Pressure Cooker Corn Risotto Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Rinsing the rice with the chicken stock ensures that all the starch ends up in the risotto.
  • Sautéing the corn separately prevents it from overcooking with the rice.
  • Blending half the corn gives you both a creamy corn purée and pops of whole kernels.
  • An optional addition of turmeric lends a sunny yellow color to the dish.

The first risotto I ever made was also the first risotto I ever tasted, and it came from the one and onlybamman, Emeril Lagasse. The recipe was for a corn risotto with lamb shanks, but the part I was most interested in was the legendary nonstop stirring of the rice itself. I prepared myself for the task like a true athlete, Tiger Balm and ACE bandages at the ready. I followed his instructions to the letter: preheating my stock, adding it one ladleful at a time, and vigorously stirring the entire time. Yes, the risotto was creamy and glorious, but it was a ton of work, and I had to know if there was a better way.

Pressure Cooker Corn Risotto Recipe (1)

Since I started working at Serious Eats, I’ve been shown the light. Guess what? Not only is it possible to make stovetop risotto without constant stirring, but if you use a pressure cooker, it requires no babysitting at all.Kenjihas fully outlined all the nitty gritty deets on mastering theno-stir risotto, whileDanieladopted the pressure cooker method fromModernist Cuisineto create his luxe brown butter–spikedbutternut squash risotto. I’ve compiled all the hours of testing and research by my colleagues, the top-notch MC team, and the legendary Lagasse to bring you this corn risotto recipe that I shall claim as my own (and you can claim as yours, too).

Maximum Corn Flavor

This dish is all about the corn, so skip over the frozen stuff and make this in the summer, when fresh corn is cheap and plentiful. It’ll be worth it: corn and risotto make a winning team. The sweet corn contrasts with the earthy rice, and corn kernels are just the right size to play well with plump grains of risotto rice.

Here, I add corn to the dish three ways for a full-frontal corn-y palate attack. First, I use the cobs to infuse the rice with their delicate flavor; then, I fold a sunny corn purée into the creamy rice; finally, I add gently cooked sweet kernels for pops of concentrated corn flavor. To contrast that vegetal sweetness, I finish the risotto with plenty of grated pecorino for a sharp, salty bite.

Prepping the Ingredients

I start byremoving the corn kernelsfrom the cobs. To prevent kernels from scattering all over my kitchen counter, I invert a small mixing bowl and place it in a larger one, creating an elevated platform on which to rest each corn cob. As I strip the cobs, the larger bowl catches every freed kernel, preventing spills and corn-tastrophies. I don’t cut too deeply into the cobs—by just shaving the kernels off, I make sure I’m leaving the tough and fibrous bits behind. This might seem wasteful but don't worry—after stripping the cob, I use the back of the knife to scrap out every drop of starchy corn milk. This extra "milking" stepadds loads of corn flavor to the risotto.

Next, I prep my rice by rinsing it with the stock that I’ll be using to cook the risotto. When testing his no-stir risotto, Kenji found that much of the starch on the exterior of the rice is lost during the toasting step. By rinsing the rice in stock before toasting it, that starch can be reserved and used later to maximize creaminess. I gently swish the rice in eitherchickenorvegetable stock(store-bought is fine, but homemade is best), using a flexible rubber spatula to wash off the rice without breaking the grains. Here I’ve used carnaroli rice, which maintains a firm bite even after cooking in the pressure cooker, but arborio or bomba rice are excellent options, as well.

Cooking the Corn and Risotto Separately

Once I have my ingredients prepped, I sauté the corn in butter until it’s just cooked through. Since fresh corn cooks very quickly, the goal is just to enhance the corn’s sweetness by cooking off the raw, starchy taste. Cooking it with the risotto in the pressure cooker would go several steps too far; to avoid making baby food, I remove the corn after sautéing and add it to the risotto at the end.

Next, I sweat minced shallot and garlic in more butter until tender and translucent before adding the rinsed rice to toast. Toasting the rice to a light golden blonde adds a delicate and nutty flavor to the dish. I then add a splash of dry white wine and reduce it until almost dry. It’s important to fully cook off the alcohol at this stage, so it doesn't leave behind the harsh taste of raw alcohol. The white wine adds a touch of acidity to the risotto while also coaxing out alcohol-soluble aromas.

I then pour the starchy stock in all at once—no need to preheat it or carefully add it bit by bit. I tuck in a few sprigs of fresh thyme, a bay leaf, and the three reserved stripped cobs before seasoning with salt and pepper and closing up the pressure cooker. I finally bring the pressure cooker to low pressure (for most models this is about 10 psi) and set it to cook for four minutes.

Making a Corn Purée

While the risotto cooks, I blend up half the corn with a touch of cream and turmeric into a smooth purée. In a high-speed blender, the purée will become silky smooth all on its own, but if you own a standard blender you may need to pass the purée through a fine-mesh strainer after blending. The optional addition of turmeric is just for color, but it adds a warming touch and makes the dish feel extra summery. In testing this recipe, I made identical versions with and without turmeric and most tasters believed the tinted risotto actually tasted cornier!

Finishing Touches

After four long minutes have passed, I quickly depressurize the cooker by either running it under water for stovetop models or releasing the steam in countertop models. The rapid depressurization creates big bubbles, which will do most of the stirring for me. Once opened up, it won’t look like risotto just yet, but a little more stirring is all it needs. I remove the thyme, bay leaf, and cobs, scraping every bit of flavorful liquid clinging to them. Then I simply stir in the corn kernels, corn purée, and grated pecorino cheese. I finally check for seasoning, adding more salt and pepper if needed.

This corn risotto has all the creaminess of that first one I made, but without needing any brow sweat–inducing elbow grease. Because I want to expend my energy on more important matters, like shoving forkfuls of corn risotto into my face.

Any leftover risotto can be crisped up into risotto al salto or even fried into corn arancini.

August 2018

Recipe Details

Pressure Cooker Corn Risotto Recipe

Active20 mins

Total40 mins

Serves4to 6 servings


  • 2 cups (14 ounces; 400g) short-grain rice such as arborio, bomba, or carnaroli

  • 3 1/2 cups (28 ounces; 820g)homemadeor store-bought low-sodium chicken orvegetable stock

  • 6 earsof corn, shucked

  • 6 tablespoons (3 ounces; 45g) unsalted butter, divided

  • 2 small shallots, minced (about 2 ounces; 60g)

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced (about 10g)

  • 3/4 cup (6 ounces; 170g) dry white wine

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 3-4 sprigs ofthyme

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 1/4 cup (2 ounces; 60g)heavy cream

  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric(optional)

  • 1/2 cup (2 ounces; 60g) grated pecorino cheese


  1. In a small bowl, rinse rice with chicken stock, gently stirring with a spoon or rubber spatula. Drain rice through a fine-mesh sieve, reserving stock and rice.

    Pressure Cooker Corn Risotto Recipe (3)

  2. Invert a small metal bowl and place inside a larger metal bowl to create an elevated surface to cut the corn. Using a small paring knife, trim the corn from the cobs. After removing the kernels, using the back of the knife, scrape any remaining starchy liquid from the cobs. Set aside and reserve 3 of the stripped cobs.

    Pressure Cooker Corn Risotto Recipe (4)

  3. Set the pressure cooker to sauté or place over medium-high heat and preheat. Add 2 tablespoons of butter and melt until foamy, about 1 minute. Add corn and sauté until tender and sweet, about 2 minutes. Remove corn from heat, return it to the bowl, and set it aside.

  4. Return pressure cooker to sauté or medium-high and melt remaining 4 tablespoons of butter until foamy, about 1 minute. Add minced shallots and garlic, cooking until tender, about 2 minutes. Add rinsed rice and gently toast in the butter, about 2 minutes. Pour in wine and cook until reduced and no raw alcohol taste remains, about 2 minutes. Add chicken stock, bay leaf, and thyme to pot and season with kosher salt and freshly ground pepper. Add the 3 reserved cobs to the liquid and close the pressure cooker. Bring to low pressure and cook for 4 minutes.

    Pressure Cooker Corn Risotto Recipe (5)

  5. While the risotto cooks, transfer half the sautéed corn to a blender along with heavy cream and turmeric (if using). Blend until smooth and set aside.

    Pressure Cooker Corn Risotto Recipe (6)

  6. After the risotto has cooked, quickly depressurize cooker by either submerging it under running cold water if it is not electric, or using the steam release valve if it is electric.

  7. Open pressure cooker and remove and dispose of bay leaf and thyme sprigs. Remove cobs, scraping liquid from cobs back into the risotto.

    Pressure Cooker Corn Risotto Recipe (7)

  8. Add corn purée, sautéed corn, and pecorino to the risotto and stir vigorously to develop a thick and creamy texture. Add more kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Serve immediately, with more cheese if desired.

    Pressure Cooker Corn Risotto Recipe (8)

Special Equipment

Pressure cooker, mixing bowls, paring knife, fine mesh strainer, high-speed blender

Read More

  • Pressure Cooker Mushroom Risotto
  • Creamy Risotto alla Milanese (Saffron Risotto)
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Rice Varieties
  • The Best Corn Chowder Recipe
Pressure Cooker Corn Risotto Recipe (2024)


How long do you process corn in a pressure cooker? ›

Pack the corn kernels loosely into jars but don't shake the jars or press down the corn. Pour boiling water over the kernels, leaving a 1-inch headspace in each jar. Wipe the jar rims and adjust the lids. Process in a pressure canner for 55 minutes for pints and 85 minutes for quarts.

What is the secret to a good risotto? ›

Always use warm stock.

Warming the broth before adding it to the warm rice coaxes more starch out of each grain of rice and helps prevent it from overcooking. Cool broth takes longer to warm up in the risotto pan and may shock the grain into holding onto its starches while the rice itself continues to cook.

How to know if risotto is cooked? ›

The only reliable way to know when risotto is finished is to taste it. Cooked risotto should be al dente — that is, fully cooked, yet still somewhat firm to the bite. If you prefer a softer, soupier risotto, simply add an extra one-half to one cup of liquid.

How much rice for a 2 person risotto? ›

As a general rule, 60g per person is perfect for a starter, light meal, or if you've bulked out the dish with other ingredients. For more generous portions, go with 75g each. Whatever type of risotto you're making, use piping hot stock – it means the grains will start to soften and cook straight away.

How long does a pressure cooker take to be ready? ›

Remember that pressure cookers require a minimum amount of liquid and a maximum amount of food to function properly. Depending on the model and recipe, your pressure cooker may take up to 20 minutes to build up pressure.

How long does a pressure cooker take? ›

The Instant Pot will take anywhere from 5-15 minutes to reach pressure. Once it reaches pressure the float valve will pop up, the Instant Pot will beep once, and the cook time will begin to count down from 5 minutes.

How do restaurants get risotto so fast? ›

The key, instead, is to undercook the risotto and cool it rapidly to prevent that rice from overcooking, so you can easily finish cooking it later.

What not to do with risotto? ›

10 mistakes to avoid
  1. Reheating. Risotto needs to be prepared fresh and served immediately – never reheat it. ...
  2. Using the wrong rice. ...
  3. Rinsing the rice. ...
  4. Forgetting to toast it. ...
  5. Skipping the alcohol. ...
  6. Using cold stock. ...
  7. Easy on the mixing. ...
  8. Mixing soft and crunchy grains.

How do restaurants make risotto so creamy? ›

Risotto technique: cook a starchy ingredient slowly, adding liquid bit by bit and stirring. Aim: pull starch out for creaminess. What is the secret to best risotto?

Why is my risotto still hard after cooking? ›

If your risotto is still hard, it hasn't finished cooking. Keep adding more stock until it becomes al dente or your preferred texture.

What happens if you don't stir risotto? ›

Stirring the risotto helps the flavors meld consistently and activates the starch so that the risotto comes out consistent and not lumpy or burnt at the bottom. Non-stirred risottos come out closer to a pilaf or a casserole and may taste a little chunkier and a whole lot more inconsistent than you may want.

How often should you stir risotto? ›

"Don't stress about constantly stirring risotto," Salvatore says. "It's much better to stir once every 30 seconds and trust the cooking process to do its thing." Over-stirring is one way to quickly ruin a risotto's texture.

Do you cook risotto with the lid on or off? ›

Because risotto is cooked uncovered on the stovetop, a lot of liquid evaporates. Plan on about three times as much liquid as rice. And that liquid should be stock of some sort. Chicken stock is the staple, but use whatever stock you prefer — beef, vegetable, seafood.

What stock to use for risotto? ›

You can use lobster stock for a lobster risotto or mushroom stock for a mushroom risotto, but don't blindly use chicken stock or vegetable stock for every risotto you make. The rice has its own subtle flavor, which shouldn't be masked by a concentrated stock.

How long does it take to process corn? ›

Between 24 and 36 hours is the about how soon you'd expect to see those kernels if your bowel is working well.

What is the best corn for pressure canning? ›

Most sweet corn varieties are acceptable for canning and freezing. Bodacious and Incredible are good extra-sweet yellow varieties. Temptation, Delectable, and Providence are good extra-sweet bicolor varieties. Silver King, Silver Princess, and Whiteout are extra-sweet white varieties.

Do you blanch corn before pressure canning? ›

For freezing or canning, blanch ears for 4 minutes in boiling water. Cool ears and cut kernels from cob at about one-half of their depth. Scrape the cob with a knife to remove the remainder of the kernels and combine with half-kernels.

Does corn get more tender the longer you cook it? ›

Avoid cooking corn for too long. "If you have super fresh corn — which can even be eaten raw — it's a waste of time to cook for the common recommended time of 20 [or more] minutes," says Jones. Overcooking can also result in chewy and firm kernels. You can steam for 8-10 minutes or less, or even use the microwave.


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.