Roasted Broccoli Grain Bowl With Nooch Dressing Recipe (2024)



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Ann Grant

How can you keep something on hand when it lasts only 3 days in the fridge?


A better nooch sauce: blend together 1c nutritional yeast, 1/4c soy sauce, 1/4c apple cider vinegar, generous squeeze of honey mustard, 1 garlic, water to taste. The mustard helps to emulsify and the sweetness balances the acid, it's the key!


I made this exactly as directed and was so disappointed in the nutritional yeast sauce. I've been a vegetarian for over 30 years and I love nutritional yeast but this sauce is really terrible: way too oily, tastes very bland and boring, and each element (oil, nootch, lemon etc) just refuses to meld. There are so many delicious sauces and dressings to choose from for a really beautiful bowl, this one is not a win.


After reading the negative reviews on the dressing, rather than just stirring I put in the blender. It melded nicely and tasted great. Reminds me of a tahini sauce a bit. I appreciate the different flavors. Used slivered almonds because thats all I had and served on rainbow quinoa. Will make again!!


Based on comments, personal love of garlic, & ingredients I had on hand, I adapted nooch sauce thusly: 1-C nutritional yeast, 2 cloves garlic, 1/4-C tamari sauce, 1/4-C apple cider vinegar, 1/2-C olive oil, 1 Tablespoon dijon mustard, 1 teaspoon honey - and am not disappointed!

mike Ryan

I cook and then freeze my whole grains in a serving ready to go when the mood strikes


Wow, the sauce made this terrific. Added 1 tsp dark soy sauce to up the flavor after reading other comments, and used Burlap & Barrel purple stripe garlic powder that always delivers rich flavor.


broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts - seems like I'd be creating an alternative energy source

Colleen Newvine Tebeau

Another great use: sprinkle it on popcorn. Inspired by this great recipe grind it finely in a coffee grinder with spices like hot pepper flakes and rosemary, then shake up with popcorn and it makes for a savory, satisfying snack.I know, a recipe for popcorn? But really, my husband has perfected his popcorn game inspired by the above and it really is perfect.


This nooch dressing is so easy and delicious, it deserves a listing all its own.


3 days has to be a typo. This dressing can last MUCH longer. There is nothing in it super perishable.


I rarely write a review but always read them. I feel compelled to say Thank You! for this nooch sauce! I am a brussels’ sprouts lover and this sauce is so easy and just the best drizzled over brussels’ sprouts. Thank you!!


I added a tablespoon of white miso paste to the olive oil you toss the veg in it before roasting them, and added half a tablespoon of soy sauce to the dressing. I served it with pearl barley. Excellent! Will make again.


I think the assumption is that you make an abundant amount of nootch sauce if you're going to grain-bowl-it for days


To me, the dressing mostly tasted like nutritional yeast. If you like nutritional yeast, you'll like it, if you don't, you won't. Another comment claims that it tastes like Parmesan cheese, but it doesn't.


Made as written. It was good. The portions are very large - much more than 4. I’m normally not a huge recipe hack but we addd some chopped dates and I think it could use some fresh herbs on top. Without those it was a bit one note. I would add some chickpeas to the roasting veggies.

Quinn Giardina

The nooch is WAY better made with tahini, a dash of sesame oil, soy sauce and rice vinegar, and blitzed in a blender. It comes out incredibly creamy which is hard to do if you whisk by hand. Throw in a nob of ginger to give it Japanese restaurant ginger dressing vibes. I throw in a couple of Thai chilies sometimes too.


There are so many fabulous vegan recipes I'd like to you try but they almost always contain nutritional yeast. Unfortunately my body reacts in a very unpleasant way anytime I eat nutritional yeast. Anybody know an alternative to use?


can this be make without the nutritional yeast? I've never used that ingredient before and it sounds a bit wierd? Comments?

Quinn Giardina

I thought it was weird at first but give it a's sooo good, especially when blended into a dressing. I make a version that tastes similar to Japanese Ginger dressing which is one of my favorites. Check out this video by Carla- recipe and variations are in the comments. I made it exactly as she did the first time and couldn't stop eating it.


I've never used nutritional yeast. I see it comes in powder, small flakes, and large flakes. Which should I buy?


The bowl was good - the sauce was horrible. Ended up making an entirely different sauce to go with the bowl


Wow, this dressing is so terrible. I'm reading the notes and will try to save it, but I wish I had read these notes before making it. It tastes like Annie's Mac & Cheese dried mix, which is maybe what they're going for? But is not up my alley at all.


I actually love this as-is-- tie me to a stake and burn me in the town square! The acid from the lemon juice is crucial for mellowing out the dressing. The more you squeeze in there, the more it neutralizes the tangy mustard and nutritional yeast. Just do lemon juice to taste and you'll be okay. This recipe is extremely high-yield and full of fiber, so I do a cup of quinoa 1 lb each of frozen broccoli and frozen/fresh brussels sprouts to yield lunches for days. Refrigerates well.

alex weinberg

Love love love! Ali Slagle is the best and this is just another example.

Robert B

We love this! It's been making a frequent appearance in our dinner rotation this summer. I had a jar of nutritional yeast in the back of the cupboard for the last few years and when I saw this recipe pop up I knew it was the one I've been waiting for. It's delicious as written.


Good recipe, really simple like every other bowl recipe out there. Other suggestions say too much oil in this recipe which I get, I think too much lemon juice. Could use a touch more nooch and some red pepper flakes.

Colleen Newvine Tebeau

I loved everything about how this sounded, but found it was bland and flat as is. We did a lot of work to goose the flavors on the dressing.


Delicious! Was great on tricolored quinoa. In the nooch sauce: after reading comments, subbed apple cider vinegar for half of the water since we like punchy flavors and added a dollop of honey to mellow out the acidity.


I liked this a lot. The dressing is sour & tangy & still creamy. I added some cubed cheddar and some pickled red onion to the bowl and it really brought all the flavors together.

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Roasted Broccoli Grain Bowl With Nooch Dressing Recipe (2024)


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