Prevagen Review: Can Jellyfish Protein Really Improve Memory? (2024)

Prevagen Review: Can Jellyfish Protein Really Improve Memory? (1)

Disclaimer: None of the information in this article constitutes medical advice, and is just the opinion of the writer(s). We recommend that patients follow their doctor’s guidance in regard to nootropics.

Prevagen is a popular over-the-counter (OTC) nootropic supplement, and the brand claims it's the #1 recommended memory supplement by pharmacists. Its active ingredient is a synthetically-derived protein that’s found in jellyfish, called apoaequorin.

In this article we’ll analyze theingredientsin Prevagen based on medical research togive our take on whether the supplement is likely to be effective. We'll highlight some questionable business practices and legal issues faced by the brand, and share our thoughts on whether the pills are likely to cause side effects.

Prevagen Ingredient Review

Prevagen Review: Can Jellyfish Protein Really Improve Memory? (2)

The most popular version of Prevagen, called Prevagen Regular Strength, contains one of the simpler formulations we’ve reviewed on Illuminate Health. It only contains two active ingredients: apoaequorin at a 10 milligram (mg) dose and Vitamin D3 at a 50 microgram (mcg) dose.

Apoaequorin is a protein derived from jellyfish. A medical review published in The Consultant Pharmacist journal found that this ingredient at the dose in Prevagen Regular Strength improved verbal learning and memory recall measures. The sponsor of the Prevagen clinical trial was the manufacturer of Prevagen, which adds the potential for bias. The manufacturer is called Quincy Bioscience.

We will consider this ingredient potentially effective for nootropic function and memory improvement, however we cannot say so conclusively with only one manufacturer-funded study.

Vitamin D is the only other active ingredient. Medical research shows that low levels of Vitamin D are associated with accelerated cognitive decline, but we haven't come across any studies proving that Vitamin D supplementation in healthy adults without Vitamin Ddeficiency improves cognition.

It seems logical to test first for Vitamin D deficiency, and only supplement with the vitamin if a deficiency is found, rather than to take the vitamin without first determining blood levels.

This supplementalsocontains added sugar as an inactive ingredient, which we consider to be a questionable choice for amemory supplement given that added sugar intake is associated with cognitive impairment, based on a medical review from 2016.

The amount of added sugar in Prevagen is likely low, but we recommend avoiding added sugar entirely, especially from dietary supplements.

Overallwe consider Prevagen Regular Strength to be potentially effective for improving memory, but we would not recommend the supplement due to the inclusion of added sugar, a vitamin at a relatively high dose, and becauseits main active ingredient only appears to be backed by one company-funded trial.

QuestionableBusiness Practices

When the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspected Prevagen’s manufacturing facility, they found that the company didn’t have the required quality controls in place to ensure product quality. An FDA warning letter states that Prevagen’s manufacturing facility “failed to establish release criteria for several manufacturing steps where control is necessary to ensure that specifications for identity, purity, strength and composition are met”.

In layman’s terms this means Prevagen wasn't ensuring that the products they sold contained thestated ingredients at the stated doses.

In 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) suedPrevagen's manufacturerfor deceptive advertising.

One of the most damningallegations about Prevagen in the above-linked lawsuit is thatthe companymay not have been reporting cases of severecustomerinjury to the FDA, which is a requirement. Some of their users were alleged to beexperiencing an increase in seizures after takingPrevagen.

The FTClawsuit alleges that Prevagen's claims of being "clinically shown" to work are false and unsubstantiated.

We alsoconsider Prevagen’s claim of “#1 Pharmacist-Recommended Brand” to be questionable, given that Prevagen's manufacturer sponsored an articlein the Pharmacy Timestitled "Pharmacists' Guide to Reocmmending Prevagen."

In light of all of this information, we would recommend avoiding all Prevagen products.

Prevagen Side Effects

Prevagen links out to three safety studies on their websiteaboutapoaequorin. All three are animal studies.

While animal studies are useful for determining toxicity, we would not consider a compound proven to be safebased on animal studies alone.

One of the animal studies cited by Prevagen found no adverse effects when apoaequorin was administered at doses far higher than in Prevagen.

The FDA warning letter referenced in the previous section documented over 1,000 adverse events that were reported while taking Prevagen, including heart arrhythmias, chest pain and vertigo.

We would not necessarilyassumethat these reported side effects were caused by Prevagen, because there will be user complaints for any supplement with millions of users. Even placebo pills can cause side effects, which is why placebo-controlled studies with human participants are so important. Only side effects experienced above placebo rates are considered to be legitimate.

The human trial on Prevagen reported no serious adverse events, and no higher side effect rate than the placebo group, but there were only 218 total participants in the trial.

We do not consider Prevagen likely to cause side effects based on the available data, but we would urge the company to fund more human trials that are placebo-controlled to further prove the safety of their supplement.

Prevagen Cost

At the time of updating this article, Prevagen is significantly cheaper on Amazon than on the manufacturer website.

Prevagen Regular Strength costs $31.96 on Amazon and $39.95 on their website, which represents a 20% cost savings on Amazon.

Prevagen Extra Strength costs $47.96 on Amazon and $59.95 on their website, which represents a 20% cost savings on Amazon.

The best prices for this supplement appear to be available on Amazon.

Prevagen Extra Strength Review

Prevagen Review: Can Jellyfish Protein Really Improve Memory? (3)

Prevagen sells a more potent version of their supplement called Prevagen Extra Strength. It contains twice the apoaequorin dose (20 mg) as Prevagen Regular Strength.

We would not recommend this supplement and consider its formulation to be inferior to Prevagen Regular Strength, because the dose in Prevagen Regular Strength is the dose that was used in the clinical trial on this ingredient.

While this supplement may be effective for memory enhancement, we cannot recommend it because we can't locate any medical studies proving the safety and efficacy ofapoaequorin at a 20 mg dose. This supplement also contains added sugar and a relatively high dose of Vitamin D, both ingredients we recommend avoiding for reasons outlined in the previous ingredient review section.

Prevagen Real User Review

APrevagen review on YouTube thatispublished by a channel called "Lori Alcorn" and the creator shares her experience taking Prevagen for memory enhancement. The review appears unsponsored:

Prevagen Vs. Neuriva

Neuriva is another popular nootropic supplement, so consumers are often curious about which is the better option. We reviewed Neuriva extensively in a separate Illuminate Health review, and we would recommend it over Prevagen (though we don't recommend either supplement).

Neuriva Original and Neuriva Plus both contain two effective nootropic ingredients that are clinically proven to work, and both of which have more research backing than we could find than the active ingredient in Prevagen.

And while Neuriva has also faced a lawsuit over health claims they made on their website, we consider Prevagen's business practices to be more questionable overall in light of both FDA and FTC actions.

OurClean Nootropic Picks

Prevagen Review: Can Jellyfish Protein Really Improve Memory? (4)

Mind Lab Proby Performance Lab is our top premium nootropic pick.

This is the first Illuminate Labs Certified supplement, andhas been shown to be effective for short-term cognitive improvements intwoclinicaltrialspublished in peer-reviewed journals.

Bulletproof MCT Oilis our topfood-based nootropic pick.

MCT oilis derived from coconut oil, andimproved memory recall by 20% in adultsin a 2022meta-study.

Illuminate Labs Ginkgo Biloba Extractis our top herbal nootropic pick.

Amedical reviewpublished in thePsychopharmacologyjournalfound that ginkgo biloba supplementation improved attention and cognitive performance in healthy, young adults.

Customers Rate Prevagen

Prevagen Regular Strength has been reviewed over 9,000 times on Amazon, and has an average review rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars.

The top positive review of Prevagen from a verified purchaser comes from a user named "Rosemary S." who claims that the supplement is effective:

"I am starting to have memory issues and I believe prevargen is helpful. I don't use it all the time but if I want to feel more secure with my memory for a certain occasion I rely on Prevagen."

The top negative review from a verified purchaser is written by a user named "Victor from Tx" who claims that the supplement has questionable ingredients:

"On receipt, I noticed that the bulk of the supplement is vitamin D which can be procured at a much lower price. The so called active ingredient is apoaequorin for which the consensus in the articles I read, is that it is digested in the stomach and does not reach the brain. Given that very little, if any, makes it to the brain, I thought that the potential side effects relative to the benefits (near zero) makes this supplement one that I should be avoiding."

Prevagen Pros and Cons

Here's our take on the pros and cons of Prevagen overall as a brand.


  • Potentially effective
  • Legitimate clinical trial with favorable results
  • Side effects unlikely


  • Contains added sugar
  • Contains relatively high vitamin dose which may be unnecessary
  • Received FDA warning letter
  • Sued by FTC for misleading claims
  • Questionable Amazon reviews


We do not recommend any Prevagen supplements, and we recommend avoiding this brand entirely in light of the FDA warning letter and FTC lawsuit. While Prevagen may be effective for enhancing memory, we are only able to identify one clinical trial proving so, and that clinical trial was funded by the supplement's manufacturer.

Prevagen contains a relatively high-dosed vitamin additive and added sugar, bothingredients we recommend avoiding unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor.

For consumers set on purchasing Prevagen, we would recommend Prevagen Regular Strength rather than Prevagen Extra Strength, because the former is cheaper and is the formulation used in the human trial.

Prevagen Review: Can Jellyfish Protein Really Improve Memory? (2024)


Prevagen Review: Can Jellyfish Protein Really Improve Memory? ›

“The Federal Trade Commission and New York State Attorney General have charged the marketers of the dietary supplement Prevagen with making false and unsubstantiated claims that the product improves memory, provides cognitive benefits, and is clinically shown to work,” the FTC said in a statement.

Is there any evidence that Prevagen really works? ›

There is little clinical evidence that Prevagen protects brain cells, or improves memory. Two of the three clinical studies cited by the company have not been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

What is the number one medicine for memory loss? ›

Donepezil and rivastigmine

Donepezil tablets are by far the most common medication used to treat dementia. Rivastigmine tends only to be used when donepezil causes side effects, or if the person can't take it for medical reasons.

What is the best memory enhancer for seniors? ›

Proven Supplements for Memory for Seniors
  • Ashwagandha is both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative. ...
  • Caffeine might improve both short-term and long-term memory, and small studies have supported this. ...
  • Choline helps improve and regulate memory. ...
  • Ginger may improve working memory, making it a potential cognitive enhancer.
Feb 20, 2024

What is the number one supplement for memory? ›

Of all the supplements recommended by experts for brain health, omega-3 fatty acids top the list.

What do pharmacists say about Prevagen? ›

73% of pharmacists who recommend memory support products, recommend Prevagen. Pharmacists made a three-fold increase in the number of recommendations each month to customers in the area of non-prescription memory support over the previous year.

What does AARP say about Prevagen? ›

The makers of Prevagen are “deceiving millions of aging Americans” with claims that the supplement can treat age-related memory loss, AARP says in a new brief supporting a federal false advertising lawsuit.

What is the downside to taking Prevagen? ›

Adverse effects of apoaequorin are very rare, but research suggests they can include headache, nausea, constipation, edema and hypertension. Prevagen comes in three formulations—regular strength, extra strength and professional strength—and 30-capsule and 60-capsule quantities.

What's better than Prevagen for memory? ›

Noocube is a much better nootropic than Prevagen. Its 12-component formula is designed to enhance cognitive abilities in all areas. Prevagen uses only one ingredient, with the main purpose of improving memory in older adults.

What does Mayo Clinic recommend for memory loss? ›

Be physically active every day

This might help keep your memory sharp. For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity, such as jogging.

What is a natural memory booster? ›

If you're not a fan of fish, ask your doctor about taking an omega-3 supplement, or choose terrestrial omega-3 sources such as flaxseeds, avocados, and walnuts. Berries. Flavonoids, the natural plant pigments that give berries their brilliant hues, also help improve memory, research shows.

Does Prevagen really work for seniors? ›

Evidence about how well Prevagen works is limited, and there's concern about whether our bodies can absorb and use its ingredients correctly. Prevagen is not FDA-approved for memory loss and shouldn't be used if you have serious memory problems, including Alzheimer's disease.

What is the best natural brain booster? ›

Try these top “brain foods” for potential memory-boosting powers.
  1. Nuts and Seeds. Nuts such as walnuts, almonds and peanuts as well as sunflower and pumpkin seeds, are brain foods high in protein and omega fatty acids. ...
  2. Salmon. ...
  3. Beans. ...
  4. Blueberries. ...
  5. Dark and leafy greens. ...
  6. Lean Red Meat. ...
  7. Avocados. ...
  8. Tomatoes.

What is the best memory improver? ›

Traveling, learning new languages, picking up a musical instrument, taking art or cooking classes, doing puzzles, playing board games—all these things promote the growth of new brain cells and help the brain forge new pathways. Memory enhancement can also come from properly managing your physical and mental health.

What is the best pill to help with memory? ›

The cholinesterase inhibitors most commonly prescribed are:
  • Donepezil (Aricept®): approved to treat all stages of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Rivastigmine (Exelon®): approved for mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's as well as mild-to-moderate dementia associated with Parkinson's disease.

What is the name of the vitamin that helps with memory? ›

Vitamin B12 is crucial for memory, so if you're deficient in it you could experience forgetfulness. A vitamin D deficiency could also put you at risk for memory-impairing conditions like Alzheimers. It's also important to make sure you're getting enough omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.

What does FDA say about Prevagen? ›

The U.S. FDA has not evaluated Prevagen for safety and effectiveness and has tried to curb claims that it may help memory. It has taken the stance that "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is." Many experts advise against taking supplements that claim to improve your memory.

What is the lawsuit against Prevagen? ›

Case Summary

The FTC and New York State AG have charged the marketers of the dietary supplement Prevagen with making false and unsubstantiated claims that the product improves memory, provides cognitive benefits, and is “clinically shown” to work.


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.