge? ›

This is a common wrong way of preparing porridge in effort to add taste. Other thinks that milk will add value to the porridge which is not true. Milk will actually hinder the absorption of essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals from the porridge.

What to eat instead of porridge for breakfast? ›

Alternative to oats for breakfast
  • Chia seeds. These tiny seeds have a mild nutty flavour and a gel-like texture when soaked in liquid. ...
  • Quinoa. Quinoa is a whole grain with a nutty flavour and fluffy texture when cooked. ...
  • Brown rice. ...
  • Buckwheat. ...
  • Barley.

What is the healthiest way to eat porridge? ›

14 delicious heart-healthy porridge ideas
  1. Banana, raisins and a sprinkle of nutmeg. ...
  2. Strawberries and blueberries. ...
  3. Cherry and chia seeds. ...
  4. Banana, raspberry, almond butter and cinnamon. ...
  5. Flaked almonds and chopped dates. ...
  6. Walnuts, pear slices and ginger. ...
  7. Peaches and raspberries. ...
  8. Stewed plums.

What is the difference between oatmeal and porridge? ›

Surprisingly, oatmeal is a type of porridge. Though all oatmeal is considered porridge, the term porridge does not always refer to oatmeal. Still, the two words are often used interchangeably, which can be confusing. Unlike porridge, oatmeal is always made from rolled, ground, or flattened oats.

What does porridge do to your body? ›

Porridge clearly comes out on top if you're looking to reduce your fat, sugar and calorie intake. It's also rich in minerals including iron, copper, and manganese, with iron benefiting your metabolism and aiding oxygen transport, copper helping maintain healthy bones, and manganese supporting blood sugar management.

Is it healthy to make porridge with milk? ›

Whichever porridge you choose, make it with low-fat milk or water to keep the calories down and minimise saturated fat, especially if you are trying to lower your cholesterol levels.

Is it okay to cook oatmeal in almond milk? ›

Cooking oatmeal with almond milk gives it richness and extra nutrition.

Is oat milk better for your stomach than almond milk? ›

However, the lower carbohydrate content in almond milk makes it a better option because fewer carbs lead to fewer blood sugar spikes. Better for Sensitive Stomachs: Oat milk's higher fiber content may irritate sensitive stomachs.

What are the benefits of oat milk porridge? ›

Oat milk contains a good quantity of fatty acids, protein, minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, and a variety of micronutrients and provides several health benefits, as it reduces blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, and prevents cancer (Jeske et al., 2018). Therefore, oats are a promising alternative to traditional milk.


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.