Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 10, 2024 (2024)

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 10, 2024

Judy Note: With US PresidentsBiden, Obama and Bush, plus much of Congress found tied to bribery andextortion through an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring that ran beneathCapitol Hill, there’s no wonder that Military intervention appeared to be closeat hand.

A large group of Black Swans was called abank, which was interesting because a major Black Swan Economic Event was appearingon the horizon because of bank closures, along with Black Swan Events of apossible World War III, another Plandemic and who knows what, where, how orwhy.

Over the weekend the Petrodollar was no more,bank deposits tumbled, $300 million was liquidated from the crypto-currencyMarket in one hour alone, the economy was falling apart and Americawas about to wake up to failures of 63 banks – like Australians who could nolonger withdraw cash from their Bank accounts.

·Sun. 9 June 2024 Q++: My fellow Americans, over the course of thenext several days, you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back ourgreat country, the land of the free, from the evil tyrants that wish to do usharm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. Confirmation (tothe public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openlyaccepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort toprevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS'order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned, and special opscarried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines ofthe United States to prevent extradition and ensure special operator necessity.Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of thiscountry is being exhausted fully. However, the atmosphere within the countrywill unfortunately be divided, as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evilnarrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the EmergencyBroadcast System (EBS) during this time in an effort to provide a directmessage (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or peoplethat wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury - certainlaws have been pre-written to provide our great military the necessaryauthority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

·Julian Assange Warned Us: “There is no society anymore. What there is,is a transnational security elite that is busy carving up the world using yourtax money. To combat that elite, we must not petition. We must take it over. Wemust form our own networks of strength and mutual value, which can challengethose strengths and self interested values of the warmongers in this countryand in others that have formed hand in hand an alliance to take money from theUnited States, from every NATO country, from Australia, and ban. Then Launderit through Iraq. Launder it through Somalia. Launder it through Yemen, launderit through Pakistan, and wash that money in people's blood.”

·Sat. 8 June 2024: “From the meetings I've had today:Confirmation of what is occurring will be revealed and it will not be openlyaccepted. A temporary state will be actioned and special ops carried out.That's all I can reveal for now.” …WH Gramps on Telegram Sun. 9 June 2024

·Sat. 8 June 2024: False Flag Alert! Washington DC is currently under attack asthousands of protestors take to the streets chanting “Arrest Joe Biden!”

·Sat. 8 June 2024: MarkZ and Mr C say Bidenmost likely will be removed within hours of the announcement of NESARA/GESARA. Our event could go quietly before and we’llbe under NDA. Military has it already worked out!

·Sun. 9 June Rumor: Texas is leaving the Unionto become a Sovereign Statewith it’s own gold/asset-backed currency. Could Texas and BRICS Create AGold-Backed Financial Future Beyond the Fiat Currency System?

·Sun. 9 June 2024: A video has emerged of a reporter interviewing Idaho farmers sayingthat the state of Idaho is cutting off all water to potato farmers in SoutheastIdaho! Farmers told how many thousands of $$ has been spent in planting andnow there will be no harvest! Does anyone know what is going on? Has that state beenbribed to cause a food shortage?

·The White Hats have arrestedfour of thetwelve Trump trial jury members, with seven more to go. The remaining one was aWhite Hat spy who verified that other jury members accepted a huge amount ofmoney in bribes to convict Trump.

·Saudi Arabia, OPEC states,and Venezuela have formed an alliance against the Deep State, with controlover the oil bases firmly in the hands of the elusive White Hats.

·On Thurs. 6 June 2024the ChineseElders authorized start of the Global Currency Reset payment process for Tier4b(Us, the Internet Group), the results of which wiped out the US National Debt –a good thing because onFri. 7 June 2024the Deep State USInc. government ran out of money and63 of the Deep State US banks weredeclared insolvent withPetrodollar Contracts expiring onSun. 9June.

·With a goal of mass vaccination of the public foranother Plandemic, Deep State Operatives were coming onto farms withhazmat suits doing mass PCR testing of healthy animals. It was believed theywere actually injecting the Bird Flu into farm animals to raise a false casecount that would create orders for mass culling of the animals – that wouldthen end up threatening the US food supply.

·Sun. 9 June 2024: Charlie Ward: Trump's About to Make BigMoves No One Saw Coming!! Get Ready, This Will Be Epic!

·Sun. 9 June 2024 Two Black Swan Events forRussia: Herman Gref, the CEOof a major bank in Russia, has predicted that Russia will experience two blackswan events.

The firstblack swan will be related to geopolitics, possibly involving a major globalwar or military operations. The second black swan event will be a new pandemic.The head of the World Health Organization in Russia has also issued a warningabout a new pandemic, stating that it's only a matter of time. "Therefore,an important task is to be prepared for such a situation, for the so-calledDisease X. I think that we definitely have two “black swans” and they may occursimultaneously.

·JudyByington Bombshell Report: Scare Event Incoming! Prepare For Martial Law! Weare close – Q! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 9 June 2024

A. Apparent Timeline:

·As of Thurs. 30 May 2024 any US State could legallyobtain their own gold backed currency and bypass the Federal Reserve.

·As of Sat. 1 June 2024 International WorldTrade was using the newIraqi Dinar Rate in the trade of international goods.

·On Mon. Evening 3 June 2024 the Iraqi Parliament finally passed theirbudget with the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate in it.

·On Tues. 4 June large bondholder paymasters were in Reno tobegin exchanging their bond portfolios over the next 24 to 48 hour window.

·On Wed. 5 June 2024 the shotgun was fired,authorizing liquidity of the bond payments of CMKX that opened the RV/GCR; theGeneral of Brazil authorized release of funds toBrazil and San Paulo started to release funds. The Iraqi Parliament sent the budget with the new Iraqi Dinar Ratein it to the Gazette to be published presumably by Sat. 8 June.

·On Thurs. 6 June 2024 the ChineseElders authorized start of the payment process for Tier4b (Us, the InternetGroup). The International Beneficiary Commission authorized some in Tier4b to receive notification. Brazilbegan sending out notification and setting exchange appointments. A group in Zurich and another group in Brazil wentliquid. The BRICS Alliancebegan Summit meetings in Russia.

·On Fri. 7 June 2024 the US Government ran out of money and declared 63 banksinsolvent according to Janet Yellen. Bonds started becoming liquid.

·On Sat. 8 June 2024 NesaraGesara and authorization came through for the liberation of funds was announcedin Mexico.

·On Sun. 9 June 2024 the White House was litup in gold. SaudiaArabia dropped the
USD and ended the Petrodollar. It’s the Beginning of the End – the collapse ofthe Global Financial System. Market Crash Imminent. Trump Rally in Vegas.Russian Fleet in Cuba. RV funds for Bond Holders and Tier4b moving into theirpositions for payout.

·On Sun. night or Mon. morning 10 June 2024 notifications for Tier4b could possibly comeout.

·On Mon. morning 10 June 2024 Bond Holders andTier4b should have access to their funds with Tier4b appointments startingsoon thereafter.

·On Tues. orWed. 11, 12 June 2024 a Worldwide Economic Collapse was expected to begin.

·On Sat. 15 June 15 any bank not Basel 3 compliant would beclosed.

·Wed. 17 July was the end of the New World Order, with QTuesday start of the Golden Age. …The 17thLetter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

·Tues. 6 Aug. Worldwide Web Takeover Declass. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

·Sun. 1Sept. 2024: “The greatestcomeback in World History will unfold. Everything you've known and seen willbecome perplexing. You won't believe your eyes. America will erupt. PATRIOTSWILL PREVAIL. AMERICA WILL TRIUMPH. The house of cards will collapse.” …The 17thLetter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

B. Global Currency Reset:

·Sat. 8 June 2024: This is the Global eventregarding Nesara Gesara in Mexico. They have already announced that last nightauthorisation came through that liberation of funds come through. Buckle yourseatbelts everyone is this has started


Sat. 8 June 2024 Wolverine Call:

·I received a call about 2:30a.m. (Sunday in Australia) It is official, it is not from a guru, it is anofficial announcement - we are now right at the edge of receiving our blessing. Itis coming and it is real.

·There will be a surpriseannouncement soon for Nesara/Gesara.

·The Medbeds are coming - they are real and on theway! This is it! This is the week have waited for!

·I am not telling you whatday, but it is all happening.Nothing will stop it now!

·The event Mauricio held withall the leaders was an absolute success. I am not sure if today is the last day or not of thatevent. I was overwhelmed with the news coming through. It was one of the callsI was waiting for.

·Notifications we hear havestarted and have heard that are in line with HSBC and Wells Fargo. Right now, I do not knowof anyone who has received notifications yet. It is all happening this week.

·Again, this is an officialannouncement that came through.

·God bless all of you - I love you guys, we areright at the edge.

·On the next call Carpathiawill have something special to say to you, and I am sure it will be an emotionalspeech. This will be soon, not sure if it is tomorrow or the next day, but verysoon.

·You guys are The ChosenOnes. Youhave all been chosen since birth, in my own belief, in my opinion, that youwere chosen by God. You each have a purpose in your life and on this planet.Remember, to help your family and your loved ones first and then comeshumanity.

·In the next call will be aspecial video made by a member, then the trumpets of freedom, and then theopera.

·Thank you everyone, have a beautiful day.Wolverine

Fri. 7 June 2024 Wolverine:

·The Central Bank of Brazil confirmed that ithas started. TheBrazilian people have not seen this yet, it is a process.

·The Tier4B notifications have come in forWells Fargo, not sureif it is for their bank customers or not. Some people got notifications andthey got paid but not talking due to NDA.

·The biggest news is in Mexico at the GesaraNesara Event. The newscame in last night, and funds will be liberated.

·Notifications for everyone else is to come ineither Sunday or Monday. Ithink Monday is going to be D-Day, but I am hoping it is actually Sundaynight.

·Keep eye on emails for your notifications will be coming through.

·Antonia Diogenes, one of the Gurus from theSpanish/Latino group, a veryhighly respected Guru, states that the notifications for the Tier4B InternetGroup have already been released!

·Brazil and Colombia will be the first to liquidate holders in the next fewhours.

·There you go!! Thegreatest transfer of wealth has started. There will be the Trumpets of Freedomand then the Opera!

·Sun. 9 June 2024: A lady in California has a friend who’s aWhale. The man has over 100k invested in historic bonds. He has contracted withseveral Partners & Lawyers. Notifications from Treasury for him to finalizepaperwork to receive liquidity … done by Wed.18 June. Bond Banker — still looking at Sun. 15 June.

C. Global Financial Crisis:

·US DebtClock Zero: A Deliberate Signal of Financial Revolution with US TreasuryCertificates, BRICS Alliance, Precious Metals, and Blockchain Integration

·Refinancing Challenges Loom as U.S. Debt HitsRecord High! The USnational debt has reached an all-time high of $34.807 trillion, with asignificant portion set to mature within the next year. This situation isexacerbated by rising debt levels, which are expected to reduce Americans'income. The Congressional Budget Office warns that the debt-to-GDP ratio willexceed its previous World War II-era high by 2029. Concerns are raised aboutthe sustainability of the US economy and its ability to manage its debt,especially as a record $9.3 trillion in US debt is set to mature soon and willlikely be refinanced at higher rates due to declining foreign demand.

D. Restored Republic:

·Sat. 8 June 2024: MILITARY INTEL: Quantum Financial Systems,Project Odin, and the Emergency Broadcast Revolution

·Sat. 8 June 2024: A Secret Service Agent’s Exposure: LittleRock Development Corp, Rose Law Firm, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, BarackObama, Joe Biden, Department of Justice, FBI, CIA & Government Secrets

·Sat. 8 June 2024: White Hats INTEL! The War Manual 11.3:GESARA, Martial Law Threat, and the Breakdown of Joe Biden

·Sat. 8 June 2024: A Secret Service Agent’s Exposure: LittleRock Development Corp, Rose Law Firm, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, BarackObama, Joe Biden, Department of Justice, FBI, CIA & Government Secrets

·Sat. 8 June 2024: White Hats INTEL! The War Manual 11.3:GESARA, Martial Law Threat, and the Breakdown of Joe Biden

E. International Child SexTrafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican andhoused in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs betweenthe Vatican and Jerusalem:

·Sun. 9 June 2024: The Mooresville PoliceDepartment arrested 14 people with internet crimes against children in thelargest child predator operation in the department’s history. The arrests were the result of OperationArtemis, which included cooperation with several local, state, and federalagencies. The suspects used these online platforms to contact minors:

ChatApp,Discord, Double List, Facebook, FetLife, Grindr, Mega Personal Ad, Skip theGames, Sniffies. The minors the suspects were meeting for sexual activityranged from 13 to 15 years old. “This operation saved lives of countlesschildren”

·Even though on the morning of his 2016inauguration, President Trump visited the CIA Headquarters and declared a waron Human Traffkicking,the Biden Administration had turned theUS Government into the largest facilitator of Child Sex Trafficking in theWorld. Thousands of children were being sex trafficked using US Taxpayerdollars.

·Fri. 7 June 2024:“This Is America’s Darkest Secret &No One Can Talk About It!”

·Mon. 13 May 2024:Tortured Children Rescued From CapitolHill; Obama, Clinton, Biden Caught Raping, Killing Children in Satanic Rites

·Thurs. 7 April 2022Biden/Obama Tied to Child SexTrafficking; Children, Bodies Rescued from US Bio-weapon Labs Under BidenUkraine Property

·Obama, Clinton & Bush spoke about Haitidisaster relief, right before they stole all of it. Bush: "The most effective way for Americansto help the people of Haiti, is to send money. That money will go toorganizations on that ground who will be able to effectively spend it. I know alot of people wanna send blankets or water, just send your cash. One of thethings the President and I will do, is make sure your money is spentwisely." And then, they stole it. Crooks – all of them.

·Jeffrey Epstein worked for the Israeli Mossadand videotaped powerful people raping children to create blackmail material forthe Rothschild State of Israel. Banks like JP Morgan covered up transactions that show these clientspurchasing children for rape and sacrifice. Controlled organizations likeTurning Point USA, The Daily Wire, PragerU, Breitbart and The Gateway Punditnever make a connection between Jeffrey Epstein and the Rothschild State ofIsrael. Both parties are enslaved to Israel and until that changes the UnitedStates of America will never be free.

·Nazi Zionist Pedophile Bastards gave us our children to eat after they rapedand tortured them for Adrenochrome harvesting, sold their organs, took theirbones (carbon) for making diamonds and delivered their flesh to McDonalds and alot other fast food chains. McDonalds Chain Closing Globally: Human Meat, BodyParts Found in Food?

G. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

·The US officially began its forced withdrawalof troops from Niger on Friday. Joe Biden Begins Forced Withdrawal of US Troops From Niger LeavingBehind $100 Million Airbase.

H. CIA Crime:

·"The purpose of the CIA was to create a constant pipeline of newwars." …Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

·Julian Assange said the CIA was responsiblefor paving the way for ISIS (which was formed by Obama) as he released more than half a millionformerly confidential US diplomatic cables dating back to 1979. Assange alsosaid a decision by the CIA, together with Saudi Arabia, to plough billions ofdollars into arming the Mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan to tackle the SovietUnion, had led to the creation of terror group al-Qaeda. This is why they hateJulian Assange.


I. Illuminati Zionist Deep State CabalGlobalist Agenda 2030

·There is a video of the Pfizer CEO saying that FDA approved a digital pill thatcontains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals 2030United Nations Agenda (193 UN Member States) for the New World Order:


J. The Real News for Sun. 9 June 2024:

·Sun. 9 June 2024: Mike King: Coming Q Disclosures Will"Shock the World"

·Sun. 9 June 2024: Charlie Ward: Trump's About to Make BigMoves No One Saw Coming!! Get Ready, This Will Be Epic!

·Sun. 9 June 2024: This is how bad crime in NY is. Looters arehitting stores while the Sheriff is shopping there! He says he asked why theydidn’t call the police when their store got hit by this same criminal and thestaff explained that their policy is not to call police.

K. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·People who purchase vegetable oils often assume that the bottle simply containsoil from vegetables. Unfortunately, thisis not the case. Manufacturers add a host of hidden, harmful ingredients, andnot to mention that 90% of conventional soybean, corn, cotton and canola oilsare grown from GMO seeds.

·Sun. 9 June 2024 TV DOCTOR MICHAEL MOSLEYKILLED HIMSELF AFTER REALIZING HE WAS ABOUT TO BE EXPOSED FOR TAKING MONEY FROMVACCINE MANUFACTURERS.Michael Mosley was a respected TV doctor who used his platform to promote andpush covid vaccines to the public. Now that the truth about covid vaccines hasgone mainstream, the people who profited from promoting a dangerous product tothe public are being publicly shamed and exposed. Many people believe thesepeople deserve to be incarcerated because they profited from the death andmisery of others. This is one of the worst deceptions and genocides the worldhas ever known and those who promoted it will go down in history.

·Sun. 9 June 2024: “The mRNA [COVID]injections may have very well killed 17 million people around the world.” MEP Christine Anderson knows the data behindthis number. Denis Rancourt and his fellow scientists found that all-causemortality INCREASED every time the COVID-19 shots were deployed. Here’s the50,000-foot view: For every 800 injections administered, Rancourt and hiscolleagues concluded in their 180-page paper that one vaccine-related deathoccurred. This 1-in-800 number becomes even more alarming when you consider howmany doses were given. At the time of Rancourt and colleagues’ report, 13.5billion COVID-19 injections were administered. Divide that number by 800, andyou end up with approximately 17 million COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths.

L. NESARA + GESARA — No Poverty, No Hunger,No Debt, Only Global Prosperity and Peace for ALL! David Wilco*ck

·GESARA (Global Economic Stabilization andRecovery Act) wasvoted to be implemented by all 209 sovereign nations of the world, per thesigned 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restoredRepublic of the United States, known as NESARA (National Economic Stabilizationand Recovery Act).

·NESARA cancels all credit card, mortgage, andother bank debt due toillegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” orcomplete forgiveness of debt. Abolishes Federal Income Taxes in the U.S.Creates a 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for thegovernment. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will useditems such as old homes. Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), withemployees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales taxarea. Restores Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters in theRepublic of the United States of America. Retrains all judges and attorneys inConstitutional Law. Removes all dark cabal agents, admin officials and allmembers of the U.S. Congress from their positions due to their continuousunconstitutional actions.

·GESARA will now affect the Republic along with the rest of the world amountingto a total of all sovereign nations. The new financial system is part of GESARAlaw. The IMF will announce the “global gold-standard monetary system” onceGESARA is announced. All remaining fiat currencies will be cashed in forgold-standard currency. Paper money will eventually be phased out and allcurrencies will be digital under the new financial system — with theelimination of the national debt of every nation on Earth, taxes will beadjusted to be lower for citizens and corporations. The new financial systemhas been online for months and is hosted on a protected quantum server thatcannot be hacked or accessed without permission.

·Energy costs will drop drastically as aresult of free-energy and new technologies. The future will be unbelievable, complete; our liveswill evolve immensely. Suppressed technologies that are being released dateback 70 years or more. This tech will easily clean up our planet. A new medicalsystem will be the real health care — with abilities to regrow limbs or organs,or to reduce our age by 30 years. When there is free energy, transportation andreplicators distributed to everyone, we will become equal. No one will beenslaved, people will just do what they want to do, have free time, time toreflect and be creative. No need to hoard anything.

·People will live in the moment of now — growing their own food & food forothers. Many people are actually going to enjoy their jobs as they experienceit gives them meaning and purpose, another way to serve. Those that don’t holdjobs will find alternative ways to experience happiness and contribute to thecommon good.

·As the time approaches for a great change inour society, it istime to transform pain and suffering from past experiences into joy, peace andprosperity! A new day is dawning that will bring in a caring and respectfulepoch for humanity!

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 10, 2024 (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.