Recipe: Garlic Roasted Broccoli with Pine Nuts (2024)

  • RecipesSides
  • April 24, 2015
  • byErica Hale

Recipe: Garlic Roasted Broccoli with Pine Nuts (2)

My kids have always adored broccoli. I know it might be a strange thing to say, but when they were tiny they just couldn’t get enough of it! The trouble was, they went through a phase where they just didn’t want any sort of vegetable that wasn’t broccoli. Even vegetables that used to be acceptable started to be a source of contention at the dinner table. My husband and I also enjoy broccoli, but after a week or so we were starting to feel like we never wanted to see another “little tree” on our dinner table! What finally broke the great vegetable impasse? We started labeling all vegetables in terms of broccoli. Cauliflower was an easy one…we just called it “White Broccoli.” Asparagus was next…what’s for dinner, Mommy? We’re having “Skinny Broccoli,” of course. Peas? “Roly-Poly Broccoli.” Steamed carrots with the tops on became “Broccoli with Orange Trunks.” My kids bought it, and the crisis was averted.

They still love broccoli, and (perhaps in part thanks to the story above) I’ve developed a lot of different ways to prepare it. This one is a favorite! Garlicky broccoli with pine nuts is an easy dish to make, and a fun way to avoid the “steam-it-and-serve-it” rut that’s easy to fall into with favorite veggies.

Start by slicing some broccoli crowns into thin, wide slices. Just start at one side of the head and cut it into pieces about 1/4 inch thick. You’ll end up with some small florets, some larger pieces, and some interesting large, thin strips. This is a great way to enjoy the whole head of broccoli, because you won’t be wasting the stems. It also helps the broccoli to cook quickly and evenly. You’ll also need fresh garlic, olive oil or melted coconut oil, pine nuts, sea salt and ground black pepper.

Slice the garlic into thin pieces. Spread broccoli and garlic on a baking sheet. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake in a preheated 425 degree oven for 15 – 20 minutes until the edges start to caramelize. While the broccoli is roasting, heat some oil in a pan on medium heat. Sauté the pine nuts until they become fragrant. Remove from heat. Add to roasted garlic and broccoli and enjoy.

Yield: 6 servings

Garlic Roasted Broccoli with Pine Nuts

Recipe: Garlic Roasted Broccoli with Pine Nuts (3)

Looking for a way to freshen up your broccoli recipes? Try this garlic roasted broccoli with pine nuts recipe and you wont be disappointed.

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time30 minutes

Total Time40 minutes



  1. Preheat oven to 425.
  2. Wash the broccoli, and trim about 1/4 inch off the very bottom of the stems.
  3. Thinly slice the broccoli crowns vertically, starting at one side and working right through the crown. You'll end up with a variety of pieces, from florets to large thin slices.
  4. Thinly slice garlic.
  5. Spread garlic and broccoli on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast for 15 - 20 minutes until the edges start to caramelize.
  6. Heat some oil in a small pan. Sauté for 5 - 7 minutes until nuts become fragrant. Be careful not to let them burn.
  7. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste, mix with roasted garlic and broccoli, then serve!
  8. Store leftovers in the fridge in a covered container.

What’s your favorite way to eat broccoli?

Photography byJennifer Leung Johnson


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Recipe: Garlic Roasted Broccoli with Pine Nuts (9)

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Recipe: Garlic Roasted Broccoli with Pine Nuts (2024)


How do you stop broccoli from burning when roasting? ›

The tender, fuzzy “tree” tips of roasted broccoli florets are the most delicious, but they are also quick to burn. Make sure the florets are well-coated with olive oil to keep this from happening. Don't Crowd the Pan. If the florets are too close, they will steam instead of roast.

Should broccoli be washed before roasting? ›

Wash AND dry your veggies.

After you wash your head of broccoli, make sure to dry it off before you toss it with the oil. A little moisture is ok, but if it's too wet when it goes in the oven, it won't get brown and crisp.

Is it better to roast or steam broccoli? ›

In this regards, it is likely that broccoli cooked by steaming will be better fit for human consumption than other cooking methods. In conclusion, the current study clearly shows that nutrient and health-promoting compounds in broccoli are significantly affected by domestic cooking.

How do Chinese restaurants get broccoli so crispy? ›

The Chinese broccoli needs to cook as fast as possible, so that the nutrients and color don't have as much opportunity to leach out into the water. It's best to start with as much boiling water as you can. Restaurants serve amazingly green and crunchy Chinese broccoli because they use huge amounts of boiling water.

What enhances the taste of broccoli? ›

Garlic and butter help make broccoli taste irresistible. Simply sautee the broccoli in a pan with just a little butter, some onions and grated garlic and voila! Add a drizzle of lemon if desired.

Why does my roasted broccoli taste bitter? ›

Some broccoli varieties are more bitter than others and bolt quicker, choose heat tolerant varieties or quick maturing varieties. Even if the head is small, pick your broccoli when the florets are tight, close together and bright green.

Why is my roasted broccoli soggy? ›

To ensure crispness, make sure oven is preheated, broccoli is thoroughly dry, and there's plenty of space on the baking pan. If you prefer, other types of oil may be substituted for olive oil.

Is roasted broccoli still healthy? ›

It's a great side dish recipe to keep in your back pocket, and goes with just about anything. Roasted broccoli is a healthy side dish with major crowd appeal.

How do you get rid of the smell of roasted broccoli? ›

Use a vinegar steam.

Similar to boiling lemons or making stovetop potpourri, vinegar steam is a great way to neutralize potent smells. Add half a cup of vinegar to one cup of water and simmer on the stove while you cook (or after) to absorb any smells in the air.

What is the best cooking method for broccoli? ›

Steaming broccoli is quick and easy, and it's considered one of the healthiest ways to prepare the vegetable. Instead of submerging the florets and stem into boiling water or roasting them in the oven, the broccoli is placed in a steamer basket over simmering water and covered with a lid.

Is it OK to roast vegetables with olive oil? ›

For me, when it comes to roasting veggies or anything at all, I am all for using quality, good-tasting extra virgin olive oil which imparts great flavor while properly cooking your veggies.

Why is roasted broccoli so good? ›

While many vegetables benefit from roasting, broccoli is an ideal candidate. After just 15 minutes in the oven, the florets come out crisp and browned at the edges with tender stems.

What is the healthiest way to eat broccoli? ›

Cooking (Or Not Cooking) Broccoli To Protect Its Nutritional Riches : The Salt Cooking broccoli too long destroys the beneficial enzyme that breaks down chemicals into cancer fighters. The best way to eat it is raw or steamed for just two to three minutes, a nutrition expert says.

Why does restaurant broccoli taste so good? ›

How do restaurants make broccoli taste so good? As with everything made by chefs, they have unexpected (read: unhealthy) additions to their meals — mostly butter, oil and heaps of salt. An excellent tip for the perfect broccoli is the blanching step.

Why is Chinese restaurant broccoli so good? ›

Chinese restaurants often incorporate garlic, ginger, and soy sauce to add depth and flavor to the broccoli. You can also add a dash of sesame oil or a sprinkle of red pepper flakes for an added kick.

Why do restaurant veggies taste so good? ›

However, one reason that vegetables always taste better at a restaurant is that chefs there don't hold back on using oil to boost flavor. They often use oodles of butter, oil, or bacon fat to coat veggies fried on the stove and give them an umami appeal.

How do restaurants keep broccoli green? ›

Since you have to cover the vegetables to steam them, the chlorophyll turns a drab, grayish color. You can prevent this by boiling the greens, in salted water. Use a large amount of water, then add salt. The recipe calls for one ounce for every four cups of water.


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