Romans 8 - A Study Guide by Mark A. Copeland (2024)


Chapter Eight

  1. To appreciate the place the Holy Spirit has in the lives ofChristians
  2. To notice the power to overcome sin which is available in Christ
  3. To realize the extent of God's love toward us

In chapter seven, Paul described the dilemma of a man who becomes aprisoner of the law of sin which is in the members of his body. In the last few verses, Paul made reference to the hope of liberation made possible by God through Jesus Christ. In this chapter, Paulamplifies on the freedom from sin found in Christ.

First, for those in Christ who are walking according to the Spirit,there is no condemnation for sin, for the death of Christ for sin has set us free from the law of sin and death by fulfilling the requirement of the law (1-4). Second, by setting our minds on the things of the Spirit and not the flesh, we are able to enjoy life and peace, pleasing God (5-8). And third, we now enjoy the indwelling of the Spirit of God, by whom we can put to death the deeds of the body and enjoy both present and future blessings as the children of God (9-17).

The blessings of being God's children are enlarged upon in the rest ofthe chapter. Our present sufferings mean nothing in view of our ultimate redemption and revealing for which we eagerly and patiently wait (18-25). We have the privilege of the Holy Spirit and Jesus interceding for us when we pray, which assures that all things will work together for good for those called according to God's purpose (26-30). Finally, as God's elect we have the assurance that nothing can tear us away from God's love and that in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (31-39).

      1. Available to those in Christ, made possible by the law of theSpirit of life (1-2)
      2. An accomplishment not attained by the Law, but by the death ofChrist (3-4)
      1. To those who set their minds on the things of the Spirit, notthe flesh, pleasing God (5-8)
      2. To those who have the indwelling Holy Spirit (9-11)
      3. To those who by the Spirit put to death the deeds of the body(12-13)
      4. To those thus led, who are the children of God and joint heirswith Christ (14-17)
      1. Present sufferings don't even compare (18)
      2. The whole creation eagerly awaits for the revealing andglorious liberty of the children of God (19-22)
      3. We also eagerly wait with perseverance for this hope (23-25)
      1. Helps in our weakness as we pray (26a)
      2. By interceding for us as we pray (26b-27)
      1. For those who love God, called according to His purpose (28)
      2. For such, whom God foreknew, He will carry out His ultimatepurpose (29-30)
      1. God, who spared not His own Son, is on our side (31-33)
      2. Christ, who died for us, now intercedes for us at God's righthand (34)
      3. Through such love we are more than conquerors over all things(35-39)
  • law of the Spirit of life - (1) possibly an expression referring to theGospel; or, (2) the law (principle)involving the life-giving Spirit who aidsthose in Christ to become free of the "lawof sin and death" in their members(cf. 7:23 with 8:11-13)
  • the Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of Him - variousreferences to the Holy Spirit
  • the creation - various explanations are often given: (1) all ofmankind; (2) only the saved; (3) the whole physicalcreation placed under the curse (Ge 3:17; 8:21;Re 22:3), using the kind of language found in Ps 98:7-9;148:1-14.
  • predestined - predetermined; note carefully in v. 29 that it is basedupon "foreknowledge" (cf. 1Pe 1:2), and that which ispredetermined is WHAT those in Christ are to become, notWHO are to be in Christ
  • elect - chosen; according to 1Pe 1:2, this election is based uponGod's foreknowledge, not some arbitrary choice
  • intercedes - to make a petition on behalf of another; used of the HolySpirit in v. 26-27 (interceding as a "translator"?), andof Christ in v. 34 (interceding as "defense counsel"?)

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  1. List the main points of this chapter

    - In Christ There Is Freedom From Sin (1-17)
    - Blessings Of Being Children Of God (18-39)

  2. What is the main difference between the "law of Moses" and the "lawof the Spirit of life"? (2-4)

    - The Law of Moses could not set one free from the "law of sin anddeath"

  3. What is the result of setting your mind on the things of the flesh?On the things of the Spirit? (6)

    - Death; life and peace

  4. Do the Scriptures teach that the Holy Spirit dwells in theChristian? (9-11)

    - Yes

  5. How can we assure that we will continue to live spiritually? (13)

    - By putting to death the deeds of the body with the help of theSpirit

  6. List briefly the blessings of being the children of God (14-39)

    - One day we will be glorified together with Christ
    - We have the help of the Holy Spirit
    - All things ultimately work for our good
    - Nothing can separate us from God's love

Romans 8 - A Study Guide by Mark A. Copeland (2024)


What are the main points of Romans chapter 8? ›

The central theme of Romans 8:1–17 is the Spirit. Believers have received the Spirit and, as God's children and joint-heirs with Christ, are to live by the Spirit and not by the corrupted impulses of the flesh.

What is Romans 8 teaching us? ›

The overall meaning of Romans 8 is to tell us to live through the Holy Spirit, give us encouragement about our present sufferings and future hope, as well as to remind us of God's great love.

How to apply Romans 8 to your life? ›

We can live according to the Spirit by setting our minds on the things of the Spirit. We do this by listening to the word, worshiping the Lord, living in community with other believers, talking about life from God's point of view, and making decisions based on His guidance.

What is Paul trying to say in Romans 8? ›

Romans 8 is one of the most loved chapters in all of Scripture. Paul begins and ends this passage with statements about the absolute security of those who are in Christ. First, there is no condemnation, at all, for those in Christ. Last, nothing will ever be able to separate us from God's love for us in Christ.

What are the two ways to live according to Romans 8? ›

In Romans 8:5-8, Paul presents a compelling contrast between living according to the flesh and living according to the Spirit. The flesh, with its disordered desires and rebellion against God, leads only to spiritual desolation.

Why is Romans 8 the greatest chapter in the Bible? ›

Romans 8 has almost everything. It begins with our justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (vv. 1–4), continues with sanctification and the work of the Holy Spirit (vv. 5–13), and then speaks about our adopted sonship with the Father (vv.

What are the all things in Romans 8? ›

"All things" refers to the final, complete fruition of our redemption in glory. The gospel guarantees that we will be brought home to glory. It is by grace that we are saved from the consequences of our sin; the same grace of God in the gospel brings us home. Better, Jesus brings us home.

What can separate us Romans 8? ›

Rom. 8 Verses 38 to 39

[38] For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What is the big idea of Romans 8? ›

The Structure of Romans 8

The overarching theme is assurance. Between these end markers two other themes dominate: first (and mostly in vv. 1-17) there is life in the Spirit, who is named 15 times in verses 1-17 and then 4 more times later in the chapter; second (vv. 17-39) there is suffering.

What is the life lesson of Romans 8? ›

You walk in love, joy, patience, forgiveness, giving mercy; you aim to live like Jesus. And with your mind set on those things you please God and live in peace. But on the opposing side, you cannot please God, and are an enemy to God, so you will not have peace if you allow your carnal mind to rule over your life.

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Romans 8? ›

The first part of Romans, I claim, Paul concludes in Rom 8:13: The Holy Spirit is the end of the law and the means of salvation for all people; the second doctrinal part is introduced in Rom 8:14 as the Holy Spirit as a pledge and power for living for the children of God.

What is the point of Romans 8? ›

We are free from the law of death; death therefore no longer has any lasting power against the believer. ii. Romans 8:1 tells us we are free from the guilt of sin. Romans 8:2 tells us we are free from the power of sin.

What is the affirmation from Romans 8? ›

Romans 8:16-17 – For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children. 17 And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ, we are heirs of God's glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.

What is the suffering in Romans 8? ›

He acknowledges that the world we live in is marked by pain, hardship, and the effects of sin. However, he also emphasizes that these sufferings are temporary and incomparable to the glory that awaits us. Paul's words in Romans 8:18 serve as a beacon of hope for those navigating through the trials of life.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.