Refund of Customs Duties and Taxes on Some Foreign Materials That Enter into Manufacturing When Exported (2024)

1. The owner of the factory submits a written petition to the Customs Department for the purpose of acquiring the necessary approval to make use of the fees refund system according to the following:

a. Attaching the factory’s Certificate of Registration from the Ministry of Industry and Trade to the petition.

b. Filling out the relevant form with the required information about the factory, the number of workers, the industrial machines, the production lines and the materials intended to be imported under the fees refund system and the materials intended to be manufactured and exported, the factory’s address and other information.

c. This petition is submitted only once provided that the import statements indicate that it falls under the fees refund system.

2. The owner of the factory includes with the above-mentioned application a detailed and accurate study of the manufacturing formula of his products and the industrial inputs in terms of main, backup, complementary or necessary primary materials for the production and the input percentages, as well as the percentage of the damage and other technical information related to the production and the manufacturing process.

3. All primary materials and industrial inputs that are necessary for production and that enter in the manufacturing, inclusive of exempt materials under the customs tariff, are permitted for import.

4. Refund applications for custom duties, fees and other taxes for the purpose of manufacturing and export are accepted within a period of three years from the date of paying the customs duties on the transaction related to the customs duties refund process.

5. Customs transactions related to fees refund as well as all procedures related to export are conducted directly in the customs entry centers without the need to acquire prior approvals from the Customs Department, unless it is necessary to do so.

6. The Customs Department retains the right to subject imported and exported goods to all customs procedures, including laboratory tests, to verify their compatibility with standards and manufacturing formulas.

7. Manufactured products may be exported in stages and in accordance with original export statements on which the numbers of fees refund statements of the manufactured products are fixed.

8. The source of the goods may be other than the importer, provided that the Department’s approval is acquired prior to the transfer of the export liability from the importer to the exporter.

9. The manufacturing of primary materials imported under the fees refund system may be completed in other alternative factories to which the fees refund system applies in order to complete the manufacturing process, provided that the necessary prior approval is acquired.

10. Samples from textiles, leather and other materials, from which samples need to be taken prior to the manufacturing process, are acquired at the customs center directly at the time of surveying the contents the inward processing declaration, provided that they are stamped and signed by the surveyor and the number of the declaration is attached to be presented after manufacturing and at the time of export.

11. Customs duties and the general sales tax are refunded only after presenting the duly issued copy of the export declaration (refund copy) and on which the number of the fees refund declaration of the exported materials is fixed.

12. Taking into consideration the provisions of the General Sales Tax Law number 6 for the year 1994 and its amendments, all customs duties and the general sales tax that were paid at the time of import are refunded for materials that entered in the manufacturing of the final local product and the refund shall not be affected by currency exchanges or the increase and decrease in customs tariffs.

All procedures take place in the Customs Department according to the following:

a. A special account is opened where all amounts collected under the fees refund system are deposited.

b. Customs duties, fees and other taxes related to fees refund transactions are collected by customs centers accountants and are entered in a special account called the fees refund trust, with the exception of the general sales tax, and are then deposited in the Central Bank in this account (fees refund trust).

c. The relevant person submits a fees refund application to the Temporary Entry Directorate requesting the refund of fees and attaching all the necessary documents, which are:

1. A petition that indicated the amount on which fees refund is required.

2. A duly issued copy of the export declaration (refund copy) and on which the number of the fees refund statement by which the exported materials were imported is fixed.

3. A copy of the invoice certified by the Temporary Entry Directorate sealed as per the rules upon unloading.

d. The documents are attached to the application and submitted to the Temporary Entry Directorate, which indicates the amount of customs duties and the general sales tax to be refunded.

e. The transaction along with all the documents are presented to the Internal Control Directorate and the accounting division for endorsem*nt and issuing the refund.

f. A formal letter is prepared in light of the approval of the financial affairs directorate for the purpose of refunding the due amounts to the concerned persons and the transaction and all the documents are attached to the letter.

g. In the case of refunding customs duties, fees and other taxes in stages, the Temporary Entry Directorate prepares a schedule sealed by the Directorate and attaches it to the original customs transaction, whereby it becomes part of the transaction, and in which all refunded payments are entered along with indicating that on the copy of received payments.

h. The financial affairs directorate prepares a payment receipt on the basis of the letter of the directorate of specialty, and when the receipt undergoes all the procedures, the necessary financial transfer is issued to the concerned person and is registered in the checks delivery register according to special procedures set by the financial affairs directorate for the purpose of organizing the revenues and refunds of the special account.

i. All amounts for which the statutory limit of time elapsed and during which fees refund procedures have not been completed, as well as amounts on materials that are proposed for local consumption, are transferred from the fees refund trust to the general revenue, in line with a letter issued by the financial affairs directorate as per the instructions in effect.

13. Taking into consideration the provisions of the General Sales Tax Law number 6 for the year 1994 and its amendments, customs duties and the general sales tax payable on primary materials and inputs needed for manufacturing the local product, and which did not acquire prior approval from the Customs Department for import under the fees refund system, are refunded upon export, provided that the following is taken into consideration when applying to benefit from this status:

a. The person concerned submits a petition in writing to the Customs Department and fills out the form prepared for this purpose, verifying the class, type and value of fees of materials that will enter in the manufacturing of the final product, and after the Department carries out an inspection of the primary material prior to manufacturing and export.

b. The importer must be a manufacturer and a member of the fees refund system.

c. The time period since the payment of customs duties, fees and other taxes and since the manufacturing and export of the primary materials that entered in the manufacturing of the final local product must not have exceeded three years.

d. Customs duties, fees and other taxes that will be refunded after manufacturing and exportation are calculated according to customs tariffs and according to the estimation of the value that is fixed on the import declaration and according to the manufacturing formulas.

e. Customs duties, fees and other taxes that are paid after they are calculated are refunded via the Ministry of Finance in accordance with financial procedures in effect.

14. Customs duties, fees and other taxes are refunded after they are calculated within one month from the date of submitting the refund petition.

Refund of Customs Duties and Taxes on Some Foreign Materials That Enter into Manufacturing When Exported (2024)


Refund of Customs Duties and Taxes on Some Foreign Materials That Enter into Manufacturing When Exported? ›

Drawback is the refund of certain duties, internal revenue taxes and certain fees collected upon the importation of goods and refunded when the merchandise is exported or destroyed.

How to get a refund of Customs duty? ›

Refund - Procedure
  1. Refund Application (Part-A, B & C) in proper proforma with declaration.
  2. Duplicate Bill of Entry (Importer's Original Copy) with copies of invoice and Bills of Lading.
  3. Original TR-6 challan for payment of Customs duty.
  4. Calculation / Worksheet.

What is a duty drawback refund? ›

Duty Drawback is a refund of duties, fees and taxes paid on certain categories of goods imported into the US that are then exported from the US. Similar to how sales tax is refunded when you return an item to a store, you can claim a duty refund when you export an item that was previously imported.

What is Customs duty refund under section 74? ›

Section 74: As per section 74, if the re-exports of imported goods are identified quickly and within two years from the date of payment of duty on the importation. Then an exporter can claim 98% of the duty paid by him as a drawback under section 74.

What is an example of a Customs duty drawback? ›

Third Party Drawback

For example, Company A imports orange juice from Brazil and pays the duty to Customs before selling the juice domestically with INCO terms Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) to Company B in the United States. Company B then exports the duty paid orange juice from the United States.

What is the meaning of Customs refund? ›

2. Refund. "Refund" here means that a Customs duty that has been paid is returned all or in part to the person who paid it, provided conditions in the Customs Tariff Law are satisfied.

How do I get a refund from US Customs? ›

You will need to provide various documents and invoices pertaining to the sale, purchase, import and export of your goods, including the following:
  1. Proof of duties paid: form 7552, ie the certificate of delivery.
  2. Proof of import: customs clearance documents ie import entry summary(CBP form 7501) and your import invoice.
Jan 31, 2024

Are customs duties refundable? ›

Any duty, tax, or eligible fee (including merchandise processing fee) paid by reason of importation on merchandise that is not used prior to exportation or destruction is recoverable as drawback.

How to claim duty drawback on export? ›

To claim drawback under Section 74, the exporter should file the shipping bill under claim for drawback in the prescribed FORM and after assessment the goods are to be examined by the Customs officers for purposes of physical identification.

Which goods are eligible for duty drawback? ›

The Central government enables this scheme for the following goods:
  • Import of exported goods into India.
  • Import of used exported goods into India.
  • Export of goods made from imported materials.
  • Export of goods made from indigenous materials.
  • Export of goods made from a combination of imported or indigenous materials.

What is Section 75 customs? ›

(1)Where it appears to the Central Government that in respect of goods of any class or description [manufactured, processed or on which any operation has been carried out in India] [ Substituted by Act 22 of 1995, Section 61, for " manufactured in India" (w.e.f. 26.5.1995).]

What is a rebate on a customs duty called? ›

Drawback is the refund of certain duties, internal revenue taxes and certain fees collected upon the importation of goods and refunded when the merchandise is exported or destroyed.

What is Section 78 customs? ›

Determination of rate of duty and tariff valuation in respect of baggage. - The rate of duty and tariff valuation, if any, applicable to baggage shall be the rate and valuation in force on the date on which a declaration is made in respect of such baggage under section 77.

How far back can you claim duty drawback? ›

A drawback claim under this subpart shall be filed or applied for, as applicable, within 3 years after the date of exportation of the goods on which drawback is claimed. No extension will be granted unless it is established that a Customs officer was responsible for the untimely filing.

What is the refund of duty drawback? ›

Duty drawback refers to the refund of customs duties and internal taxes paid while importing goods, which in turn are used to manufacture final products exported from India. For instance, refund of custom duties and taxes paid on machinery imported that is used to manufacture textile products.

What is duty drawback manufacturing? ›

Manufacturing drawback can be claimed when duty-paid materials are used to produce final goods to be exported. A company can go back five years and claim on imports used in a manufacturing process to export. There are two types of manufacturing drawback: Direct Identification Manufacturing Drawback.

Do import duties get refunded? ›

Drawback is the refund of certain duties, internal revenue taxes and certain fees collected upon the importation of goods and refunded when the merchandise is exported or destroyed.

Do I get a refund if I don't pay customs? ›

If you do not pay the import fees, which can be more than just duty, but also sales taxes (VAT) and customs brokerage fees, the item will, as you say, be returned to the seller as Undeliverable.

Can I get a refund at duty free? ›

Has something gone wrong? If your item has developed a fault, we are able to offer a full refund, a replacement or an exchange for another item (stock dependent) within one year of the date of purchase.

How do I get a package out of customs? ›

Here are a few actionable steps you can take toward getting your shipment released by customs.
  1. Understand that the customs process takes time. ...
  2. Reach out to your 3PL provider or shipping carrier to confirm the delay. ...
  3. Double-check your copy of paperwork. ...
  4. Wait for updates and fulfill any missing duties (if applicable)


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