Sautéed Salmon With Leeks and Tomatoes Recipe (2024)



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I use frozen copper river from Costco. "Fresh" salmon bought in most places is one to five weeks old. Frozen is flash frozen on factory ships when caught and I find it far superior.


This is an absolute French delight. It reminds me of a beautiful meal I had in Paris with a view of Notre Dame in the early 1990's.

I'm not a fan of torturing tomatoes, so I don't blanch, peel and seed. There's nothing wrong with a whole tomato, diced finely. And with the addition of leeks, it's heaven.

For those who find this boring, just move along to a spice bomb recipe. This is classic and fabulous.

Steve Martin

Fantastic. Try with Blitva - the Swiss chard/garlic/potato dish traditionally served with fish on the Dalmatian coast, and very easy to make. A very healthy and delicious combination.

Rosemary W

Would this work with poached salmon fillets?


We like our salmon "cooked through but not dry" and for me, at any rate, it's hard to saute a nice thick fillet. So have cooked under the broiler with rimmed baking pan covered with aluminum foil. Skin side (not skinned) down, 10 minutes per inch (Canadian method) and does not need to be turned. The veggies can be cooked separately.

Lee Norris

I used to follow Pierre Franey's recipes slavishly. I still love his ideas. but, living alone now, I simplify. For this recipe I dumped the sliced leeks and chopped (unpeeled) tomatoes in a big pan with a little heated olive oil, and threw a piece of salmon filet on top, (with the ginger matchsticks one reader suggested). a little salt and pepper, covered the pan and poached the fish in the vegetables. Delicious. Served with baby boiled potatoes and steamed broccoli.


We have been making this recipe for many years. key is to not cook the veggies too long, lest they become soggy and stew-like. Especially like it with basil. Works well with frozen salmon fillets from Ikea.


We prepared this recipe with Roland capers marinated in balsamic vinegar, excellent.


I think I missread the recipe and instead of putting aside the fish, I left it in the skillet while I added the tomatos and leek... It turned out absolutely delicious! I guess I like my salmon well done.


This recipe is so simple and straight-forward, you could vary it in many ways to suit your taste. Just make sure you don't over-cook the salmon, and be sure the fish is the freshest possible. Pierre Franey was an absolute master of the simple-is-better school of cooking.


Made this the first time as written. It was excellent! Repeated it tonight with branzino fillets, which worked just as well. Even through in some frozen artichoke hearts. Yum!


Substituted a tablespoon of white vermouth after cooking tomatoes and leek and substituted parsley for the basil. Delicious!

Paul Z

This was good - although I would use less tomato next time. (For three fillets I used two medium-sized tomatoes and one leek.) And I agree that you need to cook the leek more than just 1 minute - I cut mine into half-moons and sauteed them for about 5 - 6 minutes before adding the tomato and lemon juice.

I might even live dangerously and add a little anchovy paste next time. Just a smidge for umami.


A version of this recipe is one of my go-to recipes when I find very fresh fish. It's the same except I include a piece of ginger cut into matchsticks.


This is great and simple! I bbq'd the salmon on a cedar plank and sauteed the leek and tomatoes briefly with fresh basil on top. Yum!


Delicious!I gave the tomatoes and leeks a head start, added baby spinach at the end.


Easy and delicious. It makes me want to find my old 60 minute gourmet cookbooks. Not sure you have to peel the tomato.


Made twice in one week for a quick dinner. I cook the leeks first in butter in a large cast iron pan, then add the tomato. Then I push aside the veggies and cook the fish. Instead of lemon I use white wine and mix up a small sauce, topped with basil. Can be made as a meal for one or two people easily and tastes very fancy.


This was great! I forgot the lemon, not a problem. Perfect with salmon and pasta.

Paul Z

Finally got the perfect ratios! 3 filets, 1 tomato, 1 leek, 5-6 squirts anchovy paste, 3 squirts lemon juice. Did NOT blanch and peel tomato. Cooked tomato mixture down about 5 minutes as it was rather wet. PERFECT.


Didn’t skin tomatoes. Delish.


This is very good, but salmon needs to cook longer. My fillets were over an inch thick so after browning a couple minutes on each side I put in the oven to finish. I served on a bed of spinach and let the fish and sauce wilt it slightly, and brown rice on the side. Delicious!

fran w

Omitted the lemon and added balsamic vinegar. Delicious!


So simple and so good! Love the tomato-leek combination!


Used large grape tomatoes from the garden - did not blanch and peel. Had no leek so substituted some small garden onions. Still completely fabulous. Unbelievably good and the only tedious prep was dicing the tomatoes finely - but works perfectly to make the sauce in one minute. Best salmon recipe on this site hands down.


Delicious and simple. Knocked it down to a single serving. Used cherry tomatoes, leeks and basil from my garden. Will make this again.

Brett M

We love this salmon preparation. I use two pints of cherry tomatoes sliced in half and sprinkled with a little salt. I cook the leeks for about 7 minutes with some garlic before adding the tomatoes and lemon juice. I cook the tomatoes down while my salmon is in the oven after a stove top sear in a cast iron pan to 125 deg. The tomatoes get a more concentrated flavor. I serve the salmon on top of quinoa and spinach then scoop the leek and tomato mixture over. It is fantastic and very healthy!


I made this with frozen Copper River sockeye and it was great! I used quartered cherry tomatoes, because that is what I had to hand, and added about a teaspoon of capers and a splash of white wine, because I was afraid the leek wouldn’t be tender. Fresh basil at the end, but I think, if I make it again I may try fresh chervil as my garden produces a surfeit of this herb in the fall.


Redefines comfort food. Eating this, I have, suddenly, an old French aunt, and we are at her house soaking up the results of an ancient family recipe. Perfect. (I used parsley because that’s what I had — only change.) And I used wild salmon, as always.


After reading comments, I was really tempted to cook leeks longer, but decided to try recipe as written. So glad I did!This is fabulous. Recipe does not call for cooked, sauteed, or caramelized leeks. Just a quick minute takes the edge off, will absolutely make again.

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Sautéed Salmon With Leeks and Tomatoes Recipe (2024)


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